HomeMy WebLinkAboutWashington Ready Corps~ ~. 1 ~• 13 • • • ~ • Memorandum of Unders#anding The purpose of this Memorandum of Understanding is to establish the basic guidelines and expectations of the Ready*Corps program at each site. These guidelines and expectations are designed to ensure full coordination between host site organizations, selected VISTA member and the Ready*Corps program. Please review, complete, and sign this Memorandum of Understanding not later than October 13, 2006. Host site information Organization: City of Auburn Name & Title of Site Supervisor: Sarah Miller, Emergency Preparedness Manager Mailing Address: 25 W Main St. Aubum, WA 98001-4998 Tel hone Number: 253-876-1909 Fax Number: 253-288-3132 Email Address: skmiller@aubumwa.gov Responsibilities of the Host Site: 1. Identify and support a single (and backup) staff person from the organization to be the site supervisor (and key contact} for the VISTA member. 2. Commit the site supervisor to attend Washington Service Corps (WSC) orientation as needed. (Occur in July of each year.) 3. Participate in VISTA member recruiting, interviews and selection. 4. Introduce the VISTA members} to the other organization staff and invite members to staff functions. 5. Inform all AmeriCorps and VISTA members about organization rules of conduct and appropriate behavior, including procedures for communicating service hours and absences. Provide members with local policy manuals and/or handbooks. 6. Provide at least one desk, computer, a-mail and phone access for the VISTA member. 7. Participate in AmeriCorps evaluation reporting requirements, including monthly reports, to ensure accountability to state and federal funding sources. 8. Host scheduled site visits (as needed) from Washington Service Corps staff. The Washington Service Corps goal is to make a minimum of two visits to each site per program year. 9. Agree to release time for VISTA members to attend required training events, service projects, and team meetings, including two WSC SERVES Institutes to beheld October 17-19, 200b and March 13-15, 2007. 10. Recognize and support distinct roles and responsibilities of VISTA members. 11. Work with VISTA member and program manager to create VISTA workplan within 45 days of enrollment. 12. Sign member timesheets and ensure accuracy of attendance. 13. Submit performance evaluations two times during the year for each member. 14. Provide timely payment of $4,000 cash match (per member) to be billed in early November and due by December 31, 2006 15. Communicate regularly with program manager regarding VISTA performance issues or other program concerns. • Document VISTA member performance/personnel issues in writing, including actions taken toward resolution. 9/06 Memorandum of Understanding • Follow member discipline procedures as outlined in VISTA member handbook (given to all members at the Pre-Service Orientation.). • Coordinate with program manager to plan for any removal or transfer of VISTA members. Responsibilities of Washington Service Corps: 1. VISTA member payroll 2. Provide basic orientation to all VISTA members in conjunction with WSC member development opportunities, such as the Pre Service Orientation and SERVES Training Institutes. 3. Provide on-going site VISTA member support (at least two site visits per year, plus regular telephone and/or a-mail contact). 4. Collect timesheets and monthly reports for each VISTA member. 5. Communicate expectations and procedures pertaining to VISTA member performance and personnel issues. 6. Support host site organizations and VISTA members regarding AmeriCorps evaluation plans and assessment tools for accountability to state and federal funding sources. 7. Ensure VISTA members and host sites identify themselves as READY CORPS and/or AmeriCorps sites with items such as posters, business cards, marketing flyers and a-mail signature blocks. The following outlines service activities of AmeriCorps and VISTA members: The READY CORPS VISTA members will: 1. Serve a minimum of 40 hours per week and be available for weekend and evening service activities. Member must be available for longer hours as needed by the project. 2. Coordinate with site supervisors when utilizing personal and sick leave. 3. Attend all required training events included SERVES to be held October 17-19, 2006 and Marchl3-15, 2007. 4. Complete monthly reports and timesheets in a timely manner. 5. Complete required Civic Engagement CAP project. 6. Identify themselves as a Ready*Corps VISTA member at their site. Prohibited AmeriCorps and VISTA member activities: • clerical work (as a priority of their service duties) • additional prohibited activities are outlined in Attachment A Please note: Federal funding for VISTA members is approved with the understanding that members' service is directly supporting the READY CORPS objectives. Contrary circumstances could lead to removal of National Service members from the site. 9106 2 Memorandum of Understanding This Memorandum of Understanding clarifies the focus and intent of the joint working relationship of mutual support, cooperation and coordination between the emergency preparedness organization and the AmeriCorps program. Site Supervisor: Sarah Miller Signature• Dater _ AmeriCorps Member: Gill Bahnsen Signature: Date: / ~ ~~ 6 The original signed Memorandum of Understanding will be filed in the AmeriCorps Project Site contract fle at the R'ashington Service Corps. Please keep a copy for your records. 9/06 3 • ~ ~ ~ • ~ ~ Memorandum of Understanding Attachment A Prohibited Activities of AmeriCorps Members There are certain activities, including Lobbying, political, religious or advocacy activities, that AmeriCorps members may not perform in the course of their duties, while charging time to the AmeriCorps program, or at the request of program staff. Furthermore, members and staff may not engage in conduct in a manner that would associate the national service program or the Corporation for National Service (CNS) with the prohibited activities. Programs must become familiar with specific provisions described in the Corporation's formal regulation (45 C.F.R. 2520.30) and the grant provisions. The list of prohibited activities include: • participating in efforts to influence legislation, including state or local ballot initiatives, or lobbying for your program; • organizing aletter-writing campaign to Congress; • engaging in partisan political activities, or other activities designed to influence the outcome of an election to any public office; • participating in, or endorsing, events or activities that are likely to include advocacy for or against political parties, political platforms, political candidates, proposed legislation, or elected officials; • voter registration drives; • organizing or participating in protests, petitions, boycotts, or strikes; • assisting, promoting, or deterring union organizing; • impairing existing contracts for services or collective bargaining agreements; • engage in religious instruction; conduct worship services; provide instruction as part of a program that includes mandatory religious instruction or worship; construct or operate facilities devoted to religious instruction or worship; maintain facilities primarily or inherently devoted to religious instruction or worship; or engage in any form of religious proselytization; or • providing a direct benefit to a for-profit entity, a labor union, a partisan political organization, or, in general, an organization engaged in the religious activities described in the preceding bullet. AmeriCorps members, like other private citizens, may participate in the above listed activities on their own time, at their own expense, and at their own initiative. However, AmeriCorps members may not wear AmeriCorps t-shirts or other service gear in such instances. For more information, refer to the VISTA Member Handbook provided to each VISTA member at their Pre-Service Orientation. 9/06 4