HomeMy WebLinkAbout02-12-2007CITY OF ~~~~-JL ~ V WASHINGTON CITY OF AUBURN PUBLIC WORKS COMMITTEE FEBRUARY 12, 2007 MINUTES I. CALL TO ORDER Chairman Rich Wagner called the meeting to order at 2:30 p.m. in Conference Room #3, located on the second floor of Auburn City Hall, 25 West Main Street, Auburn, Washington. Committee members present were: Chairman Rich Wagner, Vice-Chair Roger Thordarson, and Member Bill Peloza. Also present during the meeting were: City Engineer/Assistant Director Dennis Selle, Assistant City Engineer Ingrid Gaub, Transportation Planner Joe Welsh, Utilities Engineer Dan Repp, Traffic Engineer Laura Philpot, Transportation Planner/Grants Manager Tiffin Goodman, Senior Project Engineer Bill Helbig, Project Engineer Robert Lee, Water Utility Engineer Ben Hennebert, Project Engineer Leah Dunsdon, Finance Director Shelley Coleman, Utility & Accounting Service Manager Karen Jester, IS Director Lorrie Rempher, Secretary Kim Powell. 11. CONSENT AGENDA A. APPROVAL OF MINUTES It was moved by Vice-Chair Thordarson, seconded by Member Peloza, that the Committee approve the Public Works Committee minutes for January 22, 2007. Motion carried. B. SURPLUS OF VEHICLES Member Peloza asked if non-profit organizations have the ability to acquire these vehicles. City Engineer/Assistant Director Selle explained that he did not believe so but that he would get back to him with an answer. It was moved by Vice-Chair Thordarson, seconded by Member Peloza, that the Committee recommend Council approve surplus of the vehicles. Motion carried. C. RIGHT-OF-WAY USE PERMIT NO. 07-06, FOR LEASE CRUTCHER LEWIS TO USE PARKING AREA AND SIDEWALK DURING CONSTRUCTION Transportation Planner Welsh briefly recapped the permit. The $5,000 performance bond figure was felt to be not sufficient enough with today's prices. Chairman Wagner asked Transportation Planner Welsh to review this with Construction Manager Larry Dahl and to perhaps revise this figure. Member Peloza questioned the thoroughness of the application. Transportation Planner Welsh and City Engineer/Assistant Director Selle assured the Committee that staff had received more information than is shown on the one page application form. DRD/kp It was moved by Vice-Chair Thordarson, seconded by Member Peloza, that the Committee approve Right-of-Way Use Permit 07-06. Motion carried. D. RIGHT-OF-WAY USE PERMIT NO. 94-25, RENEWAL FOR FARALLON CONSULTING GROUNDWATER MONITORING WELLS Transportation Planner Welsh explained that this permit is to cover a new location and that basically an extension of the permits that have been in existence for years. It was moved by Vice-Chair Thordarson, seconded by Member Peloza, that the Committee approve Right-of-Way Use Permit 94-25. Motion carried. III. ISSUES A. RESOLUTION NO. 4154, AUTHORIZES THE CITY OF AUBURN TO ENTER INTO AN INTERLOCAL AGREEMENT WITH THE CITY OF PACIFIC FOR DESIGN AND CONSTRUCTION OF PROJECT NO. C507A, AUBURN/PACIFIC TRAIL Chairman Wagner inquired if the City has the right-of-way on Skinner. Project Engineer Dunsdon verified that the City does have the right-of-way all the way to the park. Member Peloza asked what percent of the trail the City of Pacific was responsible for and if the City was being reimbursed by Pacific. Project Engineer Dunsdon verified that it is approximately 32%. City Engineer/Assistant Director Selle verified that this was a joint project with Pacific, that it was beneficial to the both Cities, and that Auburn was being compensated for its work out of the project funds. It was moved by Vice-Chair Thordarson, seconded by Member Peloza, that the Committee recommend that Council adopt Resolution No. 4154. Motion carried. B. RESOLUTION NO. 4160, FIXES A TIME FOR A PUBLIC HEARING ON MARCH 19, 2007, ON THE PETITION FROM VALLEY CITIES COUNSELING AND CONSULTATION FOR VACATION OF A PORTION OF 26T" STREET NE, EAST OF I STREET NE It was moved by Vice-Chair Thordarson, seconded by Member Peloza, that the Committee recommend that Council adopt Resolution No. 4160. Motion carried. C. RESOLUTION NO. 4161, FIXES A TIME FOR A PUBLIC HEARING ON MARCH 19, 2007, ON THE PETITION FROM BUILDER OF DREAMS FOR VACATION OF 41 sr STREET SE BETWEEN ORAVETZ ROAD AND KENNEDY AVENUE SE It was moved by Vice-Chair Thordarson, seconded by Member Peloza, that the Committee recommend that Council adopt Resolution No. 4161. Motion carried. IV. DISCUSSION AND INFORMATION A. REVISIT AMBER COOK LEAK ADJUSTMENT AND LEAK ADJUSTMENT POLICY Finance Director Coleman reviewed the current policy with the Committee. Questions were asked for the description of "system average", verification that it had to be brought before Council, and what is the criterion for the $500 adjustment. Lengthy discussion took place in DRD/kp regards to eliminating the entire $500 dollars versus crediting the $500, plus 50%. Chairman Wager suggested a revision be made to Paragraph iii for clarification. Although the original recommendation was Option 1, it was a joint decision that Option 2 was the best mode of adjustment. Finance Director Coleman will. update the policy, have Mayor Lewis sign off on it, and then a-mail the committee members the new policy for their review. B. ONLINE UTILITY PAYMENTS Finance Director Coleman explained the on-line program and the fees of this program versus what the City is now paying. IS Director Rempher explained that by charging the customer a transaction fee, that that would be an inconvenience to the customer and therefore reducing the usage. The consensus is that the dollar value in current charges versus the on-line payment fees is equal and that the customer service and availability outweighed any negativity. C. WRITE OFF OF LID This is a Sewer LID that the City of Auburn purchased from King County. Since the City now owns this property, it is considered non-collectable and should be written off the City's books. D. SCADA SYSTEM IMPROVEMENTS FEASIBILITY STUDY Project Engineer Lee briefly explained the scope at the study. The major tasks to be completed by the study will include evaluation of existing and planned facilities, evaluation of previously recommended security improvements, evaluation of telemetry hardware and SCADA software options, evaluation of a city wide communications plan, providing a staffing analysis, and an optional estimate of relocating the SCADA headquarters. IS Director Rempher assisted in explaining that they will be looking at communication standards city wide and will insure that the hardware/software is compatible with other systems IS manages. IS Director Rempher showed the committee a map of existing utility monitoring stations, existing ITS fiber routes, existing wireless broadcast areas, and future locations where communication systems will be needed. IS Director Rempher also provided background on why a comprehensive communications study is needed and provided the example that the Auburn School District has also indicated their desire to install fiber to the High Schools within the next 18 months and IS wants to maximize the usage of these proposed and existing communication routes. Project Engineer Lee explained the breakdown of funding and the desire to acquire a system that is non-proprietary and can be serviced by multiple vendors. E. 2007 ARTERIAL PAVEMENT PRESERVATION CANDIDATES Traffic Engineer Philpot explained that the pavement preservation has a budge of $675,000 and that the recommendation would be to repair 6'" Street SE between A Street SE and Auburn Way South. Chairman Wagner also requested costs on several other classified streets needing repair, as well provide some less expensive temporary repair options for Auburn Way between 4t" Street NE and 4t" Street SE. DRD/kp F. LAKELAND HILLS WATER SERVICE AREA FEASIBILITY REPORT Water Utility Engineer Hennebert summarized the finding of a feasibility report for the City of Auburn to acquire a portion of the Bonney Lake water system within the Auburn City limits. There was also some brief discussions regarding feasibility to provide water and sanitary sewer service to portions of the north Lake Tapps area. G. GRANT STATUS UPDATE Item 2: Chairman Wagner asked if there was a new line added. Transportation Planner/Grants Manager Goodman verified that there was due to the price increase of 1.1 million. Item 4: Chairman Wagner asked Transportation Planner/Grants Manager Goodman to explain the different companies and their actual roles. Item 7: Member Peloza inquired about the 2009 due date. Transportation Planner/Grants Manager Goodman explained that she only put in this date as this is the first year Metro will have partnership monies available. However, it can be moved up. Item 8: Chairman Wagner inquired as to the progress. Transportation Planner/Grants Manager Goodman briefly explained that this is still in the very early stages and that nothing has been finalized as of yet. Item 10: Chairman Wagner asked if the design stage has been started. Transportation Planner/Grants Manager Goodman verified that no, not at this point and that they are right now just in the beginning stages. Item 21: Chairman Wagner asked if this was reconciled with the 164 project. Transportation Planner/Grants Manager Goodman verified that after checking with the project manager that the cost studies are being done and comparable. Item 22: Chairman Wagner asked for the grant forecast and history to be discussed at the retreat. Item 24: Member Peloza asked if this was SCADA. City Engineer/Assistant Director Selle that some may be some relationship but that this is a separate project. H. HALF STREET ORDINANCE UPDATE After discussion the Committee felt this was a good clean-up of the half street code. Transportation Planner/Grants Manager Goodman will see that the requirement of department directors consult with other department staff be incorporated into the "Requirement Section." PARKING ORDINANCE UPDATE After discussion, the Committee requested the ordinance come back at the next meeting for approval with the understanding that staff would work with the Committee to develop some type of regular reporting to the Committee regarding parking changes. DRD/kp Member Peloza brought to the Committee alight/sign issue. Traffic Engineer Philpot explained that this is being looked at and they are in the process of acquiring volume statistics and other information to make a final decision. J. CAPITAL PROJECTS STATUS REPORT Item 1: 3~d and Cross Street Improvements -Assistant City Engineer Gaub informed the Committee that the final property acquisition is in the final negotiation stage. Item 9: A Street NW Corridor -Senior Project Engineer Helbig confirmed that the current anticipated schedule for the project is to advertise in March 2008. The City is hoping to have acquired all necessary funding for construction by this time. Senior Project Engineer Helbig will bring to a future meeting the preliminary plan layout for the project. Item 11:2006/2007 Sidewalk Improvements -Assistant City Engineer Gaub verified that this project will begin advertisement this month. Item 13: West Valley Highway Pedestrian Facilities -Senior Project Engineer Helbig explained that the current environmental issue is related to the wetlands with in the ditches and staff is working through the issue. Item 17: Emergency Power Generators -Chairman Wagner indicated a desire to see additional generator projects related to insuring emergency power at City facilities during significant power outages. City Engineer/Assistant Director Selle explained that staff is currently reviewing this issue for all Public Works facilities and additional information will likely come back to the committee this summer. Item 19: 2006 Storm Pond Retrofits -Member Peloza inquired as to which ponds these were. Assistant City Engineer Gaub indicated that they are the D Street Pond in the Terminal Park area and the pond located on Terrace Drive and 15t" Street NW. Item 27: 2006 Traffic signal and Luminaire Project -Vice-Chair Thordarson verified though Assistant City Engineer Gaub that this project is still on schedule for bid solicitation later this month. Item 30 & 31: 2007 City-Wide Patching and Asphalt Overlay Projects (SOS) - Chairman Wagner was concerned that there is no cost breakdown on these projects. City Engineer/Assistant Director Selle explained that staff is developing the scope of the projects and that once the amount of patching has been identified; the cost allocation between the two projects can be made. Chairman Wagner expressed that he would like to know more about the patching processes as it was working so well and how it might relate to arterial roads. Item 32: M Street reconstruction -Vice-Chair Thordarson asked if "M" street was on schedule for bids opening and Assistant City Engineer Gaub verified that bids will open on February 21St DRD/kp OTHER DISCUSSION Member Peloza received a letter from a citizen wanting to know what development was going to occur on Lea Hill on a vacant property located behind the Fire Hall. This is in unincorporated King County and staff is unaware of any proposed development at this time. Member Peloza stated that there are seven street lights not working on 110th St. by Wesley Homes due to the stolen copper wire. Traffic Engineer Philpot clarified that staff is researching different means to deter thieves in the future. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business to come before the Public Works Committee, the meeting was adjourned at 4:54 PM Submitted by: Kimberly Powell, Department Secretary. Approved by the Public Works Committee on: February 26, 2007 DRD/kap DRD/kp