HomeMy WebLinkAboutAppendix I Road Analysis APPENDIX I ROAD ANALYSIS APEX ENGINEERING OCTOBER 2003 w KERSEY III ROAD EV ALVA TION OCTOBER 8, 2003 KERSEY ill ROAD EVALUATION Prepared by: Apex Engineering PLLC 2601 South 35th St., Suite 200 Tacoma, Washington 98409 (253) 473-4494 File #27225/0 October 8, 2003 KERSEY III ROAD EVALUATION This evaluation is based upon the following: . City of Auburn Design and Construction Standards . 2001, A Policy on Geometric Design of Highways and Streets, 4th Edition prepared by the American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials (AASHTO) . Washington State Department of Transportation Design Manual (WSDOT) . The City of Auburn's November 1, 2002 letter responding to DBM Consulting Engineer's October 17,2002 request for deviation. A copy of the relevant City of Auburn's design tables and AASHTO exhibits are attached. GENERAL DMB Consulting Engineers (DBM) had prepared and submitted for review several road alternatives. Each of those alignments provided a through connection from the end of the existing Evergreen Way S.E., along the west side of the property, easterly to the Kersey Way/53rd Avenue East intersection. The alignment this evaluation analyzes is shown on Figure 1. The approximate roadway length is 4,500 feet. A design concern is the relatively steep terrain the roadway is to traverse. From Evergreen Way to Kersey Way there is approximately 140 feet of elevation difference. The area between is hilly with slopes varying from 1 percent to 20 percent and greater. Portions of the vertical alignment are to be established at the allowable steeper grade. The steeper downhill grades will require additional stopping site distances. Along the easterly 800 feet :t of the roadway alignment the existing terrain steepens significantly. The alignment depicts relatively sharp curvatures to gain elevation and minimize the amount of grading required. To reduce the City of Auburn's design criteria along this portion of the alignment, DBM had submitted a request for deviation for 6 items. See Figure 2. The City of Auburn had approved all but one item. See Figure 3 for the November 1,2002 City of Auburn letter. For ease of presentation and convenience the following identification prefixes are used: . HC = Horizontal Curve . T = Horizontal Target . INT = Street/Roadway Intersection . VC = Vertical Curve 1 For presentation, a separate figure of DBM's proposed alignment was prepared. See Figure 4. This plan provides a slightly larger and convenient scale for presentation. This plan was labeled with prefixes for horizontal curves, tangents and intersections. Per the City of Auburn's requirement, this roadway is classified as Residential Collector Arterial. It is to be constructed with 2 travel lanes and a 2-way left turn lane. Due to the steep roadway grades, bike lanes are not anticipated. The design speed is 35 mph, using an operating speed of 30 mph. Generally, this road classification does not have direct access from adjacent driveways. Horizontal Consideration The alignment follows a curvilinear route across the property connecting Evergreen Way S.E. to Kersey Way. Eight intersections are shown on the plan. Four-way intersections are located at INT2 and INT6. The remaining intersections are three-way. Table 1, Horizontal Factors, (see Figure 5) summarizes the horizontal curve radius' and tangent lengths. Dimensions were obtained from the CADD files submitted by DBM, dated November 5, 2002. Table 1 shows that HC1, HC3, and HC4 would meet the City of Auburn's Design and Construction Standards. With adjustment, HC2 could be enlarged to meet the City's standards. HC5 and HC6 have a radius of 300 feet. This will meet the City of Auburn deviation approval provided the design meets AASHTO requirements. See Deviation 2, on Figure 3. From AASHTO Exhibit 3-14, see Figure 6, the minimum radius for a 30 mph design and 4% super- elevation rate is 300 feet. Tangent lengths between reverse curves meet the City's requirements. These are tangents Tl, T3, T4 and T5. Tangent T2 is between 2 curves in the same direction. See super-elevation considerations for discussion of tangent lengths between HC5 and HC6 and T6. Intersection Design Elements The connecting on-site roads accessing this collector would be classified as Local Residential Streets. The intersection spacing provided exceeds the City of Auburn's standards except the spacing between INT4 and INT5, and at INT6 and INT7. Additional separation will be necessary between INT4 and INT5 or a variance be approved. It appears that INT6 and INT7 could be aligned to create a 4-way intersection. The horizontal approach angles for Intersections INTI, INT2, INT3, INT4, INT5 and INT8 are approximately 90 degrees, meeting the City of Auburn's requirements. The approach angle for INT6 and INT7 exceeds maximums and will require approval form the City Engineer. A separate plan, see Figure 6, was prepared to show the intersection site distance triangles. It is assumed that the site distance triangles will be for controlled intersections, as each of the 2 intersecting local access road will be provided with stop signs. See Figure 7 for current City of Auburn sight Distance Requirements. Intersection site distance triangles were scaled on to Figure 6. It appears that INT5 and INT7 would have areas available for the required site distances. This is assuming that other requirements are met, i.e. shrubs/tree height and fences. The remaining intersections have potential site line impacts. The site lines encroach into adjacent lots which could require adjustments to the final site plan or, if acceptable to the City Engineer, easements could be provided. The sight line impacts the following: . INTI - Northwestern and northeastern lots. . INT2 - Northwestern and possibly the northeastern lot. . INT3 - Northwestern and northeastern lots. . INT4 - Northwestern lot. . INT6 - Northwestern and northeastern lots. . INT8 - Northeastern lot. Vertical Factors Due to the relatively steep existing ground portion of the vertical alignment were designed at the maximum grade allowed, 12%. These are shown for the tangent grade between the connection at Evergreen Way S.E. and VCl and the tangent grade between VC7 and VC8. A 10% grade is shown between VC5 and VC6. The preliminary profile appears to have been designed using K values per AASHTO. However, the City of Auburn's design criteria is to use WSDOT. Currently, WSDOT does not accept AASHTO's stopping site distance criteria. The WSDOT Figures do not have a graph for the minimum stopping site distance of 250 feet. Therefore, calculations were completed to verify vertical curve lengths. See Figure 8. From the calculations VC2, VC3 and VC5 have lengths that would provide the minimum stopping distances. The lengths for VCl and VC4 do not provide for the minimum stopping site distances. Those calculations assume vehicle headlights as the design criteria. To reduce the length of sag vertical curves, streetlights could be utilized. The vertical curve length would then be designed for driver comfort. Those calculations are included in Figure 8. VCl and VC4 will still require adjustment to meet the minimum stopping site distance. The vertical curves at VC6, VC7 and VC8 are to be designed to meet a 30-mph design speed per Deviation Request Approval. These vertical curves will require adjustments to meet the minimum site distance required. 3 Intersection locations were added to the DBM design profiles to verify intersection landings and entering site distance. Intersections INTI, INT3 and INT8 do not provide the required landings. The intersection landing at the Kersey Way/53rd Avenue East intersection will have to meet the City of Auburn's requirements ofa 3% maximum grade. Entering site distances have been provided for INTI, INT2 and INT3. The remaining intersections lack the City of Auburn's required entering site distance in at least one direction. Entering site distance information or topographic data has not been provided for the Kersey Way/53rd Avenue East intersection. It is assumed that adequate site distances are available. Preliminary design profiles have not been provided for the intersecting local residential roads. It is assumed that these intersections will meet the City of Auburn's requirements. Super-elevation Evaluation Per the Request for Deviation, the City of Auburn has approved the use of super-elevation for HC5 and HC6. Typically, tangent run out and runoff are provided for transitions into and out of super-elevated curves and between reverse curves. No tangent lengths are shown on the preliminary design alignments. These transitions should be provided, especially between HC6 and the Kersey Way/53rd Avenue East intersection. HC5 and HC6 Site Distance DBM has proposed using 1: 1 cut slopes along the south side of road between HC5 and HC6. See Figure 9. An evaluation was completed to determine if the minimum stopping site distance is available and not being impeded by the cut bank. Larger stopping sight distances should be available due to the sharp curvature. Form the evaluation, the critical areas between Stations 35+50:t and 38+50:t within HC5. It appears that the sight lines will be within the right-of-way, where the future grade is approximately that of the top of curb. Final designs should evaluate the area again to verify that the minimum stopping sight distance is provided. I/27225/Docs-rpts/docs jb I 00803 4 FIGURES 1('/ 29/ ~U02 TliE 1 i; 46 FAX AliBliRN CITY HALL I4IOO2/003 , DBM CONSULTING ENGINEERS . CIVIL ENGINEER.ING :DESIGN · INVESTIGATIVE ENGINEERING I..ANO PLANNING · SURVEYING. ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES October 17, 2002 ~ . ...... ...... ';..'- '..l .:J '*J~ , ;.. ".-" ..+. . ""'. ........,\., Cf/../-' . I' :;rJ~ '"\" RECSvEO '. ~ Mr. Dennis Dowdy, City Engineer ~'. OCT 2 3 ztJin ..,1 Engineering Department Citr of Auburn ,. . '.1 . If 25 West Main Street "'1~ ./ Auburn, WA 98001 ,"'- . ,7 ~ 1 : 1." a RE: Request for Deviation from the City of Auburn Design and Construction Standards for the Kersey Three Preliminary Plat Application, File #PL TOO-OOO6; DBM Job No. 99023.03 Dear:Mr. Dowdy: This letter is to request a deviation from the City of Auburn Design and Construction Standards with respect to the Residential Collector Arteriil standards. The street classification for Evergreen Way is a Residential Collector Arterial; the following are the specific issues that deviate from the City Standards~ 1.. The design speed for a Residential Collector Arteri3l. is 35 rniles per hour. However, we request that the design speed for the eastern 800 feet be reduced to 30 mile~ per hour. The reason for deviation is that the minimum radius required at a 35 mile per hour design speed is too large to feasibly construct the road given the slope constraints. The 35 miles per hour radius forces the road to travel perpendicular with the slope instead of traversing it. A lower design speed on such a steep slope will be better for safety and traffic should naturally slow down as it approaches the intersection with Kersey Way. 2. The City of Auburn Design and Construction Standards dictate that the minimum horizontal curve radius be 655 feet for a. 30 mile per hour design speed In order to climb or descend from the hill to the west of Kersey Way) the radius will need to be reduced to the minimum as dictated by MSHfO and King County design standards. We request that the minimum horizontal curve radius be reduced to 300 feet for the eastern 800 feet of Evergreen Way so as to alleviate problems that would arise from having to cut into and climb the very steep side slopes that run parallel to Kersey Way. Reducing the minimum radii to 300 feet would allow the road to r.ra:verse the slope instead of climbing it parallclt thus greatly reducing the need to cut into the hill and also alleviating the need for retaining walls. 3. The City of Auburn. Design and Construction Standards state that arterial street intersections approach each other at 90 degree angles. We request that a 15 degree skew be allowed in . order to minimize the length of roadway that must travel parallel with the slope of the hillside. This will decrease the amount of cut that will be .required to traverse the hill Additionally, AASHTO allows a 15 degree skew for intersections. Sight distance will not be an issue witb. the proposed skew. S02 16TH STREET NORTHE....ST · SUITE .H2 . AUBURN, WASHINGTON . ~SQ02 AUllURN 2S~.sa7.0n.f · FAX 2.53.887.Q925 . BELLEVUl! PR01ECT OFFICE 425.641.6647 \'IIWW.DBMENGINEEIlS.COM . DlIM@DBMENGINEERS.COM 10/29/2002 T~E 1i;46 FAX ACBl&\ CITY HALL 4J OO;}, OOJ OCtober 17, 2002 Page 2 4. The City of Auburn Design and Constnlction Standards request that a 3% landing approach be created at the intersection of arterial streets. We request that a SOlo landing be allowed in order to decrease the amount of cut that will be required to create a landing approach at the intersection. AASHrO allows a 5% lancling and we believe that 5% is a safe and reasonable request for traversing down the exiscing slope at the intersection of Kersey Way. 5. We request that the minimum tangent length between reverse curves be reduced to zero for the eastern 800 feet of Evergreen Way. This is due to the consttaints that are imposed by the site's topography. King County and AASHTO Street standards do not require any tangents between reversed horizontal curves in a roadway with a 30 mile per hour design speed 6. We request to super elevate the roadway-to 4% through the proposed curves on the eastern 800 feet of Evergreen Way. In. order to accommodate for the smaller centerline radii and lower design speed, Evergreen Way-will be superelevated in order to increase rider comfort. increase o:affic safety~ and to aid in matching grades. The City of Auburn does not allow super elevation withOut a deviation, however AASI-ITO and King County do allow for this. These deviations are being requested due to the extremely steep slopes of the site and also the sight distance issues th.u; were addressed, due to the addition of the Evergreen Way intersection of Kersey Way. The connection of Evergreen Way to Kersey Way is in conformance with the Ci1y of Auburn Comprehensive Trnffic Plan. However, the steep street grades, reduced design speed, and smaller centerline radii are needed to traverse the steep slopes from Kersey W';Cf intO the development to ~e west. We appreciate your consideration of this deviation, and in conformance with the procedures outlined in the Design and Construction Standards, our office will schedule a meeting with you within the next ten days. Please feel free to call Aaron Meilleur or me if you have any questions or . commentS regatding these issues. Cordially, {./ lJ\ ,. Dan legrist Design Engineer DBM Consulting Engineers CQ Mike ~ue$$ S~Martin J:\]ob Filcs\99023.03\Correspoode.nce\10-14-02 R.!:quest for Deviatiom.doe / --- // I ^^",,^,^,., ( / / / , I 18- 1!i1~, / \/ r\ , I \ \ ~ , \ '\. '\ \\ )- '\~ - - \\ - ,- i\\ - \ \, f\\ -- mw i\ J/' I / I - -- -/ : -- " / / I / ! ...../ f' ",,/f ....... .... -; / I 1/ ~i I I I I \ \ .... ..- \ \ I \ I I . I } T / , I\. ) ~ . ~ ~/I~ Telephone: 253.931.3000 25 W MAIN ST + AUBURN WA + 98001-4998 FAX: 253.288.3132 November 1, 2002 t'~i" ,/. ;' ./.~'> I t... 'i;/. Jeanne Barber f ./1- ,.. Mayor Pro-Tern " Dan Siegrist, Design Engineer ; '. 'i DBM Consulting Engineers ~;.> 502 16th St NE; Suite 312 \ Auburn, WA 98002 .._.~..".. , stacey Brotl1tts COUncil Mem.ber RE: Request for deviation from Auburn Design Standards Kersey Three Preliminary Plat Application (PL TOO-0006) <<ene(]erfuo\ Dear Mr. Siegrist: Couh(;il MeIil~er Fi"edPoe The City has reviewed your request for deviations on Evergreen Way. :,~Un~ilMembe( . Evergreen Way is a Residential Collector-Arterial and should comply with the City requirements for a Residential Collector-Arterial. Su.~' Sing~f ....... ...'>. H ;CotmcilMeinbet. The following are the City's responses to your requests for deviation: ':.: .~.:. _ .' , . -.... ~:. _" " . .. . ",.0',> '. 0.. IDcl1w~gfi~fL:;j,.j:" ." Deviation 1: A design speed of 30mph is acceptable for the eastern 800 feet :CouncilNIeirlper', . of the residential collection arterial provided that the design engineer meets or . .~ " - . ," . exceeds the AASHTO geometric requirements for a collector with a 30mph design speed, Deviation 2: A reduction from the City Standard for minimum horizontal curve Finance radius to 300 feet is approved for the eastern 800 feet of Evergreen Way 253.9:31.:3033. provided that the design meets or exceeds the minimum AASHTO Parks & Reerellti(j.ri requirements for a collector with a 30mph design speed. The maximum super- elevation rate is 4% and no driveways or roadway intersections will be allowed 253.931.3043 within the super-elevated roadway section. Public Works Deviation 3: A 15 degree skew is approved for the intersection of Evergreen 253.93L3()1O Way and Kersey Way. The design engineer will be required to meet or exceed City Attorney . the AASHTO minimum requirements for sight distance. The areas within the 253.931.3030 AASHTO intersection sight distance triangles must either be dedicated as City Clerk public right-of-way or be within a City sight distance easement. 253.931.3039 Deviation 4: The request for a 5% landing approach is denied. The maximum Human Resources landing approach is 3% within 100 feet of the intersection. 253.931.3040 Deviation 5. The deviation request for elimination of the requirement of a Planning & Community tangent between reverse curves is approved for the eastern 800 feet of Development Evergreen Way; however, the design engineer will be required to meet or 253.931.3090 exceed the AASHTO geometric requirements for a collector with a 30mph Police design speed. 253.931.3080 Fire 253.931.3060 .' . . - DBM Consulting Engineers November 1, 2002 . Page 2 Deviation 6: The deviation request for super-elevation is approved through the proposed curves on the eastern 800 feet of Evergreen Way. The maximum . super-elevation rate is 4%. No driveways or roadway intersections will be allowed within the super-elevated roadway section, Thank you for your consideration relating to these design issues. Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions or comments. Sincerely, ~.E. City Engineer Department of Public Works MF/DDfld Cc: Herb Moss, Development Engineer Sean Martin, Planner Michael Fuess, P.E., Transportation Engineer Correspondence - , \ 10 (.) :J: \ \ r9'Lr+9r- "- - ~ - -, - "- "- Bn:B+t~ ~ - - - r~ -- __"u_ , \\ , , ;i , Ii : I II i t \ H-~ "- Ii Ii ljt i! l II (- " ,', .! ~ I : I' , " if 1-.-.,.., !;i --- ! ~r -.. ...-.. - ''\.. ~ ~\/-- ,..J . 'x ~ (/) ~~ LULU ::2:0 .- \- .- ..- .- M N ::2: 0 \ 00 o I- z- LU~ (9- 0) <0 .- N Z:C """ """ """ M M 0 <(~ I'- t.ri N ,...: .,..: 0 N 1-,,-, .- ..- M M 0) ZZ N N """ N :5~ a.. l- I- Z Z W LU . C> (90 .... N (") -:t I.t) z (Q z-= I- I- I- I- I- <( I- <( l- I- 0 Z I- Z(/) LULU ::2:0 .,... N N N M M ::2:0 00 o (/) o (/) ~ ~ <( o 0 I.t) 0 <(~ ~ 0) I.t) I.t) 0 0 ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ g g (/)1- Z O(/) (f) <( ~Z 0::: 0: <(~ o O~ ~ ~m~ o I-~<( j <{ . (/)<(> iU. Iii ~ zu..o .....J en (/) ~o~ <{ LU ~ >- Iii ~~8:: ~ z > I-~ LU <( >>- m_<( w Z ~(/)~~zLU2 > 3: <(~ ~oz ~ 10 :;)OO~LU>- ~ Z '0> .. 1-0 <C . ~ ~~~~~~~ Gq~ u ~ ~ ~ ~ B m~ ~~~~ ~ = 0 -~~B~ffi~ N-~ ~ ~ :c :c :c :c >-~ o~ 5 ~ -II <C<(~<( .W~ ~ ~ ~~ Oob!:!:! ~ > I ~I- ~~~O 0 >~ I- Z~ ~ W .,... O(/)Z::2:~ I ~ >-~ Z~(/)(/) ~ tJ) ill Z~ w w m WWWtiJ ~ ~ .....J >~ m X ~ ::2:WOLU ~ W~~ ~~ w ~ ~::2:0::2: ~ ~~~ 00 O"-NM ~ I JRN-06-2003 11:53 P.01/1214 Bl Sight distance is defined as the length of roadway that Is entirely visible to the driver. All roads, intersections and access points should be designed to provide adequate sight distance for all normal driving situations. 10.01.1 Sight Distance Categories When designing roads, intersections, and access points within the City. the following four types of $ight distance situations shall be taken into account: Stopping Sight Distance Stopping sight distance is the distance required for a vehicle traveling at or near the road's design speed to come to a stop before colliding with a fixed object in the roadway. This is the distance the design vehicle travels between the time the driver sees the object and applies the brakes combined with the distance traveled during braking. As road conditions deteriorate due to weather and other occurrences. more sight distance will be required. Deetsion Sight Distance Decision sight distance is greater than stopping sight distance. This measurement is used in cases where the driVer is required to detect unexpected or confusing situations and then make appropriate changes in their driving style/method. This could mean changing lanes, slowing down or coming to a complete stop. Decision sight distance will need to be addressed when designing roads with tight turns and unexpected driveway and street connections. 1 O.O? .1.3 Passing Sight Distance Passing sight distance should be addressed when designing two lane roads where vehicle speeds can differ by a considerable amount depending on the driver. When passing sight distance requirements are applicable, the guidelines presented in the latest edition of AASHTO shall be used. Intersection Sight Distance Intersection sight distances are the distances required for a driver entering a street to decide whether or not there is a sufficient gap In traffic. Figure 10-1 shows the sight distance triangles required for left and right turn from a controlled intersection (an intersection with a stop/yield prior to proceeding) and driveways. Figure 10-2 shows the sight distance triangles required for left and right turns from an uncontrolled intersection (intersections without a stop/yeild). Sight triangles for controlled intersection shall be measured from a point, fourteen and a half feet (14.5') behind the face of the curb, edge of traveled way if no curb exists, and incorporate the distances shown In Table 10-2. Sight distance triangles for uncontrolled intersections are isosceles right triangles incorporating the distances shown in Table 10-2. When roads of different speeds intersect, the higher speed shall be used for all sight distance measurements. For a more in-depth explanation on sight distance, please seethe MSHTO manual "A Policy on Geomebic Design of Highways and StreetsN latest edition and the ITE Traffic Engineers Handbook. 10.01.2 Sight ~Istance Design Table 10..2 contains the minimum distances that should be used for stopping sight distance, decision sight distance. and intersection sight distance. These distances were taken from the AASHTO manual and are for level roadways. As roadway grades change. 03/15102:.........................~.:. Design and Construction standards ....."................Page 1 JAN-06-2003 11:54 P.02/04 ! the sight distance requirements will also change. This table should only be used as a quick reference guide for sight distances requirements- For cases where roadways are not level or other problems arise, sight distances should be calculated using MSHTO's methods. In determining sight distance, the Driver's Eye is assumed to be three and a half feet . (3.5') above the roadway, and the height of object is assumed to be two feet (2') above the roadway. Sight distance triangles shall be provided for all projects where new driveways are being installed except for single-family residences on local residential streets. Drawings showing appropriate intersection sight distance triangles shall also be provided for all new intersections being designed within the City. The area within the sight distance triangle must be free from any sight obscuring objects from between three feet (3') and eight feet (8') above the ground. Sight obscuring objects include but are not limited to: buildings. parked vehicles, signs. fences, and landscaping. The sight distance triangle should be located completely within the City right-of-way in order to ensure proper maintenance. The City may require additional right-of-way as a condition of development approval to ensure the sight distance triangle is contained completely within the City right-of-way. If this Is not practical and the sight distance triangle fails outside the right-of-way, a "Sight Distance Easement" should be acquired from the property owners to allow the City to remove any objects that become a sight hazard. Design Stopping Decision Decision Intersection Intersection Speed Sight Sight Sight Sight Sight (mph) Distance Distance Distance Distance Distance (ft) to stop (ft) to Avoid for Left for Right (ft) Turn (ft) Turn (ft) 15 80 220 350 170 145 20 115 310 440 225 195 25 155 400 530 280 240 30 200 490 620 r-335'" 290 ~--,_.. 35 --- 250 590 720 /"390) '-335~') 40 305 690 ~ -- -~-3S5~ 825 445 45 360 800 930 500 430 50 425 910 1030 555 480 55 495 1030 1135 610 530 60 570 1150 1280 665 575 Data for: this table has been taken from the 4th edition of AASHTO's a A Policy on Geometric Design of Highways and Streets" manual's exhibit 3-1 stopping Sight Oistance, Exhibit 3-3 Decision Sight Distance, Exhibit 9-55 Design Intersection Sight Distance-Left Tum from Stop, and' Exhibit 9-58 Design Intersection Sight Distance-Right Turn from stop and Crossing Maneuver. Table 10..2 03/15/02_........................... Design and Construction Standards .......................Page 2 JAN-06-2003 11:54 P.0::;,8~ N.T.S. A.. INTERSECTION SIGHT DISTANCE FOR RIGHT TURN FROM TABLE 10-2. MEASURED ALONG CENTER OF TRAVEL lANE. B. INTERSECTION SIGHT DISTANCE FOR LEFT TURN FROM TABLE 10-2. MEASURED ALONG CENTER OF TRAVEL lANE. C. 14.5' MEASURED FROM FACE OF CURB. OR EDGE OF TRAVELWAY IF NO'CURB EXISTS SIGHT DISTANCE TRIANGLES FOR CONTROLLED INTERSECTIONS AND DRIVEWAYS FIGURE 10-1 - . :riN-06-2003 11:55 ~ .lJ---:, ~~j~ \-- B A N.T.S. A. INTERSECTION SIGHT DISTANCE FOR RIGHT TURN FROM TABLE 10-2. MEASURED ALONG CENTER OF TRAVEL LANE. B. INTERSECTION SIGHT DISTANCE FOR LEFT TURN FROM TABLE 10-2. MEASURED ALONG CENTER OF TRAVEL lANE. - SIGHT DISTANCE TRIANGLES FOR UNCONTROLLED INTERSECTIONS FIGURE 10-2 " - TOTAL P.04 ~ S f.-- - 0.50ft 3.50 ft When S > L WhenS< L L = 2S - 1329/A L=AS211329 (not used in figure) L = Curve length (ft) A = Algebraic grade difference (percent) S = Sight distance (ft) 20 - ~ 0 - III ~ 15 ca .. Cl - 0 II) () c 10 ! ~ 0 () Cii .. 5 .0 CI) CD C( 0 0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000 Length of Vertical Curve (ft) Stopping Sight Distance for Crest Vertical Curves Figure 850-7 Design Manual Sight Distance April 1998 English Version Page 650-7 ~~ s l____ 10 -------- ~2ft When S > L When S < L L:;28- 400+3.58 A82 A L:; ( . fi 400 + 3.58 not used In Igure) L = Curve length (feet) A = Algebraic grade difference (percent) S = Sight distance (feet) 20 - "#. - II) Q) -g 15 '- C) .... o Q) u c 10 e ~ o u 'e 5 .c Q) m <( o o 5001000 1500 2000 2500 3000 Length of Vertical Curve (ft) Stopping Sight Distance for Sag Vertical Curves Figure 650..8 Sight Distance Design Manl.fal Page 650-8 English Version May 20'00 . , . . ;..J il;.. ." , . '"'''''' __ ... . ....... ..... _. ....... .;._.. . . -, ~ - . / . .. .... ..... -. . . . , Q. .!!'.. -ij,... ^, .. " . ;0, - , ._ C'II / ., / :.... '. 0; " . ');~" , . '" ." . - , . .c_ . v~ . . CJ -. , Q .~ . _ ( '. - " . - . . .. " '. 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