HomeMy WebLinkAbout12-04-1967 ~....-.... ~ 399 AUBURN, WASHINGTON MONDAY DECEMBER 4, 1967 The regular meeting of the City Counci I of the City of Auburn convened at 8:00 p.m. in the Council Chambers of the City Hal I. Mayor Gaines cal led the meeting to order. , Councilmen present: Councilman absent: Blakeney, KI ine, Fitzsimmons, Nickson, Sonnemann and Aaby. Hoyt It was moved by Blakeney, seconded by KI ine, that the Minutes of the November 20, 1967 Council Meeting be approved as mai led. MOT I ON CARR I ED I PUBLIC HEARINGS Mayor Gaines declared the pUbl ic hearing open on Resolution No. 291 of the City Council which provided for the vacation of a street situate between the East ~ of C Street S. W. between 3rd St. S.W. and a point 300 ft. S. of 3rd St. S. W. Attorney Ernest Crane, representing Mr. & Mrs. Tony Susner, stated that his legal ob- jections were that only one party had signed the petition and the law requires that 3/4 of the property owners I iving on the street must sign the petition. Mr. & Mrs. Susner own 50 per cent of the property and it would cut their right-of-way down to 30 feet, imposing a hardship on them. Max Walters, an employee of the State of Washington Dept. of Publ ic Assistance, stated that the state is leasing a building on the property from which surplus food is dispensed to those who qual ify. The state has been leasing this bui Iding for the past five years. If the proposed 30 feet were closed it would make it difficult to turn the large trucks around and the state would have to seek a new faci 1- ity. It was moved by Blakeney, seconded by Sonnemann, that the publ ic hearing be closed. MOTION CARRIED It was moved by Fitzsimmons, seconded by KI ine, that the appl ication for street vacation be denied. MOT I ON CARR! ED I Mayor Gaines declared the publ ic hearing open on the Comprehensive Street Program of the City of Auburn to consider the 1968-69 biennial revisions and extensions of said program. City Engineer Poe stated that revision is required every two years by the State. During these years streets are to be constructed if we have the money and if it fits into the plan. Poe stated he had two letters - one from the Boeing Company requesting approval of improvements to a portion of C Street S.W. due to heavy traffic. The second letter was from General Services Administration urging that we consider the improvement of C Street S.W. due to GSA and Boeing Company traffic. Mr. Eaton from the audience asked when the Val ley Freeway was scheduled. Poe said he did not know at this time. Ben Morse from the audience asked about grade separations at the rai Iroad. Poe repl ied that the City is requesting 90 per cent assistance from the State on each of these projects. Unless the assistance is obtained it is doubtful that the City would be able to finance the project. It was moved by KI ine, seconded by Nickson, that the publ ic hearing be closed. MOT I ON CARR I ED It was moved by Blakeney, seconded by Sonnemann, that the City Attorney be instructed to draw up a resolution adopting the 1968-69 biennial revisions and extensions of said program for the City of Auburn. MOTION CARRIED I CORRESPONDENCE A memorandum from Hos Brothers Bulldozing, Inc., that they have discontinued site work on the Golf Course and wi I I finish the job as soon as the area again becomes workable, was read by City Clerk \Vil I iams. Mayor Gaines asked that this memo be placed on fi Ie. A letter to Pol ice Chief Darby from L. W. Martin, Supervising Examiner of Department of Motor Vehicles in Auburn requesting that 50 feet of the'parking area adjacent to the Dept. of Motor Vehicles office on S. E. ilK" Street at its intersection with E. ,.\ain St. be designated a "No Parking" area during the hours of 9 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. was read by City Clerk Wi I I iams. Mayor Gaines instructed that the request be referred to the Street Committee for consideration. Letter from Pol ice Chief Darby requesting authorization for him to attend the Washington Sheriffs and Chiefs of Pol ice Association conference to be held in Olympia December I I, 12 and 13, 1967 was read by City Clerk Wi II iams. 400 AUBURN, WASHINGTON MONDA Y DECEMBER 4, 1967 It was moved by Sonnemann, seconded by Nickson, that authorization be given. MOTION CARRIED \ . Letter from Pol ice Chief Darby requesting permission to extend 7 days of his 1967 an- nual vacation leave into the year 1968 was read by City Clerk Wi 1 Iiams. It was moved by Sonnemann, seconded by Aaby, that permission be granted. MOTION CARRIED Letter from Street Supervisor Lange requesting that Edward Busbin, Maintenance 1 Foreman of the Street Department be permitted to carryover into 1968 five days of his 1967 annual vacation leave was read by City Clerk Wi I Iiams. It was moved by Nickson, seconded by Aaby, that permission be granted. MOTION CARRIED The Auburn Planning Commission recommends that Rezone Request No. 53-67 be granted with the provision that this request be forwarded to the State Highway Dept. for their recommendations on same in conjunction with the Val ley Freeway. (Request of Gertrude Ey to rezone from Unclassified to M-2 a parcel of land on the E. side of the W. Val ley Highway between 8th & 15th St. N.W.) It was moved by KI ine, seconded by Blakeney, that a publ ic hearing on Rezone Request No. 53-67 be held at 8 p.m. on December 18, 1967. MOTION CARRIED A claim for damages filed by Mrs. Emma Lue Snyder for alleged damages to her person as a result of a fal I on the sidewalk on the northerly side of Main St. where it intersects with B Street N. E. was read by City Clerk Wi I I iams. Mayor Gaines in- structed that the claim be turned over to the insurance company. It was moved by Blakeney, seconded by Sonnemann, that the fol lowing requests for zone changes be referred to the Planning Commission for recommendation: Mardel Investment Co. to rezone from A-I to C-3 property commonly known as I"·· Nishimoto Property. Robert Nelson to rezone from R-2 to SPU property in C. D. Hi I lman's Auburndale Div. #2. Marlorie Lois Bland to rezone from Unci. to R-4 property located on the N. E. corner of 22nd and "I" Sf. N.E. George McLaughl in to rezone from Unci. to R-4 property located at 2535 "I" St. N.E. MOTION CARRIED RECOMfv\ENDA T IONS The fol lowing change orders were submitted for approval by City Engineer Poe: Change Order No. Change Order No. $600.00. to Argentieri Const. Co., L.I .D. No. 203, increase of $250.00. to R. L. Moss & Co., Sanitary Sewer Imp. No. I, increase of It was moved by Sonnemann, seconded by Fitzsimmons, that the increases be approved. ROLL CALL VOTE: AI I Counci Imen voting YES. MOTION CARRIED It was moved by Fitzsimmons, seconded by Sonnemann, that the fol lowing Pay Estimates be approved: Pay Estimate No.4 and final, L. I .D. No. 187 for $15,453.87 to Morris Con- struction Co. Pay Estimate No.4 and final, L.I .D. No. 197 for $1,212.87 to Cascade Asphalt Paving Co. Pay Estimate No.2 and final, L.I .D. No. 202 for $2,626.25 to Cascade Asphalt Paving Co. Pay Estimate No. Pay Est imate No. Co. Pay Estimate No. for $2,824.08. Pay Estimate No. $5,964.80. ROLL CALL VOTE: AI I Councilmen voting YES. 1 and final, L.I .D. No. 203 for $17,542.20 to Argentieri Const. Co. and final, L.I .D. No' 206 for $10,675.28 to Bert Robison Const. on Street Improvement No. 96 to Cascade Asphalt Paving Co. and final on Sanitary Sewer Imp. #1 to R. L. Moss & Co. for MOTION CARRIED 1 1 1 AUBURN, WASHINGTON 401 DECEMBER 4, 1967 MONDAY Pay Est imate No.3, M. A. Sega Ie, Inc., for L.I .0. No. 191, EDA Street Phase II for $9,058.62. It was moved by Sonnemann, seconded by Blakeney, that this pay estimate be approved. ROLL CALL VOTE: AI I Councilmen voting YES. MOTION CARRIED Pay Estimate No.7, Select Contractors, Inc. for EDA Street Phase I for $11,433.53. It was moved by KI ine, seconded by Blakeney, that this pay estimate be approved. ROLL CALL VOTE: AI I Councilmen voting YES. MOT I ON CARR I ED Payment to Hil I, Ingman, Chase & Co. for $63.68 for engineering services for EDA St. inspection, Phase I and for $1,197.10 for engr. services for EDA St. Imp. Phase I, and $3,853.14 for engr. services for EDA St. Imp. Phase I I. It was moved by Sonnemann, seconded by Nickson, that the payments as submitted be paid. ROLL CALL VOTE: AI I Councilmen voting YES. MOTION CARRIED Submission for approval and publ ic hearing thereon of assessment rol I for L.I.D. No. 190. It was moved by Blakeney, seconded by Sonnemann, that publ ic hearing on the final assessment rol I of L.I.D. No. 190 should be set for January 15, 1968. MOTION CARRIED COUNCIL C~~ITTEE REPORTS CODE COWAITTEE - Nickson Councilman Nickson reported on proposed rules of conduct and procedures for City Coun- cil meetings. GOLF COURSE CO^V~ITTEE - Aaby Councilman Aaby reported that the golf course was erroneously referred to in the newspaper as a muniéipal country club. It is a much-needed recreation facil ity and it wi I I be se If-support i ng. Counc i I man Aaby a 1 so sa i d "I want to take th i s oppor- tunity to say I have enjoyed my years on the Auburn City Council and would I ike to say that I have the highest regard for the integrity and devotion of the Mayor and the Council. I want to thank you for the consideration you have given me." Mayor Gaines stated that the City of Auburn appreciates the nine years of endeavor that Counci Iman Aaby has given and a standing ovation was given Aaby. LICENSE CO^~^ITTEE - Sonnemann Councilman Sonnemann reported that after a discussion with Mr. Rockey of the Glen E. Rockey Company and the City Engineer it was requested that the 60 day suspension be amended to read 30 days, and Mr. Rockey's I icense reinstated at that time. It was moved by Sonnemann, seconded by Nickson, that Mr. Rockey's side sewer con- tractor's I icense be reinstated after 30 days as amended. MOTION CARRIED FINANCE CO^VAITTEE - Sonnemann Councilman Sonnemann read the Finance Committee report of meeting held November 22, 1967. Chief Darby requested the addition of two lines and a Cal I Director to TE 3-3050. The Finance Committee recommends this request be granted. Chief Darby also requested that Tom McDermott be paid for 19 days of vacation and 4 hol idays from 1966 and 1967. The Finance Committee recommends payment of the vacation days but not the hol idays. The Finance Committee recommends that the City Treasurer be authorized to purchase 90 day U. S. Treasury obi igations in the amount of $350,000.00 for the Water-Sewer Construction Fund. POLICE COhV^ITTEE - Sonnemann Councilman Sonnemann reported on the proposed ordinance change in pool room licensing. Attorney representino the pool room was invited to the committee meeting and stated he was not ready. The City Attorney wrote a letter November 27, 1967 stating that unless an alternate plan was proposed it would be acted upon at this Council Meeting. OLD BUSINESS Contract between City of Auburn and Planning & Community Affairs Agency tabled November 20, 1967. No action taken. NEW BUSINESS AI I recently elected City Officials were administered the Oath of Office. They were 402 AUBURN, WASHINGTON MONDAY DECEMBER 4, 1967 Robert KI ine, Ernest Bai ley, Ken Fitzsimmons, Ralph Blakeney, Gordon Darl ing and Ted Nickson. Mayor Gaines appointed Council Committees as fol lows: FI~~NCE - Châirman KI ine, Mayor Gaines, Treasurer Kelly FIRE - Chairman Darl ing, Blakeney, Bai ley POLICE & LICENSE - Chairman Sonmemann, Blakeney, Nickson PUBLIC WORKS (STREET) - Chairman Blakeney, Nickson, Bai ley PUBLIC WORKS (UTILITIESl - Chairman Fitzsimmons, KI ine, Dart ing HOUSING ADVISORY - Chairman Bailey, Sonnemann, Nickson AIRPORT - Chairman Kline, Bailey, Fitzsimmons ORDINANCE CODE - Chairman Nickson, Sonnemann, Darl ing ANNEXATION - Chairman Sonne~ann, Darl ing, Nickson GOLF COURSE - Chairman Fitzsimmons, Blakeney, Nickson Mayor Gaines invited al I new councilmen and others if they wish, to attend a seminar for new councilmen at the Sheraton Hotel on December 14, 1967. 1 BID OPENINGS & RECOfM~ENDATIONS Bids were opened at 10:00 a.m. November 27, 1967 on t he Po lice Committee's Call for Bids for three pol ice cars, one detective car and one motorcycle. Less Bidder Bid Tax Total Trade-in Net Scarff Motors, Inc. 2173.40 97.80 227 1 . 20 175.00 2096.20 11 " 11 6790.86 305.59 7096.45 1900.00 5196.45 Bothe II Chev-Cad i II àc 2459.79 110.69 2570.48 250.00 2320.48 " It It 8039.52 361 .78 840 1.30 2602.00 5799.30 Tom Matson's Motors 2467.37 111.03 2578.40 300.00 2278.40 " It It 7930. II 356.85 8286.96 2100.00 6186.96 The above bids were for the cars only. Harley Davidson of Tacoma, Inc. 2274.90 102.37 2377.27 378.00 1999.27 The above bid was for the motorcycle only. It was moved by Sonnemann, seconded by Nickson, that the low bids be accepted from Scarff Motors, Inc., on the police and detective cars, and from Harley Davidson of Tacoma, Inc., for the motorcycle. ROLL CALL VOTE: AI I Counci Imen voting YES. N{)TION CARRIED 1 One bid was received from the Auburn Globe-News for legal publications at the bid opening at 10:00 a.m. November 30, 1967, as fol lows: 8 point type: $3.10 per 100 words for the first publication $2.00 per 100 words for additional publications 5t or 6 point type: $2.95 per 'MOO words for the first publication $2.00 per 100 words for additional publications Proposal No.2: (Combination of Auburn Globe-News and the Valley Times, uti lizing both Wednesday and Sunday publications) 8 point type: $3.20 per 100 words for the first publication $2.10 per 100 words for additional publications 5t or 6 point type: $3.10 per 100 words for the first publication $2.20 per 100 words for additional publications After discussion on the various publications, it was moved by Nickson:, seconded by Blàkeney, that the bid be rejected and new bids be opened at the next Counci I meeting on December 18, 1967. 1 NlJTION CARRIED ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS It was moved by Kline, seconded by Fitzsimmons, that the City Attorney be authorized to read the ordinances that appear on the agenda by title only. NlJTION CARRIED ORDINANCE NO. 2156 It was moved by Fitzsimmons, seconded by Blakeney, that Ordinance No. 2156 be taken off the tab Ie. MOTION CARRIED 1 1 1 403 AUBURN, WASHINGTON NONDAY DECEMBER 4, 1967 ORDINANCE NO. 2156 It was moved by Sonnemann, seconded by Blakeney, that Ordinance No. 2156 entitled "AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF AUBURN, WASHINgTON, AMENDING SECTION 2 OF ORDINANCE NO. 942 OF THE ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF AUBURN, SAID SECTION AMENDED RELATING TO THE AGE LIMI- TATIONS TO BE PLACED UPON PERSONS FREQUENTING POOL AND BILLIARD ROOMS WITHIN THE COR- PORATE LIMITS OF THE CITY OF AUBURN." be adopted. ROLL CALL VOTE: AI I Counci Imen voting YES. fK)TION CARRIED ORDINANCE NO. 2161 It was moved by Kline, seconded by Nickson, that Ordinance No. 2161 entitled "AN ORDI- NANCE OF THE CITY OF AUBURN, WASHINGTON, PROVIDING FOR THE REZONING OF CERTAIN PROPERTY IN THE CITY OF AUBURN, CHANGING THE ZONING CLASSIFICATION THEREOF FROM A-I TO M-I." be tabled. ROLL CALL VOTE: Kline, Bai ley, Sonnemann, Fitzsimmons, Darling, Nickson YES; Blakeney NO. fK)TION CARRIED ORDINANCE NO. 2167 It was moved by Blakeney, seconded by Fitzsimmons, that Ordinance No. 2167 entitled "AN ORDINANCE Of THE CITY OF AUBURN, WASHINGTON, PROVIDING FOR THE REZONING OF CERTAIN PROP- ERTY I N THE C ITY OF~;AUBURN, CHANG I NG THE ZON 1 NG CLASS I F I CAT I ON THEREOF FROM R-2 TO C-I." be introduced and~~():pted. ROLL CALL VOTE: At;:fCounci Imen voting YES. NOTION CARRIED ORDINANCE NO. 2168 It was moved by Blakeney, seconded by Sònnemann, that Ordinance No. 2168 entitled "AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF AUBURN, WASHINGTON, AMENDING SECTIONS 1.05.020, 1.20.010, 1.20. 020, 1.20.030, 1.20.040, 1.20.060, 1.20.070, AND 1.20.080 OF THE AUBURN CITY CODE, SAID SECTIONS AMENDED RELATING TO THE COMPENSATION AND PAYROLL PERIODS OF ELECTIVE AND AP- POINTIVE OFFICIALS OF THE CITY OF AUBURN." be introduced and adopted. After discussion it was moved by Fitzsimmons, seconded by Kline, that it be tabled. ~OLL CALL VOTE: KI ine, Bai ley, Fi tzsimmons, Blakeney, Darl ing, Nickson, YES; Sonnemann, NO. MOTION CARRIED RESOLUTION NO. 278 No action was taken at this time. The City Engineer was instructed to find out what other cities have done ~bout approving the continuance of the Valley Regional Planning Commission and report to the City Counci I.. RESOLUTION NO. 292 I t was moved by Kline, seconded by Nickson, that Resolution No. 292 entitled "A RESO- LUTION OF THE CITY OF AU8URN, WASHINGTON, ADOPTING THE 1968-69 BIENNIAL REVISIONS AND EXTENSIONS TO THE COMPREHENSIVE STREET PROGRAM OF THE CITY OF AUBURN, PURSUANT TO CHAP- TER 195, SECTION 2, OF THE LAWS OF THE STATE OF WASHINGTON, FOR THE YEAR 1961." be adopted. ROLL CALL VOTE: AI I Counci Imen voting YES. NOTION CARRIED RESOLUTION NO. 293 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF AUBURN, WASHINGTON, AUTHORIZING THE ENTRY OF A CONSENT JUD- GMENT IN FAVOR OF THE CITY OF AUBURN AND AGAINST FLOYD HARBIN AND ARTHEA HARBIN, HIS WIFE, AND MONTY L. HARBIN. It was moved by Kline, seconded by Nickson, that this matter be referred to the Police & License Committee. ROLL CALL VOTE: AI I Counci Imen voting YES. MOTl ON CARR lED ORDINANCE NO. 2168 Additional discussion was had on the status of the pay periods for municipal officers and employees and it was thereafter moved by Kline, seconded by Sonnemann, that Ordi- nance No. 2t68 be brought off the table. ROLL CALL VOTE: AI I Councilmen voting YES. MOTION CARRIED After further discussion it was moved by KI ine, seconded by Darl ing, that Ordinance No. 2168 be amended to read "that al I elected, appointed and salaried employees be paid on 404 AUBURN, WASHINGTON MONDA Y DECEMBER 4, 1967 a semi-monthly basis." ROLL CALL VOTE: KI ine, Bai ley, Darl ing, Nickson, YES. Blakeney, Sonnemann, Fitzsimmons, NO. MOTION CARRIED The Mayor cal led for a vote on the motion as amended. ROLL CALL VOTE: Bailey, Darl ing, Nickson, YES; KI ine, Blakeney, Sonnemann, Fitzsimmons, NO. MOTION DEFEATED City Attorney Smythe requested authorization to record quit claim deed and easement. was moved by Fitzsimmons, seconded by KI ine, that authorization be granted. ROLL CALL VOTE: AI I Councilmen voting YES. It MOTION CARRIED 1 It was moved by Fitzsimmons, seconded by Sonnemann, that the Mayor and City Clerk be authorized to sign a contract with McLean and Co. for a feasibil ity study on the pro- posed golf course, subject to approval of form by the City Attorney. ROLL CALL VOTE: AI I Councilmen voting YES. MOTION CARRIED APPROVAL or CLAIMS It was moved by Fi'tzsimmons, seconded by Nickson, that the claims SUbmitted on the Voucher Approval and Department Transfer List be approved. CLAIMS FUND #3640 thru #3722 $99,682.96 PAYROLL FUND #53 thru #335 $64,456.45 MOTION CARRIED There being no further business, the meeting was declared adjourned at 10:05 p.m. sub- ject to the cal I of the Mayor. ARPROVEDTHIS /~~DA Y OF ~~AÞA/:"'Ak/t/ , I 967. ,/"\ qR ML/ '.d' 1/ t? ./¿~~Vv.-/ CITY CLERK 1 g,~ ~ /J~ MAY 0 R 1