HomeMy WebLinkAboutUndated May 1994? RESUME OF PUBLIC WORKSHOP Mr. Ken I(Inared - Henderson Homes · Expressed concerns about the City' s GMA coordination with County · Expressed concern that the City may need to increase its annual investment to avoid falling behind · City should continue to maximize grant funding eligibility · Feels that grant eligibility, safety, and mobility are the three most significant criteria in that order · Criteria Opinion: Generally supportive of City' s proposal Mr. Brent Neu - (Bicycle interest) · Black Diamond Road clearly needs attention to provide safe escape · Railroad crossings should be improved along with any bike lanes · Rolled curb standard provides a safer escape from roadway · Feels that storm drain catch basin lids should orient perpendicular to roadway · Criteria Opinion: Safety Councilmember Don Kurle · Queried whether a 3-foot paved safe haven outside our fog line should be included in all new street improvements Mr. Roger Thordarsen - Auburn School District · The City' s vertical curb standard should be maintained on routes where sidewalks will be used by pedestrians · Expressed concern about adequacy of shoulders and sidewalks in vicinity of schools. City should plan improvements to compliment School District capital improvements. Importance of major arterials such as Oravetz Road, Auburn Way S to Hemlock, 'C' Street from 15th St. S.W. to Ellingson Road. Doesn't understand why 371h St. N.W./West Valley Highway Signal is higher priority than 371h St. S.E./'A' Street and 21 St. S.E./'R' Street intersections. Favor of rechannelizing 'M' Street south of 8th St. N.E. to solve merging problem (mandatory right-turn lane). Favors sidewalk LID's close to schools. · Criteria Opinion: Safety and system development are key Mr. Fred Poe - Commercial Development · Had questions about funding and noted that $1 million/year is inadequate to meet the City' s transportation needs · City should focus on major arterial mobility and rehabilitation (cited 2771h, 'B' St. N.W. from 30th to 2771h, and 'C' St. S.W, Kersey Way, Auburn Way S., and W. Valley Highway) · Should seek a bond issue to improve those routes not competitive for grants · Should vary our standards where appropriate to spread funds over larger area (cited little need for sidewalks on 'C' St. S.W.) · Criteria Opinion: Mobility focused on major arterial improvements is single-most important. Connect the system Mr. Mike Morrisette - Auburn Chamber of Commerce · Feels the City's Comprehensive Plan is an important document and needs to reflect community priorities. That the Comp Plan should develop the justification needed to support bond funded projects · West Main is very important to City · Chamber is more interested in the longer and broader view in looking for opportunities · Criteria Opinion: Promote economic opportunity for downtown area Mr. John Raeder - Auburn Chamber of Commerce · Concurs with Mr. Poe that a North/South arterial linking to 'C ' Street is needed ('B' St. N.W.) · Criteria Opinion: Not stated The general consensus of discussion was for the City to continue to maximize opportunities for acquiring Federal and State Grant funding sources, complete the update of the City' s Comprehensive Transportation Improvement Plan, and work towards a future Bond Program to fund transportation system corridor improvements for projects that are unlikely to be grant supported. Some of the specific areas of discussion were safety concerns related to sidewalks, bus routes, bike routes, street channelization, and signalization of intersections. Other items discussed were related to the process for updating the City's Comprehensive Transportation Improvement Plan and the impacts associated with the Growth Management requirements. REF. E: \MINUTES\94PW5-2 (H: \ENGINEER\E94\E94-721 )