HomeMy WebLinkAbout12-19-1966 NJIJUP ì,j, WÞ. SH ! NGTor~ !/\or~DA '( DECE/.\BER /9 /966 2. 2. ~ __ _. .__ _,.___..____...._...._..____..___....._.______. _...__.....____.___._._._._.__..______._....____.__._.___...l._..._...____._ The regular r::eeting of the City Counci I of the City of ;\uburn was held at 8:00 p. m. in the Counc i I Chambers at the C i tv Ha II. !;\ayor Gaines callE?d the meetirg to order. Councilmen prespnt: Ho\/t.. ILea. f<line. Fifzsimmons, ~~ickson. Þaby. and :30nnemann. ! t vvas moved by Nickson and SE:~conded by r< linE-: t hat the m j nut es 0 f the December 5, 196':=' Counci I Meeting be approved as mai led. MOT! Oi'! CAPt( I ED I PtF3LIC HFARI~J('S Mayor Gaines declared the public hearing open on the request of OePietro-Anderson to rezone from R-2 to R-4 property located at 532 8th Street Northeast and legal /y described as th(~ East /34.6/' of the r~orth 200' of the Cast 335.25' of the 'Nest 801.35' of the North 509.25' of Government Lot 8, Sec 18-21-5. The Auburn Planning Commission recommended to the City Counci I that this request be granted as propert'/ is adjacent to existing ;~-4 zoning, lies within ,lI.rea I as indicated on Comprehensive Plan as multiple zoned areas. Consideration should be given to the dedication of North 30 feet for street purposes. It was moved by Hoyt and seconded by Nickson that the pub I ic hearing be closed. I!DT ION CA!;f; I '::D It was moved by SonneMann and seconded by Nicksor that Anderson to rezone from R-2 to R-4 property located at be çranted and the cltv attarnev be instructed to draw to implement same. the reauest of DePietro- i 532 8th Street Northeast up the necessary ordinance liOTION CARf<I:~D Mayor Gaines declared the pub! Ic hearing open on the request of M. C. Clark to rezone fr,:,m [:;-2 to P-5 propert)' located at 2215 ;',\ Street Southeast and legal Iv described as the Dosterly 500' of of S[~ of of Sec 30-21-5 ~x the Souther I; 3D' for road. I The Auburn Planning ComMission recommended i-hat this request be deni(Jd because it would be adjace:-;t to one of the city's better single fami Iv residential areas, even though it is diagonal!y adjacent to R-5 zoning which existed before this ar0a was constructed. It would be ð definite detriment to these hor::es. It was moved bv Aaby and seconded bv Hoyt that the pub I ic hearing be closed. ::DT I CN oAlm I '':-D It waS moved by Aaby and seconded by Hoyt that we conCUr with the Planning Commission's recommendation and deny the request of M. C. Clark to rezone from R-2 to R-5 property located at 2815 M Street Southeast. /v\O T I or~ C/'J~P! ED Mayor Gaines declared the publ ic hearing open on the request of George and Ethe! Lyden to rezone from R-2 to C-I property at 1835 ~uburn Avenue and legaf Iy described as ~est 249A' of Souih 1,338.84' of por of D. C.. of P.S.H.:fS less S 1731' County Tax Lot 41, Wn. Grannan D. C. #37, Sec 7-21-5. I The Auburn Planning Commission recommended that this request be granted as property to the South and East is presently zoned C-I and property to the West is zoned M-!. The rezone wi II not be detrimE:ntal to thE'; surrounding property and conforms wit-h the over-all cOMprehensive plan. Consideration should be given to the dedication of ¡Vest 5 feet for street purposes fot- future widE?ning of East Valley High\!Ja/. II was moved bv Aaby and seconded by Nickson that the pub! ic hearing be closed. "'lOT! ON c/\r:,;¡::; I ED it was moved by Hoyt and seconded by Nickson that the request of George and Ethel Lyden to rezone from R-2 to C-I property at 1836 Auburn Avenue be granted and the City Attorney be instructed to draw up the necessary ordinance to implement same. (,\OT I ON CN·m I ED ..'~ JU :¡: ç'~ ~~. OGl1i 230 6..\l.B UF~Ji..L_~1.Ad!:1jJ;l0T º-LL__._________..____ __.....Ji1Ç.LULl/\ Y ___~__ ________-----º.f C f~t\\QCIL-'..S!...L.Js.QQ BIDS One bid was rece i ved for I ega I advert is i ng: i\UBUF\N U0[3E-NEV1S bid as fo I lows: $2.40 per 100 words for the first inser1ion, $1.80 per 100 words for each subsequent insertion, Size of tvpe to be used-~8 point. Wordage to be computed on the basis of () words per' ine. COf\RESPOM)!~NCE A letter was received from the Washington State Highway Commission requesting the city check on all city signs, signals, etc. for conformance with the 1961 manual on uniform traffic control. Mayor Gaines referred this matter to the Engineering Department. I The Auburn Planning Commission made the fo! lowing recommendations: I. That the reques t 0 f Jenn i e 1':,. Crouch to rezone frorr R-3 to R-4 property on 15th St, S,E., east of B Sf, be granted. (No. 82-66) 2. That the request of Valley Bldg. Center, Inc. to rezone Parcel I fro!':) C-I to M-I and Parcel 2 from A-I to M-I property at 3016 Auburn Avenue be granted. (No. 83-66) 3. That the request of John Juris to rezone from Unci ass. to R-4 property at 22nd and Sts. N.t::. be granted. (No. 85-66) 4. That the request of Rosa Rut I edge to rezone from Unc I ass. to R-4 property located on ! St. N.l:"" N, of 22nd St. be granted. (1')0. 81-(6) 5. That the request of Val ley Garage, inc. to rezone Parcel I from C-I to !.'\-I and Parcel 2 from A-I to '\~-I property located at 3104 ,^,uburn Avenue be gr an t ed . (No. 84-66) It was moved by Sonnemann and seconded by Aabv that the city clerk be instructed to call for a publ ic hearing to be held 8 p. m.. January 3 on the foregoing requests. /''OT I ON CARR I ED The Washington State Highway Commission submitted a letter stating the firm of Vogt, Ivers, Stevens, Thompson and Associates is nearing completion of report on future traffic volumes and suggested faci' ities to serve the expected traffic which wi II be I presented at a meeting at 10 a. m.. December 22, 1966, at Kent Ci ty Hal I. Mavor Gaines referred this matter to the Engineering Department. A letter was received from Lewis-Redford, Engineers of Del levue, Washington, expressing interest in assisting City of Auburn with development of engineering and plans for current street bond improvement program. Mayor Gaines asked that this letter be placed on fi Ie. LaVada Holman submitted her resignation as trustee of the Auburn Public Librarv. Hi II & Ingman submi tted an invoice in the amount of $2.077.13 for Engineering Services for C St, S.W. and 15th St, S."!. for the month of October, 1966. Zone Change Appl ications were submitted as fol lows: Sidney Hendricks request to rezone from Unclassified & R-I to R-2, R-3, R-4 and N.S. on respective parcels of the Dykstra Property. Sidney Hendricks request for Special Property Use Permit Appl ication for single family. duplex and apar1-ment dwelling units together with small commercial area in connection with an overal I planned unit development on the Dykstra property. It was moved by Sonnemann and seconded by Aaby that the foregoing requests be referred to the Planning Commission. N\OT I ON U.RF<! ED I L. & S. Bui Iders Company submitted a letter requesting release of restricted covenent on property described as Lots 13 and 14 and the south half of Lot 5. Block ß. French's First Addition to the Town of Slaughter. according to plat recorded in volume 5 of plats, page 55, in I<i ng County, Wash i ngton. Cit~! Attorney Smythe read the covenents which are presently on the property. Proposed Plans for the property were presented to the Counci I. It was moved by Lea and seconded by Nickson that this matter be referred to the Planning Commission for study and that they be requested to make a recommendation at the next Counci I Meeting. 6(;(; MOTION CARRIED t Uß.l1!3l.'i~_.J0.;.?J:UJlÇ~I!)H-- ___P_..______.._____.~^O t:!J2!'-'C.__._.__________ f) E CF I~EE_IS-L.J..966 231 /.',r5. Dorothy f30thcll. Chairr1ôn of the i'\uburn Corneter)1 Board, submi tted a letter to the Council recommending pa'¡mont of $8,5CO.00 to f;:ainier- ,"Isphaft Paving Co., on their' contract for paving in I\uburn Cer1eter'/, upon approval of the Fngin,,,ering iJepart!';lent of the City of Auburn. It was moved by Sonnemanr and seconded by Nickson that Rainier Asphalt Paving Co. be paid 58..500.00 as recommended b'/ the ¡',uburn Cemetery Board and upon approval of Engineering Department. ROLL CI'\LL. VOlT: All Counci Imcn voting iTS. ¡';\OT ! ON CAR~; I ED I PROCLAiM T I mJS AND APPO I ~H¡'!IE~NTS It was moved b'/ Kline and seconded b" Sonnelilann that l.ôVada Holman's resignation as trustee of the Auburn Publ ic Librarv be accepted. /;\0 T ION C/'\RI', I ED !'\a~'or Gaines asked :.\rs. Her-itage, city clerk, to write ¡'irs. Holmar expressing the City's appreciation for the work she has <bnc as iru~:;tee of the; ;\uburn Public Library. II, UD I [: i'JŒ JaMes Shaughnp.ssy, president of the White Piver \/alle'/ Historical Society. asked that the lease agreement for- the lease of r1unicipal Iv owned property to the White Rivcr Valle; Hi3torical SocieT\! for a rm.:seu"T1 be Made for a period of ninety-nine ycur"s rathE:r than fifty year-s as written in the leac"e at the present time. , t '.'!as moved b'.' Sonneí~lann and seconded b" :\aby that the I ease agreement be revised ~o cover a period of ninet;l-nine ~·ears. /;\OT I ON (þ,RF i U) CClUNC II.. COi'.Vi~! nEF: F~EPORTS :3TfU~[T CO/:i.\ITTU' - COUNCIUAI\N 1:::.<". I If- '¡¡ôs moved b¡ Lea and secondp.d b;' Son:,cmann that Hi II & Ingman be paid ¡~2.077. U from the street Construction Fund for ~ngineer¡ng Services for CSt. S.W. and 15th :')t. S.VJ. for the month of October. 196:J. ROLL CALI.. YOTE: AI I Courci Imen voting YES. N.o T ION c,1\Fm I ED It was moved bv Kline and seconded by Lea that the Auburn City Counci I go on record as being in favor of route "C_I" and requesting that they permit aCcess to and froM West Yal ley Highway and thev designate interchanges, 37th Sir-oet Northwest 29th Street Northwest !4th Street Northwest 8th street Nor+hwest '.""est ;'¡\ain Street 15th Str-eet Southwest Old Peas lev Canyon Road to [cho Lake Freeway, and that overpasses or underpasses at the following loeaf-ions: r:u II I nt erchange Underpass or Overpass f~u II I ntcrchange Underpass or Overpass Underpass or Overpass Fu II Interchange :lOT I Qt.J Ci\F~r\! !]) Counci Iman I..ea reported pr-ogrcss on widen¡n~ Enur::cfaw Highway fro"T1 botto!';l of I_:numclaw fli II to the arCêJ of the fire station. ~.·//\T(J\-;)r:~\'J[]::.: CQ/..V,,.\ ¡ TT:~~r: - COU;-,.JC! !_ll\¡\r·l ~_:-! T731 /,V-/\O~'J,S I Counci l!';lan Ei jzsirnrnons reported that thcr-e wi II be a meeting with the people ir th'0 Lea Hi I I are? on the lOth of Januar-y to discuss !';leans of obtaining water. D [~ F'/\F(;-,""f: N-!" H r: /\D FCPOfH 5 PI /,I'!ì,!! ¡¡e ¡YY/J('¡',\Ei\JT - FIJ\Î'!N I riC J! F:ECTOR U:C+:Œ :3CHULEf? Planning Director (;cor00 Schuler reported that ¡:îorence ,'!\Orrison would be wi lIing to dedicate the North 25 feet of her pr-oped'! for street purposes, if the city vvould al low her to keep the bui Iding v¡hich is presently on this piece of propert~/ for from three to five years. It was moved b'l r:itzsimmons and seconded b\! Nickson that the citv advertise for bids for the constr-uetio:l of a buildi:l[ 'Jr ihe :;eVlage Treatment Flant Property, bids to be opened 3 p. rn., ¡)eccmber 2c::', 1966. !:'lOT I O~~ C,^,PP! EëD II UPJJ£l!''L__. \'!t":.~1 NGT Ott____.,______._M_._____~_... . !viO,~ D :^li..-________..__._____3 E C :~_t{~2~R .J2.-,-__.19.66 tv ~. Q~ 232 t,,.,·~~ OLD BUS I W:SS It was moved b'! Sonnemann and secorded by Fitzsimmons that the city clerk be instructed to call for bids for the slae of surplus ecuipment at the Sewer Department. MOT I ON C!\RF~ 1m It was moved by Sonnemann and seconded bv Lea that the city attorney be instructed to draw up the necessary deed for Florence N\orrison to dedicate the North 25 feet of her property for street purposes, with the proviso that the building on this property Can remain there not to exceed five vears. It was moved by Fitzsimmons and seconded by Hoyt to amend the motion to allow the bui Iding to remain on the property unti I such time as the street is developed. I /'/\OT I ON C¡,\RR I ED It was moved by Nickson ard seconded by Sonnemann to amend the motion to al low the bui Iding to remain on the property for a minimum of three years or unti I the street is developed. I;\OT I ON CAFf? I ED MOTION AS AMENDED CARRIED 11' was moved by Kline and seconded by Aab'/ that Ordinance I"Jo. 1779 entitled "(I,ll ORD I NANCE OF THE CITY OF ¡\UBURN. \NASH I f\)GTON, FŒL;'\ T I NG TO AND [STABL I SH I NG THE BAS I S /\ND R/,r"S OF f~[GUL;\f? i\ND eVERT I (,iE CO/.\PENSA T: ON FOR CERTt\ I N MUN I C I P¡\L EMPLOY'::ES OF -rw: CITY OF /\UBURN," not be adopted. ROLL CALL VOTE: AI I Counci Imen voting YES. MOTION CARR 1m ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS It was moved by KI ine and seconded by Fitzsimmons that the city attorney be authorized to read the ordinances that appear on the agenda by title only. MOT ION CARR I c:o I ORD I N/\JiCf: NO. 1992 It was moved by I\ab/ and seconded by Sonnemann that Ordinance No. 1992 entitled "AN Of~~D!~1ANC[= OF THE CITY OF P,UBURN, V1/\SH!NGTON, DCCLARING /\ PUBLIC Ei,\ER(,FNCY TO f?;~'ST þ,ND APPROpr~lþ\TING THF ~)U\\ or~ $1,724.50 FF\O!.i Ur~BUDGETED FUt<DS I~J THE CURF,:FNT EXPENSE FUND; TH'= SUi', OF $6,600.CO r~RO/'i UNBUDGET[]) FUNDS ! N THE CUr\PFNT [¡(PENSE FUND FOP THE Gf\RB/\GE Sr::RV I CE ACCOUNT, GrNf::RAL GOVr:-R~)!/£NT D I V I S ION. CUf=<PENT EXPF'f'JSE FUt~D, TO PROV I DE NECCSSÞ,RY FurmS FOR THf= P¡\YI/01T OF C[RTf\ I~! MU~! I C I Pi\L OßL I G/\T IONS OF TH[ CITY OF AUBURN," be adopted. ROLL CALL VOTE: AI I Counci Imen voting YES. '/DT I ON C!\rT; I ED ORDINANCE NO. 1998 It was moved b~f f<lire and seconded b\1 r~icksor that Ordinance f\Jo. 1998 entitled "/\i'J ORDINÞ.NCf:: OF THE CITY OF /\UBUP~J, 'iJ;\;:iHINGTON, DECLARING ;\ PUBLIC E!/,ERGENCY TO EXIST AND APPFIOPR I AT I NG THE SUi\:'.. OF $1200 FFWM UNBUJGf"r::D FUNDS I N THE CURRENT EXPENSE FUND OF THE CITY TO THE VOLUf'JT[:TR PtÙROII_ ACCOUNT, SAi.ARIES AND VltlGES CLP\SS, ciRE: DEP/\RT/\DJT DI\'ISIO~, OF THE CURRf':-NT E>(P~=W;,:: r::-UIJD BUDGET, TO PROVIDE NECE~)SARY FUNDS FOR THE OPER'\TION OF SAID !\CCOUi'JT FOR THE BALANCE: OF THE CALENDAR ~T/\R 1965." be adopted. ROLL CALL VOTE: AI I Counci Imen voting YES. '^:\OT 'ON om; I ED ORDINANCE NO. 1999 I It was moved b~/ Sonnemann and seconded by þ,aby that Ordinance No. 1999 entitled n''\~.J 0:-<0 I Ni\i~C[ OF THE CITY OF ,'\LJ3URt',J, \'J/\SH I t' GTor~, PC U\ T ! iJG TO MiD mov, DING FOP THE ANNEXATION TO THE CITY OF AUBURN OF A CONTIGUOUS AREA OF LAND LYING ADJACENT TO THr::- ì~ORTH[f;;I..Y'.\i\RGII·jM LP, [':- OF THF EXI:~TING CITY LI!\!TS Or:- THE CITY OF ;\UBUR~J. '!JHICH L/\ND IS D:=SCf< I BED I N A PET I T I ON DULY F! Lf=D !,'I I TH THf':- CITY COUNC I L OF THE: CITY OF /\UBURN. AND F<EPEALING Of\DIN/lJICF ~~O, 1986 OF TJ-J[ m~DIN/\NCr:S OF THE CITY OF AUBURN," be intro- duced and adopted. ROLL CALL VOTE: AI I Courci Imen voting YES. ,\\OT ION CARF I ED AUBURN, WASHINGTON MONDAY DECEMßER 19, 1966 2 B a ORDINANCE NO. 2000 It was moved by Sonnemann and seconded by Nickson that Ordinance No. 2000 entitled "AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF AUBURN, WASHINGTON, AMENDING SECTIONS 9.02.020, 9.02.030, 9.04.080, 9.04.130, 9.04.140, 9.04.150, 9.04.170, 9.04.180, 9.04.410, AND 9.16 OF THE AU8URN CITY CODE, SAID SECTIONS AMENDED RELATING TO AND REGULATING MOTOR VEHICLES, TRAFFIC, TRAVEL AND TRANSPORTATION AND THEIR INCIDENCE UPON THE PUBLIC STREETS AND OTHER WAYS OPEN TO THE PUBLIC WITHIN THE CORPORATE LIMITS OF THE CITY OF AUBURN, PURSUANT TO ORDINANCE NO. J429 OF THE CITY OF AUBURN, AS AMENDED; AND REPEALING ORDINANCE NOS. 919, 1099, SECTIONS 29 AND 66 OF ORDINANCE NO. 1429, AND SECTION 4. OF ORDINANCE NO. 1846 OF THE ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF AUiURN,tt be introduced, but that the Highway Department not be sent a copy of the ordinance as introduced as it is sti II under discussion. I MOTION CARRIED ORDINANCE NO. 2001 It was moved by Sonnemann and seconded by Aaby that Ordinance No. 2001 entitled "AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF AUBURN, WASHINGTON, PROVIDING FOR THE REZONING OF CERTAIN PROPERTY IN THE CITY OF AUBURN, WASHINGTON, CHANGING THE ZONING CLASSIFICATION THEREOF FROM R-2 TO C-3," be introduced and adopted. ROLL CALL VOTE: All Counci Imen voting YES. MOTION CARRIED ORDINANCE NO. 2002 It was moved by Lea and seconded by Sonnemann that Ordinance No. 2002 entitled "AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF AUBURN, WASHINGTON, REQUIRING THE CONSTRUCTION OF SIDEWALKS AiUTTING RESIDENTIAL, COMMERCIAL OR INDUSTRIAL BUILDINGS WITHIN THE CORPORATE LIMITS OF THE CITY: DEFINING CONSTRUCTION STANDARDS AND SPECIFICATIONS THEREOF AND EXEMPTIONS THERETO: PROVIDING PENALTIES AND THE IMPOSITION OF LIENS FOR VIOLATIONS THEREOF, AND REPEALING ORDINANCE NO. 1679 OF THE ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF AUBURN, WASHINGTON, AND ALL AMENDMENTS THEREOF, AND ALL OTHER ORDINANCES OR SECTIONS OF ORDINANCES IN CONFLICT HEREWITH," be introduced and adopted. ROLL CALL VOTE: Lea, Fitzsimmons, Nickson, Aaby, Sonnemann, and Hoyt YES; Kline NO. I MOTION CARRIED ORDINANCE NO. 2003 It was moved by Hoyt and seconded by Aaby that Ordinance No. 2003 entitled "AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF AUBURN, WASHINGTON, GRANTING A SPECIAL PERMIT FOR GRAVEL REMOVAL ON CERTAIN PROPERTY SITUATE WITHIN THE CORPORATE liMITS OF THE CITY OF AUBURN," be introduced and adopted. ROLL CALL VOTE: All Counci Imen voting YES. MOTION CARRIED RESOLUTION NO. 255 It was moved by Sonnemann and seconded by Aaby that Resolution No.255 entitled "A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF AUBURN, WASHINGTON, AUTHORIZING THE MAYOR AND CITY CLERK TO EXECUTE AN AGREEMENT FOR THE DEMOLITION AND REMOVAL OF A CERTAIN FRAME STRUCTURE OWNED BY THE CITY OF AUBURN," be introduced and adopted. MOTION CARRIED RESOLUTION NO. 256 It was moved by Sonnemann and seconded by Hoyt that Resolution No. 256 entitled ttA RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF AUBURN, WASHINGTON, RELATING TO THE TRANSFER OF FUNDS IN VARIOUS MUNICIPAL DEPARTMENTS OF THE CITY OF AUBURN, TO PROVIDE NECESSARY FUNDS FOR THE OPERATION OF SAID DEPARTMENTS," be introduced and adopted. ROLL CALL VOTE: All Counci Imen voting YES. I MOTION CARRIED NEW BUSINESS City Attorney Smythe reported that he was in receipt of the following quit claim deeds: Arthur C. Stief & Roberta A. Stief Ida Marty Fassbind Walter W. Adamson & wife, Dorothy James J. Hi 1 land wife, Mary Clifford l. Brown and wife, Roberta C. Ivan D. Pinyan and wife, Mary I. Wm. Edwards Construction Co. Gertrude Irene Hintz and their wives Lundstrom 8ldg. Enterprises, Inc. Leon E. Jones, and wife, Virginia M. Richard A. McChesney and wife, Louise A. Frances Hoyt James Moceri and wife, Modesta Rolf Skaftun and wife, Aase 2 34 AUBURN. WASH I NGTON MONDAY DECEMBER 19.1966 It was moved by Aaby and seconded by Sonnemann that the city attorney be instructed to record the foregoing deeds. MOTION CARRIED It was moved by Sonnemann and seconded by Nickson that the Auburn Globe-News bid for legal advertising be accepted. MOTION CARRIED City Treasurer ,John VJ. Kellv submitted a letter to the counci I reportinq that collec- tions of property taxes for 1966 have fa len short of amounts budseted Therefor by approximately $45,000.00. CLAIMS It was moved by Fitzsimmons and seconded by Hoyt, that the claims as approved by the Audit Committee be paid. 'jOT I ON CARR I ED CLAIMS WARRANTS #9218 thru 19513 $35,530.60 There being no further busiress, the meeting was declared adjourred at 10:20 p. m. subject to the call of the mayor. Jc'--~ D/\v, o F____.~._u. > > '. '....y\.-.~_~.. 6-..-"L"'-·' I 9 -,--..-"-- -_..~ - -7"-·-----·---- APPROVED TH I S .. . " ,"" ~' J ¿ ~ ~"/./ . z:-:: ........... ..,.,..,.~?'='---_ç.,u-'!...:.:______':.:..;:!2'.::f- /b:::'--~,. -- . .~_...._ __..____ . ' " .' CITY CIERI.( "'-.",., . DIV. C.~ Ì\ ua (' .. ;1P. ~). );>--;', >; - . ,~. "7': STATE ;-'.. :ER .r<~ 2 /j(~ __L__.__.__.______. ._______ __________.._ ¡';\ ,^, Y 0 R c.v ~. ~ ';""~ I I I