HomeMy WebLinkAbout04-04-1966 AUB~N. WASH I NGTON NONDAY APR I L 4. 1966 93 The regular meeting of the City Council of the City of Auburn was held at 8:00 P.M. in the Council Chambers at the City Hall. Mayor Gaines called the meeting to order. Councilmen present: Hoyt, Lea, Kline, Fitzsimmons, Nickson, Aaby and Sonnemann. Minutes of the previous meeting, held March 21, 1966 were approved as mai led. PUBLIC HEARINGS I Mayor Gaines declared the public hearing open on the Assessment Roll for L.I.D. No. 160. It was moved by Aaby and seconded by Hoyt that the public hearing be closed. NOTION CARRIED It was moved by Sonnemann and seconded by Nickson that Assessment Roll for L.I.D. No. 160 be confirmed as presented to the City Council and that the City Attorney be instruct~d to draw up the necessary Ordinance to implement same. NOTION CARRIED Mayor Gaines declared the public hearing open on the Assessment Roll for L.I.D. No. 162. James FIsher, property owner at 3108 Ito" Street Southeast, said that the assessment was sent to the builder rather than to him. PlannIng Director George Schuler, reported that the names were taken off the tax rolls. Mr. Murphy stated that the street was too high for the property along it, and that water stood in the dry well. Planning Director George Schuler reported that they had used the ballast that was already in to lower cost In accord wIth the property owners wishes. He also stated, that this street was on a storm sewer, and that there were no dry wells. I It was moved by Hoyt and seconded by Lea that the public hearing be closed. NOTION CARRIED It was moved by 50nnemann and seconded by Hoyt that Assessment Roll for L.I.D. No. 162 be confIrmed as presented to the City Council and that the City Attorney be instructed to draw up the necessary ordinance to implement same. NOT ION CARR I EO Mayor Gaines declared the public hearing open on the Assessment Roll for L.I.D. No. 163. It was moved by Aaby and seconded by Hoyt that the public hearing be closed. NOTION CARRIED It was moved by Sonnemann and seconded by Nickson that Assessment Roll for L.I.D. No. 163 be confirmed as presented to the City Council and that the City Attorney be instructed to draw up the necessary ordinance to implement same. NOTION CARRIED Mayor Gaines declared the public hearing open on the request of Rita M. Ellis to rezone from R-2 to R-4 property located on 8th Street N.E. The Auburn Planning Commission recommended that the request of Rita M. Ellis to rezone from R-2 to R-4 property located on 8th Street N.E. be granted and that portIons of the land be dedicated for street purposes. I It was moved by Nickson and seconded by Hoyt that the public hearing be closed. NOTION CARRIED. It was moved by Aaby and seconded by Sonnemann that the council concur with the Planning CommissIons recommendation and grant the request of RIta M. Ellis to rezone from R-2 to R-4 property located on 8th Street N.E. subject to receipt of street dedications, and the CIty Attorney be instructed to draw up the necessary Ordinance to implement same. It was moved by Kline and seconded by Lea to table the motion. ROLL CALL VOTE: Kline, Fitzsimmons, Hoyt, and Lea, YES; Nickson, Aaby and Sonnemann, NO. NOTION CARR I ED 9 4AUB~N. WASH I NGTON NONDAY APR I L 4, 1966 c.ù :r:. œ ¡..,..¡ Mayor Gaines declared the public hearing open on the request of Grace Baptist Church to ~ rezone from R-2 to R-4 property located on Enumclaw Highway across from the ChInook School. The Auburn Planning Commission recommended that the request of Grace BaptIst Church to rezone from R-2 to R-4 property located on Enumclaw Highway across from the Ch·inook School be granted. It was moved by Hoyt and seconded by Sonnemann that the public hearing be closed. NOT ION CARR I ED It was moved by Lea and seconded by Nickson that the Council concur with the Planning I Commissions recommendation and grant the request of Grace Baptist Church to rezone from R-2 to R-4 property located on Enumclaw HIghway across from the Chinook School, and the City Attorney be instructed to draw up the necessary Ordinance to implement same. NOTION CARRIED Mayor Gaines declared the public hearing open on the request of Horace Green to rezone from R-I to R-4 property located on M Street S.E. The Auburn Planning Commission recommended that the request of Horace Green to rezone from R-I to R-4 property located on M Street S.E. south of 9th Street be granted. It was moved by Hoyt and seconded by Fitzsimmons that the public hearing be closed. NOT ION CARR I EO It was moved by Aaby and seconded by Sonnemann that the Counci I concur with the Planning Commissions recommendation and grant the request of Horace Green to rezone from R-I to R-4 property located on M Street S.E. South of 9th Street, and instruct the City Attorney to draw up the necessary Ordinance to implement same. It was moved by Kline and seconded by Nickson to table the motion. NOTION LOST ORIGINAL NOTION I CARR I ED Mayor GaInes declared the public hearing open on the request of Robert Ku~er to rezone from R-2 to R-4 property located on 5th and M Streets N.E. The Auburn Planning Commission recommended that the request of Robert Ku~er to rezone from R-2 to R-4 property located on 5th and M Streets N.E. be granted with the recommendatIon that the South 10 feet be dedicated for street purposes. Robert Ku~er submitted a letter indicating willingness to dedicate a 10' wIde strip of land from south sIde of area for street purposes. The Auburn Park Board submitted a letter stating they were in favor of a 10' dedication for street purposes. It was moved by Aaby and seconded by Sonnemann that the public hearIng be closed. NOTION CARRIED It was moved by Aaby and seconded by Fitzsimmons that the Council concur with the Planning Commissions recommendation and grant the request of Robert Ku~er to rezone from R-2 to R-4 property located on 5th and M Streets N.E., and that the City Attorney be instructed to draw up the necessary Ordinance to implement same, also, that the City Attorney be instruct.. to draw up the necessary documents to implement the dedication of 10' of city owned properl. NOT ION CARR I ED Mayor Gaines declared the public hearing open on the request of Myron Massey to rezone fram A-I to C-I property located on Auburn Avenue and 40th Street N.E. The Auburn Planning Commission recommended that the request of Myron Massey to rezone from . A-I to C-I property located on Auburn Avenue and 40th Street N.E. be granted and further recommended the dedication of portions of property for street purposes. John Kelly stated that if only a 30 ft. dedIcation for the continuation of 37th Street N.E. was required under this rezone the property back to the river would be landlocked. It was moved by Kline and seconded by Sonnemann that the public hearing be closed. NOTION CARR I ED Aue~N I WASH I NGTON NDNDAY APR I L 4, I 966 95 It was moved by Lea and seconded by Aaby that the Council concur with the recommendation of the Planning Commission, with the exception that a 60 ft. fIght of way be dedIcated for the continuation of 37th Street N.E. in a straight line, and grant the request of Myron Massey to rezone from A-I to C-I property located on Auburn Avenue and 40th Street N.E. NOTION CARRIED Mayor Gaines declared the public hearing open on the request of W. E. Peters to rezone from R-2 to R-4 property located at 712 19th Street S.E. The Auburn Planning CommIssion reåommended that the request of W. E. Peters to rezone from I R-2 to R-4 property located at 19th Street S.E. and H Street S.E. be granted wIth the recommendation that the North 15 feet be dedicated for street purposes. Joe BInetti said that he was within 200 ft. of the property to be rezone and had not been notified of the public hearing. He stated that he was not in favor of the proposed rezoning. Planning Director George Schuler reported that all persons withIn a 200 ft. radIus of the property had been notified of the public hearing, and that Mr. BInetti's property was not within 200 ft. of the property to be rezoned. It was moved by Hoyt and seconded by Aaby that the public hearing be closed. NOTION CARRIED It was moved by Aaby and seconded by Hoyt that the Council concur with the Planning Commissions recommendation and grant the request of W. E. Peters to rezone from R-2 to R-4 property located at 19th Street S.E. and H Street S.E., and that the City Attorney be instructed to draw up the necessary Ordinance to implement same. NOT ION CARR I ED CORRESPONDENCE Two letters were received from the Dept. of Health, Education and Welfare stating that audIt of accounts and records relating to Federal Project wPC-W~IB7 (Sewer Lagoon ModificatIons) had been made and the amount of $5,700.00 is payable to City as a Federal I Grant. Mayor Gaines asked that these two letters be placed on fife. The Auburn Park Board submitted a letter anAouncing that the official openina and dedIcation of the new Les Gave Park has been set for 1¡30 P.M. April 30. Mayor Gaines asked that the Council be present at this opening, and that this letter be p laced on Ii Ie. The Auburn Park Board submitted a letter to the Council statIng their opposition to dedicating a portion of the northwest section of the City Park for a road entrance in or adjoIning the Park at 6th N.E. Mayor Gaines asked that this letter be placed on file. The Auburn Plannina CommissIon submitted the following recommendations: That the request of Will Andre to rezone property located off the Enumclew Highway on 12th Street S.E. from R-3 to R-4 be granted, and that consideratIon should be given to the dedication of the North 15 feet of this property for street purposes. That the request of Francis E. Ballard to rezone from R-2 to R-4 property located at 21st and F Streets S.E. be granted, and that consideration should be given to the dedication of the north 30 feet for development of 20th Street S.E. I That the request of Howard H. Bothell to rezone from R-I to C-3 property located on 17th Street S.E. and the Enumclaw Highway be granted, and that consideration should be given to the dedication of the north 10 feet for street purposes. That the request of O.R. Chase and AssocIates to rezone property on the former Auburn Airport site be granted as follows: Parcel I from C-I to C-3; Parcel 2 from LF to C-2 and Parcel 3 from F-I to R-4, and that consideration be given to development of a I 8ndscap i n9 area to prov i de a bu Her be tween R-4/and C-3 deve I opmen t and s i n9' e fem i I Y residences as well as dedIcation of a triangle of property in the S.E. corner of Parcel to allow for a more desirable connection between sections of Dogwood Street. That the request of Kenneth Embery to rezone from R-2 to R-4 property located at 711 R Street N.E. be denied. 96 AUBmN. WASH I NGTON NONDAY APRIL 4. 1966 ~ ~ ~ ¡...." ~ That the request of Frances Hovt. James Moceri and Richard McChesnev to rezone from R-2 to R-4 property located on 25th between K and F Streets S.E. be denied. That the request of ~ron MasseY to rezone from R-2 to R-4 property located at 29th and M Street S.E. be granted. That the request of John Starkovich to rezone from R-3 to C-I property located at 1010 East Main Street be granted. That the request of Walter Marvianski to rezone from R-2 to C-3 property located at 2025 Howard Road be granted, and consideration should be given to the dedication of the easterly 10 feet to provide the R Street Arterial. I That the request of Mervin S. Carriere to rezone from R-I to R-4 property located at '310 M Street S.E. be granted. It was moved by K'lne and seconded by Nickson that the City Clerk be instructed to call for a pub I ic hearing in the Counci I Ctambers at the Ci ty Hall on Apri I 18, 1966, at 8:00 on the requests of Will Andre; Francis E. Ballard; and Howard H. Bothell to rezone at 8:30 on the requests of O. R. Chase and Associates; Kenneth Embery; and Frances Hoyt, James Moceri, Richard McChesney to rezone, and at 8:50 on the reques80f Myron MasseYJ John Starkovich; Walter Maryianskl; and Mervin S. Carriere. NOT ION CARR I ED Alva C. Long, ExecutIve Secretary Auburn Committee for the Universal ApplicabIlity of Law, submitted a letter commenting on recent øunchboard developments. Zone ChanGe Applications were submitted as follows: Monarch Investment Company request to rezone from R-2 to R-4 property on the west side of F Street between 24th and 25th with SpecIal Use Permit request for the east 120 feet of. the: area. Forrester Realty & Mortoaae ComDany request to rezone from R-2 to R-4 property located at 25th and D Streets S.E. Central PaIntIng ComDany submitted a letter protesting "No Parking" Zone on west wide of E Street S.E. between Main and first alley south of Main Street. I Mayor Gaines referred these requests to the Planning Commission. Mayor Gaines referred this matter to the Street Committee and asked Councilman Lea to report back to the Council. Richard E. Wolff submitted report on the WeyerhaBSer well In Lake Holm district. Mayor Gaines referred this report to the Water-iewer Committee. Mr. Mrs. Ken Calkins submitted letter oPDoslng the request of James H~lev to rezone from R-I to R-4 property located on H Street N.E. between 4th and 5th Street. Mayor Gaines asked that this letter be placed on file. Dr. Robert W. Thompson submitted a letter, at the request of the Greater Auburn Kiwanians and the Auburn J.C.'s surging the city council of Auburn to adopt a fluoridation plan for the city. Mayor Gaines referred this matter to the Water-Sewer Committee. PROCLAMATIONS AND COMMITTEE APPOINTMENTS Mayor Gaines appoià\ted Councilman Sonnemann as offIcial dele~ate to the AssocIation of I Washington Cities COnvention. Mayor Gaines appointed the following persons to a commIttee for the consideration of renaminG City of Auburn Streets: Councilman Lea, City Engineer Harold A. Hagestad, Fire Chief Ken Calkins, Police Chief Hugh R. Darby, and Ben Morse. Mayor Ga i nes proclaimed the week of Aprl I 18 to 25 as "Clean-tJp-Week" for the City. Mayor Gaines proclaimed the week of Apri I 18 to 24 as NAVY BAND WEEK and urged support of the concerts to be held In Auburn. Mayor Gaines proclaimed the week of Apri I 1.1 to 23 as Home Safety Week. AUB~N, WASHINGTON NDNDAY APR I L 4. 1966 91' AOO I ENeE Paul Sencevicky submitted a petition obiectinQ to the request of O. R. Chase & Associates to rezone Parcel I from C-I to C-3, Parcel 2 from L-F to C-3 and Parcel 3 from R-I to R-4. Ken Calkins stated he was aaainst the rezoninQ of ørop-erty owned by James Hawley on H Street N.E., and was opposed to the type of buildings proposed. COUNCIL COMMITTEE REPORTS CouncIlman Aaby and Councilman Kline reported on the meeting held for discussion of I Community Television Franchise. POll CE COMM I TTEE - COUNC I LIMN SONNEMANN. It was moved by Sonnemann and seconded by Nickson that the City Clerk be instructed to call for bids for the purchase of two Patrol Cars for the PolIce Department, bids to be opened 3 p. m. Thursday, April 14, 1966, all bIds to be on a firm bId basIs. NOT ION CARR I ED OLD BUSINESS It was moved by Kline and seconded by Sonnemann that the City Clerk be instructed to call for a public hearing for reconsideration on the request of Mardel Investment Company to rezone 'arcel A from R-2 to C-I, Parcel B from R-2 to R-4, property located East of the East Valley Highway at approximately 17th Street Northeast. NOTION CARRIED It was moved by Sonnemann and seconded by Hoyt that the request of James Hawley to rezone from R-I to R-4 property located on H Street N.E. between 4th and 5th Streets be brought off the table. NOTION CARRIED It was moved by Kline and seconded by Nickson that the request of James Hawley to rezone be deni.cf. MOTION CARRIED III It was moved by Lea and seconded by Aaby that the Council authorize the Mayor's Office to take an optIon to purchase two hundred thirty shares of Green River Golf Club Inc. for $400.00 per share. ROLL CALL VOTE: All Councilmen voting YES. NlJT ION CARR I ED City Attorney Robert Smythe reported on outcome of writ of probitlon served ,on Mayor Gaines on behalf of Reverend Lawson. ORDINANCE NO. 1859 It was IIOved by Kline and seconded by Hoyt that Ordinance No. .859 entitled "AN ORDINANCE ÐF THE C I TV OF AUB~N, WASH I NGTON DECLAR ~NG A PUBLI C EMERGENCY TO EX I ST AND APPROPR I AT I NG THE S~ OF $5, 164. 70 FROM UNBWGETED FUNDS I N THE C~RENT EXPENSE FUND OF THE CITY OF AUB~N, TO PROVIDE NECESSARY FUNDS FOR THE EMPLOYMENT OF A BUILDING INSPECTOR'S ASSISTANT D~ING THE REMAINDER OF THE CALENDAR YEAR 1966," be adopted. ROLL CALL VOTE: All Councilmen voting YES. NOT ION CARR I ED ORD I NANCE NO. 1869 I It was moved by Lea and seconded by Nickson that Ordinance No. 1869 entitled "AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF AUB~N, WASHINGTON, DECLARING A PUBLIC EMERGENCY TO EXIST, CREATING AN EXPENSE ACCOUNT FOR THE RECREATION DIRECTOR OF THE CITY OF AUB~N, AND APPROPRIATING THE SU\\ OF $1,100.00 FROM UNBU>GETED FUNDS IN THE CæRENT EXPENSE FUND OF THE CITY, TO PROVIDE NECESSARY FUNDS FOR SAID ACCOUNT," be adopted. ROLL CALL VOTE: All Councilmen voting YES. NOT ION CARR I ED ORD I NANCE NO. '1870 I t was moved by Sonnemann and seconded by Lea that Ord I nance No. 1870 ent ¡ tied "AN ORD I NANCE OF mE C I TV OF Aœ~N, WASH I NGTON PROV I 0 I NG FOR THE REZON I NG OF CERT A I N PROPERTY IN TH E C!TY OF AUBæN CHANG I NG THE ZON I NG C LASS I F I CAT I ON OF A PORn ON THEREOF FROM R-2 TO R-3, AND CHANGING THE ZONING CLASSIFICATION OF THE REMAINING PORTION THEREOF FROM R-2 to R-4," be introduced and adopted. ROLL CALL VOTE: All Counci Imen voting YES. NOT ION CARR I EO 9 8 AUBlRN. WASH I NGTON NONOAY APRIL 4. 1966 c.v ~. Q¡) ~ ~ ORDINANCE NO. 1871 It was moved by Sonnemann and seconded by Nickson that Ordinance No. 1871 entitled ItAN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF AUBtRN, WASHINGTON, PROVIDING FOR THE REZONING OF CERTAIN PROPERTY IN THE CITY OF AtJBtRN CHANGING THE ZONING CLASSIFICATION THEREOF FROM R-2 TO R-4-,1I be introduced and adopted. ROLL CALL VOTE: All Counéilmen voting YES. NDT I ON CARR I ED ORDINANCE NO. 1872 It was moved by Kline and seconded by Lea that Ordinance No. 1872 entitled IIAN ORDINANCE:I. OF THE CITY OF AtI3tRN, WASHINGTON, APPROVING AND CONFIRMING THE ASSESSNtENTS AND ASSESSNIE ROLL OF"LOCAL IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT ~. lóO~ WHICH DISTRICT HAS BEEN CREATED AND ESTABLISH ED FOR THE INSTALLATION AND CONSTRUCTION OF ASPHALT CONCRETE PAVING AND ClRB AND GUTTER 40 FEET BETWEENCtRBS ON FIRST STREET N. E. BETWEEN "l" STREET AND "M" STREET N.E., AS PROV IDEO BY ORO I NANCE NO. 1744 OF THE CITY OF AUBtRN, AND LEVY I NG AND ASSESS I NG THE AMOUNT THEREOF AGA I NST THE SEVERAL LOTS, TRACTS, PARCELS OF LAND AND OTHER PROPERTY UPON SA I 0 ROLL, II be introduced and adopted. . ROLL CALL VOTE: All Councilmen voting YES. NOT ION CARR I EO ORD I NANCE NO. 1873 It was moved DY Lea and seconded by Hoyt that Ordinance No. 1873 entitled IIAN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF AUBlRN, WASHINGTON, APPROVING AND CONFIRMING THE ASSESSMENTS AND ASSESSMENT ROLL OF lOCAL IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT NO. 162, WHICH DISTRICT HAS BEEN CREATED AND ESTABLISHED FOR THE INSTALLATION AND CONSTRUCTION OF CONCRETE CtRBS AND GUTTERS AND ASPHALTIC CONCRETE PAVING TO A WIDTH OF 34 FEET BETWEEN CtRBS ON A PORTION OF 11011 STREET S. E. BETWEEN 33RD AND 37TH STREETS S. E. AS PROVIDED BY ORDINANCE 00. 1793 OF THE CITY OF AUBtRN, AND LEVYING AND ASSESSING THE AMOUNT THEREOF AGAINST THE SEVERAL lOTS, TRACTS, PARCELS OF LAND AND OTHER PROPERTY UPON SAID ROLL," be introduced and adopted. ROLL CALL VOTE: All Councilmen voting YES. NOT ION CARR I ED ORDINANCE NO. 1874 It was moved by NIckson and seconded by Fitzsimmons that Ordinance No. 1874 entitle4 I "AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF AUBtRN, WASHINGTON, APPROVING AND CONFIRMING THE ASSESSMENTS AND ASSESSMENT ROLL OF LOCAL IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT 00. 163, WHICH DISTRICT HAS BEEN CREATED' AND ESTABLISHED FOR THE INSTALATION OF A TV«> (2) COt.RSE BlTtJAAlNOUS StRFACING 34 FEET IN WIDTH ON "H" STREET S. E. FROM 9TH STREET SOUTH TO SOUTH LI NE OF AtI3tRN PUBL IC LI BRARY; AND ON 9TH STREET S. E. FROM "H It STREET TO EAST LINE OF AUBtRN PUBLI C LI BRARY, AS PROV I OED BY ORD I NANCE NO. 1803 OF THE CITY OF AUBtRN, AND LEVY I NG AND ASSESS I NG THE AMOUNT THEREOF AGAINST THE SEVERAL LOTS, TRACTS, PARCELS OF LAND AND OTHER PROPERTY UPON SAID "ROLL.II be introduced and adopted. ROLL CALL VOTE: All Councilmen voting YES. NOTION CARR lED ORD I NANCE NO. 1875 It was moved by FitzsImmons and seconded by Nickson that Ordinance No. 1875 entitled "AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF AUBtRN, WASHINGTON, PROVIDING FOR THE IMPROVENtENT OF A PORTION OF A CERTAIN STREET IN THE CITY OF AUBtRN BY THE CONSTRUCTION OF AN 8 INCH SANITARY SEWER LINE; CREAT ING AND ESTABLI SHING LOCAL IMPROVEMENT 0 ISTR ICT NO. 172; PROVIDING THE METffOD OF ASSESSMENT IN SAID DISTRICT AND THE MODE OF PAYMENT THEREOF, AND CREATING A LOCAL' IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT FUND," be introduced and adopted. ROLL CALL VOTE: All Councilmen voting YES. NOT ION CARR I ED ORDINANCE NO. i876 I It was moved by Kline and seconded by Sonnemann that Ordinance No. 1876 entitled "AN ORD I NANCE OF THE CITY OF AUBtRN, WASH I NGTON, AMEND I NG SECT ION 3 OF ORD I NANCE NO. 1819 OF THE ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF AUBtRN, SAID SECTION AMENDED RELATING TO THE DESIGNATION OF PROHIBITED STOPPI~, STANDING, OR PARKING OF VEHICLES ON CERTAIN STREETS SITUATE WITHIN THE NORTHWEST SECTION OF THE CITY OF AUBtRN," be introduced. NOT 1 ON CARR I ED ORDINANCE NO. 1877 I t was moved by Sonnemann and seconded by Nickson that Ordinance No. 1877 entit led "AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF AUBtRN, WASHINGTON RELATING TO ANt> PROVIDING FOR THE ANNEXATION TO THE CITY OF AUBmN OF A CONTIGœtlS AREA OF LAND LYING ADJACENT TO THE WESTERLY MARGINAL LINE OF THE EXISTING CITY LIMITS OF THE CITY OF AUBtRN, WHICH LAND IS DESCRIBED IN A PETI TI ON DULY FilED WITH THE CITY COUNC It OF THE CITY OF AUBtRN," be introduced and adopted. ROLL CALL VOTE: All Councilmen voting YES. NOT ON CARR I EO AUBLRN. WASH I NGTON f«)NDAY APR I L 4. 1966 99 ORDINANCE NO. 1878 It wes moved by Sonnemann and seconded by Nickson that Ordinance No. 1878 entitled "AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF AUBLRN. WASHINGTON, PROVIDING FOR THE REZONING OF CERTAIN PROPERTY IN THE CITY OF AUBLRN CHANGING THE ZONING CLASSIFICATION THEREOF FROM R-I TO R-4," be i n t roduced and adop t,ed . ROLL CALL VOTE: All Councilmen voting YES. f«)T I ON CARR I ED OLD BUS I NESS It was moved by Lea and seconded III Council for consideration at the by Nickson that Ordinance No. 1762 be presented to the next councIl meeting. NOTION CARRIED CLAIMS It was moved by Sonnemann and seconded by Nickson, that the claims as approved by the Audit CommIttee be paid. CLAIMS FUND "6533 ~eIB) '6'S~ thru *6"~ PAYROLL FUND .3.n. t hru '33 I 5 ',J 04"'.00 f5'f-, '19.16 NOTION CARRIED There being no further business, the meeting was declared adjourned at 10:00 P.M. subject to the call of the Mayor. I APPROVED THIS I r it DAY OF () , /. C:tl/L-L(I I 19 C¿ , / '", / ~!ed~:'~7 "CITY CLER~ r::?{^--f'~J ¿ ~C~~ MAYOR I