HomeMy WebLinkAbout09-16-1968 AUBURN, WASHINGTON MONDAY SEPTEMBER 16, 1968 1 ). The regular meeting of the City Council of the City of Auburn convened at 8:00 P.M. in the Council Chambers at the City Hal I. Mayor Gaines called the meeting to order. Counci Imen present: KI ine, Sonnemann, Bai ley, Fitzsimmons, Blakeney, Darling and Nickson. APPROVAL OF MINUTES It was moved by Blakeney, seconded by Sonnemann, that the Minutes of the City Council Meeting held September 3, 1968 be approved as mailed. MOT I ON CARR ED I PUBLIC HEARINGS Mayor Gaines declared the Public Hearing open on petition of Val ley Associates, a I imited partnership, for the vacation of property abutting the South side of 40th Sf. N.E. lying between Auburn Way North and "I" Street N. E. The Planning Commission recommends to the City Council that there are no objections from the Fire and Police Departments, the Utility Companies, puget Sound Power and Light, Washington Natural Gas and Pacific Northwest Bel I. It was moved by Blakeney, seconded by Nickson, that the Public Hearing on petition of Valley Associates, a limited partnership, for the vacation of property abutting the south side of 40th St. N.L, lying between Auburn Way North and "I" Street N. E. be closed. MOTl ON CARR 1 ED It was moved by Blakeney, seconded by Nickson, that the City Attorney be instructed to draw up the necessary ordinance for the vacation of property abutting the south side of 40th St. N.E. lying between Auburn Way North and "I" Street N.E. MOT I ON CARR I ED Mayor Gaines declared the Public Hearing open on request of John W. Kelly and Stanton, Mary, Kazuo & Harumi Tsujikawa to rezone a parcel of land lying between 35th and 40th St. N.E.; "I" Sf. N.E. and the Green River from A-I to R-5. (Appl ication No. 26-68 and 29-68) I City Clerk Wil Iiams read a letter from John W. Kelly requesting that the Public Hearing on Rezone Application No. 26-68 be postponed for a period of sixty days. City Clerk Williams read a letter from Duncan A. Bonjorni, attorney for Stanton, Mary, Kazuo & Harumi Tsujikawa, on Rezone Application No. 29-68, requesting the matter be continued for ninety days without action. It was moved by Blakeney, seconded by Darling, that the Public Hearing on request of John W. Kelly and Stanton, Mary, Kazuo & Harumi Tsujikawa, to rezone a parcel of land lying between 35th and 40th St. N.E.; "I" Sf. N.E. and the Green River from A-I to R-5 (applications No. 26-68 and 29-68) be closed. MOT I ON CARR I ED It was moved by Sonnemann, seconded by Bai ley, that request of John W. Kelly and Stanton, Mary, Kazuo & Harumi Tsujikawa to rezone a parcel of land lying between 35th and 40th St. N.E.; "I" St. N.E. and the Green River from A-I to R-5. (Appl ication No. 26-68 and 29-68) be tabled. N{)TION CARRIED Mayor Gaines declared the Public Hearing open on request of Charles L. Laughlin to rezone from C-I to C-3 a parcel of land located in the 3400 block, Enumclaw Highway. (Application No. 30-68) I The Planning Commission recommend to the City Counci that the request be granted as this conforms to the Comprehensive Land Use Plan for the area, with consideration being given to the Nly 5' of the property for future widening of Auburn Way South. It was moved by Fitzsimmons, seconded by Blakeney, that the Public Hearing on request of Charles L. Laughlin to rezone from C-I to C-3 a parcel of land located in the 3400 block, Enumclaw Highway, (Appl ication No. 30-68) be closed. MOTION CARRIED It was moved by Blakeney, seconded by Sonnemann that the request of Charles L. Laughl in to rezone from C-I to C-3 a parcel of land located in the 3400 block, Enumclaw Highway, (Application No. 30-68) be granted and the City Attorney be instructed to prepare , .~ c: AUBURN, WASHINGTON MONDAY SEPTEMBER 16, 1968 necessary ordinance for rezoning. Motion was opposed by Councilman KI ine. MOTION CARRIED Mayor Gaines declared the Publ ic Hearing open on request of Albert Morrison and Kenneth Mounts to rezone from R-2 to R-4 property located at 1535 8th St. N.E. The Planning Commission recommend to the City Council that the request be granted and that the al ley adjacent to the east be constructèd and paved to the City of Auburn's standards for alleys. Mr. Endersbe, representing Mr. Morrison, from audience, stated he wi I I comply with the request of Planning Commission. It was moved by Blakeney, seconded by Nickson, that the Publ ic Hearing on request of Albert Morrison and Kenneth Mounts to rezone from R-2 to R-4, property located at 1535 8th St. N.E., be closed. I MOTION CARRIED It was moved by Sonnemann, seconded by Blakeney, that the request of Albert Morrison and Kenneth Mounts to rezone from R-2 to R-4, property located at 1535 8th St. N.E., be granted and the City Attorney be instructed to prepare necessary ordinance for rezoning. MOTION CARRIED CORRESPONDENCE City Clerk Wi I Iiams read letter from Mrs. Helen Shaughnessy regarding proposed location of the new City Hal I. Mayor Gaines requested the letter be filed. City Clerk Wil I iams read letter from AI Rossi, President Park and Recreation Board, regarding new proposed City Hal I. Mayor Gaines requested the letter be filed. City Clerk Wi I Iiams read letter from George A. Schuler, Planning Director, regarding I Cedar Lane Neighborhood Park. It was moved by KI ine, seconded by Sonnemann, the application to Urban Interagency for matching funds and the property occupied by the house be deleted. Motion was opposed by Councilman Bai ley. MOTION CARRIED City Clerk Williams read letter received from Auburn Education Association commending the City Council for actions they have taken. Mayor Gaines instructed the letter be answered with appreciation for their comments. AUDIENCE PARTICIPATION Roberta Morley, City Historian, from audience, stated she was donating a painting be an Enumclaw artist valued at $400.00 to the City to be hung in the new City Hal I. The mural is in the foyer of the National Bank of Commerce. Mayor Gaines accepted the painting and stated it would be hung in the new City Hal I, and thanked Roberta Morley for her gift. RECOMMENDATIONS AND BID OPENINGS The fol lowing items.were submitted by Fred W. Poe, City Engineer, for approval: Progress Estimate No.2 in the amount of $14,466.16 to Morris Con- struction Co. for L.I.D. No. 215 (17th St. N.E.). I It was moved by Sonnemann, seconded by Blakeney, that Progress Estimate No.2 in the amount of $14,466.16 to Morris Const. Co. for L.I.D. 215 (17th St. N.E.) be paid. ROLL CALL VOTE: All Councilmen voting YES. MOTION CARRIED Progress Estimate No. I for $11,341.84 to Morris Construction Co. for L.I.D. 214 (Dogwood St. S.E.'. I I I AUBURN, WASHINGTON "1 7 SEPTEMBER 16, 1968 " MONDAY It was moved by Blakeney, seconded by Sonnemann, that Progress Estimate No. I for the sum of $11,341.84 to Morris Construction Co. for L.I.D. 214 (Dogwood St. S.E.) be paid. ROLL CALL VOTE: AI I Councilmen voting YES. MOTION CARRIED Progr-ess Estimate No.2, final, to Coluccio Const. Co. for $1,074.72 for L.I.D. 217 (Water mains, West Val ley Hwy.). It was moved by Kline, seconded by Sonnemann, that Progress Estimate No.2, final, to Coluccio Const. Co., for $1,074.72 for L.I.D. 217 (water mains, West Val ley Hwy.) be paid and that the project be accepted by the City as completed, and that the retained percentage amounting to $7,149.48, including sales tax, be paid in 30 days provided no liens or claims are filed and clearance is secured from the State Tax Commission and the Department of Labor and Industries. ROLL CALL VOTE: All Councilmen voting YES. MOTl ON CARR lED Progress Estimate No.3, final, to Morris Const. Co. for $15,055.96 for L.I.D. 209 (I St. N.E., Street & storm sewer). It was moved by Kline, seconded by Sonnemann, that Progress Estimate No.3 (final) to Morris Const. Co. for $15,055.96 for L.I .D. 209 (I St. N.E., street & storm sewer) be paid and that the project be accepted by the City as completed, and that the retained percentage amounting to $3,481.07, including sales tax, be paid in 30 days provided no claims or liens are filed and clearance is secured from the State Tax Commission and the Department of Labor and Industries. ROLL CALL VOTE: AI I Councilmen voting YES. MOT f ON CARR I ED Progress Estimate No.2, (final) to Morris Const. Co. for $3,497.84 for L.I.D. 216 (San. sewers S. of Main, E of R St. S.E.). It was moved by Nickson, seconded by Bailey, that Progress Estimate No.2 (final) to Morris Const. Co. for $3,497.84 for L.I.D. 216 (San. sewers S. of Main, E. of R St. S.E.) be paid and that the project be accepted by the City as completed, and that the retained percentage amounting to $2,526.36, including sales tax, be paid in 30 days provided no claims or I iens are filed and clearance is secured from the State Tax Commission and the Department of Labor and Industries. ROLL CALL VOTE: A II Counc i Imen vot i ng YES. MOTION CARRIED Progress Estimate No.3, (final) to Morris Const. Co. for $16,620.19 for L.I.D. 204 (street & sanitary sewers, R St. N.E., Main to 8th N.E.). It was moved by Blakeney, seconded by Kline, that Progress Estimate No.3 (final) to Morris Const. Co. for $16,620.19 for L.I .D. 204 (street & sanitary sewers, R St. N.E., Main to 8th N.E.) be paid and that the project be accepted by the City as completed, and that the retained percentage amounting to $7,460.59, including sales tax, be paid in 30 days provided no claims or liens are fi led and clearance is secured from the State Tax Commission and the Department of Labor and Industries. ROLL CALLv.DTE: All Counci Imen voting YES. MOTION CARRIED Authorization for Ken Morrison to attend annual meeting of Pollution Control Assoc. at Penticton, B.C., on October 9-1 I. It was moved by Blakeney, seconded by Darling, that authorization be granted for Ken Morrison to attend annual meeting of Pollution Control Assoc., at Pentict~n, B.C. on October 9-11. N{)TION CARRIED Authorization for George Owensby to attend NAHRO Pacific NW Conference at Ocean Shores, Wash., September 18-20. It was moved by Nickson, seconded by Blakeney, thàt authorization be granted for George Owensby to attend NAHRO Pacific NW Conference at Ocean Shores, Wash. on September 18-20. N{)TION CARRIED Final Assessment Roll on L.I.D. 213 (Riverside So.'2) public hearing thereon to be held Oct. 21, 1968. It was moved by Kline, seconded by Fitzsimmons, that Public Hearing on Final Assessment Rol I on L.I .0. 213 be held at 8:00 P.M. on October 21, 1968. MOTION CARR I ED : .> 8 AUBURN, WASH I NGTON MONDAY SEPTEMBER 16. 1968 Creation of L.I.D. 226 street construction, sidewalks, storm;; and sani- tary sewers on 16th St. N.E. from M St. to I St. N.E., estimated cost of $38,182.56 with a 58.31% frontage area and 57.86% total area signing petition. It was moved by Sonnemann, seconded by Blakeney, that the City Attorney be authorized to draw up the necessary ordinance for the formation of L.I.D. No.2226 and that auth- orization be granted to advertise for bids for street construction, storm and sanitary sewers on 16th St. N.E. from M St. to I St. N.E. MOT ION CARR I ED Award Garbage contract to RST Disposal Co. subject to approval of City Attorney and City Engineer. I It was moved by fitzsimmons, seconded by Darling, that Garbage contract be awarded to RST Disposal Co., subject to approval of City Attorney and City Engineer and that the Mayor and City Clerk be authorized to sign the contract. ~TION CARRIED Award contract to Slead-Tonneson Const. Co. for L.I.D. No. 219 for $89,076.20 with the provision that the alternate for $3,400 can be added. LI D 219 Base Bid A I ternate Deduct ion I . Slead-Tonneson Const. Co. $89,076.20 3,400.00 . 1,000.00 2. Rogers Const. Co. 92,139.00 10,000.00 none 3. A Iii son, Inc. 158,577.98 30,000.00 900.00 Bids were accompanied by 5% Bid Bond. It was moved by Fitzsimmons, seconded by Kline, that the contract be awarded to S lead-Tonneson Const. forL.1 .0. 219 ,for $89,076.20 wi th the provi sion that the alternate for $3,400.00 can be added, and the Mayor and City Clerk be authorized to sign the contract. N{)TION CARRIED Award contract to Argent ieri Const. for L.I .0. No. 223 for $29,172.34. 1 . 2. 3. 4. LI 0 223 Argentieri Const. Co. Rogers Const. Co. Slead-Tonneson Const. Co. A II i son, I nc. 'Bids were accompanied $29,172.34 30,493.00 31, 106.00 33,350.00 by 5% Bid Bond. none none 1,000.00 200.00 I It was moved by Fitzsimmons, seconded by Blakeney, that the contract be awarded to Argentieri Const. Co. for L.I.D. No. 223 for $29,172.34, and the Máyor and City Clerk be authorized to sign the contract. N{)TION CARRIED PROCLAMATIONS, ANNOUNCEMENTS AND APPOINTMENTS Mayor Gaines designated and proclaimed the week beginning October 6 and ending October 12, 1968 as &Mlclat We~k~of Fire Prevention in the City of Auburn. Mayor Gaines designated and proclaimed the period September I, 1968 through November I I, 1969 as American Legion Golden Anniversary Year. com~CIL COW1ITTEE REPORTS FINANCE COmvIITTEE - KLINE Councilman Kline reporting for Finance Committee meeting on September 11, 1968 at \~ich I time they considered the authorization of the City Treasurer to purchase Finance Warrants as follows: street Fund - $15,939.83, Current Expense Fund - $4,000.00, Water Fund - $4,000.00, and L.I.D. Guaranty Fund - $3,000.00. MOTION CARRIED Councilman Kline reporting further on Finance Committee Meeting on September 11, 1968 reported a bill had been received from the State Highway Department in the amount of $4,882.50 as the share of the City of the "Vista" valley highway study. This item had not been included in the 1968 budget. ' It was moved by Kline, seconded by Nickson, that the bill from the State Highway Depart- ment in the amount of $4,882.50 as the City share of the Vista Valley High\1Tay Study AUBURN, WASHINGTON MONDA Y SEPTEMBER 16, 1968 -1 , be shared evenly between the Street and Current Expense Fund. MOT I ON CARR I ED Councilman KI ine stated further on Finance Committee Meeting on September II, 1968 that discussion had been held relative to the needs of the Golf Construction Fund and it was determined that some source of outside financing should be considered. LICENSE COMMITTEE - SONNEMANN Councilman Sonnemann reporting for License Committee recommended that SM Electronics be awarded the franchise for TV cable and that al I cables be underground wherever deemed feasible. I It was moved by Kline, seconded by Fitzsimmons, that SM Electronics be awarded the franchise for TV cable and that al I cables be underground wherever deemed feasible. MOTION CARR lED It was moved by Sonnemann, seconded by Nickson, that the City Attorney be instructed to draw up necessary resolution granting SM Electronics franchise and that all cables be underground. MOTl ON CARR lED UTILITIES COMMITTEE - FITZSIMMONS Councilman Fitzsimmons reporting for Utilities Committee reported that the committee recommends the City pay the costs of the pump in connection with L.I.D. No. 225 and recommend passage of Resolution No. 328. STREET COMMITTEE - BLAKENEY Councilman Blakeney reporting for Street Committee reported the Street Committee wi I I meet on Wednesday night at 7:30 P.M. in the Pub! ic Works Department. CIVIC CENTER COMMITTEE - DARLING I Councilman Darl ing reporting for Civic Center Committee stated he wished to thank the Auburn Globe News, the Seattle Times, Radio Station KASY, the Auburn Educational Directors, the Chamber of Commerce, the Auburn City employees and the Association of Auburn City Employees for their fine support, to Gene Wi I I iams who has acted as I iason and all other peop lei nvo I ved, Counc i I man Sonnemann and Counc i man K line, for t he many ! hours put in on this project. CODE AND ORDINANCE C~~ITTEE - NICKSON Councilman Nickson reporting for Code and Ordinance Committee reported that the committee is sti I studying the Publ ic Health bill and he wi I I have a report on it soon. DEPARTMENT HEAD REPORTS Fred Poe, City Engineer, reported the posts and arms for downtown traffic signals were due to arrive September 21st and the possible completion time of approximately three to four weeks. Bruce Bil Ie, Recreation Director, reported the attendance and use of the recreation faci ities had doubled over last year, with an increase of 12,500; twenty-five employees in the recreation department during the summer and fifteen p,ople who volunteered their time. Mayor Gaines congratulated Mr. Poe and his department and Mr. Bil Ie and his department for a fine job. I Fire Chief Calkins reported:)a fine trip to Las Vegas and a complete report wi I be forthcoming. Jerry Keesee, Sewer Supervisor, reported that the underground video pipe inspection to detect trouble spots wi I I soon be completed. OLD BUS INESS City Clerk Wi I Iiams stated the Zone Change Application of Charles E. and Lavonne K. Anderson to rezone from R-I to R-4 which was tabled at the June 3, 1968 Counci I Meeting sti I I stands as old business. " 3" AUBURN, WASH NGTON MONDAY SEPTEMBER 16. 1968 Mr. Schuler, Director of Planning, reported that the deed has been signed on this matter and the ordinance should be forthcoming. ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS ORDINANCE NO. 2267 Ordinance No. 2267 entitled "AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF AUBURN, WASHINGTON, PROVIDING FOR THE CONSTRUCTION AND INSTALLATION OF A 6 INCH CAST IRON WATER MAIN AND BOOSTER PUMPING STATION, CREATING AND ESTABLISHING LOCAL IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT NO. 225; PROVIDING THE METHOD OF ASSESSMENT IN SAID DISTRICT AND THE MODE OF PAYMENT THEREOF, AND CREATING A LOCAL IMPROVEMENT FUND THEREFOR.II (introduced September 3, 1968) It was moved by Fitzsimmons, seconded by Darling, that Ordinance No. 2267 be adopted. ROLL CALL VOTE: Counci Iman Fitzsimmons, Blakeney, Darling, Sonnemann, and Bái ley voting YES. Counci Iman Nickson and Kline abstained from voting. I N{)TION CARRIED ORDINANCE NO. ~270 Ordinance No. 2270 entitled "AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF AUBURN, WASHINGTON, PRO- VIDING FOR THE IMPROVEMENT OF A PORTION OF A CERTAIN STREET IN THE CITY OF AUBURN BY THE CONSTRUCTION AND INSTALLATION OF SANITARY SEWER, SIDE SEWERS, EXCAVATION, BALLAST, CURB & GUTTER, CRUSHED STONE AND ASPHALT CONCRETE, CREATING AND ESTABLISH- ING LOCAL OMPROVEMENT DISTRICT NO. 226; PROVIDING THE METHOD OF ASSESSMENT IN SAID DISTRICT AND THE MODE OF PAYMENT THEREOF, AND CREATING A LOCAL IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT FUND." It was moved by Sonnemann, seconded by Blakeney, that Ordinance No. 2270 be introduced and adopted. ROLL CALL VOTE: AI I Councilmen voting YES. MOTION CARRIED ORDINANCE NO. 2271 Ordinance No. 2271 entitled "AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF AUBURN, WASHINGTON, RELATING TO AND PROVIDING FOR THE ANNEXATION TO THE CITY OF AUBURN OF A CONTIGUOUS AREA OF LAND LYING ADJACENT TO THE SOUTHERLY MARGINAL LINE OF THE EXISTING CITY LIMITS OF THE CITY OF AUBURN, WHICH LAND IS DESCRIBED IN A PETITION DULY FILED WITH THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF AUBURN." I It was moved by Sonnemann, seconded by Nickson, that Ordinance No. 2271 be introduced and adopted. ROLL CALL VOTE: AI I Councilmen voting YES. MOTION CARRIED RESOLUTION NO. 331 It was moved by Kline, seconded by Darling, that Resolution No. 331 entitled "A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF AUBURN, WASHINGTON, AUTHORIZING THE NEGOTIATING COMMITTEE FOR THE CITY OF AUBURN TO OFFER TO THE AUBURN CITY EMPLOYEES ASSOCIATION A WORKING AGREEMENT DEALING WITH SALARIES, WAGES, WORKING CONDITIONS, VACATIONS, AND OTHER RELATED WORKING CONDITIONS AND BENEFITS." (introduced September 3, 1968) be adopted. MOTl ON CARR lED It was moved by Nickson, seconded by Bailey, that the City Attorney be instructed to record the following deeds and contracts: Quit Claim Deeds~ R. W. Johnson, Ruth Claudon and E. A. Brown. t..lì 11: Late Comer Contract: H. F. Corwin and A. E. Jorgensen. MOTl ON CARR lED APPROVAL OF VOUCHERS It was moved by Blakeney, seconded by Sonnemann, that vouchers and transfers as listed be paid. CLAIMS #1659 - 1771 $106,622.57 ROLL CALL VOTE: AI I Counci Imen voting YES. MOTl ON CARR I ED I I I AUBURN, WASHINGTON ì : ,~ MONDAY SEPTEMBER 16, 1968 MISCELLANEOUS BUSINESS City Clerk Wi I I iams read letter from Fred W. Poe, City Engineer, submitted for consider- ation: I. Bid on Golf Course Irrigation System. Dick Todd Landscape Service: Basic Bid Alternate Bid $163,790.44 (NIST) $106,080.25 (NIST) It was moved by Fitzsimmons, seconded by Blakeney, that the bid for the golf course irrigation system be rejected. MOTION CARRIED 2. Resolution authorizing Mayor and Cfty Clerk to sign an agreement with King County regarding distribution of Forward Thrust Arterial Funds. It was moved by Blakeney, seconded by Kline, that the Mayor and City Clerk be author- ized to sign agreement with King County regarding distribution of Forward Thrust Funds. MOTION CARRIED 3. Resolution adopting Urban Arterial Board Functional Classification of Arterials and suggesting changes and additions thereto. It was moved by Blakeney, seconded by Kline, that Urban Arterial Board franchise classification of arterials and suggested changes and additions thereto be approved. MOTION CARRIED Mayor Gaines asked that Council members and any others that cared to help could be utilized in bringing the results from precincts as voting progressed on September 17, 1968. It was moved by Kline, seconded by Sonnemann, at 9:35 P.M., that the Council Meeting be continued until I I :00 A.M. on September 17, 1968. MOTION CARRIED September 17, 1968, I I :00 A.M., there was not a quorum present to continue the Council Meeting. September 18, 1968, 11:00 A.M., there was not a quorum present to continue the Council Meeting, upon the suggestion of the City Clerk and the recommendation of the Mayor and Councilmen Blakeney that the meeting be continued until 8:30 P.M., September 18, 1968, when the Street Committee composed of three councilmen would be present and it was felt that a quorum could be present. September 18, 1968 8:30 P.M., the continued regular meeting of the City Council of Auburn convened in the Council Chambers of the City Hal I. Mayor Gaines called the meeting to order at 8:30 P.M. Councilmen present: Kline, Bailey, Fitzsimmons, Blakeney, Darl ing and Nickson. The City Clerk, Gene Wil I iams, and the City Attorney, Bob Smythe, were also present. There was no further business under the fol lowing: Public Hearings, Correspondence, Audience Participation, Recommendations and Bid Openings, Proclamations, Appointments and Announcements. COUNCIL COMMITTEE REPORTS CIVIC CENTER COMMITTEE - DARLING Councilman Darling reporting for Civic Center Committee discussed the City Hal I Bond Issue failure and brought to the attention of the Council the fact that there was not sufficient time to make the necessary studies, have the property appraised and make recommendations on the location of the site before the general election on November 5, 1968, and it was his understanding that the Auburn School District would have a considerable amount of money on the bal lot for the schools and he would recommend after all considerations that it would be to our benefit to continue the Committee's work and plan for re-submittal to the taxpayer in September, 1969. It was moved by Darling, seconded by Nickson, to not place the Civic Center Bond Issue on the November 5, 1968 Sal lot. AI I Councilmen present voting YES. MOTION CARRIED -) \o~, "-. AUBURN, WASHINGTON MONDAY SEPTEMBER 16, 1968 AIRPORT COMMITTEE - KLINE It was moved by Kline, seconded by Nickson, to instruct the City Attorney to prepare the necessary ordinance for the issue of $450,000 from within the 15 mil Is limit for General Obi igation bonds for the land lease and construction of Phase I of the Municipal Airport. Counci Iman Kline, Bailey, Fitzsimmons, Darling and Nickson and'Blakeney voting YES. MOT I ON CARR I ED There was no further business under Department Head Reports and no Old Business. Mayor Gaines reported he had a memorandum from City Engineer Fred Poe, requesting a I Cal I for Bids on Equipment Rental Building, setting the date of opening bids at I I :00 A.M., October 16, 1968. It was moved by Bailey, seconded by Blakeney, that Cal I for Bids for Equipment Rental Building be opened at I I :00 A.M., October 16, 1968. AI I Councilmen voting YES. MOTl ON CARR I ED ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS ORD I NANCE NO. 2272 Ordinance No. 2272 entitled "AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF AUBURN, WASHINGTON, PROVIDING FOR THE ISSUANCE AND SALE OF "GENERAL OBLIGATION AIRPORT BONDS, 1968" OF THE CITY: SPECIFYING MATURITIES AND FIXING THE FORM AND MAXIMUM EFFECTIVE INTEREST RATE OF SUCH BONDS: ESTABLISHING A "GENERAL OBLIGATION AIRPORT BOND FUND, 1968"; AND PROVIDING FOR THE SALE OF SUCH BONDS." It was moved by KI ine, seconded by Fitzsimmons, that Ordinance No. 2272 be introduced and adopted. ROLL CALL VOTE: Counci Imen Kline, Bailey, Fitzsimmons, Darl ing and Nickson voting YES. Councilman Blakeney abstained. MOTION CARRIED There being no further business it was moved by KI ine, seconded by Nickson, that the I meeting be adjourned at 9:25 P.M. MOT I ON CARR lED - APPROVED THIS /~tiDAY OF ~ , I 968 . ~ u&1,·..·ttV City Clerk K~ £. Æ~... MAYOR I