HomeMy WebLinkAbout07-16-1973 J80 A[iafJ?<~~l.. ~i;w££I£¡GTC~'i NON DAY ~---"7--l JULY 16, 197] The D3:gular meeting of the City Cou.."1ci~ of t.'1e City of )luburn con'7ened at 8:00 P.M., .in t.'1e Auburn City Council Chambers. ROLL CALL COU:Ìcilr::en Present: Councilman Gavey, Sonnemafln, Shaugh¡1essy, Darling, Holman, Flechsig, and Lea. APPROVAL OF !1INUTES It ¡V'a.s I:1oved by Holma..'1, seconded by Lea, that the Council l1inutes of July 2, 197] _ be ap;xcoved as mailed. MOTION CAP.RIE D I BID OPENINGS BiéIs ;.lere opened July 10, 1973, 2:00 P.N. for construction of BrarmaZ1 Park Phase I, "iit.'1 bids subraitted as f01lo>vs: BASIC BID ALT #1 ALT #2 ALT #5 .ALT #6 PICHiLP.D G. V1AGN2R, INC. $249,000 $37,000 $4,300 $12,000 $10;000 ViiLLEY CREST LANDSCAPE INC. 264,758 38,643 5,107.14 15,209.12 1~, 852.43 SUrlUP CONSTRUCTION nl C . 279,185 34,000 4,000 12,100 9 , 800 J. J. HAP..KEY CO. 289 , 386 26,536 4,438 15,007 14,215 COULEE CONSTRUCTIo.V CO. ILIC. 319 ,800 37,900 4,240 34,10 a 39,000 The above bids ,·¡ere accompanied by bid bond. It is t..Ì1e recommendation of the Park Board that the contract for developm:mt of Branna-'1 Pa.rk Phase I be a¡.¡arded to Richard G. Wagner, Inc. of Seattle, ~'¡ashington, for t.'1eir lo¡., base bid of $249,000.00 and A~ ternates No. I, No. 2 and No. 5 for a total of $302,300.00 plus Washington State Sales Tax of $16,022.00 for a total pr. $3.18,322.00, and -G'1at an option be ç,¡ritten in the contract to include Alternate No. 6 ¡ofi thin 60 days wi th no increase in the bid cost of $10,000.00, plus Washington State Sales Tax of $530.00. I The total construction costs, including base bid, Ç'/ashington State Sales Tax, plus JJ..lternates No. I, No.2, No.5 and No.6 is $328,852.00. This t.otal is $16,892.00 above tbe·I.A.C. allocated const.ruct.ion funds for t..Ì1is project. If t'1e Park Board recommendation is approved, -G1e $16,892.00 will be paid by the Ci t.y from t..he Park and Recreation Department' 5 Revenue Sharing Funds. t'Iayor Kersey stated that t.."0.e $16,892.00 ¡-¡ould come from $25,000.00 ¡.,hicb has alreaà':J been allocat.ed to t.,'1e Park Department from Revenue Sharing Funds. It ¡'I as moved by Sonnemann, seconded by Darling, that the Park Board recommendations be concurred wi t..'1 and tlle contract for development of Brannan Park Phase I 1)e a:'larded to pJ.chard G. Wagner, Inc. on t..heir low bid of $328,852.00 (including Alternates No.1, No. '2, No.5, 'No.6 andWâ.Shingt.on State Sales Tax) ~¡ith Bid Bonds retur:ied to Coulee Cons truction Compan.y Inc. and J. J. Harkey Company and upon signing of contract the Bid Bonds be returned to Sunup Construction Inc.. and Valley Crest Landscape Inc. R'JLL CjJLL VOTE: All Councilmen voting YES. flIOTION CARRIED Bids ;'lere opened July 12, 1973, 11:00 A.N. for Contract No. 73-26, construction of overla:Js on various streets - Street Improvement No. 157, ¡.¡it.'1 bids submitted as foLio;'1s: ¡SPHAL'T' PAVII1G & EdGIN2ERLïG COHPA:'vY ¡èSSOCIATED SÆ-ID & GRAVEL COi1PANY ;;ASIlI;-:GTŒf ASPHJJ.LT COMPI'>i.VY, INC. $61,390.00 62,047.50 64,295.50 I The 2::;'0'/e bids ç,1ere accoiTIpanied 1)'] bid bond. It is the recornrr.endation of tile Director of Public r'¡orks, Pat Nevins, that Contract ¡¡o. 73-26, construction of overlays on various streets, be ar,.larded to Asphalt pavinq & EncL1.neering Company on t..'1eir 10;1 bid of $61,390.00. it ;'/23 mcwed by Sonne mann, seconded by Gavey, that Contract No. 1.1-26 ror CO:1st1.-uction of overlays on various st.reets be a;.¡arded to Asphalt. Paving [:, Engineering Comparl'.j on their 10:.. bid of $61,390.00 and uf',on signing of contract tile Bi d Bonds be re turned to r.¡asi1ington Aspha1 t Company, Lnc. and lJssociated Sw~d & Gravel Company. --" --~._.._---. - .- ~'-----' ~ ---- -~. --~ ¡~C)rJD C'_,;LL r/(:TE:: ~411 Cou...'1-:::i lrre.r2 'f"loting YES.. NOTION CARRIED I ~ ~ r-... '"":) -, <,.-. ~. - I I 1··8····.·'1···'··········· "", ' -''':: AUBURN, WASHINGTON MONDAY JULY 16, 1973 RECON:'1ENDATIŒ1S .1."e Ío:"'2a:.¡ing i t:e;:;;s :·¡ere submi tted by t..r¡e Director of Planning al1d Co;.¡munity De'."e::' :J.?:.-.e" t, George A. Sc.'wler, for CO~i.cil Appror7al: :':er¡uest to call for Public Hearing on t.he request of T. Z. Na.eka;·¡a to .....~zc~~~ frc.7Z 2-4 (tJultiple .F'~:.~::lily) .L..r;J l·!-l (Liqht. In(~û.5¿r..iá.l), a p,~r:ce7 of .:..=-..--:.d located a:': the corner of 7t>¡ SereeL N.E. atld Division Street Nort11 c;:J::.taining ay_:;::::oximately 14 acres of land. (llpplicatian tio. 15-73) _=-er¡ues t to ca.11 for Publi c Hearing on t..!]e request of Fred L. BraI'L'1d11 to ::::::zone a p2rce.i... of lal1d from R-4 (Xultiple F'2TÚly) to S.P.U. (Special ?::::opert~ Use ?er,~t), a parcel of p~operty located at ble SE corner of P::rt Street 2..:1~ 28tJl Stre'2ts Iv.E. ror t..he J...Durpose of c0!"1structio:1 of a _-:::êJfessiona.l orr::J.. ce buildin.g. (Ap::';lication No. 16-73) :':::~'ues t to ca:"'2 for Public Hearing Oc"l the reques t of .~·£o'dard H. Bot~ell (?erson & Persan Inc.) to rezone fro.7: R-1 (Single Fa:rri1':1') to R-2 ;.;i·th an S.P.U. Pe::::IT.it (Speci2il Pro!;-erty Use) a parcel of 1a-'1d located a·t 1421 17th Street S.E. f:;r the purpose of const.ruction of a professionàl office building. (.::"_'J_:J1icatio21 Z;o. 17-73) It \-;as soved by Gav-ey ,seconded by Holman, that Public Hearings be held on Augz..:st 6, 1973, at 8:00 P.M. in the Council Chambers on -t-'e request of T. Z. !·'.aeka;.¡a, Fre¿ L. Bra..'1na-'1, and Hada.rd H. Bathell. NOT ION CAP-PIED The fo:"lc;·¡ing i teT!'3 ,-,¡ere s ubmi tted by t;"'ö Director of Public vlorks, Pat Nevins, for Cound2 Approval: P=:j Estimate ¡¡C). 5 to Burnharn Construction Co. for construction of sf:. Imp. #:"35, Ph 3, roa.d a..'1d bridge on Ellingson Road in t..he d"Ount of $65,459.39. It >'¡:::5 r::-oved by Sor-..:1ema.nn, seconded by ,'!olman, BUITJ....'Ja.= Construction Company for $65,459.39 be t~at Pay Estimate No. 5 to approved for payrœnt. ROLL C:·.IÆ VOTE: All CourJ.cilmen voting YES. j'¡lOTION CARRIED P2j Estimate Na. 1 to puget Electric Company for construction of Water I=;;. #79, inst212ation of telemetering, in t11e amOll.'1Í: of $46,563.68. It ~¡as ,-::Qved by Shê.'1qhnessy, seconded b'] Gavey, that Pay Estimate No. 1 to puge:: :::lectric Com~-:;a.n'j far $46,563.68 be approved for pa':jInent.. ROLL C:::'.LL VOTE: All Councilmen voting YES. NOTION CARRIED paj Estimate No. 1 to Gary Merlino Construction Co. for construction of ;;'ater Imp. #75, (8th St. N. E. ,.¡ateroaín), in the amount of $55,432.39. It. :-¡as :xlved by Ga,,'9'], seconded by Shaughnessy, t'1at Pay Estimate No. 1 to Gary Merlin~ Construction Company for $55,432.39 be approved for payment. ROLL C.:'LL VOTE: All Coutlci1men votinq YES. NOTION CARRIED P2j Estimate :;êJ. 2 to Gary lJ2rlino Construction Co. for construction of ~_. Imp. #134, Bt.T-¡ Street N. E., in the amou.:î.t of $19,808.91. It :,¡a.s :::orjed by Sar.:"leï:!ann, seconded by Shaughnessy, t..hat Pa.y Estimate No. 2 to Gar.:' xe::lino CŒ:.st::::-..:ction Company for $19,808.91 be ap/Jroved for pa'j!7:8nt. RJE ':.::'::"L VOTE: Ali Cou.:-Jci1men votinq ~'E5. NOTIO:V CARRIED ??CCL:'}!JJ.TIONS, APPOINT:'·S':lTS ANDA.lINOUNCE,:œilTS :'·!ayar /2rse:¡ poi:;::2 i out to the Press, CO!..L.îc.i 1 and Publi c that the Chief of PoL.ce - L. L. SC,):"9:::: has sent out 1ettsrs in regard to House Bill 711 (Carnb1ing). Effec:=:.. '/ê-; today a1.2 forTi's of gambling are illegal until the time licenses are iss~e~ ~'j the Ga~01ing Commission. COm¡CIL COM~ITTEE REPORTS PUB '.TC S;'.E'ETY CO:!X7:TIE£ - CllAI&'·lA:l Gll VEY TiE P:.01ic Safety Ca;;....71ittee fi'ret at 7:30 P.!!. on ¡'¡eclI1esday, July 11, 1973. 'I'he Co.'7:--::.: ~=~e discLlssed t;1e .:orOIJOsed Crimin¿11 7.1res.[JdSS OrdinaJ.'1ce and Chie.E Scy Jer 9x:-;22::::ei t}1e reas:>ning behind the ordi.-:.ance. 182 AUBURN, WASHINGTON MONDAY JULY 16, 1973 ... ..-......- "".,,'_...."'--~^'.. .~. ._.~.~._,_.- --..- ....~'".,..~--.--. ,,' .~..~...""..-', .-.~ ..~'. _. . -_..-" ~_""",~-".," ~.- T,':!e Co¡;-~-ri tt.ee dis cuss ed t.'1e present bi cycle ordinances and the need for an a¡;-.endr::ent to provide for registration of bicycles wit.'1in t.'1e City of Auburn. It ;·las moved and seconded and u.."1a.l"1iII'.ously passed to direct the Ci ty Attorney, r-iÍ th coo:;.eration from b.'1e Police DepartF..ent, to prepare an ordina-"1ce alnending c'1e .:)!:'2sen.t bicycle ordinaJ.î.ces. "~. :.;..C- .c.s:c.:: '"';1 ¡vas held. rACí'2rd~.nq thA Sumner-Voilps Arrbulé''1r,p Scr"v-j ceo i'-1r S"""-l?~e_!~. of SU::::'1'1er-Voi1es A,ïÒulance Service, indicated that they would be seeking quarters 'di bin the corporate limi ts of t.~e Ci ty of Auburn and t..'1ey :vill provide alT1bulance service in c'1e near future. Motorcjcle probleDS in Auburn ;·¡ere discussed and Chief SCller advisecI t.'-:zat all ýeo~le conplaining about a-"1'] motorcqcles should refer their calls to the Police I2~artt;]ent. I T.1e need for a gas pump atb.le Fire Department ~¡as discussed and referred to tiJe Finance Cor"nù ttee for action. The gas pump presently used atti1e Fire Departlr:ent. is old a..'1d it no longer regis ters accura tely . The CorJ¡:m. ttee discussed centralized' dispatc11, which na.¡ is being considered by the Chiefs of Police of Kent, Renton, and Tukwila. It ;.¡as pointed out c~at no saT7ings could be made by be~onging to a regional radio central dispatching cor:mu.'1ications center and Chief Scyler a..'1d Chief Calkins recommended that the present system be maintained. STP3ET COMNITTEE - CHAIRMAN SONNENA.iVN The next Street Committee Neeting will be 'Nednesday, July 18, 1973 at 7:30 P.l1. UTILITIES COI1!1ITTEE - CHAIRNAN SHAUGHNESSY The next utilities Committee Heeting ç,1Íll be Thursday, July 19, 1973 at 7:30 P.l-1. PLP~~¡IdG & BEAUTIFICATION COMMITTEE - CHAIRl1ÆV DARLING The Planning & Beautification COIT/J.7lÌttee Iret at 7:30 P.M. on Tuesday, July 10,1973. George Schuler presented -G~e COITù.~ttee with a memo from Mayor Kersey stating h~at. a p?:oblem exists wi th some areas of our Beautification Projects where some propeI'~':1 . a:meIS have not maintained their parking strips. The Comlni. tte~ after revievl and discussion, direéted t:1Je staff to notify said propeL'ty Oi'mers by letter, stat.ing- bat t.J.¡is is t..he second year said t.rees have been planted and that t.he property o:mers -;.¡ould be the ones to take care of their maintenance and upkeep after the fi rs t 0¡0 years. I George Schuler presented the Commi ttee v¡i th a.rz agreement bet"Ñeen T. E. Ha-G'1e¡.¡s ê.."1d Dan Fiori to on property ç,¡i th the idea to take care of the Fiori to Gravel Violation and remove tl1e unsightly hump existing. TÌ1e Committ.ee directed George Schuler to issue a grading perIi1Í t so gravel can be removed and said removal to match exis ting contour lines to the north and south of said hUlT1p. The Plan.'1ing Director also present.ed the COIl'.InÍttee ,.¡ith a request of Auburn S:wpping Center for a variance in la.rzdscaping requirements bet:Neen the, parking lot 2..'1d t.he building. A plot plan of the proposed center ~.¡as also displayed. Afœr reveÙ, of t..he plot plans for said shopping center located at. Bt..1-¡ Street N.E. a.,d "¡·1" Street, the Committee recoIT/J.'TIended that the varia..'1ce be granted. George Schuler, Planning Director, presented tile Committee ¡Út.l1. a proposed lease to Pobert. C. Green - Cameron Village Park. After reviøving said lease, the Commi ttee recorc:ne;']ded that said lease be approved (Resolution No. 586). FI:;"',,.';C2 CONNITTEE - CHAIRMÆl HOLNAll I 'i'.'1e FLÌance Committee met at 7:30 P.f.1. on Thursday, July 12, 1973 at 7:30 P.l{. A brief discU3sion ,,¡as held on Ci ty of Auburn insurance policies. Chairman ,:[01,:'2-''1 suggested that all Councilmen have a chance to digest the information c:on tained in t'1e letter from tl1e Advisory Insurance Commi ttee and this i teITl :-¡ill be considered at the next Finance CormT!.Íttee Meeting on At¡gust 2, 1973. J.',-,ç: Gv.,",c:.LL.¿:..;:;: ;!i:::,c~_~.' ~ede'·3.2 R::'J,,"'1ue Shar.ing and recom·;¡eni!eiJ that ap;:'~C':'Y'Ltt:;,...,..C" £,;2 t:;",¿2 ana /=:xpr=nditures authorized fur: i:'ubiic 5dfui.:.g ï:.LJ.U':'Yll1t:::f1è. - $:5,i'C:;..CO, 1 used GAP Diazo printer - $1,575.00, 1 public address system - $1,500.00, 10 litter C2..ïS (Airport) - $1,161.00, and 1 used gasoline pump (Firestation) - $250.00. It ;'i25 ¡roved by Holman, seconded by Darling, t'1at th,e above appropriations be maàe.._~u._u a.::d. t.'1e a1)O'/E~ expenr1i tu.ces be authori zed from Federal Revenue Sharing Funds-.----.· - - ----- ::/}L!.. C·i~L,L I/'~:JTF:: }J,ll C'oLL'1cilrr.-en vo:ing YES.. ¡·!OTIOtl CARRIED I :\I X ~ , ""':) -.. ~.¡ - '~ I I AUBURN, WASHINGTON 18 MONDAY JULY 16, 1973 "~."..,_,,_.._.__.,·,,.'·'H_·' .. ~·_"_n.____._._.+ T:12 C,:;"=-::Ï"ttee conc::.r~ed :4it..~ CfJief of Police SC91er -Chat p02i':::2 C2.r be decl¿;::ed s UIp1us and that G.'1e City Council solë :::J be highes-::: ::;idà.er as salvage. tÌle ~ecently çÿrec]<ed authorize it to be hIR-:·:X:;.~ CC;."·!¡',JITTEZ -.. C..~ß..IT?..~'!.¿--;:'¡ FLEC'.r:·£SIG 7ha ;~=?ort CO~c¿tt2e r£~ at 7:30 P.M. on Monday, July 2, 1973. The C':JI,::-i t.tee ~isCw~-ed 01,2 ;!'1::':J::--::.·~2 cc l'~nt space fo.L: ~3_1J.f-'-~_1dJ.ìCe ~--:.C' h..òe.'-:J,u....:..rts.i..s L.-OL taxi S27:'/=-ce at the airpo7:t. This pro?]':Jsal ¡·¡as from AIi-iation Horc0.:·¡est, Inc. éL'1d ¡.¡ill be è.is cussed at t.he next Airport COIi,,1Ú ttge Meeting. In~, ~xecutive Sessio~, ~~e Comilittee aub~orized George Schuler to negotiate air s!?",,:::e ease8e~!:s ~'""2d prepare final airport pléLYJ.s per Com.rrJ.ttee recom;;::endatio~s. Tile ::-9:-:":: regular ;:~~_'Oort CG2.:.11i.ttee L'Jeetil"J.g :'4ill be at 7:30 P../1. on TUE~5d2..~1; A7.1g~~5-= 7, 1973. D:-=:~e :-¡il1 be 221 Executive Session ot· tile l'Urport C02..:.'J.itte-e at 7:3~ ?!1. on Ju:''j 26, 1973 in the COU:Ìci1 Room. The purpose of t:.'!.is ¡:¡eeting '.-¡iLl.. £;S ë:':J diSCè2SS =-'12 -;asoline contract. B[IILDI_~;G COl,J!1ITTZE - CI{AIP...:.'{µ~'i LEA The :12xt Building CO!T,,-:U.ttee t-Jeeting ~vill be on Tuesday, July 24, 1973 at 7:30 PJL Chai::::::"¿,'1 Lea annouIi.:::ed, to b~e Coul1cil and ot.'-1ers present., t.'1at: he ,.,as a guest at t:.~e Green River SteeL'!.ead Trout Club at ~~it.e Lake on SLmday, July 15, 1973. That a'::te;énoon G.7.ere ¡.¡2.S a t.radegy related to s~¡imming and Councilman Lea stated t.'1a:: Freã. Fisher ar:.à. James Fisk should be given credit for their very professionç¡,l resccZe a-.::te¡:¡pt. He stated t'1at -G'1ese t-vlO zren from the Auburn Fire Department took c:;2!!?lete contr::J! of t.b.e situation and the citizens of Auburn should be very proud of t.':1.em. Coocilm<ù"1 L€a requested Uayor Kersey to send a letter of appreciation to Fred :Fisher and James Fisk. Mayor 'j':e::::sey stateê. that he '.¡ould be pleased to send such a letter. The Hayor also s::a-:-od that he 2.c."1d his '·¡ife at.tended a "Cardio Pulmonary Resuscitation Coûrse" la.st ;·(·"3:dr:.esdaq ever:ing. The course ,.,as taught by John Burgess, at the Fire Station, a..'7.d t'Js :':ayor statei that he was very ir:¡pressed ,vith the instruction given. This part-':c::.l2.r courS2 is gi7ien at. no charge to those people ¡v110 are interested, and .in::erested indi-¡iduals should contact the Fire Departzr~nt. The 11ayor also com::-J2:J.œd t.'1e Fire Departrrent for t.~eir fine ,.,ork and public service. ORDIN~JlCES ÆvD RESOLUTIONS ORDINANCE liO. 2738 It ~¡2.S -::1oved by So:",,'1e:na-"1.'1, seconded by Gavey, that Ordinance No. 2738 enti tIed "jJ.R ORDI:I_::C;CE OF THE CITY OF AUBURN, 'dASHINGTON, A1'4ENDING SUB SECTION (I) OF AUBURN CODI?I;:D CIT'£ ORDIHJ.lICE 9.04.170 PERTAIllING TO THE SPEED LIMIT ON A CERTAIN PORTIO:; OF 15TH STP::;ET :iORTb.'fEST AND NORTHEAST ¡VI THIN THE CITY LINITS OF THE CITY OF A0B~'?..'i AVD ADDn;~ _i:..DDITIONl',L SUBSECTIONS TO SAID AUBURN CODIFIED CITY ORDINANCE 9.04.1ïO PERTAINING TO SPEED LIl1ITS ON PORTIONS OF 15TH STREET NOR.THEAST, 15th STREET NOR'l:£'¡;:ST AVD 1'1. STP::;ET ~'lOR.T;r;'lEST, ALL LOCATED ~VITHIN THE CITY LINITS OF THE CITY OF Af.iB:':?3, ¡¡JJ.sliINGTTI." be introduced 2.c.7.d adopted. ROLL C.::'_LL VOTE: A 7 7 Cou11cilmen voting YES. MOTION CARRIED ORDIiIAlICt: ¡:O. 2739 It ;-;2.5 ~072d by D2?:li::.g, seco.'1àed by HolTiEL'1, t.~at OrdinéLTlce No. 2739 ent.itled "jJ..!.V ORDL.-.:"_·:C;: OF THE C:::::! OF 1,U3UEl, NASHINGTON, PROVIDI!VG FOR THE FEZONIF:G OF CER7i-..r:: ??OPERTY U:;':.z"T::D 00'1 A PARCEL OF LP.i.'W LYING NORTH OF THE AUBUP¡¡ ELKS CLUë? I.~'::::G BETilEE:¡ .:"U3~.FL·¡ ;'l;'Y ìlORTH 11..ND i-lp.RVEY ROAD, SITUilTE IN 'l'HE CITY OF AUBURN, ;nS.:,T·:-:;T'J:,', CHANGI.:':; T.:{E ZO:íDiG CLlSSIFIC::;'TION THEREOF FROt1 C-l '1'0 C-3." be i n t7:':J~::' --:;--:;> d a..'1d ... ... aœ:x;; =ea. COu.c-:C':l...-::a.:l Lea sta.:::õ:--:i tj1at this ¡.¡as discussed at the last Council Neeting a-'1d he p':Ji::. ::s= O'lt t.hat ::'::e location is ver'J near Cla,rk Plaza a_rid he feels t21at vi th t...'1e z-:;::':,:.g changeè. 3..S stated in t...'-1e ordinance, tJ,Je inteL'section ¡.¡ould become ove:~~-:;:·/Cl9(l al1d iL:~d9 traffi c. ROLL c.:"LL VOTE: Cc:":.,,ci12Cln Darling, lio1nan, Flechsig, and SOnnema.rm vot.ing YES. C~....J.I(·:il~;,a.;l L:a, Ga.,/c~!.,,', ~:¡(-7 :;hau;;fhn~~c:':'y 1/·"-"~;""7 ~":J_ NOTION Ci1RRIE D ORDI:I AN CE NO. 2740 It :,,'¿;; --:::'J'/ed b'j Ga,72'j, seconded by Sonner::ann, t.h.at Ordinance lIo. 2740 entitled "AV o?ù:::;.::'_·;::.': 0::' 'THE C::?:! OF ilU3UP3, >'fASi¡Dl(;TŒf, PROVIDING FOR THE.: REZO.'Î.L/G OF CER7';1fN 184 AUBURN, WASHINGTON MONDAY· - ~-.-- JULY 16, 1973 "'--~------'- __0_____.. ...-..-.- . i;J?O?E:P.7.'Y LOCATED llT 1225 WEST VALLEY HIGmvAY NORTH, SITUATE III THE CITY OF AUBURN, ;/lSHnrGTON, CHl<.i'lGIlIG THE ZONING CLASSIFICATION THEREOF FROM [R1CLASSIFIED TO N-l." be introduced and adopted. COLL'1cilm221 Lea asked if the rezone request is gra-'1ted in th.at area, '.-/Ould it effect Auburn' s s ta..'1d wi t..h puget Sound Governmental Conference. The Attorney s tateâ that .if we do not follatl our C':mprehensi ve Plan r ;.¡e could be sued by tile :CJrop';.i. '-:I :: ':121.. Hayor KeLsey also si..':"'::'dd :""1""':' ¡ve have t·¡O ordinculc2s ~·egard.!..,.':7' O_-::Jen Space, on t..iJ.e agenda tonight, and every request in the pas t has been granted b'.j" t:,Z1e Cou..'1cil. The Mayor stated t.i¡,at people ,·¡,'}o do not ;.¡a..'1t to farm or cannot ,;¡a<e a Ii ving from farming, should be allcued t.o reques t a change to Current Use .2.5sessr:ent if so desired. _=DLL CALL VOTE: All Councilmen voting YES" NOTION CAR,E):fED I ORDINÆVCE NO. 2741 ::t :·1ê!.S Tnoved by Gavey, seconded by Holma.."1, that Ordinance No. 2741 entit.led "Æl OPDIN¡;'..;;CE OF THE CITY OF AUBURN, v¡~.sHINGTON, PROVIDING FOR TilE P..EZONING OF C'ZR'I'Anl PROPERTY LOCATED AT 2633 ~lEST VALLEY HIGHÇiAY, SITUATE IN THE CITY OF AUBURN, ;,r¡..s,:tINGTON, CHANGING THE ZONING CLliSSIFICATION THEREOF FROM UNCLi';SSIFIED TO 1'1-1." be introduced and adopted. ROLL C.'"..LL VOTE: All Councilrr.en voting YES. MOTION CAPRIED ORDINANCE NO. 2742 It :'¡as ïX:>ved by Gavey, seconded by Sonner:¡ann, that Ordinance No. 2742 entitled "AN OP..DINANCE OF THE CITY OF AUBURN, WASHINGTON, AMENDING AUBURN CODIFIED CITY ORDINA.NCE 7.04.580 (7) (a) ~..ND (b) (PERTAINING TO CP:fMINJ1...L TP.ESPASS)." be introduced d;.ï.d adopt.ed. ROLL CALL VOTE: All Councilmen voting YES. MOTION CARRIED ORDINANCE NO. 2743 It ¡·¡as moved by Holman, seconded by Lea, that Ordinance No. 2743 entitled "Ai.V ORDINAtlCE OF THE CITY OF AUBURN, f'IASHINGTON, Al1ENDING THE CITY OF AUBUB.V'S COl1PPEHEHSIVE PLAN, AS TO CERTAIN PEAL PROPERTY ŒillED BY HENRY DYKSTRA, l1...ND iiER2INiŒTER DESCRIBED, PURSUÆlT TO CHAPTER 84.]4 R.C.fv. BY DESIGNATING SAID PEAL P?0PERTY AS "FARl1 AiVD AGRICULTURAL LI11JD----CURRENT USE ASSESSMENT." be introduCl~d and adopt.ed. I IOLL CALL VOTE: All Counci1zren voting YES. MOTION C¡;'.RRIED ORDINBVCE NO. 2744 It ;·¡as moved by Sonnemann, seconded by Gavey, that Ordinance No. 2744 entitled "AN ORDINk'iCE OF THE CITY OF AUBURN, C'¡ASHINGTON, AMENDING THE CITY OF AUBURN'S CGt1PP3HENSIVE PLAN, ¡;.S TO CERTAIN REAL PROPERTY OC'lNED BY JOHNNY Q. AND JUþjHTA P. VICEH'i!E:, A:..'ID HEP.EINAFTER DESCRIBED, PURSUfl.NT TO CHAPTER 84.34 R.C.¡Y. BY DESIGNATING S¡;...ID PE¡;'.L PROPERTY AS "FARI1 AND AGRICULTURAL U.ND---CURRENT USE ASSESSNENT." be i~troduced and adopted. P.~LL C¡;'J.,L VOTE: All Councilmen vot.ing YES. MOTIOi-l CARRIED PESOLUTION NO. 586 Ie:. 'dê!.S mCNed b'j Darling, seconded by Sonne!71ann, that. Resolution No. 586 entitled "A F'c.-C;S0LUTION OF THE CITY OF iWBURlI, C'ìASHINGTON, AUTHORIZING THE NAYOR AND CITY CL;::P';:: Ie) ZNTER I;fTO A LEASE AGP-EE¡':ENT ClITH ROBERT C. GREENE FOR CERTAIN LEASED ?P3;;IS;::S LOCATSD ;VITHIH THE CITY OF AUBURN, CJASHINGTON." be adopted. I POLL C!~L VOTE: All Counciln~n voting YES. NOTION CARRIED - ¡USCELLANEOUS BUSINESS T~e Ci t"j Clerk Pro-tern, Gene ~'¡illi&'715, read a letter from Pat Cavanaugh, Chairman 0= t...:-¡e [h=:tail Trades Division of the .Auburn ¡!Yea Chamber of Commerce. The letter ::~1u~:;;ts t:~-=== t21e r[,.2rc:haJ1ts bc permi tterf tc ss11 ::J.~e_:=- ;..T3=2:: :::7 ~he si(1-?~·,,:--;} &.0: ::or ÖiO days (July 27t.1 &'1d 2Bt.'-1) al1d that B Street S.E. be closed for a square dance: on Frida,:! night, and remain closed through Saturday for the l1uckleshoot Indians to have t:-wir arts and crafts at the sarr.e location. They ¡..¡ould also ':".:'::e to have D StF.=et N. E'. closed on Saturday for a..'1 Arts & Crafts Shad that will b-:! S~;o.-:sored lJ'j tile Parks & RecreiJ.tion Department of the City of Auburn._______. -~-=-~::::..--:::--r I ~ ';x) t-- '~ ,-'" -. c: I I AUBURN,. WASHINGTON JULY 16, 197318 MONDAY .' a·......__.,__·_._.__ --..-..._--- "-----..... ",- "'" ........."... ..... '~k__"_,_,_"~,,,,_, It '·ï2...3 z::o:'ed b'.j SO.~-:'28~L.'1, seconded by Gavey, t.!-¡at the requ2st of the Charrber of Cor::::-erce .be appro\"ed ¡lith t.'1e stipulation that B Street. S.E. êL'1d B Street N.E. be cl~e¿ from E. :~ain Street to t.ìe alley only_ NOTION CAP..PJED There l:eing no rur-:..'-:.er bu.siness to cor¡¡e before the COUl1ci1,the meeting ç.¡as adjsuT::~:! by 1'1a~'-':)r ife!:ser; at 8:4~ 1?f.f.. APPROVED THIS 17TH DAY OF JULY, 1973. ? .~ /:è7 7A~~ ~~7' / / CITY CLERK {/ ~~TJ·-r~7 (jMAYOR