HomeMy WebLinkAboutITEM III-C CITY OF AUBURN PUBLIC WORKS COMMITTEE January 20, 2009 DRAFT MINUTES I. CALL TO ORDER Chairman Rich Wagner called the meeting to order at 3:00 p.m. in Council Chambers, located on the first floor of Auburn City Hall, 25 West Main Street, Auburn, Washington. Committee members present were: Chairman Rich Wagner, Vice-Chair Gene Cerino, and Member Sue Singer. Also present during the meeting were: Mayor Peter B. Lewis, Public Works Director Dennis Dowdy, City Engineer/Assistant Director Dennis Selle, Assistant City Engineer Ingrid Gaub, Senior Project Engineer Bill Helbig, Utilities Engineer Dan Repp, Project Engineer Leah Dunsdon, Project Engineer Robert Lee, Traffic Engineer Pablo Para, Transportation Planner Chris Hankins, Planner Chris Andersen, Environmental Protection Manager Kelly McLain Aardal, Development Support Supervisor Gail Perkins, Employee Relations/Compensation Manager John Fletcher, Planning Director Cindy Baker, Finance Director Shelly Coleman, City Attorney Dan Heid, Police Chief Jim Kelly, Citizen Wayne Osborne, and Department Secretary Jennifer Rigsby. II. CONSENT AGENDA A. APPROVAL OF MINUTES Member Singer asked that two amendments to the minutes be made. It was moved by Vice-Chair Cerino, seconded by Member Singer, that the Committee approve the Public Works Committee minutes, with the amendments proposed by Member Singer, for date, January 5, 2009. Motion carried. B. PERMISSION TO ADVERTISE FOR PROJECT NO. CP0762, LES GOVE NEIGHBORHOOD IMPROVEMENTS – PHASE I Vice-Chair Cerino suggested there needs to be a clearer distinction between the funding sources for the project because there may be concern that Save Our Streets (SOS) funds are being using to replace and improve utilities. Chairman Wagner recommended the Background Summary include the word “planned” and read “The purpose of the project is to perform planned road maintenance…” to clarify that the road maintenance was planned first and the utilities second. Mayor Lewis concurred and asked if Chairman Wagner would like the Agenda Bill be amended. Wagner answered inclusion in the minutes would suffice. The Committee discussed the remaining wording of the agenda bill and decided it was satisfactory. Project Engineer Dunsdon answered questions from Chairman Wagner regarding the budget for Phase 1 and Phase 2. Dunsdon explained that most of Phase 1 is being billed against 2009 and Phase 2 in 2010 so that Phase 1 is approximately $3.7 million. Dunsdon responded to questions asked by Member Singer about the budget for the design and construction of Phase 2. Design of Phase 1 is being completed and will go out to bid in 2009. The design of Phase 2 will begin at the end of 2009 and be bid in 2010. Chairman Wagner explained to Member Singer the previous Committee discussions regarding the project and the data Public Works staff provided to demonstrate the need for the utility improvements to be included. Page 1 Public Works Committee Minutes January 20, 2009 DRAFT MINUTES The Committee discussed the possibility of other older neighborhoods needing utility improvements in conjunction with road maintenance. Chairman Wagner asked if the project uses the entire 2009 SOS budget. Dunsdon answered it does not. It was moved by Vice-Chair Cerino, seconded by Member Singer, that the Committee recommend Council grant permission to advertise for bids for project no. CP0762, Les Gove Neighborhood Improvements – Phase 1. Motion carried 3-0. C. PERMISSION TO AWARD CONTRACT 05-17 FOR PROJECT NO. C504A, R STREET SE UTILITY IMPROVEMENTS TO INTERWEST DEVELOPMENT INC. ON THEIR LOW BID OF $2,512,108.75 PLUS WA STATE SALES TAX OF $85,123.32 FOR A TOTAL CONTRACT PRICE OF $2,597,232.07 Project Engineer Lee reported the contract amount is significantly lower than the engineer’s estimate due to the time the project went to bid and the current state of the economy. Chairman Wagner asked why the project would take one year to complete. Lee answered the scope of the project includes ten city blocks, on which utilities will be improved on both sides of st the street. Also, the sewer and storm improvements along 21 Street SE are approximately 10’ underground. Lee also reviewed the closure restrictions that were presented at a previous Committee Meeting and that this also affects the duration of the project. It was moved by Vice-Chair Cerino, seconded by Member Singer, that the Committee recommend Council award contract no. 05-17 for project no. C504A, R Street SE Utility Improvements to Interwest Development Inc. Motion carried 3-0. D. EASEMENT WITH PUGET SOUND ENERGY Assistant Director/City Engineer Selle brought forward a request of an easement at the corner st of 1 Street NW and Division Street for Puget Sound Energy facilities, which can only be executed by the Mayor with Council concurrence. The need for the easement is due to the undergrounding of the power system through the adjacent block development by the Auburn Professional Plaza which is currently one of the service lines to City Hall. To keep the Plaza project and the Auburn Regional Medical Center project on schedule, the relocation of the power facilities is time critical. The easement would allow PSE to place a vault and a transformer at the NE corner of the City Hall property. Member Singer asked if the utility vault could be moved to the other side of the street. Assistant City Engineer Gaub answered the purpose of the undergrounding is to remove the conflict with the power system for the new development. Placement within the developing block would still create a conflict and the potential for power outages during construction that affect City Hall. In addition, the transformer is intended to service City Hall. It was moved by Vice-Chair Cerino, seconded by Member Singer, that the Committee recommend Council authorize easement with Puget Sound Energy on City-owned property. Page 2 Public Works Committee Minutes January 20, 2009 DRAFT MINUTES Motion carried 3-0. III. ISSUES A. RESOLUTION NO. 4440 AUTHORIZING THE MAYOR AND CITY CLERK TO EXECUTE AN AMENDMENT TO THE INTERLOCAL AGREEMENT FOR THE CONTINUATION OF PARTICIPATION ON THE SOUTH COUNTY AREA TRANSPORTATION BOARD Member Singer pointed out the agenda bill reads the “resolution designates Mayor Lewis as the city representative” but is not included in the text of the resolution. The Committee, Mayor Lewis and Director Dowdy reviewed the resolution and agreement and decided the agenda bill did not need to be amended. It was moved by Vice-Chair Cerino, seconded by Member Singer, that the Committee recommend Council adopt Resolution No. 4440 authorizing the Mayor and City Clerk to execute an amendment to the interlocal agreement for the continuation of participation on the South County Area Transportation Board. Motion carried 3-0. IV. DISCUSSION AND INFORMATION A. RESOLUTION NO. 4439 AUTHORIZING THE MAYOR AND CITY CLERK TO EXECUTE AN AMENDMENT TO AGREEMENT AG-C-347 WITH IFC JONES & STOKES INC. TO ASSIST THE CITY IN UPDATING THE CITY’S DEVELOPMENT CODES* (Andersen) Planner Andersen provided the Committee with a short synopsis of the past events which lead to executing the original agreement with IFC Jones & Stokes Inc. A prior agreement was entered into with a different contractor in September 2008 and the contract had to be terminated later that month. A contract for just under $25,000.00 was entered into with Jones & Stokes in November to advance the Development Code Update Project. Amendment one was executed to extent the timeframe of the contract in order for the Planning Department staff to work with the consultant and develop a detailed scope of services for the contract going forward. Amendment two provides for a scope of work in the budget to complete the code update process. Chairman Wagner asked how the Planning Department and Public Works Department staffs were going to communicate through the process of the Development Code and Design Standards updates, taking into consideration the departments are contracting with two different consulting firms. Assistant Director/City Engineer Selle responded there are regular meetings between the two departments and there is continuous coordination. Selle included the tasks assigned to Roth-Hill for the Design Standards update differs from those being provided to Planning by Jones & Stokes. Roth-Hill is providing more technical research on technical standards verses the code language and format proposals that will come forward from Jones and Stokes. The Committee discussed the areas of the Development Codes and Design Standards that may require coordination between the two departments as they are updated. Selle stated most of the Design Standards deal with public infrastructure while the development codes Page 3 Public Works Committee Minutes January 20, 2009 DRAFT MINUTES encompass everything and that there are codes that are more closely related to Public Works standards while Planning deals primarily with private property. Planner Andersen reviewed the scope of work with the Committee. Included in the scope is a task to coordinate the Development Code with the Design Standards, insuring continuity. Wagner commented there is no on-site consultant included in the contract, as there was with the previous consultant. Member Singer asked how often the staff met with the consultant. Andersen answered there are weekly conference calls. The Committee discussed the different formats used in the Development Code and the Design Standards. Planning Director Baker disused the reasons why the on-site consultant provided by the initial consulting firm was not of benefit to the code update project. B. DEVELOPMENT CODE UPDATE PROJECT – DRAFT REVISIONS TO TITLES 17 AND 18, DRAFT REVISIONS TO SUMMARY MATRIX* (Andersen) Planner Andersen presented the draft versions of the updates made to Titles 17 and 18, one of the most notable changes being the proposed changes to Chapter 17.06 and the potential for requirements for analyses for subdivisions. Andersen continued, in Title 18 some of the similar chapters would be consolidated. Andersen answered questions asked by Chairman Wagner about the designation of duplexes. Andersen reviewed the proposed new Chapters 18.24 and infill residential development standards and Chapter 18.48 which relates to flexible development options. The Committee and Andersen discussed the format being used to highlight the proposed updates and the summary matrix that would act as a key to the revisions. The Committee discussed the schedule for the updates. C. DEVELOPMENT CODE UPDATE PROJECT – FLEXIBLE DEVELOPMENT OPTIONS Planner Andersen reviewed the memo on Flexible Development Policy Options. The Committee was provided a technical memo addressing flexible development policy options prepared by IFC Jones & Stokes which includes an overview of different potential options and policy issues and questions for the options for review and discussion by the Committee and staff. Chairman Wagner and Member Singer discussed using the terms “promoting flexible development options” versus “allowing flexible development options” and how the wording may be interpreted by developers and how the terms relate to the compliance of the Growth Management Act. The Committee further discussed the flexibility to achieve the goals for the Comprehensive Plan. Planning Director Baker suggested rephrasing part of the memo from the Planning Department to “promote predictability with flexibility.” Chairman Wagner suggested the phrase, “encourage flexible development options.” The Committee concurred. Page 4 Public Works Committee Minutes January 20, 2009 DRAFT MINUTES Planner Andersen stated on January 13, 2009 there was a special Planning and Community Development Committee and the discussion was largely about balance, predictability of outcome with flexibility. Andersen reviewed the consultant’s technical memo with the Committee and the concept of a “tool box” of techniques that could be applied. D. SHORELINE MASTER PROGRAM UPDATE Environmental Protection Manager McLain Aardal reported the Shoreline Master Program second review was submitted to the Department of Ecology in June 2008 and comments were received late September/early October 2008. The City was then notified to a change in Department of Ecology staff and met with the new reviewer in December 2008. City staff was informed there were a number of steps that needed to be completed prior to being submitted to the Department of Ecology’s formal approval process. The goal is to adopt a program that meets the Department of Ecology’s requirements and meets the City’s goals by June 2009. McLain Aardal reviewed the timeline on the City of Auburn Shoreline Management Plan Update, Formal Review and Acceptance Work Plan with the Committee. Member Singer asked if the plan is available on the City of Auburn’s website. McLain Aardal answered the plan will be available online on the City of Auburn’s website and the Department of Ecology’s website during the comment period to begin next week. The Committee reviewed a draft map of the Shoreline Environment Designations for the City of Auburn with Environmental Protection Manager McLain Aardal. McLain Aardal pointed out the areas where more restrictions are being applied. McLain Aardal answered questions asked by Member Singer about exempt projects being required to comply with the program. E. ORDINANCE NO. 6224 AUTHORIZING THE EXECUTION OF AN INTERLOCAL AGREEMENT RELATING TO THE SOUTH CORRECTIONAL ENTITY FACILITY AND THE FORMATION OF THE SOUTH CORRECTIONAL ENTITY FACILITY PUBLIC DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY Chairman Wagner asked if the City of SeaTac approved the agreement. Chief Kelly responded that they did and the City Council of Tukwila will be taking action on the agreement tonight. Chief Kelly reviewed the Capital Contribution for 2009 and Preliminary SCORE Financing Estimate prepared by Finance Director Coleman. Member Singer stated her primary concern is being comfortable with how the City will be able to finance the facility, in light of other City projects. Chairman Wagner responded this is the only option currently available that will enable the City to keep jail costs under control. Mayor Lewis discussed two other components, the City’s capacity for debt, i.e. bonding capacity, and the City’s capacity to pay debt and the differences between the two. Finance Director Coleman was present and answered the Committee’s questions regarding the costs incurred if the City does not fill its share of beds to capacity. Page 5 Public Works Committee Minutes January 20, 2009 DRAFT MINUTES Member Singer asked if any money will be expended by the Council vote. Mayor Lewis answered there are no funds expended with the vote. The ordinance calls for the formation of the Public Development Authority and the bond, however, within the agreements is the requirement of a simple majority in order to go forward with a debt issuance or other project matter. Member Singer asked what the timeline is for issuing the debt. Coleman answered Summer 2009. Chairman Wagner discussed the voting requirements included in the agreement and veto power. F. CODE UPDATE PROJECT – DESIGN STANDARDS* (Selle) Assistant Director/City Engineer Selle reviewed the information regarding the Design Standards provided to the Committee. Selle explained the new revisions to Chapter 1 and Sections 10.00, 10.01, and 10.02 are highlighted in yellow. The updated tracking matrix was also provided. The next Sections, 10.03 and 10.04, were not included for review because staff is working on significant revisions. Chairman Wagner asked what the blue highlighted data on the Summary Matrix of Street Design Requirements indicated. Selle answered that is data that staff is doing more supportive research on to discuss at a future date. Selle responded to questions asked by Member Singer regarding street classifications. Streets are classified consistent with the Comprehensive Transportation Plan and as part of the Comprehensive Plan Update staff will revisit naming conventions and definitions of the roadway classifications. If classifications are revised in the Comprehensive Plan, the Design Standards will be revised to correspond with the comprehensive plan. Chairman Wagner asked if the reason why the data on Residential Collectors with Bike Lanes was removed is because it has been included in the column to the left. Assistant City Engineer Gaub confirmed and stated the data was the same except for the number of lanes and the requirement for bike lanes. The classification can have either 2 lanes with bike lanes or 3 lanes and is also addressed in the footnotes of the table. Assistant Director/City Engineer Selle responded to questions asked by Vice-Chair Cerino th about the driveway behind the 15 Street businesses that leads into Lowe’s. Chairman Wagner asked if curb cuts will be reviewed. Selle answered that will be included in the section on driveways. Chairman Wagner asked that when items need to be coordinated with the Planning Department, it be noted on the matrix. The Committee requested a color legend be included on the tracking matrix. Assistant Direction/City Engineer Selle distributed maps of roads selected by staff which demonstrate particular road grades and curve radii for Committee members to review in the field in preparation for discussion at the next meeting. Chairman Wagner asked if the horizontal ones were all residential. Gaub responded one is an example of local residential streets and one is an example of a local non-residential street. The one for the local residential streets is in Lakeland Hills, which was deigned under a different set of standards and has a variety of radii to review. Also provided was a short list of considerations for council members to review while looking at each street situation. Page 6 Public Works Committee Minutes January 20, 2009 DRAFT MINUTES G. SOOS CREEK/KENT STIMULUS PROPOSAL Director Dowdy reported Roth-Hill is working with City of Kent and Soos Creek on how to reclaim water in lieu of pumping water to the City of Renton plant. Dowdy reviewed the areas that are being proposed as locations for reclamation plants. Reclaiming water and pumping it back into the river will provided the City with additional water rights. Dowdy explained there has been no engineering completed yet, the proposal is still in the conceptual phase. H. STEWART ROAD PROJECT UPDATE Director Dowdy reported a funding shortfall of the City of Pacific. Pacific included the project in their portion of the stimulus package, however Pierce County did not. Director Dowdy stated the Transportation Improvement Board (TIB) may reconsider the funds they have allocated for Phase 1 of the project. The Committee discussed the possibility of the formation of a Transpiration Benefit District (TBD). Mayor Lewis commented it may be difficult to get citizen support for a TBD. I. CAPITAL PROJECT STATUS REPORT* (Helbig) Due to the length of the agenda, Chairman Wagner recommended this discussion topic be postponed to the next meeting. The Committee concurred. AGENDA MODIFICATIONS J. RESOLUTION NO. 4443 AUTHORIZING THE MAYOR AND CITY CLERK TO EXECUTE AN ADDENDUM TO THE APRIL 5, 2007 CONTRACT, AMENDED ON MARCH 12, 2008, BETWEEN THE CITY OF AUBURN AND RECOVERY CENTERS OF KING COUNTY (RCKC) Employee Relations/Compensation Manager Fletcher reported a portion the funds the City uses to provide alternatives to incarceration programs are being removed from the State budget. Resolution No. 4443 increases the number of bed from two to five continuous. The City is charged for only the beds used. K. RESOLUTION NO. 4444 AUTHORIZING THE MAYOR AND CITY CLERK TO EXECUTE AN AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE CITY OF AUBURN AND PROSPERITY COUNSELING & TREATMENT SERVICES, INC.* Resolution No. 4444 also increases the number of in-patient treatment beds, used as alternatives to incarceration, from three to thirteen. City Attorney Heid answered questions asked by Chairman Wagner regarding the offenses which have a maximum one year jail time penalty and additional conditions that are included during sentencing. L. RESOLUTION NO. 4442 MODIFYING THE MORATORIUM CREATED AND ESTABLISHED BY RESOLUTION NO. 4416 FOR THE REMAINDER OF THE INITIAL SIX (6) MONTH PERIOD OF TIME ON THE FILING, RECEIPT, AND APPROVAL OF APPLICATIONS FOR DEVELOPMENT WITHIN AREAS OF THE CITY LOCATED WITHIN, IN WHOLE OR IN PART, FLOODPLAINS AS DETERMINED BY THE FEDERAL EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT ADMINISTRATION Page 7 Public Works Committee Minutes January 20, 2009 DRAFT MINUTES City Attorney Heid explained the modifications to the moratorium allow for Boundary Line Adjustments for parcels of property located partially inside and partially outside a floodplain area and allows for development on the portion of the parcel outside the floodplain. The modification also states that applicants for environmental review must acknowledge that environmental review does not grant any rights to develop portion of the property in the floodplain. The Committee is in support of the resolution. V. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business to come before the Public Works Committee, the meeting was adjourned at 5:14 p.m. Approved this _______ day of _________________________, 2009. Rich Wagner Jennifer Rigsby Chairman Public Works Department Secretary Page 8