HomeMy WebLinkAbout04-02-1973 I C\} ~ I:'-- ,-;) ç::. C. I I 1'}9 AUBURN, WASHINGTON MONDAY JJ.P'RTT, /... 7971 ,:.:_, regular mee;:ir:.g::;f the City Council of the City of Auburn conv-ened at 8:00 P.N., _i4'~ t.."-1e AU.bu~n Ci ty Counci 1 Cnasbers. ReCL CALL- ¡:c;:.)ncilmE:D D.reS2ì1'C:: Councilman Gavey/ Sonnemann, Shaughnessy, and Lea. -. .... :.l.2G...:..er Darling, Helman, APPROVJlL OF MINUTES It ,viis moved by Fiedler, seconded by Lea, that the Ninutes of Narch 19, 19ï3, be approved as mailed. NOTION CAR?.IED PUBLIC HE}lRINGS The City Clerk read a memorandum from George A. Schuler regarding the rezone request of Edi th N. Poortvliet. George Schuler stated, "~ie concur with the Planning Commissions recommendations on this request, and it does conform to our comprehensive land use plan. We have discussed the right-of-way dedication ~.¡ith the attorney for the owner and they have agreed to make this dedication to provide access to the adjacent property a}JlItting the free¡,.¡ay that is landlocked as far as access to 37th Street N. fv." Mayor Kersey declared Public Hearing open on the request of Edith fII. Poortvliet to rezone from Unclassified to M-I (Light Industrial), two parcels of land located at 37th Street N. W. ¡,.¡est of the Valley Free¡,.¡ay, involving approximately 25 acres of land. (."4.pplication No. 4-73) The Planning commission recommends the approval of this request provided it include th~ following provisions: 1. That a 60 foot right-of-way be dedicated along the sou therly boundary of the parcel lying north of 37th Street N. r<l. where 37th Street is at a level with the valley floor and then extending easterly to the east property line. 2. That in the event that a building permit is requested on -the property for industrial puxposes prior to the adoption of a landscaping ordinance by the Ci-ty of Auburn, the Owner and/or developer shall submit the landscaping plans of the propósed dev"elopment to the Planning, Beautification, & Building Codes Commi ttee of the ci ty Council for approval, modification, or rejection. Lyle Schneider, representing the applicant, stated that he and Edi th Poortvliet concur with the recommendation of the Planning Commission. It was moved by Fiedler, seconded by Holman, that the Public Hearing be closed. NOTION C1IRRIED It was moved by Fiedler, seconded by Shaughnessy, tha-t -the request of Edith Poortvliet to rezone from Unclassified to 11-1 (Light Industrial) be approved providing the follo:vin provisions be included: 1. That a 60 foot right-of-way be dedicated along the southerly b()undary of the parcel lying north of 37th Street N.W. where 37th Street is at a J.0:','el ,vi th the valley floor and then extending easterly to the east property line. 2. That in the event that a building permit is requested on the property for industrial ;J'e rposes prior to the adoption of a landscaping ordinance by -the Ci ty of Auburn, the O;'.':ler and/or developer shall submi t the landscaping plans of the proposed development t'J the Planning, Beautification, & BU.i ld.ing Codes Committee of the Ci ty Council for 2l_~!;ror.íal, rr:odification, or l:ejection. !:OUJ CALL VOTE: IiII Councilmen t'oting YES. NOTIO.': Ci?"~IS'J CORR£SPOtIDENCE 'i':;-; Ci ty Clerk read a letter from Robert E. Leaver regarding approT"fal of Green 2.:>:.'e..:· V_L?1.age, Di.....,ision No.6, Nater System. ì/faljor Kersey referred the letter to U,:"? ." JLneering Depart¡¡¡ent. 7.... City CleEk read the appLications for Land Classification, requ.esting farn ani a ricultural classifications, from Jonnn'j Q. and Juanita P. Vi.cente and Hal'Nlrd 'Ih:>rn>od. It ;vas moved by Fiedler, seconded bl) Cavey, to refer the appLications for Lar::i Classi-fica- ti on for Johnny Q. and Juani ta P. Vi cen te and lIal vard Thorrnoà to the Planning Co:,mission for recommendation. ¡"·10TIO~V ClU?;:'?IRD RECOtH-íE'tlD.ZJ.'I'IONS -~-_.~- T:,,~' follo-,./.ing items are subsitted by th0: Director of Public dorks, Pat Nc"n:ns, f(Jr C !ocil Approval: ~120 AUBURN, WASHINGTON MONDAY APRIL 2, 1973 R()[,r, í'l¡T,[. vOTE: All C"~'_:ncilmen voting YES. ~TjOtt f:-;"::._F;~tEr:. f ¡ ! Pay Estimate No. 5 to Reliable Welding Works for construction of Water Imp. No. 78, Academy Tank Reservoir, for $52,578.21. It was moved by Shaughnessy, seconded by Holman, that Pay Estimate No.5 to Reliable Ç/elding ~\'orks for $52,578.21 .De approved for payment. Pay Estimate No. 2 to Burnham Construction Co. for construction of St. Imp. 135, Ph III, Ellingson Road bridge and street improvement, for $44,722.36. It was moved by,Sonnemann, seconded by Holman, that Pay Estimate No. 2 to Burnham Construction for $44,722.36 be approved for payment. ROLL CALL VOTE: All Councilmen voting YES. llfOTION CARRIED I PROCLAMATIONS, APPOINTMENTS AND ANNOUNCEMENTS Mayor Kersey stated -that the School Levy Election tomorrow, April 3, is very important to the Auburn School District. He also stated tha-t he would like to take advantage of his position, as well as being a citizen, and urge everyone to go out and vote. May::;r Kersey announced that George Freemire, Park Supervisor, was honored with a Certificate of Appreciation by -the American Legion, Auburn Post No. 78, for outstanding service and assistance for the past ten years in helping with the Annual Memorial Day Services. Mayor Kersey announced that he had received a letter from Rev. Ralph Helseth, Chairman of the Rotary Citizenship Program, thanking everyone for their cooperation on Rotary Citizenship Day. Mayor Kersey proclaimed f'lednesday, April 4, 1973, as "Rainbow GOvernment Day" and stated that about twenty young ladies will be learning about the workings of city government on that day. The Mayor announced that there ¡·¡ill not be a Workshop Meeting on Monday, April 9,. 1973; I hoc,'ever, there will be a banquet at Roy's Chuckwagon at 7:30 P.M. for -the Outstanding f'¡Ofnan of the Year for huburn. i-1ayor Kersey proclaimed the month of April, 1973, as Auburn .7irea No. 2298 E'raterna.l Order of Eagles Month and urged all citizens to participate in its observance. COUNCIL COI1f1ITTEE REPORTS L.ICEHS!:: AND ORDINANCE COI1MITTEE - CHAIRMAN GA VEY Chairman Ga'Iey stated that the LEFE' Board met on March 26, 1973, and all mewers were present or excused. The Cormni ttee auth::;ri zed to pay the majori ty of the 1:>ills presented. There ;.;112 be a License and Ordinance'Committee l1eeting on April 11,1973, at 7:30 P..N. STREET NlD ENGINEERING COMi'¡ITTEE - CHAIRl'.'1AN SONNENANN Chairman Sonnemann stated that the regularly scheduled meeting for the Street and Engineering Comlnittee ,,¡ill be on f'lednesday, April 4, 1973, at 7:30 P.M. U~:ILITY COo"fMITTEE - CHAIRl"lAN SHAUGHNESSY The Utility Com~ittee met on Thursday, March 22, 1973, at 7:30 P.M. George Mack and I Pat Nevins explained hoc.¡ the Rainier Vista Sewer Contract could affect the City of Auburn Contract negotiations ¡-1Ìth Uetro. After considerable discussion, the Committee instructed George Hack to revie¡ý the latest revised edi tion of the contract -that ,,¡ill be sent to him by Bob Gunter, Netro Legal Counsel, and then to incorporate t11e Committee's ideas into a revised edition of the contract. 'l'he COT7'..tni ttee revie~¡ed the request by the Cemetery Board for a proposed ne,,¡ well to serv'e the cemetery area. The Com'TIi ttee agreed to the concept of the well exclusively for the cemetery, provided that fInancing is ai7ailabJe. Gary Shay appeared bE!fore the Comtni ttee to explain his proposed changes in the billing and readinc¡ of the ¡'Iater meters for the entire Ci ty. The Comrni ttee felt that if it vias p''Jssih.le to implement this schedule, then they .muld suppor-t an ordinance change - .._---_.._..~.._~ in ordar to make it legal. I C\j çx: f:-... t-.J ç¡ ~ 121 AUBURN, WASHINGTON APRIL 2, 1973 MONDAY T¡'le C·oT.:-u-ni ttet:;: re~vieç.¡ed a .proposal by G90~qe .ir:sta..Iling sanitary se~'fers in th'2 ...::Jàst.. 'Ih9 a= fIR'! Street S.E. anà I:uns easte_!:ly for the 2ni Addition Plat. The Com~ittee agreed to ;.¡ou~d be I.'eirrbursed after the Ci ty of Auburn Schuler to reimburse Mr. Heisserman for sani tary se;ier line in question starts entire length of the Martha Heisserman approve a resolution whereby Mr. Heisserman collects the assessment. Pi'l'C i:~v.in'3 pre~¿J.J.~eà d ¡.Jropcsad plan ~'lhereD9 21~ .large 'u..jé.;i.-~ r,_ ti'i~ sarli tary ~2:~/er S:j5'temco/J.Id be charged in accordance ,vi th the existing commercial and industria2 r~te that is tied to the water rates. All Com~ittee Members took this home ror ÎlJrthêr stLI5y. /1 copy of tb;:.late$': 1Çules and regulations prO'.lided by E.P.A. t·¡asbriefly revie;Ÿ2.::'. 'J.'hf} single most important PQrtion of the Act states that "No grant t'1Ì1I be a;.,'arded after Ju.ly 1, 1073, unless the applicant satisfactorily demonstrates -that the se;·;er cql1ection sys ::'~m discharging into the ¡yorks is not subject to excess infil tratiQn an·:':. Sect_i.on 201 (G) <1 authorizes Federal assistance for sewer system erraluð. tion s ':udies necessar9 to determine v¡hether there is excessi ve infil tration. Procedures t-:> p"~rr.J t Federal assistance under these requirements is a part of -the usual cons truction gr3.!; t process and incorpora ted in these regulations and ,,¡ill be applicable to grants ü.;·¡·)!.·t1ed after June 30, 1973." Pat Nevins stated the Ci ty of Auburn has already pl.-3.1s·,ed an a;-nount of money in the budget to help fund this specific requirement and ,v'.';·¡ill be püIsl.1Íng this in the very near future. The Commi ttee has taken steps ;·¡h,LCh do t,,¡o things: 1. It complies vlith rules of E.P.A. and 2. it makes our present se;·;age plant more efficient. Pat Nevins reviewed the one page analysis regarding revenue and expenditures that pertain to the 1972 bond issue. It Iv'as moved by Shaughnessy, seconded by Holman, be authorized to attend the American Water Works Vancouver, B.C. on April II - 13, 1973. that Joe Sickler (Public Works Association (A.W.W.A.) Meeting - - [;epartl119n 1101'ION C."4.RRIED AIRPORT COMUITTEE - CHAIRlmN DARLING III The Airport Committ« will me<t Tuesday, April 3, 1973, at 7,30 P.M. PLl'<~NING, BEAU"TIFICATION AND BUILDING CODES CONlvIITTEE - CHAIRNAN DARLING I The Planning, Beautification and Building Codes Committee will meet Tuesday, April 10, 1973, at 7:30 P.M. as scheduled. FINANCE CO~ll1ITTEE - CHAIRMAN HOLMAN The Finance Comndttee met on Thursday, March 29, 1973, a-t 7:30 P.M. The March bills ¡"ere not presented to the Commi ttee due to circumstances beyond control. However, the Comrrdttee has since studied and recommends for approval the Voucher Approval List. Individual notes, financing L.I.D. 's, for supporting fund transfers were revie¡.¡ed and -the follm.¡Íng procedures set: (1) The Mayor ¡ifill sign all notes. (2) The notes ;.¡ill become an investment of the fund that they are transferred from. (3) The interest rate will be set at 6%, until changed by instruction of the Finance Com7Ûttee. (4) All notes issued during the calendar year are due and payable on December 31 of that yea.r. !-1at}or Kersey presented, to the Comrni ttee, a listing of priori ties from D2par-::'r:¡en: Heads dnd recommendations for the expendi ture of Federal Revenue Shari rlg .r'1nc7.s. A detailed âiscussion, by all members present, resul ted in the fo.IlOí<1Íng reco::-_-::encia. =ion: That the next meeting of the Finance Corrmittee, which is scheduled for April 12 at 7:30 P.M., be attended (by special invitation) by all members of the Council. The t;../o subjects to be discussed and revie;"ied are: (1) 1973 budget, its for!:1at, and proper implementation. (2) Revenue Sharing - after each Councilman has made suggestion and recoml71endations, the expendi ture of these funds ;,.¡ill b.e finalized. Further information on the Centrex Telephone Sys tem ¡.¡as discussed. The Commi ttee recommends that the Mayor and Director of Finance be authorized by the Com~ittee to n2~;c;=:ate further and to install a Centrex System for the entire City of Aubun1 fac:ili ties. It ~/as moved by Holman, seconded by Darling, that the Mayor and Director of Finance be authorized to negotiate further and to install a Centrex System for the entire Ci cy of Auburn, as soon as possib.Zc. POL!, CALL 'lOTE: All Counci lmen voting YF;S. l'·:O'I'T(,}~f~ C·j-:"'F?RL::~D ]22 AUBURN, WASHINGTON MONDAY APRIL 2, 1973 The COT::T:i ttee discussed and recommends to Cou:;.ci 1 that the Elliott Stencil Cutter be declared surplus. It ;-¡as mo;,'ed by Holman I seconded by Darlj ng, ti:;'::.Jt the E.Uiott Stencil Cutter be declared surplus because it is not nged9d~ .F?OLL C;'..LL vuTE: All Councilrnen T/oting YES.. MOTION C.~RRIE'D :/!ayor Kersey upda.ted information to the Com.i1i ttee ::;n Personnel Problerns and the need ror a profession3-] consul tal1t to analyze and make fu ture :recommendations on an equi table basis. The Mayor will continue t6 negotiate for this service. PUBLIC S.~,c'E'TY CONNITT2E - CHA!RNAN FIEDLER I The Public safety COjT~rnittee ,'lill meet on Tuesday, April 17, 1973, at 7:30 P.li. The C0i7:"l1i ttee ,,¡ill discuss the 911 System and if it is desirable for the City of Auburn. I request everyone ,·¡ho is interested to be at the Cornmittee Meeting. MUNICIPAL BUILDINGS AND EQUIPz,JEtVT MAINTENANCE COMMITTEE - CHAIRMAN LEA It ,vas moved by Lea, seconded by Darling I that the Library Board be directed to get a consultant for the Library to study the heating system. Several members of Council discussed this and stated that the purpose of hiring <:!- consultant is to see if the present system would be able to utilize an air conditioning system. Any reports will be given to the Council before any action is -taken. ROLL CALL VOTE: All Councilmen voting YES. MOTION CARRIED The Municipal Buildings and Equipment Maintenance Committee will meet with the Finance Committee on April 12, 1973, at 7:30 P.M. and it is hoped everyone will be in attendance. DEPARTlfENT HEAD REPORTS George Schuler, Director of Planning, introduced James Keller and announced that he is filling the position of Planning Assistant which was vacated by Charles Weehler. I ... OLD BUSINESS Ordinance No. 2716 .enti tIed "AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF AUBURN, WASHINGTON, AMENDING lWBURN CODIFIED CITY ORDINANCE 1.20.020, PERTAINING TO COl'1PENSATION OF AUBURN CITY COUNCILl1EN, INCREASING THE MONTHLY COMPENSATION OF AUBURN CITY COUNCILMEN, COMUENCING NEr., COUNCIL TERNS ON OR AFTER JANUARY l, 1974, TO $200 PER MONTH." introduced only at Council Meeting on March 19, 1973. ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS RESOLUTION NO. 567 It was n~ved by Holman, seconded by Shaughnessy, tha-t Resolution No. 567 entitled "A RESODUTION OF THE CITY OF lWBURN, f<lASHINGTON, l1UTHORIZING THE MAYOR AND CITY CLEP..K TO SIGN A Lll TE COl"lER SEC'lER AGREEMENT NITH WAYNE HEISSERJ.1AN." be adopted. ROLL CALL VOTE: All Councilmen voting YES. MOTION CARr:¿IED t:ayor Kersey stated that in regard to Ordinance No. 2716, the City has received six letters against a pay raise for the Councilmen and several phone calls in regard to this ordinance. Jack Bereiter also stated that his office has received sc:'/era2 calls from people \-¡ho ,.¡ere under the impression that the ordinance had aJ..r/~a:::.':1· ...a:3.5seà.. I RESOLUTION NO. 568 i·1ayor Kerss'j stated that on Nonday morning, April 2, 1973, there ,,¡as a special ¡n¿;oti.na on NetT.o TransÍ t ,,¡hioh he attencìecl. The ¡'¡a';jor stated that in 1972 the lcq.isI;lture passed legislatio:1 for a . 3~~ increase in State Taxes and the ci ti zens ,..:..-1 :~- Nrr"': -::-:::."-. - ':Lf. ../.-.¡..-- "'.........,-:-. -'-'-~---J:na t"h;:JT .J.-hiC" 7.:?crea8e ,in taxes ~·l::Y!..llrl b~ ~/0,-2...... ......1..· '::)'-",-/--4 ;.....~~_.~, .._'-_'" ........_.,_ ....L'-"t-..... _ . -' ,', . '_sed for transi t puroC!ses. It is feJ. t that the government and legislature should work toqether to 1209- that this is done. Therefore, the follm.¡ing resolution is .recor[1¡.tl1ended for passage. _. --'---"--' .-.... -...-..--.,----.. I N ~ I:'-- ~ >=:¡ o I I 123 AUBURN, WASHINGTON APRIL 2, 1973 MONDAY 1 t ¡",as m::;ved by Fiecller, seoonded by S}1aughnessy, that Resolution U::;. 568 enti tIed. "A P..ESOLUTIOiV OF THE CITY COU:,¡CIL O?' 'THE :::ITY OF AUBURN, ~IASHINGTON, URGInG THE HO,':OP_:'SLE¡ DANIeL J. EVkVS, GOVERNOR OF THE ST~='?E OP f','l...SHI,VG'L'02!, ."4~:O ALL 1'1ENBERS OF THE r-1ASFln;GTO;'l I ST.'~TE LEGISLATURE TO COOPERJ:..TE f'iI'7'H THE CI'I'Y OF J:..UBURN AND THE MUNICIPALITY OF ¡ OF HETROPOLITAN SEATTLE IN EXPLORING ALL REASONiiBLE lŒTERtlATIVES TO HELP EASE THE CURRENT STATE BUDGET CRUNCH SO LONG i1.S THE ALTERNI1TIvES DO ¡IJOT IliPAIR HETRO'S ."4.BIL1'7'Y TO PER PO RI:1 TUE ~TOTE;R APPROf/;;r; 'L~~¡\t[JIT PL..:q;<.[.. 11 be adopted. C::;uncìlman GaTley stated that he ,.¡ou1.d like to clariEy. ¡,/hy he ¡vi1.l vote no on ;:",":'5 resolution. He statecl that the Metro Transit System stated during the election "C"":ac: they would use non-pollutìng fuel in their system and he feels Metro Transit has not operated in good faith to the citizens because they have not done this. Mayor Ke'rs-ey stated that during the election there were some rumors about the non-p::;lluting buses, but he feels that the citizens ¡vere more interested in a bus system than higher costs that vlOuld be required to operate liquid propane or natural gas buses. Further discussion from Council followed. a'-f'(': J....,I,-,,- ROLL CALL VOTE: Councilman Fiedler, Lea, Sonnemann, Shaughnessy, Darling, and Holman voting YES. .. Councilman Gavey voting NO. NOTION CARP.IED RESOLUTION NO. 569 Jack Bereiter, City Atto.rney, s-tated that he has been advised that Substitute Se~ate Bill 2266 has been introduced in the Washingtòn S-tate Legislature and if passed it would increase the financial costs to all cities -to support the Washington State Law Enforcement and Fire Fighters Pension and Disability System and if passed it will be contrary to the interests of the citizens of the City of Auburn and also to the employee groups that might receive bene.fi ts under such expanded legislation. It ,,¡as moved by Gavey, seconded by Sonnemann, that Resolution No. 569 enti tIed "A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF AUBURN, WASHINGTON, EXPRESSING XHE OPPOSITION OF THE AUBURN CITY COUNCIL TO SUBSTITUTE SENATE BILL 2266 NHICH r¡.lOULD DRASTICALLY INCREASE THE FINANCIAL BURDENS UPON CITIES AND El1PLOYEE GROUPS UNDER THE f<lASHINGTON STATE LAW ENFORCEMENT FIP..E FIGHTERS PENSION SYSTEM." be adopted. ROLL CALL VOTE: All Councilmen voting YES. MOTION CA....'Z.F?IED VOUCHER APPROVAL LIST It was moved by Holman, seconded by Lea, that the voucher list dated March 30, 1973, in the amount of ~$l,809,624.37be approved. ROL~ CALL VOTE: All Councilmen voting YES. nOTION CARRIED MISCELLANEOUS BUSINESS d th t he is inreresred in Ordinance No. 2716 and he feels Councilman Lea state i a j.. j.. - - - j.. . . sn'oul.d .o'e Offered the opportunity to be heard regardi~g the people in the aud~el1ce -- the ordinance. , b.l'" - . ",,:1 ....","'.;.,.. Louie Hitchcock, Audrey Campbell., Bill Nurphy, and BarDara Camp e J.. al.L vo~c~..... '-..--- , ',?ctions to a salary increase for the Councilmen. Some of t.he reasons g~ 7~~ ;·¡ere: OD]~ , . , t' '~"'r"" all co~""" ,......"'''''- r,,',.', L. ve a fu 71 time Mayor ¡"ho serves as an aalill.n.lstra ~ ve merrw,.~ 0" ..,-,,- ~~~_::> " " na. - , ¡., . +- . _ . ; d '. .<:u· 71 t';mo salary and he should be able to gec toget..er ¡v.l_n c.__ an rece~ ves a L - .<. ,~, . . . . . . ~........ ã-?.oartment heads and eliminate some of the time consum.l.ng d~SCUSS~o~~ ~n c~.~_"'1~ '- ,-~2 ,7 . _. "'-e.t';nrrs' counr--ilm"'n receive com.oensation for trips and var.lOUS meec.lngs ¡'::l2C:: sr.ot.:.<.o i.' If;.... ....L.. ';1' J. _..J. . - J: . ... . J.-~ ,,. be taken into consideration; councilmen kno~/ ¡,¡hat salary they ,nIl. rece~ ve ¡..r~el1 I.-",e;: aT'" Olected' various emDloyees should receive salary increases ratner tr.an tne -'" ~,~ . h 7 . - 'lm~n ~""a' tax"'s mau bo increased iÇ the councilmen rece~ve t~ e sa_ary .lncrea::>e. counc~ 1;;;::; cu. J ..... .. -' -- ..... various councilmen stated their reasons for a salary increase. Some of t~e re~sons gi vel1 ,,¡ere: Councilmen go to various meetings and drive to T,Tarious 10catH:ns ~n 1:0,,,'1 to chock into Ci ty Bus.i ness and pa':j for their o;m car expenses; counc~lmer: ,serve on at least three comrnittees and spend considerable cime at the r"eet1.I:9::; dS W'CL.L t' .' nt ....0 s....ud" C.; ty B·'sinc.ss on their oç,m; Fhenever councJ.lmen att€)nd as ne"C.l me 5 pe L. L.:1 j.. ~ ~ . . .' meetings they must use their vacation time accum~late~ at the~r va~~ous f~ll tlme jobs; and although councilmen kno¡,/ ¡..¡hat salary t,:ey ¡nIl rece.lve ,'¡¡Ln ele~ted, the positions are very time consuming and demandlng.