HomeMy WebLinkAbout11-21-1966 ¡\UßUR~.LJVi\SH: NGlON ¡'¡\ONDi^>, Y NOVEME3ER 2_G...J.266 2 t 5 The regular meeting of the City Council of the Citv of Auburn was held at 8:()C p. m. in the Counci I Chambers at the City Hal I. Mayor Gaines cal led the meeting to order. Councilmen present: Hoyt, I-ea. f<line, F'"itzsirnmons, Nickson, Aaby and Sonnemann. It was moved by Nickson and seconded by ¡\aby that the minutes of the November 7, 1966 Counci I Meeting be approved as mar led. MOT I ON U.RR ¡ ED I PUCL I C HEAR I NGS Mayor Gaines declared the publ:c hearing open on the request of John M. Porter to rezone from R-2 to SPU (Apartments) on property located on Eighth St. N.E. and legally described as that par of Cov Lot 3, Sec 17, T 21 N, R 5 [',vA\, desc as follows: Beg at the NW cor of sd Sec 17, th S C022'03" W alg VJ In 30', th S 89"08'27" E parallel to N In Section, 236.45' to the tpob for this desc; th continuing S 89°04'27" E 188.81' to the Ii} edge of the Green River; th S 34°37'27" F a'9 sd Vi edge 183.68'; to a pt 180' S of the N In of See 17. th N 89"08'27" West 294.46'; th N 0°22'03" [ ISO' to tpob situated in the County of King, State of Washington. The Auburn Planning Commission recommended that this request be granted per plot plan dated Oct. II, 1966, as it abutts a major arterial, multiple zoning is immediate"!, North and multiple County zoning is immediately across Porter's Bridge; provided however that structures are rearranged to provide I~ parking spaces per unit and that a six foot screen fence to conform with Zoning Ordinance No. 1702, Fence and Hedge Hequirements. be constructed on the south side. It was moved by Aaby and seconded by Hoyt that the public hearing be closed. MOT I ON CAF<H I ED I It was moved by Nickson and seconded by Aaby that we concur with the Planning Commission's recommendation and grant the request of John M. Porter to rezone from F<-2 to SPU on propertv located on Eighth Street N.t., and instruct the City Attorney to draw up the necessary Ordinance to implement same. It was moved by Lea and seconded by Fitzsimmons to amend the motion to include the s t i pu I at i on that the property sha II revert back i"o its present zon i ng if construction is not underway within one year. MOTION LOST ORC! N^,- MOT ION CARR I ED Mayor Gaines declared the publ ic hearing open on the request of Ruby Cray to rezone from R-2 to SPU (Apartments) on property located 8n Eighth N.C. at f\ St., and legally described as that Par of See 17 & 18, T 21 N, F: 5 [\'//1\, desc as follows: beg at the NVJ cor of Sec 17, th S 0°22'03" alg the W In 30' to the tpob for this desc; th S 89°04'27" [ par N In sd Sec 17236.45' th S 0°22'02" W 150'; th N 89"04'27" W 241.45' to pt. 5.0' Vf of VI In Sec 17, th N 0°22'03" F par sd V/ In ISO'; th S 89°04'27" E 5.0' to tpob, situate in County of King, State of Washington. The Auburn Planning Commission recommended that this request be granted per plot plan dated Oct. II, 1966, as it abutts a major arterial, multiple zoning is immediately North and multiple county zoning is immediately across Porter's Bridge; provided however that structures are re-arranged to provide I~ parking spaces per unit and that a six foot screen fence be constructed on south side to conform with Zoning Ordinance No. 1702, Fence and Hedge Requirements. I It was moved by Aaby and seconded by Sonnemann that the pub I Ic hearing be closed. MOT I ON CARF=¿ I ED It- was moved by KI ine and seconded bv Aaby that we concur with the Planning Commission's recommendation and grant the request of Ruby Gray to rezone from R-2 to SPU on property located on Eighth N.E. at R St., and the city attorney be instructed to draw up the necessary ordinance to implement same. It was moved by Nickson and seconded by Kline to amend the motion to require the pt-operty owner to install a cyclone t;/pe fence with redwood inserts in place of the screen fence required by our zoning ordinance. MOT I ON CAm? I ED ¡,'lOT I ON AS AMENDED CARR I ED 216 AUBl!B_N...I_ \VASH I NGIQ_tL-,__ MONDAY NOVEMBER 21, 1966 CD :::r-. QÞ ¡..,.,.¡ ~ Mayor Gaines declared the publ ic hearing open on the request of Main Street Auburn Associates to rezone from A-I to M-I property located east of the West Val ley Highway and North and South of Primary State Highway No.2, and legally described as fo I lows: Parcel A - The N 663.06' of the S 693.06' of the E~ of the NE4 Sec 14, T 21 N, R 4 EW"ii, f<ing County, Washington, lying Ely of State Hwy. #5-M; ex that por conveyed to p. 80, records of King County, Washington. Parce-L~ - The N 330.20' of the S 1023.26 of the E~ of the NE4, See 14, T 21 N, R 4 EVlM, King County, Washington, lying Fly of State Hwy. #5-M. Parcel C - The E~ of the NF;t, Sec 14, T 21 N, R 4 EWM, King County, Wash., lying I Elv of State Hwv. #5-M; ex the S 1023.26' thof; & ex that por lying Nly of an Ea~t-West In co~stituting the Sly bndry of that certain tract of land conveyed to Jerry W. and Joann Mae Caban, as recorded under auditor's fi Ie #5674242, records of King County, Washington. The Auburn Planning Commission recommended that this request be granted as property abutts two major arterials, the property immediately south is zoned M-I and request conforms to overal I development plan of the area. Consideration should be given to dedication of Southerly 5 feet abutting West Main St. and Westerly 5 feet abutting West Val ley Highway for development of four traffic lanes and left turn facility. Main Street Auburn Associates submitted a letter to the counci' advising them that they are wi I I ing to dedicate area requested for right-of-way purposes. It was moved by Kline and seconded by Nickson that the publ ic hearing be closed. MOT I ON CARf~ I ED It waS moved by KI ine and seconded by Nickson that the request of Main Street Auburn Associates to rezone from A-I to M-I property located east of the West Val ley Highway and north and south of Primary State Highway No.2 be tabled unti I we know location of the new Val ley Freeway. MOTION CARRIED Mayor Gaines declared the public hearing open on the request of Crawford-Peters to I rezone from R-2 to R-4 property located on the corner of F and 19th Sts. S.E., and legally described as the S 381' of the W 366.4' of the NE~ of the NE~ of the SW~ of 19-21-5 EWM LESS County F~oad. The Auburn Planning Commission recommended the denial of this request with recommendation that request be re-submitted as a SPU for apartments because of single-fami Iy development immediately to North. The fol lowing persons Rona I d Doug I ass David Sensmeier Howard Burgett Mrs. James Skrivan Bob Greene Richard Sides spoke in opposition to the granting of this rezone: 1212 F Street S.E. 1511 G Street S.E. 1711 G Street S.E. 1712 G Street S.E. 1412 F Street S.E. 1317 G Street S.E. It was moved by Sonnemann and seconded by KI ine that the publ ic hearing be closed. MOT I ON CARR I ED It was moved by Kline and seconded by Nickson that the request of Crawford- Peters to rezone from R-2 to R-4 property located on the corner of E and 19th Sts. S.E. be denied. MOT I ON CARR I ED I CORRESPONDENCE The Auburn Park and Recreation Board submitted a letter offering to maintain areas along the Echo Lake Cutoff and at the interchanges after landscaping and plantings are accompl ¡shed by Beautification Group. It was moved by Lea and seconded by Aaby that the Auburn Park and Recreation Board be authorized to méJintain areas along the Echo I,ake Cutoff straightaway. It was moved by Sonnemann and seconded by Nickson to amend the motion to read that the Auburn Park and Recreation Board be authorized to maintain trees and shrubs on the Echo Lake Cutoff straightaway which wi II not require sprinkl ing. MOT I ON CAFm I ED MOT' ON AS AMENDC::D CARR I ED '" I I I AUGUf<r:!..z_..g¡\:31! i NGTON ¡,\ONDA Y 2'1" 7 NOVEMt3[R 2 1.._ 19q§. .."" .--------- The Auburn Park and Recreation Board submitted a letter stating the Board had reviewed the claim of Val Gain to 9 ft. strip of property outside the park fence on the east side of the 5th and f< St. Oal I Field. and decided it would be inadvisable to move the existing fence. The Baines had plans for ornamental trees and shrubs on their side of the fence and this arrangement was approved by the Board as we I I as the retention of the strip by Va' Gain. It was moved by Nickson and seconded by Sonnemann that the city attorney draw up the necessary quit claim deed to dedicate the 9 foot strip of property outside the park fence on the east side of the 5th and K St. Rail Field to Val Bain, and the mayor and city clerk be authorized to sign same. MOT I ON CARR I ED The Auburn Planning Commission made the fol !owing recommendations: That the request of Florence Morrison (No. 73-(6) for an expansion of an existing SPU (nursing home) on property adjacent to the Marsolais Nursing Home at 281 I F St. S.[. be granted. That the request of A. & R. Stief to rezone from R-2 to C-3 property located on the northeast corner of West Main and Western Avenue be granted. (No. 75-66) It was moved b:' Sonnemann and seconded by Nickson that the city clerk be instructed to cal I for a publ ic hearing to be held 8 p. m. ¡'¡\onday, December 5, 1966, on the rezoninq reauests of Florence ¡\\orrison and A. & R. Stief. ~ I MOTION CARRIED Hugh Loffer submitted his resignation from the Cemetery Board. It was moved by KI ine and seconded by Sonnemann that the resignation of Hugh Loffer from the Cemetery Board be accepted. MOTION CARRIED Floyd G. !0arohl of the Auburn Cloud Cutters submitted a letter asking to lease property of the sewer plant for model airplane flving. ¡\\avor Gaines referred this request to the Airport Committee. Hi I I & Ingman, Consulting ~ngineer, submitted an invoice for engineering on CSt. S.W. and 15th Sf, S.E., for services from July 14, 1966 to September 30, 1966, $10,523.24 payable from the Street Construction Fund. 1 t was moved by from the Street St. S.W. f~OLL CALL VOTE: Lea and seconded by Nickson that Hi I I & Ingman be paid $10,523.24 Construction Fund for enoineerinc services on C St. S.~. and 15th ..., -...1 AI I Counci Imen voting YES. ¡'J\OT 'ON CARR I ED The fol lowing items were recommended for approval bv the Engineering Department: Invoice from R. E. V~lff for final payment of $4,000.00 for engineer for FDA water projects completed to date. It was moved by Fitzsimmons and seconded by Nickson that r~. E. Wolff be paid $4,000.00 from the Water Sewer Construction Fund for engIneering on FDA water þrojects completed to date. ROLL CALL VOTE: All Counci Imen voting YES. MOTION CARRIED Invoice from R. E. Wolff for [[)/\ management expenses of $1,275.40 for [[)¡\ water projects completed to date. It was moved by Nickson and seconded bv Fitzsimmons that R. E. Wolff be paid $1,275.40 from the Water Sewer Construction Fund for management expense for EDA water projects completed to date. ROLL CALL VOTE: AI I Counci Imen voting YES. \\OT 1 ON CARR I ED Invoice from r~. E. Viol ff for $1.056.00 for miscellaneous engineering work includinc (a) water rate investigation, (b) ~ater Distritt No. 54 supply feasibi lity and (c) evaluation of Standard Mining Company proposal. It was moved b'/ ~¡;ckson and seconded b\' Sonnemann that R. F. Wolff be paid $1,055.00 from the '¡later Fund for miscellaneous engineering work on the foregoing named projects. ROLL CALL VOTE: AI I Counci 'men voting YES. 218 A US ufllJ......Y1AS H I NGT9tL______-__._______ r/\º~-º_AJ::..______.________ ._.J:JOJ º~B5R£I.l_J2_0§. w ~'.. Q;Þ Invoice from Heisserman Construction Co., Inc. for repair of 33rd Street S.E., Arbor Vista No. I, for $1400.00. It was moved by Lea and seconded by Hovt that Heisserman Construction Co., Inc. be paid $1400.00 from the Water Fund for repair of 33rd Street S.E., Arbor Vista No. I. ROLL CALL VOTE: AI I Counci Imen voting YES. MOT I m~ CARR I ED Contract for engineering for Phase 2 A of [DA water project submitted by R. W. Wol ff. It was moved by Lea and seconded by Sonnemann that the mayor and city clerk be I authorized to sign the contract for engineering for Phase 2 A of FDA water project with R. E. V}olff, subject to review of contract b;/ the city attorney. MOTION CARRIED Proposal for engineering and test dri II ing of Test \'Jell No.3 by R. E. Wol ff. It was moved by Kline and seconded by Fitzsimmons that the proposal for engineering and test drilling of Test Well No.3 by R. E. '/Jolff be approved and the mayor and city clerk be authorized to sign the contract for same, and that R. E. Wolff shall obtain an option and a firm price on the property before proceed i ng wi th the test dri Iii ng. MOTION CARRIED The fol lowing zone change appl ications were submitted to the counci I: Request of Thomas & Rose Agee for change in zoning from R-3 to C-I property located at 803 East Main. Request of Howard C. & Mary!. Hadley for change in zoning from Unclassified to !/I-Ion property located on '.Vest Vallev Highway I~ mi les north of intersection of West Val ley Highway and West Main Street. I\\OT ION CAFm I ED I I t was moved by Sonnemann and seconded by Ni ckson that the forego i ng app I i cat ions be referred to the Planning Commission. City of Auburn project proposal-assurances for Green River Golf Course Project. It was moved by KI ine and seconded by Aaby that the mayor and city clerk be authorized to sign the proJect proposal-assurances for Green Rive - Golf Course Project. MOTION CARRIED The Civi I Service Commission submitted a request for office space. Mayor Gaines asked that this letter be placed on fi Ie. Fred Poe, city engineer, submitted a request for permission to al low Dick Scharf to attend the Fire Prevention ~ngineering Conference in Vancouver, November 28th through December I, 1966. I t was moved by i\aby and seconded by Sonnemann that th is request be granted. ;\\OT I Ot~ CI\RR I ED The City of /\Igona submitted a copy of Resolution iflOO entitled itA RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF ALGONA RELATING TO THE CHANGING OF THE SPCED LIMIT ON BOYD ROAD FROM 25 MPH TO 35 r;\PH AND THE SP!~ED L!MIT ON THI,! PORTION Of~ FIRST AVENUE ßE1V/l:EN THl:: CHICAGO, I /¡\ I LWAUKlT, ST. P/\UL RA I LROAD CROSS I NG AND PAC! F I C íWL:.NUE FRO!/\ 35 !;\PH TO 25 !,\PH. !.\ayor Gaines referred this resolution to the Street Committee. Chief of Police Hugh Darby submitted a letter requesting authorization for him to attend the V/ashington Chiefs of Police and Sheriffs meeting in Euphrata, December 5th, 6th and 7th. and also permission for Capt. A\cDermott to attend the Washington Peace Officer's Association meeting in Pasco, December 1st and 2nd. It was moved by Nickson and seconded by Aaby that the request of Chief of Pol ice Hugh Darby be approved. MOT' ON CP\RR I [D Þ.UBUR~¡. \'JÞ.:3H I i~GTON /.\Ot·JOA Y ...-'~- .,._..---"-".,--,,,.~-----._~-----"--_..,-_.._-----~_.,-~_.~.__....-----_.---~-_.._-_. !!j'~ 01 NOveMBER 21....._-1206 .J,.¡LiJ Cire Chief R. K. Calkins submitted a letter requesting permission for Ed Henderson, Inspector, to attend the Fire Engineerin2 Conference in Vancouver, Washington, November 28th through December 2rd. It was moved by /lab'.' ard seconded by Sonnemann that the roquest of Fire Chief R. K. Calkins be approved. MOT I ON CARf~ I ED Chief of Police Hugh Darb;' submitted a letter requesting Charles Bible, the animal control officer. be paid for eight annual vacation days in I ieu of the time off as he felt they could not be without his services at this time of year. I It was moved by Sonnemann and seconded by Nickson that this request be granted. ;'!\OT I ON CARR I ED The Fi nance Comm it tee made the fo I 1 owi ng rGcommendat ions: That the city treasurer be authorized to invest a total of $1,580.75 from the Fire r~elief & Pension Fund for warrants of the following L.I.D.'s of the City of ;\uburn.:'i!(j7, 172, 173, 177, 174, 175 & 176. It was Moved by Sonnemann and seconded b\' Fitzsimmons that the city i'reasurer be authorized to invest $1.580.75 from the Fire Relief & Pension Fund as out I Ined by the Finance Committee. NIÜT I ON Cf..RF\ I [D That the amount of $29,500.00 be loaned for a period not to exceed one year at interest of 5% from the v/ðter fund to the Gol f Course Fund. It was moved by Sonnemann and seconded by Aaby that the city attorney be authorized to draw up the necessary resolution to loan $29,500 from the water fund to the Golf Course Fund for a period not to exceed one year at interest of 5~". ".\OT I ON CARR I CD I That the resolution authorizing a loan of $11,000.00 from Unbudgeted Funds of the Street Fund to the Street Construction Fund be approved. Blythe fl., Co., Inc. submitted a contract to cover financial consulting services for the Golf Course Project including a guarantee to bid on approxirnately $250.000 of City of Auburn Gol f Revenue Bonds. ~avor Gaines referred this matter to the Citv Attorney. ::\ayor Ca i nes thanked a' I the poop 1 e who part i c i pated in the Veterans Day Parade. COUNC I L CO/V.\! TTFE REPORTS STREFí CONl'.\1 TTF[~ - COUNC I !J.\MJ LEÞ, it was Moved by Lea and seconded by Nickson that Ordinance No. 1942 entitled I1MJ Or~DlrJMJCF OF THf': CITY OF AUBURr~, \'Jf,SHlhIGTm:, !\!;\cJJDING CHAPTER 9.16 OF THE AUBURN CITY CODE, SAID CHAP1TR REL/\Tlr0G TO THE DESIGiJATIOrJ /\ND COWROL OF TRAFFIC UPON ONE-\'JAY STREETS ¡\;·jD /\LLEY:; "'JITHihi TH[ COPPORATE LI/'dTS OF THE CITY OF AUBURN, AND RFP~:Þ.LING ORDP.),L\¡.jCE NO. 919, SECTION 2~~ ,'\r'ID 66 DF ORDlìJANCF NO. 1429, AND SECTION 4 OF ORDINANCT rn. 1346 OF THE ORDINMJCE::i or TI-li:: CiTY or: /\UBURi'J.11 be adopted. I The following persons spoke in oposition to Ordinance r,Jo. 1942 which provides for one way traffic on main street: Eddie Ryan, Ed Garre, Dr. George Nickefse, Ray KettMan, Joe Beierlein. John Versolenko, Vern Forslund, Myron W. Massey, Edward Cavanaugh, James '!leese. ,Jerr" Lust, Larry Coffman, Ken Weeks and Jack Thompson. Mayor Gaines declared a five minute recess at 10:30 p. m. It ViaS moved by 1<1 ine and seconded b'l flab>' that Ordinance No. 1942 be tabled. ROI_L C¡\LL VOTE: ¡<line. Fitzsimmons and f\abv YES. l_ea Nickson, Sonnemann and Hoyt NO. MOTION LOST ROLL CALL VOTE to adopt Ordinance No. 1942: Lea, Fitzsimmons, Nickson, Sonnemann and Hoyt Yr:S; KI ine, and Aaby. NO. NDT I ON CAF~R. I ED 220 NOVEMBER 21. 1966 C'.û :X-, Qð AUBU~¡ASH I NGTON ,\\ONDA Y E~~ Mayor Gaines vetoed Or"dinance No. 1942, giving as reasons: I. The City of Auburn is about to embark on an updating of our comprehensive plan in which the core area and street patterns wi I J be considered. 2. New streets and widening of existing ones should help alleviate Main Street traffic. 3. Once traffic I ights are instal led, vehicles now using Main Street wi I I be able to cross A and C Streets at other downtown intersections. It was moved by KI ine and seconded by Aaby that the mayor's written objection to Ordinance No. 1942 be recorded in the minutes. MOTION CARRIED I It was moved by Nickson and seconded by Sonnemann that we reconsider Ordinance No. 1942. MOT I ON CARR I ED It was moved by Sonnemann and seconded by Nickson that Ordinance No. 1942 be adopted. ROLL CALL VOTE: AI I Counci Imen voting NO. MOTION LOST It was moved by Lea and seconded by Nickson that the city engineer be instructed to srite the district enqineer informina him that the city is desirous of havino their ...... ..... I ...' traffic devices instal led with left turn lanes at Auburn Avenue and C Street Intersections. Counci Iman Fitzsimmons voted against the motion. MOTION CARRIED Mayor Gaines appointed George Schuler, planning director, and Eddie Ryan to a committee for the construction of more parking faci Ii ties in the downtown area. DEPARTMENT HEAD REPORTS RECREATION DEPARTMENT - BRUCE BILLE RECREATION DIRECTOR Bruce Bi I Ie reported that the school had signed a contract for the use of school property for recreational purposes. I OLD BUSINESS It was moved by Sonnemann and seconded by KI ine that the request of Ivan Pinyan to rezone from R-2 to R-4 property located on 1 Street Northeast between 8th and lOth Sts. be brought off the table. MOT ION CARR I ED City Attorney Smythe stated he felt the Pinyans could make application for S. p. U. immediately after the R-4 zoning is denied. It was moved by Sonnemann and seconded by Nickson that the request of Ivan Pinyan to rezone from R-2 to R-4 property located on I Street Northeast between 8th and lOth Sts. be denied without prejudice, and with the right to submit appl ication for 5.P.U. on the property. MOT I ON CARR I ED ORDINANCES & RESOLUTIONS ORDINANCE NO. 1990 It was moved by Nickson and seconded by Sonnemann that Ordinance No. 1990 entitled "AN ORD I NANCE OF THE CITY OF AUBURN, WASH I NGTON, DECLAR I NG A PUBl_1 C EMERGENCY TO EXIST, CREATING A "STREFT CONSTf~UCTION FUND" IN THE BUDGET OF THE CITY OF AUBURN, I AND TRANSFER I NG THE SUM OF $11, 000 FROt,~ WJBUDGFTFD FUNDS I N THE STREET FUND THEREFOR," be adopted. ROLL CALL VOTE: All Counci Imen voting YES. MOT ION CARR I ED It was moved by Nickson and seconded by Fitzsimmons that the city attorney be authorized to read the ordinances and resolutions by title only. MOT' ON CARR I ED I\UBURN, V~~~f:LLNGTON ;,\ONDA Y NOVEIliBFR. 2 I, 1966 22 l --_.~ ORDINANCE NO. 1991 It was moved by Sonnemann and seconded by Nickson that OrdinancE' No. 1991 entitled "AN ORD I hjA~~CE OF THE CITY OF /\UBUf;N, WASH I NGTON, PiC lj, T I NG TO AND PROV I DING FOP THE MJND(ATION TO THE CITY OF AUI3UF:;N Of- A CONTIGUOUS Ar~F/\ OF LAND LYINCADJACENT TO THE EASTeRLY :MRG I NAI LINE OF TH[ EX I ST I NG C! TY L I flll TS OF THE CITY OF I\LJI~URN, \VH I CH LAND IS DESCRIBED IN ^ PETITION DULY FILED V}ITH TH[ CITY COUNCIL OF TH[ CITY OF AUBURN." be introduced and adopted. ROLL CALL VOTE: AI I Counc¡ Imen voting YES. A\OT ION CARR I ED I ORDINANCE NO. 1992 It was moved by Sonnemann and seconded by Nickson that Ordinance No. 1992 entitled ",AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF AUBURN, WASHINGTON, DECLARING A PUBLIC EMERGENCY TO EXIST AND APPROPRIATING THE SUM OF $1,724.50 FROM UNBUDGETED FUNDS IN THE CIJRRENT EXPENSE FUND; THE SUM OF $6,000 FROM U~JBUDGETED F:W,JDS I N THE CUF\FŒNT EXPENSE FUND TO PROV I DE NECESS/\RY FUNDS FOF< THE PAYf/DH OF C[RTAIN ;',\UNICIPA'- OßLIGATlm~S OF THE CITY OF AUBURN Aì~D FOR THe OPER/\T ION OF CHnA I N ACCOUtHS ! N THF: 1966 BUDGET OF THE C! Ty OF AUBURN." be introduced. ¡\',OT I ON CÞJ?F\ I ED ORDINANCE NO. 1993 It was moved by Sonnemann and seconded by Fitzsimmons that Ordinance No. 1993 entitled "/\N ORDINANCE OF~ THE CITY OF AUßURN, WASHINGTO~J, CREATING AND ESTABLISHING A FUND IN THE BUDGET OF THE CITY OF AUBURN, TO BE I<NOV/N AS THE GOLF COURSE FU~)D", be introduced and adopted. ROLl CALL VOTE: All Counci Imen voting YES. MOTION CARP I ED RESOLUTION NO. 245 It was moved by Sonnemann and seconded by Lea that Resolution No. 245 entitled "/\ RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF ,/\'UBURN, ViASHINGTON, AUTHORIZING, AN APPLICATION FOR ¡:-UNDING ASS I STANCE FOR AN OUTDOOR RECREi',T ION PRO .JECT TO THE I NTERI\GENCY COtNld nEr FOR OUTDOOP I?EŒF:l\TION AS mOV!DED BY THE MARINE RECRl'Þ,TION L¡\ND ACT AND THE $10,000,000 OUTDOOR REŒEATION BOND ISSUE OF 1964," be introduced and adopted. I MOTION CARRIED RESOLUTION NO. 246 It was moved by Lea and seconded by Hoyt that Resolution No. 246 entitled "}\ RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF AUeUR~J, W/\SH I NG,TmJ, ENDORS I NG AND RECOtNv\END I NG THE 1967-69 ß I ENN I UM PRIORITY SCHEDULE FOR THE CONSTF,:,UCTION I\ND ;^.\ODERNIZATION OF STATE HIGHWAY," be introduced and adopted. MOT I ON CARF~ I ED RESOLUTION NO. 247 It was moved by Nickson and seconded by þ,aby that Resolution No. 247 entitled "A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF AUBURN, WASHINGTO~J, AGREEING TO COr\t\PLY WITH THE T[RIl,S OF AN "INTERGOVE::?NMENTAL AGREE'.~ENT O~J THE ACOUISITI:JN AND PRESr::FNATION OF OPEN SPACE IN THE CENTf?AL PUGET SOUND RF:CION", AND AUTHORIZING THE NAYOR AND CITY CLER.I< TO EXECUTE THE SAME ON BEHALF OF THE CITY OF AUBUí<N." be introduced and adopted. MOT ION CARP I t~D RESOLUTION NO. 248 I I t was moved by Sonnemann and seconded by /\aby that Reso I ut i on No. 248 ent i tied "p, RF:SOLUT I ON OF THE CITY OF ,AUBURN, WASH I NGTON, AUTHOR I Z I t~G THE PAYMENT OF THE 1966 ANNUAL VACATION PERIOD TO THE PLANNING DIRECTOR AND THE EXTENSION OF THE SEVEN DAY BI\L!\NCE OF THE 1966 VACATION PERIOD OF THE: POLICE CHIEF OF THE CITY OF AUBURN," be introduced and adopted. MOT 1 ON CAf:;R I ED RESOLUTION NO. 249 It '.vas moved by Fitzsi:r1mons and seconded b\/ Sonnemann that Resolution No. 249 entitled "A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY Of'" AUBURN, \fJj\SHINGTON, AUTHORIZING THE fMYOR AND CITY CLEPK TO EXECUTE AN OPT I ONAGREEl.\DF FOR THE PURCHASE OF CeRTA IN Ri=':\L PPOPERTY FROM THE GREEN RIVET~ GOLF AND COUNTPY CLUB," be introduced and adopted. MOT 1 ON CARF~ I ED 222 AUBURN, Vló.,SHI N-ºTO~i________,___L~9NDAY ,_________._________.}JOV£!¡!3.:~__._2J_.__19C:?.§. Cv ~ ~ RESOLUTION NO. 250 t- It was moved by Kline and seconded by Lea that F<esolution No. 250 entitled "A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF AUßUF~N_. WASHINGTON, AUTHORIZING THE fl\AYOR AND CITY CLERK TO [_~([CUTE þ, LEASe I\GRl:U/\[NT rOR THE LEASE OF CEf<TAIN MUNICIPI\LLY OWNED PROPERTY TO THE WHITE RIVER VALLEY HISTORICAL SOCIETY," be introduced. MOT I ON CARR II::D RESOLUTION NO. 251 It was moved by Nickson and seconded bV Aaby that Resolution No. 251 entitled "1\ I RESOI.UTION OF THE CITY OF AUBURN, WASHINGTON, /\UTHORIZING THE mANSFER Ol=- $29,500 FROM THE WATER FUND TO THE GOLF COURSE FUND, ON A LO.A,N BASIS, TO BE REPAID AS PROVIDED HEREIN," be introduced and adopted. MOTION CARRIED NEW BUS I Nf::SS City Attornev Smythe reported that he was in receipt of a right-of-way easement for storm sewer I ine from Arnold R. and Dorothy E. Gal I i, and a quit claim deed for street purposes from Velma Lee Bain. It was moved by Lea and seconded by Nickson that the city attorney be authorized to record the foregoing documents. MOT I ON CARR I ED CLA 1.\\5 It was moved by Nickson and seconded by Kline, that the claims as approved by the Audit Committee be paid. CLAIMS FUND 1.18957 thru 1.19040 $31,456.69 MOT ION CARR I ED I There being no further business, the meeting was declared adjourned at I I :40 p. m. subject to the cal I of the mayor. APPROVED TH I S_.&d._D,ó.,y OF . ç-{ _~~4/¿._____.___19/~__ c -, d __', i ~ -' , -----r-, (--/~, ~~~~- ¿~,~-- ( ~ C ¡Y CLERK ~ 2 -K..t^-.l~en_.....)_2Áã-<-..'.~.:3....__.___._._ t/,AYOR I