HomeMy WebLinkAbout07-02-1973 I ;\t X t-- I"'":) -, iI-- ~ C I I .':J}5URN, ~'¡.?¡sHINCTON JULY 2, 1973 t 13 1~!0 N D."4.:: Th:: regular meeting of the Ci ty Council of the Ci ty of Auburn convened at 8 :00 P _ H. , in the Auburn City Council Chambers. ROLL C?..LL Councilmen Present: Councilman Cavey, So~"emann, Shaughnessy, Darling, Holman, Flechsig, and Lea. APPROVAL 0: ~INUTES It ¡vas moved by Cavey, seconded by Holman, that the Council uinutes of June 18, 197] be approved as mailed. NOTION CAT!.RIED PUBLIC HEARICIGS !Jayor Kersey declared Public Hearing open on the request of John & Juani ta Vincente to rezone from A-I to an Agriculture Open Space Current Use Classification on a parcel of land approximately 9 acres in size located at 1020 ]2nd Place N.E. (Application No. 8-73) The Planning cor.wdssion recom~ends approval of this request because the land is being actively used for agricultural purposes and does qualify for an Agricultural Open Space Current Use Classification ~,d does not appear to be in the path of immediate development. Mrs. Vincente stated that she is in favor of this request because she and her husband car.. hardly make enough off of farming and the taxes are high and they would like to be able to keep their place. It was moved by Holman, seconded by Lea, that the Public Hearing be close~. l"'!OTION CARIUED It was moved by Sonnemann, seconded by HolD.an, that the request of John & Juanita- Vincente to rezone from A-I to an Agriculture Open Space Current Use Classification be approved and the Planning Comndssion recommendations be concurred with and the City Attorney be instructed to draw up the necessary ordinance. ROLL CALL VOTE: All Councilmen voting YES. MOTION CARRIED Mayor Kersey declared Public Hearing open on the request of Lee J. Unger to rezone from C-l (Light Commercial) to C-] (Heavy Commercial) a parcel of land lying north of the Elks Club lying behieen Auburn Way North and Harvy Road. (Application No. 9-73) The Planning Com~ission recommends approval of this request because it does conform to the Comprehensive Land Use Plan, provided that adequate safeguards are included in an agreement between the city and the property owner containing the following provisions: 1. That any landscaping should harmonize with the existing landscaping in Clark Plaza and should not be such as to distract or cause sight hazards for the area. 2. That the building should be so situated on the property so as not to encourage foot traffic through, or over the landscaped area of Clark Plaza. 3. That consideration be given to the dedication or the addi tional right-of-t.¡ay on Auburn Way North and Harvey Road for the installation of sidewalks. The additional right-of-tvay is as follo~is: A. Harvey Road - 7 feet. B. Auburn vlay No. - 6 feet. 4. To insure that the above conditions are accomplished, the plot plan and exterior elevations shall be sllbmi tted to the Ci ty Council Planning and Beautification CO!T.mi ttee for their approt'al, modification, or rejection prior to the issuance of a building permit. It ;"as moved by Darling/seconded by Flechsig, that the Public Hearing be closed. MOTION CARRIED It was ~oved by Darling, seconded by Flechsig, that the request of Lee J. Unger to rezone from C-l (Light Corr4r.ercial) to C-] (Heavy Comr;;ercial) be approved and the Planning Commission recommendations be concurred with and the City Attorney be instructed to draw up the necessary ordinance. Councilman Lea asked George Schuler, Director of Planning, if this request wasn't si¡~lar to one made sometime back for a 7-11 type store in a similar type of location. Xc Schuler stated tha t this request is different because it ¡vi1l si t alone; ¡"hereas, the other location was in the middle of various types of businesses - ice cream parlor, florist, cleaners, etc. Councilman Lea stated that he ¡-¡as ¡"orried about the traffic canges tion i.n the area and concerned vIi t..;; ingress and egress. ------------ PO'LL C1LJ., VOTE: COW7.cÍ IrT¡¿¡n Darling, Eolrcan, Flechsig, and Sonnemann voting YES. _~_J..':__ 1'.1'~ 74 AUBURN, WASHINGTON MONDAY JULY 2, 1973 ,.---""'-...........,.-"..-- _.~- -...-,.--- ""-'---'--'~-""'~'~'-'~~"'~ ....._.>.,........ -'''-.,...'.-----~"'.,'''''''-"''''''--.._.- Nayor ::~'2rsey declar==~ Public Hearing open on the request of Henry Dykstra to reZO:1:2 rrom Unclassified to an Agricul ture Ope..'1 Space Current Use Classification on a parcel or land a~~roximately 63 acres in size located on the north side of 29th Stree= :í. ;'1. beÖlee::. =.7.e ~'ìest Valley Highway and the Chicago Mil.vaukee Railroad R/Ç'¡_ (Application No. 12-73) The P22~~ing Co~~~ssiQ~ reco~~nds a~proval of this request because the land is ~t::'_:'21~" ~~~:. :-:.~ly ~152,:j :or agL'icul te::a.l ]!Urp0Ses ,:¡n-=.¡ doss quali:Eyror d.!.! .~gr.i C:U.1. tu=q.;_ Open Space Curre:::: ~'s-e Classification. This approval to be condi tioned upon t.h.e owner gr~ting t~e C:=y of Auburn an easement for the cleaning and maintenance of Hi~l Creek. The Planning Department also recom~ends that two other easements be cc::sidered that ~7.e Planning COl~ission did not include. These being easements for ~e ,·.Jetro Se;·;er aDd the Soil Conservation Drainage Channel. They recorm!!end that ::.'::e c;·mer e::te:::- into an agreeT1ent .YÍth the city to provide ease!TI":mts for the constr~ction of t~e Soil Conservation Service Drainage Channel and the future Netro Se;.,er Line/ ;"'::'2:2 sa~a _Une is extended southerly from Kent to make connection wi th t"::2 existinq C.:. =':J of i1.uburn san.i tary se<ver system. I Hr. L;2e Schneider, ~ttarney representing Mr. and Mrs. Dykstra/ stated that he is ¡villinq to ~lSWer alY questions and that his clients feel the Planning Co~~Jssion reco~endations are in line tvith the request. fIr. Dykstra asked Ceorge Schuler if t~e reco~~endatic:25 mean that he will grant easements for Metro Sewer Line and for the Soil Conser->-~Hon Service Drainage Channel. Mr. Schuler stated that Mr. L?kstra ~ould be required to grant these two easements and that they will benefit the owner as well as the city. It was ~oved by Hol=an, seconded by Lea, that the Public Hearing by closed. MOTION CARR,IED It was moved by Hol~n, seconded by Flechsig, that the request of Henry Ddkstra to rezone from Unclassified to an Agriculture Open Space Current Use Classification be approved and the Pl~nning Commission recommendations and the Planning Departments recorz=:e:1dations be c--:;r2curred çvith and the City Attorney be instructed to drar,,¡ up the n-ecessary ordin~lce. ROLL C}i.LL VOTE: All Councilmen voting YES. NOTION CARRIED I Mayor Kersey declare~ Public Hearing open on the request of Karl Stute to rezone from Unclassified tc M-l, a parcel of land located at 1225 West Valley Highway. (Application No. I3-Î3) The P2a:~n.ing COff~issio:1 recom~ends approval of this request provided that only the east one/half of the portion lying on the valley floor be rezoned M-I, because this portion does confor= to the Comprehensive Land Use Plan for light-industrial. Also, this approval is conditioned by the fact that the property owner dedicate the eas::erly five feet of this property for the future widening of the West Valley High;.;ay. It was moved by Fle:::~sig, seconded by Holman, that the Public Hearing be closed. NOTION CARRIED It wáS ~oved by F1e:::"~ig, seconded by Lea, that the request of Karl Stute to rezone from ~~classifieà tc ~-l be approved and the Planning Commission recOff~endations be ccnc~rred with ¿~~ the City Attorney be instructed to draw up the necessary ord_ir:.e.IJC9. ROLL C~~L VOTE: All Cou:2cilmen voting YES. l-:OTION CAP..R.IED !Jayor ?:-?Tsey declar::::::' ?ublic Hearing open on the request of Ho¡vard Hadley to rezone .from :"nclassifie¿ t::: :·!-l a parcel of land located at 2633 West Valley Highway. (App2ication No. 14-73) 'I The P.>=.:"'-''1ing COff_-.-d.s5ion recommends approv'al of this request because it does conform to t.~e Co¡:¡prehensi-¡.::: Land Use Plé1n and there is indust:rial zoning abutting the propert; on the so~~. Also, the approval of this request to be conditioned by the factt::a~ the prope~=; Q;·rner dedicate the easterly five feet of his property for the f'z::::.1re wideni."1g of the ¡lest 'Valley Highvay. It:. ",¡as :::0'7ed ny D:::.rli.'1g, seconded by Shaughnessy, that the Pub.L~C tfear~ng ne closed. NOTION CARRIED- It ,;,'as T:.o·76d by Darling/seconded by Holman, that the request of }[m¡ard Hadley to .rezo:-:'ê: frœ:z Unc13ssifieè. to M-l be approved and the Planning Commission recommendations -1·---'~-·A .so::: co::,:::...:rrr?è ;.,1 th ¿:.-::: the Ci ty Attorney be ins tructed to dr¿M up the necessary /1 ! Ù_/I nn/lll /--",....,-r' /411 ()....A"'f'./M._.. ,,_,L',,~ /./,,(' IIJA+:^/A (I'À"'A.·.~1 I ~ 'X) t-- I"'":) -, ,--, c I I n17'5 ...~ AUBURN, WASHINGTON MONDAY JULY 2, 1973 __ _,_ .__, . _.. ~_~. ____ __,___,__... _._ __.~ ._.. -0 w·."....~~·.,_"""'. ...--,."..~~-~..,.....-"'.~ ""-- ~-,~ CORRESPONDENCE City Clerk Pro-tern, Cene ~'lilliams, read' the Zone C11~ï.geApplication ofR.' F. Ba."f{:er, requesting zoning from R-4 to C-l or S.P.U. (Application No. 18-73) and the Zone C~~ï.ge Application of Nary Marty Ulrich and D. Alan Bond, requesting zop~ng from Unclassified to M-l (Application No. 19-73). .:.. L. ¡,¡as moved by Cavey, seconaed flY Darl~ng, that the Zone Ch2:nye Appl1.c-=.7:.J...lJdS for R. F. Baker (Application No. 18-73) and Mary Harty Ulrich and D. Alan Bond (Application 19-73) be referred to the Planning Comr¡Ussion for recor.mendations. i10TION CAREUED BID OPENINGS B_i.às ¡yere opened June 29, 1973, 10: 30 A.N. for S-=.ni tary Se;.¡er Impr07eDent No. 24, aerators for sefiage treatæent plant, with the following bids sub~tted: AQUA-ACROBIC SYSTEMS MIXING EQUIPÞŒNT CO., INC. MUNICIPl'iL EQUIPi1ENT TECHNICAL SYSTEMS INC. PACIFIC WATER WORKS SUPPLY CO., INC. 15 HP $ 6,094.00 l5,371.69 18,374.85 21,660.21 25,128.79 10 HP $ 5,734.00 7.5 HP $ 4,864.00 17,889.42* 20,485.06 20,451.37 15,393.81 19,630.03 18,528.59 * Correction made in figure. The above bids were accompanied by bid bonds, the above bids include sales tax. It is the recomrnendation of the Director of Public rlorks, Pat Nevins r that Contract No. 73-24, Sanitary Sewer Improvement No. 24, be a,,¡aràed to Nixing Equipment Co., Inc. of Bellevua on their low bid of $14,598.00 plus $773.69 Washington state Sales Tax for a total of $15,371.69. A lower bid was submitted by Aqua-Aerobic Syste~s but it does not conform with the specifications and our Consulting Engineers, URSjHill, Ingman, Chase & Co. recom~ended that their bid be rejected for that reason. t It ,,¡as moved by Shaughnessy, seconded by Darling, that the contract for Sanitary Se,ver Improvement No. 24, Contract No. 73-24, be a,,¡arded to Mixing Equipment Company, Inc. with bid bonds returned to Aqua-Aerobic Systems and Pacific Water Works Supply Company, Inc. and upon signing of contract the bid bonds be returned to Municipal Equipment and Technical Systems Inc. ROLL CALL VOTE: All Councilmen voting YES. MOTION CARRIED RECOMMENDATIONS The following items were submitted by the Director of Public Works, Pat Nevins, for Council Approval: Pay Estimate No.2, final, to Chad Construction Company for construction of LID 273, sanitary se,ver in "M" Street N.E. from 12th Street N.E., in the a.mount of $2,436.92. It ¡vas moved by Shaughnessy, seconded by Lea, that the project be accepted by the City as complete and Pay Estimate No.2, final, to Chad Construction Company for $2,436.92 be approved for payment and the retained percentage amounting to $556.27 be paid in thirty days provided no liens or claims are filed and clearance is secured from the State Tax Commission and the Department of Labor and Industries. ROLL CALL VOTE: All Councilmen voting YES. NOTION Cf1RRIED Pay Estimate No.2, final, to T. W. Traverso Construction Company for construction of St. Imp. 132, left turn channelization on Auburn rvay South at: 32nd Street S.E., in the amount of $19,287.89. It ,/¡as moved by Sonnemann, seconded by Shaughnessy, that the project be accepted by the City as complete and Pay Estimate No.2, final, to T. W. Traverso Construction Co~pany for $19,287.89 be approved for payment and the retained percentage amounting to $2._573, 01 h~ !,Airl in th-i :>::tu f/:.;.ys provided no liens or claims are filed and ~1.~ar,r¡cp _1 -:; c:ecured from the State Tax Comr.¡is5ion ?nn tho /Î"";?1.rrment Q F I,;>bnr and Industries. ROLL CALL VOTE: All Councilmen voting YES. NOTION CARRIED Fa':) Estimate No.1, final, to f-l. C. Frost Construction Company for cons_tructiçm or L.I.D. 277, "D" Street N.E. between 15th and 16th N.E.,in the amount of $9,L72.61. 176 AUBURN, WASHINGTON MONDAY JULY 2, 1973 '~"-"""'. '-~"-'-~'~"-.",'.".~_.__.- .. ..... .-<-~.._----",...,-~.-.,..,...:"..._......,-" .. ;.:...._-~.~..-;-.-'"~.....~':._~..;..._._-- -- ,-~ -'"- ,..'" ',-'-, ."~~.-,.,,.."~ -,.--.....-,.~-_.- _~_c____._",__.........- It ¡·¡as _=o'7ed by So=.::e=za.."1n, seconded by Shaughnessy, that the project be accepted 0] the City as cc=~2ete and Pay Estimate No.1, final, to W. C. Prost Construction Co~p~,~ for $9,172.62 be approved for payment and the retained percentage amounting to $1,077.51 be ~ai¿ in thirty days provided no liens or claims are filed and cleara:::::2 is secë:.re";' rrO:::l the State Tax Cor;¡¡aission and tb.e Department of Labor dnd I::':2~3tries.. ;.·~CiLJL ,-_:_:...-~ -jOTE: ;;'2"= CCJuncilrtzen ~\/or:.ing -,....,~ ...&,.~...J... l·10TIC;."I CiLE?P..IE!J ?a"::' Estimate ::c. 2, final, to J. J. Sprague, Inc., for construction of LIDs 27~ and 276, ~~=2r Lains in S.E. 304th, l12th S. E. and vicinity in King County ~2S= of the Ci=; ~imits of Auburn, in the amount of $l7,722.82. I It was ~o'led by S~¿~~h~essy, seconded by Darling, that the project be accepted jy the ~ity as cc~~2ete and Pay Estimate No.2, final, to J. J. Sprague, Inc. for 517,722.82 be ap~=rc:-=êi for payment and the retained percentac¡e amounting to $5,439.78 be paid i~ thir=y days provided no liens or claims are filed and cleara:::::e is sec~rs= from Lhe State Tax Com~ssion and the Department of Labor and Ins.::.stries. ROLL C~:L VOTE: Co~=i2~an Shauc¡hnessy, Darling, Holman, Flechsigr Lea and Sc:-rce3ann voting YES. Co:;,ncilY~n Cavey voting NO. NOTION CARRIED Ar.;=hority to ca.L.l for public hearing on L.I.D. 273 and L.I.D. 277 (¡VI Street N.E. s2.-:i tary seÿ¡er and D Street N.E. respecti vely) assessment rolls on August 20, 1973. It was =oved by Sha:;,q"~~essy, seconded by Lea, that the Public Works Director be given t...':e authority to call for Public Hearing on the assessment rolls for.L.I.D. '273 and L.I.D. 277 on A~q~st 20, 1973. 110TIŒ'i CIŒ.RIED A~~hority to call for bids for bituminous seal coating on various City streets. I It tvas =oved by Gavey, seconded by Sonnemann, that the Public Works Director be giveL ~~e authority to call for bids for bituminous seal coating on various City streets. l10TION CARRIED A:;,=hority to ca12 for public hearing on LIDs 274 and 276 (water main construction E2St of Auburn City Limits) assessment rolls on the first Council meeting in Se~tember, 1973. It was =oved by Sha~qhnessy, seconded by Cavey, that the Public Works Director be given <:he authori ty to call for Public Hearing on the assessment rolls for for L.I.D. 274 a~d ~.I.D. 276 on September 4, 1973. NOTION CARRIED P?'::;'·-:::"'::"'!·!ATIONS, APPOINT11œNTS AND ANNOUNCENENTS ~a~or ~srsey state~ ~hat this Fourth of July will mark the 197th anniversary of the fo:.::-è.ing Qf c~s:·~i =ed States of America and he proclaimed fiednesday, July 4, 1.973, :3.5 a day t:; ".=·0:::'0:: Aserica" and he called upon all citizens, orc¡anizations, labor 2::êi manac¡e::-E::=, C:.:'E:rches, schools and lay groups to recognize this special clay '::.:-:::':-'..'.gh app1.-C;;r:"2~e :ç;rograr;rs. COUNCIL COHNTTTEE REPORTS I PUBLIC '::;:'~5TY CO:~XI-:-?~2 - CH¡1.IR:-L4N GAVEY COi..?l1C:'~:-::2.'1 Gar.íey s== ced tha t the La¡y Enforcement and Fi re Fic¡hters Board met on June 25 r 1973 al1¿ ,jisc:ussed business related to the L. E. F. F. Board retirement and L~rc:i.i'.:e.2 p='.Jgr:é1~.15. =-~""3 i,.E~,"P ?_ !!~c..r,:1 ~"'t,1':-:-~q-l-.,:"c:: a_~~ ' rT1~t~er of pl1".Zic record and they 2~~ on file ~~ Ci=y Hall. Th9 PL:2;2ic Safet~· Cc:::zn.ittee tYÍll xeet at 7:30 P.N. on July l.I, 1973 in the Coffee ~OO~ a= City Hall. - -----~--I ¡ I ~ 00 l'- I"'":) Q o I AUBURN, WASHINGTON 11'''f ': MONDAY JULY 2, 1973 __.._.._.. ..,._'~__" _."_ '-·'0" __. ____.~.______, .. ..., ..·.__.___.w: ."'___...___....-~__... --_.._......_--:..._...~.',;,.~--_._--~_._...- .- S~?3£T CO~MITT£E - CH.~R!W21 SONNEj~~VN T~e next Street Committee Meeting will be on July 18, 1973, at 7:30 P.M. UTILITIES COMMITTEE - CHAIR:8N SHAUGHNESSY T'::e Utilities Corr,,1Úttee.met at 7:30 P.l1. on June 21, 1973. The Metro Contract f.\i~t- .2.E:vit:~.- ~ T1:?~ C~.Jr:illii i.:-=-..;-=: t...v:-.",idered CÙ2 " 7:..¡.i::-~""e¡lt:- and cOiTIpared t¡"2ffi ,.1';:.:2ï. plant and realized that our treatment plant effluent established by the Departœent of Ecology. past data rroœ the treatment is not ¡vi thin the guidelines Our consul ting engineers, Hill, Ingman, Chase & Co., reported on the Ozone Seí,"age Treatment. Ozone is an additive to the effluent which has a si~~lar effect to using chlorine. They felt ozone should not be utilized as it hasn't been proven and there is no way of testing the final product to determine the arwunt of ozone present. The Utilities Comuittee voted and unanimously reco~T.ends that the City Council approve the signing of the latest draft of the Metro Agreement and submit it to the j'-letro officials for théir approval (Resolution No- 584). The Comuittee discussed the Muckleshoot water and sewer extension and they go on record as approving the extension of the City water and sewer system, with the appropriate oversizing for future needs. The cormni ttee asked that the staff investigate the possibility of either securing an easement through the entire reservation or at least a memorandum of agreement that such an easement can be obtained in the future for the completion of the two mains to Dogvlood Street. The Committee discussed the Water - Comprehensive Plan and it is a matter of Public Record on file in City Hall. The Committee una.nimously agreed to adopt the Comprehensi Plal?, 1974 through 1985 and recommends to the City Council through a resolution the approval of the plan and authority for the Public Çvorks Director to submit. qualified projects for State and/or Federal Aid. Puget Sound Power and Light requested an easement to set three anchors at the Lea Hill Pump Station. The Com~ttee approved the location of the anchors on the condition that if there is further developments on the property to place additional facilities that the anchors would be relocated if there was a definite conflict. The Comuittee recommends approval of Resolution No. 583. Due to the construction of a new house on the Muckleshoot Indian Reservation, Gilbert King George requests that a delay be made in requirements for undergróund wiring to serve the respective building. The Committee concurred wi ththe request on the condi tion that the applicant sign an agreement stating that he will participate in any future underground LID. PLANNING & BEAUTIFICATION CO~ll1ITTEE - CHAIRMAN DARLING The next Planning & Beautification Committee Meeting f-rill be at 7:30 P.M., July 10,- 1973, in City Hall. ______ FINANCE COMMITTEE - CHAIRM2lN HOLMAN "--::::::: I The Finance COflL7Iittee met at 7:30 P.I1. on June 28, 1973. The Comrni·ttee analyzed the cash balances of all City Funds through June 28, 1973. The Committee requested that a "Revenue Comparison. Report" for 1971, 1972, and 1973 be prepared and distributed as soon as poss2b1e. The Short Term Investment Program of the ci ty was discussed and after revie¡.¡ of present yield from "Repurchase Agreements" recommends that this type of investment. be continued at the present time ~~ere possible. As a matter of public record, the Finance Commi ttee .I:ecommendsthat the Police Departæ¿nt expend from their present budget appropriations $1,200 for the repLacement of one vehicle; and, if this department's budget is overextended because of this expenditure, an "Intra Fund Transfer" will be made within the Genera~/_~~ -'(1<> I1....xt Finance Corm:!i ttee Neeting ¡.¡ill be at 7 :30 P.M. ~1973. The first item 0 "" considered ¡,rill be "Social .Ice Needs and Funding" and ~-:.mp0-:"'J.ry ritizens sun-vJI: KArSP'j aJ1.~ 3.I1 CounciLneH are invited to attend. AIRPORT CO~~ITTEE - CHAIRUAN The Airport Co~rnittee will ~e omorrow eveining, July 3, 1973 at 7:30 P.M. Con.;TIi ttee >-lill discus/the Airport Landscaping Plans, rei.'enue warrants a nefi gasoline cont/act. The Mayor and all Councilmen are invited to attend. Executi '72 SessJ_on at this meeting to d.iscuss 1m:..,£:. "",,'- 2!-nd 178 AUBURN, WASHINGTON MONDAY JULY 21 1973 '~.~'." "'.,-..,',.._._-~--~ ---.--" "--""_" .....~.~._.<."., ,""."'i<-"-~~.;'.,,"'_'~~'__"__ _._ ~~._.,_.<"...~., .~..~,_",.",,,.. ,_ 30TicD:::::; CO:-JMITTEE - CH.'liRl·!AN LEA Council¡;;an Lea anno'.1..'1ced t11at t.7.e Mayor ¡.¡ill receive information regarding the "ext 3:.:.ilding CoIillTIÍ ttee Neeting sometime next week. The meeting will be held later t~--u.s month. DEP.~TMENT HEAD REPORTS I.en C::'ap.-nanl Director oJ:: Parks and Recreation, discussed the Federal Grant: under ~~tle 3 of the Older ~~erican Act. He stated that the total amount of the project is $241318 ($15,377 is Federal Funds and $81941 is the City's share). The City's sha.?:~ comes from Ir:-?ind Service ¡,.¡hich the City is already providing. The total amount of funds wil~ be used to expand the senior citizens program into a comprehensive :J.1.a:n,.. I ~~e Citj Attorney, ~ohn B. Bereiter, stated that he would like to t2~e this opport:.:.,~ty to advise the me~hers of the Council and the citizens of Aubu.?:n =hat 2:e new G&~hli~1 Act, passed by the Legislature, will soon be in affect. ::'he z:e;,' la¡.¡s will t:::..<e away all local control of bingo, amusement games (such as non paying pin ball machinesl etc.), and other types of gambling that falls into si~ila.?: catagories. Hr. Bereiter stated that he and the Chief of Police will be sending out notific~tion to organizations and groups to let them know about the r:e;.¡ rulings. ;'.!ayor Kersey announced t.hat when the ne¡.¡ Gambling Act goes into effect the licecsing and regist.?:ations from the City of Auburn will not be valid. ORDINJ1..J.YCES AND RESOLUTIONS RESOLUTION NO. 583 It was moved by Sha¡;q.~.-'1essy, seconded by Gavey, that Resolution No. 583 enti tled "ii RESCLUTION OF THE CITY OF AUBURN 1 vIASHINGTON, AUTHORIZING THE MAYOR AND CITY CLEF":': TO EXECUTE AN EASEMENT IN FAVOR OF PUGET SOUND POWER & LIGHT COMPANY FOR THE I:rS:'ALLl!TION AND N..:'I.INTENANCE OF GUY vlIRES, AND J1J'¡CHORS ON THE REAL PROPERTY HEREISP3TER DESCRIBED." be adopted. ROLL CALL VOTE: All Councilmen voting YES. MOTION CARRIED I RESOLUTION NO. 584 It was aoved by Sha~q~~~ssy, seconded by Holman, that Resolution No. 584 entitled "A P3S0:::UTION OF THE CIT'! OF AUBURN, '01ASHINGTON, AUTHORIZING AND DIP.ECTING THE l1AYOR .?"ND CrT:! CLERK OF TEE CITY OF AUBURN, ~'¡ASHINGTON, TO SUBMIT BY fv.z;.Y OF GEORGE HACK, SPECIJ::.L LEGAL COUNSEL FOR THE CITY OF AUBURN, WASHINGTON, THE LATEST AND BEST CONTPJ;'CI'Ui!.LOf'FER 0:- THE CITY OF AUBURN, ~vASHINGTON, TO THE I1UNICIPALITY OF :·JETRO?O:::rTAN SEATTLE PERTAINING TO A COMPREHENSIVE SE'01AGE TREATNENT CONTRACT." be adopted. Counc:iL-:7a.n Gavey asked the Nayor just what does the resolution mean. Mayor Kersey stated that if:. means the Mayor and Ci ty Clerk would be given the authori tyto sign the contract ar..d present it to George Mack. Council;:¡an Lea askeâ t.hat if the resolution is passed a.nd George..?-cÞ presents it to Ketro and the; decide to change some of the wording, wr~lr. che contract co;ne back to ,tIS before being finali zed. The Ci ty Attornr~' J.í ...¡.¡ered yes_ .J.OLL c.:.!..£.. VOTE: CO-':.:.cilma11 Shaughnessy, DarlinC1 .r!('.~lnan, and Flechsig tfoting YES.. Co:.:.ncilman Lea, Gavey, and ~Jnr~mann voting NO. NOTION CARRIED I P~~ùLUTION NO. 585 It wa.s....::-:·'pd by .-j'" .__:¡::nessy, seconded by Holman, that Resolution No. 585 enti tled "A R'::-S:J'::'~, .:: CITY OF AUBURN, fvASHINGTON, AIXJPTING THE CITY OF AUBURN'S UTES;: CONPREHi:1.NSI',_ ...-.' ..--: P'T¡,'[ COVERING THE PERIOD 1974 THROUGH 1985 ":';: ,,"',.UTHORI'i:ING PUBLIC ;'¡OR..KS 'lIfRECTO? TO S:'.. .:I:" "'ALIFIED PROJECTS TO THE STATE OF ¡. ~.., -''',' FOR FU:lDINGA.S5IST;,":;CE." be a. doptc'J. .. ROLL c;..I..L VOTE: Al2 cOl.wcilmen voting y~ . VOUCHER APPROVAL LIS~ :';2..5 :;;or,'ed by Hol-:::an I seconded by Gavey, that the ~~ ~st f'-·'. in the a;:oun~ of $2 , 536, 652.·6-j be approved. .~_.....- NOTION CARRIED --,..--.-.-----..-- dated June 29, "-'" .....:r <......_,_..~..J VOT~: .. ì ;- CO!l!1ci lrr:en vo Un,! YE:S a .~ NOTION CARRIED I ~ QO r-... ~ o Q I I AUBURN_, WASHINGTON MONDAY 17"9-~ -~-_.. '---~-"-"--"-"'.~--'" JULY 2, 1973 . .' ,...'...',"'--- ,"--~--_'.~",--~-_...~.". .. - 'I'ne:::9 being no further business to come before the Council, the meeting ~ias adjourned by Mayor Kersey at 8:47 P.M. APPROVED THIS 3RD DAY OF JULY, 1973. ~~) ~. . :;?{~ . .' .> /,.--- / I /" ,.- /,,/7)' ,; -' '," . ::?ZZ,"¿d /'/jr/~w> // CITY CLERK /¿~ . /' "- --- ---.--.-... - _.------ ---.