HomeMy WebLinkAbout02-05-1973 ~u AUBURN, WASHINGTON MONDAY FEBRUARY 5, 1973 >2heregular rr:getin;¡ of the City Cou.ncil of cne Ci-cy of }luburn· convenec? at 8:00 P...l"!., Ù1 the Auburn Ci ty CO'.J.ncil Chambers. RCJLL CALL Councilmen present: Councilman Gavey, Sonnenann, Shaughnessy, Darling, Holma.n, Fiedler a:-~d Lec1. APPROVAL OF MINüTES It was moved by Gavey, seconded by Fiedler, that the Council Minutes of Januar~ 15, 19ì3, be amended as follo.·/s: Page 8, Paragraph 1, Roll Call Vote on Ordinance No. 2708 should reflect that Councilman Cavey voted YES and that the Minutes be approved as amerlded. I NOTION CARRIED PUBLIC HEARINGS City Clerk Pro-tem, Gene Williams, read a letter from Pat Nevins, Director or Public ¡yorks, regarding the final assessment roll ror L.I.D. 275. f'!ê1yor Kersey declared Public Hearing open on Final Assessment Roll for L.I.D. 275, sanitary 5e:.,er constructíon on II AU Street S. E. from 37th Street S. E. to a point approximately 1,000 feet North. It was moved by HOlman, seconded by Fiedler, that the Publi~Hearing be closed. MOTION CARRIED It was mo,~d by Fiedler, seconded by Holman, that the Final Assessment Roll ror L.I.D. 275 be confirmed and approved and the City Attorney be i~structed to draw up the necessary ordinance. ROLL CALL VOTE: All Councilmen voting YES. MOTION CARRIED Mayor Kersey declared Public Hearing open on the request or City of Auburn to rezone from R2 (Single Family District) to PI (Public Use District) a parcel or land located ,,,est of the Green RiveI;. and North of 26th Street fl.E. I The Planning Commission recom~ends the approval of this request since the City has purchased this property ror use as a public park and has requested funding ror _the development. Thé Ci ty Park Board and Ci ty Council have approved the development of this park. It was moved by Fiedler, seconded by Sonnemann, that the Public Hearing be closed. MOTION CARRIED It ~as moved by Sonnemann, seconded by Darling, that the request of the City of Auburn j)e ap4-,oroved and the Ci ty Attorney be instructed to dra~., up -the necessary ordinance. ROLL Cß.LL 'OTE: All Councilmen voting YES. NOTION CARRIED _":2.,-;:'or Kersey declared Public Hearing open on the request of Clarence S~'lanson to rezone from 1<2 (S:ingle Family District) to R3 (T;.¡o Family Duplex District) a parcel or land located in the 1100 block on the north side of 22nd Street N.E. Tn,:;' Plannin;- COI?It:!ission recomTlends approval of this rezone reques t for the follo;·¡ing reaSons: 1. The housing permi tted in tZ1e R-3 zone is cons idererl. lm·/ densi ty fo?:: s'..:l ,::;_i~22 I hCJU::Jing and :·:ill not exceed the total densi ty as presc~ibed in our CO¡-!1prehen~:L 72 L:::i Use Plan. Such a proposed use, on Llis _land parcel, ..nil not be unduly deLr~;:n2nC2-':- ::0 adjace;¡t and surrouzlding properties and the enjoyment thereof. 2. The p-!'oposei prs- Lininary plat, r--=: Application P2-73-21, ../ould indicate that ¡;ehid: t:-affic ;"0::1.:: ,-"?C interfere ~ofi th any nearby established residenUal areç'¡ or that any or tn,,-, proposec: --'.0;:3 ¡.,ould be facing at] established or proposed residential area. 3. '¡'hat the propc;sed rezone is in conformance with the City ComprehensiTJe Land Use Plan. 1 t. was ([l(JVeu by i£ulúìct[], .:;econéJ.e:J. by Soni.-",~!Y:3.nn, Lh_~':: t...fJ2 P'..;;l:~::.:; :!¿'-?:-~........~. :::: --;:7.a::c~""r NOTLœ¡ CJ"'P~IED It ¡-ras moved by Sonnemann, seconded by Holman, that the request of Clarence S;-/.o7,,50n -be approved and the Ci ty Attorn","!) be instructed to drar., up the necessary ordinance. POLL CkLL VO'i'E: ]',,11 Councilmen voting YES. l·iOTIOt.'! C.."ijR.RIED I ~ 'X) r-.. '''''":) o - '- I I 9'1 AUBURN, WASHINGTON MONDAY FEBRUARY 5, 1973 Mayor Kersey declared Public Hearing open on the request of SE&A Engineers for J. J. Harkey requesting the approval of a Preliminary Plat to be kno~n as "Green River Village Number 5" on a land parcel located in the 1400 block on the north side of 22nd Street N.E The Planning Corr.mission recorniT:ends the approval of this request proríided tI12t the apP!i-~:nt? :,i,:'e cons_Lderation to H. moeli fÍí:Ation of the plat plan which ,vou1d include ;::. 10 foot nunimum ,,¡alkiI1<j easement or pec1c::ol:rian "lay leci~_:i1g from the tt.¡o easterly c;....l-d=:-s,.:ç;::; to the fishing easement areas along the Green Ri ver and that the o,ýner and/orengiI1eé!r proceed ¡vith the preparation of the plans and profiles for the installation of the necessary improvements within the proposed subdivision. This request meets the require--:- ments of the City Sub-division Ordinance, No. 2204. Mr. J. J. Harkey stated that he would include a 10 _foot minimum walking easeme~t or pedestrian way leading from the t¡vO easterly cul-de-sacs to the fishing ease::;ent areas along- the Green Ri ver. It ¡.,as moved by Fiedler, seconded by Sonnemann; that the Public Hearing be closed. MOTION CARRIED It was moved by Fiedler, seconded by Sonnemann, that the request of SE&A Engineers for J. J. Harkey be approved provided th3t the applicant give consideration to a modification of the plat plan which would include a 10 foot minimum walking easement or pedestrian way leading from the two easterly cul-de-sacs to the fishing easement areas along the Green Ri ver and that the mmer and/or engineer proceed ¡vi th the preparation of the plans and profiles for the installation of the necessary improvements within the proposed subdivision and also meet any requirements of the Shoreline Management Act. ROLL CALL VOTE: All Councilmen voting YES. 110TION CARRIED C-i ty Clerk Pro-tem, Gene f^lilliams, read a letter from Jack A. Hatvkins, Attorney for Archie Quinnett. The letter was dated February 1, 1973, and relates to Application No. P-2-73 - Preliminary plat to be knOlvn as Green River ViLLage No.6. Uayor Kersey declared Public Hearing open on the request of SE&A Engineers for J. J. Harkey requesting the appro'l'al of a Preliminary Plat to be kno¡·m as "Green River Village Nu.r.-wer 6" on a land parcel located in the 1100 block on the north side of 22nd Street N. 'The Planning Corn.mission recorruTlends the approval of ~I-¡is request since the preliminary plat plan meets the requirements or the City Sub-division Ordinance No. 22041 therefore¡ we recom~end approval of this application and that the owner and/or engineer proceed ,.¡i th the preparation of the plans and profiles for the installation of the necessary impr-ovements wi thin the proposed subdi vision. !'~r. Clarence S¡,'anson stated that the area is not a r;-atural drainage area and anytir;¡e there is a flood the ¡.¡ater must be absorbed into the land. He stated that most residents in the area have not been bothered by r100ding since 1959 and for the most part are only flooded when all of the Auburn area is fLooded, except for those property owners ;·/110 1m.¡er their land be1o¡v road or street level. Mr. Arnold Galli stated that he felt Fill ,.,ou1d probably be the ans:ver to the problem. It ¡·!as moved by Fiedler, seconded by Ho1l?1an, that the Public Hearing be closed. MOTION CA..r:¿.EUED It ¡·¡as moved by Sonnemann, seconded by Gavey, that the request of SEliA Engineers ror J. J. Harkey be approved and that the owner and/or engïneer proceed ¡.,ith the pre;aration of tne plans and profiles for _the installation of the necessary improvements wi thin the proposed subdivision. ROLL CALL VOTE: All Councilmen voting YES. MOTION CARRIED CORRESPONDENCE Ci ty Clerk Pro-tern, Gene f.¡illiamsJ read a letter from Robert C. Kline, Jr. requesting corsièeration be gi ven to the final plat of Kline's First Addi tion to Auburn. ~- '- ~. as A.;cy~,::.d ~'"-.:J' Do..rlinq, :J2co..""'"J.dsd by Ho_~rr:,::,zj ~ to l:e:{c:.L. ~;]i5 1¿~;"t..:.L. t.::; ;;11t- L-.::........;_..2in~..C~sion for reco~'"2ndatiòns. MOTION CARRIED Cene i'/illiams read a letter front John D. Spellman, County Executi ve, regardi-ng-S1aek------· r:iTc'r P1.lI;'piu'j Plant. 92 AUBURN, WASHINGTON MONDAY FEBRUARY 5, 1973 ..4uburn Gene Wi1lians mentioned the letter received f~om G. Brice Martinr Chief Clerk, King County I Review Eoardr regarding King County Water District No. 105 - Proposed Annexation. I Xayor Kersey stated that f'iater District No. 105, proposed annexation, does not affect I r in any \>"ay. It ":':J~' r:ïp mo,/ed l?Y Fiedler, seconded by Sonnemann, that the records reflect no ob}ections :..:i::') Council iD. Y~C:::lTr7 <--r¡ t1:" proposed anne::.3.tin,: 0L ,,<'1'--_.:.... ::x..",-, :.:~(;-:: No. 1.05. !~:ras NOTION C.4P.RIED Cene f<li11ia¡;¡s also mentioned the letter received from G. Brice Nartin in regard to H,::'.!..~~bêJS Drainage Basin Flood Control District, p:roposed fOLmation. Mayor Kersey I stated tha.t the Ci ty needs further information on this matter and requested the 1ette::: be referred to the Street Committee ror recommendations. Xr.. ,-/illiams read a Zone Change Application from Ed,i th N. Poortvliet r requesting change or zoning f.r'om Unclass_Í-fjed to N-1 (L_ight Industrial), property located at 37th Street ;.':.~:i.. and f'!2St Valley Hígh';;-lay. It ,,'as mo'/ec: ~)y Cavey, seconded by Shaughnessy, to refer the Zone Change Application of Edi th N. Poortvliet to U;e Planning Comrr.ission for recoIr..'Y!endations. NOTION CARRIED Gene Williams read the Street Vacation Petition on a portion of R. Tippie Road, said petition filed by Francis William_Tanner. It ¡"as moved by Sonnerr.ann, seconded by Shaughnessy, that thé Ci ty Attorney be instructed to draw up the necessary Resolution to call for a public hearing for the Street vacation for Francis William Tanner. MOTION C1.123IED AUDIENCE PARTICIPATION COIh'"lcilmân Sonnemann introduced gr. and Mrs. Lewis DeSpain and requested that they be allowed to speak to the Council at a later time in the meeting. I Don Paulson, of 44 5th,Street N.E., once again voiced his objections to the Metro Sewer Installation and his concern relating to the puget Sound Governmental Conference's reaction to any action taken by the City of Auburn. RECOMNEND.4TIONS The following items are submitted by the Director of Public 'Norks, Pat Nevins, for Council Approval: Pay Estimate No. 1 to Northshore Landscaping & Irrigation for construction or .Beautification Nos. 2, 3 & 4, 15th N.E. & 29th & "R" Streets S.E. landscaping and sprinkling system for $2,414.38. It was moved by Darling, seconded by Fiedler, that Pay Estimate No.1 to Northshore Landscaping & Engineering for $2,414.38 be approved for payment. ROLL CALL VOTE: 'All Councilmen voting YES. NOTIOZ''¡ CARRIED Pay Estimate No.1 to 'Nood¡./orth & Co." Inc. for construction or multi-purpose court at Forest Villa Park for $11,663.91. It was moved by Gavey, seconded by Lea, that Pay Estimate No.1 to Woodworth and Co~p~:y, Inc. for $11,663.91 be approved for payment. ROLL CALL VOTE: All Councilmen voting YES. NOTION CiillRIED I PROCLAI1ATIONS, APPOINTMENTS ß.ND l'¡NNOUNCENENTS Nayor Kersey stated that Tuesday, February 6, 1973, is Election Day ror t.'1e Special School Levy Election and he urges everyone to go out and support the finest school ?i7~~i~~ i_ ~h~ St~~r nF ~~~hjngton t-:ayor Kersey also "announced that the next Ci ty Council Meeting ,.;ill be on Tuesday, February 20, 1973, since Monday the 19th is rvashington's Birthday and is a holiday. I ;'\i X l'o '"":) o o I I 93 AUBURN, WASHINGTON FEBRUARY 5, 1973 MONDAY COUNCIL COU;.JITTEE REPORTS LICEi!SE kiD ORDI:¡l::ICE COMMITTEE - C¡¡~.IE,'.J.li;¡ GI1.VEY C:a.ir:nan GëJ.7/er;;' announced that the next License and Ordinance Commi ttee Neeting ì.¡ill be hëClâ at 7:]0 P.M., on Ç'lednesday, February 14,197], and he requested that all ¡,":'Jr:'¿'-_::_~~' C~: - nr~:_4.r-·> ~..::: :.....;;U.:!.·~A-:J tc c's-rrect th.::; er-r::OT t0a. t ShOf·/S tl].~ Licell~~ aild C'r.ìi:;a,-¡ce COiT'è-nittee ¡¡:eeting on February 7,197]. S7;~2~~ET ill...tD EI.rGI;...·iEL?..I:·t~:; CO!,n"';I:T'I'EE - C¡'IAIP..!'IA,~¡ SO~Vt.rE:,~~l~:.'IL¡ 'Stref:t a¡;,c1 E¡¡qineering Com¡:-úttee met on Januar,:-] 17, 1973 at 7:3D P.X. The C::r¡::Ù tt,:.:~' discussed and reviec,·/!d the Fiberglass Bench Franc¡1ise Agreement -,..'-Î th ~'·1r" :?i.nd [1.rs... Le~'íis DeSpain.. Tile CorrJni ttee discusseè. and re.-viét~·ea intersectio:J. ånë: c:lanneli'¿:a.tion improvements fox' Bti1 Street N.E. and 12th Street S.E. The CO'7.-::i tt::=e d~S,-;u5sed centerline striping and discussed a note ·from the Mayor reques tinç the st.ri;;;Îng be done t¡.,'-ice each year. The next Cornrnittee Heeting¡Úll be February 7,. 1,97]. ü'T.rl.J,2'Y AND AIRPORT CONI1ITTEE - CHAIRMl-1N SI-IAüGl-INESSY AIRPORT The utility and Airport Committee met Thursday, January 18, 1973, at 7:30 P.M. Due to the high cost involved in keeping the building ì.¡arm during the last sev'eral months, the Commi ttee suggested that Pat Nevins contact Blaine NcCool and see ¡.¡hat he or his firm can do to alleviate the situation at the Airport. The CO~$dttee discussed possible locations ror Auburn Flight Service Signs and suggested that the sign migJ1t be hung over the dual turning lane approaching 22nd Street from the north and south. During the meeLing a film, "Airports Mean Business", was shown to those in attendance and it was suggested that the film be shorm at: a future Chawber of Commerce Meeting or other service club meetings. UTILITY The Cowmittee discussed the request of Pat Nevins to attend the RIBCO Workshop in Vancouver, B. C. on February 9 and 10, 1973. This ¡.¡ill be a supplementary meeting of tbe RIBCO members in conjunction wi th the Metro Basin Environmental Cow~m ttee and the Citizens Task Force Committee. The Ford Foundation is funding these workshops and therefore, "there ¡"ill be no cost to the ci ty. The Commi ttee recommends this request ror approval of Council. It was moved b::J Shaughnessy, seconded by Lea, that the Director of Public ~vorks, Pat Nevins, be allowed to attend the RIBCO Workshop in Vancouver I British Columbia on February 9 ~~d 10, 1973. MOTION CARRIED The Committee discussed the request of Mrs. YJlapp for a reduction on her server charge because of a leak on her private property. The cOITmÚttee recommended that Gene Williams adjust her bill accordingly. The Committee also reviewed and discussed an underground delay request on Tax Lot 1 and 51, Northwest 1/4 of 20-21-5 on the Indian Reservation and requested that this item be tabled because of a lack of data. The Com~ittee reviewed several letters from the Department of Ecology in relation to the Metro Se¡,'er Connections and suggested that the Mayor send a letter to the Department of Ecology informing them that vIe are making progress but the Algona and Paciric negotiations have not been completed and that in turn is delaying any possible final 5i ']ned agreement. The Ci ty of Auburn is bound by the existing contract ¡-Ii th Algona c'L'7.d Pacific and if a contract is signed vIi th Metro ,.¡e would be obligated to pay the :-;':=tro charge for Idgona and Pacific without any possible reimbursement. A Special uti.li t; and Airport Commi ttee l;[eeting vIas held on February 1, 1973 and Georqe Hack c::: ;~letr:J ;·,-as int/ited, ho¡.,rever, Mr. Hack vias unable to attend. The Committee did c--c]¡.~e:" a.,d discuss the Netro negotiations and al ternati ves to connection wi th Metro. ~'L:;'J:'lI;'':G, B¿.?",ú·TIFICA?IO;V MID BUILDING CODES COMXITTEE - CHAIRMAN DARLINC ::",,-:: .,exe ?l:]nninq, 3e~7.'..1tificatÎon and Buildi.'7.g Codes Committee Meeting ¡viII be February13 /973, at 7:30 P.M. in City Hall. 'PT,....~-'~\~C2 c:) ',!~··~TrrrTSE - c;·-;, TRI~;lA~¡ rj:JT,,~,~= V 1\1e F~inat:ce COm.:Titte9 :net on Th:J.Isday, F'ebruary 1,1973, at: 7:30 P.i"'-'f. The Committe~ revic;'ied and analyzed the fol1o;,-i:-Jq reports: The Decerrber 31, 1972, Cash Report, I?1f/f:'st82nt Report, F;xpend_iture Reportf Budget Report and Revenue Report. The Ja!1u~::;ì 19 1973, Voucher ¿~pp::of.íal List (Final Bills for 1972) and the Janua.ry 31, 197]( Fou-:::her..__ '.~J:)l~oval L.is t (For January Bills). The Cozz-¡mi ttee recom::a'2nds that the Director of :..:::~nc.~ fJc~ au-ci--;.o.rizc:â to _inv(~.st $100,000 in U.. S.. Treasury Ol.Jligations fro~'71 the ral!..c>/in 'c:~;ê!.,,: $50,000 -- General Cumu13tive Rc.J3erve Fund a:7.,l $50fOOO - ¡-rater Fund. ~4 AUBURN, WASHINGTON MONDAY FEBRUARY 5, 1973 It ¡·¡as r::cr/cd by Holman, seco!1d8d by Lea, t.'1s.t 3'J.t::orization De given to the D.Lrecto:: of Finance to make $100/000 investment in U. S. Treasury Obligations from the funds listed above. ROLL C4LL VOTE: All Councilmen voting YES. tIO'i"Iœ; CliRRIE D The Direcì:.o[ of Finance ,,~3 as;~ed to prepare an application i:o::m, ¡;o be used at th2 ,--,-me 'of appLication for Utili ty Services / ~¡hich ¡¡ould reflect the signature of the applicar.t, ma,1.:.e rere.rence to particular ordinances pertaining to utili ty services, the o:-.rner of the property and the tenant if applicable. The present policy of financing Local Improvement Districts ~/as revie't¡ed and the Nayor and D_irector or Finance ¡-¡ere instructed to explore the possibility of refunding a share of these long-term investments. PUBLIC SAFETY COM~ITTEE - CHAIRp~N FIEDLER I The Public Sarety Commi ttee met on January 16, 1973. The Commi ttee discussed the meri ts of a 911 Emergency Phone System and hope to come up with recom~endations on this in the ruture. The Fire Department received the 1964 Dodge Pickup '.l'ruck fL'om the Civil Service and this has deleted the necessity of buying a new truck for the Fire Department. The Committee discussed the need for five new Police Cars and one new Detective Car for the Police Department and recommend to Council that a call for bids be made. It was moved by Fiedler, seconded by Gavey, that the City Clerk be authorized to call for bids at 11:00 A.M. on February 20, 1973, ror the purchase of five (5) Police Patrol Vehicles and one (1) Police Detective Vehicle. ROLL CALL VOTE: All Councilmen voting YES. MOTION CARRIED NUNICIPAL BUILDINGS li.J.VD EQUIPf/lENT NlJ.INTENANCE COMMITTEE - CHAIR1111N LEA There will be an Executive Municipal Building and Equipment Maintenance Com~ittee Meeting on Monday, February 12, 1973 at 7 :30 P.M. for the purposes of studying information on a ne¡.¡ Ci ty Hall. RESOLUTION NO. 554 I ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS Councilman Sonnemann introduced Mr. Lewis DeSpain who gave further information on the riberg1ass benches. He stated that the benches are free of charge to the City and the only way he makes money on the benches is by the advertising on them. Mr. DeSpain stated that the advertising ~.¡ould always be in "Good Taste." Pictures of various fiberglass benches were shown to Council Mer.~ers. It ¡'Ias moved by Sonnemann, seconded by Gavey, that Resolution No. 554 enti tied" A RESOLUTIOtl OF THE CITY OF AUBURN, f'1JJ.SHINGTŒ-l, AUTHORIZING AND DIRECTING THE NAJ:OR AND CITY CLERK TO SIGN, ON BEHALF OF THE CITY, A NOt'/-EXCLUSIVE FRllNCHISE AGREEMENT FOR THE PLACENENT OF FIBERGLASS BENCHES IN THE CITY OF AUBURN." be adopted .vith an amendment on Page 2, Paragraph 6, Line 2, to add the ¡-lords "anytime aEter" at the end of the ~ine t...-:t..c...L :':';J.~ :,·O'¿Y;' ""::;;.:-:-1mert" Q!1 t.:-':- :ranc:}1':se 1igreement. COli.z1ci1man Dar1ina stated that he ¡·¡ould vote against Resolution No. 554 because he is for the p1acen;nt of benches in Auburn, but against having benches ¡.¡itll advertising on them. ROLL CALL VOTE: Councilman Sonnemann, Shaughnessy, Holman, Fiedler, Lea and Ga7e':i voting YES. Councilman Darling voting NO. 110TIO!I Ck??IED I RESOLUTION NO. 557 It ,,¡as moved by Gavey, seconded by Holman, that Resolution No. 557 ent.itled ".f1 P.ESOLUTIO.v OF THE CITY OF AUBURN, f'/ASHINGTON I lWTHORIZING AND DIPJ::CTING THE N.4.YOR AVD CITY CLERK TO EXECUTE, ON BEHALF OF THE CITY OF ß... UB URN , A CONSTRUCTION AND 111ŒNTENANCE AGREEMENT HET;ŒEN THE CITY OF AUBURN AND THE BURLINGTON NORTHERN R]-lIL~'¡AY." be à.dopted. ROLL CALL VOTE: All Councilmen voting YES. NOTION CARPIED I I I AUBURN, WASHINGTON MONDAY FEBRUARY 5, 1973 RESOLUTIO?: NO. 558 0/3- It was moved by Sonnemann, seconded by Holma.n, that Resolution No. 558 entitled "A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF AUBURN, ~vTASHINGTON I RELJiTING TO THE PROPOSED VACATION OF STREET LW-IMPROVED RIGHT-OF-WAY FOR THE R. TIPPEY ROAD AKA LAKE T~YPS ROAD IN ,THE SE 1-/4 OF' SE 1/4 SECTION 32, Tï?'P 21 N.. PJL'!GE 5 E. r·T. N. SITœc"--7:: r1ITHIN THE COP.POF.ATS LIt-rITS OF THE CITY OF AUBURN." bë adopted. ROLL CALL TlO'l'E: All Councilmen voting YES. RESOLUTION NO. 559 " MOTION CkP~=:IED It t4as moved by Sonnemann, seconded by Lea, that Resolution No. 559 entitled "A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF AUBURN, vTASHINGTON I AUTHORIZING THE MAYOR TO EXECUTE }1. DEED ON BEHl-1.LF OF THE CITY OF AUBURN, DEDICATING A PORTION OF REAL PROPERTY Of.YNED BY THE CITY OF AUBURN FOR STREET PURPOSES." be adopted. ROLL CALL VOTE: All Councilmen voting YES. VOUCHER APPROVAL LIST MOTION CAR."R.IED It was moved by Holman, seconded by Darling, that the voucher list dated January 20, 1973 (for 1972 bills) in the amount of $618,673.1T and the voucher list dated January 31, 1973 (for 1973 bills) in the amount of $971,178.7Q be approved. ROLL CALL VOTE: All Councilmen voting YES. MISCELLANEOUS BUSINESS ¡'lOTION CARRIED Mayor Kersey once again urged everyone to go out and vote on Tuesday, February 6, 1973, and reminded everyone that the next Council l1eeting will be on Tuesday, February 20, 1973 Thére being no further business to come before the Council, the meeting was adjourned by Mayor Kersey at 9:1S P.M. APPROVED THIS 6Tli DAY OF FEBRUARY, 1973. ~T~~~ ~~z?~~f)/ MAY 0