HomeMy WebLinkAbout04-16-1973 126 AUBURN, WASHINGTON MONDAY APRIL 16, 1973 Bids ,lere open:=d April 10, 1973, 1-l:00 A.¡1. for Contract 73-06, construction of LID 273, sanitary seç.¡er on "M" Street N.E. bebleen 12th and 14th Street N.E., with bids submi tted as fo110;'IS: C!:lF1D CO?ISTRüCTIOZ'I CO:IIP¡'~VY BASIC BID $ 6,043.69* ::>,?d'::J.ì-;- 7,439.45 7,465.24 8,143.90 8,351.87 8,871.53* 9,270.93 13,989.10 17,887.84* ALTERNATE BID $ 5,959.45* v. ~r. S2R.AGUE INC. J.À.NES A. GUESS C0l1PAHY BOdER CONSTRUCTION CO:'-IP"1r;y F~hVK COLUCCIO CONSTRUCTION COMPANY ¡'iQOLEY'S PIPE & SE¡VER INST. INC. riL BREDA LDL DEVELOPMENT COMPANY, INC. COULEE CONSTRUCTION COMPANY, INC. O'LEARY CONSTRUCTION COMPANY c .'~ r;? .:. ~ ..".~ ...1'__ . -" "- 7,140.39 7,442.08 7,689.00 ----- 8,.639.86 9,207.75 15,421.18 17,8.87.84 I * Bids as corrected The above bids were accompanied by bid bonds, the above bids include sales tax. It is the recommendation of the Director of Public Works, Pat Nevins, that Contract .vo. 73-06, construction of LID 273, sanitary sewer on "M" Street N.E. between 12th and 14th Street N.E., be awarded to Chad Construction Company or Auburn on their 10'1; bid of $5,659.50 plus $299.95 ~\lashington State Sales Tax for a total of $5,959.45. Alternate bid recom~ended for award. It was moved by Sonnemann, seconded by Darling, that Contraat73-06 for construction of LID 273 be awarded to Chad Construction Company On their'low bid of $5,959.45 - alternate bid - with Bid Bonds returned to O'Leary Construction Company, Coulee Construction Company, Inc., LDL Development Company, Inc., Al Breda, Wooley's Pipe & Sewer Inst. Inc., Frank Coluccio Construction Company, and Bor.¡er Construction Company and upon signing of contr2ct the Bid Bonds be returned to J. J. Sprague Inc. and Jam9S A. Guess Company. ROLL CALL VOTE: All Councilmen voting YES. MOTION CARRIED Bids were opened"April 10, 1973, 10:00 A.M. for Contract No. LIDs 274 and 276, water main installation Eastridge and S.E. submitted as follows: 73~15, construction of 304th area, with bids I J. J. SPR¿1GUE INC. BERT ROBISON CONSTRUCTION niC. DIORIO CO,\'STRUCTIO:-I COMPANY, INC. TJJ,"¡ CotlSTRUCTION CONPiJJ.VY FRANK COLUCCIO COllSTRUCTION COMPANY Jl¡!.!£S A. GUESS COMPJ1NY MORRIS CONSTRUCTION, INC. HANSON EXCl:¡'VATING COMPAlvY, IHC. LDL LAND DEVELOPl-IENT CONPANY, IHC. COULEE CONSTRUCTION CONPANY, INC. $59,183.82* 60,628.58* 62,232.30* 64,807.94* 66,217.91 66,702.23 66,752.83* 68,255.46* 71 ,092.77 88,804.76* * Bids as corrected The above bids were accompanied by bid bonds, the above bids include sales tax. It is the recommendation of the Director of Public Works, Pat Nevins, that Contract ,'.[0. 73-15, construction of LIDs 274 and 276, water main installation Eastridge and S.E. 304th area, be awarded to J. J. Sprague, Inc. of Puyallup on their low bid of $56,204.96 plus $2,978.86 Washington State Sales Tax for a total of $59,183.82. It '·¡as moved by Sonnemann, seconded by Lea, that Contract No. 73-15 for construction I of LIDs 274 and 276 be awarded to J. J. Sprague, Inc. on their 10'-'1 bid of $59,183.82 ;,;i eh Bid Bonds returned to Coulee Construction Company, Inc., LDL Land Deve.lopment Company, Inc., Hanson Excavating Company, Inc., Morris Construction, Inc., James A. Guess COMpany, Frank Coluccio Construction Company, and VJM Construction Company and upon signing of contract the Bid Bonds be returned to Di Orio Construction Company, Inc. and Be:.-t Robison Construction Inc. !-'.r.JLL CALL. VOTE: Al1. Councilmen vonng YES. 110T101V UL.'<R.LJ::.Û RECOMMENDATIONS The foll.orÚng items are submitted by the Director of Planning & Community Development, (;e(~)Tge ~5chuler,. for Cou.ncil Approval: -...-----..- .-'.. _. P--' _..... Pinal. Plat of Great r'/':Jstern, lipp_Ucation P-_l-69, Nhitacre Engineers, Inc. 127 AUBURN, WASHINGTON MONDAY APRIL 16, 1973 It ;'¡as moved by Holman, seconded by G2'.rey, that the Findl Plat of Great rvest:ern be approved and the City Attorney be instructed to draw up the necessary ordinance and the Mayor and City Clerk be auti:.orized to sign the plat. !-'iCJTIO:'- Cl8RIED Request to call for Public nearing on the Preliminary Plat Applicati.,y"'.. ::0. 23-73, North lwburn Industrial Park. I It ¡vas moved by Fiedler, seconded by Holman, that a Public Hearing be held on Y3'..'j 7, 1973, at 8:00 P.M. in the Council Chambers, on the request of North Auburn Indus~rial Park. !,!07'r:::¡~'1 C.f1..!.--<RI2D The follo;ving item is submitted by the Director of Public Tt!orks, Pat Ne~7ins, for Council Approval: Chaj"¡ge Order No.1 to Gary j"lerlino Construction Co. on St. Imp. 134 constructiorJ, 8th St. N.E., for decrease of $15,434.25 reducing cost to the present budget. .Tt tlaS moved by Sonnemann, seconded by Cavey, that t...l1e adoption or Cllange Or-der 1"\tO. 1 to Gary Merlino Construction Company for a decrease of $15,434.25 be appro/ed. C\J ~ i:'- r-, ~I Ç.; c:. ROLL CALL VOTE: All Councilmen voting YES.. NOT IO;V C.?iRR.L: E D PROCLAMATIONS, APPOINTMENTS AND lUINOUNCENENTS I Mayor Kersey stated that there has been a lot of discussion during the past se~eral months in regard to revenue sharing. Revenue sharing ¡vas included in our budget but no specific areas were pointed out. According to the Federal Govern~ent, the City of Auburn is required to have spent or obligated the amount of $423,610.00 prior to March 1, 1974, and the Mayor requests that the following allocations be supported: Miscellaneous storm sewer or drainage - $50,000, Police Department movie projector - $650, Police Department gun range improvements - $300, Police Department lighting in office - $950, Financial-Administration (Update Code Books) $10,000, Municipal Building Site - $300,000, sealcoat and overlay - $97,000, overhead traffic control signs - $3,000, matching money - Share LID Street & Improvement Programs - $50,bOO, Parks & Recreation - deleted items from 1973 Budget - $25~000, Beautification Projects - intersection & highway beautification - $15,000, and Fire Station - classroom wall addition - $2,000. It was moved by Holman, seconded by Fiedler, that the City Council support these allocations. MOTION CARRIED Mayor Kersey stated that April 16 through April 21, 1973, will be observed across our Nation as School Bus Safety Week. School bus drivers have compiled an outstanding safety record in transporting over 6,500 students in Auburn for a distance of more than 512,341 annual miles and 'this safety record is deserving of recognition and commendation by the general public. Therefore, Stanley P. Kersey, Mayor of the City of Auburn, proclaims the week of April 16 through April 21, 1973, as School Bus Safety Neek. The Mayor announced that the City of Auburn will again sponsor an Annual Clean-up Dri v'e commencing Monday, April 23, 1973. COUNCIL COMMITTEE REPORTS I LICENSE AND ORDINANCE COMMITTEE - CHAIRMAN GAVEY Th,= Lic::'nse and Ordinance Committee met at 7:30 P.rI. on lJ.pril 11, 1973. À. cU.scussion \Ýas held regarding the recommendations of Chief Scyler on a;r,endments to t:-:·? ex:'s ting bicycle ord.inances and the Ci ty Attorney ;'laS instructed to è,ra;., up the ~~~=S5ary ordinances to make any changes. It was 2~'led by Cavey, seconded by Fiedler, that the City Attorney be instructed to C.·C¿:4.,j :::.'-:8 necessar~¡, ordinances and present them at the next Council Meeting. NOTION CARi:?IED 12B AUBURN, WASHINGTON MONDAY APRIL 16, 1973 T:-:e CO~7!J~i. ttee 8c)':,J'sd t..'-:a.t the ci ty Council 2pyr~~/:? the fol1o~Jing fire:"lor~K:.S stand apc']lica::ts: lim2}::ican Legion Post # 78, Chinook E:le:nentary School P.T.A., Holy Fartily Parei1ts Club I Jiuburn Jaycges, Earl Ric:harès I rCnights of Colurr.bus #3598, f1uburn f'ihi to Shrine, and lJ.'.1bl.1rn Eagles #2298. . It ¡'Ii:¡S m::wed by Gav·ey f seconded _rf-'"")c()m~~0 .1ê1·r-:..i ens o.f t?le License by Fiedler, that the Council concur ~·;ith the and O-rcri !12?7Ce C()"0?rni tt:eA an.n Ann-rntTP J..,- !.," ..- - . -- t.l1 e' aho ~r8 l' . d ....LSr:e al?ylj.cants £~_r: .L-ire~·jor;::. sta·nds. l10TIfJl'¡ Ci:.RRIED The Committee moved to reissue the Taxi Cab License to Kent Taxi subject to re,¡ie'd by Chief of Police, Larry Scyler. The Co~"itte2 moved to reco~mend approval of the contracts with Algona and Pacific regarding housing of their city prisoners in the Auburn City Jail. It was moved by Gavey, seconded by Holman, that the above recommendation be approved so the Algona and Pacific city prisoners may be housed in the Auburn City Jail. ROLL CALL VOTE: All Councilmen voting YES. fil0TION CAP..RIED STREET AND ENGINEERING COMMITTEE - CHAIRMAN SONNEMANN The Street and Engineering Cowmittee met at 7:30 P.M. on April 4, 1973. The Cowmittee requested a designated budgetary location of funds for the purpose of placing sma11s'igns to be hung overhead from signal supports' indicating allowable direction of travel in addi tion to pavement legends. This matter çvas solved under the revenue sharing al10catiòns. The Cowmittee requests an item be placed in the Globe News explaining the Street Cleaning Policy and Procedures, accompanied by a map indicating the cleaning schedule as public information, with the hope that citizens will not park on the street on the day cleaning takes place in their particular area. A memo:candum to Pat Nevins from l1arv Seabrands was offered to the Commi ttee for infor- mation only. Per the memorandum, the Highway Department indicated they will surface or repair the follo,-,dng street areas, "A" Street S.E. from 6th Street S.E. tò 11th Street S.E., "A" Street S.E. from 29th Street S.E. to Ellingson Road and "A" Street S.E. from Ellingson Road to the south City Limits. Also, Auburn Way South in the vicinity of the railroad crossing south of 4th Street S.E., Auburn Way North from the south side of Main Street through the north side of 4th Street N.E. ç,¡ith additional sealing from that point northerly to the north city limits. The next Street and Engineering Com7Úttee Meeting will be April 18, 1973, at 7:30 P.M. AIRPORT COMMITTEE - CHAIRMAl'l DARLING The Airport Committee convened at 7:30 P.M. on April 4, 1973. The report of the Ci ti zen.' s Advisory Sub-Commi ttee ¡vas discussed. The assignmetJ t of the Ci ti zens Advisory Sub-Commi ttee ¡-¡as to make a thorough study' of the total financial structure and operations of the Airport. The report they submi tted tvas extens.i ve. It v-1as their opinion tha t the Airport could be made a very profi table Ci!:.'l Ins tallation, that ¡.¡ou1d bring business and money to the Ci ty of Auburn as ;'l'?ll as paying off the indebtedness of the facili ty, by bui Iding more hangars and :?nc:ouraging aircraft oriented bus.inesses to locate at the Airport. .Tt 'lIas recon---:nenc!ed by the Sub-CoIiL.'Tìi ttee to raise present hangar rent by the f.lrst of June. TJ.~e COllI1Cil liirportCommi ttee agreed t.¡i th the recommenda. tions to raiseha!'!qar relita.Is <-"-."1:1 ins ,:n.:.cted the airport supervisor to notify plane owners, wi th Apr.il' s b.l:Z.Ling f Lha t effec:i'l"e eTune 1, 1973, hangar rentals t</i11 be increased as follows: closed hangars will go from $56 per month to $60 per month, open hangars from $30 to $35 per month, Ö1in hangars fro,,) $50 to $54 per month, and tie-dmvns will remain ~)17 pe,r rnS?7.th. l~f..ter v.Ísi t~ng other a.irports around the area, it t<las the reCO!r,rnendation of the Sub- COin;r;.itte":: th¿'+:. the Auburn Municipal Airport bp. taken out of politics and eventually be manag::,d by an ir:dependent Board of Directors comprised of local bus.inessmen.. '.NlE! Sub-Com;nittee also sugqested the Airport Budget for 1973 be redone to reflect: a more Lealistic estitnate of the total Airport Finances. TheiL rCê::.Jcrnendations .included qeeting a Control TO¡ver as soon as possible to control =ne tLd{f.·j.C b~Jtter, to cut dO'dn complaints of noise and aircraft not adher.ing to the \ \ \ i I I t ¡ ! ! I I I ~ ~ -_._-.~.~..