HomeMy WebLinkAbout05-20-1963 52 AUBURN, WASHINGTON MONDAY MAY 20,1963 The meeting was cal led to order by Mayor Shaughnessy. """, o ""< t:;:: l.J Regular meeting of the City Counci I of the City of Auburn, held at 8:00 p. m. in the Counci I Chambers at the City Hal I. Counci Imen present: Aaby, Lea, Kammeyer, Fitzsimmons, Sonnemann, Knechtel, and Gaines. Minutes of the previous meeting held May 6, 1963 were approved as mai led. PUBLIC HEARING ON VACATION OF A PORTION OF 1st STREET NORTHEAST. I The Mayor declared public hearing open on the request of the Diocese of Olympia, Inc. to vacate a portion of 1st Street Northeast described as the North 10 feet of 1st street Northeast adjacent to Lots 5, 6, 7, 8 & 9; Block 3; David A. ßottings Addition to Auburn. It was moved by Lea and seconded by Fitzsimmons that the public hearing on the vacation of 10 feet of 1st Street as above mentioned be closed. MOTION CARRIED It was moved by Kammeyer and seconded by Sonnemann that the City Attorney be instructed to draw up the necessary Ordinance to implement the vacation of the North 10 feet of 1st Street between ilK" Street & ilL" Street. MOT I ON CARR I ED BIDS ON DEMOLITION OF HAUGE BUILDING The fol lowing bid was opened at 4 p. m., May 20, 1963, for the demolition of the H a u ge B u i I din g . BIDDER NET AMOUNT BID Glenn Rockey Construction $4,995.00 ALTERNATE BID FOR REMOVING CONCRETE WALLS $500.00 A performance bond wi I I be furnished upon signing of contract, and insurance wi I I be provided according to specifications. This bid was referred to the Purchasing Committee, with a request for them to report I back at the next Counci 1 meeting. CORRFSPONDENCE PLANNING COA¥AISSION REPORT ON PUBLIC HEARING HELD MAY 9, 1963 ETHEL M. GARRISON PETITION TO REZONE The Planning Commission recommended the approval of Ethel ^\. Garrison's petition to rezone the NEl¡ of the NE}¡ of the swi¡ of Section 19, Township 21 North, Range 5, E. W. M., less the N 264' and less the E 330' and less Co. Rd. From R-2 to R-4. The fol lowing people spoke in favor of the proposed rezoning of the above mentioned property: James Kimbrough, person interested in acquiring the property; De\Vayne Steinle, real estate agent; ^\ary Jane Tinsley, part owner of property to be rezoned; Don Garrison; Ralph Sleeman, contractor of proposed apartments to be bui It on property. The fol lowing people spoke in opposition to the proposed rezoning of the above mentioned property: Don Smith, owner oj- property lying within 200 feet; John Acteson, person living in the area; !\rnold Dluhosh, resident at 1712 "F" Street Southeast; DeWayne Mathews, resident in the area; Sob Cain, resident in the area; Paul Ferg, resident at 604 17th Street Southeast; Rex L. Val fier, resident at 171 I G Street Southeast; Barbara Johnson, resident in area; Mrs. James Foster, resident at 1717 G Street South- east; Mrs. Rex Val fier, residont at 171 I G Street Southeast. I A letter was received from Mi Idred Skrivan requesting her name be taken off the original petition to rezone. A letter received from William Brewer stated that he was definitely against 'tne rezoning of this property, and that the original petition was mis-represented to him. A letter received from Nel lie Moure owner of 4.2 acres directly to the south of the Campbel I property stated that she was not opposed to the rezoning of this property. A letter received from Richard Huseby owner of property to the East of the Campbef I property stated that he was not opposed to the rezoning of this property. 53~, AUBURN, WASHINGTON MONDAY filA Y 20, 1963 I t was moved by Aaby and seconded by Knechtel that, in view ot the strong opposition to the proposed rezoning, the petition to rezone the Camp be I I property be denied. The fol lowing roJ I call vote was recorded: Aaby, yes; Lea, yes; Kammeyer, yes; Fitzsimmons, yes; Sonnemann, yes; Knechtel, yes; and Gaines, yes. {;\O r I ON CAf~R I ED A~~STRONG CONSTRUCTION PREL Iti,1 NI-\RY PLAT Ihe Planning Commission recommended the approval of the preliminary plat of the IrePlðt of Hi len's Park Addition as petitioned by Armstrong Construction Company. It was moved by Lea and seconded by Kammeyer that the Counci I concur with the recommendation of the Planning Commission. MOTION CARRIED ELIZABETH FLACK PETITION TO REZONE The Planning Commission recommended the approval of petition to rezone from R-3 to C-3 the fol !owing described property: 8c:g. 447.4' E of N','I cor of S'iJ~ of ~;:::~ of Section 19, Township 21 N, Range 5, [..'/./,\. thence S 20°43'28" \J 132.2' to Neli' marg of Sf. Hwy. th SEly alg Hwy. to E In of w~ of Sw~ of NE~ th N alg sd In 392; MIL to pt E of beg th VI 212.6; MIL to beg. Cxcept R/\'/ for Rd alg N In. less E 100' thereof. It was moved by Aaby and seconded by Kammeyer that the Counci I concur with the recommendation of the Planning Commission. t:DTION CAf~RI ED CHARLOTTE R. NELSON REQUEST TO REZONE The Planning Commission recommended the approval of the request of A\rs. Nelson to rezone from R-3 to C-I the fol lowing described property: The N 283.09' of the W~ of the NEi¡ of the SW~ of the NEh located in Section 19, Township 21 North, Range 5 E. W. M. The Planning Commission also recommended that the Board of Adjustments drop the special permit for recreational use because the developer did not furnish additional plans land specifications as requested. It was moved by Aaby and seconded by Lea that, in view of the fact that no other specifications or additional plans were submitted, the matter be tabled until the next Counci I {;'\eeting. I.'\OT I ON CARR I [D AUBURN PARKING ASSOCIATION REQUEST TO CANCEL PRESENT LEASE A letter received from the Auburn Parking Association requested the City Counci I to consider favorably the cancel I ing of the sub-lease, now in effect between the City of Auburn as lessor and Auburn Parking Associetion as lessee on the Cavanaugh lot. I t was moved by f\arnrneyer and seconded by Knechtel that the Counci I concur wi th the request of the Auburn Parking Association, and the City Attorney be instructed to draw up the necessary Ordinance to implement same. t.\OT I ON CARR I ED STATF OF WASHINGTON CENSUS BOARD A letter from the State of Washington Census Board gave the unofficial population figure for the City of Auburn as 14,300 for the year of 1963. ACTUARIAL SURVEY FOR FIRE DEPARTIAENT lEI í sabeth Her í t ago, C;¡ y Clerk report ed t ha t app 1 í cat ¡ on to 1<\1 11 í man & Robertson hod , been made for an actuarial survey for the Fire Department. She explained that this survey wou I d be necessary in order that the Ci ty use a port ion 0 f the 15th mi II or the 6th mi 1 I. R~QUEST TO VACATE STREET HILENS PARK ADDITION ^ request to vacate the fol lowing described street was presented to the Counci I: Beginning at the northwest corner NEh, NW~, Section 30, T. 2IN., R. 5 E.W.M., thence south along the west line said NEh, NWi¡, Section 30 to a point 140 feet south of the north line of Block 6, Hi lens Park Addition, thence east 30 feet, thence north 140 feet to the north I ine Block 6, thence east to intersection with a curve 50 feet radius centered at a point on the south line of Lot 12, Block 3, Hi lens Park Addition 5 feet west of the SE corner thence northwesterly on said curve to point of intersection with south line said Lot 12, thence west to west line of Block 3, Thence north to the NW corner of Block 3 said Hi lens Park Addition, thence cast 65 fe<:;t, thence north to a point on the south line 5t: AUBURN , \VASH I NGTON MONDAY Iv\A Y 20, 1963 Lot 12, Block 2, 10 feet east of the south west corner thereof, thence west to the west line Slack 2, thence north to the northwest corner, thence east 70 feet, thence north to the north line section, thence west 100 feet to point of beginning. This petition was signed by six property owners. ~., o ""< t= (") It was moved by Gaines and seconded by Lea that the City Clerk be instructed to cal I for a public hearing on the above mentioned vacation of street Hi lens Park Addition for June 17, 1963, at 8:00 p. m., and the City Attorney be instructed to draw up the necessary resolution to implement same. MOTION CARRIED I PURCHASING COhV^ITTEE It was moved by Aaby and seconded by Lea that the City Clerk be instructed to cal I for bids on a Bookkeeping Machine for the City Clerk's Office, bids to be opened at 8:00 p. m. June 17,1963. MOTION CARRIED Counci Iman Sonnemann reported that the radio license for the City was received Friday, May 17, 1963, and the installation of the radio units was going on at the present time. FIRE COfN.\ITTEE No Report LICENSE COA^I:d TTEE Counci Iman Fitzsimmons reported that the City Attorney would have a revised Ordinance on dance half licenses which would require that each application for license go through the license committee. STREET COMMITTEE Counci Iman Lea reported that repair of sidewalks would be started as soon as the I surveys were completed by the Engineer Department. V'Jt\ TER CON/,\ I TTEE It was moved by Kammeyer and seconded by Fitzsimmons that S. L. Rowland Construction Co., Inc. be authorized to construct sanitary sewers within and leading from the area known as Sherman Acres under the supervision of the City Engineer and the City's Consulting Engineer, the City to purchase this I ine after completion at the actual cost of construction. The fol lowing rol I cal I vote was recorded: Aaby, yes; Lea, yes; Kammeyer, yes; Fitzsimmons, yes; Sonnemann, yes; Knechtel, yes; and Gaines, yes. MOTION CARRIED LIGHT CONN\ I TTEE No Report. POL ICE COfvWII TTEE Counci Iman Sonnemann reported that the contractor had started work on the addition to the present jai I faci Ii ty, and that they wi II start pouring the walls in the very near future. WATER SUPERINTENDENT STREET SUPERINTENDENT I No Report George Blinn, Street Superintendent, reported that a radio had been instal led in the Street Department pickup. CITY ENGINEER No Report PLANNING DIRECTOR PROPOSED ZON I NG AMENDMENTS George Schuler, Planning Director, reported that work was being done on amendments to the present Zoning Ordinance for the city. He stated that under the proposed changes, 55" AUBURN,WASHINGTON f·,\ONDA Y !/A Y 70, I 963 the residential zonin9s would include two new districts cal led Suburban Residential I and 2; and that the present second residential zoning would al low apartments, churches, schools and simi lar structures. Other changes contemplated include an appl ication for rezoning instead of the present petition with a $50.00 fee to cover costs. ORDINANCE NO. 1613 It was moved by Knechtel and seconded by Fitzsimmons that Ordinance No. 1613 entitled "AN ORD I NANCE OF THE CITY OF AU8URN, WASH I NGTON, RELrU I NG TO AND prwv I DING FOR THE REGULATION OF PUBLIC DANCES WITHIN THE CORPORATE LIMITS OF THE CITY OF AUBURN; REQUIRING ITHE HOLDING OF A PE8AIT BY P:RSONS OR ORGANIZATIONS CONDUCTING PUB,LIC DANCES HEREUNDER; PROVIDING PENALTIES FOR THE VIOLATIONS THEREOF; AND REPEALING ORDINANCES NOS. 958 AND 1348 OF THE CITY OF AUCURN AND ALL AMEND/.\ENTS THEREOF, AND ALL OTHER orm I NANCES OR SECTIONS OF ORDINANCES INSOFAR AS THEY AR[ IN CONFLICT THEREWITH.", be introduced by title only. MOTION CARRIED ORDINANCE NO. 1614 It was moved by Kammeyer and seconded by Sonnemann that Ordinance No. 1614 entitled "AN ORD I NANCE OF THE CITY OF !\UBURN, ',NASH I NGTON, PROV I DING FOR THE REZON I NG or CERT/'\ I N PROPERTY IN THE CITY OF AUBURN, WASHINGTON, CHANGING THE ZONING CLASS OF SAID PROPERTY FROM R-3 TO C-3.", be introduced and adopted with the following roll call vote being recorded: Aaby, yes; Lea, yes; Kammeyer, yes; Fitzsimmons, yes; Sonnemann, yes; Knechtel, yes; and Gaines, yes. N.aT ION CARR I ED ORDINANCE NO. 1615 It was moved by Kammeyer and seconded by Knechtel that Ordinance No. 1615 entitled "AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF i\UBURN, \VASHINGTON, AUTHORIZING AND PROVIDING FOR THE CANCELLATION AND RECESSION OF A PORTION OF A CERTAIN '^UNICIPAL SUBLEASE OF THE CITY OF AUBURN, þ,ND SUPERSED I NG, I N PART, arm I NANCF NO. 1389 OF THE CITY OF AUBUR~J.", be introduced and adopted with the fol lowing rol I cal I vote being recorded: Aaby, yes; Lea, yes; II Kammeyer, yes; Fitzsimmons, yes; Sonnemann, yes; Knechtel, yes; and Gaine::T~::'CARRIED ORDINANCE NO. 1616 It was Moved by Lea and seconded by Gaines that Ordinance No. 1616 entitled "/\N ORDINANCE OF THE CITY o~ AUBURN, WASHINGTON, RELATING TO AND PROVIDING FOR THE VACATION OF 1\ PORTlm~ or~ ,^.. CErn/\IN STRELT SITUATE VIITHIN TH[ CORPOR/ITE LIN,ITS OF THE CITY OF AUBURN, fÅ’SERVING AN :::!IS'-::!.\[NT THEFÅ’IN TO THE CITY FOR UTILITIES.", be introduced and adopted wi th the following roll call vote being recorded: Aaby, yes; Lea, yes; Kammeyer, yes; Fitzsimmons, yes; Sonnemann, yes; Knechtel, yes; and Gaines, yes. l:.aT I ON C!\RF< I ED SECOND DIVISION or: SPORTS1:v\N'S P!,R/\DISE PLAT READY FOR APPROVAL George Schuler, Planning Director, reported that the second Division of Sportsman's Paradise Plat was roady for consideration by the Counci I. It was moved by Aabï and seconded by Kammeyer that the City Attorney be instructed to draw up the necessary Ordinance to accept the second addition of the plat of Sportsman's Paradise. ".\OT I ON CARF~ I ED ORDINANCE NO. 1617 I I t was moved by r; t zs i "'rons and seconded by Aaby that Ord; nonce No. 16 I 7 enti tied "/IN ORD I NANCE OF THE CITY OF AUBURN, ':JJ\SH I NGTON, APPROV I NG THE PLAT OF SPORTSl:J\N' S PARADiSe ESTATES DIVISION NO.2 TO THE CITY OF AUBURN ACCORDING TO THE PLAT THEREOF ON FILE ':11TH THl: CLERK Ol=- TW":: CITY or- AUBURN, WASHINGTON.', be introduced and adopted, with the following roll call vote being recorded: Ilaby, yes; Lea, yes; Kammeyer, yes; Fitzsimmons, yes; Sonnemann, yes; Knechtel, yes; and Gaines, yes. ¡¡.aT ION CARR I ED RESOLUTION NO. 124 It was moved by Knechtel and seconded by Kammeyer that Resolution No. 124 entitled "A RESOLUTION or TI-H: CITY OF AUBUFm, W/\SHINGTON, RELATING TO AND PROVIJING FOR THE VACrHION or- A PORTION or- 1\ CCRTI\IN STREET SITU¡'\T[ WITHIN THE CORPORATC LIl/\ITS OF THE CITY OF AUBURN, RESEFNlr~G AN E!\SEM!:NT THEF~EIN TO THE CITY FOR UTILITIES.", be introduced 5'6 AUBURN, WASHINGTON t.\ONDA Y MAY 20, 1963 MOT I ON CARR I ED '" ¡-, -.- ~ t::; C"J and adopted, with the fal lowing rol I cal I vote being recorded: Aaby, yes; Lea, yes; Kammeyer, yes; Fitzsimmons, yes; Sonnemann, yes; Knechtel, yes; and Gaines, yes. OLD BUSINESS None New BUSINESS None I CLAIMS It was moved by Kammeyer and seconded by Fitzsimmons that the fol lowing claims against the City, al I having previously been passed and signed by the Purchasing Committee, be approved and the City Clerk be authorized to draw warrants in payment. MOT I ON CARR I ED CURRENT EXPENSE 63590 thru #: 36 7 I Incl. $14726.25 CEMETERY #: 811 thru #: 822 Incl. $ 3937.25 WATER #:3134 thru #:3154 Incl. S 3285.54 STREET #:4 I 06 thru #:4125 Incl. S 4633.31 LIBRARY #:2092 thru 62116 I ncl. $ 819.88 There being no further business to come before the Counci I the meeting wes ðdjourned et 9:40 p. m. subject to the eel I of the Meyor. APPROVED TH I S 3 ~ DA Y OF Q) ../1 i/// ~ / G / ; / I // , '. - \4~~ 0-'- /._._. 7 CITY / ".. ( --) r"" \ /~ / 19/3 I CLERK I