HomeMy WebLinkAbout09-03-1963 96 AUBURN, WASHINGTON MONDAY SEPTEMBER 3, 1963 Regular meeting of the City Counci I of the City of Auburn, held at 8:00 p. m. in the Council Chambers at the City Hall. The meeting was called to order by Mayor Shaughnessy. '" o ~ l:::: "'<"-¡ l _ Counci Imen present: Aaby, Lea, Kammeyer, Fitzsimmons, Sonnemann, Hough, and Gaines. Minutes of the previous meeting held August 19, 1963 were approved as mai led. CORRESPONDENCE I WALL NEXT TO HAUGE PROPERTY A letter from Earl Grosdidier pointed out the need for repairing and réfacing the party wal I between his bui Iding and the Hauge property, recently purchased by the City of Auburn. He requested the City deed their interest in the wall to him, and he in turn would make the necessary repairs and reface the wall. Mayor Shaughnessy appointed Councilman Aaby to head a committee with Counci Iman Gaines, and Councilman Sonnemann, to check into this matter. DAMAGE TO CLARENCE SWANSON AND VIRGIL SWANSON'S PROPERTIES - SEWER CONSTRUCTION A letter from Clarence Swanson and Virgi I Swanson stated they were wi I ling to accept the offer of the City of Auburn, in regard to the damage claim against the City of Auburn in the construction of a sewer. The settlement offer as stated in the letter was as follows: The City of Auburn wi II construct a street along the west 30 feet of our property which wi I I be an extension of M Street Northeast directly north through to 307th and thence directly north to the school tract of land which is a ten acre tract of land owned by Auburn School District. This street construction is to be done at the expense of the City of Auburn. We understand this is to be standard street construction with an oi I two coat roadway surface. In addition, the City of Auburn is to pay us $600.00 as a settlement of the crop loss and extra expenses in the ti Ilage of the land used and damaged by the sewer installation. At the time I the roadway is put in and in lieu of moving our west boundary fence, the City is to erect a new fence for our west boundary along the east side of the new roadway. This will cost less than moving the old fence. In lieu of the fact that none of the Councilmen were aware of this offer, the matter was referred to the Water Committee. MONTHLY REPORT OF MUNICIPAL COURT The monthly report for August, 1963, of the Municipal Court was presented to the Council by George Fiori, Jr., Judge Auburn Municipal Court, showing the total to City Treasu~er, $3,773.25. PETITION TO REZONE FROM HAROLD E. KIHN A petition from Harold E. Kihn requested the rezoning of property located at 3403 Enumclaw Highway from R-2 to C-I. The petition was signed by seven owners of property lying within a 200 foot radius of the property, stating they have no objections to the propøsed zoning. This petition was referred to the Planning Commission. REQUEST TO RETAIN LIBRARIAN. J I A letter from LaVada Holman, Secretary Auburn Library Board, requested that the employment of Mrs. Betty Roberson, who will reach retirement age this year, be extended for an additional year. It was moved by Sonnemann and seconded by Kammeyer that Mrs. Betty Roberson be employed as librarian for another year. MOTION CARRIED I I I AUBURN. WASHINGTON MONDAY 97 SEPTEMBER 3. 1963 AUBURN WATER MAIN EXTENSION - "MtI St. N.E. and Harvey Rd. between 4th & 10th A letter from Bernard Bucove, M. D., D.P.H., State Director of Health, stated that plans for Auburn Water Main Extension - "M" St. N. E. and Harvey Rd. between 4th and lOth - project had been received in his office August Iß, 1963 and had been reviewed, and approved in accordance with Chapter .54 of the codified Rules and Regulations of the State Board of Health and the State Department. HEALTH, EDUCATION, AND WELFARE WPC-WN-I 10 AUBURN A letter from George J. Putnicki, Acting Chief, Construction Grants Water Supply & Pollution Control, stated that Change Order No.3, dated July IS, 1963, amounting to an increase of $4,247 in the F. H. Field Construction Company contract was approved. PROGRESS ESTIMATE NO. 5 F. H. FIELD CONSTRUCTION COMPANY Progress Estimate No.5 from Richard E. Wolff, Consulting Engineer, was presented to the Counci I for approval. The estimate showed the amount due F. H. Field Construction Company as $14,227.69. It was moved by Kammeyer and seconded by Fitzsimmons that payment of $14,227.69 be made to F. H. Field Construction as specified in Progress Estimate No.5 from Richard E. Wolff, Consulting Engineer. The following rol I call vote was recorded: Aaby, yes; Lea, yes; Kammeyer, yes; Fitzsimmons, yes; Sonnemann, yes; Hough, yes; and Gaines, yes. MOT I ON CARR I ED PROGRESS ESTIMATE NO. 7 W. A. McConnachie Progress Estimate No.7 from Richard E. Wolff, Consulting Engineer, was presented to the Counci I for approval. The estimate showed due W. A. McConnachie as $S,942.30. It was moved by Kammeyer and seconded by Fitzsimmons that payment of $8,942.30 be made to W. A. McConnachie as specified in Progress Estimate No.7 from Richard E. Wolff, Consulting Engineer. The following roll call vote was recorded: Aaby, yes; Lea, yes; Kammeyer, yes; Fitzsimmons, yes; Sonnemann, yes; Hough, yes; and Gaines, yes. MO T I ON CARR 1 ED PROGRESS ESTIMATE NO. R. D. ANDERSON CO. Progress Estimate No. I from Donald L. Allison, Architect, was presented to the Counci 1 for approval. The estimate showed the amount due R. D. Anderson Company as $11,232.00. t:t was moved by Gaines and seconded by Aaby that payment of $11,232.00 be made to R. D. Anderson Company as specified in Progress Estimate No. I from Donald L. Allison, Architect. The fol lowing rol I cal I vote was recorded: Aaby, yes; Lea, yes; Kammeyer, yes; Fitzsimmons, yes; Sonnemann, yes; Hough, yes; and Gaines, yes. MOTION CARRIED PARK AND LIBRARY BONDS RECEIVED Elisabeth Heritage, City Clerk, reported that the Park and Library Bonds have been signed, and the City has received a check for the ful I value of these bonds. FIRST MEETING ON THE SISTER-CITY PROGRAM Elisabeth Heritage, City Clerk, announced the first meeting on the Sister-City£.-' program wi I I be held Wednesday evening, September I I, 1963, in the Counci I Chambers, at 8 p. m. 9,8 AUBURN, WASHINGTON MONDAY SEPTEMBER 3, 1963 PURCHASING COMMITIEE '" o ~ l:::: LJ C01~ITTEE REPORTS No Report FIRE CONMITTEE No Report LICENSE COMMITTEE I No Report STREET COMMITTEE No Report WATER COMMITTEE No Report LIGHT COMMITTEE Counci Iman Gaines informed the Counci I of a need for two lights in Cedar Lanes #4. It was moved by Gaines and seconded by Kammeyer that two 7000 Mercury Vapor Lights be installed in Cedar Lanes #4. MOT I ON CARR I ED POLICE COMMI TTEE No Report WATER SUPERINTENDENT I Tom Bolton, Water Superintendent, reported that all water mains in Sherman Acres have been laid and tested, and he wi II take in water samples to the Health Department next week. CITY ENGINEER Clinton Cote', City Engineer, reported that the Engineering Department had just abount completed the seal coating for the season. PLANNING DIRECTOR George Schuler, Planning Director, stated that the acquisition of uti lities in the General Service Administration was moving right along. ORDINANCE NO. 1639 It was moved by Kammeyer and seconded by Aaby that Ordinance No. 1639 entitled, "AN ORD I NANCE OF THE CITY OF AUBURN, WASH I NGTON, PROV I DING FOR THE I MPROVEMENT OF A PORTION OF A CERTAIN STREET IN THE CITY OF AUBURN BY THE CONSTRUCTION OF SIX INCH (6") CAST I RON WATER MA I NS AND FIRE HYDRANTS ALL I N ACCORDANCE WITH A PET IT I ON SIGNED BY A MAJORITY OF THE AFFECTED PROPERTY OWNERS AND FILED WITH THE CITY CLERK OF SAID CITY; AND A CERTIFICATION OF THE CITY ENGINEER OF SAID CITY, THAT A MAJORITY OF THE AFFECTED PROPERTY OWNERS HAVE SIGNED THE PETITION AND THAT ALL OF THE FACTS SET FORTH IN SAID PETITION ARE TRUE AND THAT THE ESTIMATED COST TO THE PROPERTY WILL NOT EXCEED THE LIMIT ESTABLISHED BY LAW, CREATING A LOCAL IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT TO BE KNOWN AS L. I. D. #153, PROVIDING FOR THE NECESSARY PROPOSED IMPROVEMENTS, PRESCRIBING THE MODE OF PAYMENT OF ASSESSMENTS AND CREATING A LOCAL IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT FUND.", be Introduced and adopted. The following roll call vote was recorded: Aaby, yes; Lea, yes; Kammeyer, yes; Fitzsimmons, yes; Sonnemann, yes; Hough, yes; and Gaines, yes. I MOTION CARRIED ORDINANCE NO. 1640 It was moved by Aaby and seconded by Kammeyer that Ordinance No. 1640 entitled "AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF AUBURN, WASHINGTON, CANCELLING ANY AND ALL EASEMENTS AND PROPRIETARY INTERESTS THE CITY OF AUBURN MAY HAVE IN AND TO PORTIONS OF CERTAIN STREETS AND ALLEYS SITUATE WITHIN THE CORPORATE LIMITS OF THE CITY OF AUBURN, I I I 99, AUBURN, WASHINGTON MONDAY SEPTEMBER 3, 1963 HERETOFORE V/\CA TED BY ORD I NANCE NO. 1608 OF SA I D CITY. II, be introduced and adopted. The fol lowing roll call vote was recorded: Aaby, yes; Lea, yes; Kammeyer, yes; Fitzsimmons, yes; Sonnemann, yes; Hough, yes; and Gaines, yes. MOTION CARRIED RESOLUTION NO. 132 It WðS moved by Fitzsimmons and seconded by Kammeyer that Resolution No. 132 entitled IIA RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF AUBURN, WA3-f INGTON, RElATING TO THE VACATION OF CERTAIN STREETS AND ALLEYS WITHIN THE CORPORATE LIMITS OF THE CITY OF AUBURN.", be introduced and adopted. The following roll call vote was recorded: Aaby, yes; lea, yes; Kammeyer, yes; Fitzsimmons, yes; Sonnemann, yes; Hough, yes; and Gaines, yes. MOTION CARRIED RESOLUTION NO. 133 It was moved by Kammeyer and seconded by Gaines thðt Resolution No. 133 ent it led I1A RESOLUTION AUTHOR I ZING THE EXECUTION AND DEliVERY OF A CONTRACT WITH PUGET SOUND POWER & LIGHT COMPANY FOR FURNISHING MUNICIPAL WATER PLMPING POWER.", be introduced and adopted. The following rol I cal I vote was recorded: Aaby, yes; Lea, yes; Kammeyer, yes; Fitzsimmons, yes; Sonnemann, yes; Hough, yes; and Gaines, yes. MOTION CARRIED OLD BUSINESS SETTING AMOUNT OF CONBEMNATION FEE JEFF'S ORPHAN HOME Robert Smythe, City Attorney, reported that he had the portion of property to be condemned at Jeff's Orphan Home appraised by J. C. Ewing, Equity Realty Inc. J. C. Ewing appraised the property at $1,000.00 in fee simple. The Board of Trustees, Jeff's Orphan Home, agreed the fair purchase price should be $800.00 with easement on the property, which would allow them to cross the land, giving them free access to their property. It was moved by Kammeyer and seconded by Aaby that the City approve the purchase price of $800.00 for the condemned property of the Jeff's Orphan Home with an easement providing access to their property as agreed by their Board of Trustees. The following rol I cal I vote was recorded: Aaby, yes; Lea, yes; Kammeyer, yes; Fitzsimmons, yes; Sonnemann, yes; Hough, yes; and Gaines, yes. MOTION CARRI ED PAYROLL DEDUCTIONS Counci Iman Aaby reported the committee on payroll deductions would like more time to consider the matter. NEW BUSINESS GARBAGE CONTRACT Councilman Sonnemann stated that Johnson's Disposal Service would like the City to call for bids on the Garbage Contract as soon as possible, as he might need to buy additional equipment if awarded the contract for 5 years. Counci Iman Sonnemann suggested that the Purchasing Committee be appointed to look into the garbage business, and draw up specifications for bids. Mayor Shaughnessy appointed Counci Iman Gaines to head a committee with Counci Imen Aaby and Hough to check into the garbage business. SIGN ON OVERPASS NEEDS REVISION Counci Iman Hough suggested the sign on the overpass be changed so that the traffic wi I I enter the downtown Auburn area instead of the West end of the City I imi ts. There was some discussiòn on this matter, but nothing was decided. 100 AUBURN, WASHINGTON MONDAY SEPTEMBER 3, 1963 CLAIMS "'-, o ~ It was moved by Kammeyer and seconded by Sonnemann that the following claims against the City, all having previously been passed and signed by the Purchasing Committee, be approved and the City Clerk be authorized to draw warrants in payment. .'...... '- :-:~ MOT I ON CARR I ED Councilman Gaines stated that he was opposed to paying Alex Sonnichsen for surveying the park property. He said it was his opinion the surveying on this property should have been done by the City's Engineering Department. Mayor Shaughnessy reported that Bi 1 I Raven, Head of Park Committee, had asked Alex Sonnichsen to do the surveying on the park property, as the City's own Engineering Department was too busy at the time. I CURRENT EXPENSE 64345 thru 64472 1962 WATER-SEWER EXTENSION 6 082 thru 6 083 MUNIC I PAL PARK CONSTRUCTION 6 001 thru 6 002 MUNICIPAL liBRARY CONSTRUCTION 6 001 thru 6 002 CEMETERY 6 897 thru 6 910 STREET 64283 thru 64312 WATER-SEWER 63360 thru 63393 There being no further business to come before the Council adjourned at 9:00 p. m. subject to the call of the Mayor. $ 25381.72 $ 23169.99 $ 2784.53 $ I 777 I .20 $ 1034.02 $ 5000.23 $ 6900.59 the meeting was I APPROVED THIS '1 / fr, ~/ DAY OF / I >J¿#~-/¿/ f 19 ¿.-.S (! /' //~. ,J-- ¡) /1 / C~~.. G-L-r"-.~/LL-'~ , " f/ CITY CLERK (/ I