HomeMy WebLinkAbout05-02-1966AUBIfRN, WASH 1 NG701V MIDNDAY MAY 2. I 966 _� �,� � The regular meeting of the City Councii of the City of Aubur� was held at 8:05 p. m. in the Council Chambers at the City Hall. Mayor Gaines calied the meeting to order. Councitmen present: Hoyt, Lea, Kiine, Fitzsimmons, Nickson, Aaby and Sonnemann. Minutes of the previous meeti�g, heid April 18, 1966 were approved as mailed. PUBLIC hEAR1NGS yor Gaines deciared the public hearing open on the request of Henry B. Knickerbocker to rezone from R-I to R-q. property locafied on the Worth side af Sth St. N.E. Attorney Kenneth i�gails spoke in favor of rezoning this property. It was rr�oved by Hoyt and seconded by Nickson that the public hearing be ciosed. MOTION CARRIED !t was moved by Aaby and seconded by Nickson that the Council concnr with the p(anning Cc�mmissiort's recorrimendation and grant the request of Henry 8. Knickerbocker to rezor�e frcxr► R-I to R-4 property lacated on the North side of 8th St. N.E., and that a covenant to maintafn the abandoned river channel in �ts present natural conditian, along with the dedication of the east 30 feet of the property for street purposes be granted the City. MOTION CARRIE� WEST VALLEY DRAINAGE PLAIV Messrs. Gillispie, Groscheli, and Forbes presented proposal for West Valley Drainage Plan. It was moved by Nickson and seconded by Hoyt that the Mayor and City Clerk be authorized fio sigr� the proposal for West Valley Drainage Pian. MpT I ON CAfZR i ED PUBLIC HEARINGS Mayor Gaines declared the public hearing open on the request of Puget Sound Power Company to re2one from S.P.U. to R-4 property located on M St. across from King County Housing. It was moved by Aaby and seco�ded by Nickson that the public hearing be ciosed. MIDTION CARRIE� It was moved by Aaby and seconded by Hoyt that the Councii concur with the Planning Commission's recommendation and grant the request of Puget Sound Power Company to rezone from S.P.U. to R-4 property located on M St. across from King County Woasing. MOTION CARRIED Public hlearing continued from April 18, 1966, meeting on the request of 0. R. Chase and Associates to rezone property located on the former Airport site as follows: Parcel 1 from C-i to C-3; Parcef 2 from LF ta C-2 and Parcel 3 from R-I to R-4. Attorney Young and Mr-. Brout reported that they had made a commitment to the Schooi Soard for the location of a school site in the area, also a commitment to the city for location of a tire station in the area, that they were gr�anting the city a quit claim deed on a tria�gie of property in the S.E. corner of Parcei I to allow for a more desirable connection between sections of Dogwood Street, and had contacted Gene Engen, resident at 2605 Skyway Ln. with an offer to buy his home at the fair market value. Fire Chief Kenneth Calkins stated that he was satisfied with their offer. John Kelly, President of the School Board, stated arrangements meet with the Boards approval. Park Superir�tendent George Freemire reported that the Park Board has not discussed the park matter as yet. it was moved by Sonnemann and seconded by Hoyt that the pubiic hearing be ciosed. MATI�N CARRtED � �o AUBl�2N,�WASN 1 NGTON MANDAY NWY 2. I 966 C�.� � �,�..� �� It was moved by Ktine and seconded by Noyt that the request of 0. R. Chase and Associates to rezone property located on the former Airport site; Parcei I from C-I to C-3; Parcel 2 frcxn LF to C-2 and Parcel 3 fram R-I to R--4 be granted in accordance with the reccxnmendation of the Planning Cc�mrnission. It was moved by Sonnem�nn and seconded by Aaby that fihe motion be amended to delete the easterly 120 feet of the property in Parcel 2 and that the portion �n Parcel 2 located within the �ast�rly i20 feet that is presently zoned LF be rezoned R-2. NYOT I OW TO ANIEND CARR i ED NYJTtON AS AMEN�ED CA D CORRESPONDENCE Harold A. Hagestad, City Engineer, sui�nitted finai assessment roll for lID No. 164, Sanitary Sewer on the.Enumclaw Highway in the 3500 biock in the amount of El,540.70, together with breakdown of cost, it was moved by �it2simmons and seconded by tioyt that the City Clerk be instructed to cali far a public hearing, on the assessment rofl tor LID No. 164, to be heid June 6, t966 at 8 p. m. in the Council Ch�bers at the Aubwrn City Wall. MOTiON CARRIED Narold A. Hagestad, City Engineer, submitted final assessment roli for LID No. 169, Sar�itary Sewer on the En�nclaw Fiighway bet�reen Hemlock St. SE and a pai�t 300 ft, east of Hemiock St., together with b�eakdown of cost. it was moved by Nickson and seconded by Sortr�emann that the City Clerk be i�structed to cail for a pubiic hearir�g to be held Jur�e 6, 1966 at S p. m. �r► the Council Chambers at the Aubt+rn City Hali on the assessment roll for LID No. 169. Mi0Tt4N CARRIEU Colorcable, Inc. submitted application for franchise for ccnstruction and maintenance of closed circuit television cables for the City of Aubearn. Mayor Gaines referred this applicatior� to the comnittee working on this matter. Erol Thorpe, �404 A St. S.E., submitted letter opposing fluoridatlon of Ci#y af Auburn water. Mayor Gaines referred this iet#er to Counciiman Fitzsimmons, Chainr►an of the tNater-Sew�er Ccx�r� i t tee, Judge George Fiori on behaif of the Aukeen AAentai Heaith Services and W. J. Boifion, Chairman King County Mentat Health Retardation Planning Ccu�xnittee se�bmitted letters requesting official recog�ition for this committee by the City of Aubur�. Mayor Gaines stated there would be a Resolution brought before the Councii for consideratior� later in the meeting. The Auburn P 1 ar�n i ng Canm i ss i or� made the fo I I owi ng recc�mmendat i ons : Thafi the reqwest of Richard G. Knowles to rezone from R-2 to R-4 property located on IOth St. N.E. east of Auburn Avenue be granted and that cor�sideration should be given to the dedication of the south five feet and the north tMirty feet for street purposes. That the request of L. R. White to rezane frcxn R-2 to R-3 property located or� 8th St. �I.E. esst of Ft St. be granted and that ccnsideration should be given to the dedication of the IV. 29 tt. for deveiopment of 9th St. N.E, That the request of Biil T. Smith to reione frcxn R-! to R-4 property tocated on M St. S.E. be granted. That the request of Mary Kitna to rezone from R-2 to C-I property located on the Encimclaw Nighway at t7th St. S,E. be granted, and consideration shouid be given to the dedicatinn of the N. 30 ft. for developmertt of 17th St. S.E. and a 50 ft. right-of-way for the exte€�sion of M St. S.E. to the r�orth betwesn the existing M St. in Wadkins 2nd Addition to A�bur`n and 17th St. S.E. That the request ot Elmer R. Spencer to rezane from A-1 to R-4 property located Sowth of PSH �2 and 200' west of the West Valtey Hwy. be granted. AEiBt�2N . WASH i NGTON MONDAY MAY 2. I 966 ��� It was moved by Sc�nnemann and seconded by Fitzsimrraons that the City Cierk be instracted to ca{i for a pubiic hearing to be heid May t6, 1966 at 8 p. m. on the rezone requests cf Richard G. Knowies, L. R. White, Biii T. Smith, Mary Kitna and Elmer R. Spencer. AAOT I ON CARR I Et3 The following Zone Change Appiications were submitted: Vivienne LaVelle Warner to rezo�e from R-2 t'o R-4 property located in the i900 bfock on N St. S.E. JoMn R. Stucker to rezone from R-� to R-4 property located at approximately 3800 Enumciaw Highway. A. L. 8rister to rezone from R-2 to Special Use Permit �R-3 and R-4 as indicated on plat plan) property located between F St. S.E. and D St. S.E. in the 2300 biock. Joseph L. Boyce to rezone from R-2 fo Special Use Permit IR-3 to R-4) property located on M St. S.E. in the 3200 biock. Mayor Gaines referred these appiications to the Pian�ing �cxnmission. The Fi�ance Cvmmittee submitted report recommending that Council approp�iate $1,3��.00 from unbudgeted funds in the Cnrrent Expense F�nd for the purchase of two motorcycles for the Police Department. Archie Meade submitted a letter askir�g that some action be taken to control the dust situation on C Street S.E. between 12th St. S.E. and 14th St. S.E. Mayor Gaines referred this request to the Street Committee. City Engineer Harold A, Hegestad submitted Engineer's Final Estimate, showir►g an amount of $8,762.33 due the General Pipeline Construction Company, for constrwction of Water Main &#�ire tiydrant on 116th, 326th P1., 112th Pl., 320th & �ea Hill, payabie from L.i.D. No. 165 Fund. it was moved by Sonnemann and seconded by Fitzsimnons that General Pipeline Construction Compa�y be paid $8,762.33 from L.I.D. No. 165 Fund as per Engineer's Final Estimate. ROLL CALI VOTE: All Councilmen voting YES. MOTION CARRIED City Engineer Haroid A. Hagestad submitted Engineer's Estimate No. i, showing an amount of $6,031.06 due the Heisserman Construction Company, for Exc. Bailasting, Curb & Gutter ar�d Paving on 8th St. S.E., D to H, payable from L.I.D. No.168 Fund. it was moved by Lea and seconded by Sonnemann that Weisserman Construction Company be paid 36,031.06 from 1.1.0. No. !68 Fund as per Engineer's Estimate No. t ROLL CAII VOTE: AIl Councilmen voting YES. MOTION CARRIED City Engineer Haroid A. Hagest�d submitted Engineer's Estimate No. !, showing an amount of $6,830.23 due Neisserman Construction for Exc., Ballasting, Curb i4 Gutter & Swrfacing on 25th S.E., D to H, payabte from L.I.D. No. 171 Furid. it was moved by Lea and seconded by Sonnemann that Heisserman Construction be paid $6830.23 from L.I.D. No. 171 Fund as per Engineer's Estimate No. I. ROLL CALL VOTE: Ail Councilmen voting YES. lififlT I ON CAF2R I ED PROCLAMATIONS Mayor Gaines proclaimed AAay 20 a�d 21, 1966, as "Poppy Days" in the City of Auburn. Mayor Gaines proclaimed the period of May 15 through May 21, 1966 as National Public Works Week in the City of Auburn. AUDIENCE John A. Nbr�son, President of Colorcaibie, inc., submitted information concerni�g closed circuit television cables to Councilman Aaby, Chairman of the Comnittee working an this project. �♦j _� IQ;16tJRN , WASH I NGTON MONDAY MAY 2. I 966 COUNCit COMMITTEE RE"PORTS WATER—SEWER COMAAI TTEE — COUNC i LMAN F I TZS IAMu1ONS it was rr�oved by Fitzsimmons and seconded by lea that the City Cierk be instructed to cail for bids for a� ton Pickup for the Water Department bids to be opened 3 p. m. Thursday, AAay t 2, I 966. MOTION CARR{E� In regard to the sewer Portion of the West �ide water—sewer extension, it �ras moved by Fitisirnr��s and seconded by Kline that pians, specifications and advertis�e�t for bids be approved; ar�d that the date for publishing the call for bids and the date for receiving bids be estabiished by the City Engineer and City Attorney after notification of approval by the appropriate government agency. F�rther that the City Clerk be authorized to publish the cafl for bids when so notified. M071QN CARRIE� Councilman Fitzsimmons reported that the Water—Sewer Committee had met on the matter of fiuoridation bc�t that it was still under discussion, and he wc>uld report at the next meeting of the councii. LICEMSE COMMITTEE — COt1NCILMAN S�NNEMANN ��� � Councitman Sonnemann reported that Alfred S. Disen had made appiication for a Cabaret License, and two Shuffleboard Licenses for the Silver Siipper, and that it was the recarrkaendatian of the License Committee that these requests be granted. It v�as rnoved by Sonnernann and seconded by Nickson tMat the applications of Alfred S. 01sen for Cabaret and Shuffleboard Licenses be approved. MOTION CARRIED DEPARTMENT NEAD REPORTS PARK �EPARTMENT — PARK SCiPERINTENDENT GEORGE FREEMIRE Park Superintendent George Freemire reported that the Sprinkiing System at the G.S.A. Park is aimost cc�mpiete. Mayor Gaines corrmended the Park Board and Park Crew for the exceilent job on th� Les Gove Park, dedication of which was April 30th. OLD BUSINESS {t was rrroved by Kiine and seconded by Nickson that the request of Rita M. Ellis to rezone frvm R-2 to R-4 property located on 8th Street Northeast be brought off the tabie. MOT I ON CAF2R I ED The Auburn Pianning Ccunmission recor�ner�ded that this request be granted as it conforn►s to the City's Comprehensive Land Use Plan and as it is only separated by 100 ff. fr�a R-4 County zoning and is located on the on(y street ccntaining a bridge across Green River, recanmending, however, that the South 30 ft. of the East !24 ft. be dedicated to the City of Aubur� for street purposes, and consideratio� given for the dedication of the West 30 ft. for future development of Menry Road, which would continue north to provide a futr�re conr�ection to 12th &14th St. N.E. in the Lone Addition. It was mcv�d by Nickson and seaonded by Aaby that the request of Rita M. Ellis tc rezo�e fror� R-2 to R-4 property located on 8th Street Northeast be granted, and the City Attorney be instructed to draw up the r�ecessary Ordinance to implement same. NI�TION CARRiE� It was moved by lea and seconded by Kline that the City of Auburn offer to take a Qne year option to purchase the Green River Golf Course at 5400.00 a share, pius agreeing to asst�me the indebtness of the Gc�lf Course nat to exceed 526,000.00, and that $t,000.f)0 be of fered for the opt i or�. ROLL CALL VOTE: Alf Councitmen voting YES. Mi0TI0N CARRIED �� I �� AUBURN, WASHINGTON N1�NDAY MAY 2, 1966 �__� �� ORDINAMCE N0. 1876 It was moved by Lea and seconded by Nickson that Ordinance No. 1876 entitied "AN ORDINANCE OF 7NE CITY 4F AWBE�2N, WASNINGTON, AMENDIN� SECTION 3 �F ORDINANCE N0. 1819 0� THE ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF A(�1�2N, SAID SECTION AMEN�ED RELATING TO TNE DESIGNATION OF PROHiBITED STOPPING, STAPJDiNG, OR PARKING OF VEHICLES ON CERTAIN STREETS SITUATE WITHIN THE NORTHWEST SECTtON OF TNE C i TY OF AtlBI�N" be adopted. ROLL CAII VOTE: AIl Coancilmen voting YES. MOTION CARRIED ORDINANCE N0. 1882 It was moved by Fifizsimmons and seconded by Nickson that Ordinance No. 1882 entitied "AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF AUBURN, WASHIN6TON, DECLARING A PUBLIC EMERGENCY TO EXISi' ANQ APPROPRIATING THE St1M OF $6,400.00 FROM EINBUDGETED FUNDS IN THE CURRENT EXPENSE FCfi1D �F THE C t TY QF A[�BtJRN, TO P.ROV I DE NECESSARY Fl1NDS FOR THE PAYNIEhiT OF A MUN I C 1 PAL A 1 RPORT EGOfVOMIC STUDY," be adopted. ROLL CALL VOTE: AII Councilmen voting YES. AhOTION CARRfE� ORDINANCE N0. 1883 ft was moved by Kline and seconded by Fitzsimmons that the reading:of Ordinance No. 1883 be dispensed with. MATtON CARRIED It was mc�ved by Fitzsimnons and seconded by Kline that Ordinance No. 1883 entitied "AN ORD I NANCE OF TWE C I TY OF At181�2N, WASH i NGTON , PROV I D I NG FOR THE t NSTAL LA7 I ON A ND CONSTif�l1CT I �N OF SIX tNCN t6"3 CAST IRON WATER MAlNS AND FIRE HY�RANTS ON 4TH STREET S. E. BETWEEN "R" AND "T" STREETS S. E., AND "T" STREET S. �'. BETWEEN EAST MAIN STREET AN� 4TN STREET S.E.; AND PROVIDIhiG FOR TNE INSTALLAiION AND CONSTRtJCTION OF A FOE�2 INCH (4"f CAST IRON WATER MAIN ON "S" STREET S. E. BETWEEN 3�D AND 4TH STREETS S.E.; ALL OF SAIO PROPERTIES BEING 4UfSiDE OF AND ADJACENT TO TNE CORPORATE LfMITS OF THE CITY OF AUBURN; CREATING AND ESTABLISHING LOCAL IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT N0. 173; PR�VIDING THE METHOD OF ASSESSMENT IN SAID DISTRICT AND TF1E Iti+YODE OF PAYNIENT THEREOF, AND CREATING A L�CAL IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT FUND THEREFOR," be introduced and adopted. ROII CALL VOTE: Aii Councilmen voting YES. MIDT I ON CARR ! ED OROINANCE N0. 1889 It was moved by Fitzsimmons and seconded by Hoyt that Ordinance Ido. 18�9 entitled "AN ORDINANCE 4F THE CITY OF At36tJRN, WASHINGT4N, PROVIDIN6 FOR THE RE20NING OF CERTAIN PROPERTY IN THE CITY OF AUBE�iN CHANGING THE ZONING CLASSIFICATION THEREOF FROM R-3 TO R-4.," be infroduced and adopted. ROLL CALL VOTE: Ail Councitmen voting YES. MOTION CARRIED ORDIIVANCE N0. {890 It was mo�ed by Hoyfi a�d seconded by Fitzsimmons that Ordir►ance No. 189� entitled "AN ORDINANCE OF TNE CITY OF AUBU2N, WASWINGTON, PR�VIDING FOR THE REZONING OF CERTAfN PF20PERTY IN THE CITY OF AtiBIJRN CHANGI�IG THE ZONING CLASSiFiCATION THEREOF FROM R-1 TO R-4.," be ir►troduced and adopted. it was moved by Nickson and seconded by Aaby that the motion made at the Aprii IS, 1966 meetir�g to amend the original motion to grant the request of Mervin S. Carriere to rezone frcxn R—i to R-4 pro perty located at 1310 M Street S.E. be reconsidered. The arn�nding motion read "THAT THE ORIGINAL MOTION BE AMENDED TO GRRNT THE REZONE SUBJECT TO THE DEDICATION OF THE EASTERLY 30 FEET FOR STREET PEJRPOSES." Upon being put to a vote, the AMEND I NG AAOT l ON LOST MOT I ON TO 1 fdTRODtJCE �AA1D ADOPT . ORD 1 NRNCE N0. 1890. ROLL CALL V�TE: Ail Counciimen voting YES. AhOTtON CARRIED ORDINANCE N0. 1891 It was moved by Fitzsimnons and seco�ded by Nickson that Ordinance No. 1891 entitied "AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF AEIBURN, WASNINGTON t?ROVIDING FQR THE REZONING OF CERTRIN PROPERTY IN THE C17Y �F AE1Bt,��N, CNANGING THE ZONING CLASSIFICATION THEREOF FROM R-2 TO R-4.," be introduced and adopted. ROLL CALL VOTE: AII Councilmen voting YES. MUTION CARRIED i_�.� AllBU�N, WASH 1 NGTOEd AhONDAY MAY 2, I 966 ORDINANCE N0. 1892 It was moved by Noyt and seconded by Aaby that Ordinance No. 1892 entitled "AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF AUBtA�N, WASHINGTON, PROVI�ING FOR THE REZONiNG OF CERTAIN PROPERTY (fV TNE CITY OF AUBU2N,CHANGIIdG THE Z�NING CLASSIFICATION THEREOF FROM R-2 TO C-3," be introduced and adopted. ROLL CALL VOTE: Woyt, Fitzsimmons, Aaby, Sonnemann YES; Lea, Kline, Nickson N0, it was moved by OF THE CiTY OF C 1 TY OF AUBt�2N, and adopted. ROLL CALL VOTE: MOT 10ld CARR 1 ED ORDINANCE N0. 1893 t(line and seco�ded by Hcsyt that Ordina�ce No. 1893 entitled "AN ORDINANCE AUBURN, WAShiNC�TON, PROVIDIIdG FOR THE REZONING OF CERTAIN PROPERTY IM THE CHANGING TNE ZONfNG CLASSIFICATION THEREOF FROM R-2 TO R-4," be introde�ced A{I Councilmen voting YES. ORDINANCE N0. 1894 MOTION CARRIED it was moved by Sonnemann and seconded by Fitzsimmo�s that Ordinance No. 1894 enfiitied "AN OR�IfiJANCE OF THE CITY OF AUBURN, WASHINGTdN APPROV)NG AND CONF{RMING TNE ASSESSIVIENTS ANO ASSESSMENT ROLL OF LQCAL IMPR�VEMENT DISTRlCT N0. 166, VYHICH �ISTRICT HAS BEEN CREATEd AND ESTABLISHED FOR THE INSTALLATION AND CONSTRt1CT1�N OF 4 AND 6 INCW CAST IRON WATER MAINS, FIRE HY[)RANTS AND 8 INCH f?IAMETER SANITARY SEWERS ON CERTAiN PROPERTY SITUATE 1NITNIN THE C�RPORATE LIMITS aF THE CITY OF AUBURN, AS PROVtDED BY ORDINANCE N0. 1825 OF THE CITY �F AUBt�tN, AND LEVYING AND ASSESSINf THE AMAUNT THEREOF AGAINST THE SEVERAL LOTS, TRACTS, PARCELS OF IAND AND OTHER PROPERTY UPON SAID ROIL," be introduced and adopted, R�LL CALL VOTE: AIl Cownciimen voting YES. MOTION CARRIE� ORDINANCE N0. 1895 It was moved by Sonnemann and secor,ded by Nickso� that Ordinance No. 1895 entitled "AN ORDINA�VCE OF THE CITY OF AUBURN, WASNINGTON, DECLARIWG A PUBLIG EMERGENCY TO EXIST, AN� APPROPF2IATING THE SUM OF $1,300.00 FROM UNBUDGETED Ft�IDS IN THE CURRENT EXPENSE Fl�V� OF THE C(TY TQ Tt�E NEW VENICLES ACCOt�iT IN THE CAPITAI DUTLAY CLASSIFICATION, POIICE D I V I S I ON flF TWE GURRENT EXPENSE Ft11VD BtJDGET, TO PROV I DE NECESSARY FUN�S FOR 7HE Pt�2C�fASE OF TWQ NEW NIOTORCYCLES FOR TNE POLICE DEPARTMEN7 OF TNE CITY OF AUBU'�N," be introduced. Mi0TI0N CARRIED �ROINAtVCE N0. 1896 It was moved by Nickson and seconded by Kline that the readir�g of �rdinance No. 1896 be waived. MOT{ON CARRIE� � � �-� r�� It was moved by Fttzsimmons and seconded by Kline that Ordinance No. 1896 entitled "AN OF�DINANCE OF TNE CITY OF AUBI� N, WASHtNGTON, AMENDING SECTIOhiS i, 3 AN� 5 OF ORDlhTANCE fV(3. 1844 PASSE� BY THE C{TY COUNCIL AND APPROVED SY THE MAYOR OF TNE CITY OF AUBt�'tM ON OECEMBER 2Q, 1965, AND ENTITLE�: "AN ORDINANCE SPECIFYING AND ADOPTIIVG A SYSTEM OR PLAI� OF ADDITIOtVS TO AN� BETTERMENTS AND EXTEN510NS OF 7HE WATERWORKS UTILITY Of THE CtTY, INCLIAIlVC THE SANITARY SEWERAGE SYSTEM AS A PART THERE�F; DECLARING THE ESTIMATED C�ST THEREOF AS NEARLY AS MAY BE; FROVfDING FOR THE ISSUANCE AND SALE OF NOT TO EXCEED �225,000.00 PAR VALUE OF WATER AND SEWER REVENUE BONOS IN ONE OR lu1pRE SERiES TO OBTAIN THE F(�+IDS WITH WHICH TO PAY THE CAST OF SAID SYSTEM OR P�AN; CREATING A SPECIAL FtfiiD TO f'ROVIDE FOR TME PAYMENT OF SA10 BONDS IF NECESSARY; ANU RATIFYING ANO CONFIRMING THE ACTiON �F TNE CITY OFFICIALS tN HERETOFORE ADVERTISING FOR CONSTRt1CTI0N BIOS AND AWAR�ING A CONSTRUCTtON CONTRACT TO CAMPBELL AND WELTER, AS CONTRACTORS, COVERING A PO�fT�f�N OF Sl1CN IMPROVEAAENTS," be introduced and adopted. ROII CALL VOTE: AII Couneilmen voting YES. MOTION CARRIED ORDINANCE N0. 1897 it was moved by Kline and seconded by Fitzsimmcros that Ordinance No. 1897 entitted "AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY �F AIJBl�2N, WASNINGTON, ACCEPTIN6 TNE CONVEYANCE OF A FIF7EEN FOQT I15'I EASEMENT TO TFIE CITY, TO IMPLEMENT THE SEYVER MAIN INSTALLATION FQR THE WEST SIDE WATER—SEWER INSTALLATIONS," be introduced and adopted. R�LL CALL VOTE: AII Counciimen voti�g YES. AfiQTfON CARRIED AUBtJRN, WASN 1 NGTON MONDAY MAY 2. 1966 ���� RESOLt1TI0N N0. 217 It was moved by Fitzsimmons and seconded by Aaby that Resolution No. 217 entitiec# "A RESOLt,iTION OF THE CITY OF AUBt�2N, WASHINGTON, RECOGNIZIN6 THE KING COUNTY MENTAI HEALTH AND NIENTAL RETARDATION PLANNING CONNAITTEE AS THE COMMUNITY AGENCY FOR PLANNING, DEVELOPMENT AND IMPLEMENTATION OF COMMUNITY MENTAi. HEAITN AND MENTAL RETARDATION PROGRAM," be introduced and adopted. NY�TION CARRIED City Attorney Robert M. Smythe read the indemnity agreement from Mr. iNiebenga. It was moved by Kiine and seconded by Fit2simnons that the Mayor and City Cierk be authorized to sign this indemnity agreement. ROLL CAIL V�TE: All Co�ncilmen vot�ng YES. MOTION CARRIED City Attorney Robert M. Smythe read the agreement to procure the services of Northwest American, Inc. to make an airport feasibility study. It was moved by Kline and seco�ded by Nickson that the Mayor and City Clerk be a�thortzed to sign the agreement betwee� Northwest American, �nc. and the Cifiy of Auburn for an airport feas+bility s#vdy. ROLL CALL VOTE: Ali Councilmen voting YES. /M�DT I ON CARR I ED tdEW BUS i NESS City Attorney Robert M. Smythe reported the suit brought against the City of Auburn by Water District No. 101 was dismissed last week. ft �ras moved by Sonnemann and seconded by Aaby that the Mayor and City Cierk be authorized to enter into an agreement with Clark Coleman & Rupeiks to update the City's Corr�prehensive Pian. MOTION CARRIEO RESOLUf I ON tVO. 218 It was moved by Sonnemann and seconded by Aaby thafi Resolution No. 218 entitled "A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF AUBU2N, WASHINGTON, REQIiESTING PLANNING ASSISTANCE FOR URBAN RENEWAL PU2POSES AND AUfHORIZING CONSULTANTS, CC.ARK, CQLEMAN d� RUPElKS, INCORPORATEb, TO APPLY FOR SAID 701 FINANClAL ASSISTANCE ON BEhALF OF THE C1TY," be in#roduced and adopted. MOTION CARRIED APPROVAL OF CLAIMS It was rtu�ved by tdickson and seconded by Aaby, that the ctaims as approved by the Audit Committee be paid. MOT I �!d CARR I ED CLAIMS FlJ(�OD PAYROLL FUND �69?2 thru ��ptQ �3��6 thru #3537 ��!}'� 873 �9t� ��9,s���.�t� There being no further business, the meeting was declared adjourned at 11:10 p.m. subject to #he caii af the Mayor. APPROVED TM 1'S �;�- �/� DAY OF `%,����; .,�� I 9 �- � ',,; I �' �' �_� �� �r�-c� � .___: I TY CtERK M A Y 0 R