HomeMy WebLinkAbout01-02-1973 I ~ X -f'- ~ o o I I 7"5 AUBURN, WASHINGTON JANUARY 2, 1973 MONDAY ~n"":jt? regular ~--:-':?:2=~:1; of the C'ity Council of the City o.f .llub!.1rn conveneà a.t 8:00 P..¡',[../ .ir-;. tile ...Zuburn Ci t'] Council Chambers.. Rf]-r.,L CAL.L CQuncilmcm prese¡-;t: Coul1c.ilm¿¡IJ Gal,ccy, SOI1nemann, Shaughnessy, Darling, Holm2n, FiecI2e?: and Le2. APPROVAL OF ~INUTES It: was moved by Darling" seconded by Holman, that the Ninutes of DeceIY'!!:Jer 18, 1972, be approved as mailed. NOTION C:'?RIED PUBLIC HEARINGS Mayor Kersey declared Public Hearing open on Final Assessment Roll for L.I.D. 267,· 15th Street N.E. from Auburn rlay North to "I" Street 1'1.E., sanitary sewer and street construction. It was moved by Fiedler, seconded by Holman, that the Public Hearing be closed. UOTION CA...RRIED It was moved by Fiedler, seconded by Lea, that the Final Assessment Roll for LID 267 be confirmed and approved and the Ci ty Attorney be instructed to draw up the necessary ordinance. ROLL CALL VOTE: All Councilmen voting YES. NOTION CARRIED T.':.e Ci ty Clerk read a letter from Pat Nevins, Director of Public r'lorks, regarding the findl assessment roll for L.I.D. 271. Mayor Kersey declared Public Hearing open on Final Assessment Roll for L.T .D. 271, alley paving between 8th and 9th Streets S.E., ivest of "F" Street S.E. Ruby Spitzenberg of 9666 50th S.W., Seattle (owner of property at 510 and 512 8th Street S..E: ..) I asked t-4/hy tile front foot costs for the preliminary assessment: roll and. the final assessment roll varied. Mr. Seabrands, from the Public Works Department, explained thaÉ this particular job was a small job and the bids do sometimes vary depending on the work season, time of year, and the bidder. It was moved by Holman, seconded by Sonnemann, that the Public Hearing be closed. NOTION CARRIED It was moved by Sonnemann, seconded by Fiedler~ that the Final Assessment Roll for LID~ be confirmed and approved and the Ci ty Attorney be instructed to dra"., up the nece~sary ordinance. ROLL CALL VOTE: All Councilmen voting YES. MOTION CARRIED M~yor Kerßey declared Public Hearing open on the request of David L. Turpin and Therald . Leonard to rezone from R-2 (Single Family District) to SPU (Special Property Use) a pilIce1 or property located on the Northeast corner of" I" and 18th Streets Northeas t. The Plalwing COiT-~~ission recommends approval of this request provided conditions b2 included in the ordinance and shall run with the land. L<:J tne issu3.:Jce or a building permi t to construct the second 'lni t on the o;mers abutting 18th Street NE on that portion lying East of Hr" ar::Z that portion of ¡'J" Street LYE South to 18th Street 1'1E enter into District (LID) or other method for the improver¡¡ent of 18th Street ,'IE ~s shown on the plans, and that the ingress and egress be subject to by the Public Works Department prior to develoument. that the following Thai: prior the propert:;, Street :.;~ a Local I!T:p!:CJ :".r-:::."79::t: and ftJr: Str:.'7-3:: :!E re~Ti e;¡ an,:! a_::,:."')r:J'~'Ial It \-/as mO'.1ed by Fiedler, seconded by Lea, that the Public Hearing be closed. NOTION C.:';~_=:Iê':n It ¡-¡as soved by Sonnemann, seconded by Holman, that the request of Dav.id L. Turpin and Therald L. Leonard be appro'ieè. subJ'ect to the recom:nendations of t_r]O P7 . _ ~annl.r.q r rr ".- . _O,d:7.1,=,S.1on . 76 AUBURN, WASHINGTON MONDAY JANUARY 2, 1973 It ;".:i5 moved by Gavey, seconded by Sonnemann, that an amendment be m2de to the motion to show that the ingress and egress be subject to revief,v and approval of the Street COTrL'i'i t tee. MOTION F.ULED ROLL CiiJ...,L :':':;'£ (on j:'L'J'I..Lé' :s n,ctionj: All Counci1.mer, .-OC.i.ti':j' ','7:.:5. !10TIOlJ CAru.:IEE Mayor Kersey declared Public Hearing open on the request of G¡'lendoline L. Kinne for the Estate of Ethel Jane Love to rezone from Unclassified to M-l (Light Industrial District) parcels of property located on the NE quadrant of intersection of 37th Street NE and the Valley Freeway. The Planning Comüission recommends approval of this request provided that the applicant enter into an Agreement f,v"Í th the Ci ty; said Agreement to run r,li th the land and contain the following pFovisions: (1) That if the Metro trunk sanitary sewer is extended Southerly from Kent to the City of Auburn se¡vage treatment plant and that the location of said trunk:: sewer "1Ould require an easement from the owner in order to construct said trunk se,,,er to serve the o;ýner's property, the owner agrees to provide the City with a public utility easement at a location mutually agreed upon by the City and the owner, (2) that prior to the issuance of any building permits on the property for industrial purposes the owner wilL dedicate to the City of Auburn for street purposes a strip of land 60 feet in width, the full length Qf the property, lying adjacent to the East marginal line of the Valley Freeway (sign Route 167). This street ¡.¡i1l provide local access to the property and eventual»; will provide a frontage road adjacent to the Valley Freeway 'between 15th Street My and South 277th Street, thereby providing access to the Valley Freeway. .lJ.lan Bond, of 15216 S.E. 4th, Bellevue, one of the property o¡ýners, stated that t.here are two interested parties for this property and that the property is a tax burden on him and until he receives the zoning he has requested he cannot support the tax burden~ Don Paulson of 44 5th Street S.E., asked if this property is rezoned as requested, would it be in conflict with the puget Sound Governmental Conference and would it affect the ci tizens of Auburn as far as federal funds are concerned. Detailed discussion by Council members fol~owed and it was pointed out that the ci ty could not actually state hm¡ f,,¡e would be affected by the Puget Sound Governmental Conference and in regard to the federal funds, we cannot lose something we do not have. By granting this request, the citizens of Auburn would be reducing their tax burden because more tax money would come into the City because of the rezone. The City Attorney asked NI. Bond ¡"hat his reaction t,'ould be if the City denied the rezone because it might be in conflict ¡vi th the Puget Sound GO'Jernmental Conference. P-lr. Bond stated the t as a property Otv'ner he thought the action ¡·!Ould be arbi trary and he does not see hOiý any agency could govern the land use of a particular Ci ty and he will look to the Ci ty for recourse if he does not recei T/e the rezone as requested. It ;'las moved by Holman, seconded by Fiedler, that the Public Hearing be closed. MOTION CAP..RIED It ¡,'as moved by Sonnemann, seconded by Darling, that the request of G,·¡endoline L. Kinne b~? approved subject to the recommendations of the Planning Commi.ssion. It ¡-¡as moved by Darling, seconded by Sonnemann, that an amendment be added to t.~e rsco~~endations stating that in th9 event a building permit is issued prior to passage of a landscaping ordinance, that the landscaping plans of the mv'ner or developer be approved by the Planning and Beautification Comnittee. ROLL C4LL VOTE: Councilman Darling, Holman, Fiedler, Gavey~ Sonnemann and Shaughnessy vo ting YES. Councilman Lea voting NO. MOTION CJl.RRIED ROLL CALL VOTE (on motion as amended): Councilman So~nemann, Shaughnessy, Darling, Holman, Piedler and Gavey voting YES. Councilman Lea voting NO. MOTlDN CARRI1::D I I I- I I I I I I I ¡ ¡ ì I -.. '.--..----....--.-.-.-. .'-'-"--"-' I ~ X I:'- i-:J r-. .-. C. I I 19 AUBURN, WASHINGTON JANUARY 2, 1973 MONDAY . ¡'!a~lor Kers2t,j recog.-z.i zed the ne:-/ly el·9c"te¿ ~·"'2s_l:.i.rl;¡ton State Legislator, Robert Gai!!'2s, aI1d ;'fished him ;'¡ell ;ýhile in Olympia. ORDI£IA~"'lCES ;'~"''¡D R~"SOJ:¡[JTIOtrS ORDINANCr:' NO. 2692 -- --- - --.-- It h"aS mow:~d by Sonnemar1.Jl, seconded by Holman, that Ordinance ìio. 2692 entit2ec: ";",': ORDLNfuVCE .OF TflE CITY OF AUBURN, fl'lìSHINGTŒJ, 1,.NEilDIliG llUBURN CODIFIED CITY OPDr:.=.::C::: 1.06.010" BY YORE CLEARLY DEFINING THE DUTTES OF CITY CLERK AND ADDING A ND'l S2C:'IO:: 1.06.030 TO THE CODIFIED CITY ORDIN?..J.VCES OF THE CITY OF AUBURN PERTAINING TO T'=":2 XET:IOD Of' .f..PPOINTNEN'T AND REMOVAL OF THE CITY CLERK .AND DECL.?iRING AN ENERGENCY." be introduced and adopted. ROLL Cf1LL VOTE: All Councilmen voting YE5. NOTIO:J C/:.RP.I2D ORDINANCE NO. 2693 It tvas moved by Gavey, seconded by Lea, that Ordinance No. 2693 entitled" Jl..N ORDINANCE OF 'l'BE CITY OF AUBURN, v.1ASHINGTON, REPEALING AUBURN CODIFIED CITY ORDINANCES 1.08.010, 1.08.020 and 1.08.040, AtVD DISSOLVING THE ELECTIVE OFFICE OF AUBURN CITY TP.EiJ.SURER AND TRANSFERRING THE DUTIES OF SlJ.ID OFFICE TO THE OFFICE OF AUBURN CITY FINJJ..NCE DIP.ECTOR AND DECULR.ING AND EMERGENCY." be tabled for hlO vleeks. ROLL CALL VOTE: Councilman Gavey and Lea voting YES. Councilman Sonnemann, Shaughnessy, Darling, Holman and Fiedler voting NO. MOTION FAILED It was moved by Sonnemann, seconded by Holman, that Ordinance No. 2693 be introduced and adopted. ROLL CALL VOTE: Councilman Sonnemann, Shaughnessy, Darling, Holman and Fiedler voting YES. Councilman Gavey and Lea voting NO. 110TION CARRIED ORDINANCE NO. 2694 .. It tvas moved by Sonnemann, seconded by Shaughnessy, that Ordinance No. 2694 enti tied "JJ.lI ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF AUBURN, vIASHINGTON, REPEALING AUBURN CODIFIED CITY ORDTNANCE 1.07.060 and ADDING A NEvI SUCH SECTION PERTAINING TO THE APPOINTNENT AND REi10VAL OF AUBURN FINANCE DIRECTOR; REPEALING AUBURN CODIFIED CITY ORDINANCE 1.07.070 PERTAINING TO THE COMBINING OF THE OFFICES OF AUBURN FINANCE DIRECTOR AND AUBURN CITY TP.E?,SURER; REPEALING AUBURN CODIFIED CITY ORDINANCE 1.07.090 PERTAINING TO THE AUTHORITY OF THE FINANCE DIRECTOR AS CITY TREASURER; AND ADDING A NETil SECTION TO CHlJ.PTER 1.07 of THE CODIFIED ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF AUBURN, r¡IASHI NG TON , ACKNO~iLEDGING THE DISSOLUTION OF THE POSITION OF CITY TREASURER AND ADDING THE FORMER DUTIES OF THAT POSITION TO THOSE DUTIES OF THE AUBURN FINANCE DIRECTOR." be introduced and adopted. ROLL CALL VOTE: All Councilmen voting YES. MOTION c.:J)~r::.rED ORDINANCE NO. 2695 It das moved by Holr:1an, seconded by Shaughnessy, that Ordinance No. 2695 entitled "AN O?Dr:iliNCE OF THE CITY OF AUBURN, fiTASHINGTON I DISSOLVING THE POSITION OF AUBUR:; I:DXnfISTP]"TIVE ASSISTANT AND REPEA.LING CODIFIED Cn'y ORDINANCE 1.09.010 THROUGff 1.09.050 PERTAINING TO THE POSITION OF f'..UBUR,'¡ ."4D.:IINISTRATTVE: r1SS.fSTANT." be in::TOSL:c",d and adopted. r:~ ~:. C!'!:.T.. ~':JT~' 7\.7~ Cc:_"!n.c:il::..?r v'-0ting YES. __ r:: __ ~._~:J T I ~.".~ ::. -::.r.:: :; !:' ORDINANCE NO. 2696 It ,vas r101,red by Holman, seconded by F~iedler, that Ordinance No. 2696 entit19d IfjJ,.N ORDII!.!-.J.VCE OF THE CITY OF llUBURN, flASHINGTœl I Ar:ENDIHG AUBURN CI1'Y ORDni.J.,'!CE NO. 2686, f'lHICfl ADOP'2E.:iJ THE BUDGET FOR THE CITY OF' llUBUR,'¡, r'lJ.5HINGTON, FOR TIlE: YEAR 11. D.197 3 ¡¡LiD f'7HICH f-ii,S Fl!.SSED ON DECENBEP. <1, 1972." b9 introduced and adopted. POLL ChLL VOlE: .111 Counci.lmen '/ating YES. I~:OTIO:¡ CiiRRIED OFWniANCF:: NO. 2697 It ¡,¡as mo'/ed b'] Sonnemarw, second9d by S}1dughnessy, that Ordinance No. 2697 en t_i tled "l~i¡ ORDIS!1.'lCE or·' THE CITY OF lWBURtl, fvllSHINGTOz.¡, kPPROVING iJ.ND CONFIRXI.'iG '.CiiE ASSESSX:'::iTS ]l!iD ß.SSESS;'·ŒNT ROLL OF LOCAL L\'?RO\/ENENT DISTRTCT NO. 269, f'.'!iTC£!. DTSTRICT I-U,S BEE?! cr',:'~';:,'T2,D I;._\~r) T~·57:;~3rJr:.~_':-n~D F\'JI? C():~~S'rTì,UCTIO:l ;~t.¡TD Lt/STjlLL:1'I'[O!.\~ OJ:' CUPB };21D GZ/TTEJ.1, E:;{C~1'Ztii2IO~'r I 80 AUBURN, WASHINGTON MONDAY JANUARY 2, 1973 Bl"LLASTING, STORl'l SEfŒRS, P,SPHALT CONCRETE PliVING liND SIDEfvALK ON 9TH. S'['REET S.E. E2:rdEEN "F" STREET S.E. AND A POINT 250 FEET LAST OF "H" STREET S.E. AND ON "H":'STREET S.E. F~OM 9TH STREET S.E. TO A POINT 295 ?EET ~ SOUTH OF 9TH STREET S.E., INSIDE THE CORPORATE LIMITS OF THE CITY; AS PROVIDED BY ORDnU"NCE NO. 2621 OF THE CITY OF AUBURN, liND LEVYING AND ASSESSING THE Al.;QUNT THEREOF AGAINST THE SEVERAL LOTS, TPJ1CTS, PARCELS OF LAND AND OTHER PROPERTY UPON SAID ROLL." be introduced and adopted. ROLL CALL v<..JTE: All Councilmen voting YES. MOTION C/._T:?RIE u ORDINANCE NO. 2698 It was moved by Sonnemann, seconded by Lea, that Ordinance No. 2698 entitled "AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF AUBURN, ~vASHINGTON, REL:4.TING TO AND PROVIDING FOR THE VliCATION OF A PORTION OF STREET RIGHT-OF-WAY SITUATE WI7~IN THE CORPORATE LIMITS OF THE CITY OF AUBURN I WASHINGTON." be introduced and adopted. RO,LL CALL VOTE.. All Councilmen voting YES. MOTION CARRIED ORDINANCE NO. 2699 It was moved by Holman, seconded by Shaughnessy, that Ordinance No. 2699 entitled "AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF AUBURN, fvASHINGTON, GRANTING A SPECIAL PERMIT FOR THE USE OF CER'i'AIN PROPERTY SITUATE vII THIN THE CORPORATE LIMITS OF THE CITY OF AUBURN, TO ALLOW THE CONSTRUCTION OF A HANDICAPPED YOUTH-AND-ADULT EDUCATIONAL-VOCATIONAL TPJ1INING FACILITY ON A PARCEL OF LAND IN THE 3600 BLOCK ON THE NORTH SIDE OF AUBURN riAY SOUTH, JUST EAST OF THE CHINOOK ELE¡',-IENTARY SCHOOL." be introduced and adopted. ROLL CALL VOTE: All Councilmen voting YES. MOTION CARRIED ORDINANCE NO. 2700 It was moved by Shaughnessy, seconded by Lea, that Ordinance No. 2700 entitled "AN ORDINAVCE OF THE CITY OF AUBURN, fVASHINGTON, PROVIDING FOR THE CONSTRUCTION AND INSTALLl!.TIO"t' OF Fll.TER HAINS, FIRE HYDRANTS AND APPURTENANCES, IN SE 304th FROM A POINT 465 ft. r'¡est of 112th .4VE. S.p;. TO ITS INTERSECTION rvrTH THE HAZEMvOOD SCHOOL ROAD, APPROXINATELY 1,350 FEET i'iESTERLY, INSIDE THE CORPORflTE LIMITS OF THE CITY; CREATING AND ESTABLISHING LOCAL It1?ROV2i"1ENT DISTRICT NO. 276; PROVIDING THE METHOD OF ASSESSNENT IN S1ŒD DISTRICT J..li D THE NODE OF P:4.YMENT THEREOF, AND CREATING A LOCAL IMPROVEMENT FUND THEREFOR." be introduced and adopted. ROLL CALL VOTE: All Councilmen voting YES. NOTION CARRIED ORDINANCE NO. 2701 It ¡.¡as moved by Gavey~ seconded by Sonnemann, that Ordinancè No. 2701 entitled "iLV ORDINAN,CE OF THE CITY OF AUE-URN, fvASHINGTON, ADDING TO AUBURN CODIFIED CITY ORDINANCE 9.22.131, PERT1UNING TO PROHIBITED PllRKING AREAS LOCATED IN NORTHEAST AUBUR:", ~,GVO ADDITIONli.L PROHIBITED PARKING AREAS ON FOURTH ST.F:EET NOR'THEAST NEftI?, "J" STREET NORT'=:'"2l-;ST kVD ON HARVEY ROliD NEAR 8TH STREET NORTHEAST." b'introduced and adopted. ROLL CALL VOTE: All Councilmen voting YES. NOTION CARRIED RESOLUTION NO. 550 It was moved by Holman, seconded by Sonnemann, that Resolution No. 550 entitled "A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF AUBURN, rvASHINGTON, REQUESTING AN AMENDMENT IN lLDPROVED FORÇ;'7..RD THRUST ARTERIAL PROJECT IN CONNECTION V/ITH THE STREET CONSTRUCTlOiV .Ä..ND STREET LIGHTING IMPROVEMENTS ON ELLINGSON ROAD, FROi',] "A" STREET SOUTHEAST TO "c" STREET SOUTHf'iEST." be adopted. ROLL CALL VOTE: All Councilmen voting YES. NOTION CARP..IED VOUCHER APPROVAL LIST It was moved by Holman, seconded by Lea, that the voucher list in the amount of $3,277,096.61 be approved. ROU, CJJLl.. VOT?: A 7 J COlmriImen vor.; nq YES. MOTION CAR,.'<.IED i I i I :¡ ¡ í ì I I