HomeMy WebLinkAbout05-29-1973 152 AUBURN, WASHINGTON TUESDAY MAY 29, 1973 T;:'~E:: Cozltinue-l l1eeti.J.lg or the City C'ouJ."'1cil or the City of Auburn convened'at 8:00 P...lt~;..¿ _~n t..'12 ...=iuDurn Ci ty Cou.Tlcil Cha.:nbers. ROLL ClcLL Co(mcil[.~en present: CO'-1ncilman Cavey, Shauqhnessy, Mayor Pro-tern Sonnemann.l' Holman, Flechsig 3nd Lc~.. Co:;.r:.cilman Da.rling excused. ~ayor Pro-tern Sonnemann stated that ~ayor Kersey had a prior commitment before this' m2eting ,,[as set, thereFore he could not be here this evening. It \.¡as moved by Lea, seconded by Cavey.l' that Council go into Executi ve Session at this time to discuss acquisition of Municipal Property. (8;07 P.N.) I MOTION CP..BRIED At 9:14 P.M. Mayor Pro-tern Sonnemann called the meeti~g to order. It was moved by Lea, seconded by Cavey, that the City Attorney be authorized to execute the options to acquire the property on Main Street and that the Director of Fin~~ce be authorized to take the necessary steps to secure the funds to exercise those options and the Mayor and City Clerk be authorized to execute all docum9nts necessary to acquire those options on the four portions of property at the price authorized in the Executive Session of the Council. ROLL CALL VOTE: All Councilmen voting YES. MISCELLANEOUS BUSINESS It was moved by Lea, seconded by Holman, that Council introduce as Executive Me~er of the Association of Washington Cities and to all me¡nbers of the Nominating Commi ttee.. shor.'1Íng full support the Auburn City Council. MOTION CARRIED Mayor Stanley P. Kersey that a letter be sent of all members of MOTION CARRIED The City Attorney, John B. Bereiter, stated that he would prepare the letter for signatux'e of all Council Members and have Councilman Sonnemann sign as Mayor Pro-tern. I City Clerk Pro-tem, Ce~e Williams, read a letter from Olive Clark regarding Clark Plaza. Mrs. Clark thanked George Schuler, Ray Sonnemann, Gordon Darling, Neil Richards, and the Parks and Recreation Board for all their efforts in the planning and establishing of Clark Plaza. Mayor Pro-tern Sonnemann announced that there will be a meeting of the Committee on Committee's at 7:00 P.M., June 4, 1973, prior to the regular Council Meeting~ Councilman Holman announced the Finance Committee Meeting will be held on Thursday, May 31, 1973 from 7:30 P.M. to 9:30 P.M. Councilman Shaughnessy requested everyone to read and study item 3 of the utili ty C'Jrnmittee Minutes of May 24 so action.can be taken on this matter at the Council Neeting 3une 4, 1973. RESOLUTION NO. 576 it ¡·¡as ¡no'ied by Holma.::J, seconded by Gavey I that Resolution No. 576 ent.i tIed" A p.r:SOUJTIO¡¡ Of' '¡'HE CITY OF' AUBURN I f'lllSHINGTON, AUTHORIZING MR. GENE r'¡ILLIANS, DIRECTOR OF FIf..'l',I.'CE OF' THE c.rTY OJ:' }WBURN, 'dASHn;CTON, TO EXECUTE REQUISITIOt-.'S FOR PAYllENT 7D THE CITY OF' ;'UBURN BY THE DE'PAP.TMENT OF HOUSING AND URBAN DEVELOPl1ENT FOR THE UNITED STi¡'[ES OF ANERICA ¡;EPT.Ii.INING TO CONTRJ,¡CT fl'S-C'UiSH-98, CITY OF AUBURN." be adopted. NOTIQU C1LR..RIED I RESOLUTION NO. 577 It ;·,ras saved by Gavey I secon::1ed by Holman, that Resolution No. 577 entitled "A RESOLUTION OF' THE CITY OF AUBUßV, ~~SHINCTON, AUTHORIZING THE MA1~R OF THE CIT1' OF 11T1BURV, TO ACCEPT liND APPROVE THE CITY OF llUBUR:V TOPICS REPORT (TRl'ŒFIC OPER.?J.TIONS ¡'~-~':;G;:¿::. mr -r:¡CPr:.'45E C'.îpT\CT'T'Y lJun C)JJ.F'Wr'Y) I AN Errn.¡pr:;PING STT¡ny 'PE:pnp'T' " pc adnr!-.o':¡. NOTION CARRIED ~_. -.,----,--,------,. .----.. - -,-_._---.- - ---. I C\t QG t-- ~ ç:¡ o I I 153 AUBURN, WASHINGTON MAY 7.9, 1973 TUESDAY RESOLUTION NO, 578 It ¡·;as moved by Shaughnessy, second",,¿ by Flecnsig, that Resolution No. 578 enti tled "A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF AUBURN, r'iASHIYGTO:::, AUTHORIZING AND DIRECTING 'l'HE l<[.:;'YOR A:vD CITY CLERK, TO SIGN, OIl BEHALF OF THE CITY, A NUTUi'Œ FIRE FIGHTING l:.SSISTA:.';CE "~.GtŒENENT BETŸiEEN THE CITY OF AUBURN Ar.'D THE KING COWrry FIRE DISTR7CJ:' #3<] (FEDE:?JŒ r.¡.:..y, ,,",5Hn'u'LuN) .' ;';e adopted. I:OTION C.:"'_=:""'<.I2::; Pat Nevins, Director of Public Works, stated that the Equipment Maintenance CO~22ttee recommends that the Council approve the purchase of a new front end loader at t~e COlmcil Meeting of June 4, 1973. At this tim9,.¡e can purchase the unit throuqh ::he in tcrgovernmental route from John Deere ,.¡i thin the amount budg9ted. It is further prorx)s¿·~d that if the purchase of th9 ne,.¡ loader is approved that unit No. 422-61 . Iiub.èr. Maintainer and No. 427-50 Lessman Loader be ei ther traded in or sold to t:'1e hiyh8St bidder. Mr. Nevins also stated that the Committee has discussed disposal of surplus equipment and recommends that Council give him the authority to advertise to sell the surplus equipment. Authority will be requested at the June 4, 1973, Council Meeting. There being no further business to come before the Council, the meeting was adjourned at 10:00 P.M. APPROVED THIS 30th DAY OF MAY, 1973. ..