HomeMy WebLinkAbout02-20-1973 qó AUBURN, WASHINGTON TUESDAY FEBRUARY 20, 1973 T;.~e reaular B2atin.a J J 0:: L"e C,lt'.) Cou.!.1.cil Cna.7LC'ers. of :h2 Ci ty ~,c v_ l.'J.burn convened at 8:00 p.r., in the Auburn c.....¡ 1- f 1 J Coun::;il ROLL C::'~L -.---- COU?1c.i l-rt7èn prese:1t: Councilman GaT./ey J SO.rlrreTna.nn. r Shaughnessy I Darling~ Holma.n, t:-eG.ie-r ¡:~:?(! L -:a . APPROVAL OF NIt-lUTES It ¡-¡as moved by Holman, seconded by Lea, that the Minutes of February 5, 1973, be approved as mailed. MOTION CAP2I ED I AUDIENCE Pp~~TICIPATION Mr. Bruce McMichael, of 20816 Military Road South, stated that the Auburn City Hall is totally unsuited for the convenience of handicapped persons. BID OPENINGS Bids were opened February 13, 1973, 11:00 A.M. for Video Tape Time Lapse System, Contract No. 73-02, v¡ith the fo1lo',A¡ing bid submitted by Aero Marc, Inc..:. AERO MARC, INC. $ 4,539.68 The above bid was accompanied by a bid bond, the above bid includes sales tax. It is the recommendation of the Director of Public Works, Pat Nevins, that Contract No. 73-02, video Tape Time Lapse System, be awarded to Aero Marc, Inc., Seattle, on their low bid of $4,323.50 plus $216.18 sales tax for a total of $4,539.68. Discussion by Council followed in regard to the call for bids ?n this item. It was moved by Sonnemann, seconded by Shaughnessy, that Contract No. 73-02 for a Video Tape Time Lapse System be awarded to Aero Marc, Inc. on their bid of $4,539.68. ROLL CALL VOTE: All Councilmen voting YES. MOTION CAP..RIED I Bids v¡ere opened February 14, 1973, 11;00 A.M. for Street Improvement 134 and Water Improvement No. 75, demolition and removal of existing street improvements and for construction of new ~treet, curb and gutter, storm se."er, street lighting, traffic signalization, channelization, underground utility trenching, sidewalks, water main and miscellaneous related to work on 8th Street N. E. betv¡een "K" Street N.E. - Auburn and the vicinity of 104th Avenue S.E. - King County, ;.¡ith bids submitted as follm·¡s: SCHEDULE 1 SCHEDULE 2 TOTAL BASIC BID $471,034.34 $ 73,734.11 $544,768.45 485,998.37* 79,683.14 565,681.51* 489,689.46 85,474.12 575,163.58 506,631.18* 76,689.40 583,320.58* 498,151.51 90,788.34 588,939.85 520,872.22* 85,164.00 606,036.22* GARY MERLINO CONSTRUCTION COMPANY VALLEY CEMENT CONSTRUCTION COMPANY MORRIS CONSTRUCTION i1 & !1 CONSTRUCTION EQUIPMENT CO., ¡lEST COAST CONSTRUCTION COMPANY L D & L LAND CONPAZvY INC. * Bids as corrected The above bids were accompanied by bid bonds¡ the above bids include sales tax. It is the recommendation of the Director of Public r;¡orks, Pat Nevins, that the contract be a:,¡arded to Gary l1erlino Construction C?mpany on their lmv b_Îd of $544,768.45 including W~shington State Sales Tax, pending HUD approval. -,~t (vas :~oved Dj Sonnernann, seconded by Shaughnessy, that the contract be a',-;arded to I ~-;:'lr'J ¡'.ferLine! Ce!:ls::ruc:-'::ion Conpany on their 10:'" bid of $544,.768.45, pending HUD approval, ê~:.:d U;:):)'; -c9cei.o": or approvaL bonds returned to A & l1 Construction Equipment Compa-:!y, Inc., ,iest Coast Con.~tructîon Compan'j, and L D & L Land Company and upon signing of contract . ti,e sicl Bonds be returned to íìallcy Cement CODstruc:tion Company and !'·forris Construccion. [(OIJ'0 C.ALL VOT;:;: J!-.ll Councilm9n 4-' vo~~ng YES. MOTION CARRIED !jids 'dere ope,ied FClJruary 16, 19/J, ll:uu A..d. :tor G·<J,..",c.ruc-Uon of Street IW[Jrovement: 14¿1, r; ;.1" Street S. E. from 3rd to 6th Street improvements and railroad bridge, t,¡i th bids SLLùrni tted as fol1o~'/s: BUßVHAM CONS7~UCTION COMPANY S'[~~_A [1 Sfl()RE PILE DRIVIT\/G ['L'r'LL;:' KIE~'/£;T & SOliS $511,725.52 590,340.94 645,723.76 ,~:L:() ';>':~.' b.i r);3 ~'Iero L;.(::cfJmpa.J.¡i cd by b.Ì â bonds a.t1d attached addendum. I I I 17 AUBURN, WASHINGTON FEBRUARY 20, 1973 TUESDAY It. is the reco[[,~71en:1ation of the Director of Public rlorks, Pat Nevins" that t...1e contract b.e a;varded to Burnham Construction Compa.ny on t..)-¡eir lov! bid of $511,725.52. It ¡vas mOv'ed by Sonnemann, seconded by Gavey / that the contract for Street Improvement: 1£14 be a¡-¡arded to Burnham Construction Company and upon signing of contract the Bid Donds be returned to Sea & Shere P.i1e Dri v·-i ng and Peter Kie¡,.¡et & 50.'1S. ROLL CALL VOTE: All Councilmen voting YES. MOTION CARRIED Bids ,vere opened February 20/ 1973/ 11:00 A.M. for five (5) police patrol cars and one (1) police detective car / ¡ýÌ th bids submi tted as follor..¡s: BOTHELL CHEVROLET VALLEY MOTORS SC4RFF MOTORS BREfvER'S Total Net All 5 Units ---*~-- $16/688.50 l5,82~.75 13.,888.00 13,877.25 + $300 for Paint Total Cost. 1 De tecti lie Uni t $3,884.19 3,841.75 3,796.00 3,626.95 + $40 for paint It is the recommendation of the Chief of Police, L. L. Scyler, that the bid for the five police patrol uni ts be a¡.¡arded to Scarff Motors and the bid for the one detecti ve uni t be ar,¡arded to Bre,ver Chrysler. It ,vas moved by Fiedler, seconded by Holman, that the bid for the five police patrol units be awarded to Scarff Motors for $13,888.00 and the bid for the one detective unit be a,.¡arded to Brewer Chrysler for $3,626.95. ROLL CALL VOTE: All Councilmen voting YES. 11QTION CARRIE~) RECONf.1ENDATIONS TIle following items are submitted by the Director of Planning & Community Development, George Schuler, for Council Approval: Request to call for Public Hearing on the request of John Verso1enko to rezone from R--2 (Single Family D,velling) to C-l (Light Commercial) a parcel of land located at the south¡vest corner of 26th & "I" Streets N.E. (Application No. 16-72) It was moved by Sonnemann, seconded by Gavey, that a Public Hearing be held on March 5, 1973, at 8:00 P.M. in the Council Chambers, on the request of John Versolenko. MOTION rÞ-RPTF:D Request to call for Public Hearing on the request of Dario Cugini to rezone from A-l (Agricult~re) and Unclassified to M-2 (Heavy Industrial) a parcel of land approximately 23 acres in size bounded by 37th Street fl.E. and "B" Street N.;'!. (Application No. 2-73) It ¡vas moved b':J Sonnemann, seconded by Holman, that a Public Hearing be L~eld on ga.rc~ 5, 1973, at 8:00 P.M. in the Council Chambers, on the request of Dario Cugini. 110TIOtJ C.ziRRIED Request to call for Public Hearing on the request of Benjamin Butler to rezone from C-] (Light Commercial) to C-3 (Heavy Commercial) a parcel of land on the west side of Harvey Road approximately 300 feet north of 8th Street fl.E. (Application No. 3-73) It \4aS moved by Gavey, seconded by Sonnemann/ that a Public Hearing be held on ¡':arc~ 5, 1973, at 8:00 P.M. in the Council Chambers, on the request of Benjamin Butler. 110TION CARRIED The following items are submitted by the Director of Public Works, Pat Nevins, for Council Approval: Pay Estimate No.1, f.Ínal/ to Atlas Electri c Service, Inc. for installation of security lightin~/ Les Gove P?T~ i~ rn~ ~~nunt oç ~?¿~5.R5. It ¡¡as r.oved by Fiedler, seconded by Lea, that the project be accepted by the ci ty as corrlplete and Pay Estimate No.1, final, to A tlas Electric Service, Inc. for $2,225.85 be approved for payment and the retained percentage amounting to $234.30 bc paid in tiJi rty days provided no liens or claims are filed and clearance is secured fror:Lthc.. Sta te Tax Commission and the Department of Labor and Industries. },CJ~JL ClŒ!> VO'I'E: All Councilm9n voting YES. MOTION CARRIED qg AUBURN, WASHINGTON TUESDAY FEBRUARY 20, 1973 Pay Estimate No.3 to Reliable Vlelding ;;orks for construction of vlater Improvement No" 78, Academy Reservoir (HUD project) in the amount of $10,603.58. It w~s moved by Shaughnessy, seconded by Darling, that Pay Estimate No.3 to Reliable rleldin;~ ,r"'orks for SlO,603.58 be alJpLOVed fn,'-- ~jrl~:j(iE..:"[1t.. ROLL CALL VOTE; All Councilmen voting YES. MOTION C4.P.RIED COUNCIL COMMITTEE REPORTS STREET AND ENGINEE:RIlJG COMMITTEE - CHAIRI1AN SD.NNE1L4.NN I The Street and Engineering Committee met on Wednesday, February 7, 1973, at 7:30 P.N. The COITù:ni ttee discussed and revie¡"ed sideh'alk locations for comfort benches. 7'he ComillÍttee discussed and recomrnends that the street IJames in the vicinity of t...'19 Forest Ridge Townhouse area be changed back to the same names as existed prior to Aug~st 16, 1971 and the addresses for the townhouses now constructed, and/or to be constructed, be addressed off Forest Ridge Drive. Councilman Sonnemann requested Jack Bereiter to check into this in relation to possible ordinances being dra¡vn-up'. The CO[[1ti1i ttee reviev¡ed street sections ¡'¡hich need treatment and request overlay' 'treatment and re- construction ¡-¡here necessary for the current budget year. The Comrni ttee revieded letters that have been recei ved in connection ,·¡i th the concern of accidents and possible sol '.Ftions for the left-turn movement from Auburn ç,¡iJ.Y South onto 32nd Street S. E. This has been berore the Commi ttee several times and has been incorporated in the TOPICS program. A project for widening and installation of a left ·turn lane has been subrr~tted. TOP1:CS fund.:; are not immediately forthcoming and, therefore, the Committee asks the staff to tÇ?ke ¡¡hat interim measures are availabie in the ,"ag of signing, to alert the motorists of the left turn movement, etc. L.I.D. 259, 12th Street S.E. from "A" Street to "M" Street, r,.¡as reconsidered in regard to credit being allm.¡ed for curb and gutter. This matter 'dill be reconsidered at the next Commi ttee Meeting. The next Street and Engineering Com~ttee Meeting will be on February 21, 1973, at 7:30 P.M. U2'ILITY AND AIRPORT COMMITTEE - CHAIRI'1AN SHlWGHNESSY The Utility and Airport Committee met on Thursday, February 8, 1973, at 7:30 P.N. I The Commi ttee discussed the Eastri dge Hanor ria ter Dis tri ct and reviewed ques tions < of some Water District~shareholders regarding the existing agreement to supply Eastridge Manor fto¡i th Ci ty t.¡ater. The Ci ty was asked to consider releasing the ftlater District from the agreement or at least withhold any further action on the design of the water main project until after a meeting of the shareholders scheduled for February 27, 1973. The Committee agreed no futher work would be done on the project pending word as to the outcome of the meeting. The Com~ttee read a memorandum from Pat Nevins whi ch urged each Commi ttee member to read "Synopsis of Major Provisions - Federal flater Pollution Control Act Amendment of 1972" and "Time Table of Deadlines and Goals _ Federal rvater Pollution Control Act Ammendments of 1972." The memo indicated that we must make a decision as to repairs to the sewage treatment lagoons and of the ponds ¡.'Ii th resul tant pollution of Mill Creek. The Commi ttee agreed to recommend an expendi ture of $8,000 for xeplacement of the pump and $16,000 for repair of lagoon dikes. It was moved by Shaughnessy, seconded by Darling, that this expenditure totaling $24,000 be approved, subject to fund approval of the Utility Commíttee after their next Committee l1eeting on February 22, 1973, v¡hen there will be more meaningful information in regard to the materials. RODL CALL VOTE: All Councilmen voting YES. NOTION CARRIED 7'he Committee studied and approved the request to apply for an E.P.A. Grant for storm sewer cross connection study and purchase of a T.V. Camera for sewer inspection. 1- The Federal Water Pollution Control Act Amendment of 1972 provides for grants for this purpose and, even though Auburn is not yet a part of an area-wide system, there ma~ be a possibility that a grant could be obtained. The Committee reviewed a letter from Metropolitan Engineers along with the sketches that were enclosed which showed three al ternate routes for the Auburn Interceptor Sani tary Se.ler. Also reviewed was a letter from Hill, Ingman, Chase and Compan~ which outlined the advantages and dis- advantag9s of each route or plan and reco~mended Plan B as the one which will best serve the needs of Auburn and the East Hill Area. This plan calls for a 60-inch L.Lne rJ..u,y.,-,,'::j nO~'211 fLOIi¡ app£oximat<=1.y 30th Street 1'I.fy". along tne west s~ae of tfJe Chicago, Mil,,,aukee.railroad tracks; this line would receive a 48-inch line flowing from the east from the sewage treatment lago?ns. As well as receiving the lagoon flow, this line would receive a 36-inch line flowing from the east side of the Green River at approximately 30th Street N.E. which would be an interim connecting line ~until such time as a 50-inch line is constructed along the east side of the Green Pi ver rlo;.¡ing north and ,.¡es t along the ri V9r until it joins the 50-inch trun}( line tlo:-1ing ;;orth along the ¡lCSt side of the Nil,,¡aukee tracks. The Committeo revie:.¡ed .iG. 2'--'::::02" ~ Z2d an u::c:'!rground dc1ay for the Pugct Sound PŒler & Light Company /.Jr 703 ",--,if! Str:2'~t !,,:~p I ~ X t-- '''''':) o o I I 99 AUBURN, WASHINGTON FEBRUARY 20, 1973 TUESDAY i'J.I PPC'2T ::Ln~ CO~i71i ttes recv'iews!d a letter from James S. Strecker in regard to a proposal to _Lease lan:1 at the Au!x::cn Airport for purpose of building aircraft hangars to match +-,C:e ci ty-o:.;nsd existing hangars. The Co:n~i ttee indicated that it ¡.¡ould consider the , . ; ,~rt ' 1: m ~,. -; ...."")r- ........ r . ~ _t LJ..:.::.Jp'Jsai 2nd z:.:.:.tem:;t to prOIJ~ò.e z..~~ 2..:'1s;/e2. ,Ii ~~!"'; ]0 days. A .,Lf::.. er .LrOL. -,-' _ 0,_,;..... I..... ,v,-- I ~ . reTLc!:.¡ed. Nr. ;'i2.gner voiced his objection "Co b'? J)illings he haiI recei."Jed fa!: 5·:re;::t in11Jyoi"Ter¡ents and se~'/er charges.. The CODillÍ ttes 2.1so read a memor4lJ1dum frQ,;z Gear';::.; Schuler. The rreco indicated the storm se,'¡er also serves the airport prop~rty 2c:j-3:.c"::nt:, and that if half of the cost of the line ¡vas subtracted from l1r. ¡-'lagner's bill, :: :,::;::.ld 1.eave $5,109.80 âue. Georqe Schuler a1.50 indicated' that the se;v'¿;!: costs referr:::: ::0 bs¡ ¡'Jr. ¡vagner are one-half the actual costs of the sanitary se,-¡er ð,nd should be ':::2~:::. 'l'he Com.rnittee therefore recomrr¡ends that a credit of $1,187.20 be alloyed. It was moved by Darling, seconded by Holman, that authori zation be gi ven to cr2di. ë: Hr.. ¡'/agner ¡vith $1,187.27 and in turn this amount is to be charged to the Air;;y¡r: CD."1- struction Fund. ROLL CALL VOTE: Councilman Darling, Holman, Lea, GaveYJ Sonnemann and Shaug~~ess~ voting YES. Councilman Fiedler voting NO. l-;OTION CARRIED PLANNING, BEAUTIFICATION AND BUILDING CODES COMMITTEE - CHl!.IR!1."4.N DARLING The Planning, Beautification and Building Codes Committee met on TuesdaYI February X3, 1973, at 7:30 P.M. Planning Director George Shculer outlined general org~~ization,l personnel requirements and procedures needed to take the 1973 City of Auburn Population CerlSus. The Committee then heard the proposals from the Blackt<latch and Green River groups as to their organization, manpower capabilities, and ability to meet time schedule requirements. After reviewing the presentations, the co~~jttee recommends that a contract be signed with the Green River College group for b~e 1973 Census. It was moved by Darling, seconded by Fiedler, that authorization be given to the Mayor and City Clerk to sign a contract in the amount of $2,300 t'¡ith the Green River College Group for the 1~73 Census. ROLL CALL VOTE: All Councilmen voting YES. MOTION CARRIED A Public Hearing was conducted to consider the matter of a Shoreline Management Substantial Development Permi t Application File Number. It {vas moved and seconded that said application has been filed pursuant to the Washington State Shorelines Management Act, Chapter 286, Laws of 1971, regulations adopted by the Washington State Department of Ecology; and the City of Auburn Shorelines Management Guidelines, and that the applicant has given proper public notice of said hearing, and that there were no notices of objection submitted or no person attended said hearing to oppose this application. The Com!Ùttee therefore directs the Director of the Department of Planning & Communi ty Development to approve and issue said permi t pursuant to the requirements of regulations of the State Department of Ecology and further that the issuance of a building permit shall not be issued until the requirements and permits of othcrgovernmental agencies have been secured. The Committee recolTLmended, after revie¡ving proposed landsca.ping standards, that the Staff and Comrrr.ittee meet at 9:00 A.N. on Saturday, February 24, 1973, and make several site inspections of areas to observe various applications of landscaping requ_irements and standards that have been used. The Committee revie;·,ed the draft of proposed nel" sign code and presentation bOl George Schuler. The draft is to be taken to the Retail Trades Com?Úttee of the Auburn ¡lrea Charrber of Commerce on February l5, 1973, for their revie¡·¡ and reco:",i::end;;¡tio, The dra.ft ;.,ill then be brought before the Planning, Beautification and Building CO:1'='!s CO"'i"xi ttee for their final recommendations and ¡.;ill be presented to the Council ¡.¡Í thin thir-cy (30) days. The Committee authorized the Director of Parks, Leonard Cha¡Jman, to purchase beautification materials for the Ho;·!ard Road Bf.?autification Project as req·.,es t9d in the amount of approximately $1,623.79. ~-';:_~1)1t'ICE C·Oi.··;~',!ITTE2 - CH.J..IRf'j'lii.V liOLl-Jilfl ---.------- T'::.?; Fin¿;n::::'é~ Cor.~-:;i ttge 8?t on February 20, 1973, prior to the Council Heetíng. The com::Li. ttee re"ib/ed the follo¡ving January 31, 1973, Reports: Cash Report, Investment ._) . T""'>""'I 4- R" y' r . -,.:; Ï' ~ - '-. ~ 'P") """ '!".'-"_~ r.-· r-..... ' '.-..f-.....:"" rerr'!,"'7im·~n. "'.s :':(-!~).'Jr!:1 G·~~{o9Ii.ci~. :L;:e :.erY..JEC, JJLU_¿qe.... "t:!.!..,Ju-t d¡~:..-l. ;."""_c:',,-::...t.......;,¿ .._~.!:'::::.::~ _ -- _-..1'. - - L' th~,t· ¿~l'-;,e f~~J.oJinq tra.~]s£"ers be made from unexpended 1972 budget appropriations in the Si~reet FU:1i: $121,';6G to Current Expense, $4,933 to Library, and $1,448 to Air;;o:>:t::. Tn C:):,~rrä ttee recom"T1enâs that the follo,-^¡íng transfers be made from unexpend9d 1972 b:;d]et:: appco!.)riat:.ions in the Garoi1ge Fund: $.I03,660 to Current Expense and $8,299 to St:re:::t ---.--~---- 1UO AUBURN, WASHINGTON TUESDAY FEBRUARY 20, 1973 ¡'undo iiuthor:ity to l71ak2 these transfers ~·¡ill be shown in Ordinance Yo. 2715. The ! Finance Co.'7'J:1ittee recorrc7i"3nds the fol10:.¡iI'lg .i!;.~Te5:::7:ents from the funds sho"¡n helm'l: SE~L PURCHASE $ -0- 298,644.25 100,000.00 000 320 1,01 Curr,ent Expense Street Construction Street $ 98,644..25 -0- 150,000.00 }C] 440 321 Eqi1.i.pment. Re:...::c:Y'v-·: Water/Sewer Construction PaL~ Construction /'\ -u- r:'1"" .- "" - 1"'.... _. ~ ,uv...l ~_v 100,000.00 -0- -0- 50,000.00 TQTAL $348,644.25 $498,644.25 It was moved by Holman, seconded by Darling, that the Director of Finance be authorized to sell $348,644.25 of investments and to reinvest $498,644.25 from the above listed funds. I ROL·L CALL VOTE: All Councilmen voting YES. MOTION CARRIED I1UNICIPAL BUILDINGS AND EQUIPMENT NAINTENANCE COMMITTEE - CHl!.IRMAN LEA The next !1unicipal Building and Equipment Maintenance COITLr:?i ttee Meeting will be on Tu.esday, Februa{i) 27, 1973, at 7:30 P.f.1. at the Equipment Maintenance Building. ORDINlJ.NCES AND RESOLUTIONS ORDINANCE NO. 2711 It was moved by Darling, seconded by Gavey, that Ordinance No. 2711 entitled "AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF AUBURN, 'V'lASHINGTON, PROVIDING {OR THE REZONING OF CERTAIN PROPERTY LOCATED NORTH OF 26th STREET NORTHEAST AND WEST OF GREEN RIVER, COMMONLY KN(){'IN AS BRANNAN PARK, SITUATE IN THE CITY OF AUBURN, ivASHINGTON, CHANGING THE ZONING CLASSrPICATION THEREOF FROM R-2 TO P-l." be introduced and adopted. .ROLL CALL VOTE: All Councilmen voting YES. NOTION CARRIED ORDINANCE NO. 2712 I It was ¡tJ.oved by Holman, seconded by Sonnemann, tha t Ordinance No. 2712 enti t1ed "hS ORDINANCE OF THE CITY ÐF AUBURN, ïvASHINGTON, PROVIDING FOR THE :REZONING OF CERTAIN PROPERTY LOCATED IN THE 1100 BLOCK ON THE NORTH SIDE OF 22ND STREET NORTHEAST, SI'I'UATE IN THE CITY OF AUBURN, W.l:J.SHINGTON, CHANGING THE ZONING CLASSIFICATION THEREOF FROM R-2 TO R-3." be introdu<=:ed and adopted. ROr.,L CALL VOTE: All Councilmen voting YES. MOTION CA&:'?IED ORDINANCE NO. 2713 It was mo',eè by Sh.aughnessy, seconded by Fiedler, that Ordinance No. 2713 entitled "ii¡.V ORDIiii':.:':CE OF THE CITY OF AUBURN, ï'lASHDfCTON, APPROVING AND CONFIRNING THE ASSESSMENTS AND ASSESSlJENT ROLL OF LOCi1.L IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT NO. 275, f1flICH DISTRICT HAS BEEN Cr'EAT,~D IF:iD ESTABLISHED FOR THE CONSTRUCTIO,'í AND INSTALL.l4TION OF 8 INCH SANITARY SEf1ER, SIDE: SEf'lERS .4ND NECESSARY APPURTENANCES FOR THE EAST SIDE OF "",1" STREE'l' S.F.., BETIŒEV li POINT 120 F2F:T NORT'H OF 37TH STREET S.L TO A POINT 950.62 FEET NORTH OF 37TH S'I'IŒET SOUTH2.r~ST, I.lSIDE THE CORPORATE LIIIITS OF THE CITY; AS PROVIDED BY ORDIUi':.SCE: NO. 2667 Of' ¡'HE CITY OF AUBURN, AND LEVYING AND ASSESSING THE AMOUNT THEREOF li.GAn.'ST l::_:' SEVE'RÀLJ LOTS, TRACTS, PARCELS OF LAND AND OTHER PROPERTY UPON SAID ROLL." be ihtroduced and adopted. ROLL CALL VOT2: All Councilmen voting YES. l{OTIO:·ï CARRIED ORDINANCE NO. 2714 I It ;-.¡as moved by Sonnemann, seconded by Gavey, that Ordinance No. 2714 entitled ".Z.X ORDINANCE: OF THE CITY OF AUBURN, riASHINGTON, AMENDING AUBURN CODIFIED CITY OP.DINANCE: 9.0ll.l75 n¡CREASING AND DECREASING CERTllIN SPEED LIMITS ON STl1.TE HIGHWAYS." l"1e i!1t:toduced only. NOTION CARRIED ORDINANCE NO. 27.ì.5 It ,,¡as moved by Holman, seconded by Lea, that Ordinance No. 2715 enti tIed "AN ORDINA.NCE Of' THE CITY OF AUBURN, vIASHINCTON, AUTHORIZING THE TRANSFER FRON UNEXPENDED 1972 CTTY OF AUBURIÝ BUDGET APPROPRIATIONS." be introduced and adopted. ROL.~ CALL V:'JTE: rlll Councilmen voting YES. NOTICCl CiJ.RRIED I AUBURN, WASHINGTON ~10l TUESDAY FEBRUARY 20, 1973 RESO:UTION NO. 560 It ¡·¡as moved by Gavey, seconded by Sonnemann, that Resolution No. 560 entitled "A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF AUBURN THAT THE GPADES AS SHOWN ON SHEETS 6 , 7, and 11 OF THE i PL!l.NS ENTITLED SR 167, FRONTAGE ROADS AND ELLINGSON ROAD EXTENSION 7,.¡VD ~vHICH BEAR THE .l,P-PROVAL OF THE DIRECTOR OF HIGHÇ'ìAYS DATED THE 8TH DlJ..Y OF IìECEtiBEF',. 1 c'??, z;:;¡::;- HEREBY iL¿2R:..'VED." be a.'::.J1!teû.. ROLL CALL VOTE: .1111 Councilmen voting YES. MOTION CAFUUE:D MISCELLANEOUS BUSINESS Ci ty Att.orney, Jack Berei ter, stated that he could re¡.¡ord Ordinance llo. 2714 if the Counc.il v¡ould like to have the ordinance adopted at this meeting. Mayor Kersey, ëL'1d other members of the Council, stated that they v¡ould rather r.¡ait until the next Street and Engineering Com~ittee Meeting and discuss this matter in more detail. There being no further business to come befoIe the Council, the meeting· ~'¡as adjourned b] f1ayor Kersey at 9:04 P.M. ~ 'JO APPROVED THIS 21ST DAY OF FEBRUARY, 1973. ~ ,ß. § ~~1:~ J ~)... æ¡¿~~ /J . MAYO ------ _._.~~- ~ -. -- .--.------ I I