HomeMy WebLinkAbout10-21-1963 I I I 127, AUBURN, WASHINGTON N.oNDAY OCTOBER 21, 1963 Regular meeting of the City Counci I of the City of Auburn, held at 8:05 p.m. in the Counci I Chambers at the City Hal I. The meeting was cal led to order by Mayor Shaughnessy. Counci Imen present: Aaby, Lea, Kammeyer, Fitzsimmons, Sonnemann, Hough, and Gaines. Ndnutes of the previous meeting held October 7, 1963 were approved as mai led. BIDS ON GARBAGE CONTRACT The City Clerk read the fol lowing bids on the Garbage Contract which were opened at 4 p. m. October 21, 1963 in the Counci I Chambers at the City Hal I: JOHNSON DISPOSAL COMPANY 3 year bid I can emptied once per week 1st year 75¢; 2nd year 78¢; 3rd year 80¢; per month. 2 cans emptied once per week 1st year 1.15; 2nd yr. 1.18; 3rd yr. 1.20 per month. Percentage of city's charges on al I other accounts including commercial 91%. 5 year bid First three years same as above. I can emptied once per week 4th yr. 90¢; 5th yr. 1.00 per month. 2 cans emptied once per week 4th yr. 1.30; 5th yr. 1.40 per month. Percentage of city's charges on al I other accounts including commercial 95%. Bid accompanied by five percent bid bond. SHAW DISPOSAL COf,\PANY 3 year bid I can emptied once per week 57¢. 2 cans emptied once per week 1.00. Percentage of city's charges on al I other accounts including cor:~ercial 86%. 5 year bid I can emptied once per week 59¢. 2 cans emptied once per week 1.00. Percentage of city's charges ~I I other accounts including commercial 89%. Bid accompanied by $1000.00 certified check. BID ON SURFACING PARKING LOT The City Clerk read the fol lowing bid for preparing and surfacing the off- street parking lot located on the S.E. corner of East Main and A Street S.W. which was opened at 4 p.m. October 21, 1963 in the Counci I Chambers at the City Hal I: RAINIER ASPHALT PAVING COMPANY Preparing and surfacing off street parking lot. $2,800.00 plus sales tax. Bid accompanied by certified check in the amount of $140.00. It was moved by Aaby and seconded by Sonnemann that the bid for preparing and surfacing the off-street parking lot located on tho S. E. corner of East /Aain and A Street S.W. be awarded to Rainier Asphalt Paving Company for $2,800.00 plus sales tax. The fol lowing rol I cal I vote was recorded: Aaby, yes; Lea, yes; Kammeyer, yes; Fitzsimmons, yes; Sonnemann, yes; Hough, yes; and Gaines, yes. fl\OT I ON CARR I ED It was moved by Aaby and seconded by Gaines that the Counci I delay action unti I the next Counci I meeting on awarding of bid for garbage contract. MOTION CARRIED 128AUBURN, WASH I NGTON MONDAY OCTOBER 21, 1963 Jim Smith, representative for Lighthouse for the Blind, informed the Counci I that a representative of their organization and a resident of Auburn would like to solicit in the city. He requested the Counci I to waive the fee for solicitors i cense. .it ,') """"'" '~,'4IV.' ''''< This matter was referred to the License Committee. CORRESPONDENCE PETITION FOR THE VACATION OF A PORTION OF 64th AVENUE SOUTH A petition from G. E. Odegard and Letah AI. Odegard requested the vacation of I a portion of 64th Avenue South described as fol lows: Beginning at the Southeast corner of Lot 9, HI-CREST ADDITION NO.2 in Section 14, Township 21 N, Range 5 E.W.M.; thence South 77°04'45" E 60 feet to the true point of beginning; th continuing South 77°04'45" East 20 feet; th North 12°5511511 West 67 feet to the true point of beginning. It was moved by Gaines and seconded by Aaby that the City Attorney be instructed to draw up the necessary resolution to cal I for a public hearing on the proposed vaèation of a portion of 64th Avenue South. MOT ION CARR I ED UNDESIRABLE ODOR OF NEW SEWAGE TREATMENT PLANT A letter signed by nine owners of property located within the vicinity of the new sewage treatment plant stated they were objecting to the undesirable odor caused by the plant. Counci'man Kammeyer stated that this matter had already been brought to his attention, and he had talked to Richard E. Wolff, Consulting Engineer, who said that the problem of odor would correct itself as time goes on; and that some corrections had been made which should bring relief in the immediate future. REQUEST FOR CITY TO RETAIN PUBLIC PARK IN TER/;\INAL PARK ADDITION I J A petition signed by fifty-seven residents of Auburn stated they were opposed to the City trading the City Land that now is being used for Public Park purposes in the Terminal Park Addition for an undeveloped piece of land now owned by Archie Meade which is adjacent to the Auburn Heights Addition, as they felt the present Park has definite need in the Terminal Park Addition. This matter was referred to the Park Department and Street Committee. GEORGE MC LAUGHLIN REQUESTS LEAVE OF ABSENCE A letter from George McLaughlin, Street Department Employee, requested a leave of absence for a period of two weeks from October 16, 1963 thru October 31, 1963. It was moved by Lea and seconded by Hough that George McLaughlin be granted a leave of absence for a period of two weeks. MOTION CARRIED ARMSTRONG CONSTRUCTION COMPANY, INC. PETITION TO REZONE A petition from Armstrong Construction Company, Inc. requested the rezoning of Lots A, " 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, Auburn Evergreen Park Addition from R-2 to R-4. This petition was signed by Nine property owners lying within a 200 foot radius of the property stating they have no objections to the rezoning. This petition waS referred to the Planning Commission. I AUBURN PLANNING COAVÂISSION PUBLI C HEAR I NG OCTOBER 17, 1963 The Auburn Planning Commission held a Public Hearing October 17, 1963 on the following requests: HAROLD E. KIHN REQUEST TO REZONE The Planning Commission recommended the approval of Harold E. Kihn's request to rezone from R-2 to C-I property described as the N 250 feet of the W~ of the I I I 129' AUBURN~ WASHINGTON MONDAY OCTOBER 21, 1963 of the SE~ of the SW~ of Section 21, Township 21 N, Range 5 E.W.M. Less the County Road. It was moved by Aaby and seconded by Gaines that the Counci I concur with the Planning Commission's recommendation on Harold E. Kihn's request to rezone. MOTION CARRIED JOHN B. SCHO(.\AKER REQUEST TO REZONe:: The Planning Commission recommended the approval of tAr. John B. Schomaker's request to rezone from R-3 to R-4 property described as al I of Lots 5 and 6 Block 6 of Boyd's First Addition to the City of Auburn, and the S 15 feet of the fol lowing: Beg at the SE corner of Government Lot 2 in Section 19, Township 21 N. Range 5 E.'N.M. in King County, Washington; thence westerly along the southerly margin thereof a distance of 224.13 feet to the true pt of beg of this description; thence northerly paral leI to the easterly margin of Boyd's First Addition to the City of Auburn according to Plat recorded in volume 21 of Plats, page 14 of King County a distance of 433.50 feet; thence westerly 115.50 feet more or less to the easterly boundary of said Boyd's First Addition; thence southerly along the easterly boundary of said Boyd's First Addition 433.30 feet; thence easterly 152.50 feet more or less to true pt of beg of this description, easterly 152.50 feet more or less to true pt of beg of this description, provided the North 30 feet is deeded to the City of Auburn for Street Purposes for the future extension of 15th Street S. E. It was moved by Kammeyer and seconded by Hough that the Counci I concur with the Planning COlnmission's recommendation on John ß. Schomaker's request to reqone, provided that John ~3. Schomaker deed the street right-of-way to the City of Auburn as requested. thOT I ON CI\RR I ED BOTH~LL CHEVROLET REQUEST TO REZONE The planning ComMission recornmendc)d the approval of Bothel I Chevrolet- Cadi I lac Inc. request to rezone from R-2 to C-I property described as Wi Iliam Brannon D. C. No. 37 and 7.07 Ac. of N 1,056 feet of S 1,485 feet of W 610.5 feet of D. C. Less that portion deeded to the State of Washington for highway purposes by deed under Auditor's fi Ie No. 5270418, provided the =ast 30 feet is deeded to the City of Auburn for Street Purposes for future extension of "Ii! Street Northeast. It was rloved bv Houah and seconded by Gaines that the Counci I concur with the Planning Com¡~lis~ions "'recommendation on Bothell Chevrolet-Cadi Ilac Inc. request to rezone, provided Mr. ßothel I deed the Street right-of-way to the City of Auburn as requested. MOTION CARRIED V¡,\LLEY CEMENT FIN I 5H I NG COMPANY PRELIA\INARY PLAT OF "t.\ARDl:LL ADDITION" The Planning Commission recommended the approval of the preliminary plat of "A\ARDELL ADD I T ION" on property descr i bed as lot 3, Haze lB. /AcKean Add i t ion in Section 6, Township 21 N, Range 5 c..W./.\. as requested by Valley Cemcnt Finishing Company. I twas rnoved by I<ar:lmeyer and seconded by Aaby that the Counci I concur with the Planning Commission's recommendation to accept the preliminary plat of "/MRDELl ADDITION". MOT I ON C/\RR I ED A & M CONSTRUCTION EQUIPMENT COMPANY VOUCHER Elisabeth Heritage~ City Clerk, presented the Counci I with a voucher for A & M Construction Equipment Company which wi I I pay the 15% retained on the Trunk Sewer Construction Contract. It was moved by ~(ammeyer and seconded by Lea that 1\ & /,\ Construction Equipment Company be paid $39,649.14 which is the 15% retained on the Trunk Sewer Construction Contract. The fol lowing rol I cal I vote was recorded: Aaby, yes; Lea, yes; I<ammeyer, yes; Fi tzsimmons, yes; Sonnemann, yes; Hough, yes; and Gaines, yes. /,\OT I ON CARR I ED 130 ¡\U~URN, WASH I NGTON MONDf\ Y OCTOBE~?I, 1963 GROUP MEDICAL PROGRNA ¡VilER I CAN NA T' ONAL I NSURANCE COMPANY ;\ letter from Hersey L. Remington, representative of the American National Insurance Company, requested the City consider a Group (Aedical program which would al low employees to participate in a program with broader coverage at Group rates, as opposed to individual II' acquired plans. Counci'man Aaby reported for the Committee who was to look into the matter of Group Insurance. He stated that it was the committees decision that the City of Auburn should not enter into any further Medica' Plans at this time. I t was moved by '\aby and seconded by Hough that the Counci I not enter the City of Auburn into any other Group Medical Plans at the present time, and that the City Clerk be instructed to write a letter to the various Insurance Companies stating the Counci I's decision on this matter. N\OT ION CARR I ED ¡'IUD I ENCE None COINi\1 iTEE REPORTS PURCHAS I NG CONi,ì I TTEE It was moved by Aaby and seconded by Hough that the City Clerk be authorized to sign the renewal contract with ¡<ìng County Medical Service Corporation for the Group Medical Plan payrol I deductions for the coming year. MOT I ON C,\RR I ED STREET CON¡\\ I TTEE No Report FIRE CONii\ I TTEE No Report L I CENS::: CO/NA'TTa: Counci Iman Fitzsimmons reported that the License Committee is sti I I working on a new solicitors ordinance. '/fA TER COiN," I TTEE Counci Iman Kammeyer reported there had been two breaks in the wooden water I ine coming down from the coal creek reservoir and this pipe needs to be replaced. It was moved by I<ammeyer and seconded by Fitzsimmons that Richard E. V/olff, Consulting Engineer, be instructed to draw up the necessary plans and specifications for the replacement of this line, so that the City can cal I for bids on this project. MOTION CARRIED LIGHT COfNM TTEE It was moved by Gaines and seconded by Hough that eight 7000 Lumen lights be instal led in Auburn View Heights, and two 20,000 Mercury Vapor Lights be installed at Chinook School in the Enumclaw Highway. MOTION CARRIED POL I Cr:: CO/N\ìl TTEE It was moved by Sonnemann and seconded by Kammeyer that the City Clerk be instructed to cal I for bids for the purchase of two police patrol cars, bids to be opened November 4, 1963 at 8:00 p. m., specifications to be obtained in the office of the City Clerk. MOTION CARRIED WATER SUPERINTENDENT Tom Bolton, ',Vater Superintendent, stated that they had breaks in the wooden water line coming from coal creek reservoir, \vhich caused them to remove five staves on one occasion and eight staves on another. He stated that these breaks were an indication that this line needs to be replaced. .., '1>. .t( \. I ",-,. - -/ -< ~*{,.... \~,. r-""¡ -' I I I I I I AUBU.!~Jl.L..IU-\Slj.l NGTON ___ 13t; !.\OND/IY OCTOBER 21 1953 ----------,-,-~-',--- STREET SUPERINTENDENT No Report CITY ENGINEm No Report PLANNING DIRECTOR No Report ORDINANCE NO. 1645 It was moved by Kammeyer and seconded by Sonnemann that Ordinance No. 1645 en tit led t1!,N ORD I NANCE OF THE CITY OF AUBURrJ, 'ClASH I NGTml, ADOPT I NG A COt.\PRUENS I Vr:: PU\N FOR THE PROV I S ION OF OFF-STREET P,'\RI< I NG SPACE AND F/\C I LIT I ES FOR 1.\OTOR V!~HICL:~S ',JlTHIN THE CORPOR¡\E LI/,\ITS OF THE CITY OF ¡\UBURN; DECLARING THE ESTI¡\'v\TED COST THEREOF ¡\,'j NEAR AS t.'v\Y BE; PROVIDING FOR THE CRf~¡'\TION AND FINANCING THEREOF BY LOC/\L li,'¡PROVEr/'Dn DISTRICT PURSU/I.NT TO TH~: PROVISIONS OF TITLE 35 OF THE REVISED COD= OF 'O!¡\~;HINGTON; PROVIDING FOR !\ PUßLIC HEARING ON SAID CO//\PRr:H[NSIVE PLAN," be introduced and adopted. The fol lowing rol I cal I vote was recorded: !\aby, yes; Lea, yes; Kaï:ïmQyer, '/0S; Fit zs i r:¡mons, yes; Sonnemann, yes; and Ga i nes, yes. I.\OT I ON CARR I [D ORDINANCE NO. 1646 It vias moved by Lea and seconded by Aaby that Ordinance No. 1646 entitled I',\N ORD I NANCe OF Tfi": C ¡ TY OF ,\UCUm¡, ,lASH I NGTOtl, N.\EJlD I NG S::CT I ON G. 02. 0 I 0 OF TH: ¡\UCUm, C ¡ TY COD~?, SA I D :j::CT10tl 8.02.0 I 0 RCL¡'ITI NG TO LOC¡\L If,\PROV[};\ENTS IN TI-r:: CITY OF AUBURN i\ND DES I GNi\T I NG THE CITY [NG r N:::ER /\3 THe: PROPeR OFF t CER TO Pc:RFORt,'¡ C:::RTi\ I N OUT I ES UPON THE F LI NG OF ,IJ... PET I T I ON OR THE I\DOPT I OrJ OF /, RESOLUTTON R::LATING TO THE CREJ\TION OF /\ LOC/\L I!.\PROVE/\\ENT DISTRICT, IN Î~CCORDANCE 'c'JlTH ORDINANC No. 828, SECTION 1,11 be introduced and adopted. The following roll cal I vote was recorded: ¡\aby, yos; Lea, yes; Kar:rneyer, yes; Fitzsimmons, yes; Sonnemann, yes; and Gaines, yes. /,\OT I ON CARR I =D ORD I N/\NCE:: no. 1647 It '"vas l110ved by Gaines and socond2d by Loa that Ordinance No. 1647 entitled ".'\N ORD I NANCE OF TfY: CITY OF ¡\UßURN, ':J¡\SH I NGTON, PROV I DING FOR THE REZON I NG OF CRTA N PROP:'::RTY IN nr:: CITY OF AUBURN, ,-'/¡\SH I ~ GTON, CHN·JG NG THe ZON I NG CLAS:3 OF SAID PROp~]nY FROl;'. R-2 TO C-I," be introduced and adopted. The fol lowing roll call vote was recorded: /\aby, yes; Lea, yes; I<aï:ïmeyer, yes; Fitzsimmons, yes; Sonnemann, yes; and Gaines, yes. /.\OT I ON CARR I [D ORDINANCE NO. 1648 It was moved by Gaines and seconded by Aaby that Ordinance No. 1648 entitled "¡'IN ORD I NM¡C:: or- THe CITY or- ¡\UßURfJ "ii,\3H I NGTON, PRO V I D I ~JG FOR THE RaON I NG OF CERTAIN PROP::RTY IrJ TIE:: CITY OF i\UBURN, ,J/ISHlr..JGTON, CHANGING THe:: ZONING CL/\SS OF Si\ID PROPERTY Ff;OI,\ R-3 TO R-4." be introduced and adopted. The following roll call vote was recorded: Aaby, yes; Lea, yes; l<amm0yer, yes; Fitzsir:~ons, yes; Sonnemann, yes; and Gaines, yes. /.\OT I ON C/\RR I ED ORD I NM~CE NO. 161;-9 I t was moved by Gaines and seconded by !<ammeyer that Ordinance No. 1649 entitled IIAN ORDINANC:::: OF TH;:: CITY OF ¡\UßURN, '\JASHrNGTON, PROVIDING FOR THE RUON I NG OF ŒRT/I I N PROP:'::RTY I N TfE CITY OF AUBURN, '.Jl\SH I NGTON, CHANG I NG TI..E ZONING CLASS OF SAID PROP:.:RTY mOl," R-2 TO C-J.II be introduced and adopted. The following roll call vote was recorded: ¡\aby, yes; Lea, ;/OS; I<arnrneyer, yes; Fitzsimmons, yes; Sonn,?mann, yes; and Gaines, yes. (,\OT I ON CARR I ED 13 2/\UBURN, '.'JI\SH I NGTON /,\ONDAY ______~TOBER 21, -'5'§3 ORDINANCE NO. 1650 It was moved by Gaines and seconded by Kammeyer that Ordinance No. 1650 entitled "AN ORDINf\NC OF THr:: CITY OF AUBURN, \'JASHINGTON, PROVIDING FOf-"( THe:: I MPROV8/£NT OF A PORT I ON OF /\ CERTA I N STREL:T I N THE CITY Of: i\UBURN BY TH:::: CONSTRUCTION OF [::IGHT INCH (811) SANITARY SE\'1ER ¡'ILL IN ACCORDANCE \/lTH A PETlilON SIGNED BY A //\/\JOR I TY OF THE AFF[::CTEO PROPERTY O'dNERS AND F I LED VI I TH THE CITY CLl::m< OF SAID CITY: AND A CERTIFICATION OF THt-:: CITY ENGINi::ER OF SAID CITY, THAT /J, l;\/\JOR ITY OF THE AFFECTf::D PROPERTY O'NNERS HAVE SIGNED THE P:::T I T ION AND TH,L,T ALL OF TH:::: FACTS SET FORTH IN :3/\ID PETITION i\Rt: TRUE AND TH/H THE ESTII.V\TED COST TO THE PROPUHY '//1 LL NOT ¡:::<C::::::D THE L 11i\1 T ESTABL I SHL:O BY LAW, CRE/\T I NG A LOCAL I /.\PF~OVE/.\ENT D I STR I CT TO BE f<NO\,'lN AS L. I .D. in 54. PROV I DING FOR THE NECESSARY PROPOSED I MPROVElAl::NTS , PRESCR I BING THe: MODE OF PAY¡\\ENT OF ¡\SSESSlAENTS AND CRC/\TING ¡', LOCAL Il.'PROVEl,\::::~n DISTRICT FUND," be introduced and adopted. The? fo II owi ng ro II ca II vote was recorded: Aaby, yes; Lea, yes; Karrrneyer, yes; Fitzsimmons, yes; Sonnernann, yes; and Gaines, yes. ORDINANCE NO. 1651 It was moved by Sonnemann and seconded by Lea that Ordinance No. 1651 entitled "AN ORDINANC:: OF THE CITY OF I\UBURN, ~:J¡\SHINGTON, DECL¡\RING A PUE3LIC [],\ERGENCY TO E>(IST /\NO APPROPRIATING THE :3UM OF $3050.00 FROf,', THr:: P/\Rf<ING !:.Er::R FUND OF THE CITY OF ¡\UBURN, TO PROV I DE TH::: NECESSARY FUNDS FOR PREPÞ,R I NG ¡\ND SURFACING. ¡\LSO INSTALLING B:\RRIERS FOR THE OFF STREeT PARr<tNG LOT ON THE s.r::. CORNER OF CAST t.\A I N ¡\ND S. '.'1. A3TRE ET . II, be in trod uced. A\OT I ON CI'IRR I ED RESOLUTION NO. 136 It was 1j1Oved by Gaines and seconded by f<ammeyer that Resolution No. 136 entitled "¡\ RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF /\UBURN, WASHINGTON, RELATING TO THE Vt\C/\TION OF A PORTION OF i\ CERTi\IN STREET SITUATED WITHIN THE CORPORATE Llt.\ITS OF THE: CITY OF AUBURN,tf be introduced and adopted. The following rol I call vote was recorded: ¡\aby, yes; Lea, yes; Kammeyer, yes; Fitzsimmons, yes; Sonnemann, yes; and Gaines, yes. ¡.\OTION CARR I ED AUDIr::NCE: Doris Tuntland asked what action the Counci ( would take to al laviate the problem of odor at the New Sewage Treatment Plant. She said that the odor was so strong that it burned your eyes and was making her chi Idren sick at their stomachs. I.\ayor Shaughnessy explained to her that as the algae commences to grow the odor wi I I slowly disappear. Councilman Kammeyer told her that Richard =. 'iJolff, Consulting [:ngineer, had been cal led about this problem, and he had suggested the use of a chemical which should help control the odor. Hovvard Bothell informed the Council that City trucks had caved in a drainage pipe on H Street Northwest, and had fi 1 led it instead of repairing it; therefore, every time it rains his property is flooded. Mayor Shaughnessy referred Mr. Bothell to George Blinn, Street Superintendent, who wi II take care of this problem. I.\el Baker, Representative of United Concrete Pipe, asked if the Counci I would specify concrete cylinder pipe in cal I for bids for the replacement of the wooden water line running from the Coal Creek Reservoir. t.\ayor Shaughnessy referred li\r. Baker to Ri chard E. ','/0 (f f, Consu It i ng Engineer, who wi II be drmving up the plans and speci fications for this work. OLD BUSINESS None ", o ~ t.:,-: ,-.., I.... -i I I I I I I 133 AUBURN "lASH I NGTO_N____.____--1l0NDA'( .__ OCTOBER 71, 1962 NEil BUSINESS Counci !r.1an Gainos suggested that a nevI Ordinance bo drawn sotting up tho duties of the City Attorney for the coming year. He felt that the increase in salary for the co~ing year warrants some changes in the duties of our City i\ t torney. Mayor Shaughnessy suggested Counci I members having ideas along these lines should contact the City Attorney who vIi I I be setting up a new Ordinance governing the duties of the City Attorney. Robert Smythe, City Attorney, reported that he had received an easement from Robert C. Klontz and Lou Bel Ie Klontz granting, conveying, and transfering to the City of Auburn, an easement over, across, and underneath property described as the South 10 fQet of that portion of the for lowing d,?scribed rropedy: That portion of Block 10 C. D. Hi I Iman's Auburndale Addition to tho City of Seattle, Division NO.2, lying southwesterly of E. E. Harvey Road together with abandon Uhite River Ged adjacent, all located in Section 7, Township 21 North, Range 5 E. W..M. situated in King County, State of Washington. I t was Moved by f<ammeyer and seconded by Lea that the Ci ty Attorney be instructed to record this easement between Robert C. Klontz and Lou Bel Ie Klontz and the City of Auburn. MOT I ON C¡\RR I:::D C li\ II!\S It was moved by Fitzsimmons and seconded by Sonnemann that the fol lowing claims against the City, al I having previously been passed and signed by the Purchasing Committee, be approved and the City Clerk be authorized to draw warrants in payment. (,'lOT I ON CARR I ED CURRENT EXPENSE 1962 WATER-SEWER EXTENS ION l. I. D. 6151 l. I. D. 6150 l. I. D. 6149 CEMETERY STREET 64735 thru 64818 6 091 thru #: 097 6 001 6 010 6 012 #: 939 thru 6 946 '4364 thru '4385 64386 Void 62226 thru '2238 63468 thru 63494 $ 18,580.97 $ 40,615.58 12.30 12.31 12.31 812..88 2,675.58 LIBRARY WATER-SEWER 627.40 5,242.47 There being no further business to come before the Council the meeting was adjourned at 9:15 p. m. subject to the call of the Mayor. 023 ,-Z-¡ -/(a~ 19 -U.. DAY OF CITY CLERK ( sßu L-'7-