HomeMy WebLinkAbout03-05-1973 ]02 AUBURN, WASHINGTON MONDAY MARCH 5, 1973 '1';1e reguL:!:' :,~22ting of the City Council 0;: ,-,.,co '-J...c.'-j of iiuburn convened at 8:00 P.H., in the i1uDurnCi ty CO'..lncil Charnbers. ROLL ClŒL (:nI1ncÍJrr.,?il present: Councilman GavA'..). and LC!ê1.. Snr7rJ.c'manl~, Shaughnessy: nr¡ r 7 i nn . .- - _m - ~.J ~ HO.Zm2!7. , Pi ~~Z2er: PUBLIC Hf:ARINGS I APPROTf!lL OF UINU'TES It was moved by Holman, seconded by Fiedler, that the Minutes of February 20, 1973, be aPP1.:oved as mailed. City Clez* Pro-tem, Gene Williams, read a letter from Robert Kuzmer, agent for John Versolenko, asking that the rezone request for a parcel of land located at 26th and "I". Street LV.E. (Application No. 16-72) be ¡vi thdrawn. Mayor Kersey declared Public Hearing open on the request of Dario Cugini to rezone from A-I (Agriculture) and Unclassified to M-2 (Heavy Industrial) a parcel of land approximately 23 acres in size bounded by 37th Street N.E. and "B" Street N.W. (Application No. 2-73) The Planning Com7Ússion recommends the approval of this request provided it include the follo¡'1Íng provision:;;: 1. That the ¡-¡est 30 feet be dedicated for street purposes to provide a 60 foot right of way capable of carrying the traffic generated from the proposed industrial area. 2. That in the event that a building permi t is requested on the property for industrial purposes prior' of the adoption of a landscaping Ordinance by the Ci ty of Auburn, the Owner and/or developer shall submi t the landscaping plans of the prop;)sEid.. development to the Planning, Beautification, & Building Codes COI/t.-rJ. ttee of the Ci ty Council for approval, modification or rejection. Robert Kuzmer, representing Dario Cugini, stated that he would be glad to answer questions if there are any and he also stated that the parcel of land is approximately 34 acres in size, not 23 acres. It was moved by Fiedler, seconded by Lea, that the Public Hearing be closed. I NOTION CARRIED It was moved by Fiedler, seconded by Gavey, that the request of Dario Cugini to rezone from A-I (Agricu+ture) and Unclassified to M-2 (Hea~J Industrial) be denied; however, the request is approved if rezone is from A-I (Agriculture) and Unclassified to M-l providing the fOllo;ving provisions be included: 1. That the west 30 feet be dedicated for street purposes to provide a 60 foot right of way capable of carrying the traffic generated from the proposed industrial area. 2. That in the event that a building permit is requested on the property for industrial purposes prior of the adoption of a land- scaping Ordinance by the Ci ty of Auburn, the O,.mer and/or developer shall submi t the landscaping plans of the proposed development to the Planning, Beautification & Building Codes Com~ittee of the City Council for approval, modification or rejection. POLL CALL VOTE: Councilman Fiedler, Lea, Gavey, Sonnemann, Darling and Holman voting YES. Councilman Shaughnessy ABSTAINED. NOTION CARRIED Mayor Ke~sGY stated that Council h~d received a letter from the Auburn Fire Depart~e~t in regaLe! :'0 the rezone request or .Benjamin Butler. The Fire Depart~::mt is co;:ceE:l¿;;,j with t.he possible hazard of fire safety if this request is approved. I l1a:¡c>r Kers2'.j èeclared Pu1:Jlic Hearing open on the request of Benjamin Butler to T22Q::'S, from C-l (Light Co!œTI9rcÍal) to C-3 (Heavy Commercial) a parcel of land on the ¡·rest siie of Harvey Roa.d approximately 300 feet north of 8th Street fl.E. (Application :\'0. ]-73) The Planning CçJlninission recolmnends approval of this request prov_ideel the fo210:·:ing provisions aEe included: 1. That a building and occupancy permit be issued for a Stop-n-Go Store facili ty together ,vi th a self-servi ce retail gasol ine sales facility in accordance ¡.¡ith the plot plan on file in the Planning Dapartment. 2. That no automobile repairing or servicing Oth,'!T than the uses out_Lined in paragraph 1,/ be allm¡ed on the property. 3. That a change in the occupancy of the building and/or property shall be subject to the approval of the P.lanning COn1raission and Ci ty Council. This condition to remain as long as the property to the north and south are zoned -(:-1 (Light COTrJnercial). 4. That a landscaping plan be submitted to the Planning, Beautification I and Building Codes Cmami ttee for approval, rr:odification or rejection I :'4 X; f:'. ~ -, ..- - ...... I I 103 AUBURN, WASHINGTON MONDAY MARCH 5, 1973 prJ.or to the issuance of a building oer"J. t for the seif-service gasoline facili ties said landscaping plan to show location, size and type of landscaping to be installed. 5. That an executed copy of this agreeDent shall be recorded among the land records of the King County Auditor. Ro})ert N. Smuthe, representi n9 the applicant, and Jack McCinnis and Ned EYT~r:ett ->1:'::"';: ~1] favor of Lie rezone request:. George Fiori, representing Mr. DeLa.uro¿ Gec:,>:ge Trott and Chuck DeLauro spoke aga,inst the rezone request because they feel the proposed gasoline sales facili ty ¡~'ould create a parking problem and hurt the business of the other shops in the area and it would also be a safety .=1':'")ñ .;..;.......-- bazard. It h·D.S moved by. Galley, that the rezone request be tabled for tr-l0 weeks. There ¡.¡as a lack of a second on this motion and further discussion- by various Councilmen J:ollmved. It ¡vas mewed by Holman, seconded by Lea, that this rezone request be referred back to the Planning tom7Ússion. Bob Smythe stated that his clients did not feel adverse to having the rezone deferred but he feels that the problems could be worked out. Councilman Sonnemann stated that to refer this item back to the Planning Commission would be unnecessary and that further discussion and answers from other City Departments would enable the CO~~7Úttee to make a decision ¡.-¡i thout sending it back to the Planning Commission. Councilman Holman withdrew his previous motion. It was moved by Sonnemann, seconded by Cavey, that this rezone request be tabled. ROLL CALL VOTE: Councilman Sonnemann, Darling, Holman, and Cavey voting YES. Councilman Shaughnessy, Fiedler and Lea voting NO. ¡-lOTION CÞ.PRIED Mayor Kersey declared Public Hearing open on the proposed Vacation of Street Unimproved Right-of-Way for the R. Tippey Road AKA Lake Tapps Road. (Application No. V-1-73) It «¡as moved by Fiedler, seconded by Sonnemann, that the Public Hearing be clOSéd. MOTTON CARRIED seconded by Fiedler, that the proposed Vacation of Street be approved and the Ci ty Attorney be It was mo~ed by Sonnemann, Uni mprmred Right-of-;iay for the R. Tippey Road ins tructed to dra¡.¡ up the necessary ordinance. MOTION CiLï=L!{IED ROLL CALL VOTE: All Councilmen voting YES. Gene Williams, read a letter from Pat Nevins regarding the final City Clerk Pro-tem, - assessment roll for LIDs 265 and 266. Roll for L.I.D.s 265 Street N.E. from Mayor Kersey declared Public Hearing open on the F~n~l ,Assessment , 266 strpet sanir~ru sewer and underaround ut2l2t2es on 12th ana , --, '---.;..I .J . lwburn ~lay Nor~h to "M" street'N.E. and Harvey Road respect1.vely_ 66 t L-ed that he understood he ¡vould be given credit for Monty Wales, P. O. Box , s a~ " , 1 1 ' ed Lhat Mr. Wales had received 120 feet for the sewer charge. George Scnu er exp a2n d ~ rl ','t and h~~s assessment had been adjusted. Bob Crocker, 1202 Harvey Roa , wan~e~ crec_ -'- . . t t ~ 1:-;'" t 't k 'f $13 was the total cost per foot on his assessment. Pat Nev~ns s a e~ _..a i ~ ¡.¡:~¡.¡ o~ his particu.Iar assessment because it \Vas for street costs alone and does not include se¡ver charges. d d by Holman, that the Public Hearing be closed. It was moved by Fiedler, secon e MOTION CARÇ,IED It was moved by Fiedler, 265 and 266 be confirmed the necessary ordinance. seconded by Holman, that the Final Assessment Roll for LIDs and approved and the City Attorney be instructed to draw up ROLL CAGL VOTE: All Councilmen voting YES. MOTION CARRIED CORRESPONDENCE , 1, , the application for variance in required yard City Cler:.::. Pro-tern, Gene vhl 2ams, reaQ l b t Company- , loca ted at 3rd N. v!. and A S tr, e.e_.t__..,_, .,_ _ .._. _._ _._ setback for Uni versal Stee Fa rica ing _ _ _ _ _ _. (~pplication No. 226-73) lU4 AUBURN, WASHINGTON MONDAY MARCH 5, 1973 It was mOTfed by Darling, seconded by Fiedler, the. t this item be referred to the Board of Adjustments. NOTION CF-RRIED Gene ~~'J~} .7iams r~.~0 r:he Znne ,""1t2"'1D.'JÞ A ":'I)2 ,. c3tion fl.-o]!! nC=l.man R. A~ls_íngll, requ.es Li,ns; Chdil~72 ! of zOTling .from R'-2 to R-4, a parcel of land located at 401 21st Street S..E ~ (Applica tioni- 5-73) It rV'as moved by Fiedler, seconded by Lea, to refer the Zone Change Application of Herman R. Ans_Íngh to the Planning COImnission for recommendations. N.OTION CARRIED I AÿDIENCE PARTICIPATION ). A. Nc:Co::mick,of 2505 "I" Street N.E., ¡.¡auld like to see the alley bebleen 24th Street and 26th Street be improved. Mayor Kersey stated that he has talked to :fe:. :JcCorr::.!-ck before and the Ci ty is concerned about this matter. Councilman Sonnemann ,,;t:ate.d that this particular problem ¡,¡ill be discussed at the Street Commi ttee Neeting on r/edn'2:sday etreni.'g, March 7, 1973. RECO!~·Ji.'¡JE¡V DAT IO:.VS The following items are submitted by the Director of Public Works, Pat Nevins, for Council Approval: Pay Estimate No.2, final, to Northshore Landscaping & Irrigation for construction of Beautification Nos. 2, 3 & 4~ landscaping and sprinkling system, 15th N.E. & Auburn Nay North, and 29th and fiR" Sts. S.E., in the amount of $2,810.67. It· was moved by Darling, seconded by Cavey, tha t the project be accepted by the Ci t,:;:' as complete and Pay Estimate No.2, final, to Northshore Landscaping & Irrigation for $2,810.67 be approT7ed for payment and the retained percentage amounting to $565.72 be pàid in thirty days provided no liens or claims are filed and clearance is secured from the State Tax Commission and the Department of Labor and Industries. I ROLL CALL VOTE: All Còuncilmen voting YES. MOTION C.;;RIŒED Pay Estimate No. 4 to Reliable r-lelding Çvorks for construction of fÆlater Improvement Nq. .78, Academy Tank Reservoir, in the amount of" $40,123.17. It was moved by Shaughnessy, seconded by Darling, that Pay Estimate No. 4 to Reliable fvelding Works for $40,123.17 be approved for payment. RQJ:,L ÇALL V01.'E: All Councilmen voting YES. MOTION CARRIED PROCLAMATIONS, APPOINTlvlENTS AND ANNOUNCEMENTS Mayor Kersey announced that Daniel Rich, an employee of the Public [yorks Department, had been awarded a "V'later vlorks Specilist No.3" certificate from the Department of Social and Health Services. Mayor Kersey gave the certificate to Pat Nevins and asked that he congratùlate Daniel Rich. The Mayor also_asked Pat Nevins to compliment his men for the interest they show in their work. Councilman Shaughnessy commended Don Stonack and Ray Green for their fast thinking and assistance at the scene of the accident on Highway 18 on February l4~ 1973. R tis due both of these men for the Part they played in helping save a ,ecogni i on ~ man's life. COUNCIL COMMITTEE REPORTS I LICENSE AND ORDINANCE CO~~1ITTEE - CHAIRM~N GAVEY Chairman GaT/ey stated that he has one item he ¡'lould like to make a Tnotion on. It ¡-¡as mOT/cd by Gavey, seconded by Fied_~er, that pursuant to the recomrnendation of Auburn Police Chief Larry L. Scyler and Auburn Ci ty Attorney, John ß. Berei ter, that there be a hearing. set at 8:00 P.M. on Narch 1.9, 1973, in the Auburn City Hall Council Chambers, on the ques tion of ¡·.¡hether the cabare t li cense of John Henry, doing brlsiness as Jack t S Ta vern at 2425 Auburn ryay North, Auburn, vlashington, should ];'é:! reFokê3'Ì. The Cí ty Clerk shall mail a copy of this motion to Mr. Henry at said address at least three days prior to said hearing pursuant to Ci ty of Auburn Codified Ordinance 5.16. CiSO. paLL CALL VOTE: All Councilmen voting YES. uaTIO:¡ CARRIED I ~ '~ t-- '-;) o .-. .- I I 105 .AUBURN, WASHINGTON MARCH 5, 1973 MONDAY , r i I f t, Chai::t:¡an Gavey stated that the LE?F Boa!:è ::19C on Februar'} 25, 1973, and recoIr"T.ended C:L:lt: all J:Ú1.1s be paid. The Boa::d ae8~-=:::S discussed .insurance carriers and had an I::.s1J!:ance Broker in as gues t sp2aker. The ¡:.ext Li cense and Ordinance Commi ttee ~"i11 be held on ,'·:arch 14, 1973, at 7:30 P.t:. c.:;airman Gavey urges all merr.bers to be in attendance becau3e sose very ir:?ýortan: i te::s ~·¡ill be discussed. ::;~7:;¿~;ð'T A:,iD ~~"'/:';I~'¡=-J2I:;C; CO!-ltifl-TTEE' - CI-l..L1Ir¿r!ßl:I SO~"l~-'li.:;~'!il~"'l The Street and ~ngineering Com¡aittee met on Febnzary 21, 1973~ at 7:30 P./J. Discussion :·¡as held on credl. t for curb and gutter - LID 259. t:errwers of the Com!T'J. ttee vOt9::: to' aIZoc,¡ credi ts fo;:: U:e curb and gutter existing prior to the beginning of the P::Oj9:::t on J,2th Street S. c. f::o!n "il" to "N". These credi ts :.;ill b9 paid from the match':'::;; ::::o::=:] Lund. It ¡-¡as moved by Sonnemann, seconded by Cavey, tha t the Ci ty make payment to L. I _ D. 259 fro,71 the Street Div,ision Construction Fund (U.A.B., L.I.D. matching monies) fo?: credits for principal of $4,665.55 and interest of $93.31 (total $4~758.86). T.'1eS9 credi ts are allo:,¡ed for pre-existing curbs and gutters. ROLL CALL VOTE: All Councilmen voting YES. NOTION CAP3.n: D The Comnúttee discussed the policy for future sidewalk delays and/or exemptions. Where a delay or an exemption has been approved by the Comrrúttee, it is the Com8ittea~s desire that a't least the intent of the ordinance be provided ~ in that a temporary 5 foot walkway be provided at nearly the final street· grade to a ~dnimum standard of 2 inches of crushed rock. In the granting of a delap or an exemption the agreement to provide such a vTalkr,.¡ay shall be recorded with the delay or exemption. In granting a delay, the property is to be tied to any future LID's and/or street improvement in such a manner that tile owner or subsequent Œmers, be required to install the curb and gutter and sidewalk as per the intent and purposes of the ordinance making sidewalk mê'..ndatory. The Committee vier,.¡ed a film "ONE GLGr'¡ OF HOPE", which ¡vas produced by Ne¡.¡sr,¡eek Magazine and the General Electric Company. The film dealt wi th the street lighting program in the Nation's Capitol. The Committee studied the Street Lighting Report. Nore complete information can be found in the Street and Engineering Com.mi ttee Minutes of February 21, 1973. The next Street and Engineering Committee Meeting will be Wednesday, March 7, 1973, at 7:30 P.M. UTILITY AND AIRPORT CO~ll1ITTEE - CHAIRMAN SHAUGHNESSY The utility and Airport Com71ittee met on Thursday, February 22, 1973, at 7:30 P.M. The Cowmittee studied a letter from McCool, McDonald & Associates regarding theeiec±rical bill for the Auburn Flight Building. The Committee considered the response and directed the PubLic ~Yorks Director to reply wi th q letter indicating our displeasure with the heating system and that it i:; felt it has been poorly engineered arId immediate steps should be taken to relieve the situation. Information was distributed and explained by Pat Nevins regarding possible E.A.A. funding for airport improvements. He indicated that the requirements for possible E.A.A. funding makes it very difficult for the City of Auburn to successfully apply for funds. It is the intent of the funding program that 50% of the money will come from E.A.A. and 50% will come from F.A.A. The F.A.A. has their own separate set of guidelines for funding projects. tihen combining the t¡.10 different sets of guidelines, it is very difficult to come up r,¡ith a project that "Todd feasibly be funded. A report ",'as submi tted to Bill Sutton by Bob Kinderknecht indicating that the cost of rat baiting in 1970 was approximately $1179.00 ¡-lith three rat complaints. In 1971 cost of bai ting çJas $1 ~085. 00 wi th one rat complaint. In 1972 under a neh' and different program insti t1!-ted by Jack Lange and Bob Kinde::knecht the cost of baitinq decreased to $593.00 and received only one complaint involr,ring C;. ty se',-lers. The Comm,i. ttee highly corru71ended Jack Lange and Bob Kinderknecht for the excellen: program and especially at reduced costs. The Committee approv'ed the request of the ¡,~¡bu::n School District No. 408 for an underground electrical delay for t¡.¡O [;Totable sc,'¡ool buildings that are installed at Cascade Jr. High, taking into consideratio: :.:>.? t:c:c::_c:o':é1':Y nature of the bui.ldings. The Commi ttee studied a letter from Mr. T. R. ,'.;c;:::ènna, ,·:.0.0 0;":15 50::'e property ¡vi th some buildings located on Dog-wood Avenue S .E. In t,Ec Ci ty of ?uDurn I requesting conside.r-ation be given to a possible reduced sani tary sewe. :)1 il since he found a leak in his ¡vater line. The Committee agreed ¡vith the reduction o ~ tÌw bill and ins tructs t:w Directo.r- of Finance to :-nake the appropriate reduction in thee:· sani tar] se:'l2r bill and to keep the exis ting bill for ,Jater in accordance wi th i::s actu~~l usage. 'î'he Com,'Ji ttee also approved the Director 0,[ Public fyorks to make aßpf~,icab ad~'}.5t~T::~'.1t.c- i.r: 1-~~le fV:.'·,,~!'.'2 ~'lit~-:~:: ~!-.::: CQ~·:':'_··_~~-'~ a[;.::-ro"-T3..:.. After stué!.;¡ir1q tIle 1..6:77-:-3:;-:' of the l1:1ckZeshoo:: Indians to extend sani taJ:Y se;·:er s2rFice to S .E_ 392nd Street it ¡,¡as fO'.1nÓ that thó': /wl)urn Conprehensi ve Sa!1i tary Seller Plan does not sho;·: the si ze or location of a line serving that particular area and this information ~'lould h2.',·e to De derived from the firm of H.ill, Ingman, Chase & Company. The Committee sugê;ô:sted th'lt a letter b'? sent bac};. to NI. Brumbaugh indicating these facts and St:gge5Ein~L:'::3.t---' tle contact Hill, Ingman, Chase & Company to pro'Úâe inforrnaLion on hOd the area co~:l¿ Ìì:' sC',:'/ed and possibl~1 havi.ng that consul ting Firm obtai.n addi tlonal Federal Fun-::'.i.ng 1Ut) AUBURN, WASHINGTON MONDAY MARCH 5, 1973 for the oT.Tersizing that would be requirE!d téJ serve the complete area. The Com.T!Í ttee discussed th2 letter from Mr. Carl Jorgensen regarding water service at the Auburn Academy ~~d tne problem was resolved. Jack Bereiter 2nd CeéJrge Mack reviewed the current status of our ,'"1etro negotiations and suggested to the CO::L'T'i.ttee that a two ¡'leek delay be approved because there is an opportuni ty to b2tter the posi tion of Auburn due to another action that is presently occurring. The Com.rru ttee concurred ¡.¡i ththis recOr:'E?endation and fe1t that the next Utility ComIr:.i¡-tee N.=:e (y- V"'TC.0. 8" 19ï3, r"f)U~('1 ,::,,,,>n=:i..-':2 to Ï1c::.T/e a.J..;:;cussíçm on the Ner:.ro negotiations. Ci ty Attorney, Jack Bereiter, asked that the Ci ty of Auburn be allmled to continue meeting wi tll 11etro and to come back with a draft of the Auburn Contract at the March 19/ 1973, Council Meeting. ROLL CALL VOTE: All Councilmen voting YES. NDTION CARRIED I It.. w~.s.· mOn~.d by Sl¡aug1messy ,seconded by Holman, that the Ci ty Attorney and Council be autl:1ôri;~ed tQ continue to qQ on mCt,Ung ¡'li th 11etro and to prèsent a draft at the next Ccnmèil l1eeting in regard to an Aub:.Jrn. Contract ¡vith Metro. Th~ ;:1J'ii'xt'regularly scn.eduled Utili ty and Airport Com71i ttee is cancelled. PLANNING, BEAUTÌFICATION AND BUILDING CODES COI1f1ITTEE - CHAIR1'1.4N Dj'¡RLING The next Planning, Beautification and Building. Codes Committee Meeting ~ill be held on March 13, 1973, at 7:30 P.M. FINANCE CO!1MITTEE - CHAIRHAN HOLMAN The Finance Committee met on Thursday, March 1, 1973, at 7:3.0 P.M. The Committee recom.rnend: that the Voucher Approval List be approved by Council. The Director of Finance recom.rnends that $600,000 be reinvested from the following funds: $100,000 - ~rport Construction Pund, $200,000 - Water/Sewer Construction Fund, $150,000 - Street Fund, and $150,000 _ Arterial Street Fund. It was moved by f:Iolman, seconded by Sonnemanr!/ that the Director of Finance be authorized to reinvest $600,000 from the funds as listed above. ROLL CALL VOTE; All Councilmen voting YES. NOTION CilRRIED I Díscussion was held by the Co~mittee with the Board of Directors and it was decided that financial support be given to the Drug Program. .. It w~s mQved by Holman, seconded by Darling, that Council authorize $1,800 to finance the first three months of the Drug Program in 1973. ROLL CALL VOTE: All Councilmen voting YES. NOTION C4RRIED A detailed discussion by all in attendance was held in regard to Federal Revenue Sharing Funds and it was decided that a priority listing be prepared by all City of Auburn Elected Officials" r,.:i th the SUpport of Staff l'1errJJers, to establish programs and listinr¡ by priority the expendítures of these anticipated federal revenue sharing funds. This list is to be prepared and submitted at the next Finance Com~ttee Meeting on March 15, 1973. The: ¡¡layor reported that at the present time "Ie have 12 P.E.P. Emp10yeés a.12d that 19 'h3.cancies exist under this program. It ¡vas decided that the require8ents for filling these vacant positions are to restI~ctive and the City should not fill these vacancies. tJUNIC.rp¿.iL BUILDINGS AND EQUIPMEiVT MAINTENANCE CONHITTE!L..=_Cl·IAIRf111N LEA Tne l1unicipal Building and Equipment Naintenance Commi ttee met on Tuesday,/ February 27, 1973, at 7:30 P.M. The ComTIittee reviewed a memorandum from Len Chapman regarding a ~le>'1 vehicle to be placed in the Equipment Rental pool and has presently been budgeted I ,:,xtra in his 1973 budget. The Corn.rni ttee also revie¡ved a memorandum from George Schuler Legarding ~~ additional passenger car to be used for out-of-town travel which is also !:;udgeted extra in his 1973 budget. The Commi ttee, after revier,.;ing the h/o memos,/ iiscussed the other 11 equipment items that are included in the 1973 Equipment Reserve 7und Budget to be replaced or transferred for other uges. The staff had copies of ~he State of Washington bids which the City of Auburn can utilize. The bids provide ~or a PlyméJuth Satellite, Plymouth Fury I/ Dodge Trucks, American Motors Matador, ;merican l(otors Ambassador passenger car and statíon wagon. The Cormnittee felt the )jd pI:ire.c: received by the Stat.e cf v.'3.óòlJingt:.-:; _.;.....:::::£:2: .....:.~:; ~::;-:-::pt.ti_~·:,_. Tt.=y th.v:..J.~;lt :hat the Ci ty should get local quotes and compare prices and go r;.li th the lm.¡est price. Of the quotes are lo¡vest a call for bids will be in oJ.:der. Units 502, 50]/ 403, and 702 lave to be put out for bids as comparative bids are not available through State co- ¡perative b..idding. I ~ ~ r-. ~ -, '- - - I I 107 AUBURN, WASHINGTON MARCH 5, 1973 MONDAY It ¡-Ia5 moved by Lea, seconded by Gavey, that the Public ~¡orks Department should obtain cruotes on the items listed above. If the quotes are lo¡.¡er than the State of riashington ~ids, then the l{ublic vlorks Departmer:.t shall be given the authority to call for bids and buy from the lo;·¡est bidder. MO'l'ION CARRIED 'l'he next Municipal Building and Equipment Naintenance heId on March 8, 1973, at 7:30 P.N. in the City Hall. Session. Còmrnit-tee Meeting ~.¡ill be This ¡-¡ill be an Executi -./e OLD BUSINESS OR.DINANCE NO. 2714 - enti tled 11 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF AUBURN, r-TASHINGTON, AX.ENDING AUBURN CODIFIED CITY ORDINI1NCE 9.04.175 INCREASING AND DECREASING CERT1UN SP2ED LTNITS œ: ST1J.TE HIGHrvAYS. 11 This ordinance was introduced only at the Council Heetinq of February 20, 1973. Uayor Kersey stated that he ¡-¡ould urge everyone to think ab6ut this and set the speed limit at 35 miles per hour for the complete distapce listed OZ1 the ordinance. Discussion by Council Members follotl/ed. councilman Ray Sonnemann announced that the first Defensive Driving Class will begin at 7:30 P.M. on Thursday, March 8, 1973. Co~ncilman Dale Gavey mentioned that some people have been receiving tickets for loud motorcycle pipes and he stated that the various Law Enforcement Officers should get toget,'1er on this mattèr since it appears each officer reacts differently to the various tones of loud pipes. ORDINANCES Þ2{D RESOLUTIONS RESOLUTION NO. 561 It ¡-¡as moved by Fiedler, seconded by Sonnemann, tha t Resolution No. 561 enti tIed 11 A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE lßYOR AND THE CITY CLERK TO EXECUTE A CONSTRUCTION AND ¡·[AINTENANCE AGREEMENT PERTAINING TO CONSTRUCTION OF BRIDGE NO. 102.2 4TH SUB., P.~_C:I:IC DI VISION, AUBURN, vlASHINGTON J' BETWEEN THE CITY OF AUBURN, flASHINGTON, AND THE BU:¿LIZiCÌON NORTHERN RAILROAD CORPORATION, INC." be adopted. ROLL CALL VOTE: All Councilmen voting YES. UOTION CARRIED RESOLUTION NO. 562 It was moved by Holman, seconded by Fiedler, that Resolution No. 562 entitled "A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF AUBURN.. WASHINGTON, RESOLVING THAT AUBURN HAYOR STANL$Y P. KERS SHALL BE THE PRIMARY DELEGATE AND AUBURN PLANNING DIRECTOR, GEORGE A. SCHULER, SHÞ.LL BE THE ALTERNATE DELEGATE FOR THE CITY OF AUBURN TO THE PUGET SOUND GOVERNMENTAL CONFERENCE." be adopted. ROLL CALL VOTE: All Councilmen voting YES. 110TION CARRIED RESOLUTION NO. 563 It ¡-¡as moved by Shaughnessy, seconded by Holma.:J., that Resolution No. 563 enti tled "A RESOl,UTION OF THE CITY OF AUBURN, vlASHINGTON, RESOLVING THAT AUBURN MAYOR STANLEY P. KERSEY, SHALL BE THE PRIMA.RY DELEGATE AND AUBURN PLANNING DIRECTOR, GEORGE A. SCHULER, SHALL BE THE ALTERNATE DELEGATE FOR THE CITY OF AUBURN ON THE COUNCIL OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF METROPOLITilN SEATTLE." be adopted. ROLl, CALL VOTE:~ All Councilmen voting YES. NOTION GRRIED VOUCHER APPROVAL LIST It was moved by Holman, seconded by Shaughnessy, that the voucher list dated February 28, 1973, in the amount of $1,685,481. 74 be approved. ROLL CALL VOTE: All Councilmen voting YES. MOTION CARRIED MISCELLANEOUS BUSINESS City Clerk Pro-tem, Gene Williams, read a letter from the Auburn Civil Service Co~~ission requesting the City Council to approve an expenditure of $]59.25 for each of the three Commissione::s and Chief Examiner of the liuburn civil Service C01T'.mission to attend the ~'/es tern Regional Publi c Personnel )J,ssociation Annual Meeting to be held in Honolult!, Ha;-iaii, lipri.I II th-16th, 1973. This sum will cover only air transporatation and ho tel; :regis-tration expense, ..meals ~ taxi, etc. t4il.l be paid by tht:~ indiviàual m-?mbers. -- - --.'------ lOB AUBURN, WASHINGTON MONDAY MARCH 5, 1973 It ¡:-Ias rr.ovedby Sonnemann, seconded b9 IJa::li:,g, that Council approve the expenditure of $359.25 for each of the three COTr'J:lÌssione.::s and Chief Examiner of the AUburn Ci '/i1 Service Co,n.rnission to attend the Í'lestern. Regjona2 Public Personnel Association A:mua1 ?lee ti ng . ROLL CALL VOTE; All Councilmen voting YES. NOTION CApr;:'P,D Gen.{: ;'/i11':" am3 read a letter from John B. 3e.::ei teT, Ci ty Attorney, regarding the i11eg21 ir:-:cou:}d of a car belonging to Mr. Steven Jarvis. It :'/2.5 mo,a:i by F.olman, seconded by Gavey, that the claim amounting to $17.90 be .l.::;,'l0I:ed a:>i p,·Üè. Di;' the City·, rather than by Mr. Steven Jarvis. ROLL CIŒL VOl'E:. All Councilmen voting YES.· [.10TION CAR_':?I ED I Gti[h~ Ç'lilliams read d lette.r from Dennis L. Hol t, of Shaughnessy & Company, Inc., regarding Preliminary Plat dra~ings of the Shaughnessy Industrial Park in northeast .Z!ubu.rn.j .rt t.¡as mOT/cd b':J Sonnemann, seconded by Fiedler, that this letter and the drd>dngs be referred to ·the Planning Commission. ROLL CALL VOTE: Councilman Sonnemann, Darling, Holman, Fiedler, Lea and Gavey voting YES. Councilman Shaughnessy ABSTAINED. MOTION ClLPRIED The·re being no further business to com$ before the Council., the meeting ..,.as adjourned by Mayor Kersey at 10:44 P.M. APPROVED THIS 6TH DAY OF MARCH, 1973. I (?~~. MAY 0 I