HomeMy WebLinkAbout06-04-1973 ]54 AUBURN, WASHINGTON MONDAY JUNE 4, 1973 The regular ¡";I.eeting of the City Council of t,"-:e City o.E lwburn convened at 8:00 P.M., :n. the .'J.uDurn Ci ty Council Chambers. ROI.~ r77" T __:-;'~.-A..J (}ouncilrt!:en Prese.l.!.t: Councilman G'c1í.ley, Sonneznanrz¡ Shaughn·2ssy, Darling, Halma!?, Flec'hs.i7r An~ L~~. APPROVhL OF MI0UTES .rt ¡vas moved by GaT/ey, seconded by Holman, that the Council Minutes of Nay 21, 1973, be approved as mailed. NOTION CAR..T:?IED I PUBLIC HEARItIGS Nayor Kersèy declared Public Hearing open on the request of Robert H. and Edward Steinberg to rezone from R-] to C-] a parcel of land located on the South side of 11th Street S.E. approximately 120 feet east of "A" Street S.E.. (Application No. 6-73) The Planning Commission recommends approval of this rezone request because it does conform to the Comprehensive Land Use Plan, provided that the owner enters into an agreement with the City, said agreement to contain provisions for the protection of the adjacent existing single family d¡·¡elling. These provisions to stay in effect until the land adjoining to the east is zoned for a non-residential purpose. The provisions are as follows: (1) That a 6-foot high cyclone type fence ",¡i tn redwood inserts be constructed and maintained along the east line of the parcel requesting reclassification, said fence to be reduced to ]-feet 6-inches between 11th Street and a point is-feet south to provide site distance. (2) That any outside storage of materials shall be kept within a fully fenced area. Said fence shall be a cyclone type with redwood inserts and shall be 6-feet in height. (]) That no new building shall be constrùcted upon the parcel requesting reclassification until the existing dwelling is removed from the property. It was moved by Sonnemann, seconded by Lea, that the Public Hearing be closed. MOTION Cl1..RRIED I It was moved by Sonnemann, seconded by Lea, that the request of Robert H. and Edward Steinberg to rezone from R-3 to C-3 be approved and the Planning Commission recomùendations be concurred with and the City Attorney be instructed to draw up the necessary ordinance. ROLL CALL VOTE: All Councilmen voting YES. NOTION CARRIED Mayor Kersey declared Public Hearing open on the request of Halvard Thormod to rezone from A-I to Open Space Agricultural Land Use Classification, a parcel of land located at 411 Clay Street N.W. containing approximately 61 acres. (Application No. 7-73) Ine Planning Commission recowmends approval of this rezone request because the land Ís being actively used for agricultural purposes and does conform to the requirements under RGv 84.]4 Open Space, Agricul tural or Timber Lands Current Use Assessment. This approval condi tioned upon the mmer granting the Ci ty of Auburn an easement for the cleaning and maintenance of Mill Creek and further that the o;.¡ne.r enter into an 2gree~ent with the City agreeing to provide the necessary easement for the cQnstruction of the Soil Conservation Drainage Channel as planned by the U.S. Department of ¿-;'qricul ture. It t'¡dS moved by Holman, seconded by Sonnemann, tha t the Publi c Hearing be closed. NOTION CA.RRIED I Councilman Cavey mentioned that everyone had received a letter from George A. Sch~ler, Planning Direc.tor, regarding the request of lial'/ard Thormod. In the letter, Mr. Schu.ler states "rie had previously l'ecommended to the P1.a:ming Commission that this request be held in abeyance until a determination is made as to ~ho has jurisdiction, du.e to the amendrr'ents made to the lar-¡ at the last session of the legisl.at'.J.re. Sine::: t,',9 Planning CO!r~71ission meeting vie have been advised that the ne:'i la,v will take effect on July 16, 1973 at ¡·¡hich time, all Current Us,.: Classifications ..¡ill be administered by the King County Assessors Office. It appears that ;'ie ..rill still have jurisdicc.ion over the three applications pending at this c,':'é!. Ç'1e do reel that all the Current: Use Classifications should be considered on a :.:.niform basis, ,,'ith criteria designed to treat all properties the same. This can only be acco~plished by one agency. We are somewhat of the opinion, that this request should be denied and the ree be retlŒned and that the petitioner re-file the application ¡"1Íth the assessor under the prOv'isions of the ne;·¡ law. If the City Council feels tho.t ¡'Ie should act on this request, then ¡.¡e recolI'mend that the conditions out1.ined .Ín the z'ecom:nendation be .ÍncoLporat9d in the approva.l." I ~ ~ I"- I""':J ç~ o I I ~~ ~'15 5 AUBURN, WASHINGTON MONDAY JUNE 4, 1973 It was mo,~d by Gavey, seconded by F1echsig, that the request of Halvard Thormod to rezone ~rom A-I to Open Space Agricultural Land Use Classification be approved and the P_Zanning Commission recoIr.7ienda tions be concurred wi tho ROLL CALL VOTE: Councilman Gavey, Sonnemann, Shaughnessy, Holman, F1echsig and Lea. voting YES. Co:..:.nc:iimaJl LJaLli~11.g voting :::c. MOTION CAR.RI2D Mayor Kersey declared Public Hearing open on the request of the Planning Depart~ent of the Ci ty of Auburn to establish building setbacks and landscaping standards for the various use classifications in Zone Ordinance 1702 said amendments and addi dons to be k":.J:,,'n as àn ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF AUBURN, WASHINGTON, REPEALING CODIF;n:::D AUBURN CITY ORDINANCE CHAPTERS 11.16.030, 11.16.040, 11.16.050, 11.16.080, 11.16.090, 11.16.100, 11.16.110, 11.16.120, 11.16.130 AND 11.16.150 IN THEIR ENTIRETY: CREATD;C NE;i SECTIONS UNDER CHAPTER 11.16 (REGULATIONS) OF THE CODIFIED ORDINANCES OF THE CI'I'Y OF AUBURN, SAID SECTIONS TO BE KNOVIN AS 11.16.030, 11.16.0-101 11.16.050, 11.16.080, 11.16.090, 11.16.100, 11.16.ll0, 11.16.120 AND 11.16.130, AND 11.16.150; CREATING A NEV.! SECTION UNDER CHAPTER 11.16 OF THE CODIFIED ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF AUBURN, SAID SECTION TO BE KNŒVN AS 11.16.280 (LlHlDSCAPING STANDl1..RDS). The Planning Commission recommends approval of this proposed ordinance as amended. Mr. Frank Lee, of 3104 Aüburn Way North, voiced his objections to this proposed ordinance. Mr. Lee stated that the ordinance in its rightful meaning is a goOd thing; however, if he has to spend money to develop· his property and set aside 1200 front feet for landscaping, he feels the ordinance is ridiculous. He stated that there should be variances for different situations. If he has to follow' this ordinance he would be the only car agency in town with a park in front of his business and he does not feel this is feasible. Mr. Lee stated that he could see having some shrubbery around his business but not a park area. He requested the Council go look at Bellevue and see how their similar ordinance has gotten out of hand. Mr. Lee stated that he is for the setback, but he is not for the shrubbery. It '.>¡as moved by Sonnemann, seconded by Lea, that the Public Hearing be closed. MOTION CAR9.IED Councilman Shaughnessy stated that he agrees with the gentleman in the audience. The intent of ' the ordinance is excellent but he does not feel everyone has the same idea about what is beautiful in the way of landscaping. He stated that he fails to see the obligation of a develover to beautify a commercial business since people will only go to a business- for a specific reason an~ he feels , if DroDerty abuts other property or residential areas that are ~cely landscapedJ the; a· certain type of aesthetics should be fo1lo¡ved. Councilman Gavey stated that he had been out to Bellevue and particularly studied tJ~e Nhi te Front Store there. He stated that they follo....¡ed similar landscaping standards there and the area was beautiful. He understands the store has been c.losed for a.while and the surrounding area is still in very good shape. f.Jr. F'ra.n.k Lee ",¡alked out of the meeting at 8:23 P.M. Councilman Sonnemann stated that the Planning and Beautification ComlÚttee M~mÞers drove out to Bellevue and ~~dover and looked at the different landscaping beLng incorporated there. He stated that the attractiveness was very pleasing and he. feels our proposed ordinance is even less restrictive than some of the surroundLng Ci.. ties. It ¡vas ~oved by Darling, seconded by Sonnemann, that the request of the ,Plan~ng D202rC~2nt of the City of Auburn to establish building setbacks and lanGscap~ng st~!nè.ar-ds be approved as amended and the City Attorney be instructed to draft¡ up the Lecessary ordinance. ROLL ChLL VOTE: Councilman Darling, Holman, Flechsig, Gavey, and So~~emann voting YES. Councilman Lea and Shaughnessy voting NO. l-10TION CARRIED CO?.RESPONDENCE The c'l. ty C1.er]:;. T. V. Cable of mentioned the letter from ¡'1illiam L. Monson, President Enumcla:.¡. The letter requests the transfer of control Gr,:een R.I T7er Cablevision, Inc., to Clean7ie;v T. tl. Cable of of of Clearview the C. A. T. V. El-l umcT¿M,- iñc. Et:allc~h7~se frOIl1 156 AUBURN, WASHINGTON MONDAY JUNE 4, 1973 1"1: ,-¡as mOTfed by Gavey, seconded by Sonne:r:ann, that this be referred to the Uti1ìtIJ Co::,~71i ttee and License and Ordinance CO:fU:U ttee for revie;·¡ and recoiT.mendations. ~he City Attorney stated that there are several people in the audience who are interested in this. Councilman Shaughnessy asked the gentlemen in the audience if action had to be taken. on this matter tonight. NI. Honson, President of C1earvie....' 7:. ~/.. '::.-.;:.b2..:: ~·lf Enumcla..r... ~'~a'¡-r·:J 1:112.J.... t:h¿y exercis6è o!?ti~,·: C.tl t.J.,~, ?2"1ð ~~ Las: ::a.Ji1~: and they haFe until the 22r:.d of June to close the transaction. Hr. [¡Jonson agreed that this could go before the Utility Committee and License and Ordinance Com~ttee. Councilman Gavey stated that he will attend the Utili ty COIT'u71i ttee meeting on June 7 so the gentlemen will only need to attend one meeting. Councilman Shaughnessy requested the interested party to see Pat Nevins in regard to this matter. l ~, I ¡ i t MOTION CARRIED I f-[rs. Byerley mentioned the letter from Dave Mooney, Chairman Inter-Governmental Relations COIT'~ittee - King County Council, relating to gambling in King County. Uayor Kersey stated that Councilman Gavey ¡.¡iLl have something to say about thi$ later. ~he City Clerk read the Zone Change Application from Karl H. Stute, requesting change of zoning from Unclassified to M-l, property located at 1225 West Valley Highway North. It was moved by Sonnemann, seconded by Shaughnessy, that the Zone Change ~pplicatiQn from Karl H. Stute and the Zone Change Application of Hor·¡ard C. Hadley be referred to the Planning Corrmission for recommendations. (Application No's 13-73 and 14-73) RECOMMENDATIONS The following items are submitted by the Director of Public Works, Pat Nevinsl for Council Approval: creation of L.I.D. 278, construction of 34-wide street including excavation, ballasting, curb and gutter, asphalt concrete paving, storm drainage on East Main bet¡.¡een IIR" St. and Riverviev¡ Drive, "[l" St. N. E.., "U" Place H.E. and Riverview Drive from East ,"lain to a point 509 mil ft. North. Estimated arCOl1!1t of improvements is $79,999.70. 80.98% of the total frontage and 78.57% of the total area property o:mers siqned petition. I It was moved by Sonnemann, seconded by Cavey, that L.I.D. 278 be created and that the ci ty Attorney be directed to prepare the necessary ordinance to accomplish sa....ne. ROLL CALL VOTE: All Councilmen voting YES. !10TION CARRIED Pay Estimate No.2, final, to W. C. Frost Construction Co~ for construction of Sanitary Sewer Imp. #23, dike improvements at sewer lagoon, in the amount of $6,265.08. It was moved by Shaughnessy, seconded bq Darling, that the project be accepted by the C.ity as complete and Pay Estimate No. ,2, final, to ~1. C. Frost Construction Company for $6,265.08 be approved for payment and the retained percentage amounting to $1,257.13 be paid in thirty days provided no liens or claims are filed and clearance is secured from the State .Tax Commission and the Department of Labor and Industries. ROLL CALL VOTE: All Councilmen voting YES. MOTION Cl1.RRIED Pay Estim~te No.1 to Cary Merlino Const. Co. for construction of St. Imp. 134, Schedule I, in the amount of $120,514.89. It was mov9d by So~~~emann, seconded by Gavey, that Pay Estimate No.1 to Cary H~rlino Construction Company for $120,514.89 be approved for payment. I ROLL CALL VOTE: All Councilmen voting YES. MOTION CARRIED Pay Estimate No.1 to J. J. Sprague, Inc. for construction of LIDs 274 and 276, water måins in area of S.E. 304th, Lea Hill, in the amount of $34,530.76. 1.<- >idS ...vV<-.:U 1:¡ :;hc..i.;':J-,,~:=--J, ~.:oC'0n¿?:,.-7 J:>y f{o.ZrnëJl"1, that Pay Est.iT"!atp No. I ro.7- .T.·,C:;nr').que, Inc. for $34,530.76 be approved for payment. ROLL CALL VOTE: Councilman Shaughnessy, Darling, Holman, Flechsig, Lea; and Sonnemann voting YES. Counci.lman Cavey voting NO. ¡"'lOTION CilFŒ.IED I C\ì X l'- I-:J ~< o I I 157 AUBURN, WASHINGTON MONDAY JUNE 4, 1973 Pay Es timate /'10. seÿ.ler 011 "l,:1I St. 1 to Chad Constru~ti0n Co. for construction of LID 2ï3, sanitary N.E. in ~he amount of $2,864.34. It was moved by Shaughnessy, seconded by Holman, that Pay Estimate No.1 to Chad Construction Company for $2,864.34 be a~proved for payment. :'<J~~ CALL ¡.lOTb~.~ ii1.1 c...,,-)unc~11'.i9n 1.,foting }'ES. l.r::;:-'I()~),_;" C"li.-~_:¿IED Authori cy to call for bids for electric motor dri ven pump at Coal Creek Pu:c::p Sta-:::io, It Ivas mO'/f::d by Holman, seconded by Shaughnessy, that authority be given to th.e Public ~lorksDirector to call for bids for electric motor driven pump at Coal Cresk PUil'p Station. . ",:jí) r T 1~....... .l...J~ All Councilmen voting YES. CALL VOTE: MOTION C~~r¿?I~D PROCLAMATIONS, APPOItlTNEi'TTS lJ.ND ANNOUNCEMENTS Mayor Kersey announced that the City had received a letter from the Secretarq of State regarding 1973 Municipal Elections. It ¡'/as suggested that each Ci ty Clerk haT,'e the councilmen, whose offices are to be voted upon this year, draw their position nur.~ers so the official certificate of nurr.ber assignment can be executed. Therefore, at this time the three Councilmen running in the fall election will dra¡ý for their position. RESULTS ARE AS FOLLO~¡S: posi tion No. 1 - Ai Flechsig Position No. 2 - Ray Sonnemann Position No. 3 - Frank Shaughnessy COUNCIL COMNITTEE REPORTS LICENSE AND ORDINANCE COMMITTEE - CHAIRMAN GAVEY The next License and Ordinance Committee will meet at 7:30 P.M. on Wednesday, June 13, 1973 in the Coffee Room of City Hall. The Committee will be discussing the various garr0ling activities which would be allowed in the City of Auburn as outlined by the letter and ordinance the City received from Dave Mooney, Inter-Governmental Relations Com~ittee - King County Council. There will also be discussion on the transfer of control of the C.A.T.V. franchise from Green River Cablevision,·Inc., to Clearvie¡.¡ T. v. Cable of Ènumcla¡>I, Inc. and on bicycle licensiI7.g. Councilman Sonn~mann asked Councilman Gavey if the Street Committee could meet directly after the License and Ordinance Committee since both Committee's have the same Committee Members. Councilman Gavey replied there will be no problem. STREET & ENGINEERING COpll1ITTEE - CHAIRMAN SONNEMANN The Street and Engineering Committee met at 7:30 P.M. on May 23, 1973. The Com~ittee discussed various streets deserving of various types of repair or servicing. The money will come from budgeted funds or revenue sharing money that was voted on for this purpose. The 1974 Program was deferred until a later date. There ,.¡as considerable discussion on the proposed sani tary se¡·¡er L.I. D. on 24th Street SE "N" Street to "R" Street. There ¡vill be further discussion and study before anything is finalized on this particular LID. Th~ Committee discussed the LID for street surfacing and curb and gutter on East !~in bee¡.men "R" Street and Rivervie¡.¡ Drive, "U" Street H.E. betw,õ:en East ¡':a.in an::; 1s:: si:.:.eet H.E., "u" Place N.£'. (East of "u" Street), Rivervie¡.¡ Drive bet¡.¡een East :::'ii.' and 1st Street N.E. This LID ¡.¡as taken care of earlier in the Council ì-!,-:;:eting. ~~e Co~mittee studied and discussed installation of service club signs. The Cor.:uttee 2pproved the folloí¡Íng location: Auburn f'lay South on the Ci ty right-of-;y·ay (enlarged r i qht-of-ílcl'j on the North side) bet¡·¡een the shopping center and East of the 11 R" Street :Jr.: dge. 7h0 Street Co~mit~e2 discussed the street Cor.~ittee Policy and requested that two Sub Sections be added to the existinq ~olicy dated l¡ugust 23, 1973. The Leo";) sert.io,"Îs ~C' follnçý.c;· (l1F;r-l) .C; 1. i 2-, Seçti.o.~ :3.. Ð:J..<:;T OrLING - ~.T'~T) ,rYQl,")7r:-r':PC: =1n(? ('..E;n Sub Section 4. STREET sURFJKE :·:/-.I:!T2:V.:;NCE. r,·¡-::;trpet 'Co;Tw;i ttee :'·¡inutes of :-:a;] 23, 1973. For further information refer 158 AUBURN, WASHINGTON MONDAY JUNE 4, 1973 Councilman Sonne~ann stree~ COI:mittee Meeting scheduled for June 6 t i~~cdiately following the License and Qrdinance t t f t . ( t f ¡ I I i , i f \. I I , , ¡ ¡ I ~. annou.nceã that thð .1.S c~a...r1cel)..ed and the COtr~7!í ttee :'li11 rr:eet Co~aittee on ~ednesday, June 13, 1973. Councilman Sonnemann also repor::ed th-ot the Co;n."7Ii teee on Comùi ttees met this e;Ien':::;;:, .'9rio.k. t-V tL,:.:: c...ot!!1ci..1:. t!eetil~::. The COt?'"...d¡ct¿~ ~71scL.~2ed the T/arioù::> CQi-IJ.cil C01:;.;.¡~.LL.t:2'-._ r.¡n:: discussed ¡'¡hat COG7ii ttee each Councilman desired to serve on. A motion r¡ra.s made and approved to combine the Public Safety Commi ttee and the License and OrdinaI7.c:e Com11ittee. The ne,,¡ Corruuittee ;.¡Íll be called the Public Safety Committee and it ,viII combine the previou:;¡ scope of the Public Sa.fety Commi ttee and the previous scope of the License and Ordinance Comznittee. The Committee on Committees designated the follo;,¡ing as Comùi ttees and Corami ttee ¡"lembers: Airport Cornmittee - Ai Flechsig, Chairman Gordon Darling, Vice Chairman John Lea, Member Finance Committee - Hayes Holman, Chairman John Lea, Vice Chairman Gordon Darling, Member Municipal Buildings Committee - & Equipment Maintenance John Lea, Chairman Hayes Holman, Vice Chairman Al F1echsig, Member Planning and Beautification Committee - Gordon Darling, Chairman Ray Sonnemann, Vice Chairman Dale Gavey, Member Public Safety Com7Úttee - (Combined Public Sa.fety Committee and former License & Ordinance Com~ittee)Dale Gavey, Chairman Frank Shaughnessy, Vice Chairman Ray Sonnemann, Member Street and Engineering Committee~- Ray Sonnemann, Chairman Dale Gavey, Vice Chairman Frank Shaughnessy, Member Utility Com~ittee - Frank Shaughnessy, Chairman Al Flechsig, Vice Chairman Hayes Holman, Member It was moved by Sonnemann, seconded by Holman, that a Resolution be dra~vn up stating the above mentioned information. MOTION CARRIED UTILIT}" CONNITTEE - CHAIRMilN SHAUGHNESSY The Utility Comllittee met at 7:30 P.M. on Thursday, May 24, 1973. The Committee revier¡lCd a proposed Infil tration/InflŒ"¡ Study by Hill, Ingman & Chase. This study ¡,rill be taken under advisement and discussed in a future meeting of the Council. The CO~uittee discussed the R.S.T. Disposal Contract between the City of Auburn~ P..S.T. Dis¡::::;sal Inc. anâ the Boe.lng Company. The Committee felt that the staff shou.ld ;-¡C!rJ: .,;.:. th t-ir. Segale and th2 B09i.rlg Co.7:pany and see if a re'7ision ~'rould be in order. The Con::,,':' ttee ga'7e authority to enter into agreement I:!c. to paint the exterior of Old Academy Reservoir. f rom funds budg2ted f01: pa_ln ting the interior of the Jnter.ior ,,¡i.U still have to be accomplished but may .Ln order co have sufficient funds in the budget. with Structural Steel Painters, The money, $8500.00, ¡vi Ii come old reservoir. The tvork on the have to be delayed until next year :l.':l¿:: [I~.~l.~ ty Cc.·:'-t_~~·. ~,-2t; '-"'-f:/l-'L'JV~--:~ t:.h¿ ......::J~~_:..2nt ~;'i t...~ ':"':}:,~·l2.r]( 'I'r.:-;,ilcr l'il1age vl21ich p.'.-ovides th~J Oi';ner to pay sewer service and to complete.ly install the necessary se,,¡ers on his property ,,¡ithin five years of the date of the agreement. The Committee ~·~~co.r¡ùùen.-]s that the Ci tl) Attorney dra,.¡ up a resolution to confirm the agreement. The COt!L"ni ttee asked the staff to :review .in greater deta.il S'-J-tler lines to serve the Xuckleshoot Indian Reservation. b~·_: made l)~:'f.:-o.re a recorr...J.T!enda ti on can be reached. the extension of water and------- Further study of this ,.¡ill I I I -. -".,,-.."-.- ~ I ~ IX) l'- 1- ...; -., ¡..-,¡ o I I 159 AUBURN, WASHINGTON MONDAY JUNE 4, 1973 The request for use of the Coal Creek r'la::er Shed area for motor bike riding wa~ considered in detail. The COG~ittee cc~sidered the potential contamination and the problem with control of the area a~¿ felt that it would not be in the best interest of the ¡-later Di vision and the Ci ty as a ~¡hole to reco,'71mehd this type of acti vity in that specific area. Councilman Gavey asked ~~~y the Co~uittee caIne to that conclusion. Councilman Shaughnessy state:::' that h'e do not "'lant bikes around the ¡'¡ater suppl'..] En::: h- -....ity, birees c0uld create ¡;...J...1 éÜlcl polJ.<1i...ion, and other CiL..LeS in tn,? an:::a. try not to contaùinate their water supplies. The request for underground delay for vlestern Sound Investment Inc. ¡.¡as discussed and the Committee recommended that a delay be granted, provided the owner sign an agreement by which he agrees to participate in any future underground LID ¡vhich may be propo$ed for the area. Councilman Shaughnessy stated that the Utili ty Committee discussed proposed Netro ~ ,zlubu Se~;'er llgreement"'. The val:ious changes made in accordance wi th the direction of the UUlity Corrmittee ¡vere definitely for the best interest of the City and made this .latest edition of the contract very attractive. It was àlso pointed out t.hat by ha~ing the trunk line running from Kent to Auburn will provide sufficient capacity for the Auburn area to gro¡y and develop. If this trunk line is not constructed or is delayed as a result of the effort of puget Sound Governmental Conference, then there would be a slim possibility that E.P.A. and the Department of Ecology would allow the City of Auburn to expand its existing facility or build a tertiary treatment plant. If the latter happens, then it would seem reasonable that P.S.G.C. would pare down considerably the size of the proposed treatment plant to only provide treatment to serve our existing population with very little growth. This line of reasoning brings one back to consider which is more important, connection to Metro or trying to follow the original comprehensive plan. The Committee considered the various aspects and felt that they should recommend to the full Council the signing and submitting of the latest edition of the Metro agreement. Councilman Shaughnessy stated that we will be playing into the hands of P.S.G.C. if we don't resolve our problems with Metro. vie ,,¡ill·be obligated, if tve continue a grov¡th pattern such as ,,¡e have had in commercial and indusb:ial gro;vth, to enlarge and expand our se¡.¡age plant. Councilman Shaughnessy asked Pat Nevins and John Berel ter to explain some of the details. John B. Bereiter, City Attorney, states that in his memo dated June 1, 1973 he advises that tne Mayor and City Clerk be authorized to execute the latest Metro Agreement and to fOD¡ard it to the City's special counsel, Mr. George Mack, with instructions for him to fonvard the draft to Metro as the latest and best offer of the City of Auburn. Pat Nevins, Director of Public Works, stated that we do not have additional capacitq at our treatment plant. vIe are trying to maintain the flow at the treatment plant but nOI-¡ aerators are not increasing the capaci ty. Building permi ts are up substantia2l,:;' and if we continue this trend we tJill find ourselves in dire trouble in the deqree of exactnèss in treating ser./age if ,,¡e don't do something in near future. If ¡ole do not join ¡Úth Metro "Ie ,,¡ill be at the mercy of P.S..G.C. in regard to the size of our treatment plant and "Ie should be a¡-lare of this and plan accordingly. George Schuler, Planning Director, stated that the Inter-Regional Project has the ·Ci ty listed as "0 gro¡vth". Some areas of the Ci ty are not connected to se";er lines and if we do not sign with Metro and bring a sewer line do~~ to the City, we ¡,ill be ¡vhere P.S.-G.C. wants us because we won't be serving all areas ,,¡ithin our City. I have been opposed to Metro and originally pulled Auburn out because I did not Eeei .it ¡vas right. Ho,,¡ever, it no,,! is a matter of connecting ,,¡ith Metro or ,.;itnessi.T;; ) the death of the City. < Councilman Shaughnessy stated that he feels this is a very controversial iss:¡e and he does not feel a recommendation should be made until ¡va hear from other me,TlJers of the Council. Councilman Sonnemann stated that he has never been enthusiastic about joining Metro and he still has some unresolved questions in his mind. He wonders if it really makes since for Metro to spend five of six million dollars to put pipes in from Kent to Auburn and then run them back to Renton in order to maintain adequate stream flow. He ~londers vlhat the environmental irr;pact on the fisheries r;.¡ollld be t.J'ith all r:he sewáge dumpeQ in-co the Green River. lIr. Sor>..n.emann suggested that rye miqht get an Ildvisory Board together to let the Council know hm·¡ the ci ti zens feel about Netro since this has not been discussed very much publicly. It was ~lso pointed out that if the City joins with Metro the se~vage rates ,,¡LIl go up_ If ¡ole can treat our se¡.¡age to the degree that h'e can drink it, we would be putting pure ¡vater back in the river. Perhaps' we should make applicat.ion for expansion of our m/n treatment plant to P.S.G.C. and to the State. vie ¡.¡oulcl be turned dmm and this might g.lFe us a cnanC2 to sho''¡ them that it ¡ofou.ld be better to have our o;·m plant rather th,::m. j~;i.ning N"-:tro. ]60 AUBURN, WASHINGTON MONDAY JUNE 41 1973 Councilman Cavey stated that he feels the citizens have not had much information on Metro and we should possibly have an election or have people send in letters and environmental impact is going to be very important. Possibly ..Ie should go to court <if necessary. Councilman Cavey stated that ¡ve should h:we a PUb1iç Hearing on this "12tter. ~ , I ! Councilman Flechsig asked if it wouldn't cost more to enlarge our treatment plant than joining Metro. Pat Ne,.rins stated that we have a report that sho¡,¡s the first stage of enlarg.ing our treatment plant to tertiary treatment ¡vould be six million ! ¡ d9l1ars "/ I Councilman Holman stated that he thinks "Ie should keep out of l1etro, but if ,-Ie keep growing we are going to have to do something. He stated he has no objections to having a Public Hearing on Metro. Councilman Lea stated that it is his understanding that it will cost the City of Auburn six million dollars to expand our treatment plant. He asked i.f ,-Ie might .oe able to use some federal revenue funds for this ·to defray the cost. The Nayor and City Attorney stated that federal revenue funds could not be earmarked for this purpose. It ,,¡as moved by Cavey, seconded by Shaughnessy, that ç,le call for a Public Hearing on June 18, 1973 at 8:00 P.M. on the proposed Netro - Auburn Se¡ver Agreement. ROLL CALL VOTE: All Councilmen voting YES. NOTION CARRIED FINANCE COMMITTEE - CHAIRMAN HOLfL~V The Finance Committee met at 7:30 P.M. on May 31, 1973. The Co~uittee discussed in detail the ne;,¡ Drug Program (Kent, Auburn Youth Resources Bureau). Financing for the program will come from the follmâng: King County - $621500, City of Auburn _ $17,405, and Kent - $17,405. The local funds to be used for youth development¡,¡ithin the City of Auburn. The Com~ittee concurred with the implementation of this program ¡'1i th the follO¡<1Íng stipulations: That the amount of $17,405 for funding of this fiscal program be paid in four equal paI-ts of $4,351.25, ",hich would allo¡.¡ the City I Council to evaluate the program and its progress on a quarterly basis before other expenditures are made. It was moved by Holman, seconded by Lea, that we join in this program and that quarterly payments be made after studying quarterly progress reports. ROLL CALL VOTE: Councilman Holman, Flechsig, Lea, Sonnemann, Shaughnessy and Darling voting YES. Councilman Cavey voting NO. NOT ION CARR: ,,:- 0 The COTrmittee concurred "lith the recommendation, of the Director of Finance, to im/est $875,000 in short term securities. It was moved by HOlman, seconded by Flechsig, that authority be given to the Director of Finance to invest $875,000 in short term securities. ROLL CALL VOTE: All Councilmen voting YES. 110TION CARRIED General information on Federal Revenue Sharing was presented to the Commjttee. Mayor Kersey reèommended that an additional $111,288 be appropriated for storm sewer .installation and/or separation. The Committee concurred with the recommendation. It was moved by Holman, seconded by Lea, that an additional $11l,288 be appropriated f01: storm se¡-,'er installation and/or separation from Federal Revenue Funds. I ROLL CALL ~~TE: . All Councilmen voting YES. MOTION CA.:RRIED AIR.?ORT COf.1NITTEE - CHl1IRNilÌ'l FLECHSIC Councilman Flechsig asked Councilmen Darling and Lea if June 19, 1973 at 7 :30 P .11. . ¡.·,ro!~~.Ii b'? a ,;'ooC!. e1c-r!i:-;.·] fo;: t::':: .l"":.~I1J'C:":<_ :"';:~1:.;":'tté2. _D_.L.J'" c~o";Z'!cil~__r! _!.greed. ;'[U.VICIPi1.L BUILDIiJGS .4ND EQUIPgENT NlUNTENANCE COMMITTEE - CHAIRflAN LEA Counci.lman Lea announced that the next Nunicipal Buildings and Equipment Maintenance Co,T/[:7itts''ê! Xeeting ¡'1Ì_Il b9 at 7:30 P.N. on !1onâay, June 11, 1973. At the last ___ _________ C:X2T"it tCè'C X(:,eting the Commi ttec discussed the approval of the purchase of a ner,.¡ front :,âloa2cT 1:0 be pUTc}~ased thnJugh the intergovernmental route from Joh:z Deere for :;23,5:';). 'r'1is amount: .is budgeted as fo_Llo~¡s: $15,000 - Access Streets and $8,500 - I ;\i X t-- I""':) ,.- 1,-. C;; I I 161 AUBURN, WASHINGTON MONDAY JUNE 4, 1973 Àc=erial streets. If the purchase is aooro'led unit No. 422-61 Huber Maintainer and No. 427·-50 Less::;an Loader a.re to be traje~-'l in or sold to the highes t bidder. T~ :'/as l7?c.r.'eâ by Lea/ sec:Jnded £:':] Son:1er::at:.n; that the Street Department be autl10rized ts pc:ch¿se t~e John Deere - Front End Loader. h)!:'1.J CALL t!,-,.'- ;c· , -~~ c~unci~men voting YES. 1,~::)rrTO~--',r ("'/"~ C:.F'>"':" "'"E) The Commttee 21so discussed disposal of fo:..:r::22n o.ieces of surplus equiF·le."'lt "',"- recom:r.~nds tnac authori ty be given to adFertise to sell the surplus equipr.:ent. It was moved DJ Lea, seconded by Sonnemann, that a'lthority be given to advertise ~~ s~::.Il the fourteen pieces of' surplus equipré'ent. This is to be an indi7/.idual sale for each item. . ROLL CALL VOTE: All Councilmen voting YES. nOTIO:l Cl-.?..?.IZD DEPARTMENT HEAD REPORTS Len Chapman, Director of Parks and Recreation, reported that the City's application for 75% matching funds for the $344,527 Brannan Park Developme.nt Project :·;as approved b~1 the Interagency for Outdoor Recreation Comrni ttee. The Ci ty can nOí¡ proceed ¡·¡i tll it's plans to develop this site as scheduled. Mr. Chapman reported that if he ,v"as given the go ahead tonight, vIe would be ready to ask for authorization to call for bids at the next Council Meeting and bids will be awarded at the second Council Meeting in July. Work could begin the last part of July. OLD BUSINESS The City Attorney stated that Ordinance No. 2733 and Ordinance No. 2734 have been corrected to reflect several mathematical errors and he recommends that the Council authorize execution of these two ordinances tonight. The two ordinances had been introduced only at the Council Meeting of May 21, 1973. ORDINANCE NO. 2733 It was moved by Sonnemann, seconded by Shaughnessy, that Ordinance No. 2733 entitled "AN ORDINANCE RELATING TO THE ¡vATER AND SE01ER REVENUE REFUNDING BONDS, 1973; DECLARING A PUBLIC EMERGÈNCY PURSUANT TO RCW 35A.33.090; PROVIDING FOR THE APPROPRIATION AND TRANSFER OR 110NEY FROM THE f'lATER-SE¡ýER FUND OF THE CITY FOR DEPOSIT ¡VITH SEATTLE-FIRST NATIONA[, BALVK, SEATTLE, f'lASHINGTON, AS REFUNDING TRUSTEE, ESTABLISHED BY ORDINANCE NO. 2725 AND PURSUANT TO THE AGREEMENT BY AND BE'lWEEN THE CITY AND THE REFUNDING TRUSTEE DATED AS OF MAY 8, 1973; AND APPROVING, CONFI&"IING AND RATIFYING ALL ACTS DONE BY THE APPROPRIATE CITY OFFICIALS PURSUANT TO ORDINANCE NO. 2725." be adopted as amended. ROLL CALL VOTE: All Councilmen voting YES. MOTION CARR.IED ORD.rNANCE NO. 2734 It was moved by Holman, seconded by Sonnemann, that Ordinance No. 2734 entitled II AN ORDINANCE RELATING TO THE GENERAL OBLIGATIO,V REFUNDING BONDS, 1973; DECLARniG A PUBLTC EMERGENCY PURSUANT TO RCí<l 35A. 33.090; PROVIDTNG FOR THE APPROPRIATTON .'iND TRi....NSFER OF MONEY FROM THE GOLF COURSE CONSTRUCTION FUND IN THE GENERl',L FJ:ID l-..VD ·nu.:: liIR?ORT CONSTRUCTION FUND OF THE CITY FOR DEPOSIT ¡-lITH sEIWTLE-FIRST NATIONAL B.;::K, SE.4TTLE, rvl<..SHINGTON, AS REFUNDING TRUSTEE, ESTABLISHED BY ORDINANCE NO. 2726 g!;) pu?-S::n:...N· TO THE AGREENENT BY AND BETC'lEEN THE CITY AND THE REFUNDING TRUSTEE DATED AS C? X;:'.l" S, 197 J; l1,ND AEJPROVING, CONFIRMING AND RlJ.TIFYING ALL ACTS DONE BY THE fìPP?Œ?RI.T-.~:' ·-:;I-::· O?FICIALS PURSUMlT TO ORDINANCE NO. 2726." be adopted as amended. ROLL CALL VOTE: All Councilmen voting YES. l'~(J2.-;I~J~t C;:..:'?w.'C':.I:':;D ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS ORDINAi\'CE NO. 2735 It ,v·as moved b'-] Darling, seconded by J!01!:i2!7. ¡ that Ordinance 1'10. 2735 enti tled ".lia CJI:DE~'/..zlIlCE o.r;' :"3:£ Cr'I':! ::;r ..7'.:..L~?:?::'~'.' ~ ~,1..1'.~'_~!-r:~\~:;'-:-:'~, n:"-:r;..4T .:!Ir; C_É'_nrr;'TF;T) J:.URURt,' CTT'Y ORD::;~r..~."'/C:;:t CHAP'I'ERS 11.16.0]0, 1l.16.0iJO, 1l.16.050¡ LL.16.030, 11.16.090, 11.16.700,11.16.110, 11.Ió.l20~ 11.16.130 AND 1.l..I6.150 .IN THEIR ENTIPETY: CREATING NErl' SEC'I'IO:'ìS UNDZF~ O!Jl,,'JTER 11.16 (REGULilTIONS) OF THE CODIFIED ORDn.'-lLVCL'S OF THE CITY OF AUBURN, SAID SECTIONS TO BE KNŒIN AS 11.16.030, 11.16.040, 11.16.050, 11.16.080, 11.16.090, 1l.16.l00, 11.16.110, 11.16.220, AND .Il.16.I30, k'fD .Il.16.L50; CREA'l'IlfG ..'i HE,} SECTIO:: U.':IER Cli.2;PT¡:;? 11.16 OF TIlE CODIFIED ORDINANCES OF THE CLTY Of' ,,1UBURN, SlUD SEC'[,ICN 162 AUBURN, WASHINGTON MONDAY JUNE 4, 1973 J.'O BE 1<['/07/:'1 AS 1-1.16.280 (L.Z1NDsCAPING ST¡';::lD.:'J.RDS)." be introduced and adopted. t ROLL C4.LL T/02'E: Councilrl'.an Darling, Holma'7., Cavey, and Sonnemann voting YES. Councilmand Flechsig, Lea, and Shaughnessy voting NO. MOTIOU Cp.~'t{.RIED ORDINANCE NO. 2736 It vIas moved by Gavey, seconded by Lea, that Ordinance No. 2736 entitled "AN O.rWINAf.lCE: OF THE CITY OF AUBURN, r;Y.4SHINGTON, PROVIDING FOR THE CONSTRUCTION AND INSTALLAT.rON OF CURB AND GUTTER, EXCAVATION, BllLLASTING, ASPHALTIC CONCRETE SURFACE AND STORÞl I DRAINAGE, AT THAT PORTION OF EAST MAIN BET'dEEN "R" STREET ilND RIVERVIEW DR.IVE, "u" STREET NORTHEiJ.ST, BETWEEN EAST NAIN AND FIRST STREET NORTHEAST, "u" PLACE NORTHEAST' (El,ST OF "u" STREET), RIVERVIEf¡¡ DRIVE BE'IWEEN EAST NAIN AND FIRST STREET NORTHEAST INSIDE THE CORPORIJ.TE LIiVJITS OF THE CITY,. CREATING AND ESTABLISHING LOCAL INPROVEMENT DISTTUCT NO. 278,- PROVIDING THE METHOD OF ASSESSMENT IN SAID DISTRICT AND THE MODE OF PAYP1ENT 'I'HEREOF, AND CREATING A LOCAL INPROVEMEN7' FUND THEREFOR. 11 be introduced and adopted. ' ROLL CIŒL VOTE: All Councilmen voting YES. MOTION CARRIED RESOLUTION NO. 579 It was moved by Gavey, seconded by Shaughnessy, that Resolution No. 579 entitled "A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF AUBURN, riJASHINGTON, AUTHORIZING THE MAYOR AND CITY CLERK TO ENTER INTO AN AGREEMENT ¡'lITH MR. ANDY VOSK llND NANCY VOSK, HIS rVIFE r miNERS OF THE SKYLARK TRAILER VILLAGE, CliLLING FOR THE PAYMENT TO THE CITY OF AUBURN PURSUANT TO THE SCHEDULE SET FORTH THEREIN OF AUBURN SErvER CONNEC,!!ION FEES AlW CHARGES." be adopted. ROLL C.4.LL VOTE: All Councilmen voting YES. NOTION CARRIED RESOLUTION NO. 580 It was moved by Sonnemann, seconded by Shaughnessy, that Resolution No. 580 entitled "A P..ESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF AUBURN, vIASHINGTON, REPEALING AUBURN RESOLUTION NO. 498 (Jl:"NUARY 17, 1972) AND REDESIGNATING THE MEMBERS, PDr'lERS AND DUTIES OF ALL STANDING COMf-1ITTEES OF THE CITY 'COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF AUBURN." be adopted. I .ROLL CALL \TOTE: All Councilmen voting YES. NOTION CARRIED VOUCHER APPROVAL LIST It ¡'laS r:1oved by Holman, seconded by Lea, that the voucher list dated May 31, 1973 ~ in the amount of $2,383,412.43 be approved. i{OJ,L Ci1G[, FOTE: All Council¡llen voting YES. MOTION CARRIED NISCELLANEOUS BUSINESS 'I'b~ eit') C.l.·:?L'(, Earla Byerley, 'read the letter from Leonard C. Chapman, Director. or p,~<-'·.ò>! dC.'t; ¿-hcreation. 'l'h,,, letter regi3.rded the Interagency for Outdoor Recreat~o..'1 c..<'. .. 1·'·'¡..··..···· ·,,·~<~·-,·:·"1 or~ the C'1.·tž;'s <"""I"'-L;.·-·~t;àn for 75?~ matching funds for the nf~1r;- . ~".'h"~ c' , ..,.t.... .... J _}:/ -'.. .._ __....... J- s~~·;: ~ ';7<-~ë;L~~~~~n' ~~rk Developrn-o.'Ont Pr~ject v¡hich ,vas discussed under Department .H:e<.sl(Î" ~p.~;;:..~:O[ t;s". It 'i'0vec1 by DaLU nct, seconded by Shaughnessy I that the letter be referred ~'i na.nce ComIlli tt~e and that Counc.il concurrs "Ii th the Park Board recorr..mendation to the - . J . th t' ." 40~ oç hesi~" th/lt the fin" of O.R.B. be author1.zed to proceeo W1. ne rema1.n1.ng 0 _ u -0:"- t m' , . ~ 40~ oç ~ho work ;'Iork for Brannan Park as per terms of the agreemen. '1ne rema.ln1.n::J _,~ ~ ~_ ~ _ ;dll cos t approxima tel y $10,440 and is to come from the Park Department's snare of Forward Thrust Funds. I ROLL CALL VOTE: All Councilmen voting YES. MOTION C."4.RRIED b . f t' b S'n~ss to como beL""ore the Counc.il. the meeting vIas '.I'112 I:e el. ng 110. ur ner u':" "". .!<~ , adjourned by Mayor Kersey at 10:05 P.M. APPROVED THIS 5TH DAY OF JUNE, 1973. --..--- -_._~_.._- .-..- - ~/' /? < ,.- .. /[..~""- MAYOR