HomeMy WebLinkAbout03-19-1973 I ~ .r; r-.. -:.) o -. -- I I /109 AUBURN, WASHINGTON MARCH 19, 1973 MON DAY 'I':22 regular r::s2ting of tne City Councilor: t:J2 Ci-cy of ,,::"'uburn conv2ned at 8:()O P.;.~!.¿ .in the ItuLurn Ci t"":J~ Cou.::.cil Chambers. ROLL CALL Councilm2.J. prese:lt: Council:r:an Cavey, Sonnernann, Shaughnessy, Darling, Hol::13.n, ?i9::':'e::: and LJea.. APí?ROVllL OF' I1INUTES It ¡'laS moved by Lea, seconded ,by Gavey, that the Co un eLl Ninutes of Narch 5, 1973, 1)0 amended as rollo:v's: Page 7, motion under Municipal Bu.ildings and Equípment..'!2i!.'te:::;a."1c Commi ttee should read as ro110vls: "It ¡vas moved by Lea, seconded by Gav'ey, the.:: ::,7.2 Auburn Public Works Director be authorized to call ror quotes on the vehicles authorized in the 1973 budget vehicle replacement section and if those quotes come back at a price lower than those bids recently received by the State of Washington, t~en I ask that bids be called for on said vehicles, if said quotes are higher than the bids recei ved by the State of Washington, then I ask that the Auburn Public ¡'lorks Director be authorized to purchase said vehicles through the r-rashington State Biddir.g Pool." MOTION CARRIED It was moved by Fiedler, seconded by Lea, that the Minutes be approved as amended. HOTION CARRIED PUBLIC HEARINGS !fayor Kersey stated that due to an agreement the City has received (from John F. Henry, ¡v}1Ìch states that Jack's Tavern will voluntarily cease "topless go-go dancing"), tlle City Attorney and Chief of Police recommend that the Public Hearing scheduled for tonight on the question of whether the cabaret license of John Henry should be revoked should be cancelled. It was moved by Gavey, seconded by Fiedler, that the Public Hearing on the ques tion of whether the cabaret license of JOHN HENRY should be revoked, be cancelled as recommended by the City Attorney and Chief of Police. llJOTION CARRIED ... CORRESPONDENCE City Clerk Pro-tem, Gene Williams, read a letter from Jack L. Sprenger, Chairman of Insurance Committee, which relates to the proposals from various insurance companies relative to the City's basic liability policy and excess liability policy. After the Committee studied the various proposals, they recom~end that the City accept the proposal of INA Insurance Company for the basic policy. The various pIoposals were submitted as follows: INA Insurance Company - $22,168, Maryland Casualty - $30,970, TransAmerican Insurance Company - $j2,107, united States Fire - $34,5l2~ and Chubb & Sons - $39,000. It ¡vas mo'/ed by Fiedler, seconded by Holman, that authori ty be gi vel'. to the Uayor anti Ci t'j Clerk to sign, on behalf of the Ci ty, a contract {vi th INA Insurance Compan':j rollo;'/ing the recommendations of the Insurance Corr.r.li ttee. ROLL CALL VOTE: All Councilmen voting YES. nOTION c/..RRI¡:"D Cena rlillia,C's rea,â the Zone Cha.nge llppli cation from Robert H. Steinberg and EÒ,'ard F. St~'inberq, rec¡~:esting change of zoning frot:¡ R-3 to C-3, a parcel of land locat,,,d at 11,1 11th 5:::reet S.£:. (llpplication No. 6-73) It h'¿~S maveâoj Fiedler, seconded by Lea, to rerer the Zone Change Application of Pobert H. SC2.Ln.berg a.nd Ed;./ard F. Steinberg to the Planning Comrr.ission for reconsendation NOTIO:; CAR..."?IED AUDIENCE PJ-ìRTICIPATION q ,I ::Jr- r·-.m...............' 7 nF /!7 ~ _.....:-~L ......---~..L.........-=---/ '-'~ '~_.~ f~/es t9r:2 JlT/snuG r S ~¿: ced tÌl¿. t ;""ü¿ J...vL. ...i... 1.1 d~·CÙ..L. u'-....'--~ tof i ::}¡ ~.., OnUnance No. 2716 enti tled "Nl ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF AUBURN, ¡;'I11S11INGTON.. ANENDn:G 1,UBUTÙV CODIioIED CITY ORDINANCE 1.20.020, PERTAINING TO COMPENSATION OF AUBURN CITY CO UNCI LNEN , nICREASTNG THE ,o,!ONTHLY CONPENSlì.TION OF AUBURN CITY COUNCIL.MEN, COt1NENCING NF:::'i COUl;'CIL TERNS ON OR AFTER Jf,NUliRY 1, 197Ll, TO $200 PER MONTEI." Mrs. Campbell si'.:atcd that she hopes this Ordinance will be tabled for further study. 110 AUBURN, WASHINGTON MONDAY MARCH 19, 1973 ;,1av_is Hansen, of 606 22nd Street S.E., ¡.¡anteC: to knovl v.rhy there is no acreage set aside Éor youngsters to use for cycling purposes, eS:9cial1y those children who are to young to be licensed for driving. Mayor Kersey sta=9Q that there are several problems connected to this request, such as fi!1dinq a:1 area large enough for the purpose and also being able to meet vIi th noise abater:12nt requ1ations. Len Chapman stated that the Ci ty or Auburn has been discussing and ;.¡orking on finding an area to set up this t=JPµ 0f ret-;reation, arc,::"; i1c~'/e",,/'er, lJ.e also PQir=ted out the problerrl:s or findi.nq é! large enough area and J71<,:eting the required regulations. Coullc;~lman Cavey s....0gested Nrs. Hansen contact Bob Klontz, ,'Iho is very interested in this project. BID OPENINGS Bids ¡'Ieré 'Opened March 15, 1973, 11:00 A.M. for Sanitary Sewer Improvement No. 23, Contract No. 73-12, vli th the fol1ocving bids submi tted: I f'/. C. FROST CONSTRUCTION CONP1J"NY R. ~¡. SCÖTT CONSTRUCTION COUP ANY FRED HINTZ CONSTRUCTION SKIP JACOBSON ROCKERIES $ lO,709.ol ll,l82.86 14,784.12 14,878.89 The above bids were accompanied by bid bonds, the above bids include sales tax. It is the recommendation of the Director of Public Works, Pat Nevins, that Contract No. 73-l2, Sanitary Se¡ver Improvement No. 23 (lagoon dyke repair), be ar-varded to fl. C. Fros t on their 1o¡v bid of $lO, 709.01 including Washington State Sales Tax. It was moved by Shaughnessy, seconded by Darling, that the contract for Sanitary Sewer Improvement No. 23, Contract No. 73-12, be awarded to W. C. Frost Construction Company vIi th bid bond returned to Skip Jacobson Rockeries and upon signing of contract the Bid Bonds be returTJed to R. W. Scott Construction Company and Fred Hintz Construction. ROLL CALL VOTE: All Councilmen voting YES. MOTION CARRIED It ¡"las li10ved by Darling, seconded by Holman, that the above bid to íV. C. Frost COilstruction Company, ì:Je paid from the SevIer Cumulative Reserve Fund. ROLL C.ALL VOTE: All Councilmen voting YES. MOTION CARRIED I R£:CO:"J:'r::;,V Dß.TIO.vS 1~e following ite~ is submitted by the Director of Planning & Community Developnent, George Schuler, for Council Approval: Request to call for Public Hearing on the request of Edith Poortvliet to l;'ez~ne from Unclassified to M-l (Light Indus trial), Ü/O parcels of land locatea at 37th Street N. W. west of the Valley Freeway, involvinJ approxima~ely 25 acres of land. (Application No. 4-73) ~ It ¡vaS moved by Fiedler, seconded by Sonneman21, that a Public Hearing be helel on llpril 2 1973, at 8:00 P.M. in the Council Chambers, on the request of Edith Poort!;-liet. NOTION CAPRIED The f~llowing item is submitted by the Director of Public Works, Pat Nevins, for Counc~l Approval: Pay Estimate No.2, final, to John W. Schade fo~ construction of Water Improvement No. 84 in the amount of $539_05. It ¡vas moved by Shaughnessy, seconded by Holman, that the project. be accepted by the City as complete and Pay Estimate No.2, final, to John W. Schade for $539.05 be a~~roved for pay~~nt and ~he retained percentage amounting to $360.23 be paid in tn~rty days pr~v~~ed no l~ens or claims are filed and clearance is secured from the State Tax Comm~sslon and the Department of Labor and Industries. I ROLL CALL VOTE: All Councilmen voting YES. NOTION CARJ.'7.IED PROCLAN.4TIONS, APPOINTNENTS A~JD ANNOUtiCEMF:NTS l1a':}or Kerse'j anr:::::!'..1IJced tha t the [-Iashington ::'!a-::ural Gas Compan1j is celebrating their loOth &lniversary on Wednesday, March 21, in the Green River Valley Area. _"~la:o~~K:r~ey a~~~~nced ~~a,~ ~n Satur~a~ evening, March 24, 1973, Auburn ¡vi11 be hosting CCh'l-l .::)I.::>Tr:,R CI'Lc,~:J BANQU[jT In the L2ndbloom Student Center at Green River Communi ty _0 ege. The banquet begins at 6:30 P.M. and the Consul General of Japan and ¿¡ representati ve of the Gov'ernors Orfice ¡-¡ill j;-: in atte!1clance. Tickets are $3.00. I :.-.. X) ~ -:.) ~ --\ I I ~lll AUBURN, WASHINGTON MONDAY MARCH 19, 1973 Xayor Kersey announced that Auburn .~:nerican L9gion Post No. 78 is celebrating tbeLc 5.:Jth birthday. The American Legion is verJ instrumental in the City of Auburn, as ma.ny members of the group r,vere founders or our Ci ty. The group ¡-;ill be meeting this f'lednesday evening, March 21, 1973, to honor their 50 year members. Mayor Kersey announced that Wednesday, March 28, 2973, is Citizenship Day and abo~t L~vG.t.J.f.i..l stuàent3 -FY0;:7 J'?~hurn ~igh S'chool ëlr..d AubuTTI À~?demy v-/1"11 h~ ir C_'i ~1J .:':37.1 learning about Ci t] Government. The program r,vas ini tiated last year and proT/ed ::0 l)e very proritable for students and officials alike. The Auburn Rainbo:'1 Girls ','i12 be learning abou t Ci ty GOé'ernment the Eollo:Úng fJednesday. f.íayor Kersey stated that ¡.¡hile reading an article in the Troubleshooter Section c:: the Seattle TiDes this evening, regarding the taking of a Census for 1973, he felt he should mention that there has been a misunderstanding. The article stated that CÎc./es and Toëms are not required to take a census this year. Ho¡yever, the City of Auburn ;vas notified last year that because or a discrepancy in the census ta,'-(C:l1 at tha t time, ¡'Ie ,'iOuld be requi red to take a censuS this year. Therefc::e r th.is official census ¡viII begin on Thursday, L'farch 22, 1973. COUNCIL COMMITTEE REPORTS \ ! LICENSE kVD ORDDíAHCE CONi'IITTEE - CHAIRi1AN GAVEY The License and Ordinance Committee met at 7:30 P.M. on March 14, 1973. The Cc~'¿ttee discussed the discrepancies ¡.¡hich related to the taxi service in Auburn and reques ~ei that a letter be sent to the rtaxi Company about these discrepancies. This letter ¡,..as sent to the Company. STREET AND ENGINEERING CO,o"IlIITTEE - CHAIRMAN SONNEN/iNN The Street and Engineering Committee met on March 7, 1973, at 7:30 P.H. "A" Street S.E. fund_ing and project layout ¡.¡as discussed. Jack NcDaniels requested that the Ci ty consider the closing of "A" Street S.E., allowing the Contractor to place a solid fill across "A" Street for the shoofly phase of the operation. He stated the clearance under the trestle as proposed will not be adequate for certain recreational vehicles and delivery vej)icles. He further stated that he felt the railroad could not I?erform thl:Ú r phase of the work in time to allo¡v the Contractor to finish before the fall h'eather sets in. Marv Seabrands raised a question on' pedestrian access and discussed the traffic counts in that area and possible detour routes. The recomznendation from the DiL'ector of.. Public vlorks is that "A" Street remain open to eliminate undue congestion on Cross Street and Auburn Way South. Councilman Sonnemann stated that the detour on A Street S.E. has been in effect for one week now and he asked that the City Council consider this matter tonight because if there is a change in the present plans, then the City would be required to make a Change Order. Mayor Kersey stated that the City has received letters from several paop1e reagarding the detour. Jack McDaniels, representing Burnham Construction, stated that if the road is closed and a detour is used, the project ¡,.¡Ì11 take approximately nine months to complete; ho¡.¡ever, if the road is open to traffic during the time the new bridge is going in, the proje¿t ¡.¡ould take approximately 15 months to complete. Mr. l1cDaniel stated that if the citizens could put up with the inconvience ofa detour for a few months, the end results would be more gratifying. Also the Contractor's Insurance Company will not cover anyone involved in an accident if the area is left open for traffic. Karl Willmaser, operator of Karl's Auburn Gulf Station; Larry Robb, of Larry's A Street Che·.lron Station; E. A. Bogenstedt, of Eric's Richfield Service Station; and Thomas Hikida, operator of TO}Je's Drive-Inn, all voiced their objections to the road being closed. All of these men stated that during the closure of A Street S.E. last week, their business's did considerably less business and a long time project which would keep the street c_Losed ror a long period of time could be diastrous to them as' businessmen. Jos2phine Tamburello, of 1430 A Street S.E., stated that she feels A Street S.E. should r,-',-¡uin open. She stated that not only is the closure inconvenient, itis a great traffic hazard - particularly at peak traffic hours. She also stated that those p'~'cple ¡vho ha'/e to use a detour route would build up many extra miles of dri ving over a long closure period, therefore, more gasoline ¡,¡ould be required. Councilman Fiedler stated that there vIas a false fire alarm at the fire station today t:o see ho;.; ¡'Iell the fire engines could operate in the congested traffic, _in case of an er.72rgency, and to his surprise the fire engines had no problems and they ¡vent through chs trafric very easi Iy, Councilman Darling asked that if the road is kept open, ::,')uLln I t the Ci t:y provide improved signing or caution liqhts to alert people going undeT the hciclge. SlO¡'fer speed limits in this area ¡vas also suggested. Pat Nevins ;::i:a :e.:: <"-::3. t S-LlM'::.L spe<--<1 LLlII.L L;:i l;ui.1lâ c1efini te_Ly be poSt0C! dnd tll.::: (.i c.y LuULú CdJ<...1:::: ;.'i:a [3:'/e::: s t':'r;s are necessary to adequa cely r/arn the public of the cons truction. C·':,un:::ilr."a:1 ':>,2 stated that he has r,vitnessed heavy congestion, both night and day, on !:.:;_':~'¡a.J 1 B ani the exi ts coming into Auburn. He also pointed out that since the Ci ty <)-0-'" ,':a.-f2 C:lJ rxmey to do the )ob, even if it is prolonged because the road is r--,u "~'"}, h.¿: fe21s it: is of C{.f'eat irrl};Jortance to keep the road open during tllis pE~-r_i-od--' of -., Co;::ci_·'c:.:: C;aIe:J stated that he has talked to a number of truck drivers, ¡'Tho ,".' r:') C --:l_l ~,/ j,'-'-; t?0 ti C.:-? .';'-!jns Iy:.:rtdininr¡ to bridge clearances, and he feels it I^lould C':_.'d ;:L"ld .' -')_J t ~¡ _~ _.~._.J ¿'l:: ..·./ar~Jo',j::; str(?et intcTsf::ctio:ns along .~ ..~ ,[. c-, ~.. '.~ --' ]12 AUBURN, WASHINGTON MONDAY MARCH 19, 1973 P. Street S.E. :,::;ich ;,:ould indicate th:J.t ¡., Stre2:: S.E. ~s closed be1m"1 6th Street S.E. lIe also s tats.è that~~e ta.l}::.ed to one of .::~~~ ?:;·.:i:::;~2:2 tl"1is morning and Ÿ'12S told t.l:=.t there J.1ar.le bee,t2 no bad accidents due to th2 c:"os~~:-;g or A Street S..E. Therefore / si;;.ce the project ¡-¡ouid cost more 80ney to p::olong it, ar:.èi since there have been no accidents, liE: feelst,,~e str¿e't should be 01089(: and the citizens must "B9ar and Grin !t". Counci Iman Shaughr:.essy stated tha t he has no s tL'ong opinions ei ther ¡¡.¡ay regarding t...:J.~·L~'::;' :·--':~:-,c:.."'· }:v;.·"eVi:. LI .!le .L~:o~'es that e·v,..t'....r~ÎC¡-1.:::J :;--~.F2c~E':I..-l, one t4ay or- t1--:.~ ()'~,1_¿r1 .:r:-== accept the decisio.J. as th9 "Lesser of Ü,'O E'li 1.3" and cor.sider :.¡hat is best for 2.11 the p20pJ.e of Auburn. Barbara Campbe.Il asked .hO;'7 the pedestrians ¡.¡ould be able to go froll1one side of the bridge to" theath8Z' during this time. Counc.ilman SOr2-'1e::7ann stated that a 90" pipe vlill be put in under the fill for this purpose and pedestrian. traffic ¡.;.ill b.e a110v¡ed. Further discussion from Council follmled. I It was movr;cZ by Sonnemann, seconded by Fiedler, that the Cour.cil folio;.; the original plan, no detour ror traffic, and have the Burlington Northern Railroad build th? temporary tres tle on A Street S. E. and have the staff "vork ¡vi th Burlington Northern Railroad or the Contractor to get the best possible ¡,Tork for the least addi tional money, v¡hich would require a change order to increase the clearance of the temporary bridge structure. ROLL CALL VOTE: Councilman Sonnemann, Darling and Fiedler voting YES. Councilman Shaughnessy, Holman, Lea and Cavey voting NO. NOTION FAILED It was moved by Shaughnessy, seconded by Gavey, that the staff take the necessary steps to implement the closure by method of fill accr!.',;s the street and an underground pedestrian crossing. ROLL CALL VOTE: Councilman Shaughnessy, Holman and Gavey voting YES. Councilman Darling, Fiedler, Lea and Sonnemann voting NO. MOTION FAILED At 9:25 P.M., Mayor Kersey declared a ten minute recess. It was moved by Sonnemahn, seconded by Fiedler, that plan to use the shoofly trestle and continue to get temporary t.restle. .,Ie proceed tvi th the original the added clearance for the I Mayor Kersey called the meeting to order at 9:35 P.M. Furth~r discussion by Council followed. ROLL CALL VOTE: Councilman Sonnemann, Darling, Eïedler and Lea voting YES. Councilman Shaughnessy, Holman and Gavey voting NO. MOTION Cf1RRIED tJayor Kersey stated that Mr. Joe Jones, of Nanpo:..¡er Administration, is in the audience and is tvaiting for some action on Resolution No. 566. Mayor Kersey recommends that the Council approve Resolution No. 566. It ;vas movec: by Fiedler, seconded Ly Lea', that Resolution No. 566 entitled "A ?ESOV:.!7:ION l..UTfiORIZniC THE l^'JAYOR AND THE CITY CLERK TO EXECUTE A CONTRACT f'fl-lEREnr ~:¡:U;'::TS ;:",\'D./CJE: CO''¡'2P.ACTS FROM AGENCIES OF' THE GOVERNMENT OF THE UNI'l'ED STATES OF ¡".::2P.ICA ;:'::DjOR f1GL'NCIES OF THE GOVERNMENT OF' THE STATE OF vv/1SHING'1.'ON ARE NO':\', OR LV 'l'¡¡t:"E,,~,': ¡"UTURE ÇiILL BE, AVAILABT,f'; REGk~DING THE liLLE-;VIATION TO CO.VDITIONS OF ChVEM¡?£Or,'·",è'::T .:',';D WiDERENPLOYNENT IN THE COUNTIES OF KING AND SNOFI0l1ISH I OF THE STitTE ()? :/AS;rrr;·G7:J~'r. Rcnr. C.::"z.,L :/-on:: All Councilmen votinC] YES. It.OTIOiV C/c..RRIED I --------.---- STREET CiJ;.'·r'IIT'i'¿~E - continued The ComTl: ttee discussed the ins tClllation of a possil)le left turn lane at 32 Street: S.E'. iJ.nd FW'::JUr:: ;/2.y South. Pat [ýevins stated that ,./e do have a cor:ù.'ni tment f1.'of'ì. the State of Nashinyton i.11 regard to the left turn lane and if this is authorized the Street Department ha.s 11JU ceo i:unds and. ma:¡ De dL}le co n2cc"1 money [or the project !:rom Revenue Sharing FU!1ds. It ¡vas moved by Sonnet;¡ann, seconded by Cavey, that authorization be giT,7en to the Public rvorks DLrector to call for bids for 32nd Street S.E. and Auburn 'day South left turn ~!.are.. I .~ Xj I..... "":) ~ .::J I I ~l t 3 AUBURN, WASHINGTON MARCH 19, 1973 MONDAY Councilman Shaughnessy stated that he is against this motion because he does not reel a lert turn lane ¡'/ould alleviate the problem or accidents in this particular area., he reels the accidents 1137S been the result or careless driving. Further discussion from Council followed. ROLL CALL VOTE: Councilman Sor¡nem:;¡nn, Darling, Holman, Lea and Cavey voting YES. COU21cilman 5h:..:-.;g;1l¡c..>_':j anc;c:'iedler votinq ¡;r:) MOTTON C:'-LD.RIED The Retail Trades Di vision or the Auburn Chamber of Cornmerce requested closing of l~lain St.reet from lwburn vlay to Division Street on Saturday, April 28, for a recreational F2hicle shot·/. The Commi ttee requested that more information be provided them in regards to whemer this runction ¡lTas approved by the majori ty of the Chafilber 0: Corru71erce and also the majori ty of the merchants bordering the subject area. The CORmittee did receive further information as requested. It vIas moved by Sonnemann, seconded by Holman, that the request of the Ch:::::y~r or Commerce to close Main Street from Auburn Way to Division Street on Saturcay, April 28, be approved. ROLL CALL VOTE: Councilman Sonnemann; Shaughnessy, Darling, Holman, Fiedler and Lea voting YES. Councilman Gavey ABSTAINED. MOTION C.7!R1:(IED The committee approved the request submitted from Stan Kersey which stated students ¡.¡ish to block off" B" Street S. E. rrom Main to the alley on March 26 through April 1 to construct a booth and promote activities in regard to the voting for the school levq. The staff submitted to the Committee recommended standards ror alley acceptance in the City of Auburn. These standards would be a l6 foot dedicated right-of-way extending from street to street a minimum of 6 inches of pit run gravel over a stable subgrade and 2 inches of 5/8 inch minus crushed rock surfacing. The Commi ttee approved this standard and directed the staff to revise the Street Committee policy to reflect these changes. Due to the R. I. B. C .0. }1eeting on March 21, the regularly scheduled Street and Engineering Commi ttee Meeting ¡vill be cancelled. CONXITTEE ON CO¡'.fMTTTEE I s - CHAIRMAN SOMlE,"íANN T.'1e Corœ-ni.ttee on CORmittee's met at 7:lS P.M. on March 7, 1973. The Committee discussed the possible separation of the Airport Cormnittee from the combined Airport and Utility Committee. A motion ¡vas maie and passed by the Committee, to separate tile Airport and Ucilit'J COfi''i.'Tlittee. The ComrJ.ttee recomr:¡snded and adopted Councilr,¡a""1 Gordon DaIlinq/ Cha.irman or .ziirport Committee; Councilman Hayes Holman, Vice-Chair:ë1an; Ø¥" CouGcilman Ju..?n Lea, Nember. PL~~NING; BZAUTIFICATION AND BUILDING CODES COMMITTEE - CHAIPJ1AN DARLINC Thp. PLanning, Beautification and Building Codes Commi ttee met at 7: 30 P .[1. on March i4, 1973. The Planning Directo~ George Schule~ presented the Landscaping St:Ind:1rds as amended rrom the' resul ts or last month I s meeting and the si te inspec::ions that ¡,rere rr;àde on Saturdo.y, February 24, 1973, by the Commi ttee. The COr:!.mi ttee I'ecomtnenc1s that the Director or Planning call for a public hearing or t.Z1e Ci t'::i Cçul1cil on April 16, 1973, following the Planning commission's public hearing on April 3, 1973,so that their recommendation t'lOuld be available. It ¡'laS moved by Dar,Iing, seconded by Fiedler, that the Director or Planning call ro.?: a pub1.ic hearing on April 16, 1973, on Landscaping Standards. MOTION C.::"'P.RIED The staff presented preliminary results or study nov¡ in progress to find and evaluate ruture si tes for beautification, both maps and pictures ¡.¡ere presented. The Com7!i ttee recommends that said study be continued and hopefully the staff will come back tvith priority lists and cost figures. Councilman Dale Cavey spoke about a need for a noise ordinance. Resul ts or past studies and conferences on noise ¡'Iere discussed, and the CowffJ.ttee directed George Schuler to contact cities of California that have 2 nnise ordinanre 2nd find í'ut prí'S and cons of same, & aÚ;o to get recomIns:ndations rrom the Police Department and contact the Chairman of Noise Abatement Commi ttee. George Schuler presented a letter from Harriet Turner of E1ma, Washington, in which she donated $20.00 ror a do~.¡ood tree, as a living memorial, to honor the memory of a dear friend, Arthur Ballard. Len Chapman stated that the tree ¡.¡ill be planted Úl Ba.7.lard park', as the park was dedicated in memory of the Ballard family. Park Director, Len Chapr;¡an, said the American Legion is donating Ö.¡o 2Q foot reä6ãk'treès~ 114 / AUBURN, WASHINGTON MONDAY MARCH 19/ 1973 ¡·¡J1ich will be planted at the entrance of L'2S Gove Park. Also they donated twelve 6 foot red oak trees t-Ihich will be planted at: G.S . flu Park. Mr. Mil ton Valentine donated Ü/O red;-lOod trees in m'2mory of I..'2S Co'/e, to be planted in Les Go,,re Park. The Conr.ittee expressed their thanks +::'0 the doners of said trees and expressed their wish tha:t letters be sent thanking the doners/ and that to/hen said trees are planted another letter be sent informing the doners nf this. Len Chapman presented the Cc",,".2. ttpr. ¡;i ::'1" ::'-;;:'.'" J.r ';.c= pLJ¡;~::;eci l.JiJ<'e route è1.:::r7 oS t:::.:"¿.7 T:hè: :;::':Jute had been desiqned with assistance from the City Planning and Engineering Departments, along td th ideas from various indi vidua1s. The purpose of the route is to provide a safe and interesting ride for the recreation cyclist. Along vIi th the bike route, Len s tdtet;l that puget Po"ler Sound and Light Company has offered a permi t to use th'2 old inter-urban property primarily for horses and hikers because of the uni¡r¡proved I surface; hovlever, bicyclists could use the trail if desired. Nr. Chapman stated that the Park Board has approved the bicycle route and recomr.ends that the Hayor and City Council be authorized to sign the perm_i t ¡vi th puget POvler for the use of the old inter-urban trail (Resolution No. 564). Bike route signs will be purchased subject to the Street Com~~ttee's recom~endations. George Schuler outlined the need or all of the City's Departments for updated maps and the need to hire a draftsman for needed map projects. After revietving this request/ the Committee recommended to the Xayor that a draftsman be hired as soon as possible, so as not to fall to far behind in current projects. 7~e funds to come out of the 1973 Budget. FINANCE' Cœ"lNITTEE: - CHiìIRM1J.N HOLMiJ.N The Finance Comuittee met on Thursday, March 15, 1973, at 7:30 P.M. The ComD~ttee studied the Revenue Report, Detailed Budget Report (accompanied by new Expendi cures by Object Code), and the Balance Sheet. Allor these report~ are dated February 28, 1973.' The Inr/estment Program t'las revie¡'led in general by the C01'nmi ttee and tl1e Diz-ector of Finance was instructed by the Commi ttee to make necessary adjustments in the Investment Program to assure each fund is not over-invested; thus, eliminating any fund from being in the red at the end of the month. Ordinance No. 2721 is recommended to the Council for passage on March 19, 1973. This Ordinance amends tl1e previous ordinance adopting the City Budget foz- 1973 and makes adjustments on the Cash Balance to reflect actual Cash Balances as of January 1, 1973. It was moved by Holman, seconded by Darling, that Ordinance No. 2721 entitled "AN I ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF AUBURN, v-!l1SHINGTON, AUENDING AUBURN CITY ORDINANCE NO. 2686 f'/HIClI W:4.S ANENDED BY AUBURN CITY ORDINANCE NO. 2696 BOTH OF ffHICH ORDINANCES ADOPTED THE BUDGET FOR THE CITy' OF AUBURN/ r'lASHINGTON FOR THE YEAR A.D. 1973, AND WHICH LATTER ORDINÆi'.:E vIAS PASSED ON JANUARY 2/ 1973, TO NAKE CHANGES NECESSARY TO REFLECT ACTUAL BEGINNtUG CASH BALANCE INFORMATION AS OF JANUARY 1, 1-973, AND FOR THE FURTHER REASON TO /1EET 1960 'dATER SHIER REVENUE BOND DEBT SERVICE REQUIREMENTS AS HEREINAFTER SET FORTH." be introduced and adopted. ROLL CALL VOTE: All Councilmen voting YES. MOTION CARRIED A motion ¡vas made by the Committee, that the Director of Finance be authorized to invest $632,38l.8l. It ..I as moved by Holman, seconded by Darling, that the Director of Finance be authorized to invest $632,381.81. ROLL CALL VOTE:' All Councilmen voting YES. NOTION CARRIED PUBLIC SAFETY COUI1ITTEE - CHAIRMAN FIEDLER Th0re '-'lil1 be no Public Safety ComrrLÍ ttee Meeting on Narch 20, 1973, because the staff has not prepared all information for the cost study for the 91l System. A Lease Agreement for the Emergency Vehicle and Aid Car was discussed. It was moved by Fiedler, seconded by Darling, that authorization be given to the Mayor and City Clerk to sign a contract with King County Fire Chief's Association in regard to the Emergency Vehicle and Aid Car. I Councilman Cavey stated that the six other City Councilmen should be aware of the fact that if the motion passes, w-e are officially starting a program that will be similar to the Nedi c 1 Program and ¡"e ¡viII be creating an extended source of an expendi ture _in keeping this vehi cle in operation. RO!,L CALL VOTE: All Councilmen voting YES. NOTION CA-9-RIED :!':¡SICIPAL S,ÚLDINGS AND EQUIPMENT NAINTE:i.-1NCE COMMITTEE - CHAIRMAN LEA ----------- ? ;,:un':'ci~73.1 Builè.ir.gs and Equipment Maintenance Corœnittee met on FebnlaL'Y 27, 1973. 'Ii>J Co::,,~~:ttr::? conCUrL'Q d.ith the recommondation of the staff, that vehicles would I C'ì 0:: I"- I-J ç:.. c: I I 115 AUBURN, WASHINGTON MARCH 19, 1973 MONDAY TIle C7~mittee recon~ended to the staff that local autou.obile . d::c.32ers be ;;i Fer:. a change to bi d on thi s and the local bids ¡,rere not able to compete ' I >,:~h the s~aë.e ~:.' :;'2shingt~n ~bids. It è<laS ?':ecom,~ended that the ,staff ~onsider american, :'lace C22.'S ::0::" tne ,/a,C9r anc ::::e;'ler D~:p¿:!.J:tment's rather than forel.gn vehl.cles. If lye , ao ;'lith t,'¡::? ;<ia.shi"qton State Pool Bids, there is an additional savings, and ¡ve could I ~ " ' .. ç d " tlL .' dd . f actuall'..! C{et anCJtn2r 'h:::i1.lcle .::or tne sa:::e FOrley. ur or ers must go ~nco 'Ie D1. ..l.ng \ b? purchased this ye~r. !}sn_7 b~ ~".Jc..:~.~~--' ;},) ~ -. - .., ~! J .' ~), L:C ':12 L -:...:~~ addi tiOll2? ::;d.",/:"'__::~::;,.. OLD BUSnlESS --- The request of Benjamin Butler to rezone from C-l (Light Comrnercial) to C-3' (He2:.'.-; Com!i.Jercial) a parcel of land on the I-;es t side of Harvey Road approxirca tely 30,] fes:ë. north of 8th Street N.E. It ¡·¡as moved by Fiedler, seconded by Shaughnessy, that the rezone request of E=r:j2_~ic""" Butler to rezone from C-l (Light Com~2rcial) to C-3 (Heavy Commercial) be àe~22~. Discuss.ion by Council fo11ov7ed. Councilman Fiedler stated that he requests this rezone be denied because the area is not sui ted for the heavy comr;¡ercial zoning because of the location; traffi c si tuation, and the neighboring properties. ROLL CALL VOTE: Còunci1man Fiedler, Lea, Sonnemann, Shaughnessy. and Darling voting YES. Councilman Holman and Cavey voting NO. NOTION CliPJ'..IED ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS ORDINANCE NO. 2716 It was moved by Sonnemann, seconded by FiedLer, that Ordinance No. 2716 entitled "AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF AUBURN, WASHINGTON, AMENDING AUBURN CODIFIED CITY ORDINANCE 1.20.020,. PERTAINING TO COMPENSATION OF AUBURN CITY COUNCILMEN, INCREASING THE MONTHLY COMPENSATION OF AUBURN CITY COUNCILf1EN; COMMENCING NErv COUNCIL TERMS ON OR AFTER JANUARY l, 1974., TO $200 PER MONTH." be introduced only. NOTION CARRIED ORDINANCE NO. 2714 It was moved by Sonnemann, seconded by Gavey, that Ordinance No. 2714 entitled "AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF AUBURN, fvASHINGTON, Af,ÆNDING AUBURN CODIFIED CITY ORDINANCE 9.04.175 INCREASING AND DECREASING CERTAIN SPEED LIMITS ON STATE HICHvlAYS." be adopted. ROLL CALL VOTE: Councilman Sonnemann, Shaughnessy, Darling, Holman, Lea and Cavey voting YES. Councilman Fiedler voting NO. UO'I!IG:J CARRIED ORDINANCE NO. 2717 It ¡vas moved by Cavey, seconded by Fiedlel:, that Ordinance No. 2717 entitled ";;.v ORDINANCE OF TilE CITY OF AUBURN, rvASHINCTON, APPROVING AND CONFIRMING THE AS5::SS,',!::,:\'I'S llND ASSESSI1EtlT ROLL OF LOCAL IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT NO. 265, vlHICH DIST.-::¿ICT H.::'S BE?:.': CREATED liND ESTABLISHED FOR THE CONSTRUCTION AND INSTALLATION OF CURB AND GUTTER, EXCA VATION, BALL;;STING, STORZ·! SEvlERS, ASPHALT CONCRETE PAVING ilND SANITARY 5E;':::R5 0:: 12TH STREET N. E. BE'TvlEEN AUBURN ¡yAY NORTH AND" /4" STREET N.E. SANITAR'L' SE;'.'EP..s TO BE CO:iS7'.~UCTE:D ONLY BEn'EEN AUBURN ¡'lAY ;VORTH AND HARVEY ROAD, INSIDE THE CORPD?J,¡TE LI'-!ITS 0: T.'fS CITY; AS PROVIDED BY ORDn:.Zl;¡CE NO. 2593 OF THE CITY OF AUBURN; AND L::;·/YI.\'G ;;"1D lìSSESSING THE' ANOUNT THEREOF .l¡GlŒNST THE SEVERAL LOTS, TRACTS, Pi1.RCELS O:~ Lz,,'iD .',:iD OTHER PROPERTY UPO.'1 SAID ROLL." be .introduc·::>d and adopted. pnr,r CA'L!'" VOT;::: All Counci lDen voting YES. l10TION CARRIED ORDI:'1J.ì:':CE :':0. 2718 It ~'las l~o'.TecZ h:; Hol:;::ln, second8d b'J Shaughi19ssy; tha t Ordinance No. 27.23 enti tled "J:"X O'WI:!.'~c'':CE O~" TaS CITY OF AUBURN, vh1SHIIiGTO.V, APPROVING AND CONFIPl1ING THE J1..SSESS!JSNT'S ii:\D J:"SS,,;SSiJE:~¡rc ROLL O~' LOCAL IN!'ROVENENT DISTRICT NO. 266, ~'¡HICH DISTRICT HAS BE:EN CI~El'..'I.'ED f~:'-D ESTABLISHED FOR THE Coz.¡STRUCTION AND INSTALLATION OF UNDERGROUND Po;':ER LI¡'IES· TO H2i'!;:;FLT TaE [)?I11ATE PRI].PEJ:'{TY ABUTTItfC 12TH STREET Z,l.. E.. BETI'/EE!." A[JB[j~qL\-:"'''--;·;¡;1.'- ! J 16 AUBURN, WASHINGTON MONDAY MARCH 19, 1973 nORTH N.fD HARVEY ROf1D f INSIDE THE CORPO?J:'TE LTNITS OF' THE CITY; liS PROVIDED BY ORDI:fANCE tlO. 2607 ()? THE CIT~" o¡·-' ...!J.UBU_;';:'~V, A~VD LEi/YI!'.,"C A:.'iD ASSESSIl'lG 'rilE Al',IOU¡'IT THEREOF AGAIZ.1ST TilE SEVEP--..ZlL Lo:rs¡ T.J.f?."S.CTS, PliRCELS OF Lli_~'7T) ,"~.."'¡D OTf£E;.~ PPOPERTY UPON SAID ROLL." be introduced a.nd a.dopted. ROLL CALL VOTE: All Councilmen voting YES. MOTION C:'?RIED ORDINANC~ NO. 2719 Itw~s moved by Sonnem3.nnf seconded by Cavey, that Ordinance No. 2719 entitled "J..li ORDT!~~VCE OF THE CITY OF AUBURN, WASHINGTON, R~LATING TO AND PROVIDING FOR THE VACATION OF STREET UNIMPROVED RIGHT-OF-r'lAY FOR THE R. TIPPEY ROlW AKA LAKE TAPPS ROAD IN THE SE 1/4 OJ:' SE' 1/4 SECTIO:'! 32, Tf'lP 21 N, RANGE 5 E., ¡<¡.U. SITUATE vTITHIN THE CORPORJ1TE Ln-fITS OF' THE CITY OF' AUBURN, r'/ASHINGTON." be introduced and adopted. I ROLL CAL.L VOTE: Áll Councilmen voting YES. MOTION C7Œ?RIED ORDINANCE NO. 2720 It ¡;,as moved by Fiedler, seconded by Lea, that Ordinance No. 2720 enti tIed "AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF AUBURN, r¡¡ASHINGTON f PROVIDING FOR THE REZONING OF CERTAIN PROPERTY LOCATED NORTH OF 37TH STREET NN AND EAST OF B STREET NTN, SITUATE f'lITHIN THE CITY OF AUBURN, rili$HINGTON, CHANGING THE ZONING CLASSIFICATION THEREOF FROM A-I AND UNCLASSIFIED TO l1-l." be introduced a.nd adopted. ROLL CALL VOTE: Councilman Fiedlerf Lea, Gavey, Sonnemann, Darling and Holman voting YES. Councilman Shaughnessy ABSTAINED. MOTION CARRIED RESOLUTION NO. 564 It was moved by Darling, seconded by Holma."l, that Resolution No. 564 entitled"A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF AUBURN, fTASHINGTON, AUTHORIZING AND DIRECTING THE MAYOR AND CJ;T¥ CLERK TO SIGN, OIl BEHALF' OF THE CITY, il PERMIT FOR LIMITED USE OF OPERATING PROPERTY BET'NEEN THE CITY OF AUBURN AND PUGET SOUND PŒ1ER AND LIGHT COMPANY FOR PARK PURPOSES." be adopted. , ROLL CALL VOTE: All 'Councilmen voting YES. I MOTION CARRIED RESOLUTION NO. 565 It ,·vas m-()T.;ed by Sonnemann, seconded by H01manJ that Resolution No. 565 entitled "A PZSOLUTION OF THE CITY OF AUBURN, [A1ASHINGTON, ANENDING SECTION 1 OF RESOLUTION NO. 498 Pll$SED THE 17TH DAY OF JANUARY, 1972, BY DIVIDING THE AUBURN CITY COUNCIL UTILITIES ~VD AIRPORT COMMITTEE INTO TWO SEPARATE COMMITTEES AND NkVING THE MEMBERS THEREOf'." be adopted. POLL CALL VOTE: Councilman Sonnemann, Shaughnessy, Darling, Holman, Lea and Gavey voting YES. Councilman Fiedler voting NO. MOTION CARRIED NTSCEL[,ANEOUS BUSINESS Councilman Darling stated that this ThursdaYf J.farch 22, 1973, at 7:30 P.M. the first Airport Ca:œnittee Meeting w.ill meet in connection ¡'lith the utility COß7tÍttea. The Airport Com:-rJ.ttee ;v.ill also meet on April 3, 1973, at 7:30 P.N. at C.ity Hall. A regular maeting schec1u1e ¡¡ill be coordinated in the near future for the Airport COi'r.mi ttee. I Ci ty Clerk Pro-tem, Gene r.¡i11iams, read a letter rrom Pat Nev~ns regarding t,,..-o items submi tted rOI' Council Approval. Change Order No.1 to Burnham Construction Company for decrease of $23,667.00 on cons truction of Street Improvement 135, PH III, Ellingson Road Rri dge and Road construction. It was moved by Sonnemann, seconded by rïedler, that the adoption of Changa Order No. 1 to Burnham Construction Company for decrease of $23,667.00 be approved. ROLL CALL VOTE: All Councilmen voting YES. MOTION CARRIED Pay Estimate No. 1 to Burnham Construction for construct.ion of St. Imp. 1]5, Ph [II f Ellingson Road Bridge and Road construction, in the amount or $4l,2 31.25.