HomeMy WebLinkAbout06-18-1973 I ,:;\f X t-- I~ .., -, 1>-- C; I I _~~-3__~?_';, ;l:1S[£I~¡G':'a~¡ 163' JUNE 18, 197] i10ND.~Y :"-:-;e req-J.lar-lLeet::..:i..:::-;; of the City Council of the City of Auburn convened at 8::00 P.U., in t...':e .~1Ùurn Ci c¿ CaUDcil Chambers. ROLL CALL Co~=~2=en Presen=: Councilm~~ Cavey, Shaughnessy, Darling, Holman, Flechsig, and Lei].. _·-!a.]O~ ? ro- tern Ra::¡ ~·:;::l1emann.. APPROVAL OF MINUTES ~ - ;',-",,5 :::,o;¡ed by '=:o"::=an, seconded by Lea, that the Council Minutes of June 4, 1973 ~:::: ¿~~=cved as ~¿2~~a. NOTION CARRIED PUBLIC HEl:_Z:UNGS Xa'jcr ?ro-tem, Ray Sonne mann, stated that the Public Hearing on the proposed i"fetro A~b~rn Sewer Agree=ent has been well advertised. He stated that there are several a.2 térn=.tives the CCiU!1cil might choose from tonight and we ,-,íÌll hear from the various Department ~eads and the State of Washington Department of Ecology and the State of Washing~on ~nvironmental Protection Agency. During the discussion we would also l~ke to heax from the citizens in the audience. At this time, Mayor Pro-tem Sonne=~~n asked ~1at Pat Nevins give further information. Pat :/e7ins, Director of Public ~vorks, stated that he '-'Iould briefly go over the al ter- nati7es open to tl:e City of Auburn and he ¡viII answer questions later if there are 2.ny. I1r. Ne7iLS stated that average £10><1 through our treatment plant is three zúllio::: gallons ~r day. It would cost t...he City $6,000,000 to build a tertiary trea~-=nt plant (t:-.ís figure comes from a report made by Hill, Ingman & Chase & Company in lS69) and once L~S was in operation it would cost $350 per day per million gallons of fio;,; ror main.t:er:.a.ïce and operation costs. The City would pay $250,000 per year for ot:'er mainter:.~"=e and operation costs includLng bond redemption.' Assuming that we sell bands at 6% fcr 30 years, the principal and interest would be $435,600 per year. ~o c~n5ideration h=s been given to inflation costs since 1969 or to future increases due t:~ inflation. The entire study utilizes 1973 costs except the 1969 tertiary trea=r¿nt plant corstruction cost. Pat Se'.1ins ¡vent on -co discuss the average cost to property O¡vners under various altern¿tives. T~e average cost to the customer at this time is $3.00 per month for se;,;er, if vIe ccnnect to the Metro System the cost ¡vould be $5.75 per month, if we :Cu.ild a tertia.ry treatment plant ,tlithout Federal and State Aid the cost ~ould :Ce $10.80 ~er Œonth, and if we build a tertairy treatment plant with Federal a.'"2d Stë.te Aid t1:e C0st ¡.¡ould be $6.75 per month to residential customers. John 3ereiter, City Attorney, stated that he and the Department Heads do not intend ~o _i;::L::":1~nce the le;islative processes tonight, they are just giving facts and - 2n~o~~~on for cor:.sideration of the Council. He has presented to the Council, alon7 ~~th George ~¿ck, George Schuler, Pat Nevins, and Gene Williams, arecommenda- tion ~:'2t the,co~n~il authorize the Mayor and City Attorney to submit this agreement ::0 Me::ra as tne ~ai:est and best offer of the City of Auburn. Mr. Bereiter stated :'..or",'- :.,~ "0,,7d "p'--'- -hi~ on th t bl t " t" ~ . ~ . ~~"_C. --:::: ,', ~-_:... -- -.:> e a e onl..gn Lor l..nrormatl..on to the concerned ci tizens. .:..:}sr~ ar~ tvlO very ;ao~ clauses in the contract: 1. The Ci ty of Auburn ci ti zens ¡'lill -0" "'" -"arged a -,,- "''''arg''' ..ç . f -. - ---. --: - .:::>-:-- ~~-- ~ . Lor se¡ver serVl..ces rom Metro until ¡'1€ are actually con.r:¿c::sG. and reee.: -.-::.ng thel..r servi ces; and 2. There ¡.¡ill be no charge until ::>,,--=- S:;und Gover.-:'_'::s:1ta1 Conference changes their regional co!rl"{)rehensive plan so ~ ê:: ~ 5 ~:: conforma::ce ....li th the Ci ty of Auburn. -- 7,':;e C:~::-"- .:...ttorns,:;- s::ated that some people in the audience may have the impression ::_""-::at ~= ;·;s submi:: ::_--...i..s agreement to Metro they ¡Ú11 automatically sign it. This is ::::):: 5~! Thers ~5 a possibility that Xetro may not sign the contract and ¡.¡e ;:i=';¡ ~'5:: :aken to eo'..:rt by Metro or some other ci ty. !lO¡'1ever, Mr. Berei ter does not fear 2~::igation ~'"2¿ he feels that if the drafted agreement is sent to Metro they ;:iay s~;;~ t.le agree~ent and it would be one of the best proposals ¡,'e could have signed. On the o::her h~,¿, ~f Metro does not sign the contract, Mr. Bereiter ¡.ould be in a b8t:t2r :osi tion :0 7~ before a court of 1a;¡ and point out that the Ci ty of Auòurn is ::0:: i!:agging ::::e~r feet. If this can tract is signed by Metro we ¡'1..Í1I have their help ~n bringinq ?'~::st Sound Governmental Conference in line ¡.¡Í tl1 our conformance ":"'..J.;""S. Gearqe SC.'1Uler, Dirsctor of Planning and Community Development, stated that if ;.¡e co ::at have SC;:ie .;:ind of addi tiona1 se:.¡age sys tem Eor the ci ty of .l1..uburn, ¡·Ie ;¡ill ~e building a fence around the Ci ty and ¡'Ie ¡dll not be able to t2.ke care of a>.:r gréJ;·,-ing se;.¡age ~rob1ems. ~'¡e ¡Úll also be cu tting off addi tional industry and res:èe::tial areas ~f so~ething is not done soon. 164 AUBURN, WASHINGTON MONDAY JUNE 18, 1973 ¡.~.:~.. Roy 211erman of the E.nvironmental Protection Agency stated that: he appreciated -t:!e op¡x:;rtunity to be here tonight and that his agency is very interested in what r.:ay ta.:~e place and he is ¡>/illing to answer any questions. ~r. Bob ~cCormick of the Department of Ecology stated that he is also available to aJ7.swer questions. He stated that the setvage problems date back to 1967 and he 2Ias be:::'1 ;~'orkinq w-i.. tb 'tnp. Ci ty Council si r!ce that tir::e to get such a CC''1t: -~~cf" signea ¡.¡itn l-ietro. :·:ayor Pro-tem Sonnemann stated that this is a very important milestone for the Ci ty of Auburn and it will have a definite effect on the City of Auburn. Tne Deoartrnent of Ecology says we can not dump our flow into the r.iver; hŒ'lever, if ¡'Ie cor:nect to Xetro Syste_'7l our se¡.¡age flow would go back to Renton and then be dumped in the river at that point. The State has set up various standards in regard to sewage and it is difficult to foresee what steps might be best for us. If ¡ye do build tertiary treatment plant it could very well cost more than if we hook uo with Metro. Yet if ;ye go to court and find out that the States standards are arbi t:ary lye r.¡ay ~at need to go this route and it might be cheaper. I ~ayor Pro-tem Sonnemann declared Public Hearing open on the proposed Metro - Auburn Se:.¡er Agreement. Mr. John Matchett, Mayor of Algona, stated that he was here to see what is going on since the City of Algona is hooked up to the City of Auburn Se¡'ler System. He repr.e- sents both the City of Auburn and City of Algona. Mr. willi&~ Donais, of 30033 107th Place S.E., asked Mr. McCormick several times about: the puri ty of the effluent and just where Auburn ¡'Ias going ¡'/Yong in regard to the I Green River's water quality. Mr. I1cCormick did not give a specific ans¡'ler but stated t~at he was just carrying out federal mandates to implement regionalized waste disposal systems. Mr. Lawrence Price, of 1201 16th Street N.E., stated that if Metro is not going to serve industry it would not be very good for us. and he feels we should continue to control our industry by local government. Mr. Price also stated that he feels the citizens would be willing to pay for our own sewage system since Metro seems to be cow¿ng up short. £-Irs. Robert: Dowd, of 2205 Dogr.vood S.E., asked if vIe are now dumping sewage in the Green River. Uayor Pro-tem Sonnemann answered yes. Mr. McCormick stated that our treatment plant: is not adequate. Our se¡'lage does at times degrade the river but not too badly. Hr. McCormick stated that if the City of Auburn grows the sewage problem will also grow. I Nayar Pro-tem Sonnemann asked Mr. McCormick to define pollution. Mr. McCormick stated that it means most of the sewer treatment plants ¡>/ill have to be upgraded because of the new Federal Law. At present the Green River is not safe to swim in. Pollution ~eans anything that degrades water. !-fr. Price asked Mr. McCormick what the major factor is in creating a problem for the Ci ty of Auburn. Mr. McCormick stated that it tv-as dissolved oxygen. Nayar Pro-tem Sonnemann asked Mr. McCormick if the set.¡age the ci ty of Auburn is discharging into the Green Ri ver .is approximately equal to that sel.¡age the Metro Plant is putting into the river in Renton. Mr. McCormick stated no. The City of huburn is much smaller. Mr. Sonnemann then stated that he assumed that the Metro Treatment Plant in Renton has the right, even under the new rules, to discharge SS:·lage ¡-Ii th the same type of treatment as ours into the ri ver even though ¡;Ole cannot:. ~r. HcCarwick stateò that their treatment in Renton is much better than ours. ~r. James Fletcher, of 2710 Forest Ridge Drive, asked Mr. McCormick where the coni toring took place on the Green River and for ftlhat lengths of time. l1r. NcCormick s~ated that there were about six loçations from Kent on down to the mouth. of the r~ver. Hr. Pletcher asked if there was a monitoring station from Auburn. Mr. McCormick said no. Mr. Fletcher asked if there are any plans to have monitoring stations in this a..cea. Hr. I1cCormick ans¡·lered probably in several years. Mr. Fletcher aSked ha;'1 this could be moni tored if ¡'le go to tertiary treatment. Mr. Nccormick stated -c:7.at the City could not go to tertiary treatment at this time without a possible CO!..lrt case. !1r. Fletcher asked hO;'1 the seepage could be measured. Mr. McCormick stu.t2C: t...11a:':' i;:. v.,c'...41ë: ~'-:" "...:;.~:~ iif':~~._~2~ :~.ld -I-he1J t..."::1.?7d have -r0 .Tun var.-inu.s test~ ~~ th~ Ci~i~s expense_ I Mr. Price asked Mr. NcCormick if you took a glass of ¡'Iater out of the Metro Plant and to:).< a glass of \-later out of our plant, t.¡hat would be the difference between the tHO. _'·:r. UcCorJ17.ick stated that the B.O.D. and oxygen would be different. Mr. Price.. s td ted tha t he could not see no'" we could be told "Ie had to connect to Netro.___. -'-'-'~'-'- I ;\} X t-- 1-:;> -, 1>-. - ..... I I AUBURN, WASHINGTON MONDAY 16 .:}; JUNE 18, 1973 . _.~.~-~_._..,._.__.--------- --~...........---_..... ~_..,--_...~-,-.~--~,..>--_.._- .-... "., _...._~,......~~.......__........._.____..._..,;_........._____._~._..__..__~L_..- "'!L x~;:;;::::-~ck sta-:2'.i t_':at it: would cost the City and the citizens more money to buili ~~eir own ~r=a~-=nt: pl~~t. ¡'-fr. :i=..::<;;ld iIagest:.a.=, 0:: 504 Riverview Drive, asJ~ed if it was true that Metro· & t~e :ederal a~d 5ta=e laws are telling us that the City of Auburn cannot build ~':=ir own te::-~ari plant. Hr. Ellerman stated that local interest groups do g~ ~~~~ugh a S~~=~ and from a cost effective stand point it shows that: .."[- -1-": _-==~e_~ tv q-:I -;. -:.~~ !'!e-CI:t; _~.;r^ ,~296_ta.à th.en asked it- 1'1Aï-:C ~s :-~":~ T!1C5T: cost e::::ec::ive p~a=, then is this the only plan the government would provide funds for. ~r. ~llerc¿n s==..ted that this is partly true. Nr. S::::::.::e~nn then s::a-::2d that even if ¡'Ie could treat our m·m se;.¡age to the point: that i = ;·.-2S pure ¿n:: drin_~able we t.¡auld not be allo'-'Ied to build our o-,·m plant because regic_-:.:=- .:J2anz1inq .':2S ':;ee" set up and we have been told t.hat ¡oJe must connect ,YÍth the ~e==Q 5Y3tem. l,!y.. :~:::::c::er askeè. ¿-;-.'" cost benefi t ratio under all of these pla,"1S is. s~2ted that it vIas difficul t to anS¡'ler but again mentioned qiven by Pat Ne'fins earlier. "'--:::=' '- Hayo: ?~J-tem Sor~=:~~~ the . - . . . ~ ~~=~~~~Clon ~~2~ h¿5 Mr. '=:2~~S::2d stated ~at residents now pay $3.00 per month for sewer and he asked that i~ he do not ~=''j L~e $2.75 to Metro during the interim of signing the contract and ca~'::9~rion to t:-s sjstem, will Metro take over sewer system for the City during this ::i::'2. Hr. lie'Tins stated that Metro vlould probably take over our treatment fadii t:j dw::ing t.ha:: p=:riod. The Cit; Attorney s::ated that the staff is not lobbying for Metro Sewer but he poi!:-:ed out that t..':.i.s is the latest and best offer of the"Ci ty QfAuburn. Mr. .!...21':'::";':, of 1910 ::Oq-..;ooå. Drive H.E., asked Pat Nevins how a tertiary treatment plant -¡"-3..$ arrived a:: from the study made in regard to the needs of the City. Mr. ¡;e7ir-s stated t:-at the study proposed is the best and cheapest method ·to use for lar-;er capaci ty for the Ci ty of Auburn. Mr. £On Greggs, 0:: :"215 21st Street S.E., asked Mr. McCormick if the monitoring for t.."-2e Ci. ty of Aub::r::: se;.¡age disposal was done during lo¡.¡ water, high water J or ..Then ;,r=.ter was co=ri.::.g froD the dam. Mr. NcCormick stated that it ¡;-Ias monitored during =. ~ri. tical p-=riod. Mrs. Dc::o-:hy Bot.hel~, of 1425 17th Street S.E., asked what the capacity of our presen= sewer syste~ ~as ãesigned for. Hr. Nevins stated that over the years there :3"7e been SO::-2 cha.nqes made in the system so he could not give a definite answer. However, h::: stated that the quality of the sewage coming from our plant barely =eets federa~ guidelines. Mr. Pri.:;e stated t..~=.t there has been much discussion here tonight but he does not feel an,=! decisior:. 1:='5 been made and he thinks toJe should go to court and find out just ;.¡::=re we sta.Z'l¿ 0"" t..~is. Mr. P.i~::'a:::d Fiedler stateã that he would like to clarify several points of information. He as~e= where the ::esting for Auburn had taken place on the Green River. Pat Nevins stated ::~at he did .::ot L~OW the exact location but it was downstream. Mr. Fiedler asked ~:at on the ë2'jS t..~e tests were made when the City was below the standards ,.,-eren't t.he tests ::-2d= at the Tukr;.¡ila P12nt. Mr. HcCormick stated that he did not thi~~ 5~. He statei ~hat he has information in his brief case but would have to dig :::Jr it. l1r. ?~=:;;ler stated that it ;'Ias his understanding that the tests were take~ == the Tukdii~ ?l~~t. Mayor _'f;:::~hett st=.::~¿ t:::=.t hlgona r;.lill have a Council Meeting torr.orr07-! night and -:':"'=':;- ;.;ill be ===::~:::g "lith Metro on r·iednesday. He stated that if the City of Aub:lr.:: :;:':;es not q::; ,..-i::::: Xetro but builds their mm tertiary treatment plant he ¡'lOul¿ ..:-:: -,"ery CO¡-:C-::::::-:2':;; :::0 the addi tional se,<Ier charges for the Ci ty of Algona and ::2 5::a;:ed that ::e feeJ..s the City of 1mburn should offer the latest agreement to l·:e:: =~ . Mr. '=:~~,=st2d sta==ë :::::2t after hearing about the alternatives open to the City he would ~=~::;~"end ~~2:: =~9 City connect to the Metro System because it would cost less and ____ :::i tizens ,l:;-":':d gain more from that system. ¡\Tr: .. .u..;...: prE,,--:2ntl~ C~~ Ù :Je~-~"e~ z~stcm and 12(2 ;;C21;]~}j.:S .-.'7 L ~ .1..J... !.J.c.: , . _ r¡~ ..:.J..::.._"::"-i sr:al...t=u. ~~ ¡voul.i ::..:;- c,""-7.arged ::ê..:: se;.¡e:: by Metro if ¡oJe connect. Hr. Nevins stated that Uetro ;.¡ould ::::::;:: charge ::i=. :Eor se',oler if he ¡.¡ere not connected to the line and to/as more :::-:="""1 200 fee= ~ro~ a sani tary seever line. ;.Jr. G::'3;~;S asked t:~=..= if ;.¡e connect ¡.¡ith ,~:etro ¡'Ioulei our cO:<1plete se,¡er system be han¿':'0-j :;"=.l ~·'1etro.. .t-!:::.:..,·or Pro-tem Sonnemann stated no. [¡fetro t·¡oulrl tCiKe care of L.he _2::::":-:= ::run.r::s, .:=;:...::: 1:.:"::;: Ci ty ',o¡ould stiLI hdve a Se,·¡er Department. lti6 AUBURN, WASHINGTON MONDAY JUNE 18, 1973 ~"'-'--"-~'-'- '--~-',"' ....". ,",-,. ~-~.._"~:;;""'-~'''''''''-''''~'''- "_~··_-_·_·_---_·"'-';';'~"""_'·~~''-·_''''·~_'''''.'''''·":..~w·__""""",,___;,,,.__"'_'~_"'_____'_""~_,~,,~_.___."., ........'_.~~..__-...;....~_.~_~__~_ It ..¡as ::-"!o:7ed by Gavey, seconded by Shaughnessy, that the Public Hearing be closed. MOTION CARRIED CouncilD~< Cavey stated that he felt that there were several things the City could do to help increase the capacity of our system. He stated that the City should requi re BoeiT'g t-o '1::;e art eT7"'pc;rarior: s:.:"'tem because of the Zar(]e ar;¡ounts ~:f vlat-er they use and dump into our sews.!. system. fie also mentioned that the se¡yer lagoon could be dredged and that might also help increase the capacity. Councilman Shaughnessy stated that during the past several years the City has been_ told that; vIe actually have no choice and that ¡ye will have to connect to the Uetro Se¡'ler System. vIe ha.ve been fighting for regional plaI1.ning and the primary point seems to be at ~.¡hat point do we go along ¡vi th the ideas presented. If vIe build our o;·¡n plant we ,'lOuld have some control as to our future; hO~/ever, if tole connect to NetIo our hands are tied in regard to controlling the City's destiny. He sug- gested that this matter be referred back to the Utility Com1littee for further 3tudy a~d recomr;¡endations. I Councilm~~ Darling stated 'that it is his understanding that if the Council does take action on this tonight, or at a future date, it would be to authorize the submittal of our agreement to Metro but we would not be entering a contract upon submittal. Nr. Bereiter stated that the agreement is so favorable to the City of Auburn that Metro may· not sign the agreement; however, if they do accept it the City should be prepared to sign a contract. Councilman Holman stated that he personally feels that it would be advisable to authorize the Mayor to present this latest contract to l{etro. Councilman Flechsig stated that he is relatively new on the Council but from ~yhat he has heard he feels something must be done about this situation very soon., He stated that he feels the Puget Sound Governmental Conference situation can be re¡,olved and he would hate not to see it resolved because it would put a fence around the Ci ty and we would not be able to have industry in the area. Councilman Lea stated that he would like to hear more from the citizens in the audience as to their wishes on this matter. He stated that: we are going to be hard pressed to allevia te the septic tank problem if ¡-Ie raise sewer rates ,ect. He also concluded that he thinks this should go back to the Utility Committee. I Councilman Darling stated that regardless of whether ¡ye connect: to the Uetro_Sewer System or not,thepuget Sound Governmental Conference will still have the authority to approve or disapprove of the action taken by the City of Auburn. M.I. John Lampe, of puget Sound Governmental Conference, stated that they would make recommendations to the State and Federal Government in regard to the Ci ty of Aubu.n1 as stated by Councilman Darling. Mayor Pro-tern Sonnemann stated that it was time that some kind of action be taken on this Metro Auburn Sewer Agreement. It was moved by Holman, seconded by Flechsig, that the Metro - Auburn Sewer Agre~ment be referred back to the utility Co~ttee. ROLL CALL VOTE: Councilman Holman, Flechsig, Gavey, Shaughnessy, Darling and Sonnemann voting YES. Councilman Lea voting NO. !10TION CARRIED Na~or Pro-tem Sonnemann called for a five minute recess at 9:55 P.M. Meeting called to order at 10:00 P.l1. CORRESPONDENCE I City Clerk Pro-tern, Gene Williams, mentioned the letter from George A. Schuler, Planning Director, requesting Council approval on the final plat of Cameron Village No.1. Councilman Darling stated that this I'/ould be taken care of by Ordina~ce No. 2737. 'l'..':.::: Cit,; Clerk Pro-tsm reO-d the: ::::;r;~ C!':=~17'; ;¡:'p¡::?._;-':-;~"", frr;rr T. ~. Maekar,.la._ requesting ~--:dIì.g" nr ryo"")ning from R-4 to M-l, prop'?!rty _Ioc'lteà at: 7th 8t-r~A¡- N.E. ~nd Dh'ision Street .'iorth. (Application No. 15-73) It was r::o'/ed by Cavey, seconded by Holma..'1, that the Zone T. Z. ~aekawa be referred to the Planning Commission for i ¡ Change Application from I recommendations. _ _______ ¡ --- ----------~ MOTION CARRIED I ' I ,:'\} 'X) t-- 1-::> ~~ o I I 16T';~ AUBURN, WASHINGTON JUNE 181 1973 MONDAY - "-'''--~''''=----. --_....-~--'..__.,..~,~ ------_..~----",.;.~ ~,.,....._..,._. "'.' --<. ..~,',,-_.- ' ,,,.._-:.....~......_..._..,~......--....~~_._.~........_-_.~- AUDIENCE PARTICIPATION Cauncil=a~ Gavey r~~~ a letter, which he had written, in regard to a ~~torcycle 2ark area in the C~~J of Auburn. RECOHNENDliTIONS ~;~-' :rÒJ....Lo..,..:...-¡-:j ..:...+-~"::::s ;'.-=ri::: su.omitted by the Dir:.;:::;cc::: ~~ Pltln?7ing aT""!d Corr'u"'!li.illit~,; ;Jeveloj,;...""..é, George ~. Schuler, ~~r Council Approval: Re~~est to c~~ for Public Hearing on the request of Henry Dykstra to rezorte fr:J_" Unclass:"~:"'e;i to Open Space, a parcel of land located at 3006 r'ìest Valley _~i;·.':day Hart."":. :;:c;::.t::J.ining approximately 6~ acres. (Application [10. 12-73) R:=:-;'~est to c=:."::~ for Public Hearing on the request of Karl H. Stute to rezone rrc= Unclassi=~-c to U-l (Light Industrial) a parcel of land lecated at 1225 ~e5~ Valley :'i~~ha] ~orth. (Application No. 13-73) Re;:.:est to ca::"~ ~or Public Hearing on the request of Ha;'lard Hadley to rezone rro= Unclassified to M-l (Light Industrial) a parcel of land located at 2633 ~¡est V¿=-11-:3:'j Highday. (Application No. 14-73) Re~uest to cal~ for Public Hearing on the request of John and Juanita vicente to rezone fraD A-l (Agriculture) to Open Space, a parcel of land located at 1020 32Ild Place ~¡.E. containing approximately 9 acres. (Application No. 8-73) R~uest to cal~ for Public Hearing on the request of Lee Unger to rezone from C-l (Light Co==ercial) to C-3 (Heavy Com~ercial) a parcel of property located at Harvey Read and Auburn vlay North. (Application No. 9-73) It was ~ved by Sha~génessy, seconded by Holman, that Public Hearings be held on July 2, 1973, at 8:0J P.M. in the Council Chambers, on the request of Henry Dykstra, Karl H. Stute, HCHa~d Hadley, John and Juanita Vicente, and Lee Unger. NOTION Cl<_RBIED The fo120;áng ite::-s ~;e=e submi tted by the Director of Public r'iorks, Pat Nevins, for Council Approval: Pa~ Estimate ~:J. 7, final, to Reliable Welding Works for construction of Water Ir.:.? 78, cor-s::::-:iction of Academy Tank Reservoir, in the amount of $16,288.45. It was ~oved by Sha~~~essYI seconded by Flechsig, that the project be accepted by the City as complete ~~d Pay Estimate No.7, final, to Reliable Welding Works for $16,288.45 be a;:.?roT7ed for payment and the retained percentage amounting to $131642.99 be paid :...~ thirty days provided no liens or claims are filed and clearan~e is secure~ Ero~ the State Tax Commission and the Department of Labor and Industri.es. ROLL C¡:,"::"L VOTE: .P..l:" Councilmen voting YES. f-IOTION CARRIED P2¿ Estimate ~~. 4, to Burnham Construction Co., for construction of St. Iw~rovement No. 135, Ph III, Ellingson Road, in the amount of $44,239.46. It was =.oved by Sh2~qh"essy, seconded by Lea, that Pay Estimate No.4 to Burnham Constr~~tion Com~a:::; ~or $44,239.46 be approved for payment. ROLL C¡""':"L VOTE: Cou~cilmen voting YES. NOT_raN CAPJUED Pa":! .2stimats ;'--:;. 1 to T. ~v. Traverso Construction Co. for construction of s~. Imp. 132, :"2~= turn channelization on Auburn Way South at 32nd St. S.E., in the amou~~ ~= $3/865.68. It was :::,oved by G2~2j, seconded by Holman, that Pay Estimate No.1 to T. ~v. Traverso Constr~~tion COr:;;:2~¿ ~or $3,865.68 be approved for payment. ROLL C¡"..LI.. VOTE: Cou~cilmen voting YES. NOTION CAPRIED --- - - ,- . t . . ~~~nor~ y to C2~~ for bids for vù.rious overlay projects. It was ~o;¡ed by '=:o~~¿n seconded by Shaughnessy, that authority be given to the Public ~orks Dire~=or to call for bids for various overlay projects. ROLL C;'.LL '/OTE: Councilmen voting YES. NOTION CllRRIED 16li AUBURN, WASHINGTON MONDAY JUNE 18, 1973 ..",-.,_._"'-~.....,-.._- ......, ,__-'u.-~,_._..""""C--" '-"-',,~,..,-":.;'~"'--~'--'-' -.... .,.--.,'......--.-....,.....-.-"....----...-..----...-.----.--.....-- Authority to call for bids for construction of L_I~D_ 278, East Main Street, "R" St. to Rir.rerview area, street, curb and gutter and drainage. It was moved by Gavey, seconded by Shaugtillessy, that authority be given to t...he P~lic Works Director to call for bids for construction of L.I.D. 278. .ry:''"-~ rþ.~I: "VOTE: A,ll rounci::;¡c.¡'1 ,,"-~j-""g YP,S'. ·":O'7:ICV." r:J!.RPfGD PROCLA1'-IATIONS, ilPPOINTMENTS AND ÆlNOUNCENENTS :'!a.yor Pro-tem Sonnemann read a Proclamation of the Mayor entitled "A PROCLAl1ATIŒ-l OF 'I'liE Nl!YOR OF THE CITY OF AUBURN, ~'¡ASHINGTON, DECLARING THE ~vEEK OF JUNE 18 THROUGH 24, 1973, "DRUM CORPS vlEEK" IN THE CITY OF AUBURN." The Mayor Pro-tem presented to Glenn Bylin a certificate by the Board of Certification far Washington State Water Works Operations for Water Work Specïalist, Cross Connection Division. The certificate was given to Pat Nevins, Director of Public Works, since ¡·Ir. Bylin ¡vas not in attendance. COUNCIL CONIfITTEE REPORTS I PU3LIC SAFETY - C01"1NITTEE - CHAIRNAJ.V GA VEY The Public Safety Comwjttee met at 7:30 P.M. on June 13, 1973. The first item on the Agenda was the subject of gambling. The Com'1Úttee recommends that King County Councilman Dave Nooney be advised that tile Ci ty of Auburn supports all forms of activities authorized by State Gambling Bill 711. It was moved by Cavey, seconded by Flechsig, that the Ci ty Council of the ci ty of Auburn go on record as supporting all forms of gambling as set forth by State G~Tbling Bill No. 71l. ROLL CALL VOTE: Councilman Cavey, Shaughnessy, Darling, Sonnemann, Flechsig and Lea voting YES. Councilman Shaughnessy and Holman voting NO~ MOTION CARRIED I The Committee referred the application for a beer and wine license from the State Liquor Control Board for a restaurant known as the "Other Side of the Tracks" to the Police Department. The COmmQttee discussed an amendment to the City's trespass ordinance to cover the problem of individuals sneaking into drive-in theaters. The Commi ttee recomrnends approval of the application of Michael L. Lucht for a Fer Hire Drivers License. It t<las moved by Cavey, seconded by Shaughnessy, that a For Hire Drivers License be issued to Michael L. Lucht. ROLL C-liLL VOTE: All Councilmen voting YES. NOTION CARRIED The Corr2Inittee discussed the operation of the Kent Taxi Company ¡ofÍthin the Ci ty of hUDurn. !-fr. ~villiam Hand of that corporation appeared before the Committee and advised that he had recently become the sole owner thereof and was attempting to upqrade the services and facilities. The Com7littee recommended that consideration Ì;s given to changing the ordinance to allO¡-I the Police Chief or subordinate to ~ermit a temporary taxi cab drivers license for 15 days until the background check on the applicant could be completed. This will be discussed more fully at the next Commi ttee Meeting. I ,'·Ir. Cleveland ~'lard, Jr. and Clayton G. Brown appeared before the Committeerepresentil19" Ch2 SU:T""JJer - Voiles Valley Ambulance Service, requesting information on establishing a corOI1ary care emergency moÞile unit within the City Limits of the City of Auburn. The inquiry was referred to the Police Department, Fire Department and City Health Cfficer. Further discussion on this matter at the next Committee Meeting. The CO~T.ittee discussed the request of Clearview T. V. Cable to transfer the franchise ::'01..- CCl.¿~¿' t.elev:':1icn fro:;¡ t11C Gr2cni:i-Jf~r CéJ.Llc~--is¡:;_. ,.. -... ". '-......u~:'" ...oL......,:., t..::; . '" __ ~ r - -_. --- .~.. It ~/as mO'.red by Gavey, seconded by Darling, that the the franchIse for cable telev_Lsion From Grcenri ver Cablevision Company be transferred to' Clearview T. V. Cable 0":: j;nuDclaw and this is approved upon signing of contract. -. ----..-.--.-.-. -- -_._------,- MOT ION --CARRIED-----'--~· t' I .:'\f 'X) t-- I-::J -, 1.--. c:. I I lê'6'~r; AUBURN, WASHINGTON MONDAY JUNE 18, 1973 ...~-_. ~""--'-~---~-""'----'----~+ --- - ._"~._-_. -----._~,.~.......-- ~~e ~e~= P~blic S~==~ Comwittee Meeting will be at 7:30 P.M. on Wednesday, July.ll, 1973. UTILI;:::::S CO,·L'·!IT'::E::: - C~¡:-I?_11AN SiiiWGHHESSY The Ur~2::ties Co~:ttee ~E~ at 7:30 P.M. on June 7, 1973. The COl~~ttee discussed th:..'! existing sew=:.ge COT!tr=:.ct wi th j:,_lgona.-Pacific in reqan::' to rates and charges. The cc:::::ract:: s~']¿__..1.::i,,=s t:.,ai_ ru:';-25 charged by Auburn to A19vüa i;We! i-Clc~f;"c, beqir>.ning with t~e 25b; DO~~~ of the contract, shall be adjusted directly proportionate to any inc:::9ases or ¿ec::-eases of the basic Auburn residential se;·¡er rate as charged by Auè~~ as of ~:e ¿a=e of the execution of the contract; since no increases or decreases have be~~ app2::ed to the Auburn residential sewer rate, the Committee concl~¿e¿ that no c~2n-;;e in the existing rù.te of 16 Ij2¢ per hundred cubic feet or seN2~e is apprc~=~at= a~ this time. The Co==it::ee disc~s5e¿ t:.:e interest that has been expressed in an LID for a 34 foot stree= ::l.,.-:j sanitar:; se;,-er on 16th Street S. E. fro?Tl "A" to "B". In cOIL'1ection with the street project, ::t appears that an existing 6-inch water main wi1l have to be replace~ as well as existing water services, at an estimated cost of $8,560.00. The Co_=:ittee apprc:-e-:::' t:.'2is expenditure, provided City-budgeted funds ;.¡ere available, and suqgested that in7estigation be made regarding the possibility of extending the LID approximate2~ one block to the East where the existing street now ends. Propert:] o"mer interest in an LID on 8th Street N.E. from Auburn Vlay North to "K" Street ~or >'Iater ani sar-d. tary se'tler ~/as discussed. It was sugges ted tha t the Ci ty might pay for the ccs~ of resurfacing the street, which is presently badly in nee~ of mai~=enæ~ce, in connection with the proposed LID. It would also be the responsi- bility ~f the Ci~d =0 pay for the replacement of an existing 2-inch water line along a porti0n of the street with an adequate 6-inch water main. Estimated City cost for the water main is approximately $18,000.00. It was the opinion of the Committee that tr.: LID shou2d be pursued, on the basis that the City will pay for necessary replace=ent of exis~i nq ;.¡ater lines, and authorized this expendi ture subject to availaD:"lit~ of bud-;;=:ted funds. A lette::- dated Ma~ 25, 1973 from Gene L. Colburn was read concerning excessive ~vater b~lling for 7GB "L" Street S .E. for the period from February 20th to April 20th. A meTX> :::ror;¡ Bill Su::ton dated June 7th was also read which indicated that meter readings had been verified and that the meter in question was tested for accuracy in the _:Jresence of !!:. Colburn a...'1d that !fr. Colburn was satisfied with the test ~~d agreed that L~e =eter registration was in his favor. Since all indications showed ~~at L~e water had been supplièd to the address in question by the City throuqh a meter, it Y2.S the opinion of the Com~ttee that the request for water billing adjustmen= 5~ould be disapproved. Recent i..n::;uiry fram a property o;.mer regarding availabili ty of ..later from the former ram site a= 21st an:: "R" Street S.E. prompted the staff to investigate the City's respons~bility in regard to continued supply of this water. A letter dated June 30, 19ó6 frc~ ~~e Division of Water Resources, State of Washington, was presented ¡vhich s::ated that e-;'en tJ."-¡ough property or,.mers had used the ¡.¡ater which f'Jrmerly dischar;ed from ~~e City's hydraulic rams, such water use does not constitute an enC7~?ranCe on ~~e City's water right or control the manner in ..~~ich the City operates. The letter also indicated that regulation of overflow ¡<Iould-' take place at the spring head~~rks (rather than the former ram site) with excess water being bypasse~ to its prc~er drainage course in the White River, and that future diversion of water from Coal Creek Springs must be in this manner since through the "Certificate of Chan;=: a!1d Purpos9 of Goose" issued in 1964 all ¡.¡aters di verted are to be used for Ci t~- of AUDUJ:..'1 ::::2::~ c:ipal supply purposes. It ¡vas the decision of the ComIi1i ttee that a2':: propert:; o:·.-::ers :::equesting any overf1ot<l from the Coal Creek Springs be infor::;e::' of the S::2:e' 5 policy in this matter and ¡-Ihere ¡·¡ater is no:.¡ being supplied that a :e2sonab1e ::~~~ce ~e given them that the water will not be available after a spec~fied date. PLAN:,'I:.-:; ,;; B:;fl.UTI?::C_:'?::'J_',' COX;·!ITTEE - CHAIRMAN D;1RLING The P12::r~ng and 3e2~t~:::~cation Com~ittee met at 7:30 P.M. on June 12, 1973. Severa2 ;entlemen f:~= t~e Yorthwest Environmental Technology Inc. presented infor¡:",,::~on on H.:::.-:-.:L.'s capabilities in the field of research and emíirorL.'TIental iwpact statewents. -:-~e Cc~~ittee thanked them for their informative information. :':~e C_~,¡_~_-:-~ tt~2 re-.."':S'·;,:,:er: t~e letter from v.1il1':'am S.. TS2':: res'::..==i::..r:; e~i~tf:7 ;:>.TQpert:g lines Ì-'-; regard to ::'::e X3stro and Hathews property lines and Fiori to Brothers violaf-: c". It was =..':e concensU$ of the COIrmi ttee that the possible slope of the top of said area "/,-:;:.:lè be a possible solution and that said parties involved should q-?t to;-;c:::her and ::;-:;::e to an agreement. After that has ]Jeen done, tl12Y ¡vill then con~ac~ the Pla...'1~i~; Depart~ent Staff to inforw them as to the feasibility and legali::j of s2id ac=~o~. 110 AUBURN, WASHINGTON MONDAY JUNE 18, 1973 '.'.....---"........-........--.- ~__.__.....---_....-_-~.....^......_.;-.....-._-_..1(.. _.,..~,_____~_...,_,.___._.,._...~...._<"~_.._~..,.:..."'""'.-..=._,.',...""......__...__,_,,__, 'Ihe Co::-;.-:D.ttee discussed several requests in regard to the Mini Mall project and recoë:1I:.e!.1ds that: $500 be taken from the Beautification Funds to get:. the Mini NaIl Project: on its feet. It was Doved by Shaughnessy, seconded by Holman, t...~at authorization be given to take $500 from the Beautification Funds to get the Uini NaIl Project on it:s 0... ç.¡ay. KOLL C..hLL I/O 'IE : All Councilmen voting :lE5. !·!O'J..'IŒ; Cf..EŒli:,¡.J The Co::::;i ttee dis cussed the exchange of properties by the School Board.. and the Ci ty. Len C2ap22n, Director of Parks & Recreation stated that on Hay 30, 1973 the School Board authorized their attorney to proceed with the exchange contingent upon the City of Auburn paying the court costs, legal fees, and cost of moving an existing se;.¡er line on the Fulmer Field si te. The Park Board had determined that the Fulmer F_ield site is of Ii t tIe val ue for park purpos es because of . i ts si ze, shape, and locatio;:]. The Les Gove si te ~.¡oulà enable the Ci ty to expand the park and it is a prir::e loca tion for a future corr.zTIuni ty center. The Park Board recommends that the City Council authorize the City to participate in said exchange. The Com.~ttee concurred ;vi th the Park Board and recommends that the City Council participate in the necessary court action to exchange the City's 1.5 acre portion of Fulmer Field, located at 5th and "K" Street N.E. for the 5.86 acre site o;.med by the School Distric~, located at 909 9th Street N.E. I It was maved by Darling, seconded by Shaughnessy, that Council authorize the necessar~ action to be taken to exchange the City's 1.5 acre portion of Fulmer Field, located at 5th Street and "K" Street N.E. for the 5.86 acre site owned by the School District, located at 909 9th Street N.E. ROLL GiLL VOTE: All Councilmen voting YES. 1-!OTION CARRIED The following items were recommended for Council approval by the Park Board: The authorization for the City to call for bid for the Phase I Development of Brannan Park. It was moved by Darling, seconded by Shaughnessy, that the City be authorized to call for bid for the Phase I Development of Brannan Park. ROLL CALL VOTE: All Co un cí lmen voting YES. MOTION CARRIED I To declare the Dykstra House, located at 1533 22nd Street N.E., as surplus and authorize the staff to take necessary steps to dispose of the structure. It ç-Ias moved by Darling, seconded by Holman, that the Dykstra House be declared surplus and authorization be given to the staff to take the necessary steps to dispose of the structure. MOTION. CARRIED The approval of a concession permit application submi tted by the Auburn Merchant· Fast Pitch Te~~ for concession privileges for the Green River Invitational to be conducted at G.S.A. Field on July 6, 7, and 8,1973. It ¡-¡as moved by Darling, seconded by Holman, that the application for a concession permi t be approved for the Auburn l1erchant Fast pi tch Team for concession priviledges. for the Green River Invitational at G.S.A. Field on July 6, 7, and 8, 1973. NOTION CARRIED STREET COMMITTEE - CHAIß~AN SONNEMANN The 5creet Com~ittee met at 9:00 P.M. on Wednesday, June 13, 1973. The Committee disc~ssed the repaired Muckleshoot Road (AKA Academy Drive) and the additional ..¡ork chat needs to be done to control drainage. Pat Nevins is to ç-/ork ~vith the Acade.T:':J in negotiating "Iha t percentage of the repair ,-lÍll be borne by the Academy. ,I The CC2T:~ttee reco~T<ends approval for Pat Nevins to attend the A.P.W.A. Meeting in Denver from September 15-20, 1973. The expenses for the meeting have been appro'/9d and are included in the final revision of the 1973 budget. Official request is m-?'2 ~t this tim8 in order to realize a saving i~ pre-registration and to assure r~~d 2cco~~~dations. It was r:o'/ed by Sonnemann, seconded by Gavey, that Pat Nevins be given approval to atter.c: the A.p.rV.A. Neeting in Denver from September 15-20, 1973. I I I [ NOTION CARRiEjf---~ u__ r--- -- ------ -- - --.--------1 I ;\t 00 t'- I""':) o o I I 1''11''- AUBURN, WASHINGTON MONDAY JUNE 18, 1973 .,...-.....-.--. ,._---.....-._-~. ,'-,- ~~~""-------'-' . ..._~,..._~..__..,~,...,.....;.. ....~..............,,:,-,-"'"'-..._..__..-.~ '" 'l'ne C~---'~ t tee ap.;¡rD7eà a reques t for an addi tional service club sign on the south..¡est corn2I:'::JE 15th St.re;::= :i.E. and "D" Street H.E. The Cc==-ittee disc:;:ssed the request from the r'lashington State Department of High- "lays :Eo::: authorit:q ::0 reduce s.;¡eed lir:LÍts in relation to construction projects ruld, ~~ ýa.rticular, the West Valley High~ay including portions of 15th S. W. in ~'(~é:: ~-_~-:·i::it~l of t.:.~-2 "Ialley Freett/~:¡. TJ:'? C,')¡n.~ittc;e he5:it:::..tc::; to give bla.::1]-cp-C authorit~J to t'::s C~ ty J::.ngiz:e;::r to reduce speed Ii ill ts ciS per the request. The Commi ttee asks -c::5.t an iœ,-2st:..gation be made, and if the City Engineer does not have authority to 2l2s,;,¡ or perrri. = :::onstruction speed lÙ"i t advisory signs; that the City Attorney be reç~-95ced to pr-=:;a.re rul ordinru'J.ce, for consideration, granting authority to the Ci=¡ Engineer ::~ erect or cause to be erected construction speed lir:dt advisory signs. The reg-..:.22rly sC~':2~~leci Street Cormni ttee l-feeting of June 20, 1973 has been cancelled and ::a :::a.te has ~S2:2 set for the n2xt Street COITu!Ú ttee f.1eeting. Fn¡¡':''':.-::;7: CCX!MITTE:=': - GL?,..IRtJAN HOLMAN The £ir:~~ce Comw~tt2e met at 7:30 P.M. on June 14, 1973. Councilman Holman express22 his ap:;;re:::iation to Councilr:¡an Lea for helping out during his absence. The Co::::::J.i ttee discx.3sed information in regard to Social Services and this w'as deferred unti2 L~e Meeting of July 12, 1973. The Fi"~nce Committ~e discussed the Brannan Park Project and reported that the Park Consèr~~tion Fund is adequate for funding of project. AIRPOR:' C0!1NITTEE - CH1URNAN FLECHSIG Council~~ Flechsig announced that there Nill be an Airport Committee Meeting on Tues¿2Y, July 3, 19ï3 at 7:30 P.M. The Com7dttee will also go into Executive Sess':on at that ti~. BUILDß"':; COMMITTEE - CHAIP_NAN LEA No offi~ial report at this time. However, the Committee appointed and welcomed Councilzan FlecÞ5iq as a mewher of the Building Committee. The next Building Com~~ttee Meetinq ~~21 be announced in the near future. DEPARTMENT HEAD REPORTS The Ci t"",! l:.ttorne';j, John B. Berei ter, stated that he will be representing the City of Auburn at t.";e Association of Washington Cities in Spokane on June 20-22, 1973. ORDINANCES AND R2S0LUTIONS ORDINANCE NO. 2737 It ¡'¡2.S ::,oT7ed by £ol:::'2.n, seconded by Shaughnessy, that Ordinance No. 2737 entitled "AN OR:;r::J.J.1CE OF TEE CITY OF AUBURN, rvASHINGTON, APPROVING THE PLAT OF CAMERON VILLZGE :W. 1, TO 'I:f.E CITY OF AUBURN, ~lJ..sHINGTON, ACCORDING TO THE PLAT THEREOF ON F::L7: ;'/ITH TH~ Ci "'RK OF THE CITY OF AUBURN r ~'¡lJ,SHrNGTON." be introduced and adopte¿. ROLL C.::....:..,L VOTE: l:.~~ Councilmen voting YES. MOT ION CjJ....RRIED RESOLUTION [,'0. 581 It W",,5 ~c;¡ed by 5~~~;hnessy, seconded b~ Lea, that Resolution No. 581 entitled "A ?~S::":;'I'ION OF -:::-:E CITY OF AUBURN, vlASHINGTON, AUTHORIZING lJiVD DIRECTING THE MAYOR AND CII:" CLERK, -::0 SIG;'l, ON BEHALF OF THE CITY, AN AGREEMENT BETriEEN THE CITY liND LM13'...'I::- / SILL AZ.-lJ S??.2:..GUI::, INC., AUTHORIZING THE CITY TO UTILIZE CERTAIN RE.z:..L PRO?7:?::'-.! OF SAID L::'_',:3UTH, SILL AND SPRAGUE, INC." be adopted. ROLL C;.....:..,r., VOTE: Councilmen voting YE:S. 110'I'ION CARR-fED RESOLUTIOt¡ NO. 582 It ;,'25 ::,o'7ed by ?:"'õ=:::.lsig, seconded by Snaughnessy, tnat .t<esolution No. Sb¿ enti t..led "A F:7:S::J::.JJTION OF-::_':'7: CITY OF AUBURN, ~'lASHINGTON, ,,1UTHORIZING THE MAYOR AND CITY CLEP_'l. I:J SIGN, C:; :?EHALF OF THE CITY, A NEtIORANDUN OF AGREEMENT BETNEEN THE INDIAN HEA.:I::.· S7:?VICE .=--.-;:,::.'1::; 1·!UCKLESHOOT TRIBE HUC¡ŒE:SHOOT INDIAN RESERVATION ¡.1ND TIlE CITY OF _:::J_-3~-_-:J.~¡.." be 2.c:.Cì~'ted It ;~"_::l5 :::or.l'ed by seconded by Flechsig, that Resolution No. 582 be ~. , ;:;;~3.::.g..-wes5Y , 112 AUBURN, WASHINGTON MONDAY JUNE 18, 1973 , -c ,.....Co.~. -"M.·......._______._ --------. -~·'------'"-'--·----'·<-·----~~'···"""_~R~"'""",,~_,__,__~,.·_.·,_,,~. . . M·____" __ __._..___ m _.....~.. amended to reflect that it is adopted subject to refer reI back to the Utilities CQ.~~ttee for further study and possible change in the wording of the agreement. ROLL CEL VOTE:: Councilrr.an Shaughnessy J Darling, Holman, Flechsig, GaTfey and Sannem~ìn voting l~S. Councilman Lea voting NO. NOTION CAP-RIl:.D NISCELL~NEOUS BUSINESS Gene ~illiams read the Special Property Use Permit Applications from Person & Persõn, Inc. (Application-17-73)~~d Fred L. Brannan (Application 16-73). It was moved by Shaughnessy, seconded by Lea; that the Special Property Use Permi= Applications from Person & Person, Inc. and Fred L. Brannan be referred to the Planning Com~ssion. l10TION CARRIED Councilman Holman stated that he feels the staff should be complimented on how they ha...."1dled t11e questions this evening. Several times they were aLmost put on the spot and Councilman Holman emphasized that the staff is very competent and should be backed up very well. There being no further business to come before the Council, the meeting was adjourned at 10:59 P.M. APPROVED THIS 19TH DAY OF JUNE, 1973. ;t:~~xét:fi~~ v _____n____ I I I .--. -----------i --------. r------------ f