HomeMy WebLinkAbout10-17-1966 AUBURN, WASHINGTON MONDAY OCTOBER 17, '966 r~ ~.. ~. 200 ~'It,~ The regular meeting of the City Counci 1 of the City of Auburn was held at 8:00 p. m. in the Counci I Chambers at the City Hal I. Mayor Gaines cal led the meeting to order. Councilmen present: Hoyt, Lea, Kline, Fitzsimmons, Nickson, Aaby and Sonnemann. It was moved by KI ine and seconded by Lea that the minutes of the October 3, 1966 Counci I Meeting be approved as mai led. MOTION CARRIED 81DS I Bids were opened for construction for Local Improvement District No. 178 covering excavation, ballasting, storm drainage, curb and gutter and 2" asphaltic concretè pavement on 26th S.E. between F and H St. One bid, that of Heisserman Construction Co., was submitted for a total bid of $9,130.00 plus any appl icable sales tax. Bid was accompanied by a bid bond. City Engineer, Fred W. Poe, submitted a recommendation that the contract for L. I .0. #178 be awareded to Heisserman Construction. PUBLIC HEARINGS Mayor Gaines declared the publ ic hearing open on the request of Kenneth A. Embery to rezone from R-2 to F<-4 property located on 7th and Henry Road N.E. and legally described as Beg at the NE cor of Sec 18 T 21 R 5 EWM running thence Wly alg the N In of sd Sec 18 a distance of 65 ft. to apt; th Sly a distance of 30 ft. to a pt; th S 0° 17" E alg the Wly marginal line of the Co Rd a distance of 176 ft. to a pt which is the tpob; running th S 88°8' W, a distance of 275' to apt; th S 0° 17' E alg the Ely In of the Co Rd a distance of 104 ft. to apt; th N 88°8' E a distance of 275 ft. mil to a pt on the W marginal line of the Co rd; th N alg the W marginal line of sd Co Rd 104 ft. to the tpob; EX the Ely 160 ft. thof. The Auburn Planning Commission recommended that this request be granted as this I property I ies adjacent to R-4 properties and is located on an arterial street. No opposition was expressed at Planning Commission hearing. It was moved by Aaby and seconded by Kline that the public hearing be closed. MOTION CARRIED It was moved by Kline and seconded by Hoyt that the city attorney be instructed to draw up the necessary ordinance to implement this rezone. MOT I ON CARR 1 ED Mayor Gaines declared the public hearing open on the annexation petition of Howard and Mary G. Hadley and Lois and Robert E. Stonack requesting annexation to the City of Auburn for property located adjacent to the Northwest city limits and legally described as Beginning at a point on the City of Auburn I imits said point being the SW corner of the SE~ of the SE* of Section 2 Township 21 Range 4 EWM; thence North alonq the West line of the SW~ of the SE4 of the SE4 afore- said Section 2, thence E~st alono the North I ine of the S~ of the SW4 of the SE~ of the SE'¡~ of aforesaid Section 2; to the West I ine of the f-d;. of the SE4 of the SE4 aforesaid Section 2; thence North alonq the West line of the E~ of the SE~ of the SE~ aforesaid Section 2 to a point 20 ft. South of the North I ine of the South ~ of the E~ of the SE4 of the SE~ aforesaid Section 2 thence East paral leI with the North line of the S~ of the East p of the SEh of the SE4 of aforesaid Section 2 to the West marginal I ine of 68th Avenue South (West Valley Highway), I thence South along the Westerly marginal I ine of 68th Avenue So. to the South marginal line of the SEll of the SEi¡ Section 2, Township 21 Range 4 [\VM, thence West along aforesaid South line to the point of beginning.Situate in the County of King, State of Washington. It was moved by Sonnemann and seconded by Aaby that the public hearin9 be closed. MOT ION CARR I ED Mayor Gaines declared the publ ic hearing open on Resolution No. 238--Construction of an 8" lateral sanitary sewer I ine, together with 6" side sewers therefrom on K St. NE between lOth and II th Sts; lOth St. NE between I and K Sts. I St. NE between 9th and lOth Sts and 9th St. NE between H and I Sts. I I I AUBURN, WASHINGTON MONDAY OCTOBER 17, 1966 ~ () l Twelve owners of property abutting the streets to be improved under Resolution #238 submitted a petition against it. Charles K. Conner, resident at 216 3rd Street Northeast, spoke in opposition to Resolution #238. Gene Colburn said he would be in favor of Resolution No. 238 if the city would obtain a right-of-way for the I ine, but that he would be opposed to it if an easement was used. Walt Thompson said he was opposed to Resolution #238 because he felt that this resolution should make provisions for street surfacing. James Cooper, resident at 1006 I Street Northeast and AI Stol Idorf stated they were in favor of the installation. It was moved by Hoyt and seconded by Aaby that the public hearing be closed. MOT ION CARR I ED It was moved by F~itzsimmons and seconded by Nickson that the city attorney be instructed to draw up the necessary ordinance to implement this Local Improvement District. MOT' ON CARR I ED CORRESPONDENCE An invitation of the National League of Cities to the Congress of Cities annual conference December 2 to 7, 1966, at Las Vegas, Nevada, was received. J. V. Lange, Street Supervisor, submitted a request asking that Merl in W. Luce be granted permission to use five days of his 1966 vacation in 1967. It was moved by Lea and seconded by Nickson that this request be granted. MOTION CARRIED Joan and David B. Schuur submitted a petition for annexation of property located at 104 R Street S.E. The City Engineer submitted certification that signatures on above annexation represent 100 percent of the assessed valuation of property. It was moved by Sonnemann and seconded by Aaby that the city clerk be instructed to call for a plJblic hearing to be held 8 p. m., November 7,1966, on the petition for annexation of property located at 104 R St. SE. MOTION CARRIED The fol lowing Zone Change Appl ications were submitted to the Counci I: Request of Arthur C. Stief and Robert A. Stief to rezone from R-2 to C-3 property located on the northeast- corner of West Main and Western Avenue. Request of Joseph DePietro and Arthur R. Anderson to rezone from R-2 to R-4 property located at 532 8th St. NE. Request of M. C. Clark to rezone from R-2 to R-5 property located at 2815 M St. SE. It was moved by Sonnemann and seconded by Hoyt that the foregoing requests for rezone be referred to the Planning Commission. MOT ION CARR I to The Auburn Planning Commission at their October 4, 1966, meeting made the fol lowing recommendat ions: That the request of J. Van Haartman and R. Skaftum to rezone from P-2 to R-4 property located at 3437 Enumclaw Highway be granted. That the request of Frank Pflug to rezone from A-I to SPU (Gravel Removal) property West of West Val ley Highway and South of Primary State Highway No.2, be granted with special provisions for the operation. 202 AUBURN, WASHINGTON MONDAY OCTOBER 17, 1966 c.v ::- ¡.» ¡,..,...-. ~ That the request of Elmer Spencer to rezone from A-I to SPU (Gravel Removal) property located West of the West Val ley and South of Primary State Highway No.2, be granted with special provisions for the op~ration. That the request of Ivan Pinyan to rezone from R-2 to R-4 property located on I St. NE between 8th and lOth Sts. be denied. That the request of Walter Schlumpf to rezone from A-I to M-~ property located on 30th St. N.E. west of the East Val ley Hishway be granted. That the request of R. L. Warburton to rezone from M-2 to R-5 property located at 900 29th St. SE be granted. It was moved by Sonnemann and seconded by Aaby that the City Clerk be to call for a publ ic hearing to be held 8 p. m., November 7, 1966, 6n foregoing requests for rezone. ; ns t ruet ed I the MOTION CARRIED John R. Hurt, Uti Ii ties Superintendent, submitted a letter requesting permission for Ken Morrision, sewer maintainer, to attend the Pollution Control Ass'n. meeting,October 19 through 21, 1966, in Portland, Oregon. It was moved by Fitzsimmons and seconded by Aaby that permission be granted Ken ^~rrision to attend the Pollution Control Ass'n. Meeting, October 19 through 21, 1966, in Portland, Oregon. MOT I ON CARR I ED Mi les Drake submitted prel iminary plat of area east of M St. and south of the Echo Lake Cutoff. Mayor Gaines referred this plat to the Planning Commission and Head of Departments for study. Bruce R. Bi I Ie, director of recreation, submitted letter requesting permission to attend the Washington Recreation and Park Society Annual Fal I Conference in Spokane on Sunday, t~nday and Tuesday, October 23, 24, and 25. It was moved by Sonnemann and seconded by Aaby that Bruce R. Bi I Ie be granted permission to attend this conference. I MOTION CARRIED The Rotary Club of Auburn submitted a letter requesting the city accept a park consisting of a three acre tract located at Forest Ridge housing development, 26th St. S.E., as a gift from them with the reservation that this park henceforth be known as "ROTARY PARK." AI Rossi, president of the Aub~rn Park Board, submitted a letter recommending that the City of Auburn approve the acceptance of this property as an addition to its park system. It was moved by Sonnemann and seconded by Nickson that the City Attorney be instructed to draw up the necessary Resolution accepting this park. MOT I ON CARR I ED It was moved by Kline and seconded by Nickson that the city clerk be instructed to write a letter to the Rotary Club of Auburn expressing the city's appreciation of this gift, and that the Resolution accepting the park should state that this park sha II henceforth be known as "ROTARY PARK". MOT I ON CARR I ED A letter from the Department of Commerce and Economic Development stated that a I "qua Ii ty rat i ng sys tem" has been in it i ated for a II "70 I" app I i cat ions rece i ved since July I, 1966, and that this system Vii II cause a minor delay in the processing of appl ications. Warren C. Gonnason, County Engineer, submitted a letter requesting the Mayor and City Engineer attend a meeting to be held October 20, 1966 at 7:30 p. m. in the Kent City Hal I to discuss pol icy and technical matters in connection with the Green River Flood Control Project. APPOINTMENTS Mayor Gaines appointed Martin Yourglich as a member of the Auburn Planning Commission. It was moved bv Sonnemann and seconded bv Aaby that the counci I concur with the mayor's appointment. N I I I A UBUP~Wi\Sl.U}lG.I.9}1__________---1!Q~.,ID^...'{_____ .________ OCTOBER I 7, I 966 2 0 B Mayor Gaines appointed Gi II Dray as an advisory member of the Auburn Park Board taking the place of Martin Yourgl ich. It was moved by Lea and seconded by Nickson that the counci I concur with the mayor's appointment. !.fDT I ON CARR I ED Mayor Gaines appointed the fol lowing persons to serve as members of the Board of Appeals: Harry Torrens Warren Pugh Ken Bradford Oscar Leonard Dick Dahlager Dick Scharff One Year Term Two Year Term Three Year Term Four Year Term Five Year Term Associate Member representing the city. Mayor Gaines appointed the fol lowing persons to a Gol f Club Committee: George Aaby, Chairman Torp Peluso Archie Meade AI Rossi Paul McCurdy AUD I ENCE Warren Pugh representing several organizations and clubs in the City of Auburn presented a plan for putting in trees and other plantings along the Echo Lake Cutoff, to be maintained by the City of Auburn. Mayor Gaines referred this matter to the park Board and asked the Park Board to meet with these gentlemen. Joe Klontz spoke in protest to Resolution No. 229. It was moved by Aaby and seconded by Lea that the counci I reconsider Resolution No. 229. MOTION LOST COUNC I L CO/Nil I TTEE f~E PORTS It was moved by Lea and seconded by Sonnemann that the contract for L. I .D. #178 in the amount of $9,130.00 be awarded to Heisserman Construction Company, Inc. MOT ION CARR I ED It was moved by Lea and seconded by Sonnemann that the city clerk be instructed to call for bids for the purchase of one ~ ton 1967 six cyl inder truck for the Street Department, bids to be opened 3 p. m. Thursday, October 27, 1966. MOT I ON CAf~R I ED Counci Imen Lea reported that the Street Committee had asked for an opinion from the City Attorney on whether the Auburn Lions Club could use a portion of the Off-Street Parking Lots for Rest Room purposes. He also reported that the Street Committee had requested that the Auburn Lions Club and thE? Auburn Junior Chamber of Commerce try to get together on a Joint location for Rest Rooms and Parkette. It was moved by Lea and seconded by Nickson that the city clerk be instructed to call for bids on L.I.D. #178-A, bids to be opened 3 p. m., November 3,1966. MOT I ON CARR I ED Counci Iman Lea reported that the ordinance requiring the installation of sidewalks was under discussion, and that the city engineer had been asked to make a recommendation on it. He also stated that it was the recommendation of the Street Committee that the Intersection of M Street and Main Street be made a four way stop, and that the engineering department would take Care of the installation of the necessary traffic control devices. 2U4 AUBURN, WASHINGTON t,\ONDA Y OCTOBER 17, 1966 w ~~ Qr) Þn-1'''!:p, WATER-SEWER COÑVAITTEE - COUNCILM~N FITZSIN~ONS Counci Iman Fitzsimmons reported that the firm of Hi I 1 and Ingman is final izing the study of drainage for the Lea Hill Sewer Line. He also reported that the West Hi I I Sewer Line was near completion. DEPARTMENT HEAD REPORTS RECREATION DEPARTMENT - RECREATiON DIRECTOR BRUCE BILLE Recreation Director Bruce Bi I Ie reported on activities of the recreation department. I OLD BUSINESS Janet Wi Ison, G,lenn Pfieffer and D. A. Gleason protested installation of sidewalks and curbs in the Mardel I Addition. Counci Iman Lea stated that the sidewalk ordinance is under discussion at the present time. Mayor Gaines invited these people to attend the next street committee meeting to be held Wednesday at 8:00 p. m. ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS It was moved by Kline and seconded by Fitzsimmons that the city attorney be authorized to read the ordinances and resolutions by title only. MOT ION CARR I ED ORDINANCE NO. 1975 It was moved by Kline and seconded by Nickson that Ordinance No. 1975 entitled "AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF AUBURN, WASHINGTON, RELATING TO I\IR POLLUTION, CREATING AND ESTABLISHING AN AIR POLLUTION CONTROL ADVISORY COUNCIL, REGULATING AND CONTROLL I NG EMI SS IONS OF A I R CONTAMI NANTS, DEF I N I NG OFFENSES AND PRESCR I BING I PENALTIES," be adopted. ROLL CALL VOTE: Nickson, Aaby, Sonnemann, Hoyt, KI ine, and Fitzsimmons YES; Lea,NO. MOT ION CARR I ED ORDINANCE NO. 1984 It was moved by Fitzsimmons and seconded by Nickson that Ordinance No. 1984 entitled "AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF AUBURN, WASHINGTON, PROVIDING FOR THE CONSTRUCTION AND INSTALLATION OF AN 8" LATERAL SANITARY SEWER LINE, TOGETHER WITH 6" SIDE SEWERS THERFFROM ALONG PORTIONS OF "K" STREET N. E. BETWEEN 10TH STREET AND I I TH STREET N. E.; 10TH STREET N. E. BETWEEN "I" STREET AND "K" STREET N.E.; "II; STREET N. E. BETWEEN 9TH STREET AND 10TH STREET N.E.; AND 9TH STREET N. E. BETWEEN "H" STREET AND "I" STREET N. E., \VITH I N THE CORPORATE L I MI TS OF THE CITY OF AUBURN; CREATING AND ESTABLISHING LOCAL IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT NO. 184; PROVIDING THE /;\ETHOD OF ASSESSMENT IN SAID DISTRICT AND THE MODE OF PAYMENT THEREOF, AND CREATING A LOCAL I MPROVE/¡\ENT FUND THEREFOR," be i nt roduced and adopted. ROLL CALL VOTE: AI I Counci Imen voting YES. MOTION CARRIED ORDINANCE NO. 1985 ¡~ It was moved by Aaby and seconded by Sonnemann that Ordinance No. 1985 entitled "AN ORD I NANCE OF THE CITY OF AUBURN. WASH I NGTON, PROV 10 I NG FOR THE REZON I NG OF I CERTÞ,IN PROPERTY IN THE CITY OF AUBURN, CHANGING THE ZONING CLASSIFICATION THEREOF FROM R-2 TO R-4," be introduced and adopted. - ROLL CALL VOTE: AI I Counci Imen voting YES. MOTION CARRIED RESOLUTION NO. 242 It was moved by Sonnemann and seconded by Nickson that Resolution t',lo. 242 entitled "A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF AUDURN, WASHINGTON, ACCEPTING A GIFT OF CERTAIN PROPr::RTY FOR USE í\S ^ PUBLIC PARK, AND DESIGNATING THE NAME THEf~EOF AS "ROTARY PARK," be introduced and adopted. ROLL CALL VOTE: AI I Counci Imen voting YES. ¡'.\OT I ON CARR I ED I I I AUBl!£<N, W!"SIj I NGT.Q.~__________-,'AO~DJ2.Y_______________ OCTOBER 17, 1966 205 NEVI BUS I NESS Mayor Gaines urged the Counci Iman to get behind and support the Street Bond Issue and Initiative #226. CLA I :I,\S It was moved by Fitzsimmons and seconded by Nickson, that the claims as approved by the Audit Committee be paid. CLAIMS FUND #8576 thru #8731 $34,649.07 NIOT ION CARR I ED There being no further business, the meeting was declared adjourned at 10: 15 p. m. subject to the cal I of the mayor. APPROVED TH! S_;:._U~_))/\Y OF \, /L--7V -/ 19 ¿ (.-7 Æ ~/ 7;" .?-. /, '-~- __ Ç/~._~~L/A '-C/Zc c~7::-*-~_ -k ' ¡CITY CLERK ~c~A£4 ~~ß¿?~_ mo R - .0:--