HomeMy WebLinkAbout01-16-1967 ~ A U~URN t.__WASI::U__I:JGTO£______________ l!DNpAì~_________________1~U~:~~Ll§.L_ 1967 243 The regular meeting of the City Council of the City of Auburn was held at 8:00 p. m. in the Counci I Chambers at the City Hal I. Mayor Gaines cal led the meeting to order. Counci Imen present: Hoyt, Lea, KI ine, Fitzsimmons, Nickson, Sonnemann, and Aaby. It was moved by Nickson and seconded by Hoyt that the minutes of the Jenuary 3, 1967 Counci I Meeting be approved as written. NOT I ON CARR I ED I PUBL 1 C HEAR! NGS __t^ayor Gaines declared the publ ic hearing open on the request of Thomas Agee to rezone from SPU (Prof. Bldg.) to C-I property located at 803 East Main (No. 87-66), legal IV described as Lots I & 2 the vacated streets adjoining, Block H, Poplarwood Addition to the City of Auburn. The Auburn Planning Commission recommended that this request be granted as it fal Is within the over-al I plan of East Main street and C-I zoning is to the East. It was moved by Hoyt and seconded by Nickson that the publ ic hearing be closed. MOT I ON CARP! ED It was moved by Kline and seconded by Aaby that the city attorney be instructed to draw up the necessary ordinance to implement the request of Thomas Agee to rezone from SPU (Prof. Bldg.) to C-I property located at 803 East Main. MOTION CAPP!ED CORPESPONDFNCE Letters were received from the I,Vashington State Pollution Control Commission and the State Department of Health approving plans and specifications for Sewer Extension of Local Improvement Districts Nos., 169, 172, and 176; Also letters from State Dept. of Health 1~~~~OVing plans and specifications for Water Main :C:xtensions for LIDs Nos. 107, 173 and I~ayor Gaines asked that these letters be placed on fi Ie and that the Engineering Dept. be given copies of same. A petition was submitted to the council for the formation of a Local Improvement District for the construction of 8" Sanitary Sewers. C. I. Water N\ains, Fire Hydrants, Curb & Gutter, Excavation, Ballasting, 2" Asphalt Concrete Surfacing to a width of 34 ft. and storm drainage on: 30th St. S.E. between M and R Streets; 31st St. S.E. between M and f~ Streets and 0 St. S,E. between 31st and 32nd Streets. The Engineer's Certificate which accompanied this petition stated cost estimate to be $122,687.00 and that the signatures on petition constitute 87.10 percent of the total frontage and 87.10 percent of the total area in the proposed improvement district. It was moved by Lea and seconded by Nickson that the city attorney be instructed to draw up the necessary ordinance to implement the formation of this I. I .D. t.~OT I ON CAlm I ED A letter was received from Alex Sonnichsen & Associates submitting prints of the Preliminary Plat of Cascade Meadows. I It was moved by Fitzsimmons and seconded by Nickson that prints of the Prel iminary Plat of Cascade Meadovß be referred to the Planning Commission. MOT I ON CARR I ED rhe Book Publ ishing Company submitted a contract for annual codifaction of City of Auburn Ordinances. Mayor Gaines referred this contract to the f~inance Committee. King County submitted a contract providing that the city wi II pay one-half of the salary and employee benefits for recreation supervisor. It was moved by Sonnemann and seconded by Lea that the mayor and city clerk be authorized to sign the contract as submitted by King County. MOT ION CARF~! ED 244 AUBURN, WASHINGTON t,\ON.QAy_________-2.~NUAPY 16, 1967 û,) ~- ~ ~, Summons and Complaint filed with city, January 5,1967, by Lee, Krilich, Lowry & Thompson, attorneys for Jul ian p. Foss, individually and on behalf of Peter Joseph Foss and Jerry Michael Foss, infants, as their guardian, for damages totaling $8,723.00 which plaintiff alleges were the result of an accident when the Foss Car struck tree at 37th and B Sf. N.\V. Marc!", 12, 1966. City Clerk reported that copies of the Summons and Complaint were forwarded to the City's Insurance Company. City Engineer Fred Poe submitted Final Assessment RoI I for L.I.D. No. 177 in the amount of $1,164.11. (2 course bituminous surfacing on Iv\ Sf. N.r::. between 12th and 14th Sts.) It was moved by Lea and seconded by Aaby that the city clerk be instructed to cal I for a public hearing to be held 8 p. m. February 20, 1967, on the Assessment Poll of Local Improvement District No. 177. I N,OT I ON CARP I ED Ci ty f::ngineer Fred Poe submitted Final Assessment Roll for L.I.D. No. 172 in the amount of $21,243.99. (Sanij-ary Sewer in N\aplewood Addition in N.E. Auburn). It was moved by Nickson and seconded by Hoyt that the city clerk be instructed to call for a publ ic hearing to be held 8 p. m., F~-ebruary 20, 1967, on the /\ssessment Poll of Local Improvement District No. 172. MOTION CARRI[D The Auburn Unit of the American Legion submitted appl ication for Fireworks Permit. It was moved by Aaby and seconded by Nickson that a Fireworks Permit be granted to the Auburn Unit of the American Legion. MOT ION CARR I ED Fred L. Brannan and Clara Iv\. Brannan submitted a Zone Change Appl ication to rezone property in the 2800 block between Auburn Avenue and Green River; Parcel A, from A-I to C-3 and Parcel B, from A-I to R-4. It was moved by KI ine and seconded by Nickson that the Brannan's Zone Change Application be referred to the Planning Co~mission. MOT I ON CARF< I ED I Fire Chief R. K. Calkins submitted request for changes in the Fireworks Ordinance. It was moved by Aaby and seconded by Sonnemann that the city attorney be instructed to draw up the necessary ordinance to implement these changes. /,\OT ION CARR I ED Hi I I & Ingman submitted an invoice in the amount of $11,093.68 for Engineering Services on C and 15th Streets S.W. for month of November, 1966. It waS moved by Lea and seconded by Nickson that Hi I I & Ingman be paid $11,093.68 from the Street Construction Fund for Engineering Services on C and 15th Streets S.'ll. for month of November, 1966. ROLL CALL VOTE: AI I Counci Imen voting YES. MOT ON CAf~R I ED A letter was received from Alex Sonnichsen & Associates requesting Arbor Drive be reduced to a 50 ft. right of way. ^^ayor Gaines referred this request to the Engineering Department and Counci Iman Lea. The following recommendations were made bl/ the Finance Committee: I I. $10,000.00 loan from Arterial Street Fund to Street Construction Fund. 2. Purchase of L.I.D. Warrants as follOll"ls: Viater Fund $2,960.94; F. R. & p. f~und $10,803.77; Cemetery Endowed Care Fund $8,000; L.! .D. Guaranty Fund $1,033.41. It was moved by Sonnemann and seconded by Aaby that we concur in the recommendations of the Fi nance Commi Hee. MOTION CARRIt:D Robert M. Smythe, city attorney, submitted a letter requesting permission to attend the Traffic Court Institute Conference to be held in San Francisco from January 30th through February 3, 1967. It was moved by Kline and seconded by Nickson that the request of Robert Smythe, city attorney, to attend the Traffic Court Institute Conference in San Francisco be granJ-ed. /AOT I ON CARP I ED II I_~B urltLLj!!~JjJl§lS~li.___ 245 !'IÜ NDA '~____.~_^______:l!'. Nl!.0RY _~...J26?_ City Attorney Robert Smythe reported that the opiion agreement between the Green River Golf and Country Club and the City of Auburn had been drawn up and was ready for signature. It was moved by Aaby and seconded by Sonnemann that the mayor and city clerk be authorized to sign this option agreement. MOTION CARRIED ",,PPO I rnMENTS Mayor Robert 11967: CEMETERY BOARD: Dorothy term ending December 31, . Gaines made the fol 10winQ Committee, Board and Commission Appointments for Bothell, reappointed 4 ;!ear term,: Bi II Thorp to the unexpired 1968. It was moved by Nickson and seconded bv Aaby that the Mayor's appointments to the Cemetery Board be confirmed. ¡\\OT ION CARR I ED UEJF<ARY TRU;;n:r:S: Mrs. Ken Lane, 5 year term; FCorest I-<immerle, unexpired term ending December 3 I, 1967. It was moved by Hoyt and seconded by Aabv that the resignation of Ed Cavanaugh as Library Trustee be accepted. MOTION CARRIED It waS moved by Kline and seconded by Lea that the Mayor's appointment of Forest Kimmerlee as a Library Trustee be confirmed. MOT I ON CNm I ED PARK BOAPD: Frank Natsuhara, 3 year term; Cal Scarff, Bi I I Dray, Gene Colburn, Dr. Robert Thompson, associate members. I year terms. It waS moved by Sonnemann and seconded by Nickson i-hat the I\'\ayor's appointments to the Park Board be confirmed. 1 MOT I ON CARR I ED PLANNING COI!\',\ISSION: Charles Burgeson, 5 ';/ear term. It was moved by Nickson and seconded by Aaby that the Mavor's appointment of Charles Burgeson to the Planning Commission be confirmed. MOTION CAPRIED BOARD OF I\D JUST//\ENTS: Ra I ph Rennemo. 5 year term. (Reappo i ntment) It was moved by Aaby and seconded by Hoyt that the Mayor's appointment of Ralph r~ennemo to the Board of i\djusrments be confirmed. MOT ION CARF: I ED V,'\LI_EY PL!\~!~J!NG COr,W\IS~3ImJ: Sam Julson, 3 year term_: Fred Poe for unexpired term ending December 31, 1967. It was moved by Nickson and seconded by Sonnemann that the Mayor's appointments to the Val ley Planning Commission be confirmed. MOT I ON CAi-m I ED HEALTH OFFICER: Dr. Gordon Thomas (annual appointment) It was moved by Kline and seconded bv Nickson that the Mayor's appointment of Dr. Gordon Thomas as Heali-h Officer be confirmed. MOT I or~ C¡\RR I ED 1 H I STOP I !\N: Roberta .'/lOrley AUf3um' HISTOF<ICi\L CO.'Ni\ITTU~ Joe ~(ock, George I<inkade, F<oberta /I\Orley, Darlene Bothe!!, Floyd Taylor, Antonio Gove, and EI isabeth Heritage. STRF~/\M BANI< COlN,\ITn:r::: ¡:d Dray, Bob Klontz, Pat Gai ley, Walt Davis, George Schuler. Walt Davis of the Auburn Sportsmans Club thanked the mayor for having taken interest in the project to preserve the rights of fisherman to fish along the banks of the Green River. !Ar. Davis introduced other interested sportsman who were in attendance. I\IR POLLUTION CO:,':,\li--ré::::: Harvey Roberts. George \Voods, Ernie Bai ley, Todd Bitts and f<en Calkins. It was Gloved by ¡'Jickson and seconded bv KI ine that the i'\ayor's appointments to the Ilir Pollution Committee be confirmed. ^ ~ .6.1::!.f¿UR ~_L_JYL\§liLr~.§.I.oJi______________________ liD N D 6:.~____h________ ._______"~J UAR y...J..6.LJ 967 tû ::::. Qar) ~~46 ~~: CON:" I TTEE RF PORTS STREr:T COIN:'. I TTfT - COUNC I UM\N LEA It was moved by Lea and seconded by KI ine that the city clerk be instructed to cal I for bids for ph01-ogrammetric and survey services for an area of approximately 36 square mi les, bids to be opened Thursday, February 16, 1967, at 3:00 p. m. N.oT ION CARR I ED WA TER-SEWER CON'//\ I Tn:.F - COUNC I L/;\/,t\J F I TZS I !.WiÜNS It was moved by Fitzsimmons and seconded b;' Nickson that the city engineer be authorized 1 to advertise for bids on Phase 3 of the West Side Water Lines after al I E.D.A. require- ments are met. MOT I ON CARR I ED GOLF COURSE COA\\\ I TTEE - COUNC I LMAN ,I\I\BY It was moved by Aaby and seconded by Lea that the Architectural Firm of Goss, Bauman, and Proctor be hired to cover the design, water system and supervision of an eighteen hole golf course for the City of Auburn, their fee to be $7500.00 N\OT I ON CAF~P I ED POL I CE CONII\ I TlEE - COUNC I LA\/\N SONNE/MNN It was moved by Sonnemann and seconded bv Nickson that the city clerk be instructed to cal I for bids for three 1967 vehicles for the Pol ice Department, bids to be opened 3 p. m. Thursday, February 2, 1967. MOTION CARRIED PARK CONI¡^¡\I HEr:: - COUNC I UlAN SONNE,^i\,A,NN It was moved by Sonnemann and seconded by Aaby that the city clerk be instructed to cal I for bids for one 1967 ~ ton truck for the Park Department, bids to be opened 3 p. m. Thursday, February 2, 1967. MOT I O~j CARf~' ED DEPAFHMENT HEAD REPORTS I ENGINEERING DEPAPTMENT - CITY ENGINEER POE City Engineer Poe reported that he had met with the Highway Commission and requested a light be instal led at 2nd and C Street Southeast. RECREATION DEPARTMENT - PEÅ’EATION DIFTCTOR BRUC: BILLE Bruce Bi lie reported on the activities of the f<ecreation Department for the Year 1966. OLD BUSINESS Mayor Gaines reported that a meeting wi I I be held Friday, January 20, 1967, at 5:30p.m. in the Counci I Chambers with John J. O'Connel I and his assistants regarding the Rai I road Merger. It was moved by 50nnemann and seconded by Hoyt that the city engineer be authorized to forward a copy of Ordinance No. 200 which regulates motor vehicles. traffic, travel and transportation in the City of Auburn to the Highway Department for their consider- ation. MOT I ON C,A,RF~ I m ORDINANCES & PESOLUTIONS It was moved by [<line and seconded by Nickson that the city aHorney be authorized to I read the Ordinances and Pesolutions by title onlv. !;\OT I ON CARR I ED ORDINANCE NO. 2007 It was moved by Hoyt and seconded by Sonnemann that Ordinance No. 2007 entitled "/IN ORDIN¡\NC[ OF TH!= CITY OF ¡\UBURN, V,f/\SHINGTON, PROVIDING FOP THE SALE OF CFTHAIN SURPLUS PERSONAL PROPERTY OWNED BY THE CITY, AND REPEALING ORDINANCE NO. 1948 OF THE ORDINANCES or: HIE CITY OF /\U8UR~,J." be introduced and adopted. ROLL CALL VOTE: AI I Counci Imen voting YES. MOT I ON CARR I ED AUêURN, WASHINGTON --~,-----'--'" /v'D ND/I, Y JANUARY 16, 1967 24fl ORDINANCE NO. 2008 I t waS moved by Lea and seconded by Hovt that Ord i nance No. 2008 ent i tied "/\~J ORD I NANCE OF THE CITY OF ¡\UBUF<N, WASHINGTON, PROVIDING FOR THe: IMPROVEMENT OE A PORTION OF þ, ([RTAIN STREET IN THE CITY OF AUBURN BY THE CONSTRUCTION AND INSTALLATION OF CONCRETE CURB AND GUTTERS, EXCAVATION, BALLASTING, STORM DRAINAGE AND ASPHALTIC CONCRETE PAVING 2 INCHES IN DEPTH AND 34 Ef::ET IN WIDTH BUWEEN CU¡:'~BS; CREATING !\ND ESTABLISHING LOCr'\L I!v,\PROVEMENT DISTinCT NO. 185; Pf~OVIDING THl:: METHOD OF ASSESSMENT IN SAID DISTRICT AND THE NODE OF PAYMENT THEREOF, td\!D CP~éATING A LOC/\L IMPROVEME~n DISTF:ICT FUND," be introduced and adopted. FWLL CALL VOTE: A/I Counci Imen voting YES. MOTION CAPRIED III ORDINANCE NO. 2009 It was moved by Hoyt and seconded by Nickson that Ordinance No. 2009 entitled "AN ORDIN/\NCl:' OF THE: CITY OF AUGUR N, WASH I r%TO~ , PROV I DING FOF~ THE PElON I NG OF can A I N PFWPERTY I N TH E CITY OF: AUBURN. CHi\NGING THE lONI~JG CLASSIFIC,\TION THEREOF FPO¡',~ UNCL!~SSIFIED TO 1<-4," be introduced and adopted. POLL CALL VOTE: AI I Counci Imen voting YES. MOT I or~ CAFm I ED OPDINANCE NO. 2010 It was moved b,/ Nickson and seconded by Aaby that Ordinance No. 2010 entitled "MJ ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF AUBUPN, VJ/\SHINGTON, PROVIDING mR THE REZONI~JG OF CEfHAIN PROPERTY IN THE CITY OF i\UBURN, CHI\NGING THE ZONII\JG CU\SSIFICATION THEPFOF FRO,^,,\ UNCLASSIFIED TO R-4," be introduced and adopted. ROLl._ CAI_L von:: Nickson, ¡\aby, Sonnemann, Hoyt, Lea and f'itzsimmons, YES. Kline, t,BSTAIN. MOT I m~ CARR I ED ORDINANCE NO. 201 I It was moved by Nickson and seconded by Aaby thôt Ordinance No. 2011 entitled "¡\N ORD! Ì'J,~N([ OF THr:: CITY OF /\UBUR~J, WASH I NGTON. PROV I DING FOP THE FElON I NG OF ([RTA IN PROPUny II\J TW: CITY OF AUFHJF<N. CHMJG I NG THE: ZON I NG CLt,SS I F I C!\ T 1 ON THEREOr~ FRO/'\ R-:3 TO 1<-4," be I introduced and adopted. ROLL C/\LL VOTE: 1\11 Counci Imen voting YES. ¡\~OT I ON C¡\RR I [I) ORDINANCE NO. 2012 It was moved by Nickson and seconded by KI ine that Ordinance No. 2012 entitled "AN orm I NANCE OF THF:é CITY OF t-\UBur~N, WASH I NGTON, Pf?OV I DING FOR THE PEZON I NG OF C[RTf\ IN PROPr:RTY Ir,J THe CITY OF t,UBUF:r\j, CH,òJ,lGII\JG THE ZONING CLASSIFICATION OF THE REtMINll\lG pernlON THEREOf:' FnO:\\ A-I TO M-I," be introduced and adopted. FOLL CALL VOTE: AI I Counci Imen voting YES. /'\OT 1 ON CARR I F:D ORDINANCE NO. 2013 It was moved by Hoyt and seconded by /\ab,,' thôt Ordinance No. 2013 entitled "AN ORDINANÅ’ OF THE CITY OF AUßUr::N, Wt\SH I NGTm~, PROV I DING FOR THt:: r~EZON I NG OF CER I AI N PPOPERTY I N THE CITY Of~ AUBURN, CH¡\NGI~JG TH!' ZONING CU\SSIF:ICATION OF A PORTION THERCOF rr::ol.\ C-I TO 1.\-1, pJJD CHp,NG I NG THE zot'J I NG CL/\SS I I=-I ep,T I ON OF THE RE!N\ I N I NG PORT I ON THEREOF FRONi /\-1 TO M-I, ¡¡ be introduced and adopted. ROLL CALL VOTE: AI I Counc¡ Imen voting YES. MOT ION CI\f-m I ED ORDINANCE NO. 2014 lit was moved by ¡<line and seconded by Fitzsimmons that Ordinance No. 2014 entitled "AN OPDINANCE OF THE CITY OF AUBURN, WASHINGTON, AMENDING SECTIONS 104, 114, 305, 401, 402, 403,404,409, 502, 601, 701, 705, and 709 OF ORDINANCE NO. 1763 OF THE ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF AUBURN, AND ADDING AN ADDITIONAL SECTION TO SAID ORDINANCE NO. 176:3, SAID SECTION TO BE KNOWN AS SECTION 608 THEREOF; ORDINANCE NO. 1763 BEING AN ORDINANCE RELATING TO THE RFGULATINC Of~ THe: 5'::W¡::f? DIVISION AND PROVID!NG FOF< THE: ::i/Ü~AGE:',\Fr\JT M~D CmnF<OL OF PRIVATE ¡\¡'JD PUf3L Ie ,(3 EVl/,G[ SYSTEMS." be i nt roduced. I'.~OT I ON CARR I ED OPDINANCE NO. 2015 It was moved by Nickson and seconded by Aaby that Ordinance No. 2015 entitled "AN ORDINANCE OF THr': CITY OF /\UI3URN, VJM)HI~ GTON, AUTHORIZING THE /MYOP TO EXECUTE, ON [3r:.HALF OF THr=: CITY OF AUBURN, AN ACC PTANCE OF AN EASEMENT GRANTED TO THE CITY OF AUBURN FOR THE CONSTRUCTION, OPERATION, i/\AINT'éNl\f\JCE, REP/\IR OF:' REPL¡\U}!\ENT OF Wi\TER MAU\lS, " be introduced and adopted. ROLL CALL VOTE: AI I Counci Imen voting YES. ¡'lOT I ml CARR I ED 248 AUBUPN, WAStE.l.~GT01L-,___~_ MONDA 't______..___~~UI~R'C.l!~~67 NEW BUS I NESS City Attorney Pobert Smythe reported he had received the following Ouit Claim Deeds: Quit Claim Deed from George and Fthel Lyden for Street Purposes. Quit Claim Deed from the Administrator of General Services for a parcel of land on GSI~ s i 1"e. Quit Claim Deed from Joseph & Irene Depietro, Arthur & Barbara Anderson for Street Purpos es . It was moved by Aaby and seconded by Nickson that the city attorney be authorized to record the aforementioned deeds. MOT I ON c'^'RR I ED CLAIMS It was moved by KI ine and seconded by Fitzsimmons, that the claims as approved by the Audit Committee be paid. CLAIMS FUND WARRANTS 1/45 thru 1/106 $22,745.79 MOTION CARRIED There being no further business, the meeting was declared adjourned at 9: 15 p. m. subject to the cal I of the mayor. APPROVED TH IS -r-I CFf\ ~J .j,¿ 19 ¿ ? (Ik~~(f- DAY OF ~(' --....-.---- --(" . (, / _ ", , c/ --(:: ,::,,~3-¿ Y~':~L,j':--r CITYCLeRK t2~ ¿ A~ _...... _,.__ __.____.m__._ MAY 0 P c.ü ~ QÞ ~.' I I I