HomeMy WebLinkAbout01-15-1973 1j2 AUBURN, WASHINGTON MONDAY JANUARY 15, 1973 Th9 regular I;¡eeti4"'1q or the City Cou.ncil of tl~e City of }J~uburn c011"\.iened at 8:00 P..J.~'!.~ in the A~burn City Council Cha~~ers. t?OLL C_~LL '. C:oUl'1C~lï¡¡.ell p:~'=.:I-~-""+-: C:Q1~nc-i.. 7Tr:~:~'} ("'~líT'::J, c':':1nemann, :.::n'::!ì:,:!h.."!1e~_C'!:.-',; !!'"'.rling, Ilolman, =-}eâl-:.:... and Lea. APPROVAL OF ¿"'[flUTES It ¡·¡as moved by Darling, seconded by Gavey, that the Council Ninutes or January 2, 1973, I be am":!nded as follo¡vs: Page 3, Paragraph 3, read as rollo;'ls:, "It ¡vas mo'/ed by Darli.ng, seconded by Sonnemann, that a provision be added to the recoxmendations that prior to . the issuance or a building permi t pertaining to the real property described, the landscaping plans of any such building permit applicant shall be approved by the Planning and Beautification Comaúttee of the Auburn City Council." NOTION CARRIED It was moved by Darling, seconded by Gavey, Page 4, Paragraph 1, read as follows: "It Was moved by Fiedler, seconded by Shaughnessy, that the request of Herman N. Nirschel be approved subject to the recommendations of the Planning Comwdssion and that a provision be added to the recommendations that prior to the issuance or a building permit pertaining to the real property described, the landscaping plans of any such building permit applicant shall be approved by the Planning and Beautification Comüittee of the Auburn City Council." Councilman Lea opposed. NOTIbN CARRIED It was moved by Holman, seconded by Darling, that the Minutes be approved as amended. NOTION CARRIED CORRESPONDENCE City Clerk Pro-tem, Gene Williams, read a Zone Change Application from Daria Cugini I requesting change of zoning from A-l (Agricultural) to N-2 (Heavy Industrial), property . located north of 37th Street N.E. and east of B Street N.E. (Application 22-73-29) It was moved by Fiedler, seconded by Holman, to refer the Zone Change Application of Dario Cugini to the Planning Commission for reco~~endations. NOTION CARRIED City Clerk Pro-tem, Gene v.¡illiams mentioned the letter from the Secretary of the "Black ¡.,ratch Drum and Bugle Corps" pertaining to the 1973 census. Mayor Kersey requested that the letter be referred to the Planning and Beautification Com~ttee. AUDIENCE PARTICIPATION gi:. John NcCann, of 1230 23rd Street S.E., mentioned the problem of trash and litter in various parts of the City and stated that any citizen who notices a litter problem ~ithin the City Limits should contact City Hall. Mr. McCann stated that the few times }:e has co"tacted the Ci ty, the Ii tter problem in his reported location has been c12aned up \'1.: thin a few hours and he feels the Ci ty does a fine job ¡vhen notified of such r:zatters. RECQ?·tNENDii.TIONS '[he follO¡'ling are submitted by the Planning Director-, George Schuler, for Council }.pproT7al: Req~est to call ror Public Hearing on February 5, 1973, on the re~uest of City of Auburn to rezone from R2 (Single Family District) to PI (Public Use Distric~ì, property located ¡'[est of the Green River and North of 26th Street N.E. (llpplic:3.tion 22-72) I Request to call for Public Hearing on February 5, 1973, on the request òf Cla1:eo.cE S;'~lan:::;GIl tù re¿011t! ':Lon! ...".~ l3;.d'-;j12:a~..~':~~~ist_- ':"ct) ___ ~~3 (T:-."c ?2~21J Duplex District) property located in the 1100 block on the north side of 22"d Street N.E. (Application 21-73) Reauest to call for Public Hearing on February 5, 1973, on the request of S E & A Ei1~ineers for J. J. Harkey requesting the approval of a Prelim.inary Plat to be kno¡m as "Green F:ci ver Village Number 5" on a .land parcel located in the 1400 block on the north side of 22nd Street N.E. (Apþlication Pl-73) I ~ X t-- !""':) µ o I I 85 AUBURN, WASHINGTON JANUARY 15, 1973 MONDAY at 841 - 25~h St~e2t S.E., 36635 l48th Avenue S.E., 25 "J" Street and ~03 "J" Street N.E. 3535 Aubu.!.'~ ~.-ay Sé):1t':1. The Co",,7Úttee dis::::J.ssed each individual request, re'.Tie;.¡ed t~~-:~ aV2.i..la;;le ;;.i.ct~re5 and a...:o...0:!:-oveâ t.l.~ese delays subject tQ future pa..rt_icipation in ancI tzn.d'2rY7..~ol::;d Loc2..1 Iri7.pL·o~72"-::ent Distr_ict.. A àiscussîon t,¡a.s 11eld in regard to the reFund of ;;:10.00 S9;'/er charges for Charles pierson of 2510 Dog¡mod S.t:. BecaUS9 t:he s,:0:;/er. is not eL'sily a7/ailablc o.r eas_ily access_ible a refuJ..Ld is .Justifiable. T11e sar:.i tar'] sc~~'/e::: is locB:t:.t.:::' :.:.n.d~r ¿ p[i:~ate parking 10t 2:: à aept.i.J. Ò¡- ~r1:.cJ>:'~;,?;2.ce:;'y 13 f¿=~. Th,,, Cor-[uni ttee furth2r stated that if HE. Pierson should have any future prob1e::..5 regarding his ss'pt;ic tan..k insta1.1at~on" .t~e b8 requireà to make the necessar'j c8:-~::"s::;-:':'o.:: to the se;..er Line eveh though the cost may be excessive. The COITL<1.Ìttee discussed aerators for the se;.¡age treatm~mt lagoons 2nd agreed that the aerators appropriati::J:;' should be:: re-budgeted f02: 1973. Discussion ¡vas held pertaining to the wa ter billi::; of Auburn Academy. Mr. Jorgensenr Principal, sublijtted a letter requesting that certain changes be made:: regarding the three water meters that are currently serÏ¡"ing ti....eir grow1ds. He requested that they be billed for a 4-inch meter and 2 fire lines, one being 8-inch 2nd the other being lO-inch. The Director of Public y'lorks agreed ¡'lith this suggestion and made it qui te plain that if there is any usage of ",rater through the 8 or 10 inch fire lines, that they will be billed similar to having a regular water meter plus the normal charge for a fire line. He felt the internal piping on the Academy property ¡"as such that it might be very difficult to obtain sufficient pressure and quantity through the one 4-inch meter, but possibly with certain revisions this could be accomplished ¡"ithout any undue hardship. Mr. Jorgensen agreed with the terws of the informal agreement and starting January 1, 1973, they would be billed accordingly. PLANNING, BEAUTIFICATION AND BUILDING CODES COMMITTEE - CHAIRMAN DARLING The Planning, Beautification and Building Codes Comi7Ú ttee met at 7: 30 P.M. on Tuesday, January 9, 1973. A public hearing WaS conducted to consider the matter of a Shoreline Management Substantial Development permi t application file No. S!14-72 Ci ty or l1uburn, Brannan Park Development. The Committee directs the Director of the Department of Planning and Communi ty Development to approve and issue said permi t pursuant to the requirements of regulations of the State Department of Ecology and further that the issuance of a building permi t shall not be issued until the requirements and permi ts of other governmental agencies have been secured. The Commi ttee review·ed flood insuranc and after the presentation by the staff of letters and documents pertaining to National Flood Insurance Program, recoffmends that the Council consider the adoption of Resolution No. 555. The Com~ittee reviewed landscaping standards and recom~ended that further study be made with a site inspection of different areas to observe various applications of landscaping requirements. The Committee had a Park Department report and recommends that the City Council adopt a resolution authorizing the Mayor and City Clerk to sign a contract with the firm of O.R.B. to complete 60% of the design ¡vor·k on a $400,000 phase of Brannan Park not to exceed $14,877. The signing of this contract ¡vill be subject to receiving a v-¡aiver from I.A.C. The Committee revie¡yed a fe¡" of the final reports of the students of South Auburn School concerning their study of the land dispute between the P.S.G.C. and City of Auburn after a site inspection and test on the land. The students supported Auburn's stand about 70% to 30% for Puget Sound Gover~uental Conference. The Committee recowmends that the Mayor write a letter thanking the students for their interest in city public affairs and setting a good example of good citizenship. The Cowmittee reviewed an annual contract ~.¡i th King County whereby theCi ty agrees to provide recreational prograrrs for rural area of the P.uburn School District for a total sum of $10,000 from King County. The COlr.-7Ji tte reco~~ends that the City Council adopt a resolution authorizing the Mayor and City C.Lerk to sign a contract wi th King County to provide these services for the designated su::7 of $10,000. FnIliNCE COMMITTEE - CHAIR:D1N HOLMl...:l 'l'l~e Finance Con-::it-:::ee met at 7:30 P.M. on Thursday, January 11,1973. ,','.,... Jo:...." ;.:::;1.,-:;e5, Librarian, revie;'led information that he has secured through various l.i~rarian r::es=i..'~-;5 d 7 '1" D·].'ll SDO""sorc,r! n°- c:'1e S::2::2 and related his concern about the propose _eglS-La"C.!.?e ~ ì. -:-:"""' ~- . . 7 1'- ' and::) st-ate-ý1do C""-"nJ-rnl -~'''--:::'''''4' _ ". . " S¡'stem Fo"'" -'-nr.> elim';natioI1 OF .Loca_ lDrar2es c. - -. - "- V .L~.J_ ~------ L1.l}rr3.r~ j ~. -'- ..... l......._ ~'-' -...... '.L' ,... 7 . 7C'1.J- "-0.::'>rT' :-pn.-'~' ...7:......-.- 5'.:5 tem. Mr. Holmes ¡vas asked to keep t:Je Comrru tl-ee lnrormed ana to _C l- ~---_.,. '.i.J·, ,~--::;.._ -'-~ '·7 L is int.,...nci·,~pd in the House 0'- Senate. All investments of the Clty "//ere C1052J.-'; L.11:::: D.L....._ ......J'-UL~... --.. ....... _. . 7 ~. A_L. Q 7"1....1Y"V"~.:¡7 r.r':+-~ ~~~::. scrutini zed by the CO;i1'71i ttee and reVle;·.'ec. In detall. ~ne ~ol"m~ Lte~ co,.c,-"_-L""~' ,,- ~.. .--' . t ë:1 +-0 r'l3 ...:) ir-:.i.,l.::S-:r:l:?!1: recoiT'tnendations of the Director of Finance that au[:norlza lon De gl'.7.,-n c. J., K'C. , d $-n 0'.~O ,.. - ~l Cumula"'v" RD....erm> Fu""¿' 550,000, from the folloc,.;ing funds as lls te: :JiJ, u v' , vsnerc:. , l...c ,- --..:> . ,. .., '. __ '. r~...,ct~" ·...irn :èùnrl: $20/7.,267, Re-,Ten.u9 Sharing Fund; $100,000, Street Fund; a:1ci J. (_....J.. ___'- - -" ,..1,._ $100,000, r'later Se¡.¡er COlJstruction Fund. It was mOílcd by Holman, seconded by Shaughnessy, that authorization be qi';en . f '. , .1=_ Ullds as lis ted above. Director of Finance to make J.nvestfi1ents rom cne to the ROLL CliLL VOT¡';: All Councilmen voting YES. fI:O'['IO:¡ CAP.RI E D M6 AUBURN, WASHINGTON MONDAY JANUARY 15, 1973 The Comrrd ttee concurred wi th the recolmnendations from Mayor Kersey that the Fire Department be autÌ10ri zed to receive a 1964 Doiq8 Pickup, at no cost to the Ci ty, and that $1,150 be expended from the Fire Department Cumulative Reserve Fund for painting and equipping the truck. It t.¡as moved by Holman, seconded by Darling, that authori ty be given to t.Z1e Fire '!"'·-::3p.::¡r.l-rr.2nt to use $1..... '_';0 t-r.,,",;~ ::~2 l~i?"e Dp::~~~:':'!:.Î.:2.r..f: r_·ur:::.~7~.tive ReserVA Fn:2d +-0 ~~!lip t.'1is truck. Councilman Fiedler stated that $631 of the $1,150 would be used for a Departmental Radio for the vehicle. ROLL CALL VOTE: All Councilmen voting YES. MOTION Cli1LQIED PUBLIC SAF'ETY COMMITTEE - CHl"-IRi'iJAN FIEDLER The next Public Safety Committee Meeting will be Tuesday, January 16, 1973, at 7:30 P.M. in the Fire Station. ORDINflJICES AND RESOLUTIONS ORDINANCE NO. 2702 It ¡"as moved by Fiedler, seconded by Shaughnessy" that Ordinance No. 2702 end tled "AN ORDffll1.NCE OF THE CITY OF' AUBURlv, V1ASHINGTON, APPROVING AND CONFIRMING THE ASSESSH.EN'PS AND ASSESSMENT ROLL OF WCAL IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT NO. 267, fiHICH DISTRICT HZ<5 BEEN CREATED AND ESTABLISHED FOR CONSTRUCTION AND INSTALLJJ.TION OF: ,l'iN 8 INCH SAI'HTARY SE;'lER LINE vlITH 6 INCH SIDE SEWERS, TOGETHER NIT}! STREET IMPROVEMENTS INCLUDING EXCAv'liTION, BALLASTING, CURB" GUTTER, STORM DP..AINAGE, CATCH BASINS, 34 FOOT ASPHALT SURFACED RO:4.D;<if:.Y I ON 15TH STREET N. E. FROM AUBURN f1AY NORTH TO "I" STREET N. E., AS PROVIDED BY ORDli.'ANCE NO. 2615 OF THE CITY OF AUBURN, AND LEVYING AND ASSESSING THE AMOUNT THEREOF AGAINST THE SEVERAL LOTS, TRACTS, PARCELS OF LAND AND OTHER PROPERTY UPON SlŒD ROLL." be introduced and adopted. ROLL CALL VOTE: All Councilmen voting YES. 110'TION C.;~D-RIED ORDINANCE NO. 2703 It t.¡as moved by Sonnemann, seconded by Fiedler, that Ordinance No. 2703 entitled "All ORDINAlvCE OF THE CITY OF AUBURN, WASHINGTON, APPROVING AND CONFIRNING THE JJ.SSESSHENTS ß.ND ASSESSl1ENT ROLL OF LOCAL IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT NO. 271, fVHICfI DISTRICT HliS BEEN CREATED ESTl'.BLISHED FOR THE CONSTRUCTION ArvD INSTALLATION OF EXCAVATION, BALLASTING, CRüSHED ROCK SUBGRADE PREPARATION, ASPHALT CONCRETE PAVING AND NECESSARY APPURTENANCE Tå IN!?ROVE ii PUBLIC ALLEY 16 FEET IN C1IDTH, SAID ALLEY LYING BETC'lEEN 8TH STREET S. E. ß..!.VD AU3UR:¡ ;<fAY SOUTH AND BETC"¡EEN "D" AND" F" STREETS S.E., INSIDE THE CORPORATE LIMITS OF' THE CI'i:Y ¡ AS PROVIDED BY ORDINANCE NO. 2643 OF THE CITY OF AUBURN, AND LEVX"ING AND ASSESSING THE Al10UNT THEREOF AGAINST THE SEVERAL LOTS, TRACTS, PARCELS OF LAND AND OTHER PROPERT~· UPON SAID ROLL." be introduced and adopted. ROLL CALL VOTE: All Councilmen voting YES. MOTIO;Y CA.'?RIED ORDINANCE NO. 2704 It was moved by Holman, seconded by Lea, that Ordinance No. 2704 entitled "J!..N ORDINANCE OF THE CIT'{ OF AUBURN, CYASHINGTON, GRANTING A SPECIAL - PERMIT FOR THE USE OF CERTAIN PROPERTY SITUATE CyITHIN THE CORPORATE LIMITS OF' THE CITY OF AUBURN, TO ALWf'l THE ESTABLISHMENT OF A PROFESSIONAL MEDICAL/DENTAL FACILITY ON A LAND PARCEL AT THE NORTH- El'ST CORNER OF 18TH AND "I" STREET NOR1.'HEAST." be introduced and adopted. ROLL CALL VOTE: All Councilmen voting YES. NOTION CARRIED ORDINANCE NO. 2705 It ~.¡aS moved by Sonnemann, seconded by Fiedler; that Ordinance No. 2705 entitled "AV ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF AUBURN, fiASHINGTON, PROVIDING FOR THE REZONING OF' CERTAIN PROPERTY LOC/1TED ON THE NORTfilif¡;;ST CORNER OF FIRST AND" D" STREETS NORTHEAST, SITUATE r'¡ITHIN TiiE CITY-OF AUBURN, WASHINGTON, CHktvGING THE ZONING CL/1SSIFICATION THEP.EOE' FRON R-4 TO C-l." be introduced and adopted. POLL CALL VOTE': Councilman Sonnemann, Shaughnessy, Darling, Holman, Fiedler and Lea voting YES. Councilman Gavey abstained. MOTION Cl1.RRIED I I ¡ ¡ i ! ¡ ! , I I I I ~ X to- '"":) -, ~.. - '-- I I ~-87 AUBURN, WASHINGTON JANUARY 15, 1973 MONDAY ORDINkVCE NO. 2706 It ¡'Ias moved by Fiedler, seconded by Sonnema.nn, that Ordinance No. 2706 entitled "All ORDIN.TiNCE OF THE CITY OF AUBUm:, rIlJSHINGTON, PROVIDING FOR THE REZONING OF CER'l'IŒN PRO~JERTY LOCATED ON THE NORTH SIDE OF 37TH STREET NORTHEAST AND r'¡EST OF AUBURN ~\'AY NORTH, SITUllTE rVITHIN THE CITY OF AUBURN, f'¡lSHINGTON, CHANGING THE ZONING CLA,5SIr'TCl'i.'t'rm¡ FRO/1 A-l TO ¿'.]-l. /I be lntrOú.ucec:; ::.nd adopted. ROLL CALL VOTE: All Councilmen voting YES. MOTION C.L,.,iJRIED ORDINANCE NO. 2707 It ¡laS caved bJ Fiedler, seconded by Sonnemann, tha t Ordinance No. 2707 entitled "AN O_~;)I.·i.:,3CE OF THE CITY OF AUBURlI, r'll,$IlING:l'ON, PROVIDING FOR THE REZONING OF CERT."4IU PRCPER'2'Y 1,'20:'/ A Ll,ND PARCEL APPROXIMATELY Tr'lENTY-FIVE (25) ACRES IN SIZE WCATZD n: THe :VORTfiE."4S'1.' QUr1DPJiNT OF THE INTERSECTION OF 37TH STREET NORTHEAST AND THE VALLE'I." FP::":öilAY, SITUATE rETHIN THE CITY OF AUBURN, f1ASHINGTON, CHANGING THE ZONING CLASSIFICATIO FFJN UNCLliSSI2'IED TO ¡'.f-l. /I be introduced and adopted. PC)LL CIl.LL t~OTE: COU11cilman F_iedler, Cavey, Sonnemann, Sl-1.aughn~ssr¡, Darling, éL'1d Holman voting YES. Councilman Lea voting NO. ORDINANCE NO. 2708 ':,)TI0~: ':_:?P:!f?TJ It ¡.,as moved by Holman, seconded by Darling, that Ordinance No. 2708 enti tIed /I AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF AUBURN, f1lJ..5HINGTON, GRl;.NTINÇ THE MAYOR OF THE CITY OF .'4'J3'.iR:;-" ç,..711Si-iINGTON, THE ÁUTHORITY, IN JJ.,.NY CASE ¡VHERE ANY MEMBER OF ANY CO¡11f.fISSION OR BOARD OF THE CITY OF AUBURN MISSES Tf10 (2) CONSECUTn'E MEETINGS' OF SAID CONNISSION OP BO.:E~D 02 TfVENTY-FIT/E PERCENT (25?~) OF THE REGULAR MEETINGS OF SiUD C01"INISSION OR BOARD DURING AllY CALENDAR YEAR r"¡ITHOUT THE PERMISSION OF THE MAYOR OF THE CITY OF AUBUP..::, THEN THE NAYOR OF THE CITY OF l1UBURN SHALL HAT/E THE AUTHORITY TO DISMISS SAID MEZ·tSER."' be introduced and adopted. ROLL CAL~ VOTE: Councilman Holman, Fiedler, Lea, Sonnemann, Shaughnessy and Darling voting YES. Councilman Gavey voting NO. 140TION CARRIED ORDINANCE NO. 2709 It was moved by Sonnemann, seconded by Holman,that Ordinance No. 2709 entitled "AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF AUBURN, fvASHINGTON, PROVIDING FOR THE REZONING OF CERTAIN PROPERTY LOCATED ON WESTERN AVENUE AND NORTH OF rVEST MAIN STREET AND EAST OF THE VALLEY FREEWAY, SITUllTE IN THE CITY OF AUBURN, 'fI1ASHINGTON, CHANGING THE ZONING CLASSIFI- CATION THEREOF FROM A-l AND R-2 TO M-l." be introduced and adopted. It was moved by Darling, seconded by Sonnemann, that an amendment be made on Page 2, section 3, said section to read" Prior to the issuance of a building permi t pertaining to the real property described in Section 1 of this Ordinance, the landscaping plans of any such building permit applicant shall be approved by the Planning and Beautificatio CoriL'ni ttee of the Auburn Ci ty Counci 1 . " ,NOTION CAp-rUED ROLl, CALL VOTE (on motion as amended): Councilman Sonnemann, Shaughnessy, Darling, Holman and Gavey voting YES. Councilman Fiedler and Lea voting NO. NOTION CAP...'R.IED ORDINANCE NO. 2710 It ",'as moved by Gavey, seconded by Fiedler, that Ordinance No. 2710 enU tied "AN ORDINAJ.VCE OF THE CITY OF AUBURN, ~lASHINGTON, A1.'1ENDING AUBURN CODIFIED CITY ORDINANCE 7.04.870 PERTAINING TO RESTRICTIONS FOR PERSONS UNDER THE AGE OF EIGHTEEN (18) BY D:POSJNG A YEilR-AR.oUND CURFEr.¡ ON MINORS UNDER THE AGE OF FIFTEEN (15) YEARS FRO,"! II :00 P. TO 4 :00 .'4.. N. AND MINORS HETf/EEN THE AGES OF FIFTEEN (15) UP TO THE AGE OF EIGHTEEN (l8) FRON 12:01 A.M. TO 4:00 A.lIf." be introduced and adopted. [~OLL criLL 'fCTE: All Councilmen voting YES. MOTION C.J:.RRIED RESOLUTION NO. 551 It ,,;3S mOT/ed [)9 Darling, seconded by Lea, that Resolut,ion No. 551 enti tled "Ii -Rf50¿-U7IBtf~ :r "-".:iE CITY 0.:::' AUBURN, NllS1!INGTO.V, AUTHORIZING AND DTRECTING THE NAYOR ß.ND CITY CLE2K 5[C:.', 0,'.' i3EêiAT...f' OF THE CITY, A CONTRACT ;'lITH KING COUNTY vlflERET.N KING COU.VTY i1.GR.SES ',',':' T:¿" ('¡'iT $J.O,OOO 7'0 ?pí)VUH: RTXIŒf.,crYXTJ.1T, PRí)(;RA_NS FOR THE AUBURN CONXUtiTTY." .-"-- .-./-, ~s AUBURN, WASHINGTON MONDAY JANUARY 15, 1973 :1r. Jack XcCann, of 1230 23rd Street S.¡:"., sta.::ed that the Park Department does not pro"l"ide ar:.y .oasketbal1 programs for hiq.'"! schoal aged boys and he also noted that there are no covered basketball courts ion the area. Mr. McCann was invited to attend .',:):0-:.= of the Park Board Neetings and make his feelings kno;·m. :;ZOLL CALL VOTE: A.Il Councilrr:en Foting YES. MQTION CAR..=ŒE;D RESOLUTION NO. 552 It ,.,ras mO';;'ed by Darling, seconded by Fiedler, that Resolution No. 552 en_ti tled ".4- RESOLUTION OF TH.E CITY OF AUBURN, f1ASHINGTON, AUTHORIZING AND DIRECTING THE l.!A'L"OR ¡"-:tv CITY CLERK TO SIGN, ON BElIALF OF THE CITY, A CONTRliCr BETr1EEtl OLSON, RICHERT A:W BICNOLD, ¡1RCHITECTS-PLlilv,vERS-ENGINEERS liND THE CITY OF AUBURN, fiASHINGTm-;' ~ FOR THE DESIGN NORX OF BRl"lvNl1N PARK AND ISZiAC EV1,NS PARK. 11 be adopted. ROLL CJiLL VOTE: All Councilmen voting YES. l-¡OTION CAP~RIED RESOLUTION NO. 553 .It was moved by Holman, seconded by Lea, that Resolution No. 553 entitled "A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF AUBURN, 'ilASHINGTON, AUTHORIZING THE MAYOR AND THE CITY CLERK TO EXECUTE A SUPPLENENT.4.L AGREEMENT BETrVEEN AUBURN SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. 408 AND THE CITY OF AUBURN, r¡lASHINGTON, PROVIDING FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF A PlATER LINE ALONG S.E. 304Tll STREET TO SERVE THE PROPOSED HliZELrvOOD JUNIOR HIGH SCHOOL." be adopted. ROLL CALL VOTE: All Councilmen voting YES. NOTION CARRIED RESOLUTION NO. 555 It was moved by Darling, seconded by Fiedler, that Resolution No. 555 entitled "A RESOLUTIO¡..¡ STATING THE INTENT OF THE CITY OF AUBURN TO APPLY FOR AND lMINTAIN ITS ELIGIBILITY FOR FWOD AND MUD-SLIDE INSURANCE UNDER SECTIONS 1910.3 AND 1910.4 OF THE Ni1TIONAL FLOOD INSURANCE REGULATIONS. 11 be adopted. ROLL CALL VOTE: All Councilmen voting YES. MOTION CARPJED RESOLUTION NO. 556 It ~/as moved by Fiedler, seconded by Holman, that Resolution No. 556 enti tled "A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF AUBURN, WASHINGTON, OPPOSING HOUSE BILL 170 AVD SENATE BILL 2166 OF THE WASHINGTON STATE LEGISLATURE f'lHICH 7í¡OULD ESTABLISH A STATE v'TIDE SYSTEM OF LIBRARIES 'I'HAT NOULD REMOVE ALL WCAL CONTROL FROl4 THE LOCAL LIBRARY UNITS. 11 be adopted. ROLL CflLL VOTE: All Councilmen voting ".r"ES. 110TION CARRIED MISCELLANEOUS BUSINESS The Ci ty Clerk Pro-tem, Gene rifilliams, read a letter from George A. Schuler, Planning Director, regarding the segregation of Assessment No.2 & 3, LID No. 257, Total Assessments $58,945.13. It ¡.¡as mO'Æd by Shaughnessy, seconded by Fiedler, that the segregation of Assessment :'lo. 2 & 3, LID No. 257, be appror/ed as follows: Assessment No.2 to Palmer G. Le;.lÍs Co:np"':2'-J Inc. or S2attle for (130.08 Lin ft. st @ $56_65 = $7,369.03 and J/2 lump 5U::: ints:'1 6th St. = $896.04); lissessment No. 2A to Keller-Curran-Peterson of Seattle Eor (200.:70 Un rt. st @ $56.65 = $11,330.00 and 1/2 lump sum intsn 6th St. = $896.04); J.3sess;-;ent i:o. 3 to lÜhlaukee Land Company of Seattle for (498.80 Lin ft. st. @ $56.65 = 5':'3,257.:;:2); and Assessment No. 3A to Ke11er-Curran-Peterson of Seattle for (180.00- Lin ft. 5:: ] $5ó.65 = $10,197.00) .P()[..L CA:¿L VO'r"ê': 1'111 Counc..L .lmc:n voting YES. NOTION CARRIED The Ci ty Clerk Pro-tem read a Zone Ch.ange .~pplication from Benjamin B. Butler for prope¡:-t~j locs.te:d 0" 3th N.E. and Harvey Road, re,,!uesting a change from C-l to C-3. rt .....Ias rno'7cd b] Pi edler, seconded by Holman, to refer the Zone Change Application of jjs.;n.J~..(L¡Il B. SUL.i=:l i...o I-.U,= .t.-'..LUill~....;..ny vCi-H";,,,-'...L.lnen':" ÍOI .!...·e.....O:ïL..7i2Tlc7a7:iuvs. NOTION Cli.p~~rED t I It t I l I I I I f'Jayor Kersey mentioned that he has been receiving some comp_Zaints about: the ¡'.fetro Bus S~:ci/iCt-"in the area and stateâ that on January 3_2, 1973, an additional bus will be put---------------- on the road for this area and hopefuLly th,,; buses will be leaving f?r Seattle er,-ery Z 1:/2hou.c.. I ;\} x ~ '-;) o o I I 89 AUBURN, WASHINGTON MONDAY JANUARY 15, 1973 Xayor Kersey proposed the appointments of Roy Gustaves ~ Planning Coœ&ússion - '¡'eLm expires Decefnber 31, 1977 and John Carp9nter - Planning Commission - Term expires Deceœ~er 31, 1977. It h'as moved b~ Sonnemann, seconded by Fiedler, that the Övo appointments as listed above be approved. Councilman Shaughnessy voting NO. ¡'fOT IO?l CJ._P.:?I5D Ther~ being no further business to come before the Council, the meeting waS adjo~rne¿ by Nayo.r Kersey at 9:28 P.M. APPROVED THIS 16TH DAY OF JANUARY, 1973. ~þ~~~/