HomeMy WebLinkAbout02-18-1963 l.i· AUBURN, WASHINGTON MONDAY FEBRUARY 18, 1963 The meeting was cal led to order by Mayor Shaughnessy. "', o ~ I::: LJ Regular meeting of the City Counci I of the City of Auburn, held at 8:00 p. m. in the Counci I Chambers at the City Hal I. Counci Imen present: Aaby, Lea, Kammeyer, Fitzsimmons, Sonnemann, Knechtel, and Gaines. Minutes of the previous meeting held February 4, 1963 were approved as mai led. PUBLIC HEARING ON L. I. D. #140 I The Mayor declared public hearing on the assessment rol I for L. I. D. #140 open. A letter from Warren J. Rengstoff informed the Counci I that he was opposed to L . I. D . # I 40 . There being no further opposition, it was moved by Kammeyer and seconded by Lea that the public hearing on assessment rol I L. I. D. #140 be closed and that the final assessment ro II be adopted. MOTION CARRIED PUBLIC HEARING ON L. I. D. #141 The Mayor declared publ ic hearing on the assessment rol I for L. I. D. #141 open. It was moved by Lea and seconded by Kammeyer that the public hearing on assessment rol I L. I. D. #141 be closed and that the final assessment rol I be adopted. MOTION CARRIED PUBLIC HEARING ON L. I. D. #142 The Mayor declared the public hearing on the assessment rol I of L. I. D. #142 open. Letters from the following people in protest to assessment rol I L. I . D. #142 were I read. Mrs. Gertude Browne 1315 29th Street Southeast Auburn, Washington Mr. Mrs. Theodore S. Volin 1036 29th Street Southeast Auburn, Washington Mr. Mrs. Calvin Tufte I 122 29t h Street Southeast Auburn, Washington Mr. Mrs. Carl Cruson 1236 29th Street Southeast Auburn, Washington After hearing al I the protests to L. I. D. #142, and after considerable discussion on the matter, it was moved by Kammeyer and seconded by Fitzsimmons that the public hearing on assessment rol I L. I. D. #142 be closed and that the final assessment rol I be adopted. MOTION CARRIED PUBLIC HEARING ON L. I. D. #143 The Mayor declared the public hearing on the assessment rol I of L. I. D. #143 open. Letters were read from the fol lowing people in protest to assessment rol I L. I. D. #143. Joseph S. Boyce 3104 M Street Southeast Auburn, Washington Ed Klontz 3101 M Street Southeast Auburn, Washington T. Russe II Boaz 3002 M Street Southeast Auburn, Washington F. B. Papendick 3007 M Street Southeast Auburn, Washington Mr. Mrs. L. R. Edwards 29th & M Street Southeast Auburn, Washington Mr. Mrs. Calvin Tufte 1122 29th Street Southeast Auburn, Washington After hearing al I the protests to L. I. D. #142, and after considerable discussion on I the matter, it was moved by Gaines and seconded by Kammeyer that the public hearing on assessment rol I L. I. D. #143 be closed. MOTION CARRIED It was moved by Gaines and seconded by Knechtel that the Counci I adopt the final assessment roll L. I. D. #143. MOTION CARRIED It was moved by Gaines and seconded by Kammeyer that the City Attorney be instructed to draw up the necessary Ordinances on L. I. D.s #140, 141, 142, & 143 to implement the assessments. AUBURN, ~WASH I NGTON MONDAY 15 FEBRUARY 18, 1963 AWARD BID FOR CEMETERY TRUCK A letter from the Cemetery Board recommended the Counci I accept the Brewer Motor bid for a pick-up. It was moved by Aaby and seconded by Gaines that the Counci I concur with the recommendation of the Cemetery Board and award the bid on a pick-up for the Cemetery Department to Brewer Motor & Equipment Company. The following roll call vote was recorded: Aaby, yes; Lea, yes; Kammeyer, yes; Fitzsimmons, yes; Sonnemann, yes; Knechtel, yes; and Gaines, yes. I MOTION CARRIED CORRESPONDENCE The City of Auburn Planning Commission held a Public Hearing on February 14, 1963 on the petition of Ira A. Gregg to rezone from R-2 to a Special Property Use, for apartments. The Planning Commission recommended the approval of this rezoning via the alternate plot plan on fi Ie in the City Engineer's Office. The fol lowing persons expressed their opposition to the matter of granting a Special Property Use on Lots 13, 14, and 5, Block B, French's Addition to the Town of Slaughter; Ralph Beers, Ed Garre, Frances Adair, Cas Adair, & Ceci I Tungsvik. It was moved by Aaby and seconded by Lea that the Counci I reject the plot plan as presented to the Counci I by Ira A. Gregg on the above described property. The fol lowing rol I cal I vote was recorded: Aaby, yes; Lea, yes; Kammeyer, no; Fitzsimmons, no; Sonnemann, no; Knechtel, no; and Gaines, no. MOTION LOST It was moved by Gaines and seconded by Fitzsimmons that the Counci I table the matter of granting a Special Property Use on Lots 13, 14, and 5, Block B, French's Addition to the Town of Slaughter, and that the City Clerk be instructed to call a public hearing for March 4, 1963 at 8:00 p. m. in the Counci I Chamber at the City Hal I, and that both parties be notified of this hearing. MOTION CARRIED I AUDIENCE HANGING BASKETS IN DOWN TOWN AUBURN AI Courter, Chairman of the Auburn Beautification Committee, asked what the Counci I had decided in regard to placing hanging baskets on light poles in the down town area. It WaS moved by Lea and seconded by Kammeyer that this matter of hanging baskets be referred to a special committee with power to act. MOT I ON CARR I ED Mayor Shaughnessy appointed the Street Committee and Bob Gaines with power to act on the matter of hanging baskets in the down town area. FLOWERS FOR ISLANDS ON "C" STREET AI Courter said that he had received a letter from the Cedarettes Garden Club requesting permission to plant flowers in the islands on "C" Street. This matter was referred to the Park Board. AGREÐ~ENT BEnVEEN CITY OF AUBURN & MC MASTERS FOR STREET LIGHTING IN MUCKLESHOOT TRAILER PARK I It was moved by Kammeyer and seconded by Knechtel that the Mayor and City Clerk be instructed to sign the agreement between the City and ~~. McMasters for lighting in the Muckleshoot Trai ler Park. MOTION CARRIED TRAFFIC HAZARD AT INTERSECTION OF PARK AVENUE AND "C" STREET NORTHEAST A letter from Luther C. Martin informed the Counci I that shrubbery planted in the parking strip at the intersection of Park Avenue and C Street Northeast has presented a hazardous and dangerous situation as these shrubs prevent any view to the South by a west bound driver entering C Street N. E., with the result that an automobile driver entering said C Street N. E. from Park Avenue, traveling west, already has a part of his automobile on the said C Street N. E. before he has any vision of northbound traffic on C Street N. E. 11> ~UBURN, WASHINGTON MONDAY FEBRUARY 18, 1963 This matter waS referred to the Street Committee. PROTEST AGAINST THE ISSUING OF LICENSE TO DISABLED VETERAN A letter from Orley Harvey protested the issuing of a soliciters license to a disable veteran who is sel ling flowers for his own personal gain and not for the disabled veterans organization. It was moved by Kammeyer and seconded by Aaby that simi lar applications in the future be referred to the head of the License Committee before licenses are issued. MOTION CARRIED DAVID MORGAN REQUESTS REZONING OF PROPERTY A petition from David Morgan requested the rezoning of property located at 525 9th Street Southeast from R-3 to C-I. This petition was signed by seven owners of property lying within a 200 foot radius of the above mentioned property, stating they have no objections to the proposed zoning. This petition was referred to the Planning Commission. PROGRESS ESTIMATE L. I. D. #144 Tom Bolton, Water Superintendent, presented to the Counci I a progress estimate on L. I. D. #144, Hughes Addition. It showed the amount due Glenn Rockey Construction Company as $1566.90 less 15%, or balance due as of February 18, 1963 to be $1331.86. It waS moved by Kammeyer and seconded by Sonnemann that Glenn Rockey Construction be paid the balance due of $1331.86, for work done on L. I. D. #144, Hughes Addition. The fol lowing rol I cal I vote was recorded: Aaby, yes; Lea, yes; Kammeyer, yes; Fitzsimmons, yes; Sonnemann, yes; Knechtel, yes; and Gaines, yes. MOT I ON CARR I ED MONTHLY REPORT OF MUNICIPAL COURT The monthly report of the Municipal Court was presented to the Counci 1 by George Fiori, Jr., Judge, Auburn Municipal Court, showing the total to City Treasurer of $4,249.75. RESIGNATION OF HAROLD L. HOFF, PATROLMAN The resignation of Harold L. Hoff, Patrolman, was read for the information of the Counc i I . BUSY BEE-FERS STEER GUESSING CONTEST A letter from the Busy Bee-fers 4-H Club requested permission from the City Counci I to hold a steer guessing contest the 13th of Apri I at the car corner in Auburn. It was moved by Gaines and seconded by Kammeyer that permission be granted the Busy Bee-fers 4-H Club to hold a steer guessing contest the 13th of Apri I at the car corner, as far as the City is concerned. MOTION CARRIED REQUEST FOR L. I. D. ON 14th STREET S. E. ~... "'-,.J o ~ i- "-.. C"'.) I I A petition signed by eleven property owners abutting 14th Street Southeast between liB" Street & "C" Street S. E. request the Counci I establ ish a L. I. D. for the purpose I of constructing Curb and Gutter and Street Surfacing on this portion of street. A letter from Clinton W. Cote', City Engineer, stated that 75% of the benefitted property owners have signed the petition. It was moved by Kammeyer and seconded by Aaby that the petition for L. I. D. be accepted and the City Attorney be instructed to draw up the necessary Ordinance on same. MOTION CARRIED AUBURN, WASHINGTON MONDAY FEBRUARY 18. 1%17t COMPLAINT AGAINST A SAP DRIPPING TREE ON CITY EASEMENT PROPERTY. A letter from Mr. Mrs. R. J. Anderson requested the City answer their letter concerning a sap dripping neighbors tree which they stated was on City easement property. City Engineer, Clinton Cote', said that his department had contacted the Andersons and adjoining property owner in regard to the sap dripping tree at the time the complaint was made, and found that they both had attorneys that were working on the problem. Clinton Cote' said, however, that the Engineer's Department would write a letter to the Andersons concerning this matter. I REQUEST FOR STREET LIGHTS ON "G" STREET S. E. A letter signed by thirteen persons living on "G" Street Southeast between 12th Street and 17th Street requested that light fixtures be instal led in this area. PETITION FOR STREET LIGHTS IN "FOREST VILLA" A petition signed by seventy-eight persons living in "Forest Vi I la" requested the City instal I street lights in this area. Both of these requests were referred to the Light Committee. QUIT CLAIM DEED R. W. HOFFMAN, W. R. HOFFMAN, & WAUNITA HOFFN~N It was moved by Aaby and seconded by Kammeyer that the City Attorney be instructed to record the quit claim deed from R. W. Hoffman, W. R. Hoffman, & Waunita Hoffman on property described as the West 5 feet of the South 90 feet of the North 180 feet of Lot 15, Block 13 C. D. Hil Imans Auburndale Division No.2, Section 7, Township 21 N, Range 5 E. W. M., for Street Purposes. MOT I ON CARR I ED MRS. VAN WOLLERY OPPOSES THE USE OF FLUORINE IN CITY OF AUBURN WATER. 10f A letter from Mrs. Van Wol lery requested the Counci I not to add fluorine to City Auburn water. This letter was referred to the Water Committee. PURCHASING CO^~ITTEE Counci Iman Aaby, Chairman of the Purchasing Committee, informed the Counci I that the bid for radio equipment was awarded to the Motorola Company with an additional private line, one outside speaker and the establishment of licensed wave frequency. FIRE CONMI TTEE No Report LICENSE COtN^ITTEE No Report STREET CONMI TTEE No Report Ibe LIGHT COtN^1 TTEE It was moved by Gaines and seconded by Knechtel that 6000 Lumen Light Directing Units instal led at the fol lowing locations: 1620 E. Main, 1900 E. Main & T, 2020 E. Main, 1905 Dogwood Drive, 1735 Dogwood Drive, 2920 17th, 2945 17th, 1710 Ginko, 18th & Ginko, 18th & Fir, 2905 18th, 1920 Elm, 2010 Elm, 1935 Ginko, 19th & Hemlock, 1931 Hemlock, 21/5 Hemlock, 2215 Hemlock. MOT I ON CARR I ED POLICE COfN.t.ITTEE No Report 1S- AUBURN, WASHINGTON MONDAY FEBRUARY 18, 1963 WATER SUPERINTENDENT t.., ~ "--' ~ t::: """"., No Report STREET SUPERINTENDENT ~ - No Report CITY ENGINEER No Report PLANNING COMMISSION I No Report ORDINANCE NO. 1585 It was moved by Kammeyer and seconded by Knechtel that Ordinance No. 1585 entitled, "AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF AUBURN, WASHINGTON, REGULATING THE MOVING OF BUILDINGS OVER, ALONG OR ACROSS HIGHWAYS, STREETS AND ALLEYS WITHIN THE CORPORATE LIMITS OF THE CITY OF AUBURN: PROVIDING FOR PROTECTION TO THE CITY FROM DAMAGES ARISING OUT OF SUCH OPERATION; AUTHORIZING THE CITY BUILDING INSPECTOR TO ISSUE PERMITS; PROVIDING FOR ENFORCEMENT: AND PRESCRIBING PENALTIES FOR THE VIOLATION OF ITS PROVISION.", be adopted after the Street Occupancy Period is changed to read "Remove the bui Iding from the City streets after twenty-four hours of such occupancy, unless an extension is granted by the Mayor or Chief of Police of the City." and after Part 9, Section 5, is corrected to read "SEE THAT THE SEWER LINE IS PLUGGED WITH A CONCRETE STOPPER AND THE WATER SHUT OFF. PERMITTEE SHALL NOTIFY THE GAS AND ELECTRIC SERVICE COMPANIES TO REMOVE THEIR SERVICES." The following rol I cal I vote was recorded: Aaby, yes; Lea, yes; Kammeyer, yes; Fitzsimmons, yes; Sonnemann, yes; Knechtel, yes; and Gaines, yes. MOTION CARRIED ORDINANCE NO. 1586 It waS moved by Knechtel and seconded by Kammeyer that Ordinance No. 1586 entitled I "AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF AUBURN, WASHINGTON, CREATING AND ESTABLISHING FIRE ZONES WITHIN THE CORPORATE LIMITS OF THE CITY OF AUBURN, AND REPEALING SECTION 2 OF ORDINANCE NO. 1054 OF THE CITY OF AUBURN AND ALL OTHER ORDINANCES AND SECTIONS OF ORDINANCES I NSOFAR AS THEY ARE IN CONFLI CT HEREW ITH.", be introduced. MOTION CARRIED ORDINANCE NO. 1587 It was moved by Gaines and seconded by Sonnemann that Ordinance No. 1587 entitled "AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF AUBURN, WASHINGTON, ADOPTING THE FIRE PREVENTION CODE RECOMMENDED BY THE NATIONAL BOARD OF FIRE UNDERWRITERS, TOGETHER WITH ALL AMENDMENTS THEREOF AND SUBSEQUENT ADDITIONS THERETO, WHICH FIRE PREVENTION CODE PRESCRIBES REGULATIONS GOVERNING CONDITIONS HAZARDOUS TO LIFE AND PROPERTY FROM FIRE OR EXPLOSION, ESTABLISHES A BUREAU OF FIRE PREVENTION FOR THE CITY OF AUBURN AND PROVIDES OFFICERS THEREFOR, DEFINING THEIR POWERS AND DUTIES THERETO; PRESCRIBING PENALTIES FOR THE VIOLATION OF ANY OF THE SECTIONS OF SAID FIRE PREVENTION CODE; AND REPEALING ORDINANCE NO. 874 OF THE CITY OF AUBURN, AND ALL AMENDMENTS THEREOF, AND ALL OTHER ORDINANCES AND SECTIONS OF ORDINANCES I NSOFAR AS THEY ARE IN CONFL I CT HEREW ITH.", be introduced. MOTION CARRIED ORDINANCE NO. 1588 It was moved by Gaines and seconded by Sonnemann that Ordinance No. 1588 entitled "AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF AUBURN, WASHINGTON, PROVIDING FOR THE IMPROVEMENT OF A PORTION OF A CERTAIN STREET IN THE CITY OF AUBURN BY THE CONSTRUCTION OF ASPHALTIC CONCRETE I PAVING, CURB AND GUTTER AND NECESSARY DRAINAGE FACILITIES ALL IN ACCORDANCE WITH A PETITION SIGNED BY A MAJORITY OF THE AFFECTED PROPERTY OWNERS AND FILED WITH THE CITY CLER OF SAID CITY; AND A CERTIFICATION OF THE CITY ENGINEER OF SAID CITY, THAT A MAJORITY OF THE AFFECTED PROPERTY OWNERS HAVE SIGNED THE PETITION AND THAT ALL OF THE FACTS SET FORTH IN SAID PETITION ARE TRUE AND THAT THE ESTIMATED COST TO THE PROPERTY WILL NOT EXCEED THE LIMIT ESTABLISHED BY LAW, CREATING A LOCAL IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT TO BE KNOWN AS L. I. D. #147, PROVIDING FOR THE NECESSARY PROPOSED IMPROVEMENTS, PRESCRIBING THE MODE OF PAYMENT OF ASSESSMENTS AND CREATING A LOCAL IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT FUND", be introduced and adopted with the fol lowing r.ol I cal I vote being recorded: Aaby, yes; Lea, yes; Kammeyer, yes; Fitzsimmons, yes; Sonnemann, yes; Knechtel, yes; and Gaines, yes. MOTION CARRIED AUBURN, WASHINGTON MONDAY FEBRUARY 18, 19J9 ORDINANCE NO. 1589 It was moved by Sonnemann and seconded by Gaines that Ordinance No. 1589 entitled "AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF AUBURN, WASHINGTON, DECLARING A PUBLIC EMERGENCY TO EXIST AND APPROPRIATING THE S~~ OF $2,000 FROM THE GENERAL C~\ULATIVE RESERVE FUND OF THE CITY OF AUBURN, ON A LOAN BASIS, TO FURNISH NECESSARY FUNDS FOR PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT SERVICES NECESSITATED IN THE IMPROVEMENT OF THE MUNICIPAL PARK FACILITIES OF THE CITY OF AUBURN.", be introduced. MO TI ON CARR I ED RESOLUTION NO. 119 I It was moved by Kammeyer and seconded by Aaby that Resolution No. 119 entitled "A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF AUBURN, WASHINGTON, RELATING TO THE VACATION OF CERTAIN STREETS AND ALLEYS WITHIN THE CORPORATE LIMITS OF THE CITY OF AUBURN.", be introduced and adopted, with the fol lowing rol I cal I vote being recorded: Aaby, yes; Lea, yes; Kammeyer, yes; Fitzsimmons, yes; Sonnemann, yes; Knechtel, yes; and Gaines, yes. MOTION CARRIED RESOLUTION NO. 120 It was moved by Lea and seconded by Sonnemann that Resolution No. 120 entitled "A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF AUBURN, WASHINGTON, DECLARING THE INTENTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF AUBURN TO ADOPT STANDARD SPEC I FICA TI ONS FOR MUN I C I PAL PUBL I C WORKS CONSTRUCTION.", be introduced and adopted with the following roll call vote being recorded: Aaby, yes; Lea, yes; Kammeyer, yes; Fitzsimmons, yes; Sonnemann, yes; Knechtel, yes; and Gaines, yes. MOTION CARRIED OLD BUSINESS None NEW BUSINESS I ;n Bob Smythe, City Attorney, requested permission to attend a Traffic Court Conference San Francisco. It was moved by Kammeyer and seconded by Sonnemann that the Counci I authorize the City Attorney to attend a Traffic Court Conference in San Francisco. MOT I ON CARR I ED CLAIMS It was moved by Kammeyer and seconded by Sonnemann that the fol lowing claims against the City, al I having previously been passed and signed by the Purchasing Committee, be approved and the City Clerk be authorized to draw warrants in payment. MOTION CARRIED L. I. D. ¡If I 44 1962 Water-Sewer Extension Current Expense Cemetery Water Street 001 026 2891 738 2928 3935 003 028 2980 747 2956 3963 $ 133 I .86 838.32 19425.88 672.69 4353.98 3510.63 There being no further business to come before the Counci I the meeting was adjourned at 1 I :36 p. m. subject to the cat I of the Mayor. I APPROVED TH I S /9 DAY OF 3j'g , ¿~U7 , ,) 19 ¿ ,J (- ~ /~~ _;7t/¡~~~ ~ CITY C RK /~ -f1(S~9£:L7 ' N(YOR (