HomeMy WebLinkAboutITEM III-CCITY OF WASHINGTON 1. CALL TO ORDER CITY OF AUBURN PUBLIC WORKS COMMITTEE August 18, 2008 DRAFT MINUTES Chairman Rich Wagner called the meeting to order at 3:30 pm in Council Chambers, located on the first floor of Auburn City Hall, 25 West Main Street, Auburn, Washington. Committee members present were: Chairman Rich Wagner, Vice-Chair Gene Cerino, and Member Virginia Haugen. Also present during the meeting were: Mayor Peter B. Lewis, Director Dowdy, Finance Director Shelley Coleman, Assistant Director/City Engineer Dennis Selle, Senior Project Engineer Bill Helbig, Utilities Engineer Dan Repp, Storm Drainage Engineer Tim Carlaw, Sanitary Sewer Engineer Robert Elwell, Water Utility Engineer Cynthia Lamothe, Street Systems Engineer Seth Wickstrom, Project Engineer Robert Lee, Project Engineer Ryan Vondrak, City Attorney Dan Heid, Jeff Oliphant , Auburn Professional Plaza, and Department Secretary Jennifer Rigsby. II. CONSENT AGENDA A. APPROVAL OF MINUTES It was moved by Vice-Chair Cerino, seconded by Member Haugen, that the Committee approve the Public Works Committee minutes for date, August 4, 2008. Motion carried 3-0. B. INITIATE PROJECT NO. CP0816, 25TH STREET SE PAVING PROJECT Chairman Wagner asked why 25th Street, between F Street SE and K Street SE does not connect. Street Systems Engineer Wickstrom responded that he did not know for sure, but that portion of the street has always been that way. Assistant Director/City Engineer Selle explained that the nature of the roadway is not being changed, just the surface condition, from gravel to pavement. Wickstrom answered questions posed by Chairman Wagner regarding the specific scope, design, and budget of the project. Chairman Wagner expressed concern about funding the paving of a gravel road that is primarily used by the adjacent property owners as a driveway. Vice-Chair Cerino stated with present budgetary constraints, he questions spending funds on this particular project. Cerino suggested a neighborhood Local Improvement District (LID) be formed. Chairman Wagner stated he would support an LID with a 50/50 City match in funds and asked staff to approach the neighborhood with such a proposal. The Committee concurred. No action was taken by the Committee at this time. C. PERMISSION TO ADVERTISE FOR PROJECT NO. C504A, R STREET SE UTILITY IMPROVEMENTS Project Engineer Lee reviewed the updated budget status sheet for the project and answered questions asked by the Committee regarding an increase in the project budget associated with an additional project scope. Chairman Wagner asked why O Court SE was not improved when the subdivision was built. Lee answered there is a storm retention facility nearby that will be moved in the future and a main is being installed at 0 Court SE in anticipation of the move. Chairman Wagner asked if Public Works Committee Minutes August 18, 2008 DRAFT MINUTES the "S" curve on M Street SE will be improved during the project. Project Engineer Lee said there were Right-of-Way constraints, and the majority of the residents he contacted viewed the "S" curve as a traffic calming measure and did not want it straightened. Mayor Lewis concurred. It was moved by Vice-Chair Cerino, seconded by Member Haugen, that the Committee recommend Council grant permission to advertise for bids for Project No. C504A, R Street SE Utility Improvements. Motion carried 3-0. D. PERMISSION TO ADVERTISE FOR PROJECT NO. CP0757, 2007 LARGE WATER METER REPLACEMENT AND VAULT REPLACEMENT Project Engineer Vondrak gave the Committee a background summary of the project. The City will be modifying water facilities at different locations. The project includes the installation of a maintenance driveway on 41St Street SE and a gate at two locations so maintenance crews can access the facility without going through the White River Estates development. A water meter will be replaced, and vault modifications made, at Green River Community College. At GSA and M Street SE new meters and vaults will be installed. Project Engineer Vondrak answered questions regarding the budget status sheet asked by Chairman Wagner. It was moved by Vice-Chair Cerino, seconded by Member Haugen, that the Committee recommend Council grant permission to advertise for bids for Project No. CP0757, 2007 Large Water Meter Replacement and Vault Replacement. Motion carried 3-0. E. PERMISSION TO AWARD CONTRACT NO. 08-11 FOR PROJECT NO. CP0810, SE 316TH PLACE TRAFFIC CALMING IMPROVEMENTS TO DENNIS R CRAIG CONSTRUCTION ON THEIR LOW BID OF $69,916.50 Project Engineer Helbig responded to questions asked by Chairman Wagner regarding the number of traffic circles being installed. Chairman Wagner asked if citizens feel there is a lot of acceleration on Westbound SE 316th Place which warrants a second traffic circle. Helbig answered yes, they did. The Committee discussed the results of the neighborhood poll taken by Transportation Planner/Grants Manager Goodman. It was moved by Vice-Chair Cerino, seconded by Member Haugen, that the Committee recommend Council award Contract No. 08-11 for Project No. CP0810, SE 316th Place Traffic Calming Improvements, to Dennis R. Craig Construction. Motion carried 3-0. Page 2 Public Works Committee Minutes August 18, 2008 DRAFT MINUTES F. PERMISSION TO ENTER INTO CONSULTANT AGREEMENT NO. AG-C-337 WITH FINANCIAL CONSULTING SOLUTIONS GROUP INC. (FCS GROUP) FOR FINANCIAL EVALUATIONS RELATED TO THE 2008 UTILITY RATE STUDY Chairman Wagner asked that the spreadsheet that was used during the previous utility rate study be given to the Committee for review and the consultant for comparison. Chairman Wagner asked if the same consultant was being used as was used during the last rate study. Utilities Engineer Repp said they were the same. Chairman Wagner asked for clarification on the public out-reach program associated with the implementation of the new rates. The Committee concurred that the out-reach program would help to educate the public regarding the implementation of new rates, following rate decisions made by City Council. Mayor Lewis recommended a rate comparison with other area cities. The Committee discussed which rates could be compared with which cities. Assistant Director/City Engineer Selle explained how such comparisons have been conducted in the past. The Committee and Utilities Engineer Repp discussed the scope of services included in the agreement with Financial Consulting Solutions Group, Inc. Chairman Wagner asked if the analysis of system development charges for storm utility could be delayed if an interim rate increase is considered by Council. Repp suggested the system development charges for storm utility could be delayed and remain the same until further information is provided by the consultant. Repp also noted that the system development charge analysis is included in the rate study scope of work Chairman Wagner discussed the past emphasis on peak water demand and during this rate study he suggests more focus on consumption reduction. Assistant Director/City Engineer Selle stated that capital effort should come from the Comprehensive Plan, which determines policy, and guides the initiation of projects. Chairman Wagner asked what the delivery date for the rate study is. Utilities Engineer Repp answered January 2009 because the Comprehensive Plan elements need to be completed and provided to the consultant. Finance Director Coleman answered questions regarding the utility capital projects for 2009 - 2010 and the current budget. Coleman reported there is difficulty funding the projects, which have been determined to be critical according to staff, because of the current rate structure. Mayor Lewis stated if the City is to fund the projects that are scheduled, the rate study does need to proceed and rate structure reviewed. Coleman stated there is a current agreement with FCS Group to which an addendum can be added to perform a quick fee study with the current project list to give a rough scope of action that can be taken in the interim. Mayor Lewis stated there was a fund balance in each of the utility funds and Council determined it was appropriate for the citizens that before rate increases be considered, the fund balances be spent down, and that is what staff has been doing. The City has now reached the point where if we were to go ahead with the projects that are scheduled, rate increases must be reviewed. The scheduled projects are such that the capacity of the City utilities will suffer if they are not moved forward. Page 3 Public Works Committee Minutes Auqust 18, 2008 DRAFT MINUTES It was moved by Vice-Chair Cerino, seconded by Member Haugen, that the Committee recommend Council grant permission to enter into Consultant Agreement No. AG-C-337 with Financial Consulting Solutions Group, Inc. (FCS Group) for financial evaluations related to the 2008 Utility Rate Study. Motion carried 3-0. III. DISCUSSION AND INFORMATION A. UTILITY CAPITAL PROGRAM AND RATE STUDY - DISCUSS DRAFT CAPITAL PROJECT PLANS FOR WATER, SEWER, AND STORM DRAINAGE UTILITIES AND UTILITY RATES NEEDED TO SUPPORT THE CAPITAL PROGRAM Utilities Engineer Repp gave an overview of the Utility Fund Estimate document, which was distributed to the Committee. The document presents estimated shortfalls the City would experience in the Utilities funds if planned projects are to be funded. Each utility is divided into three groups of projects, projects which are currently scheduled, pushed projects - those moved to future years in order to balance the 2009/2010 budget, and new comprehensive plan projects - projects that hydraulic modeling is showing are needed now for capacity and/or safety reasons. Repp reviewed the numbers coming from the Finance Department for the 2009 and 2010 budget for the utility funds. Chairman Wagner asked if the figures included depreciation. Director Dowdy responded that they did. Repp answered questions asked by the Committee regarding the differences between budgeted projects and new comprehensive plan projects. Water Utility Engineer Lamothe responded to questions regarding the addition of the Lakeland Hill Pump Station to the new comprehensive plan projects, capacity, and fire flow in the area. Assistant Director/City Engineer Selle stated the project cost estimates are driven by size of the facility which is influenced by level of service policies. Selle further explained that Council has some flexibility and ability to adjust level of service policy. Chairman Wagner discussed the potential to require citizens to conserve water under certain circumstances. The Committee concurred. Vice-Chair Cerino pointed out that other cities place restrictions on water use if their water sources are threatened. Mayor Lewis asked if there is conservation pricing for water in affect. Water Utility Engineer Lamothe answered that there is no current change in pricing for winter verses summer. Mayor Lewis strongly suggested the implementation of summer pricing for water. Chairman Wagner concurred. Assistant Director/City Engineer Selle answered questions asked by Member Haugen regarding draught resistant plant requirements for developers. The Committee reviewed the Storm Project List. Utilities Engineer Repp discussed the White River Pump Station project and the Peasley Canyon Culvert Replacement project, both with high cost estimates, with the Committee. Repp outlined the estimates and the level of urgency for both projects. Chairman Wagner asked if the City could get assistance from the State with the Peasley Canyon Culvert project because it is a salmon stream. Repp answered source of State funds may be a possibility, but that would need to be further looked into. Assistant Director/City Engineer described the location and the seriousness of the project. The Committee continued review of the Storm Project List and cost estimates with Utilities Engineer Repp. Chairman Wagner commented on the shortfall of funds compared to revenue. Finance Director Coleman discussed bonding options. Page 4 Public Works Committee Minutes August 18, 2008 DRAFT MINUTES The Committee reviewed the Sewer Project List and cost estimates. Utilities Engineer Repp stated two pump station replacements are proposed, and following replacement there is not a lot of sewer work that will need to be done. Preliminary systems modeling suggest that there are no big system improvements anticipated in the next 5 year comprehensive planning cycle projects other than the pump station replacements. Repp reported there is a potential for higher densities in the Downtown area and the capacity needs to be checked to make sure the system will not need modification following the Downtown improvements. Chairman Wagner asked that the Council be presented with the recent history of sewer improvement projects. It is information that can be used to educated the public as to the amount of work has been done on the sewer system and how the sewer utility funds were spent. Mayor Lewis agreed. Chairman Wagner requested depreciation be removed from the non-capital project expenses, as it was not funded in the past. B. ORDINANCE NO. 6195 APPROVING THE VACATION OF A PORTION OF THE ALLEY SOUTH OF 1ST STREET NE BETWEEN NORTH DIVISION STREET AND AUBURN AVENUE Using an aerial map, Assistant Director/City Engineer Selle outlined the location and square footage of the proposed vacation. Selle discussed the benefit of the vacation and the flexibility it would provide for development. Selle answered questions asked by Chairman Wagner regarding the utility easements. Chairman Wagner asked if there were conditions regarding time limits and development included in the vacation agreement. Jeff Oliphant of Auburn Professional Plaza referred to Ordinance No. 6195, Section 1 D, which provides termination of the easement without further Council action following the developer meeting the specified requirements. Oliphant defined vacation as he understands the law. There is a provision which allows the City to buy back the property if not developed. Mr. Oliphant further discussed the purchase and lease of other property on the same block. Assistant Director/City Engineer Selle outlined the owners of the property on the block at the request of Member Haugen. C. ORDINANCE NO. 6196 APPROVING VACATING RIGHT-OF-WAY OF A PORTION OF SE 304TH STREET AND A PORTION OF 132ND AVENUE SE Using an aerial map, Assistant Director/City Engineer Selle outlined the locations and square footage of the proposed vacation. Selle discussed the benefits of the vacation and the findings of the included Staff Report. Selle reported the estimated value of the property is $52,950.00 and that is what the City is requiring to be paid by the adjacent property owner(s). If the payment is not made within 180 days, Ordinance No. 6196 would be null and void. Vice-Chair Cerino commented this may assist commercial development in the Lea Hill area, which is needed. Chairman Wagner questioned the appraisal amount, approximately $0.50 per square foot. Selle explained the appraisal process that was used. Selle answered questions from Member Haugen regarding the survey monument located within the proposed vacation area. Mayor Lewis asked what the limitations are for the City when setting value of the property. Chairman Wagner asked that the value of the adjacent properties be considered. Page 5 Public Works Committee Minutes August 18, 2008 DRAFT MINUTES The Committee continued to discuss the value of the property and the appraisal process. The Committee agreed that there needs to be further research done. City Attorney Heid later joined the Committee discussion. Heid explained the options for the City when determining property value. The current statute does not mandate that the City charge for the property, however if the City does charge there are limitations on the amount that can be charged. Heid recommended the City may want to hire a second appraiser. D. TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM - REVIEW OF FINAL CHANGES PRIOR TO PUBLIC HEARING SCHEDULED FOR AUGUST 18, 2008 (Draft distributed with City Council Agenda Packet) The Committee briefly reviewed the minor changes made to the spreadsheet that were recommended at the previous Public Works Committee Meeting, April 4, 2008. Vice-Chair Cerino asked about the funding sources for TIP #1, A Street NW, Phase 1 (3rd St. NW to 14th St. NW). Chairman Wagner asked that TIP #1 be further reviewed at the next Public Works Committee Meeting. Vice-Chair Cerino asked is TIP #12, Grade-Separated Crossing of BNSF Railyard, included being brought to truck standards. Director Dowdy responded that it did include truck standards. Chairman Wagner asked that be included in the description. The Committee briefly discussed the C Street Trail connection between Transit Center and 15th Street SW. E. CAPITAL PROJECT STATUS REPORT Item 11 - 2008 Arterial Patching Program: Chairman Wagner asked if there is a plan to overlay R Street SE in the S.O.S. program. Senior Project Engineer Helbig verified that it is. Item 20- 8th and R Street Traffic Signal: Senior Project Engineer Helbig answered questions asked by Chairman Wagner regarding budget verses cost. Helbig reported the budget and cost would be close. Item 33 - West Hill Springs Site Improvements: Chairman Wagner asked if the cost for survey was coming from the Water Fund. Helbig confirmed. Item 40 - SR-164 Corridor Study: Director Dowdy answered questions from Chairman Wagner regarding the reconvening of the corridor study group. Page 6 Public Works Committee Minutes August 18, 2008 DRAFT MINUTES IV. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business to come before the Public Works Committee, the meeting was adjourned at 5:38 p.m. Approved this day of , 2008. Rich Wagner Chairman File: 17.2 Jennifer Rigsby Public Works Department Secretary Page 7