HomeMy WebLinkAboutITEM III-CCITY jOF , * .BUR__N_ WASHINGTON CALL TO ORDER CITY OF AUBURN PUBLIC WORKS COMMITTEE May 5, 2008 DRAFT MINUTES Chairman Rich Wagner called the meeting to order at 3:30 pm in Council Chambers, located on the first floor of Auburn City Hall, 25 West Main Street, Auburn, Washington. Committee members present were: Chairman Rich Wagner, Vice-Chair Gene Cerino, and Member Virginia Haugen. Also present during the meeting were: Mayor Peter B. Lewis, Director Dowdy, City Assistant Director/City Engineer Dennis Selle, Assistant City Engineer Ingrid Gaub, Senior Project Engineer Bill Helbig, Utilities Engineer Dan Repp, Assistant City Attorney Stephen King, Transportation Planner Joe Welsh, Sanitary Sewer Engineer Robert Elwell, Project Engineer Leah Dunsdon, Street Systems Engineer Seth Wickstrom, Engineering Aide Amber Mund, Recreation Special Programs/Marketing Manager Julie Brewer, Special Events Coordinator Kristy Pachciarz, Network Communication Engineer Colin Schmalz, Finance Director Shelley Coleman, Matt Nguyen with Holy Family Parish, Jeff Markiewicz with MCI, and Department Secretary Jennifer Rigsby. II. CONSENT AGENDA A. APPROVAL OF MINUTES It was moved by Vice-Chair Cerino, seconded by Member Haugen, that the Committee approve the Public Works Committee minutes for date, April 21, 2008. Motion carried. B. RIGHT-OF-WAY USE PERMIT NO. 08-06 FOR THE CITY OF AUBURN PARKS AND RECREATION DEPARTMENT PET PALOOZA EVENT Special Events Coordinator Pachciarz provided answers to questions regarding traffic safety presented by the Committee. Pachciarz outlined the route for the Dog Trot and the locations at which police will be present: V Street SE and 37th Way SE, R Street SE and 36th Way SE, R Street SE and 35th Way SE, and R Street SE and Stuck River Drive. The route is approximately 3K in length. Recreation Special Programs/Marketing Manager Brewer said there will be a variable message sign on Kersey Way to notify drivers of the event. Special Events Coordinator Pachciarz said there will also be postcards mailed to area residents advising them of the Dog Trot and asking them to drive cautiously. Member Haugen asked how many postcards will be mailed out. Brewer responded that the mailing list was compiled by Multimedia and postcards would be mailed to all residents within a specified area. An exact count is not known. Member Haugen asked if precautions were being made to keep event participants out of residents' yards. Pachciarz answered the participants are to remain on the sidewalks, the route will be clearly marked with signs, and the registration form included a copy of the rules for the event. Chairman Wagner asked if the City is providing clean-up services. Pachciarz answered that clean-up materials would be provided and participants are responsible for cleaning up after their pets. It was moved by Vice-Chair Cerino and seconded by Member Haugen that the Committee approve Right-of-Way Use Permit No. 08-06 for the City of Auburn Parks and Recreation Department Pet Palooza Event. Motion carried. Public Works Committee Minutes May 5, 2008 DRAFT MINUTES C. RIGHT-OF-WAY USE PERMIT NO. 08-07 FOR HOLY FAMILY PARISH PARADE Transportation Planner Welsh reviewed the time, location, and route of the parade with the Committee. The parking strip in front of Holy Family Parish, on 17th Street SE, will be blocked off with traffic cones and the precession will move west on 17th Street SE, north on B Street SE, east on 14th Street SE, and back to the church facility via the rear entrance. Matt Nguyen with Holy Family Parish said the parade was to last approximately 30 minutes. Welsh reported that the Police Department will be present and the traffic plan states the applicant will notify local businesses and residents along the parade route. Chairman Wagner asked if there were homes on 14th Street SE and D Place SE whose only access was 14th Street SE. Nguyen stated that only the northbound lane would be closed on 14th Street SE. Transportation Planner Welsh responded that local access for residents would be provided and that there would be only a lane closure for 30 minutes, not a street closure. It was moved by Vice-Chair Cerino and seconded by Member Haugen that the Committee approve Right-of-Way Use Permit No. 08-07 for the Holy Family Parish Parade. Motion carried. D. PERMISSION TO ADVERTISE FOR PROJECT NO. CP0759, OLYMPIC MIDDLE SCHOOL PEDESTRIAN PROJECT Chairman Wagner asked if this project is being coordinated with the potential H Street LID. Project Engineer Dunsdon responded that the designs are being coordinated. The only work being completed under this project that may be modified by the LID is the replacement of the crosswalk pavement markings on H Street. Assistant Director/City Engineer Selle said changes were made so the pathway improvements will not be replaced by the LID. Wagner asked if it was being made clear to citizens why they can no longer drive over to park in the grass and watch sports events. Dunsdon responded that the school district requested the City install no parking signs. Wagner expressed concern that even with signs people would be able to physically drive on to the grass and park. Mayor Lewis asked if there were concrete or asphalt blocks present between the roadway and the property. Dunsdon responded that there were not. Assistant Director/City Engineer Selle explained the reason why an extruded curb was not included in the project, to protect the area in question, is that such a curb would need to be removed in the future because of the H Street LID. The Committee recommended extra no parking signs be placed in the area, including on the fence by the school. Member Haugen was concerned that the no parking signs would be ignored. Mayor Lewis stated that the signs would be temporary until the construction of the curbing with the LID project. It was moved by Vice-Chair Cerino and seconded by Member Haugen that the Committee recommend Council grant permission to advertise for Project No. CP0759, Olympic Middle School Pedestrian Project. Motion carried. E. PERMISSION TO ADVERTISE FOR PROJECT NO. CP0808, 2008 LOCAL STREET PAVEMENT PRESERVATION It was moved by Vice-Chair Cerino and seconded by Member Haugen that the Committee recommend Council grant permission to advertise for Project No. CP0808, 2008 Local Street Pavement Preservation. Motion carried. Page 2 Public Works Committee Minutes May 5, 2008 DRAFT MINUTES F. PERMISSION TO AWARD CONTRACT AG-S-020-08 TO TRAFFICOUNT INC., FOR TRAFFIC DATA COLLECTION Chairman Wagner asked how many locations would be included in the traffic data collection. Engineering Aide Mund answered there are 185 locations and Trafficount Inc. reported that they can perform the counts at the price estimated. Vice-Chair Cerino asked if the counts were manual or electronic. Mund answered the counts would be tube counts. Mund fielded questions asked by Chairman Wagner regarding turn movements. She said there would be individuals present tracking the turn movements. Mund informed the Committee that Trafficount Inc. has worked with the City in the past. Wagner asked if Mund would be performing data reduction. Mund responded that she would be compiling the data. Mayor Lewis asked if the data was electronic. Mund responded that it was. It was moved by Vice-Chair Cerino and seconded by Member Haugen that the Committee recommend Council award contract AG-S-20-08 to Trafficount Inc., for traffic data collection. Motion carried. III. ISSUES A. ORDINANCE NO. 6173 AMENDING SECTION 10.36.390 OF THE AUBURN CITY CODE RELATED TO CREATING A TWO HOUR PARKING ZONE ON WEST MAIN STREET AND F STREET NW Mayor Lewis stated that the request from the parking zone came from local businesses. Vice- Chair Cerino stated the commuter overflow from the Sounder train station was what prompted the request. Member Haugen stated her concern for parking being available for employees of the area businesses. The Committee discussed the parking options that were available for employees. Member Haugen said that commuters might start parking illegally following the creation of the proposed parking zones. Director Dowdy pointed out that there were lots offered to Sounder commuters which are under utilized. It was moved by Vice-Chair Cerino and seconded by Member Haugen that the Committee recommend Council adopt Ordinance No. 6173 amending section 10.36.390 of the Auburn City Code related to creating a two hour parking zone on West Main Street and F Street NW. Motion carried. B. RESOLUTION NO. 4335 INTERLOCAL AGREEMENT WITH THE CITY OF PACIFIC ESTABLISHING SANITARY SEWER SERVICE BOUNDARIES BETWEEN THE CITY OF AUBURN AND THE CITY OF PACIFIC Sanitary Sewer Engineer Elwell provided a description of the agreement. The new owner of the business formerly know as Cool's Cafe, at the south end of A Street, just north of the White River, has had difficulty getting a septic system approved by the King County Health Department. The City of Pacific does not have sewer available in the area and there are no current plans to provide service. The City of Auburn does have sanitary sewer available nearby. The agreement would allow parcel nos. 335440-0700, 335440-0708, 335440-0705, 362104-9073, and 665500-0025 be added to the City of Auburn's sanitary sewer service area. Chairman Wagner stated that the location in question should have to be annexed into the City of Auburn in order to benefit from City services. Mayor Lewis explained why that is not a viable option. Vice-Chair Cerino said that the area would need to be de-annexed from the City of Pacific and then annexed into the City of Auburn. The Committee continued discussion about Page 3 Public Works Committee Minutes May 5, 2008 DRAFT MINUTES the annexation process, the difficulties presented by the location of the parcels and other property in the area. Vice-Chair Cerino commented on the City of Auburn providing sewer service to the Lake Tapps area to help prevent lake pollution and that area was not annexed by the City. He felt that this situation is very similar in nature. Wagner concurred and stated with the septic tanks in the area outlined in the agreement there may be a potential for pollution and the agreement may be justified to protect water quality for the White River. Member Haugen asked if there were records available showing the failure rate for septic tank systems in the area. Cerino responded that any such records would be held by the City of Pacific or King County. Member Haugen asked about the cost for the property owner of hooking into City sewer if it were made available. Sanitary Sewer Engineer Elwell responded the distance of the sewer line would be approximately 100 feet and the exact cost would need to be calculated by the Utility Technician. Elwell also explained that the agreement did not allow construction and only established the sanitary sewer boundaries between Pacific and Auburn. It was move by Vice-Chair Cerino and seconded by Member Haugen that the Committee recommend Council adopt Resolution No. 4335 Interlocal Agreement with the City of Pacific establishing sanitary sewer service boundaries between the City of Auburn and the City of Pacific. Motion carried. C. RESOLUTION NO. 4350 LICENSE AGREEMENT WITH MCI COMMUNICATIONS INC TO PLACE AND MAINTAIN UNDERGROUND COMMUNICATIONS FACILITIES WITHIN A CITY OWNED CONDUIT ALONG A PORTION OF CITY OF AUBURN RIGHT-OF-WAY Network Communication Engineer Schmalz, Transportation Planner Welsh, and Jeff Markiewicz with MCI were present to field questions presented by the Committee. Chairman Wagner asked about the language on page 2, section 2.4. Wagner asked if the existing City conduit is incompatible with the MCI installation, would the City be responsible for the cost of making repairs to the conduit. Jeff Markiewicz with MCI responded MCI paid consultants to review the conduits thus confirming their compatibility and condition. MCI wanted to know the condition of the existing conduits prior to entering a licensing agreement with the City. Chairman Wagner asked that the language in section 2.4 be removed. Assistant City Attorney King responded that the language could be removed because at the time the agreement was drafted the condition of the City's conduits was unknown. King further discussed the language in section 2.4 and its impact on the agreement. Markiewicz stated the reason the consultant was hired by MCI was to ensure MCI would not have to go to the City and request repairs be made. Discussion regarding the exact language of the agreement as it applies to repairs continued between King, Markiewicz, and the Committee. The ability for either party included in the agreement to terminate the agreement upon thirty day notice was discussed by the Committee and Assistant City Attorney King. King fielded additional Committee questions regarding the language of the licensing agreement. Chairman Wagner asked about page 4, section 4.2, asking if the section covered the cost of the consultant work performed by MCI that was previously discussed. Markiewicz stated the consultant fees were in addition to other fees, such as main fees, license fees, rental charges, etc. Assistant City Attorney King discussed advanced payments being made to the City, debits and credits as outlined in sections 4.1 and 4.2. Page 4 Public Works Committee Minutes May 5, 2008 DRAFT MINUTES King answered questions presents by Chairman Wagner regarding section 7.2 and application to governmental agencies. King stated that MCI would still be subject to the Public Right-of- Way agreement. Mayor Lewis, Chairman Wagner, Director Dowdy, Transportation Operations Engineer Nutter, and Markiewicz discussed the possible need to relocate conduits and fiber and the cost to the City. It was moved by Vice-Chair Cerino and seconded by Chairman Wagner that the Committee recommend Council adopt Resolution No. 4350 License Agreement with MCI Communications Inc. to place and maintain underground communications facilities within a City owned conduit along a portion of City of Auburn Right-of-Way. Motion carried. IV. DISCUSSION AND INFORMATION A. RESOLUTION NO. 4349 AUTHORIZING THE MAYOR AND CITY CLERK TO EXECUTE A PURCHASE AND SALE AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE CITY OF AUBURN AND LEE FIELDS FOR REAL PROPERTY The Committee discussed the location of the property and the existence of a right-of-way verse an easement. Mayor Lewis reported there was a preexisting easement and not right-of-way. Vice-Chair Cerino stated the purchase of the property would prevent development later which would require wetland mitigation to expand the cemetery. Member Haugen commented on existing situations on the West Hill and the need to reserve the property for future use and cemetery expansion. Finance Director Coleman was present to answer questions presented by the Committee. B. TRAFFIC IMPACT FEES UPDATE Transportation Planner Welsh presented the Committee with data on existing traffic impact fees and the proposed increases. Welsh stated the traffic impact fees were designed to pay for road capacity improvements, specifically adding lanes. The recently annexed portions of the City contain road capacity projects that have already been identified in the Comprehensive Transportation Plan and as a result of adding those projects to the City's list of projects to complete, the Public Works Department is recommending the average traffic impact fees increase. Welsh identified the projects in the annexation area and discussed the proposed fee increases as outlined in Attachments A and B of the provided handout. Chairman Wagner asked about the cost of the two projects in the annexation area. Transportation Welsh responded the first project, which includes adding a lane of roadway from 112th Avenue eastward, almost to 132nd Avenue and the estimated cost in the Comprehensive Transportation Plan is $9.1 million. Mayor Lewis discussed the exact location of the project with the Committee. Welsh continued the second project is from 8th Street NE/Lea Hill Road/312th Street from M Street to 124th Avenue, adding two general lanes, one in each direction. The estimated cost for the second project is $16.5 million. Chairman Wagner asked if a bridge was included in the estimate. Director Dowdy responded it was not. Mayor Lewis stated the Council needs to go into conversation with the Planning and Development Committee regarding establishing a zoning plan for the Lea Hill area and that it would affect development and the existing Comprehensive Transportation Plan, as it relates to the projects in the annexation area. Transportation Welsh reviewed the differences in traffic impact fees for various types of developments and businesses. Welsh fielded questions from the Committee about how fees are calculated, the definitions of "Gross Leaseable Area," and "Gross Floor Area." Page 5 Public Works Committee Minutes May 5, 2008 DRAFT MINUTES Chairman Wagner asked about the traffic impact fees for Day Care Centers. Welsh responded Day Care Centers tend to generate traffic at specific times of the day and that figures into the calculation of the traffic impact fees applicable to Day Care Centers. Wagner questioned the validity of the data pertaining to High Schools and Elementary Schools. Welsh answered the data is from ITE and he would review it for accuracy. The Committee discussed the traffic impact fees applicable to fast food restaurants and Welsh further explained the terminology used and the data's relationship to the traffic impact fees. Chairman Wagner requested an Ordinance be presented to the Committee to make the discussed changes. C. CAPITAL PROJECT STATUS REPORT Item 13, CP0752, M Street SE Sidewalk LID Chairman Wagner asked if there was time sensitivity related to the project. Senior Project Engineer Helbig answered there was not. Item 16, R Street SE Utility Improvements Member Haugen asked for clarification regarding a sample release form received by a property owner on M Street SE. Assistant Director/City Engineer Selle explained that the release is presented to the property owner by the City's contractor, giving the contractor permission to work on the property and allowing the property owner to verify the quality of the property restoration work done, prior to the City approving and accepting the project. Item 21, CP0701 8`h & R Street Traffic Signal Chairman Wagner requested a mid-design review be presented to the Committee at the next Public Works Committee Meeting. Item 28, CP0760 Auburn Way North Pedestrian Crossing Chairman Wagner requested a mid-design review be presented to the Committee at a future meeting. Item 29, C518A Downtown Water Quality Facility Chairman Wagner asked what the solution is to the discrepancy between the budget and the estimated cost of the project. Helbig answered that costs will be refined as the design progresses and additional funding needs will be identified then. Director Dowdy stated a future budget amendment would be required. Item 33, C512A Emergency Power Generators Chairman Wagner asked if the Public Works Department was coordinating with Project/Construction Manager Steve Burke and the generator projects for the Senior Center and Community Center. Senior Project Engineer Helbig responded that Public Works project was for two specific locations. Wagner recommended coordination between the Public Works and Facilities projects in regards to the type of generators being used and the interchangeability of parts between the generators. Item 34, CP0624. Well 5 Rehabilitation Member Haugen asked about the update on the Lakeland Hills water projects. Assistant Director/City Engineer Selle responded that the update would be presented at the meeting after next. Page 6 Public Works Committee Minutes May 5, 2008 DRAFT MINUTES Item 38, SR-164 Corridor Study Chairman Wagner asked if the City was working toward a discussion with the Muckleshoot Tribe. Mayor Lewis responded the discussion has been delayed however he expects it to be scheduled for the end of the current week or the beginning of next week. ADDITIONAL DISCUSSION RESOLUTION NO. 4328 AND RESOLUTION NO. 4340 Chairman Wagner had questions regarding the grant funds referred to in Resolution No. 4328 and Resolution No. 4340. Wagner asked if the funds were dependent on the City improving the roadways in question to meet truck standards. Wagner stated he didn't believe it was the City's intention to bring M Street to tuck standards. Wagner expressed concern about the language on the agenda bills for the Resolutions. Director Dowdy stated it was the City's intent to bring M Street to current standards as a truck route. Mayor Lewis requested further explanation. Director Dowdy responded that the grant applications would need to be reviewed to determine the basis for the grant and loan awards. Mayor Lewis asked given that the City stated in the grant application the City would rebuild M Street to truck standards and given the cost of doing so, is it the Engineer's opinion that the cost estimate is accurate. Assistant Director/City Engineer Selle responded that it would need to be verified that the estimates were based on the cost of bringing the roadway to truck standards. Assistant City Engineer Gaub reported to the Committee that both grants in question were awarded based on the City bringing the roadways up to a truck standard. Chairman Wagner asked for the definition of a truck standard. Gaub responded that there is no specific truck standard pavement design and that each project would be developed using a geo-technical engineer and be designed based on the traffic and soil conditions for the roadway. Vice-Chair Cerino stated that the types of trucks that traveled on West Valley Highway verses M Street were different in size. Gaub concurred and stated that the loads and volumes would be taken into consideration by the geo-technical engineers during the design phase. Mayor Lewis asked if the estimate of cost was accurate to reflect the truck standard design and Gaub answered that the preliminary estimates are for a truck standard. EAST VALLEY HIGHWAY Director Dowdy announced there was work commencing on East Valley Highway this week until the third week of June and road closures from 9 a.m. until 3 p.m. V. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business to come before the Public Works Committee, the meeting was adjourned at 5:08 p.m. Approved this 19th day of May, 2008. Rich Wagner Chairman Jennifer Rigsby Public Works Department Secretary File: 17.2 H:\AgendaBiIls\2008\050508Minutes and E:\Minutes\08PW05-1 Page 7