HomeMy WebLinkAbout05-07-1973 I .C\l ~ ¡.... 1-..) ~~ o I I 133 AUBURN, WASHINGTON MONDAY MAY 7, 1973 T.heregular meeti..--:q City City of Auburn convened at 8:00 P.M., Co::;:c':'l O~ ·the .c . ~ OL cne in the ...;.'luburll Ci.:y Council CnaIT':J:?Is.. RCJL,L CALL CorZrlc·ilmen .'}rese:1t: Counci.7r."¡,-::,n Ga.-",/E;Y.. Sonner::ann, Shaughnessy, Darlin~,", t-::OJ...T:7.2,Z? and Lea. APPROVÀL OF Z,!INUT:::S It ¡"as moved by Darling, seconded by Holman, that the Council Minutes of J:.pri 1 15, 1973, be ar::endecl as follm'7s: Page 1, paragraph 8, last sentence, should re'3.d "tL::. ~2.-:-:S a1.so recomI'!1ends tr.at the 1968 Airport Bond Issue and the 1970 Airport/Golf COi.1rSe E:x:?d TS.5i:12 :be taken into consideration for advance refunding."; Page 1, paragra.ph 10, Line 1, should read "It r.¡as moved by Holman, seconded by Darling, that a contiI1i..:.e~ [<'.eeting be held at"; Page 1, paragraph 10, line 4, should read" possibili ty or refunding the 1968 Airpòrt Bond Issue and the 1970 Airport/Golf Course Bond Issue."; Page 9, paragraph 12, line 4, should read "of refunding the 1968 Airport Bond Issùe and the 1970 Airport/Golf Course Bond Issue."; and Page 10, paragraph 3, lines 4, 5 and 6 should read "Committee had discussed in detail the advantages of adv2nce refunding of the 1970 Airport/Golf Course Bond Issue. However, the 1968 Airport Bond Issue is not recommended for advance refunding at this time." NOTION C;.1RRIED It was moved by Holman, seconded by Lea, that the Minutes be approved as amended. MOTION CA,RRIED PUBLIC HEll..RINGS Mayor Kersey deèlared Public Hearing open on the request or Shaughnessy & Company, Inc. för a Preliminary Plat to be known as North Auburn Industrial Park, a parcel of land located between 30th and 37th Streets H.E.', fronting "c" Street N.E. (Application No. P3-73) The Planning Commission recommends the approval of this request since the proposed plat meets all requirements of the City of Auburn Subdivision Ordinance No. 2204, and all the improver.ents to serve this plat have been installed; therefore, it is recommended that the owner and/or engineer proceed with the preparation of the final plat for acceptance. Denny Holt, representing Shaughnessy & Company, Inc., stated that he feels the recommendations of the Planning Commission fit in with those or his employer and he would be glad to answer any questions in regard to the above request. It was moved by Gavey, seconded by Holman, that the Public Hearing be closed. MOTION CARRIED Discussion by Council in regard to Airport Master Plan and if North Auburn Industrial Park would have any affect on the airport runway. George Schuler stated that there would be nO problems. It ¡.¡as moved by Holman, seconded by Fiedler, that the reques t of Shaughnessy & Compan'j, Inc. for a Preliminary Plat to be kno;.¡n as North Auburn Industrial Park b:: a~");?roved , POL [, Ci':.LL VOTE: Counci Iman Ho.rman, Lea f Ga'.'cy, Sonnemann and DarIi ng vot2.nq '.:."::3. Councilman Shaughnessy abstained. f'~:O?IO~\· C..?l...'RRIED COP-RESPON D:::XCE c{ t:y Clerk Pro-tem, Gene vlil1iams, stated that the Ci ty recei ved a letter rrom (:. B!'Ìce Martin, King County Boundary Rei,·ie:·7 Board, regarding City or Des Noines - proposed annexation. Boundary Revie¡'7 Boare!. Temp. File No. 2-3. r: :JCT Kersey as]:ed the Public Ý'lor:ks Depart;J:2nt to noti.fy the Boundary Ra'fie>; B:Jard that tl,f' ('; t~; nr Z\'.Jo',r:n ;''3=' r() r:)-,jections to the pro!?osec1 annexatio" Gene: f'lilLi:aii7s mentioned the inter office me;norand'1m from John B. Berei tar I Ci ty i1ttorney .requesting permission to authorize Nr. Bonjorni' s la¡" firm to pursue the collateral cZain of the City of Auburn against KIng COU;¡ty. Nr. B9reiter stated th;;It t...¡'¡e claim is against King County for neglig2nce of the King County Court Reporter not proGptly transcribing the record .in the Standard !1ining case. 134 AUBURN, WASHINGTON MONDAY MAY 7, 1973 It was h.oved by Holman, seconded by Gavey, that authorization be given ~o Mr. Bonjorni's law firm to pursue the collateral c1àim of th2 Ci ty of liUburn against King County. ROLL CALL VOTE: ¡ t I t Th'e Cit:.,~ r:7c-._~~s.. -;;£u~ ~:::';-; r: :)r:.-~-~,-,:!~d· c1:.=. leL;:'2r rec~ívec1 +:'::Clll; ~'.".. c. ;:;r)'1'artrvlashing.t_lJ. St:.,..;.e Highway COlTIlni.;;s_ion, regarding Ci ty of Auburn Sp2ed Zoning. Pat Nevins stated that the speed zones should be approved by the High¡vay Commission next vleek. Mayor Kersey also stated that he has already r-Tarned the Aubuxn Academy Students in regard to the speed chang s in the vicini ty of iJ.uburn Ac¿¡demy. All Councilmen voting YES. MOTION CA;r~RIE;D Mr. Wi2liams read the Zone Change Application from Jim Kramlich, requesting change of zoning from J¡?-4 (Multi-Family) to Specia.I Property Use a parcel of land located at 1222 Harvey Road. (Application No. 11-'73) I It was moved by·Gavey, seconded by Lea, to refer the Zone Change Application of :rim Kramlich to the Planning Com.rnission for recommendations. P£JTION CARRIE; D The application was read for Land Classification under RCW 84.34, Open Space, Agricultural or Timber Lands Current Use Assessment, from Henry Dykstra, requesting farm and agricultural classification for property located at 3006 West Valley Highway North. It was moved by Shaughnessy, seconded by Lea, to refer the Application for Land Classification for Henry Dykstra to the Planning Commctssion for recommendations. HOTION CARRIE;D Gene Nilliams read a letter from Richard P. Fiedler v¡ft!.ch requests Mayor Kersey and Nembers of the Council to accept his resignation. Mr. Fiedler states in his letter "The reason for this action is that I have accepted a promotion and transfer t-o¡ith my employer, Burlington Northern, Inc." He also stated "I have enjoyed mg work on the Council and reg.ret the necessi ty for terminating this association." .It was moved by Sonnemann, seconded by Shaughnessy, that the resignation of Richard P. Fiedler be accepted since he is moving away from our community. I f.!OTION CARRIED l~ayor Kersey stated that he has taken down Councilman Fiedler's name plate and he ¡/ill be presenting it to Mrs. Fiedler. The Mayor also stated that the City will send a letter to Councilman Fiedler. BID OPENINGS Bids were opened May 2, 1973, 11:00 A.M. for Contract No. 73-11, light dump truck for Street Di vision, wi th bids submi tted as follows: SCARFF MOTORS, INC. F.f1L!ÆY l10TORS $ 4,786.00 4,962.93* * Bid as corrected The above bids were accompani2d by bid bond or bid check; the above bids include tI:ade a.lloYlallce and sales tax. It is the recor.~endation of the Director of Public Works, Pat Nevins, that Contract Ho. 73-11, light dump truck for Street Di vision, be a[<1arded to Scarff Ford on their low bid of $4,786.00. I It ¡'7as moved by Lea, seconded by Holman, that Contract No. 73-11 for a light dump truck for the Street Division be awarded to Scarff Ford on their low bid of $4,786.00, and upon signing of contract the Bid Bond be returned to Valley Motors. ROLL '-'"!'!r- I.....-rl,LJL v~Or;:E .. A..Ll ~. . . ., .' -," ,-Oil.J!.C~...L.tTtc:;i.l. \tvc...J...J..l";j :..Lw..:J.. !10TIOU C.lJ.RRIED Bids were opened gay 2, 1973, 11:00 A.M. for Contract No. 73-14, 5 CY dump truck for ['later Di vision, "Ii th bids submi tted as follQrvs: Vli.L,}:"£'l' l{OTORS BliSE BID $.20,313.08 9,683.28 ALTERNl!'TE #1 $873 . 99 rJE:T BID $10,672.00 8,883.28 - -~-'-----~-,-- ",')(~llRFF t-lCJTORS, Il/C.. I ~ ~ t-- '-:> ¡;::~ o I I 135 AUBURN, WASHINGTON MONDAY MAY 7, 1973 The above bids ,.7ere accompanied by bid bO:7.d or b_id check, the above bids include sales tax & the net bid also includes ~ra¿e allowance. It is the recomYlcndation or the Director of Public r'7orks, Pat Nevins, that Contract 73-14 be awarded to Valley Motors on their low bid of $8,883.28 per paragraph No.2 of their letter of May 2, 1973, as fol1m-;s: "Bid 73-14. The Dodge 600 ;.;i11 meet ~~ '?;,cet:::rl ct.2.2 ~~c'_;r 31!~c:if':'c:J.tiol1~. ç'le are Li.,-1--7~~lg ':-'.--::¡ t1~·]}t being builè. ·/hir~':'¿ subject to prior sale, if purchase order is recei ved in time to furnish this u:2i t deli very will be in approx. 60 days. If 73 uni t should not be available ;/e ¡,"ill t.1eI"l furnish 1974 model approximately end of October providing trade is turned in at ti IT'2 of purchase order so that ,,7e may. sell it during this seasons marÌ>:et. Our D:::mc. must be. a.ccepted per these conditions of quoted bid." Contract 73-.14 is for 5 CY dump. t tuck for ~"a ter D.l visl.on. It· :vas moved by Le.a, séconded by Shaughnessy, that Contract No. 73-14 for a 5 CY durr\ptrl1ck for ~'/dter vi v.lsion be a,,;arded to Valley Motors on their lo:-¡ bid or $8,383.28, subject to their ability to deliver a 1973 unit, and upon signing or CO:2tract the Bid Check be returned to Scarff Motors. ROLL CALL VOTE: All Councilmen voting YES. NOTIOX CkP.?IED Bids were opened May 2, 1973, 11:00 A.M. for Contract No. 73-16, flat bed dump truck for Parks and Recreê1.tion Department, 'tlith bids submitted as fol1mvs: SCARFF MOTORS, INC. HOYT MOTOR COMPANY $ 3,893.99* 3,100.02* * Biels as corrected The above bids were accompa~ied by bid check, the above bids include sales tax. It is the recommendation of the Director of Public WorksJ Pat Nevins, that Contract No. 73-16, flat bed dump truck for Parks and Recreation DepartmentJ be awarded to Hoyt Motor Company on their low bid of $3,100.02. It ¡"as moved by Gavey, seconded by Lea, that Contract No. 73-16 for a flat bed dump truck for the Parks and Recreation Department be awarded to Hoyt Notor Company on their low bid ?f $3,100.02, and upon signing of contract the Bid Check be returned to Valley Uotors, Inc. ROLL CALL VOTE: All CounGÍ 1men voting YES. l-JOTIO¡V CltRRIED RECOMMENDlJ.TIONS The following items are submi tted by the Director of Public Plorks /' Pat Nevins J for Council Approval: Creation of LID 277, street surfacing, curb and gutter, ç"ater mains, street lighting and sidev¡alk tV/est side only), on liD" Street I!. E. between 15th St. N. E. and a point 310 feet North of 15th Street N.E. Estimated amount of improvements, $17,753.70. 100% of total assessable frontage and 100% of total area property owners signed petition. It wa~ moved by Shaughnessy, seconded by Sonnemann, that LID 277 be created and that the City Attorney be directed to prepare the necessary ordinance to accomplish same. ROLL CALL VOTE: All Councilmen voting YES. MOTION C;;Œ.?r::D Authority to advertise for call fo_r bids on L.I..D. 277 ("D" St... l"¡.r.:., ?1orth of 15th Street N.E.). It was moved by Shaughnessy, seconded by Sonnemann, that authority be given to the Public Works Director to call for bids on L.I.D. 277. ROLL CALL VOTE: All Councilmen voting YES. f.JOTIO.v CARRIED Pay Estimate No. 1 to W. C. Frost Construction Co. for construction of Sanitary Se¡,'er ITiip. #23 (d1.jV:e ÍrnoT'-w-"'rnents r>t -;!?;"pr: lagoon), in the amount of $5,715.32. It was moved by Gavey, seconded by Lea, that Pay Estimate No.1 to W. C. F~ost Construction Company for $5,715.32 be approved for payment. POLG CALL VOTE: All Councilmen voting YES. MOTION CliRRIED 136 AUBURN, WASHINGTON MONDAY MAY 7, 1973 . ¡- ,- 1 t B h]m Consrr'7~t_in~ Co. for construction of Street Pay E'stl.ma_e NO. 0 urn:," - -- - -" TmrJ1:ovement No. 144, RR Bridge and street improvements on "AIT St. S. E. 3rd - '., L- r$,.,¿¡r'277 to 6th S.E., l.n I:ne amounL.. or 0 ~ ,!:J'J . .' It ¡'¡as <:cJ'Ieè. by Holr::an, seconcled by Sonnemann, that Pay Estimate ?:lo. 1 to Burnham 'c r co~struction of Street Improvement No. 144 for $84,842.77: C'0:.îstruct.ron ,.,om...oany ror.. _ DS: dP....OJ._·0~/eè. for pay~;;er:t:.. 3t'ief dis::ussion by COll:Jcil in regard to ."ork done on this project: so far. Pat Nevins stat.ed c::ac: Burnham Construction Company has put in a retaining ¡·¡all next to the sho;:;p.i:J'j center, fill material and some piling. The shoofly can't continue until the I'-?a-ilroad rec.:ei f/es. the trac},:. and signal mate,riaJ.. ,,:?OLT.. CllLL VOTE:: All Councilmen voting YES. l{OfXOL{ CARRIED I ·Pay Estimate No.6 to Reliable fielding f''¡orks for cìnstruction of ¡later Imp. 78, Academy Tank Reservoir, in the amount of $23,406.64. It was r..oved by Shaughnessy, seconded by Sonnemann, that Pay Estimate No.6 to Reliable Welding Works for $23,406.64 be approved for payment. ROLL CALL VOTE: All Councilmen voting YES. NOTION CAR.~IED It is recom~ended that on St. Imp. 135, Ph I, Ellingson Road Construction, con- structed by Pacific Paving Compåhy, thè withheld amount òf $12,744.00 plus appropriate interest be paid to Contractor. It is also. recommended that this project be accepted based on the arbitration board's decision. It was moved by Sonnemann, seconded by Gavey, that: St. Imp. l35~ Phase I, Ellingson Road Construction tvithheld amount of $12,744.00 plus $195.14 interest be approved for payment to Pacific Paving Company as per arbitration board's decision. ROLL CALL VOTE: All Councilmen voting YES. MOTION CARIŒED PROCLAMATIONS, APPOINTMENTS AND ANNOUNCF;MENTS I Mayor Kersey proclaimed the week of May 14 through 19, 1973, as National Transportation Week in the City of AuQurn, Washington, and urges all Auburn Citizens to join in this observation. Mayor Kersey announced that several of our Public Employment Program Employees have been awarded certificates of achievement for successful completion of the training course: "Grantsmanship" - Federal Proposal f^lri ting. The Mayor also stated that the employees working under this program have been very good employees for the City. Mayor Kersey congratulated Marvin Seabrands, Assistant City Engineer, and Michael Eldefonso~ a P.E.P. Employee, for completing the training courSe and he awarded them the certificates stated above. COUNCIL COMMITTEE REPORTS LICENSE AND ORDINANCE COMMITTEE - CHAIRMAN GAVEY The next License and Ordinance Committee l1eeting will be at 7:30 P.M. on ¡"Jay 16, 1973. STREET AND ENGINEERING CO}H1ITTEE - CHAIR}mN SONNE MANN The Street and Engineering Ccmrni ttee met on April l8, 1973, at 7: 30 P.M. The Corr.mi ttee discussed and recommends that the speed limit from 15th northerly on "!!J" Street shall be 40 miles per hour to a point where a "reduced speed ahead" v¡i th an advisory 25 miles p9r hour sign shall be placed, per engineering calculations, al10tving sufficient distance to decelerate in order to make a right turn onto 29th. The 25 miles per hour zone ¡Ii II comtnence as per these calculations and continue northerly to the dead end. The center line of "/1" Street shall be carried onto 29th and a curve sign ¡,.âth an advisory 15 miles per hour shall be installed in advance of this right turn. Tha t portion o.f "M" Street north of 29th shall be made a stop street at 29t:h N _ ~.,. ror traffic southbound to;.,rarcl the intersection of "N" Street N.vl. and 29th St. N.ýl. I The Commi ttee revie;.¡ed the proposed bike route for Auburn. The Comrni ttee discussed the advertising being placed on the various benches around the City and requests the staff ",'ork ¡lith the Despains and the City Attorney in working out this matter. The DTD on F_'ast !.fain Street from "R" Street easterly ~las revie~¡ed by the Com,71ittee. -.----..--.-- I C\ì ~ l"- t-:; t:='¡ c: I I 137 AUBURN, WASHINGTON MONDAY MAY 7, 1973 CC)~2nGilrnan '::>():1:1e.-(Za...~::! stated t.:~at théir ;·.:oil1 be a meeting of the Commi ttee on CO:TL.'7!i ttee' 5 on t:¿;'.J 14, 1973, at 7 P.M. The fiJ:st p02":.:ic:¡ of the meeting ¡·¡il1 be open to the cl;,.01ic fo?: t~~9 p~r_coses of rec2i~/"ing naC:~5 2n:i nor!ìinations to fill Councilman Fiedlers vaca:1t position on the Counci2 and to discuss possible restructuring of various COl?tlcil COÌT'~nitte2s.. Tile second portion or the meeting ;·,ill be an execut:i~.le sess.lon - C.L05cCZ to t.}-le p~jlic - to discuss candidate qualifica.ti.ons~ All me:W9rs of the C:(.J~lncil are id Ii ts~: " a (.... -t-~:.l.:r.ë:.J,:.r:e.. 1..:0 be UTILITY CO,--lMI'rrE:E - CHAIRMl!N SHAUGHNESSY The utility Co~~ittge met at 7:30 P.M. on April 19, 1973. The Cowæittee discused the sani tary se:'¡er installation at Skylark Trailer Village. Because or th2 a¡;_:;a.2"=_""!t Fi.nancial hardship ;"lhich ¡.¡auld be imposed by requiring installation of se,'lers at this ti."re, and in vie¡-I of the policy applied in the past by the Council in reg::.J.rd t;iJ. se:'1er connection, the Comrnittee requested a draft of an agreement be composed by George Schuler, Planning Director and Joe Kempston, utilities and Constructi8n E!1gineer - for approval of the ci ty At torney and revieç.1 and approval by the COIr,;ni ttee prior to finalization. The Com~ittee discussed credit for installing water services at Green River Village Division No.6. It was explained that water services from the water main to the property line, including meter boxes, have been installed by the developer in Green River Village No.6. This was done prior to street paving to eliminate the necessity for cutting and patching the new street at the time each service to a new house was required. Joe Kempston indicated that it was his and Bill Sutton's recow~endation that the developer be allOí-led a credit of $100 for each of the 17 lots at the time of requesting water service to each house, with the 'applicant paying only $50 rather than the normal charge of $150 for a 3/4" metered service. Since the City would save money on the installation under this arrangement the Committee gave its apprQval for the credit of $100 per lot. The puget Sound Power and Light Company was given a requested delay for underground electric service to 921 "H" Street S.E. as recommended by Charles W. Smith, Chief Building Inspector. Approval of the delay was granted in order to avoid disturbing "H" Street S.E. which has recently been paved. The approval was given subject to the property owner signing the standard agreement to participate in any future LID proposals for undergrounding power on "H" Street S.E. councilman Shaughnessy asked that Jack Lange, Public ~vorks Supervisor, be allowed to attend a seminar of the Refuse and Disposal Collection Association in Vancouver B.C. The City is to pay his $20 registration fee and Mr~ Lange will pay other expenses. Discussion by Council followed and the Director of Public Works was asked why Jack Lange should pay his own expenses. Pat Nevins stated the primary reason was because this item had not been budgeted for this year. It was moved by Shaughnessy, seconded by Lea, that Jack Lange be allowed to attend a seminar of the Refuse and Disposal Collection Association in Vancouver B.C. on May 9, 10 and ll. The City is to pay his $20 registration fee and reasonable expenses to be paid subject to the availability of funds from the Garbage Utility Fund. ROLL CALL VOTE: All Councilmen voting YES. NOTION CAR.R.IED It ~as moved by Gavey, seconded by Sonnemann, that an amendment be made to the original ~o=ion to reflect that the time off not be charged to Leave Time since the trip C0ncerns City Business. Pi)LL CALL VOTE: Counci 1man Gavey, Sonnemann, Darling, Holman and Lea voting YES. Councilman Shaughnessy voting NO. ":·JTTt'ì~'... ":_-:.D.?~:f) AIP?ORT COXHITTEE: - CHAIRNAN D/;.RLItlG The Airport Co:nmittee n,et at 7:30 P.g. on April 26, 1973. The Cornmitt:ce contim.:ed to r";'/ie;.· and 5 t;~:cl.y ::he Ci ti 2cns' Sub-Corr~7Ü. ttee Rep8rt and recommendations. Discr.;ssi8::' "las he_~d on the ¡1irport Budget for 1973, ¡'lith the revenue section looked at in detail. It a'[!pears tha.t t.r.~e a!1cicipated revenue fro~'7J gr?soline sales t'las unde,¡:est:imated/ b,-,s''''cZ on an a?erac¡e l8% annual increase ~::n Cjas sales since the A.irpo.rè r·¡as cons trlicc9d. Already in 10/3, the gas sales for the first three months are 11,L38 gallons more than 197 2 .according to Airport Nanager Chipperfield' s records, ',-li th betteT fl~'ing '-'leather and increased airport activity a lead in the remaining months of 1973. Income from revenues for hangar rentals, tiedŒ-In space reo tals, maint:enance Eacili ty rentù.1 and .lease income from space occupied by lwburn Flight Service r.¡as antic.ipated at $50,000.00 for 1973; ho'·;ever, according to the rental rates and lease chdLge 138 AUBURN, WASHINGTON MONDAY MAY 7, 1973 as 01: Jd;!Uary 1, 1973 for the 15 closed hangars / 85 open hangars, 6 b-lÍn-engine haTlqars, 15. tiedo'.¡n spaces / 2 closed hangars and office for the maintenance facili ty a..'1d Auburn Flight Service, the maxim~m income that could have been anticipated would total $59,340.00, an in~rease of $9,340.00 revenue than estimated in the 1973 Budget. At the time the 1973 Budget r<,'as prepared, there ¡ýas a ."aiting list averaging 15 plane ow'ners, desiring to rent hangar space, Based on this '",aiting list for ha:J.gar ::!,ac:e·, t~a Eél':rl-t:enance :faciljt-y beì'~~. -:::;;~Y"'.~tc-'Ó at" :::i¡2 J~:..i..7:"-.;rt ~rd the lea.;;ö agreement ;d th Auburn Flight Service, it was the opinion of the Airport Corntni. ttee, Airport ¡,}a;1ager and others present 2t the meeting that this item of revenue was understated and should be changed to reflect a more accurate estimate of anticipated revenue at the time when Airport Budget is redone. Councilman John Lea ¡vas requested to look over the vacant 600 sq. ft. available in I L'1e Flight Service .building and ten rooms, 15' X 16' at the ends of each hangar . that could be rented for storage, meeting rooms I etc., and to check out the deta.ils of a rental or lease agreement rŸÍ th Ai rport Manager Chipperfield and the èi ty littorney, This' could be another source of future revenue for the A.irport and Councilman Lea will report back to the Committee. Councilman Holman will be requested to contact Finance Director, Gene WilIiar.s, to investigate the sale of revenue warrants as a possible method of financing the construction of additional hangars and report back to the Committee. Building more hangars r,¡ould provide for additional airport hangar and additional gasoline sales revenUe. Chairman Darling announced he will contact Dixie Mays, Director of the State Aeronautical Commission about attending the May 16th Airport Comœjttee Meeting to bring the Committee up-to-date on how the State is looking a.t the future of the Auburn Airport and how it fits into the State of Washington's Airport System Plan and funding ~vailable through the State on certain Airport construction projects. Therer,vill be a special meeting called when we are notified when Dixie Mays ,,,,ill be able to attend. The next Airport Committee Meeting is scheduled for May 16, 1973, at 7:30 P.M. FINANCE COt1MITTEE - CHAIRMAN HOLMAN The Finance Committee met at 7: 30 P.M. on May 3, 1973. r£'he Committee discùssed investment of $600,000. I It was moved by Holman, seconded by Darling, that the Director of Finance be authorized to reinvest $600,000. ROLL CALL VOTE: All Councilmen voting YES. MOTION CARRIED Hayor Kersey presented information from Sgt. Gordon Bunker which related that the present Drug Program is not fulfilling the need J to the extent of its funding, and that the present program should be funded through June 1, 1973, on a minimum basis. In the near future, consider this service being available through the "Youth Services Bureau. tr After detailed d_iscussions on the drug problems in this. area, and in Auburn specifically, it was decided that the program be funded through j"¡pril. and Nay. It r"as mo,;ed by Holman, seconded by Dar Ii ng, that the pres en t Drug Program be funded thrcJ!:gh April and May ¡-!Í th a maximum funding of $3600. ROLL CALL VOTE: All Councilmen voting YES. NOTION CARRIED 'l'he ordinances for implementation of the Advance Refunding Bond Issues ..rere presented to the Committee. z.:r.nVICIPAL BUILDINGS IIND EQUIPMf:NT MAINTENANCE COMl1TTTEE - CHAIRMAN LEA I The date for the next Municipal Buildings and Equipment Maintenance COmllÚttee will be set in the near future. DE:PARTMENT HEAD REPORTS George Schuler, Planning Director, stated that Clark Plaza will be dedicated on t'ictY 1':1, .¡../¡'.J, ã¿ ..LV:UU h..L"1. ORDINANCES AND Rf:SOLUTIONS ORDINANCE NO. 2724 ...._._...~--_.__.- [I: ,ýas mCJ>7ed by·'Holman, seconded by Lea, that Ordinance No. 2724 entitled "AN O··-;".)[;'.-A::CE OF THE CITY OF' ;.1UBURN, '·/I1.5HLNGTON, APPROVING THE PLAT OF GREAT çœSTERN ¡·~_:-ì~-;T'~"TCX'/ I L)IVISrOtl /10. l? TO Tl--l.t;; CT1['l' OF ilUDURfT, r~l.llSf{l1'lGTO:l, l!CCORDIlfG TO TTfE 7?I.JP..7.f I C\} ~ I:'- '-:> c¡ o I I 139 AUBURN, WASHINGTON MONDAY MAY 7, 1973 THEREOF ON FILE fiITH THE CLERK OF THE CITY 0:" .7'¡ UB URN , fvASHINGTON." be introduced and adopted. ROLL CALL VOTE:: All Counci.l.men voting YES. 110TION CARRIED ORDI~7'¡NCE NO. 2725 It ,.¡a$ moved bJ Sonnemann, seconded by Holman, that Ordinance No. 2725 enti tIed "AN ORDINANCE PROTIIDING FOR THE ISSUANCE OF $820,000.00 PAR VALUE OF "¡¡IATER AND 5E;:E? RETj'E:NUE RE:FUNDING BONDS, 1973," FOR THE PURPOSE OF PROVIDING FUNDS TO REDEEM $8.15.,000.Ot) PXiR VALUE OF ITS OUTSTANDING "¡¡IATER AND SEr'lER REVENUE BONDS, 1969"; FIKnrC THE·· DATE, FORN, DENOMINATION, MATURITIES, IN:l'EREST RATE, TERMS AND COVENJ:..N'I:S OF SUCH REFUNDING BONDS; PROVIDING FOR AND AUTHORIZING THE PURCHASE OF CERTAIY OBLLGATTONS OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA OUT OF THE PROCEEDS OF THE SilLE 0:: S::XH RE'f'UNDING BONDS AlvD FOR THE USE AND APPLICATION OF THE MONEYS TO BE DERIVED FROM SUCH D/'lESTNENT; PROVIDING FOR THE REDEI"IPTION ON DECEMBER 1, 1979 I OF THE OUTSTANDI:TG "f'lA2.'E?" AND SErvER REVENUE BONDS, 1969"; AND PROVIDING FOR THE SALE AND DELIV¡::RY OF THE REFUNDING BONDS TO BLY'TH EASTNAN DILLON & CO., INC., OF SEATTLE, ¡¡lASHING TON ." b~ introduced and adopted. ROLL CALL VOTE: All Councilmen voting YES. NOTION CARPIED ORDnU1.I.VCE NO. 2726 It '''as moved by Darling, seconded by Sonnemann, that Ordinance No. 2726 entitled "A,'; DRDINl1NCE PROVIDTNG FOR THE ISSUANCE OF $696 ,000.00 PAR VALUE OF "GEN~PJ1L OBLIGATIO:,: REFUNDING BONDS, 1973," FOR THE PURPOSE OF PROVIDING· FUNDS TO REDEEl'J $690,000.00 PAR VALUE OF ITS OUTST.lJ.NDING "GENEP.;.1L OBLIGATION BONDS, 1970," DATED JULY 1, 1970; FIXING THE DATE, FORM, DENONINATIONS, l1ATURITIES, INTEREST Rl'iTE, TERNS AND COr,"ENkYTS OF SUCH REFUNDING BONDS; PROVIDING FOR AND AUTHORIZING THE PURCHASE OF CERTlUN OBLIGATIONS OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA OUT OF THE PROCEEDS OF THE SALE OF SUCH REFUNDING BONDS AND FOR THE USE AND APPLICATION OF THE MONEYS TO BE DERIVED FROl-I SUCH INVESTMENT; PROVIDING tOR THE REDEMPTION ON JULY 1., 1980, OF THE OUTSTANDT;VG "GENERAL OBLIGÀTION BONDS, 1970"; AND PROVIDING FOR TIlE SALE AND DELIVERY OF THE RE FUNDING BONDS TO BLYTH EAST!1AN DI LWN ¡:; CO., INC., OF SEATTLE., ¡¡llJ.SHINGTON." be introduced and adopted. ROLL CALL VOTE: All Councilmen voting YES. NOTION CARRIED ORDINANCE NO. 2727 It was moved by Sonnemann, seconded by Gavey, that Ordinance No. 2727 entitled "AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF AUBURN, ~YASHINGTON, PROVIDING FOR THE CONSTRUCTION AND INSTALLATION OF CURB AND GUTTER, BALLASTING, GRADING, ASPHALT CONCRETE SURFACING, SIDEvlALK, STREET LIGHTING AND 8 INCH CAST IRON ¡¡lATER l"ÆIN I AT "D" STREET NORTHEAST, BETvoJEEN 15TH STREET NORTHEAST, AND A POINT 310 FEET NORTH OF 15TH STREET NORTHEAST I INSIDE THE CORPORATE LIMITS OF THE CITY; CREATING AND ESTABLISHING LOCAL Il1PROVEl1ENT DISTRICT NO. 277; PROVIDING THE l1ETHOD OF ASSESSMENT IN SAID DISTRICT AND THE NODE OF PAYMENT THEP..EOF, AND CREATING A LOCAL Ii1PROVEHENT FUND THEREFOR." be introduced and adopted. ROLL CALL VOTE: All Councilmen voting YES. l<10TION ClJ.RRI ED RESOLUTION NO. 570 It ,,¡as moved by Holman, seconded by Lea, that Resolution No. 570 entitled "A RESOLFJTION OF THE CITY OF AUBURN, v'l.l>SHINGTON, DESJ.GNATING THE PACIFIC lhlTIO:U...L BANK OF ftiASflINGTON ,AS THE OFFICIAL CUSTODIAl;¡ FOR THE Cl"TY OF AUBURN OF THE UNIT:':D STATES DEPARTl1ENT OF HOUSING AND URBAN DEVEWPNENT ACCOUNT NUMBER 41436 EST.4Br.IS::'~D FOP. THE PURPOSE OF REIMBURSING THE CITY OF AUBURN FOR FUNDS EXPENDED ON F.~T:;R. A:ID SEelER FACILITIES PROGRAM." be adopted. ROLL CALL VOTE: All Councilmen voting YES. N'JTION C.~.,:°.RIED RESOLUTION NO. 571 It t-¡as moved by Darling, seconded by Hol:::an, that Resolution No. 571 enti tIed";, RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF AUBURN, WASHIlfGTON, AUTHORIZING THE DIRECTOR OF FINhNCE FOR 'nit: CIT:r OF AUBURN, WASHLNc;'1'ON, TO ENTER INTO .4N AUDI'!' CON'1'RlICT FOR THE PU1:œuS;C:; uF SATISFYING, UNITE:D STATES DEP,y,RTNE:NT OF HOUSING AND URBAN DEVELONIE,'IT REQUIRE:XE:NTS FOR THE ;.1UDIT OF FUNDS RECEIVED BY THE CITY OF AUBURN UNDER AUDIT CONT?jlCT fWD 41436 PE:RTAItIING TO rvATER AND SEf'iER F.4CILITIES PROGRi1t1 FOR THE CITY OF AUBURN I r·,'ASHINGTON." be adopted. POLL CALL VOTE: All Councilm9n voting YES. r!()'TT()~"'J' CJ1R,RIt:D '140 AUBURN, WASHINGTON MAY 7, 1973 MONDAY RESOLU'I'IO.v !';O. 572 It ¡·.'as :'îo',Teci by Sonnemann, seconded by Ga?eYT that Resolution No. 572 entitled"A P.2s0LU~ICr,' OF THE CITY OF lWBU¡W I ~·.'l:...SHI:I:;TO_'! I .4UTHO?IZING .f1ND DIRECTING THE NAYOR ~Vn,CITYCLERK TO SIGN, ON BEHALF OF THE CITYJ A~ AGREEMENT BETIifEEN THE CITY OF _2_¡/:JO~"";"~1 ['l_:2.St£Il'lC;TOt1, ..~ZV¡; "icl}; '--.:1.:..'1.' OJ: ;!¡1CIFIC" r·I}J~SI{I!.vG7!C~""", ./J_ND 2'£:.~ ~"I..&.1t' Cf" ~'lUB!..}...¥.2/f [·.'.'i.SHIt!é;;:O'1, FOR 'THE; PURPOSE OF THE CITY OF AUBUR.V TO PROVIDE JAIL FACIL.ITIES FOR THe:; CITY OF ALGONl!. ./;'ND PliCIFIC'S PRISONEPS. t1 be adopted. ?OLL ClŒL VOTE: All Councilmen voting, YES. MOTION CARRIED RESOLUTION NO. 573 It was moved by Gavey, seconded by Sonnemann, that Resolution No. 573 entitled "A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY 'OF l'iUBURN, ri7ASHING'I'OJ:1, AUTHORIZING l'iND DIRECTING THE HAYOR MiD TilE CITY CLERK TO SIGN I ON BE1L'4.LF OF THE CITY I AN l'iGREEl1ENT r1ITH THE fvJJ.SHINGTœ: STATE FlIGHNAY C01'IMISSION FOR FINJ...NCIAL PARTICIPATION IN THE COST OF HIGE£lNAY WIDENntc liND IMPROVEMENT OF AUBURN rvAY SOUTH (SR 164) AND 32ND STREET SOUTHEAST TO PROVIDE LEFT TUP.J.V CHANNELIZATION LOCATED NITHIN THE AUBURN CITY LIMITS." be adopted. ROLL CALL VOTE; All Councilmen voting YES. MOTION CARRIED VOUCHER APPROVAL LIST It r.¡as moved by Holman, seconded by Lea I that the voucher lis t dated April 30 , 1973, in the amount of . $2,792 ,108.12 be approved. ROL.L CALL VOTE: All Councilmen voting YES. MOTION CARRIED Th~re b~ing no further business to come before the Council, the meeting was adjourned by Mayor Kersey at 10:04 P.M. APPROVED THIS 8TH DAY OF MAY, 1973. --=:::::::: t I I ¡ ì J ! ! I t i \ \ i I I I --- --. ~--_. -_.~--