HomeMy WebLinkAbout05-21-1973 I C\l ~ I:"- f-J .- 100-. o I I 141. AUBURN, WASHINGTON MAY 21, 1973 MONDAY '.{'¡:-:e .re·-:;¡µlaT .:.T:·:!:etin']' of tlle City Counci~ 0:: th~;: Cit~· of lluburn convened at 8:00 P.!.'-!., _in the Auburn ci tu Council Char.b:2rs.. S2LECr::IO~'I BY TfIE CI~}:' CCJ[j¡"''/CIL 'I'O FILL COj~\~C:ILl¡!¡1£\1 Vll.CAtiCY CounciLman So,-;n2mann stated the. t the CO!i~T.i ttee on Cc,'","'ii ttees met , /' 1.."":, 1973; ::In tfau ,::~rlti as a ~~/hc) 7 ~ thAY haà pre.2ir?i.r.arSl diSCì}S.'=;/,--:Jn ~e7arding possi}:'>le changes i:: C:o:J.::.=:i2 posi tions. The':J vi2.t'"2t: into 211 Executi './e SessiúI1 co discuss qU~..Lifi(;2.tior:. of ~2r:.i..i ¿a.t~s fO.L the \/'2cant Council posi tion a~ld narro~~reã dor;..l.z:. f_r:O~1 seventee11 to t.;.~ree applicaz1ts, as has been announced. Those persons ,'ìere Este.Ile Harrell, ;"·!aru Ca.2::::-·,-211, and Al Flechsig. At 7:00 P.M. this evening the Council Members had interviews with the thr22 appli=2~ts abor;e~ Nary Caldwell informed us this evening that she ¡muld like to wi thdra.;-t her name from the rurwing for personal reasons. Prior to this intÒrma tion tn", COè.zncil had agreed that we had three very qualified candidates and anyone of the 'three ¡.;o1.12.:1 be very qualified for the posi tion. fie are now dmvn to two candidates and ¡·¡ill have a voiced ballot vote. ROLL CALL VOTE: Councilman Lea, Ai Flechsig¡ Councilman Holman, Ai Flechsig¡ Councilman Sonnemann, Estelle Harrell¡ Councilman Darling, Estelle Harrell¡ Councilman Gavey, 'Al Flechsig¡ and Councilman Shaughnessy, Estelle Harrell. City Attorney, John B. Bereiter mentioned that if the Council Members do not make a decision for this position within thirty days of Councilman Fiedler's resignation, Mayor Kersey may select a new Councilman. ROLL CALL VOTE: Councilman Lea, Ai Flechsig¡ Councilman Holman, Ai Flechsig; Councilman Sonnemann, Estelle Harrell¡ Councilman Darling, Estelle ~ Harrel1¡ Councilman Gavey, Ai Flechsig¡ and Councilman Shaughnessy, Estelle Harrell. John Bereiter once again mentioned that the Council should make a selection or it would be up to Mayor Kersey. Councilman Sonnemal1n stated that we could go about this several ways. One, we can flip a coin or two, we can go into a short Executive Session. It was moved by Darling, seconded by Gavey, that at this time the Council go into Executive Session to make a decision on candidate selection. (8:10 P.M.) MOTION CARRIED At 8:20 P.M. Mayor Kersey called the meeting to order. ROLL CALL VOTE: Councilman Lea, Al Flechsig¡ Councilman Holman, Al Flechsig; Councilman Sonnemann, Al Flechsig¡ Councilman Darling, Ai Flechsig¡ Councilman Gavey, Al Flechsig¡ and Councilman Shaughnessy, Al Flechsig. Mayor Kersey asked Mr. Flechsig to come forward. The Ci ty Attorney, John B. BeTei ter, administered the Oath of Office. I do so.Iemnly s¡.¡ear that I will fai thfully and impartially perform the duties of Councilman as prescribed by law and to the best of my abili ty, and that I ¡¡ill support and mainta.in the La~'s and the Consti tution of the State of Nashington and the united States. So help me God. ;/:r. Flechsig ansl'lered, "So help me God, I ¡v.ill." lIr. Flechsig took his seat ."-'--.. the Council. Xa'.jor Kersey stated that there is quite a lot of info!:Ination in the packet in Îr-:Hl'C of Mr. Flechsig and 'Cold him he does not have to vote on these ite~s tonight if he r.-lishes not to. Tiw Mayor thanked everyone for being so interested in serving the City and stated that he thinks it is ¡.¡onderful that so many peopl.e an:; conc9rned w.i th Ci ty Go',"ern:nent. lL:.T)lJJ.t:(OVAL OF :·[I~'\IUTl:-:S It ¡'ìas I:1o'v"fJc1 by Gavey, seconded b'::] Holman, elat the Council Ninutes of ¡';ay 7, 1973, be approved as mailed. MOTION CAf'.i'7.IED J42 AUBURN, WASHINGTON MONDAY MAY 21, 1973 CORRESPON D::;:;CE Ci ty Clerk Pro-tem, Gene willi 2:::5, read an inter office memo from John B. Bereiter r City Attorney, regarding Ordinance No. 2716 - proposed pay increase for City Councilmen. Nr. Berei ter suggests that authorization be giT7en to go ahead and publish tlle Ordinance authorizing those pay increases prospecti vely ¡'Ti th the understanding by all 1m;"01 ved thAt: 1:here is 'the po.";s LÒ.i.li ty that 2r -ome péJint subsequent to January 1, 197<1, th3.t a .feae=raJ. ~;¡é:ncy ¡ofilJ.. modif,:¡ or void tÍlose pa,:; J..ncleases. t!ayor Kersey stated that many Cities throughout the State are doing the same thing at this time. It was moved by Sonnemann, seconded by Gavey, that we proceed to publish Ordinance No. 2716. ROLL CA.LL VOTE: All Cou.tlGÍlmen voting YES. MOTION CARRIED Nr. ~.¡illiams read a letter from George A. Schuler, Planning Director, regardi'ng the segregation of Assessment No.9, LID No. 257, Total Assessment $1,075.20; Assessment No.9 - $537.60, and Assessment No. 9A - $537.60. It ¡vas moved by Sonnemann, seconded by Shaughnessy, that the segregation of Assessment No.9, LID No. 257, be approved as follows: Assessment No.9 to Charlotte A. Sco~t of Renton for $537.60 (60.0 fro ft. @ $8.96) and Assessment No. 9A to Jo Anne Blaker of Bothell.for $537.60 (60.0 fro ft. @ $8.96). ROLL CiJ.LL VOTE: All Councilmen voting YES. MOTION CARRIED A letter was read from George A. Schuler, Planning Director, regarding the segregation of Assessrr..ent No.1, LID No. 201, Total Assessment $2,086.05; Assessment No.1 - $237.18, Assessment No. l-D - $279.72, Assessment No. 1-E - $275.20, Assessment Nt>. l-F - $217.84, Assessment No. l-G - $262.46, Assessment No. 1-H - $533.90, Assessment No. I-I - $279.75. ! r· l í ! , ~. I It was moved by Sonnemann, seconded by Holman, that the segregation of Assessment No. l,LID No. 201, be approved as follows: Assessment No.1 to Frank B. Norman of !¡uburn for $237.18 (81.33 fr. ft. ~later @ $2.9162): Assessment No. I-D to Frank B. I Norman of Auburn for $279,72 (95.92 fr. ft. ~later @ $2.9162); Assessment No. l-E to Fra.t1k B.Norman of Auburn for $275.20 (94.37 fr. ft. rvater @ $2.9162); Assessment No. l-F to Jesse ri. Sutton "of Auburn for $217.84 (74.70 fro ft. vlater @ $2.9162); Assessment No. l-G to Frank B. Norman of Auburn for $262.46 (90.0 fro ft. Water 3 $2.9162); Assessment No. l-H to Frank B. Norman for $533.90 (183.08 fro ft. Water /a $2.9162); and Assessment No. l-I to Frank B. Norman for $279.75 (95.93 fro ft. vlater () $2.9162). ROLL CALL VOTE: All Councilmen voting YES. f.10TION CAP.R.IED M~. Willia~s read a letter from George A. Schuler, Planning Director, requesting Council approval on the final plat of Green River Village Division No.6. It was moved by Holman, seconded by Darling, that the final plat of Green River Village Di vis.ion NO. 6 be approved and the Mayor and ci ty Clerk be auLl-¡orized to sign the plat. MOTION CARRIED AunrENCE PARTICIPATION Four young people stood up and the Mayor asked them to come fOD¡ard. They announced that they are ¡'Ii th the Black riatch Drum & Bugle Corp and stated that they t'1Ìll be in competi tion vTi th a total of fourteen corps on Saturday, June 23. There t'/ill be a parade 'ón the morning of June 23 in the Auburn Dor,mtor,,,n Area. The Uayor stated that the competi tion on that parti eLi.Lar Saturday evening ¡ÝÌll probably take place at Auburn 's Troy Field. The Mayo:: allotted the group five minutes to sell booster buttons. Don Ryan, representing ~/anda J.:ae Meyer and Pizza Dena' at 959 E. Main, stated that:: Hrs. Meyer has made a ne;ý application to the Liquor Board for a liquor license for the Pi ZZ2 Dena. þ,hout seven mO:lths ago she had applied for a liquor license and h::ca-.¡sp or 2-;:t:C,", 1--:.: :-)-,-:: "i t:; r.'n'2::ci· ,.,-.-, åer-i C>r1 1-1-7' 7ifJuor ].~c:er¡5e by the st:J.te Liquor Board. Mrs. Meyer has .invested about $80,000 in her place of business and N.L RYém feels she should be al.Lowed to have the liquor license because of her g:Jod background and because she will prob3.bly be forced out of business if she can't: serve beer. Mr. Ryan stated that Mrs. Meyer operated a Pizza Dena in Federal Way to;:-: seven years and she neT/er had any problems vThatever ¡"i th her liquor license dl.Lr.".ing that time. Nr. Ryr¡n Le,'2s tha t the Ci ty Council is discriminating against ,'.1 [.'8. Neuer bc'cause other pi ZZ¿l Parlors in Auburn are a.Ilo¡Ýed to serve beer. - _._._-~..~_.- I I ~ 0Ci r-- '""':) -\ 100-. ~. - I I 143 AUBURN, WASHINGTON MAY 21,1973 MONDAY The follü>ving pèople voiced their opinio:;s e.gainst the issuance of a liquor license: tIrs. Blaine Leonard of 1012 1st Street ,'¡."2., Don Greggs of 1215 21st Street s.E., Ray h'etmore of 122 K Street 11. Z., ;h.!..bur Bo;¡en of 815 E. Main, Edna Rutt - o;"ms property at 1005 E. Main and 4 and 8 K Street N.E., Eva Hartman of 1013 1st Street N.E., and Robert Hickman of 117 K Street N.E. Some of the reasons given in opposition to this liquor license being iS$I]ed ¡.¡ere: (1) Hrs. ¡'-1eyer should ha'.:e applied for the ~j'7DI" liceü.=.e .bé:.Lcre buying :.)...:; prc¿.:ri:,:¡ "-_'7.d opening her .:;!.7S1r:.::S.:5, (2.' o.-o"::::c;"'; owners feel this would deva.Iue their homes and property, (3) possible offensive oior that would detract from enjoyment of outdoor living during the summer in that area, (4) The location is too near the schools in the area and ¡vould be a bad influence on the young children, (5) There are too many restaurants that already serve beer an1 liquor in the area and ,,¡e need more family type restaurants, and (6) Thís ;;ould bring more traffic into the area and could be hazardous. The following people voiced their opiníons in favor of the issuance or the liquor license: Kevin Leedy of 25625 104th Avenue S.E. - Kent, Ken Anderson of 3007 Scenic Drive, Don Meyer of 2211 84th Avenue So. - Kent, Joe Scio1a of 1225 23rd Street S.E., Lynn Leedy of 25625 104th Avenue S.E. - Kent, and Doug Erfle of 904 22nd Street :l.E. Some of the reasons given in favor of the liquor li cense being issued ¡·¡ere: (1) .u: a liquor license is granted the State has rules and regu.Iations which must be follo;~e¿ and if the rules are follo;'Ied there should be no problems related to this li cense, (2) The law states that a place of business that serves beer or liquor must be at least 500 feet from a school and this location is further a....¡ay from the schools than required, (3) Many people enjoy drinking beer with their Pizza and if the license is not issued, Mrs. Mever will lose quite a bit of business, (4) Pizza D2na serves the best Pizza in to¡m, (5) Mrs. Heyer has a good reputation, and (6) Those persons ¡..¡ho ¡vant beer or liquor will find a place tQ obtain it regardless of ¡'Ihether this liquor license is given to Pizza Dena or not. Frank Lee, doing business as Valley Pontiac GMC at 3104 Auburn Way No., stated that he is against the proposed landscaping ordinance. He understands that if this ol:dinance is passed he will have to put in fi T7e feet of shrubbery around all of his property. Mr. Lee stated that he is interested in nice landscaping but feels there should be some kind of a variance for car agencies. John Bereiter, City Attorney, stated that if this proposed ordinance is acted upon tonight the Council will call for a Public Hearing so everyone interested can come in and express their views. BID OPENINGS Bids were opened May 9, 1973, 11:00 A.M. for Contract No. 73-17, construction of St. Imp. 132, left turn lane channelization at 32nd s.E. and Auburn Way South, with bids submitted as follows: T. ev. TRAVERSO CONSTRUCTION COMPANY, INC. R. W. SCOTT CONSTRUCTION COMPANY IXJOLITTLE CONS'[RUCTION COMPANY SKIP JACOBSON CONSTRUCTION ASPHALT PAVING & ENGINEERING COMPANY $24,953.75 25,500.50 25,810.00 28,584.50 32,39LOO The above bids ~'Iere accompanied by bid bond. It is the recommendation of the Director of Public Works, Pat Nevins, that Contract No. 73-17, construction of St. Imp. 132, left turn lane channelization at 32nd S.E. and Auburn Way South, be awarded to T. W. Traverso Construction Company on their lo~ bid of $24,953.75. It ¡vas moved by Sonnemann, seconded by Gavey, that Contract No. 73-17 for cc:::s1.:r.l.::::':on of St. Imp. 132,' left turn lane channelization at 32nd S.E. and Auburn ¡'lay South be a;'larded to T. çy. Traverso Construction Company, Inc. on their low bid of $24,953.75 wi th Bid Bonds returned to Skip Jacobson Construction and Aspha1 t Paving & Er.ginee:::ing Company and upon signing of contract the Bid Bonds be returned to R. W. Scott Constructi Company and Doolittle Construction Company. ROLL CALL VOTE: A.Il Councilmen voting YES. NOTION CARRIED Bids ;,.¡ere opened May 18, 1973, 11 :00 A. N. for Contract 73-19, construction of L.I.D. 277 "D" Street N.E., North of l:Jtn ,Street N.t·., ¡'lith bids submitted dS £01.iO;<l5: [1. C. FROST CONSTRUCTION CONPAN1- NORRIS CONSTRUCTION INC. G¡;Pl' NERLIlIO CONSTRUCTION CONPANY Bl'¡SIC BID $ 9,213.07 11,077.50* 11,563.67* BASIC BID PLUS ALT~RNATE $10,538.07* 1 2 , 287. 50 * 12,663.67 * B.i_ds as corrected ..1:'/)'/,,,, . _. ~.1.. ~.' --....; a c:c:o;:"(p,~:zni, (~-:l ni (1 I3c)~"1ds I tl"E.? ~-::¿bD\.re b_íds incl~1(-¡2 sales tax. :';'~'[C' 144 AUBURN, WASHINGTON MONDAY MAY 21, 1973 ;;-: is the rdcornrr:endation of the Director of p:.:!:J1.i c ;',larks, Pat Nevins, that Contract :,'0. 73-19, construction of L.I.D. 277, flD" Str,=et N.E., North of 15th Street N.E.., /'>2 a;.¡arded to Frost Construction COI:1pany on their 10;<1 bid of $10,422.00 plus tax of S2l6.07 for a total of $10,538.07 based on basic bid p.Ius alternate. ::t ~jaSm0,<,.~:3. Í...i~~ :':!'~;U(j~·&;'0SSY, secoTldec:. 1J1} C,_,'dlle:iîtd:4"'~ IL.!: 11-. í.--"_h"!.tra~t / 3-..i.S For constL-:'7r:-2C?'" ~i¿' L.I.D. 277, riD" Street N.E., ¡'lorth of 15th Street lV.E. be a;.¡arded to vI. C. Frost ::'onstr:.1ction Company on their 10;0/ bid o.f $10,538.07 and upòn signing of contract the 3[d Bonds be returned to Norris Construction Inc. and Gary ,"Ierlino Construction Corrpany. ¡?()LL CALL V07'E: . All Counçilmen voting YES. MOTION CARRIED I .I.'C?ECOt'ii~JE:LV DiiT IOtlS The fol.1o¡ving items are sl{bmi tted by the Director of P.Ianning and Corr_'TIuni ty De'.,.·elopxent, George A. Schuler, for Council Approval: Request to call for Public Hearing on the request of Robert H. and EÒ¡ard sceinberq to rezone from R-J to C-3 a parcel of land located on the South side of 11 t:;~ Street S.E. approximate.Iy 120 feet east of "A" Street S.E. (Application ¡¡o. 6-73) It viaS moved by Gavey, seconded by Lea, that a Public Hearing be held on June 4, 1973, at 8:00 P.M. in the Council Chambers, on the request of Robert H. and Edward Steir~erq. NOTION CARRIED Request to call for Public Hearing on the request of Halvard Thormod to rezone from A-1 to Open Space Agricultural Land Use Classification a parcel of land located at.411 Clay Street N.W. containing approximately 61 acres. (Application No. 7-73) It was moved by Holman, seconded by Lea, that a Public Hearing be held on June 4, 1973, at 8:00 P.M. in the Council Chambers, on the request of Ha1vard Thormod. MOTION CAR.R.IED I The Planning Commission recommends approval of the proposed Landscaping Ordinance to be knmm as an .[)RDINANCE OF THE CITY OF AUBURN, WASHINGTON, REPEALING CODIFIED AUBURN CITY ORDINANCE CHAPTERS 11.16.030, 11.16.040, 11.16.050, 11.16.080, 11.16.090, 11.16.100, 11.16.110, 11.16.120, 11.16.130 AND 11.16.150 IN THEIR ENTIRETY: CREATING NEfy SECTIONS UNDER CHAPTER 11.16 (REGULATIONS) OF THE CODIFIED ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF AUBURN, SAID SECTIONS '1'0 BE KNONN AS 11.16.030, 11.16.040, l1.l6.050,~11.16.080, 11.16.090, 11.16.100, 11.16.110, 11.16.120 AND 11.16.130, AND 11.16.150; CREATING A HEN SECTION UNDER CHAPTER 11.16 OF THE CODIFIED ORDI:{ANCES OF THE CITY OF AUBURN, SAID SECTION TO BE KNOflN AS 11.16 _ 280 (LANDSCAPING STAND.4RDS). It was moved by Darling, seconded by Gavey, that a Public Hearing be held on June 4, 1973, at 8:00 P.M. in the Council Chambers, for consideration of the proposed Landscaping Ordinance. NOTION CllRRIED The following items are submi tted by the Director of Public r'¡ork$, Pat Nevins, for Council Approval: Pay Estimate No. 3 to Burnham Construction Co. for construction of St. Imp. 135, Ph III, Ellingson Road, in the amount of $19,365.44. It was moved by Gavey, seconded by Shaughnessy, that Pay Estimate No.3 to Burnhas Construction Company for $19,365.44 be approved for paYillent. I ROLL CALL VOTE: All Counci.Imen voting YES. NOTIO!'! c.:1RP.IED Change Order No.1 on Sanitary Sewer Imp, #23, dike repair at sewage treatment lagoons, to h'. C. Frost Construction Co. increase in the amount or $2,528.52, incre2se in quantity of rip-rap to adequately protect dikes from erosion. It was rr;oved by Holman, seconded bl] Shaughnessy, tha t the adoption of Change Order No.1 to W. C. Frost Construction Compa~~ ror an increase of $2,528.52 be approved. ROLL CALL VOTE: All Councilmen voting YES. NO'l'IOi! CARRIED I C\1 ~ r:-... t-- ,.; ."-", i:--" - ~ I I 145 AUBURN, WASHINGTON MAY 21, 1973 MONDAY Call fo~ bids Lor two aerators for the sewage treatment lagoons. It ~'las mOT./'ec :oy S};:3..ughness:; / secOI2ded by Sonner::3..J."'J.!!. I that autl1o.ri ty be given to t,..rze PUÌJ.lic f'forks Dir2ctor to call for bids for t¡.,'o aerators for the se";age treatT!:ent lagQons ((I..)L[; C.ALL \I(JT:::;; Co u:1ciln;dtl SÌ1¿uah0£~qS~] ". LID.!" 7i nr;." L!cl r:aT1" Lie/"~-.- Cavey and S",;r::-~_~:' "'"t'''! v·o ti ng ;lE'S. C::n.ncilman Flechsig ABSTAINED. MOTION C.;:;'_~RIED Pay Estimate No.2, final, to f'loodworth & Co., Inc. for construction of purpose court at Forest Villa Park in the a¡¡;ount of $1,917.05. .....,~"" 7 J... ",'_ ¡.;,;....L_L.-...:... It ,,¡as moved by Dårling, seconded by Shaughnessy, that the project be accepted by the City as complete and Pay Estimate No.2, final, to fvood'tlorth & Company, Inc. for $1,917.05 be approved for payment and the retained percentage amounting to $1,429.40 be paid in thirty days provided no liens or claims are filed and clearance is secured from the State Tax Commission and the Department of Labor and Industries. ROLL CALL VOTE: All Councilmen voting YES. l-!QTION CARRIED PROCLAM.llTIONS, APPOINTMENTS AND ANNOUNCEMENTS Mayor Kersey announced that there is space available for anyone who is interested in taking a Defensive Driving Class. The Classes a!e scheduled for May 29, June 7 and June 12 from 7:00 P.M. to 9:30 P.M. in the Squad Room of the Auburn Police Department. Those interested should contact Virginia Osborn. Mayor Kersey announced that Councilman Sonnemann will be in charge of the Council l~eting on June'lB, 1973, since he will be in Yakima, enjoying the weather on the Firing Line for the National Guard. The Mayor read a letter received from Mrs. Cliff Fulwiler regarding her deceased husband. Mr. Cliff Fulwiler ¡;Olas the City of Auburn's Labor Negotiator. COUNCIL COMMITTEE REPORTS LICENSE AND ORDINANCE COMMITTEE - CHAIRMAN GAVEY The License and Ordinance Committee met at 7:30 P.M. on Wednesday, May 16, 1973. The Committee concurred with the Police Department recommendations for the denial of the For Hire Drivers License for Dale Harper. It was moved by Gavey, seconded by Shaughnessy, that the For Hire Drivers License for Dale Harper be denied as per the recommendations of the Police Department. NOTION CARRIED The Com~ittee recom~ended that the For Hire Drivers License Application of Robert Driggers be referred to the Police Chief for clarifications. Chairman Cavey stated that the audience participated in discussion on the Application ror a Liquor License for Pizza Dena ear.Iier in this meeting. After further discussion b:; Council Merr-JJers, the follmving motion v12s made. It h'as mO','e¿ by Sonne;nann that the Council nei ther approve or disapprove of this .4pp2ication for a Liquor License and that th.ey return the application unmarked. ,'iQ Second. NOTION FAILED It ;'ìas r;!o','ed by Lea, seconded by Dar.Iing, that Council approves óf applicant. but disapproves of .location for the Pizza Dena Liquor License Application. C'J1,l!2(:í,lrnan l':;a·:·~2Y stated tha.t the silence on his _Dart so far is because being Chairma.n or c::e License and Ordinance Corr"~itte5', he did not ¡Ýant to influence anyone. r1'--"·~I(.·i-~'''''7.:1.n ":;:r?ing sta-red that he v/ant,r 11- -to .09 J~:'.-:-:11{) th?+- r·~~r'\~hp "lC'~'''''o..: +-.~ di::;~pprr-.'p this application he has nothing against Mrs. Meyer but he disapproves of the location. Coun::::iln,an L5'a states that he ;<fill vote to disapprove of this application becausS' he feels there should be a lJuffer zone lJet¡'¡een a residential zone and a comrr:ercial zone. C07,;.n::::ilm2n Sonnemann stated that a buffer zone ¡Ýould be desirable, ho¡.¡e'.,.-er, he feels that this location has had ¡·/Orse applicants and br..sinesses and ,.;ilLprob2bl'j....__- \Tote in favor of the application. CounciLman Cavey stated that he does not think the:' d~.'vel();J!T:'2n'': of Auburn ¡vill live or die ¡Úth this application. Councilman Eol;:::;;n sraceo. tha-: .':.~. ,Ýo'lJ.d also disappro'7e the 10cation, ho¡,¡ever, he feels tl>"! applicant is ]46 AUBURN, WASHINGTON MONDAY MAY 21, 1973 being treated differently from others in the Auburn Area. Councilman Shaughnessy moved for the previous motion. ROLL CALL VOTE: Councilman Lea, Gavey, Shaughnessy, Darling, Holman and Flechsig T.mUng YES. (·--:""!nr.~j':'":1a.() S'':.!::!l~e~;j~~~ :-~+-ing IvO. NOTION CAP~'?IED Chairman Gavey also brought tp the Liquor Application for the Mecca Tavern, which is moving to the location of the old American Loan and Savings Building. It was moved by Gavey, seconded by Sonnemann, that Council approves of applicant and location for the Mecca Tavern Liquor License Application. ROLL C.7J.LL VOTE: Councilman Gavey, Sonnemann, Darling, Holman, Flechsig and Lea 'loti ng YES. Councilman ShaughQessy voting NO. MOTION CARRIED Councilman Cavey stated that there will be a county-wide meeting on May 24, 1973, to discuss what types of gambling will be allowed under the Gambling Bill recently passed by the legislature. STREET AND ENGINEERING COÞll1ITTEE - CHAIRMAN SONNEMANN The Street and Engineering CowRÛttee met at 7:30 P.M. on Wednesday, May 9, 1973. The Committee approved two new locations for installation of comfort benches. Additionally, the Despains asked for permission to place labels on the benches, stating their phone number in case of difficulty with a bench. The Committee approved the installation of these labels. Chris Brown discussed the various proposals in the TOPICS Report tvith the Committee and the Committee requested that the Mini-Mall being installed on "B" Street south of Main be observed, as well as a report on legislation as it develops in Congress -for future funding of the TOPICS program. The Commi ttee recommends to the Council that the report be adop.ted by resolut_ion. Na.C'-' 5eabrands presented a chart sho¡Úng existing street condi tions and proposed i~?rovements for 1973 and 1974. The ComT~ttee was asked to review these items and any additional streets which they feel need maintenance. The item will be considered again at the May 23rd Street Committee f/-eeting at ¡.¡hich time priorities rvjll be established, costs ¡..;ill be deternined by the Engineering staff and a program will be established. As a resul t of a tvashout on the Muckleshoot Road due to ¡'later from a l5-inch storm drain from the Auburn Academy, the Engineering Di vision. has prepared' a aratdn~ to repair the Muckleshoot Road. The work is now being done and will be completed shortly. A letter was received from puget Sound Power and Light stating that the City's cost ~CE undergrounding Ellingson Road would be $1,228.50 of the total cost of $42,000.00. 'I'D::? Com.:>.i t tee approved the expendi ture of this amoun t for the Ci ty' s portion of the partici1"Jation arJ.à recorn.mended to the Council that the cOJ."'1tract be signed.. UTILITY CONMIT'l'EE - CHAIRNA.:.V SHAUGHNESSY The next Utility Committee fleeting ¡-¡ill be at 7:30 P.M. on 'l'hursday, Hay 24, 1973. llIRPORT COMMITTEE - Cfi.lHRN.B.N DllRLING The Airport Co,umittee met at 7:30 P.M. on Wednesday, May 16, 1973. Mr. Dixie Mays Eeviewed State plans for the development of the Washington Airport Systems Plan and Funding Assistance that has been available in the past and possible future funding for airport development by State and Federal Governmental Agencies. Auburn's Municipal Airport is looked upon very favorably by the Washington Aeronautics Commission for future development to accomodate the expected ~ncrease ~n general aviation a~rcratt in the greater Puget Sound area. Suggested Airport Layout Plan to include a parallel rum:ay ¡-Ii thin 10 years and a control tONer ¡vi thin 20 years, improve general ut.ili ty standards by extending rumlay 600' to the South (from existing 2900' to 3500'), extend taxi¡'/ay, ÜnproT/e aircraft parking areas and plan for a minimum of 400 based d.Í reraf.'.:.. It is the opinion of the Aeronautical Comnission that by 1977 airport cperations will exceed the present runway capacity. These recowmendations and opinions tf:e SI.:.:.! te Aerona'lt.ics Comnu:ssion rema.in under study by the Com.'71Í ttee, wi th an ~·l.'·.po.r·= };.:ì90i1t~ })Zarl n,:;r,,¡ i;l I.Jro-:-:e..-:,·S of ]),~~,Ing l~)repared by the Planning Depa:ctrnent fo:r _. .-. -.--------. fu·ture r~v'ÍAW 'hi] t-h", {",.,mm';f-ro.o. I ! t ~ i I f ì I I I _.-._._~-_...- I C\} OC; l'- f-J c¡ o I I 147 AUBURN, WASHINGTON MAY 21, 1973 MON DAY NT:. Nays ackncJ',.¡]edged the reques t by the Ci ty ror rinancial assistance for water supply (fire protection) ~~d stated th~t this is under consideration at the present time. It was requested that the State Aeronautical Com~ission verify with the Puget Sound Gover:nmental Conference tha t .k,.uburn I s Municipal Airport is shoftm in the Interim Regional Development Plan at its present site and that N.r. Mays' office further reviet.; State priorities regarding planning for a parallel runway and control tower. Various landscaping plans, re-10cation or the flagpole with Airport Plaque a~d Airp0rt directional signing ¡·¡as presented by Marv Seabrands, along wi th various cost. es-:::inat2s to accomplish certain landscaping in part or as a complete project. These plans remain under study and we hope to have something on this in the very near future. 'i'he Comlni ttee requests that a closed Executi ve Meeting be held by the Council as a r.¡hole after the ne;'1 Councilman is appointed, for the revie:.; and discussion of the airspace easement appraisal as it wi.Il have an erfect on future airport layo~t p2ans. 'The Executive Meeting will be at 7:30 P.M. on May 30, 1973. Quotat.ions were reviewed by the Coœ~ittee as present.ed by Chuck Smith of the Planning a~d Building Department for the construction of shear walls in hangars 3, 4, and 5 and installing ventilation units in hangars 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 and 8. It was the recom~enda- tion of the Committee that the Leonard Construction Company quote of $3,734.88 be accepted for the construction of the shear walls and Steve's Refrigeration Service qu~te of $2,577.19 be accepted for installing the ventilation units and that payment for the construction of the shear walls and installation of the ventilation units be made from the Airport Construction Fund. However, at the present time the ventilation may be insta.Iled only in the closed area hangars. It was moved by parling, seconded by Lea, that we accept the quotations of Leonard Cons truction Company in the amount of $3,734.88 for t.he construction of the shear :valls and the quota=ion of Steve's Refrigeration ServiCe in the amount of $2,577.19 for installing the ventilation units. Payment for this work is to come from the Airoort Construction fund. ROLL CALL VOTE: Councilman Darling, Holman, Flechsig, Lea, Gavey and SonnemaQ~ voting YES. Councilman Shaughnessy voting NO. 1'¡10TION CARRIED A brief discussion was held on the possible sale of Revenue Warrants through a cO~0ercial bank to provide financing funds for the construction of additional hangars or other revenue producing facili ties at the Airport. Councilman Holman çýÍll obtain adài tional information in working with Finance Director Williams and Councilman Darling will obtain engineering estimates from the Public Works Department for the construction of additional hangars. This information will be reviewed at the June 5th Airport Co~mittee Meeting. PLANNING, BEAUTIFICATION & BUILDING CODES COMMITTEE - CHAIW1AN DARLING The Planning, Beautification & Building Codes Comnúttee met at 7:30 P.M. on Tuesday, May 15, 1973. George Schuler presented the Comnúttee with the criteria ~~d recoR~ended procedures for determining agricultural land, a report made for Puget Sound Governmental Conference. He also presented a letter from Broadway Holding Company answering P.S.G.C. with comments related to the criteria and changes they would like to see in order to make the study meaningful. After reviewing the report and letter, the Committee recommended thdt George Schuler write a letter expressing our views on said re.oort and concurring ¡,.¡i th the 1 etter sen t by Broad,vay Ho1di?g Company. Mr. T. E. Mathews the property owner to the çýeSt of the gravel operation presented the Committee ¡,.¡ith a letter dated May 14, 1973, in ...¡hich he outlined his vie;'ìs of Fiori to Brothers violation. After some discussion and review the ComrrcÍ ttee reco.':1.r:;ended that the property line be determined exactly so it vlOuld be shmm if an] da.trage had in fact been done to Mr. Mathew's property; and the possibility of Mr. Mathews, Fiorito Brothers and the Planning Department meeting together. Mr. Mathews ¡vas in agreement with these two recommendations. Nr. Paul ¡'leber, consulting soils enqineer, presented the Committee with a report and map of the area explaining the existing soil conditions and his recommendations on what should be done. George Schuler said work ha5 been done to correct The orobler.¡ ?s rec.""':T1Inended hy Mr. Weber. Len Chapman presented for revie;ý a copy of the I .A.C. Project Agreement': for the Brannan Park Phase I Development. Len stated that the signing of this contro.ct by the City of Auburn prior to I .11. C. approval is a step to speed up rev.Led and approval D'lt does not indicate approT/a.I at this time. If the proposed project is approved ror runding assistance at the May 29-30, 1973 I.A.C. meeting, the I.A.C. ad:rÚnistr:ator ftì:l1 execute the contract on beha.If of thr) I.ll-C. on the same day as CO:7mittee app::.'o:;al. 148 AUBURN, WASHINGTON MONDAY MAY 21, 1973 ¡lIter rev·ie;.¡ the Planning, Beaut.ification aœ] Building Code Corn.rni ttee recommends to the Ci ty Council that the Nayor and Ci ty Clerk be authori zed to sign, on behalf of the City, the project agreement between I.A.C. & the City of Auburn. [,en Chapman presented the Auburn Park Board's recom:;¡endations that the concess.ion Drivi1e~es be granted to the Auburn Jaycee Auxiliary for June 22-24 and July 6-8, -- - ,- - ... - . ' ...p - p +- -- . "' - . ;..., 1'(· J' .r /.- -, r'" - ~ ~.1.., .;: -. -.,... _L~ /] rc;...: t~·/o Inv~tat~0n¿2 ~.J.o~ýP~tu..,¿ .L,,-,¡,..;""·¿~nc;:-!,..:J ctH(.~ L-O L...._::: .f±U1::)urn J...,._____...-.J __._ .LI.... ,...'" '<] +-;"'rOl1gh AUŒ"S'- 3 1973 for the> Auburn Youth Baseball Tournament. The Corr..rnittee _j,-,.L.~ .:....;' ; '-;....~ .&.........\..4 I.- I ___ reco,,"ct,::ends that the City Council approve said concession permits. It 'das mo':.'ed by Darling, seconded by Holman, that concf;ssion privileges be granted to Auburn Jaycee Auxiliary and Auburn Lion~ as stated previously. f.!OTION CAP~~IED :c-rN'M!CE COHNITTEE - CHA.IRMAN HOLMAN The Finance Cornmittee met at 7:30 P.I"!. on Thursday, l"'Jay 17,1973. The Investmetlt Report dated April 30 was reviewed. Submitted to the Com~ttee was a Cash Balance Report for each Fund in the City which reflected the balances as of Nay 16. A Property Tax Comparison of May of 1972 and May of 1973 revealed an increase of 7% (1972 - 15% and 1973 - 22%). /t request for authority to invest $500,000 from the Current Expense Fund and $200,000 from the Federal Revenue Sharing Fund was approved by the Comœ~ttee. It was moved by Holman, seconded by Lea, that the Director ox Finance be authorized to invest $500,000 from the Current Expense Fund and $200,000 from the Federal Revenue Sharing Fund. ROLL CALL VOTE: All Councilmen voting YES. MOTION CARRIED After reviewing the two proposals in regard to Management Consultant Firms to be hired by the City, Mayor Kersey recommended the firm of C. C.DOnworth and Associates, Inc. of Seattle. The Committee concurred with the recommendation of Mayor Kersey. The Library Fund has received revenue from the State of Washington through a Social Security Program - $6,530 and expects an additional $540 in 1973. The Library Director requests that $2,500.00 be appropriated to the Library Budget in the following manner: Wages - $1,760, Transportation - $240, Capital Expenditures - $500, and the remaining $4,570 to be appropriated for use in the 1974 Budget Year. It was moved by Holman, seconded by Gavey, that authority be given to appropriate $2,500 to the Library Budget as stated above, and the remaining $4,570 to be appropriated for use in the 1974 Budget Year. ROLL CALL VOTE: All Councilmen voting YES. MOTIŒT CARRIED £-:UNICIPAL BUILDINGS AND EQUIPMENT MAINTENANCE COMl';IITTEE - CHAIR11AN LEA Councilman Lea requested that the Council go into Executive Session at this time to discuss acquisition of property. 10:10 P.M. Nayor Kersey called the meeting to order at 10:23 P.l-!. Tt ¡.¡as moved by Lea, seconded by Gavey, that tonight's Council l1eeting be continued to Tuesday, Nay' 29, 1973, at 8:00 P.M. Council r,.¡il.I go into Executive Session at that L:Ùne to further study acquisi tion of Municipal Property. MOTION CAP-RIED .'.é:., ""0 r Yers2Y asked .if Councilman Sonnemann ,.¡ould act as Mayor Pro-tem at the meeting 0": :-fa';}' 29 because he ~·¡il.I be unable to attend. '·:'.'..1::::::i 2:-:'3., Lea announced that there ¡,¡ill be a Public Safety Committee Meeting ':'J::i'Jr.l'O;'/ night, Nay 22, 1973 at 7:30 P.f1. in the Squad Room. D:;F?iLRT~1I.1EfJT HEAD R.t'p¡}?,?S ~_.-- L.c~:1 Chapman gaT7c a brief report on the status or the City's Application to I.A.C. matching funds for the development of Brannan Park. Chapman stated that I.A.C. recej. ved ]6 local appl.i cations totaling 8 million dollars ¡·wrth of projects and on.?y 2.2 million dol1.ars to spend for this f·unding session. The .Lll. C. has a of pr-ior-i t.ies f[om 1. - 7; the Ci bJ' s project falls into number 2 priori ty along Li other' projects. Chap:T!arl stated that in order to advance our project:' s chance Lor n.~2S .:/dS list: _. .-- -~ ---.,..-~~- ;'.' i th ¡ t t I I I ----- .-------- I ~ <X) I:"- ~ ¡;:::¡ 10 I I 149 AUBURN, WASHINGTON MAY 21, 1973 MONDAY of jjeing fu.n~eà, I....Zi.C. llad requested ~::.:~ the scope of the project be reduced.. T~~e D3seba,ll field lig~ts and bleachers ";ó3rsisleted fro!.! the application Chapman reported. '¡'n:'! I.A.C. ,dll take action on all proj2cts at the May 30, 1973 ffieetirq in Pullnan, V'ashington. If the City's project is fu.:r:'.ed, the project can be bid ,·/ithint...·o to fov.r ¡·Ieeks. Other CO[[1~"ents included the possibili ty of the National GU2rd do.:nq the .initial clAaring and grubbing. Pat Nevins stated that Joe Thornton, liason engineer w'ith UAB Projects, ¡·,ras ca...':e:, 'Co the hospital late last ¡.,reek and he passed away late Sa·turday evening. gr. Thorn::'o:-_'s death is a .tremendous loss to Auburn and to the Engineering Profession. Councilman Gavey referred to the letter George Schuler wrote to John Larr;pe of puget So~~d Governmental Conference. Since we are trying to be a leader in land use, it dist.resses him to see us going along ¡vith Broad¡'lay Holding Co. The fact that the City is very dependent upon outside Companies for development makes Gavey feel that before ¡~'e encourage any outside people to develop this area, ¡ye shov.ld give considerar:.ion to the problems we have do¡mtown. The letter in question referred to the agricu.ltural land use study by P.S.G.C. and stated that the Planning, Beautification, and Building Codes Committee ..lOu1d recomrr;end to the full City Council their opposition to the criteria as proposed by P.S.G.C. because it ¡vill..only classify property according to soil types and ,.;ill completely disregard the other essential items necessary to make the land usable as indicated in Broadway Holding Company's letter. Mayor Kersey stated that Mr. Schuler's letter states exactly the same things that he has been telling Puget Sound Governmental Conference for over a year. We are not actually saying that we are supporting outside business, but we cannot force the people in Auburn to buy this property or refuse to sell to outsiders. ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS ORDINANCE NO. 2728 It was moved by Sonnemann, seconded by Shaughnessy, that Ordinance No. 2728 entitled "AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF AUBURN, vlASHINGTON, AMENDING A PORTION OF SECTION ONE OF AUBURN CITY ORDINANCE 2690, (DECENBER 18, 1972) DEFINING" INDUSTRIlŒ SERVICE" UNDER THE PR0v..ISIONS OF CHAPTER 10.08 OF THE vlATER REGULATION ORD.fNANCES OF '.L'HE CITY OF AUBURN." be introduced and adopted. ROLL CALL VOTE: All Councilmen voting YES. MOTION CARRIED ORDINANCE NO. 2729 It was mOT7ed by Holman, seconded by Sonnemann, that Ordinance No. 2729 entitled "AN ORDtNANCE OF THE CITY OF AUBURN, WllSHINGTON, REPEALING ORDINANCE 1748, CODIFIED AS AUBURN CITY ORDINANCE 1.36.100 THROUGH 1.36.106 ESTABLISHING THE PAY ROLL FUND FOR THE CITY OF AUBURN." be introduced and adopted. ROLL CALL VOTE: All Councilmen voting 1:ES. !:OTIOt! CARP.IED ORDINANCE NO. 2730 It ¡.,ras moved by Sonnemann, seconded by Lea, that Ordi nance No. 2730 entí tIed "AV ORDINANCE: 0:' THE CITY OF AUBURN, rvASHINCTON, REPEALING 1WBURN CITY ORDI.';;;:;CE 1747, CODIFIE'D AS AUBURN CODIFIED CITY ORDINAl'¡CE 1.36.110 THROUGH 1.36.116 PE?T.::.r::':::G :-0 'l'.'1E ESTABLISHMENT OF A CLAIMS FUND." be introduced and adopted. £<0[,[, CALL VOTE: All Councilmen voting YES. !·f01IC:/ C¡'_Ft?:t~D ORDIN~RCE: NO. 2731 It ¡-¡as mor.rcd by sonnemann, seconded by Lea, that Ordinance No. 2730 entitled "AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF AUBURN, ~4sHINGTON, ADOPTING, PURSUANT TO THE PROVISIONS OF' R. C. ri'. 3 SA. 40.020, A POLICY FOR THE P":':""NENT OF CLllISs OR OTHE:R OBL.IGJ::.TIONS OF THE CITY Of' AUBURN, riASHINGTON, OUT OF s'JLVENT FUNDS BY RJUllK CHECK; DEsLGNl't.TING THE BANK r'/HEREON SUCH CHECKS ARE TO BE DRA:i,';, lillD THE OFFICERS AUTHORIZED OR REQUIRED r;:O SICZŸ 5UC!1 CI-IEC.l<:S.1I be- i,r;,troduced Ql1'::' :.:lâ:;.J.j~t....¿. ROLL CALL v~TE: All Councilmen r.roting YES. NOTION CiiRRIED ISO AUBURN, WASHINGTON MONDAY MAY 21L 1973 ORDINANC~ :\0. 2ì 32 It vias moved by Gar.,Tey L seconded by sonnerr;ann L tha t Ordinance No. 2732 enti tled "AN ORDIi'il..NCE OF THE CITY OF AUBURN L r;.lASHINGTO,'i I APPROVING '1'HE PL.lJ.T OF GP-EEN RIT/ER VILLAGE / DIVISION NO. 6 ~ TO THE:: CITY ,';"=' A TlBU.9Jv / 'j'AsHtVGTO:¡,. -ï:..CCO?DING TO THE PL_".T THER1:.Vi- ,)" :: ILl:. fVITH THE CLERK OF THE \....i IY tJF AUBU8.", ~vASHINGTON." be J..ntroduced and adGpted. ROLL CALL VOTE: All Councilmen voting YES. MOTION CAP...RIED .. ORDINANCE NO. 2733 I It was moved by Darling, seconded by Holman/ that Ordinance No. 273] entitled "AN ORDnli1.NCE RELf1TING TO THE ~vATER AND SE~v'ER REVENUE REFUNDING BONDS/ 1973; DECLARING A PUBLIC El"IERGENCY PURSUANT TO RCr.¡ 35A. 33.090; PROVIDING FOR THE APPROPRIATION AND TRANSFER OF MONEY FROM THE 0IATER-SE~vER FUND OF THE CITY FOR DEPOSIT WITH SEATTLE-FIRST NATIONAL BliNK/SEATTLE / ~'¡ASHINGTON L AS REFUNDING TRUSTEE/ESTABLISHED BY ORDINllNCE NO. 2725 AND PURSUANT TO THE AGREEMENT BY AND BETrvEEN THE CITY AND THE REFUNDING TRUSTEE DliTED AS OF MAY 8, 1973; AND APPROVING, CONFIRMING AND RATIFYING ALL ACTS DONE BY THE APPROPRIATE CITY OFFiICIALS PURSUANT TO ORDINiJ.NCE NO. 2725." be introduced only. ROLL CALL VOTE: All Councilmen voting YES. ÞIOTION CARRIED ORDINANCE NO. 27]4 It was moved by Sonnemann, seconded by Holman, that Ordinance No. 2734 entitled "AN ORDINilNCE REU,TING TO THE GENERAL OBLIGATION REFUNDING BONDS L 1973; DECLARING A PUBLIC EMERGENCY PURSUANT TO RCW 35A. 33.090; PROVIDING FOR THE APPROPRIATION AND TRANSFER OF 1100'v'E'{ FRO!vJ THE GOLF COURSE CONS':'FWCTION FUND IN THE GENERAL FUND AND THE AIRPORT CONSTRUCrION FUND OF THE CITY FOR DEPOSIT i'/In SEATTLE-FIRST NATIONAL BANK, SEATTLE I' ¡JASfIINGTON I AS REFUNDING TRUSTEE, ESTABLISHED BY ORDINANCE NO. 2726 AND PURSUANT TO THE AGP.EEMENT BY AND BETIVEEN THE CITY AND THE REFUNDING TRUSTEE DATED AS OF NAY 8, 1973; Al'ÍD APPROVING, CONFIRMING AND RATIFYING ALL ACTS DmlE BY THE APPROPRIATE CIT}.' OFFICIALS PURSUANT TO ORDINANCE NO. 2726." be introduced only. ROLL CALL VOTE: Al.I Councilmen voting YES. .. NOTION CAPJŒED I RESOLUTION NO. 574 It was moved by Da.rling/.seconded by Flechs.ig, that Resolution No. 574 entitled /fA RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE MAYOR AND THE CIT'.l CLERK TO EXECUTE A PROJECT AGREEgSNT ~"¡TTH THE STATE Of' ¡-/ASHINGTON INTERAGENCY CONUITTEE FOR OUTIXJOR RECREATION FOR THE B.'?M1NilN PARK DEVELOPMENT - PHASE I." be adopted. ROLL CALL VOTE: All Councilmen voting YES. HOTION CP-.P-RIED RESOLUTION NO. 575 It was moved by Gavey L seconded by Flëch;>Íg, that Resolution No. 575 enti tled ".4- RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF AUBURN L 01AsHINGTON / AUTHORIZING P.ND DIRECTING THE NllYOR AND CITY CLERK L TO SIGN, ON BEHALF OF THE CITY, A CONTRACT BET'iIEEN PUGET SOUND PŒVER AND LIGHT COMPANY AND THE CITY OF AUBURN FOR THE PROPOSED UNDERGROUND CONVERSIoz,¡ OF POWER LINES ON ELLINGSON ROAD (ST. IMP. 135 PH III)." be adopted. ROLL CALL VOTE: All Councilmen voting YES. ¡,lOTION CARRIED MISCELLANEOUS BUSINESS Hr. Williams read the request of John Holmes, Library Directorl to attend the A~erican I Library Association Annual Conference fz'om June 22-29, 1973, at Las VeqasL Nevada. It was moved by Holman/ seconded by Gavey, that the Library Director be allowed to attend the l~erican Library Association À~nual Conference as stated above. MOTION CARRIED .L ï: ¡'laoS moved D'::J'. .::iolûlemdnn/ seculldea ].)'::/ ~)Jlduglj'lt:!::o:::;'::!' i..;!aL i..;ht:! Ci i..;y Council go OJ; record in opposi t.i~n to the cri teria as proposed by Puget Dound Govel:nmental Con.ference as pointed out in Mr. Schuler's letter. Brief discussion by Council followed. MOTTON CARRIED I N X I:"- I~ c: ,-. -- I I AUBURN, WASHINGTON F15 J MONDAY MAY 21, 1973 ¡'.I"1'::]()r Kersey an.rlOunceò that ,vi th the SUtnnìer ¡-leather present, everyone is encouraged to cl.ress casuall;:'. 11 :01 P.g., ~... 8: 00 P. ¡if . Mayor Kersey continued the Council Meeting to Tuesday, Ma.y 29,1973, ,,,!'" .""i ~ APPROVED THIS 22ND DAY OF MAY, 1973. I