HomeMy WebLinkAbout02-06-1967 I I I !Il@URtiz \flASH I NGTON ____~01!.Q;:^' y_______..___________._____f t: f?.~_UAR Y ....§..,__'-96 7 249 The regular meeting of the City Counei I of the Citv of Auburn was held at 8:00 p. m. in the Counc i I Chambers at the City Ha I I. Mayor Gaines cal led the meeting to order. Counci Imen present: Hoyt, Lea, KI ine, Fitzsimmons, Nickson, Sonnemann, and Aaby. It was moved by Hoyt and seconded by Aaby that the minutes of the January 16, 1967 Counei 1 Meeting be approved as written. NOT I ON CARR I ED BIDS f3ids were opened at 3 p. m. January 26,1967, for construction on L.I.D.s 1\10.179,180, and 181. Bids included any applicable sales tax and were accompanied by a 5% Bid Bond. BIDD[R Heisserman Const. Co. Industrial Sewers F. J. Schade Bowers Cons t . E. W. Eldridge Select Const. Fisher Bros. F. Co I I ue i 0 fJatricel1 i Canst. Sleads Septic Systems BIDDER Industrial Sewers Heisserman Canst. Co. F. J. Schade Fisher Bros. Canst. Bowers Cons t . Select Const. E. W. Eldridge Frank Coluccio Const. Slead's Septic Systems Pat r ice Iii Co n st. B I DDEF< Heisserman Canst. Industrial Sewers F~. J. Schade Bowers Canst. Co. Fisher Bros. Frank Coluccio Const. Slead's Septic Systems E. W. Eldridge Patricel I i Canst. Select Canst. L. I .D. 179 f3AS I C BID AL TERNA TE TOTAL 3,121.90 2,328.90 5,450.80 3,322.25 2.352.50 5,674.75 3,399.00 2,745.50 6, I 44 . 50 3.918.50 2,805.00 6,723.50 4,413.00 2, 147 . 40 6,560.40 4, 477 . 80 3,009.60 7,487.40 4,491 .00 2,738.50 7,229.50 4,751.00 2,367.00 7 , I I 8 . 00 4,897.30 2,687.20 7,584.50 4, I 96 . 00 2,378.00 6,574.00 L. I. D. 180 BASIC BID MT[RNA TE TOTAL 5,082.25 3,333. .50 8,415.75 5,089.05 3,304.45 8,393.50 5,109.00 4,754.50 9,863.50 7,007.00 4,895.50 I I ,902. 50 7,153.80 4,990.00 12,143.80 7,399.95 4,492.90 11,892.85 7, 5_55 . 54 3,823.85 11,379.39 8,088.55 3,694.25 11,782.80 6,650.60 3,560.75 I 0,2 I I . 35 8,622.10 4,686.80 13,308.90 L. I .D. 181 81\S I C BID r\L TCRNA TE TOTM 11,959.07 4,174.40 16,133.47 11,893.75 4,543.25 16,437.00 12,358.00 6,673.70 19,031.70 I 5,24 I .00 6,756.04 2 I ,997.04 16,382.00 5,895.30 22,277.30 17,928.35 4,905.75 22,834.10 18,930.90 5,264.70 24,195.60 20,336.50 5,708.52 26,045.02 22,37 I .20 6,756.20 29,127.40 27, I I 1.40 6,190.95 33,302.35 EJids were opened at .3 p. m. February 2, 1967, for park truck and pol ice cars as f 0 I I ows : BIDDER Val ley Motors Inc. Brewer Chrysler-Ply. Bothel I Chevrolet-Cad. ;:3carff /v\otors, Inc. BIDD:::R Scar ff Molars, I nc. Bothel' Chev.-Cadi I lac Brewer Chrysler-Ply. Valley f/\otors Inc. P/\RK TRUCK BID 2,053.05 2,216.15 2,039.57 2,014.00 SAUèS T/,)( 86.23 93.08 85.66 84.59 TOTAL 2,139.08 2,309.23 2,125.23 2,0ge.59 ONE POLICE VEHICLE FOR DETECTIVE DIVISION BID 2,397.00 2,224.60 2,322.35 2,325.40 SALt::) TAX IOC.67 93.43 97.54 97.40 TOTAL 2,497.67 2,318.03 2,419.89 2,423.07 250 AUBURN, WASHIN~.~_________l~ONº_¡\Y.__ FEBRUARY _~.J 967 TWO 4-DOOR SEDM4S FOR POL I CE fJEPT. LESS TRADE-I N TWO 1965 N.ERCURYS B 1 DDEP Val ley fAotors Inc. Scarff A~tors Inc. Bothel I Chev.-Cad. Brewer Chrysler-Ply [31 D 4,834. 10 4,967.46 4,943.74 4,818.00 SM_ES TAX 203.03 208.63 207.64 202.36 TRADE-IN I , 600. 00 2,210.00 1,202.00 2,000.00 Ni:::T TO CITY 3,437.13 2,966.09 3,949.38 3,020.36 Bids on C Street S.I/f. and 15th St. S.W. opened 3 p. m. Friday, February 3, 1967, as fa I lows: Bids were accompan i ed by 5% Bid Bond. BIDDER Select Contractors, Inc. West Coast Construction Company Bass Construction Company Tri-State Construction Company Cascade Asphalt Paving Company Sti 1 lwei I-Gerard Construction Company BID 155,682.40 I 62, 586 . 00 176,909.00 178, 9L'¡.6. 20 193,675.70 212,474.50 PUBLIC HEARINGS Mayor Gaines declared the pub I ic hearing open on the request of Auburn Planning Commission to amend Section 22, Item A-2, Ordinance No. 1702. It was moved by Hoyt and seconded by Sonnemann that the pub 1 ic hearing be closed. MOT I ON CARR I ED I t waS moved by Ni ckson and seconded by Sonnemann that the City ,'\t torney be instructed to draw up the necessary ordinance to amend Section 22, Item A-2, Ordinance No. 1702. /.,\0 T 1 ON (,L\RF< I m COF~F; E S PONDE !\ICE Recommendations of the Auburn Planning Commission made at their January 20, 1967, meeting were as follows: I. That the reauest of Howard Hadley to rezone from Unci. to C-3 property located I~' ~i les ~J. Vfest !'\ain on '.'Jest Val I ell HvJ'/. be aranted. (No. 86-66) I I ..... 2. That the request of Joseph E. Klontz to rezone from Unci. to C-I property on 21st NC adjaceni- to Hoyt Motors be granted. (No. 88-66) "Z. -'. That the request of Temple Investment Co. to rezone From R-2 to C-2 property on Enumclaw HwV. across from Chinook School be granted. (No. 90-66) It was moved by KI ine and seconded by Sonnemann that the city clerk be instructed to call for a public hearing to be held 8 p. m. February 20, 1967 on the request of Howard Hadley, Joseph C. Klontz and Temple Investment Co. to rezone. ;\\OT I ON CARR I ED Alfred and Dortha DeCoria fi led a claim for compensation for portion of sewer construction costs paid by the DeCorias and which they al lege is due them because of additional connections on existing line. Mayor Gaines referred this claim to the city attorney. Commonwea I th, Inc. submi t ted a reques t for format i on of a Loca I Improvement D i str i ct for construction of 8" sani¡-ary sewers, 6" C. I. water mains, fire hydrants, storm sewers, curb & gutter, excavation, bal lasting, surfacing, 2" in depth and 34' between curbs,. on all streets within the plat of Riverside South Division No. I. Engineer's certification that estimat(0 of improveMents will be the sum of $74,551.65; that ¡-he signatures on petition constitute 100% of the total frontage and 100% of the total area in proposes district accompanied this request. It was moved by Aaby and seconded by Fitzsimmons that the city attorney be instructed to draw up the necessary ordinance to implement the formation of this Local Improvement District. .\\OT I O~~ Ci\RP I CD c..., ~..- ~ ~',,,,.n I I I I I I 6.\)3 Uti N J_ ~:L:I..SJ:LLU.G T Q ~J __~__ ___._____..'!!D Nº-,'D~______.______..___J~[ BfiUAF;.Y. _.~:~L..L26 7 2GJ The fol lowing license appl ications were submitted for Counei I approval: I. Side Sewer License for t/ontieth ConstnJction, Federal Way I t was moved b)! Sonnemann and seconded by /\abv that Mont i eth Construct Ion be granted a Side Sewer License. !v\OT ION CARR I :~D 2. Fireworks License for Earl 1._. Richard 'Z Fireworks License fot· Pa)! 'N Save Drug -1. 4. Fireworks License for Auburn Wh i te Shrine F Fireworks License for Holy Fami Iv Parents Club ./. I j- was moved by Aaby and seconded by Sonnemann that the foregoi ng requests for Fi reworks License be granted upon payment of license fee. MOT I ON C\RF~ I E:D u. f3i liard and Pool Talbe License for Douglas C. K. Tom, "Corner Pocket, Inc." 1¡la'lor Gaines referred this request to the License Committee and Building Inspector. The Following Zone Change þ'Ppl ieations were submitted to the Counci I: I. Request of George and Alys Mae Belden and Kenneth and Helen Thompson to rezone from /\-1 j-o //1-1 property located 500 ft. east of Valley Highway and 500 ft. north of 30th. 2. Request of Wi I lard and Genevieve Horn to rezone from Single Fami Iy Resident (R-I to Multiple Fami Iy R-41 property at I I 14 Harvey Road. 3. Request of Kenneth and Rita Smith to rezone from R-3 to C-I property at 1239-4 I as t N'a in. 4. Request of Clarence and Virgi I Swanson to rezone from Agriculture to R-4 property located between 14th and 22nd N.E. 5. Request of Leonard & Josephine Olenginski to rezone from Unclassified to R-3 property at approximatelv 9th & 22nd N.E. It was moved by KI ine and seconded by Aaby that the foregoing requests for Zone Change be referred to the Planning Commission for recommendai-ion. A\OT I ON CARR 1m IArs. /\tha K. Cassell submitted a letter regarding the heavy traffic at intersection of State Hwy. 163 and S. Third St. f/'òvor Gaines stated he would answer I\\rs. Cassell's letter. George ¡'\cl.aughlin, foreman in Street Department, submitted his resignation effective as of February 3, 1967. Mayor Gaines reported that Mr. McLaughl in's resignation had been accepted. John G. Stewart submitted a letter requesting improvements in drainage situation at 30th St. N.W. Mayor Gaines referred this request to the Engineering Department. Jim ~. Weese submitted a letter on behalf of V/HT Associates requesting that the 'detector check valve' be deleted from the present requirements for fire protection sprinkler systems. Counci Iman Fitzsimmons stated that the Water Committee was presently studying this matter. John A. Biggs, Director Department of Game for the State of Washington submitted a letter commending the appointment of a Stream Bank Access Committee for the city. A Summons & Complaint was fi led by Matt and Eine Peltola vs. City of Auburn, for damages in i'he sum of $25,000.00 allegedlv resulting from the col I ¡sian of the Peltola auto- mobi I e wi th a patro I car ¡,'larch 31, 1955. Mayor Gaines referred this matter to the city attorney. The Finance Committee made the fol lowing recommendations: Cù 0::.:- ~ ~ ~ 252 AUßUf=.;N WASH I NGTON !v\OND/\Y FEBRUARY 6 1967 ___-'...2_,..,___.~__,~__,.,,____________"_,,__._.._______.__.____'"'___~_"__"___.,_,_____.....~__~_."_....___...,___,_,::.:..J'_..__._ I. That the contract with Book Pub I ishing Company for pub I icatlon of city code be approved. It was moved by Sonnemann and seconded by Nickson that the contract with Book Publishing Company for pub I ¡cation of city code be approved. MOT I ON CARRI m It W<.1S moved by Kline and seconded by Sonnemann that the mayor and city clerk be authorized to sign the contract with Book Pub I ¡shing Company. MOT I ON CARR I ED I 2. That the city attorney be instructed to draw up an emergency ordinance providing for an additional employee for Engineering. It was moved by Nickson and seconded by Aaby that the city attorney be Instructed to draw up the necessary ordinance providing for an additional employee for [:ngi neer i ng. MOT I ON C¡'\RR I ED The Park Board recommended that the bid of Scarff Motors for one 1967 -& Ton Pickup Truck be accepted a bid figure of $2,014.00 plus sales tax of $84.59, total $2,098.59. Fred Poe, City Engineer, submitted the fol lowing recommendations for Counci I Approval; I. Progress payment No.2 to Slead's Septic Systems, $567.89, Street Improve- ment No. 82. It was moved by Sonnemann and seconded by Lea that Slead's Septic Systems be paid $567.89 on Street Improvement No. 82. ROLL CALL VOTE: AI I Councilmen voting YES. !','\OT ION CARr:::; I E:D 2. Progress payment No.3 to Slead's Septic Systems for $2,750.80 from L. I .D. No. 178-(\ f~und. It was moved b'/ ::3onnemann and seconded b\1 Aaby that Slead's Septic Systems be I paid $2,750.80 from L.I.D. No. 178-/, Fund. ROLL CALL VOTE: AI I Counci Imen voting YES. !,\OT ION CARR I r::D 3. Progress payment No.4 to Slead's Septic Systems for $25,555.96 from L.I .0. IJo . I 7 6 Fund. It VJas moved by ~)onnemann and seconded by Nickson that Slead's Septic Systems be paid $25,555.97 from L.I.D. ~!o. 176 Fund. ROLL CALL VOTE: AI I Counei Imen voting YES. MOT I ON CÞJ-<R I f::D 4. December invoice from Hi II & Ingman for $354.28, West Interceptor Sewer, payable from Water- Sewer Construction Fund. I t was moved by Fi tzs immons and seconded by Sonnemann that Hi II & I ngman be paid $354.28 from ¡Vater-Sewer Construction Fund for work on West Interceptor Sewer. ROLL CALL VOTE: AI I Counci Imen voting YES. !v\OT I ON CAF<F<, [f) 5. /\ward of contracts 10 Heisserman Construction Co. for L.' .D. Nos. 179,. 180 and 181, for low bid including alternates as follows: L.I.D. No. 179, $5,012.30; L.I.D. No. 180, $6,636.25: and L.I.D. No. 181, $15,506.32. It was moved b}1 ¡=-itzsimmons and seconded by ~Jickson that Heisserman Construction Company be awarded the bid on I_.I.D. rlos. 179, 180, and 181 as follows: L.I.D. ~Jo. 179, $5,012.30; L.I.D. No. 180, $(),636.25;and L.I .D. No. 181, $15,506.32. ROLL CALL VOTE: All Counci Imen voting YES. I MOT I ON CP\RF:! '::D 6. Authorization to advertise for bids for L.I.D. No. 183, sanitary sewers along f::numclaw Hwy. from Chinook [elementary School to vicinity of Auburn /\cademy. It was moved by Aaby and seconded by Nickson that the city clerk be instructed to call for bids on L.I.D. I-Jo. 183, bids to be opened 2:00 p. m. Februar;1 23, 1967. lIDT I ON CARP I ED I I I 6.). ?; ~} /\U8ur;¡i, \J!\SH I NCTOr-J ,'¡\CdJD..\',' FEBPU'I f?Y S. 1957 ú u ù _._.,....... ...., ~~-.-..,--~.,___".__._,__._________.,.__,____'''_~....,..____.___~___.~_. _··_.~7····_____~~__________·__.___-._____"~'"' _____-._;.__.._._,._...._....____ F\o" ii. Thomas and Thomas C. Crav'lford subrli tted a request for for-mal ¡or of L. I .D. ~!o. 18D to construd approximate!\! 270 ft. of 12" C. I. \;'Jater !,^,ains and Fire Hydrants on 104th S.t:. from Lea Hi II F;oad north. C:ngineer's certification that estimate of improvements will be the sum of $1,345.50; that the signatures on petition constitute 59.88% of the total frontage and 59.68% of the total area in proposed district accompanied this request. It was moved by Fitzsimmons and seconded bv Sonnemann that the city attorney be instructed to draw up the necessarv ordinance to implement the formation of this I_.I.D. !.\OT ION CARR I '::D Hi II 8! Ingman submitted Tabulation of Bids for construction of street improvements for "C" Street S.VJ. and 15th street S.Vl. and recommended the contract be awarded to Select Contractors, Inc. ! t waS ~loved bV Lea and seconded by 1< line that we concur wi th the recornmendat ion of Hi II By. Ingman, Consulting tngineers, and aivard the contract for construction of s'rreet improvements for "C" Street S.\'J. and 15th Street S.'.'!. to Select Contractors, Inc., subject to approval by F:.D.A. ROLL CALL VOTE: AI' Counci Imen voting YES. /.\OT I ON CARR I [::D The VJashington Slate Highwa'/ Commission submitt-ed a letter thanking the City of Auburn for lheir support of the route of PSH 5, 227th Street to Auburn. /.\a>'or Gaines asked that a COP'! of -1-1 . letter be oiven to the Street Committee. InlS '-' -~. \. ¡\uburn Po I ice Department submi tred their Annual Peport for the Year 1966. I 11 (~ COUi'ICII_ CO:V,\ITEE Rr::PORTS HOU~; ~JG CO:V¡'\ I TTf:E - COUI\!C I L),\¡\N HOYT Counci Iman Hoyt reported that revision of the Occupancy Permit Ordinance wi I I be for t h com j n 9 . \f.J/\·rEF~-S=\'JER CO/'/v\,\ ¡ TTT~r:: - COUNC! L/.\/\N F I TZS I /./I....\O~JS CouncilMan Fitz:o,immons reported that the ¡Ia'/or and one Councilman of the City of Pacific were in attendance at the last meeting of the Utilities Committee and had discussed the possibility of the Citv of Auburn handling the sewage for the City of Pacific. COD!:: CO/,V,\ I TTEr: - COUNC! LMMJ N I C~<Sml Counci Iman r~ickson reported that it waó> the recommendation of the Code Committee that the position of City Clerk be made appointive at the expiration or termination of the City Clerk's Term. It was moved by Nickson and seconded by Hoyt that the city attorney be instructed to draft some proposed legislation to make position of City Clerk appoinlive. /..\OT I or'~ CAPR I ED :3TRETT CO/iV,,\I TTiT - COUNC! UN',IJ SOi'Jt\Jf::!:\;\NI\! Counci Iman Sonnemann reported that the Street Committee recommended denial of the request of Alex Sonnichsen to reduce righl of way on Arbor Drive from 60 feet to 50 feet. ii,a"or Gaines asked the Cit" engineer to inform ¡\\r. Sonnichsen d the Street Committee's decision. L I C' i'IS r:: CO/Nil I TnT - COUi'!C I L//v\N :3mn,¡::::;,'MJN Counci Iman Sonnemann speeking on behal f of the License Commi ttee requested the citV attorney draw up lhe necessary ordinance amending the Card Room Ordinance to al low one card room per every 5,000 population and limiting the number of tables per card room to three. ! t was moved bv 50nnemann and seconded by Ho'/t that Scarff liotors, I nc. be awarded lhe bid for two 4-door .';edans for Police Dept., i'Jet to City $2,966.09, concuring with the recommendation of Pol ice Chief Darby. ROLL CALL VOTE: AI I Counci Imen voting Yes. ¡'¡'Dr ¡ 0r'J C/'J:;R I ED 25 4 !\UßJ:JJ3}:J.l-_li-,~5_H ¡ NGTON ______________.Ll.0HQ-'~.Y __,~___________L~Xm UAP0'_ ..:2.:____1 967 C:","J ~'....- ~,,'~ r~ I t was moved by Sonnel':ìann and seconded by !\aby that Bothe I Chevro I et Cad ill ac be awarded the bid for one Police Vehicle for Detective Division, net to City $2,318.03. ROLL CALL VOTE: AI I Co unci Imen voting YES. :;\OT ION CARR I ::0 I t was moved by Sonnemann and seconded b\l ~n ckson that we concur wi th the Park Board's recommendation and award the bid for park truck to Scarff ~~tors Inc., net to city $2,098.59. ROLL CALL VOTE: AI I Counci (men voting YES. ;\\OT ION CNm! ED DL:P/\RTiAENT HEAD REPORTS I POLICE DEPARDAENT - POLICE CHIEF DARBY Pol ice Chief Darby reported that Officer DeBolt had submitted his resignation effective //Iarch I, 1967. PARK DEPARTMENT - PARK SUPERINTENDENT FREEMIRE Park Superintendent Freemire reported that the fence around the G.S.A. Park had been painted. RECREATION DEPARTMENT - RECREATION DIRECTOR BILLE Recreation Director 8i I Ie reported on activities of the Recreation Department, and submitted a proposal for raising funds for the Auburn Lifetime Sports Project. ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS It was moved by KI ine and seconded by Nickson that the city attorney be authorized to read the ordinances and resolutions by title only. MOT I ON Cr\F~R I ED ORDINANCE NO. 2014 It was moved by Kline and seconded by Sonnemann that Ordinances No. 2014 entitled I "AN OPDINANCE OF THE CITY OF AUBURN, WASHINGTm,l. NN:I\)DING S[CTlm~S 104. 114, 305, 401, 402, 403, 404, 409, 5C2, 601, 701, 706, AND 709 OF ORDINANCE NO. 1763 OF THE _ ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF AUBURN, AND ADDING AN ADDITIONAL SECTION TO SAID ORDINANCE NO. 1763, SAID SECTION TO BE KNOWN AS SECTION 608 THEREOF; ORDINANCE NO. 1763 BEING AN ORDINANCE RELATING TO THE REGULATING OF THE SEWER DIVISION AND PROVIDING FOR THE MANAGEMENT I~ND CONTROI_ OF F)R I VATt: AND PUBL I C SEWAGE SYSTEMS. ", be adopted. ROLL CALL VOTE: AI I Counci Imen voting YES. MOTION CARPI ED ORDINANCE NO. 2016 It was moved by Sonnemann and seconded by Aaby that Ordinance No. 2016 entitled "AN OPD! ~'JANCE OF THe CITY OF l\UBUFN, WASH I NGTON, /\MEND I NG SECT I ON 3. 12.070 OF TH[ AUBURN CITY CODE, SAID SCCTION AfN:ND[D PLLATING TO AND PROVIDING FOF;; RE:GULATI0:\!:3 RELATIVE TO CONSTRUCTION REOUIREMENTS FOR FIPEWORKS STANDS FOR THE RETAIL SALE OF SAFE AND SANE FIREWORKS WITHIN THE CORPORATE LIMITS OF THE CITY OF AUBURN, PURSUANT TO OFWINANCE NO. 1708 OF~ THE CITY OF AUBURN.", be introduced and adopted. ROLL CALL VOTE: AI I Counei Imen voting YES. MOT ION CARP I!]) ORDINANCE NO. 2017 It was moved by Lea and seconded by Sonnemann that Ordinance No. 2017 entitled "AN ORDINf\NCE OF THE CITY OF I~UBURN. WASHINGTm,J, RELATING TO AND PROVIDING FOR TH[~ VACATION OF A PORTION OF A CERTAIN ROAD SITUATE WITHIN THE CORPORATE LIMITS OF THE CITY OF AUBUfm.", be introduced. MOT I m~ CARR I ED I ORD!NANCE NO. 2018 It was moved by Sonnemann and seconded by Nickson that Ordinance No. 2018 entitled "AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF AUBURN, WASH!NGTOl\i, PPOVIDING FOR THE REZONING OF CERTAIN PROPERTY IN THE CITY OF AUBURN, CHANGING THE ZONING CLASSIFICATION THEREOF FROM SP[~CI/\L USE PERMIT TO C-I.", be introduced and adopted. ROLL CALL VOTE: AI I Counci Imen voting YES. MOT I ON CARR I ED I I I 0:.}8Upr~..l_l-!/\SH ! r\JGTO~____________.___.L~~J2!\ Y ___________ ( t:~- £. .) ,) FEBRUAPY (5..J267 ORDINANCE NO. 2019 It was moved b;' Lea and seconded by Sonnemann that Ordinance No. 2019 entitled ¡¡/\~J ORD I NANCE OF THE C I T'( OF AUßUF<~J, WASH I HGTON, F)ROV! DING FOR THE I/v\PPOVEMENT OF A porn I ON OF A CERTAIN STREET IN THE CITY OF AUBURN, BY THE CONSTRUCTION AND INSTALLATION OF CONCRETE CUPBS /\ND GUTTEYS. Ac;PH/\L TIC COi,¡Cr:'ETE PAV I NG 2 I NOlES I N DE~)TH ¡"IND 34 ITET IN IV I DTH B[T\V[E~J CURBS, STOR/I\ Df~~i\ I NAGE, 6 I f\ICH C,I\ST I F:ON WA TIR A\l\ INS, FIRE HYDF<:i\NTS AN8 8 INCH SANITARY SEWERS; CREATING AND ESTABLISHING LOCAL IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT NO. 186; PROVIDING THi: /v\E.THOD OF i\SSFSS,\\ENT IN SAID DISTPICT /\ND THE MODE OF PAYMENT H-IFRf:OF, AND ŒEATING A LOCAL IMPr'::OVEMENT DISTRICT !CU~JD.", be introduced and adopted. ROLL CALL VOTE: AI I Counc¡ Imen voting YES. MOT I ON CAPR I ED ORDINANCE NO. 2020 It was moved by Aaby and seconded by Fitzsimmons that Ordinance No. 2020 entitled "AN ORD I NANCE OF THE CITY OF AUBURN, WASH I ~JGTOi~, PROV I DING FOR THE I MPROVEtN~NT OF A POPT I ON OF A CERTAIN STREE.T IN THE CITY OF Þ.UßUr::N, BY THE CONSTRUCTION AND I NST/,LLATlON OF 8 INCH SANITARY SEWERS, Ö INCH CAST IF;:ON W/\HR !v\AINS, FIFŒ HYDF\ANTS. STORM SEVlERS, CO~JCFŒTE CUFmS AND GunŒS, EXCAVATION, BAL.LASTING, AND ASPHALTIC CONŒETE P¡WING 2 INCHES IN DEPTH AND 34 F~ET IN WIDTH BETW[EN CURBS; CREATING AND ESTABLISHING LOCAL IMPROVE;\¡\[~n DI:)TRICT NO. 187; PROVIDING THE\¡\ETHOD OF ASSESS!\\ENT IN SAID DISTF<ICT AND THE !,,\ODE or PAYMENT THERFOF, AND CREATING Þ. I_OCAL IMPRovr::MENT DISTF~ICT FU~-JD.n be introduced and adopted. ROLL CALL VOTE: AI I Counci Imen voting YES. MOT I ON c/~m<! FD ORDINANCE NO. 2021 It was moved by Sonnemann and seconded by Nickson that Ordinance No. 2021 entitled "AN ORD I NANC[ OF THE CITY OF AUBURN, VÙ"ISH I NGTON, PROV I [) I NG ~~OR THE REZON I NG OF CŒTi\ IN PF\OPEPTY IN THE CITY OF /\UBURN, CHANGING THE ZONII\JG CLASSIFICATIO~J THEREOF mOM UNCLÞ,SSJ- FlED TO C-I.", be introduced and adopted. ROLL CALL VOTE: AI I Counci Imen voting YES. linT ION C/\Rf-< I ED ORDINANCE NO. 2022 It was moved by Sonnemann and seconded by Aaby that Ordinance No. 2022 entitled "AN ORDIW\NCE OF THE CITY OF i\UBUR¡\J, WASH I NClON, NM,NDING SeCTION 22 OF ORDINANCE NO. 1702 OF THE ORDII\JANCE:S OF THE CITY Of~ AUBURN; SAID ORDINANCE NO. 1702 BEING A~ ORDINMKE ESTABLISHING A COMPREHENSIVE ZONING PLAN FOR THE CITY OF AUBURN BY ESTABLISHING VARIOUS USE DISTRIC~ IN SAID CITY, PRESCRIBING CERTAIN REGULATIONS FOR EACH OF SAID USE DISTRICTS; AND REPEALING ALL ORDINANCES OR SECTIONS OF ORDINANCES INSOFAR AS THEY AF\E INCONSISTENT VlITH THE ER,\^,s OF THIS ORDINAi~CE.", be introduced and adopted. ROLL CALL VOTE: AI I Counci Imen voting YES. MOT ION CARR II::D OF\DINANCE NO. 2023 It was moved by Sonnemann and seconded by Nickson that Ordinance No. 2023 entitled "AN ORDINM-JCI:: OF TH[ CITY OF /\UBURN, WASHINGTON, D[Cl.N<lr~G ,,\ PUBLIC E;'v\!=RGENCY TO l:::<IST, MJD /\PF'FWPR I ¡\T I NG THE SUM OF $8012.00 FPO¡\\ U¡,J[3UDGtT[D FUNDS I i~ THE CURP[NT [XPU!SC~ f::"UrJD OF THE':. CITY OF AUBUF\t'J, TO PROV I Dr: NCCESSARY FUi~DS FOR THE:: Uf,PLOYMENT OF AN U~G I ~J'=f::F;'! hlG DEP/\RTMENT EMPLOyeE: DUR I NG TW PE/,\¡\ I NDi:J; or~ TilE Ci\L Î\IDlJ\ n:i\R 1967. " be introduced. MOT I ON C¡\RI\! ¡=D ORDINANCE NO. 2024 it was moved by 1<line and seconded by Sonnemann that Ordinance No. 2024 entitled "AI\J ORDlr-JÞJJCL: OF THE CITY OF- AUBURN, V!ASHINGTON, ÞNDIDINC SECTION 5.18.03C OF THf':: ':\UBUR~J CITY CODE, AND ADDING A NEW SECTION TO CHAPTER 5.18 OF l~E AUBUF\N CITY CODE, SAID SECTION TO BE KNOWN AS 5.18.055; S^ID CHAPTER 5.18 RELATING TO THE LICENSING AND REGIJLATIO~ OF CARD F-~OOMS WITHI~J THE COF;'POPA1T Llt.\ITS OF THE CITY OF ,'\UBURrL", be introduced. MOT I ON UPR I [D ORDINANCE NO. 2025 It was moved by Nickson and seconded by Lea that Ordinance No. 2025 entitled "AN ORD I NMKl: OF THE CITY OF !\UBUPN, 'v'J¡,\SH I r~GTON, GRNH I NG !\ SPC:C I AL PEW/I I T FOR TWF USE OF C[F<TAlri PPOPERTY SITUATE V!ITHI~~ THE CORPorVÜE LIMITS O~: THE CITY OF AUBURN, FOR NUFSING HO/v\E PLJPPOSIFS.", be introduced and adopted. ROLL CALL VOTE: AI I Counci Imen voting YES. /.\OT I ON CN\r~< I ::r) 'j ~6Ì1 ~ Ð LiUEillP1L.......Yk.'lSliL N GT 0 N ___ í~TßRUARY_ 6..J.967 MONDAY ORDINANCE NO. 2026 It was moved by Sonnemann and seconded by Nickson that Ordinance No. 2026 "/\N ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF ,A.UF3URN, VIASHINGTON, REGULATING AND LICENSING PARLORS AND PUBLIC BATH HOUSES WITHIN THE CORPORATE LIMITS OF THE CITY OF AND f)ROVIDIÏ'IG PENALTIES FOR THE: VIOLATlm~ THEFTOF.", be introduced. entitled .\~ASSAGE AUBURN, NOT I ON CARR I ED RESOLUTION NO. 260 c.ü ~ PI f;;','.MW t~ It was moved by Sonnemann and seconded bV Aaby that Resolution No. 260 entitled "A I R:~SOLUT I ON OF THE CITY OF AUBURN, W/\SH I NGTON, ,'\UTHOR I ZING THE ,^MYOR AND CITY CLERf<: TO EXECUTr:: A I¡VATER FACILITY CONTRACT ON ßFHALF OF THE CITY OF AUBURN.", be introduced and adopted. MOT I ON CMm I ED RESOLUTION NO. 261 It was moved by Lea and seconded by Sonnemann that Resolution ~Jo. 261 entitled "A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF AUBURN, Wi\SHINGTON, TRANSFr-:RRI~\IG THE SUM OF $10,000.00 FROM THE ARTERIAL STREET FUND TO THE STREET CONSTRUCTION FUND ON A LOAN BASIS, TO PROVIDE NECESSARY FUNDS FOR MISCELLANEOUS EXPENDITURES DUr:: IN SAID ARTERIAL STREET CONSTRUCTION PROJECT.", be introduced and adopted. ROLL CALL VOTE: AI I Coundi Imen voting YES. MOT 1 ON Ci\F;I~! ED RESOLUTION NO. 262 It was moved by Lea and seconded bV Sonnemann that Resolution No. 262 entitled "A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF AUBURN, WASHINGTON, /\UTHORIZING THE lMYOR AND CITY CU-:RK TO EXECUTE AN ,\GREEMENT MOD I FY I NG CERH, I N RESTR I CT I VE COVENANTS I MPOSED ON CErnA IN REAL PROPERTY SITUATE WITHIN THE CITY OF AUBURN.", be introduced and adopted. '\\OT ION CARP I ED RESOLUTION NO. 263 It was moved by Sonnemann and seconded by Lea that Resolution No. 263 entitled "1\ F<ESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF AUBURN. \'//\SHINGTON, ^UTHOPIZI~~G TH[ MAYOR ,A.NO CITY CLERK TO EXECUTE A LEASE AGREEMENT WITH KING COUNTY FOR THE LEASE OF CERTAIN PROPERTY FOR MUNICIPAL GOLF COURSE AND P/\RK PURPOSES.", be introduced and adopted. ROLL CALL VOTE: AI I Counci Imen voting YES. MOTION CARRIED NEW BUS I f\JESS Ci ty Attorney Robert Smythe reported he had received an easement from Wells B. McCurdy for a water main. It was moved by KI ine and seconded by Sonnemann that the city attorney be instructed to record the aforementioned easement. MOT I ON CARr; I ED APPROVAL OF CLAIMS It was moved by KI ine and seconded by Sonnemann, that the claims as approved by the Audit Committee be paid. CLA IA~S WARRANTS #107 thru #348 $133,166.70 PAYROLL WARRANTS ¡"426 t hru f/665 $ 57,807.'ô MOT I or~ C/\RR Il::O There being no further business, the meeting was declared adjourned at Ç:37 p. m. subject to the cal I of the mayor. '-- ¡J , '- -;;I ~"-- Z---¿¿ ¿~/I.-- C--;1' -- r¡ APPRoveD TH I S- ,.\ 7<' DAY OF , / <-=;J~ J! -;--/ \/./~1' / k~~_J-¥-~é~~-CLE-R-f< 19¿;'7 . ..._-- _,J_~^__ f< ~. í ~,~-<-,~ M¡\YO~; -.-"-- I I