HomeMy WebLinkAbout12-05-1966 All£; UP Ì\i ~_~U\}.f1Jl.l..ÇTJ~L_______ ____L\O ~JDf\~y.____________...:')IS:S¿t.:.tlf:£'~2.J_ .J 966 2~B The regular meeting of the Citv Council of the City of Aubur-n was held at 8:00 p. m. in the Counci I Chambers at the Cj ty Hall. !~ayor pro-tem Sonnemann cal led the meeting to order. Counci Imen present: Counci Iman absent: l.ea, Hovt. KI ine, Fitzsimmons. Nickson, and /\abv. I t was moved by rJi ckson and seconded b'/ ,6.aby that the mi nutes of the November 21, 1966 Counci I Meeting be approved as mai led. MOT I O~J CAP¡:;: I ED I PUB! I C Hé'I.R I NGS Mayor pro-tem Sonnemann declared the publ ic hearing open on the request of A. and R. Stief to rezone from f~-2 to C-3 property located on the northeast corner of West Main and Western Avenue, legally described as that par of Lot II, Block 3, Lunn's Garden Tracts to Auburn, ace to plai- rec in Vol. 10 of plats, pp. 33, desc as beginning at the SE cor of sd Lot I I, th N 1"23'28" East j/(5', more or less. to the S:~ cor of the N half of sd Lot II; th N 88°02'25" \'J 144.85', more or less to the W In of sd Lot II; th al9 sd W In S I "23'28" VI to the S In of sd lot; th clg sd S In 145' to point of beginning. It was moved by Aaby and seconded by Lea that the publ ic hearing be closed. NOT 1 ON C!\RR I ED It was moved by KI ine and seconded by Lea that the request of A. & R. Stief to rezone from R-2 to C-3 property located on the northeast corner of West Main and Western Avenue be granted, and the city attorney be instructed to draw up the necessary ordinance to I mp I emen t same. MOT I ON CARP I ED ¡,\ayor pro-tern Sonnemann declared the public hearing open on the request of f~lorence Morrison for an expansion of an existing sru (nursing home) on property adjacent to the /Iarsolais Nursing Home at 2Ejl: F St. S.L.. legally described Clock 7, Hi len's Park Addition to Auburn, Washington, Section 30-21-5. I It was moved by KI ine and seconded by Nickson that continuance of the publ ic hearing on the request of Florence Morrislon for an expansion of an existing SPU be postponed unti I later in the meeting. NOT ION C/\RP I J:D CORR [S PONDE NCE The Auburn Planning Commission made the fol lowing recommendations: I. That the request of DePietro-Ander-son to rezone from R-2 to R-4 property located at 532 8th N.C. be granted. 2. That the request of M. C. Clark to rezone from R-2 to R-5 property located at 285 M St. S.C. be denied. 3. That the request of George and Ethel Lyden to rezone from R-2 to C-I property at 1836 Auburn Avenue be granted. 1 t was moved by f<I ine and seconded by Aabv that the city clerk be instructed to call for a publ ic hearing to be held (3 p. m. ¡'¡\onday, December IS, 1966, on the rezoning requests of DePietro-Anderson, M. C. Clark, and George and [the I Lyden. MOT I or~ CAnF\ I ED Edward J. Logan, Deputy Auditor and Supt. of [Iections & Registration, submitted certification of the Special Elections for the City of Auburn held November 8, 1966. which resulted as follows: I PROPOSiTION r~o. I Arteria! Street Bonds Bonds, Yes Bonds, No $ 1 ,450, oce 2,752 I ,782 CARR I ED PROPOSITION NO.2 Fluoridation of Auburn's Water Svstem No ! .738 2.834 DFFEATED Yes PU[-3! I C H~AR I NG I,\a'/or pro-tem Sonnemann stated that the publ ic hearing on the request of Florence A\orrison for an expansion of an existing sru (nursing home) on property adjacent to the Marsolais Nursing Home at 281 I F St. S.E. was open for consideration. 2 ~ 4AlJRlJRN, 'NASH I NGL.O.N j¡'Q.NO.A.L- f) r C F L:lR.EEL....5-..__l.9.6.6. C,¡J ~. ~ Edmund Jacobs, attorney for tArs. Abrr-ison, stated the need for an expansion of an existing SPU and spoke in favor of granting same. It was moved by KI ine and seconded by Nickson that the publ ic hearing be closed. MOT ION CARR ED It was moved by Fitzsimmons and seconded by K! ine that the request of Florence Morrison for an expansion of an existing SPU on property adjacent to the Marsolais Nursing Home be tabled for further study. MOT I ON CARR I ED CŒRESPONDENCE I Fire Chief R. K. Calkins submitted a request to attend a conference of fire chief in Bel I ingham December 9 and 10. It was moved by Aaby and seconded by Nickson that this request be granted. N¡OT I ON C/\RP! ED W. M. Foster, p. E., District Engineer for the state Highway Department submitted a letter requesting a communication indicating the wishes of the city in regard to signal design. City Engineer Poe stated that this communication would be in the mai I tommorrow. The fol lowing items were approved by the City Engineer and Uti I ities Committee and subm it ted to the counc i 1 for approva I : Invoice for $3,120.24 from Hi I I & Ingman for engineering services, West Interceptor Sewer, payable from the Water Sewer Construction Fund. It was moved by Fitzsimmons and seconded by Kline that Hi I 1 & Ingman be paid $3,120.24 from the \Vater Sewer Construction Fund for engineer services on the West Interceptor Sewer. ROLL CALL VOTE: AI I Counci Imen voting YES. t¡\OT I ON CARR I ED I Invoice for $10,700.37, final progress payment to G & J Construction Co., South and Southwest Water Supply Lines, payable from the Water Sewer Construction Fund. It was moved by Nickson and seconded by KI ine that G & J Construction Co. be paid $10,700.37 from the Water Sewer Construction Fund for ~~rk on the South and Southwest Water Supply Lines. ROLL CALL VOTE: AI I Counci Imen voting YES. MOTION CARRIED Engineer's certification that the work by the G & J Construction Co., on the South and Southwest Water Supply Lines contract has been completed and recommendation it be accepted and if after 30 days,no 1 iens or claims are fi led against the work and on proof of payment of tax liabilities. that the retained amount of $27,037.29 be paid, was submitted by R. E. Wolff, consulting engineer,. It was moved by Fitzsimmons and seconded by Nickson that the work done by G & J Construction Co. on the South and Southwest Water Supply Lines contract be accepted and if after 30 days, no I iens or claims are fi led against the work and on proof of payment of tax I iabi 1 i ties they be piad the retained amount of $27,037.29. ROLL CALL VOTE: AI I Counci Imen voting YES. MOT I ON CARR I ED Invoice for $284.52, final progress payment to Slead's Septic Systems on L.' .D. No. 167 contract. I It was moved by Nickson and seconded by Aaby that $284.52 be paid SIead's Septic Systems on L.I ,D. No. 167 contract. ROLL CALL VOTE: AI I Counci Imen voting YES. NIOT I ON CARR' ED Invoice for $265.33 for- final progress payment to Slead's Septic Systems on L.I .D. No. 175 contract. it was moved by Fitzsimmons and seconded by I_ea that Slead's Septic Systems be paid $265.33 on L.I.D. No. 175 contract. ROLL CALL VOTE: AI I Counci Imen voting YES. NIÜT I ON CARR I ED 2- n t:' AUBURN, WASHINGTON MONDAY DECEMBER 5 1966 ,~.) -,----_.,_.,--_. ---.------------------.---------...--------------------_-_.__,____..- Progress pa\/ments to Slead's Septic S;/stems: estimate No.2, I.I.D. ~Jo. 173 contract, $1.025.64: Estimate No.2. I.I,D. ¡'Jo. 175 contract, $15,762.28; Estimate No. I. L.I.D. No. 178-A contract, $985.00. it was moved by KI ine and seconded by Nickson that Stead's Septic Systems be paid $1,025.64 on L.I.D. No. 173 contract. $15,762.28 on I_.I.~). ~Jo. 176 contract_, $986.00 on l. ,I .D. No. 1]8-A contract. ROLL CALL VOTE: AI I Counci Imen voting YES. (¡\OT I ON CARR I ED I Cngineer's cedi fication that the work by Slead's Septic Svstems on I.I.D. No. 157 contract has been completed in conformance to plans and specifications and recommendation that it be accepi"ed b;' the city; that if after 30 days no liens or claims are filed against the work and on proof of payment of tax liabilities, the retained amount of $2994.06 be paid was presented by ~red Poe, City Engineer. It was moved by Nickson and seconded by Aaby that the work done by Slead's Septic Systems on L. I .D. No. 167 contract be accepted and if after 30 days no liens or claims are fi led against the work and on proof of pavment of tax I iabi I ities tho,! be paid the retained ~~ount of $2994.06. ROLL CALL VOTE: AI I Counci Imen voting YES. (/\OT ION CN\R I m E~ngin2er's certification signed by !~red Poe, city engineer, that the work by SIead's Septic S'/stems on I_.!.D, No. 175 has beon completed in accordance with the plans and specifications and recommendation that it be accepted by the city; that if after 30 days no I iens or claims are fi led and upon proof of payment of tax liõbi lities, the retained amount of $1907.04 be paid. it was moved by Fitzsimmons and seconded by Nickson that the work by Slead's Septic Systems on L.I.D. r~o. 175 contract be accepted and if after 30 dõys no liens or claims are fi led against the work and on proof of pa'/ment of tax I iabi I jj ies they be paid the retained amount of $1907.04. ROLL C^LL VOTE: AI I Counci Imen voting YES. MOTl ON (,,\R[:~! ED I The fol lowing zone change applications were submitted to the counci I: I. [;equest of Car-l Crusan to rezone from P-2 to R-4 property located at 1236 29th S.I~. 2. Request of Joseph E. Klontz to rezone fr-om R-I to C-I proper-tv adjacent to Hoyt ,\:\otors at 21st N.r::. 3. Request of Temple Investment Co., Inc. to rezone fr-om R-2 to C-3 property located on the Enumclaw Hiway across from Chinook School. 4. Request of Albert L. Wurster to rezone from R-3 to S.P.U. property located on Southwest corner at 6th & H S.E. I\\OT I or,! C^R~: I ED The Finance Committee made the following recommendations: That the request of Fire Chief Calkins for an emergency appropriation from unbudgeted funds in the Current Expense Fund for $1200, for Voluntarv Firem(~n payt'oll account be granted. It was moved bv ^aby and seconded by KI ine that the city attorney be instructed to draw up the necessarv ordinance implementing an ernet-gency appropriation from unbudgeted funds in the Current Expense Fund for $1200, for Voluntar;' Firemen payroll account. A\OT ION CAPP I ED I That the city counci I take action to engage a bond consultant for the purpose of advertising and sel I ing the $1,450,000 issue of Str-eet Bonds as authorized at recent election. It was moved by KI ine and seconded by Nickson that the city treasurer be instructed to contact a minimum of two bonding consultanta for a cost estimate of making a per-spectus for the sale of the $1,450,000 issue of str-eet bonds. ,\\OT ION CI\RR I ED That the city attorney be instructed to draw up an ordinance to combine the West Side Street and Street Construction Funds~ that section 2 of Ordinance 1936 be rescinded and that a loan from the Arterial Street Fund in the amount of $10,000 with interest at 5% to the Street Construction Fund be authorized. It was moved by Nickson and seconded bv Lea that the city attorney be instructed to draw up the necessary ordinance to implement +hls recommendation. ,\\OT I O~! CfI.RF; 1m 22 6AU3URN,-YY.ASH I..l'l.GTOl__________ MONDAY _________________ DEÇ£:i\ß:::R -,2J_-L9..fL6_ ('..J..j þ:- p,þ The Washington State Highway Commission submitted a letter stating a Federal t,id Route hearing wi I' be held on Public State Highway 15 from South 285th to Sumner at 0:30 a.m. II\Onday, December 12, 1966, at the Auburn Elks Lodge. ,\~rs. Howard Bothel I. chair-man Auburn Cemetery Board, submi tted a letter requesting that Ed Galliar... cePletery superintendent, be paid for his annual vacation period. It was moved by Nickson and seconded by Aaby that the city attorney be instructed to draw up the necessarv resolution implementing payment of 1966 annual vacation to Ed Gall ian, cemetery superintendent. !!\OT I ON CARR I ED PROC LA!/IA T I ON I Mayor Robert F. Gaines proclamation designating the week of December I as Civi I Air Patrol Week was read. COUNC I L CO!/'i'¡\ITTF~E FŒPORTS STREET COi'Ni\1 TTEE - COU~)C! L,"\AN LFA Councilman Lea reported that it \to/as the city attorne\/'s opinion that the City of f~uburn coulc not utilize any portion of the off-street parking facilities for the construction of rest rooms as proposed by the Auburn Lions Club who wished to undertake this project. POL ICE COiN!\1 TTET - COUNC I L//,/\N SONNElMNhl Counci Iman Sonnemann reported that the Police Committee have proposed some changes in speed limits in the city. and that copies of these changes would be sent to the counci Imen for study. Dr,:p/\RTMENT HEAD REPmnS RECREATION DEPARTMENT - RECREATION DIRECTOR BRUCE BILLE Recreation Director Bruce Bi I Ie reported that the Basket Ba'l League is starting tonight. ORDINANCFS & RESOLUTIONS I It was moved by KI ine and seconded by Fitzsimmons that the city attorney be authorized to read the ordinances that appear on the agenda by title only. /;\OT I ON CARR I ED OPD I NANCE NO, 1988 It was moved by Nickson and seconded by Aaby that Ordinance No. 1988 entitled "AN GRD I ~~ANOE OF THE CITY OF ,';UBURr·!, W:'\SH I ~JGTON, F'ROV I J I t\IG FOR THE RUON I NG or: CERTA' N PROPERTY IN THE CITY OF AUBURN, CHANGING THE ZONING CLASSIFICATION THEREOF FROM R-2 TO R-4" be adopted. ROLL CALL:VOTE: AI I Counci Imen voting YES. MOT I ON CARR I ED ORDINANCE NO. 1994 It was moved by Aaby and seconded by Nickson that Ordinance No. 1994 entitled "AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF AUBURN, WASH'NGTON, GRANTING A SPECIAL F'ERM!T FOR THE USE OF CERTAIN PROPERTY SITUATE WITHIN THE CORF'ORAT[ LI¡'/iITS OF THE CITY OF l\UßURN, FOR APARTMENT HOUSE PURPOSES" be introduced and adopted. ROLL CALL VOTE: AI I Counci Imen voting YES. MOTION CARPI ED I ORD 'r~/\NG: NIJ. 1995 It was moved by Aaby and seconded by Fitzsimmons that Ordinance No. 1995 entitled "AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF AUBURN, WASHINGTON. GRANTING A SPECIAL PERMIT FOR THE USE OF CERTAIN PROPERTY SITUATE WITHIN THE CORPORATE LIMITS OF THE CITY OF AUSURN, FOR APART- MENT HOlF.;E PURPOSES" be introduced and adopted. ROLL CALL VOTE: AI I Counci Imen voting YES. l.\OT I m~ C/\RR':=O ~··~·7 rUGUF<~!. V'J¡\SH I t~crm,J !!¡O~Jl)!I Y DFC[',\ßfT 5, 1966 _. ,_....__...,~._,.,_._- -.~.._----y-~.._._-------_.,,--._~._--.__.._-----'_.---,.-"----_..__.-"_._----'._---._..~-~----~.._.- ORDINANC~ NO. 1996 Ii- wac; moved by I\aby and seconded b\! Fitzsimmons thôt Ordinance ¡,Jo. 1996 entitled I:M~ Oim I r.J/\ÎIC[ OF THE CITY O~- Ô,UfJUPI<i. \\'/\511 I \!CiOhl, GPAtlT 1 NC A SPEC I At. PFW/\! T FOr:; cn,\\,é:L F"\':;'\OVAL m~ CEfH.i\IN mOPERTY SITUI\TE V1ITHI\! 11-1' CORPORATE L_li\\IT5 Of~ THE CITY OF J\UBURN" be introduced and adopted. ROLL CALL VOTE: AI I Councilmen voting YES. I,\OT I ON CI\RP! ED ORD ! i'MNC:: NO. '997 I It was moved by Lea and ~jeconded bv 1\lickson j-hat Ordinance No. 1997 entitled "!\I~ ORDINí\~JCE or- TH:: CITY 0[:- AUDUR~J, \'í\SH I i'K,rOi'i, COMF3: N I NG TI-t:: !lV1C5~ S! IX: STREET FU~ml:. CRE/\T[D BY CRD I N/\NCr.:: !\JO. i 93,_) !d\!D THi:: "Si-R[ET CO!\;';TRUCT I 01,1 F:Uì~D Ii, Œ':::A T[D BY ORD I W\NC: riO. 1990 INTO mE EUt~D. TO éE ¡"'laCII~/\FT:~F-; F<i'JO\'/'h! lIS TH:: "STl~¡:C¡ CONsmUCT:or,~ FUì~D", TRMr:3I::éRF:!i,]G TH::_ SU\\ elF $10,000 f~f<O;'/i THi:: ¡\F~n]~IM_ STfŒU FUi'' [) T() THE STREn CONSTRUCTION FUND ON !\ I_Oi\ì~ BASIS. ,\rii) r:::::p'::/\LUJG S=CTIOiJ 2 0': OF(DI~l!,tJC NO, 193<5 OF TI-IE CF'DIN¡\NG~S OF THE CITY OF ¡~U[3Lmj," be int~oduced and adopted. ROLL CALL VOTE: ~I ¡ Counci Imen voting YES. í/DT ION C!\Fm ¡ ëD ORD I NM\JCr:: t'JO. 1998 Ii- vias moved by Inckson and seconded by þ,ab-/ that Ordinance No. 1998 entitled "i'd-I Qr<D tJMJC:: or: TH:= CITY or: !\UßUR~j, VlrlSH I ¡¡ClmJ. D:::CLí'R I NG A PUGL I C EJ;'EF~C[ NCY TO ::)< I ST /~~J[) ¡\PFf?()pr~ I I\T' NG THi-:: SU/.\ or S 200 r::RO,\\ UN,cUDGETEi) FUi\![)S I r~ THF CURRENT ::'XPUJS:~ 1~·Ui· D or: nw CITY TO THE VOLu~rEER Pf~ROLL ACCOUNT, SALARIE3 AND ~~GES CLASS, FIRE DEPARTMENT ~IVISION OF TI1:: curm;ér1T D(Pi-éNSE run B·urK,:::T. TO pr\Cv! D:~ IFC[:;:)lJ~Y ¡:Ut'IDS FOR THE OP[FU,T I or! or- 3,\ I D !\CCOlJrH r:OR TI-r: BALi\IJC- OF TH[: C/\L'-ND¡'J; y:--/,P 195C," be introduced. ':\OT I Oi~ CAF~R I ED RESOLUTION NO. 250 It was moved by VI ine and seconded bv Lea that Resolution No. 250 entitled OF THE CITY OF AUBURN, WASH I NCTON, AUTHORIZINC THE ^~VOR AND CiTY CLERK TO LEASE AGREEMENT FOR TH[ L _ASE OF CERTAIN MUNICIPALLY OWNED PROPERTY TO THE VALU-Y H!STOPIC!\L SOCIF~TY." be amended so that the proviso designating the lease as ninety-nine years be changed to 50 years, and with this amendment "t\ P-SOLUT!CI'J FXF:CUT:= ,^ \"JH ! T r_~ F~ 1 \/[~P I period of be introduced and adopted. I\DU_ Of\_LL VOE: A I I Counc i I men vo t i ng '/"- (' I r:..J . !iOT I ON C,i\Fm I ED R[SOLUT!ON NO. 252 It waS moved by Lea and seconded by Nickson that Pesolution No. 252 entitled "/, R SOLUTION OF THE C!T'i OF f\Uf3UR~l. V:,i\:~HII<JGíO~'J. ,^,UTHORIZ!I,jCè THE !/J\Yor~ TO E>~[CUT'- iHE GR':U! I<IV':[; VA,LLC'( FU'[r: 1 C STUDY TRAW.iPDF<T/\ T I C¡< PLMJ /\ND PROGRA'/, /\GREr::i,\ENT t10. GC-1940 fIND IIUTHOP I Z I t·JG THF:' V:¡THHOLDI(1G E3Y THi: ST,I\n[ OF V/N:;Hii1GTON OF Tllþ,T rœTlmJ OF THE r[r,JCII,¡rTF)INC SCfN!CES TO FT Pi^,1f) BY THe: CITY OF= /',UBUF:N," be introduced and adopted. ¡(QLL_ el,LL VOlT: ;\1 Counei Imen voting ¡-¡-So /,\OT Oi'J C/\RF< I réD r;[~:;OLUTION ~JO, 2_53 It was "loved by iJickson and seconded b'/ r:itzsimmons that r-:esolutior> No. 253 entitled "/\ FrSOLUïlmJ or THi[ CI""'Y CF6.t_Jf:)UFN, ':!i\I;HI~;CTmL /IUT!:OPIZI~JG l"Hfê ANI't,\L CmJTF<OL \JtJ":'J~:N TO F'F:G:IVr:: P!I'o.'un ¡-DR ¡W:: r~:::'V\lì'JI:JG [[CHT ["¡,\y~; or: HIS 19';6 /\i<NUfIL W,C!\TIO~l," be introduced and adopted. POLL C/\LL VOTE: ,\11 Co unci Imen voting y':::). r\OT I orJ CN;P I ED RFSOLUTION NO. 254 I it vias moved by iJlckson and seconded bit ¡\aby that Resolu~ion No. 254 entitled "A, Rf"SOLUTION OF IW~ CITY OF AUGU¡:';iJ, \'J,\Sf-í I I>JGTON, þ,UTHOP I 7! ~!G THF": (F":!/¡[Tt::!<'( SUpn:; I NTDJr):éNT TO RECF I vr P;\'(!,\UJT F:OR HiS 1966 ,6.i,-¡r,JL),\L V/\Ct,TIc);,¡," be introduced and adopted. ROLL CALL VOTE: AI f Counci Imen voting YES. /,\01 I m~ Ci\Rf\ IF]) OI_D BUS I Nr::SS Counci Iman I\ati! reported that the Co I f Commi ttee is now in the process of interviewing gal f course architects for the construction of an eighteen hole golf course, and that they arc presently trying to obtain a commitment from the county for seventy-five acres to provjde additional space for gal f course expansion. He also r-eported that stock holders of the Cn~e" Piver (,olf and Countr¡' Club have extended the cit",'s option from one "ear to three '-ears, but i nc I uded in the opt Ion agreement that they VJOU I d S0 lion I if if the course is to be made eighteen holes. 2 28 AU8UF';1\L.... v:^Sfill~c:I.:..~L.._______._._____________..!:lQNiJ/\ Y ___...__________ _.___ Dçcr!'.\EJER ?.z.....J 959____ c.ü :::', QÞ Counci Iman Sonncmann reported that the Had/ey-Stonach property annexed by Ordinance No. 1985 involved marc than 10 acres and would require a Board of F~eview and 5lJbsequently a new ordinance. The Board meeting has been cal led for Wednesday morning. $ic"'!~ ['!EI/: BUS I NESS Cit;, /\ttorney Sm;lthe reported that he was in receipt of a right-of-way easement from ~red L. and Clara t^ae Brannan. It was moved by Lea and seconded b" Nickson that the city attorney be instructed to record the right-of-way easement from Fred L. and Clara Mae Grannan. MOT I ON CARP I r::o I C LA I /¡\~) It was moved by Fitzsimmons and seconded by Nickson, that the claims as approved by the Audit Committee be paid. PA YROL L #5056 thru #5125 ill thru #157 $51,082.30 CLAIMS #904/ thru #9217 $69,322.70 MOTION CARRIED There being no further business, the meeting was declared adjourned at 10:00 p. m. subject to the cal I of the mayor pro-tem. APPROVED TH I S / ý' £'1. DA Y OF ,-'- C,.? --YYl.-,C-,-'? /'1.- 19 {, _c..__~·.·__.__.._·_.________ --....-- C .'--.. j' , /(' / 'A /-............ /l',:l-<: ~/ L--t:....,,,- ..-[....t.___.._-" ....<- .. ::Ë ----·--~TY CLERK I (I.' , I ,," (~) /" ",,' ¡:~' _~L:,,4-,~¿-L..,-<. ·l'(m .'. ; ',~. ) I~. . ' ~-' /. ~ ill ^ YR· PRO- H),I, I