HomeMy WebLinkAbout08-06-1973 ]lffr- ~';'..;;::;'.:.-.:::<!i;' .,.~, . .....~-. .", ~,....--"".; .\',;.;,..~"._. ''';¡', ~... .,. !1[J3 :.;?~, :'l~.SH I:iGTC,:-¡ NON D~.Y AUGUST 6, 1973 The :::c;:-:.:.lar Lee<:.i::; of t.~e City CO!l.'1cil of the city of Auburn convened at 8;00 P.I1., in ::..':= ,:"c:.òurn C;~,. Co:¡z1cil Chambers. ROLL C4LL COU..:.c'::':":en Prese:::.t: Couz:cil¡¡¡az1 Gavey, Sonnemann, Darling, Holmé!.J."'l, Flechsig, and I.re a . Cot.:...::.._ 2,71aZ1 S.'1aw;."-:.-:-=ss:¡ ezcused. APPROVAL OF ,'·IIllUTES It ;'ì3:.S :-::o?ed by ?lec:.':sig, seconded by Darling, that the Council Ninutes of Jul'] 16, 1973 ':::e approved 23 ~3.iled. NOTION CARRIED I PUBLIC HEARINGS Hayer ::ersey dec2a::=Q Public Hearing open on t.~e request of T. Z. Uaeka;ia to rezone froe :"-4 (;'.fultiple ?a:-:IÌ1']) to 1"}-1 (Light Industrial), a parcel of laJ1d located at the ce:::::?er of 7t.."2 ~creet .'1.E. and Di vision Street North containing approximately 14 ac",:::s of land. (':"pplication No. 15-73) The ?2:3--:.ning Corrr:::li.ssio::. recor.L.71ends approval of this rezone request because /1-1 zoni:1q d-:::>e$ fall ;,¡.:.=..:.zin the intent of our Comprehensive Land Use Levelopû1ßnt Plan beir:;; 3.djacent t-:::> ::..~e Burlington Northern Railroad and the properties to the west, nort..~, and sout.1J being zoned /1-2. Also consideration be given for the necessary ri gh t-:f-i-¡ay for r~ti.lre s tree ts. The approval or this reques t is to be c0.'1di tioned by t...';e follo;.¡ing pJ::éJ'7isio!:1s and t..hat t..hese said provisions be included in the ordi::.~ce. (1) TÌ:3.L: a 50 foot buffer zone v'1Íth a C'::Jclone fence v1ith red;.¡ood inse:::~ (minimum heiq"'1t 6 feet) be installed as well as permanent screen type trees :;r shrubs (:¡;1'1i:z:æn height 6 reet) to be planted adjacent to any residential areas ;:. 70ng this p:::éJperty. Also t..1Jese screen type trees or shrubs are to be pla..r1+-"":::' in such a ;';3.] that th.ey çdll form a solid screen w'ithin a t..hree year period. (2) That i.f 7th Street N.E. is to be continued ¡vest to North Division Stres;: the burfe.r zone could be reduced to 25 reet provided the cyclone fence and perr:::'L-:-s:1~ screen t;Je trees or shrubs be included as set forth in provision no. 1. (3) :-'::~t t.~e la."Jdscaping of this property, along 'ý.¡Í t..h the aforesaid provisions, shall. :;e in compli::i...."Jce ;.¡Í't.:.'1 the landscape ordinance or the City of Auburn. I It ,.rC3 soved by Hol:::¿'1, seconded by Darling, that the Public Hearing be closed. ¡1/fOTION CARRIED CounC':":'_71an Gavey sta::ed that the Plé!..J."ming Comrnission recommendations point out t.'1at a 50 foot b:zffe::: zone .....¡i t11 fence and shrubs vlOuld need to be installed but if 7t...'; Street N.3. is to be continued viest to North Division Street the buffer zone c:uld be reâuc:::G to 25 feet. At one or the previous Council Meetings an appl::,c:3-"2t: ror the ¿rea of 8th and Harvey Road had asked to reduce the green belt area 1::shind his ..Qt3i:1eS3 rrom 50 feet do:.m to 25 reet and the COUllcil rejected his .;;l-.::a. Ta.ldnq -=-"is information into consideration, even if b'1e street does go tllro:;;;:':, t..Ì1ere ¡you2-i be 'Core noise and traffic problerrtS and Councilman Gavey asked if L=C= ?la..r1ning D=:;art.r..ent could make a statement in regard to 'G,1is. Jim Keller, fiss2S t.a.:-:: t Planni:1q Di rector, stated that even vri th the road going through, a 75 foot burfs.':" ,¡ould he nes:.7e:5 aZ7.d there v¡ere no objections to this at the Planning Cor.c2~=ion Hearing. Cou..r;::::.i":'_-::'L'1 Sonne,-::'L-_: st2.ted that the key point is that if a street goes in, the buzz,;;:: zene coul¿ __ ':::Jcreased and t1wre should be a minimum of 50 reet of street ri gh ::- :. -:-:./ ay " Mayar _::-=':7:3ey poi;:=..::::' O'1t that the request or the applicatlt at 8t..h and Harv-ey Road (ner:.:.i :::9>:1 earlier, ::~¿ ::'gen reduced down to the very minimum. I It ;''-=.5 ::::o7/ed by J::3.::2.i::;, second.ed by Holman, that the request of T. Z. Maeka~'¡a to r===.-:2 from P.-;; ..'-'7,;,itiple Family) to ;'1-1 (Light Industrial) be approved and be ?":'~:::;ing Coc.-..i.~s':e:!. recommendations be concurred. ,·¡ith as ,·¡el1 as the specific reço:-='-ó::::d¿¡,tion o~ ::..":= ?lõ1.nning Department stating t11at the a·mer enter into an agr,~e~F::"" ¡-Ii tJ: -t:""-e -.~..~:d c.0..,,:f-?-_i:-!~--:J; +-~~ ::r-,.1!0f~Ji:-:.:; _"""'~~'-''P~fr;ior~: 7 That"...?. ftf) :Foot: T;g."-¡:;:--::-z-,/?y ror =..':s extention or "A" Street H.E. arId a 30 fnc>t riqht-r:f-¡·¡al./ for the e:c::..e:Jtion of =::.."-; Str2et N.E. be set a..c;ide and reserved for street purposes for the z:.:.-::.:re exte::':':'-::-:: :"z s:-¡ese arterial streets t..'1at are necessar::J ror the development of t....:-=: propert'.) zcr .i::àustrial purposes. In addi tion the buffer zoœ:!s should be inel. :~=~-l in the c.?.é2..::::-ent:. for t..1-¡e protection or the adjacent residential properties~--- Sai c;'~:.:.::5::r zon= c=.:; j:,e in the form of open space ot.'7.er t,"-¡an the specific requirements of ~---: _~cncing ç:"---=:: s sr-eS!1 hedge ancl the Ci ty Attorrze;] be iI15tructed to rlravl up I -. T ¡ ¡ -;;<),~~_, :_:_:___..~ í/¡JTE;: '::-:::'":,,,,:::: .I:;"cn Darling, Holmd.!l , Flechs_i.q v9tinq YES , l ; .' t.J-~ ..~ :: ::; '__'-~.:; 5 a ry Q :::::.: :: 2..'1 c::! .. I ~ ~ t-- '~ o o I I AUBURN, WASHINGTON AUGUST 6, 197;18 MONDAY ---~~,-,-""""""",-"".~,---.,,----,----+_.._, ...._--._" . "~---"""'--"""""-~'.-~-- ."_"_+--~-----"-'- ."':.c. "::.-·Ús point, Mr. Naekawa interrupted t.~e roll call vote and asked t.r:zat tile addi tlonal recommendation of the Pla.'1zlir:.g Department be explained. Mayor Kersey read b':e rr~rr:oranduz¡¡ from t.i1e Planning Depa..rtment, dated July 26, 1973 ¡.¡hic..1J. states "b'1at the owner enter into aZ1 agreement wi t.h t."1e Ci ty containing t.he fo2lo/fing provisions; 1. That a 60 foot right-or-'rlay ror t..he extention of "A" Street :r.E.J and a 30 foot: riti7.-of-,.¡a!.j for b'7e extention or 8th Street ,','.f:. be set aside and reserved f-:::>r street purposes ror t.'1e future extention or these arterial streets t..:"¡at are necessar] for the d::::velopment or the property for 1·........~'-:.:·-··-.:¿:~ ~1t_r':JO)t:.=.. Iil r...I,:3.d'¡~i'_)n tl1S _;"'''--1_f~?-.- Z0?"1::~- ,s:1.c'-,J.d b::.: includ,9r:J.::1 t-~.-. -::l:.,..... ~'":_ rrent: for t..'1e protection of t.he adjacent resid::::ntial properties. Said buffer ZQ,"29 can De in the rorm of open space other tfla.'7. the speciric requirements of t.'1e fencing and screan hedge." Hrs. Naeka;.¡a asked if t.~at meant the entire 60 root extension. :mule!. De rrom t.."1ei r property or r,..¡ould part or it cor.;e rrom neighbêJring properties: It ;·l2..5 explained by both Jim Keller and Councilman Darling, t..hat ir -:::>t.:"¡er property o:¡ners ;·.-ished to join in 2...'1 easement t::'1at ':-1Quld be rine; ho;,¡ever, t.'1e entire 60 fG'0":. I'iq.lt-or-;.¡ay ,·¡ould bs required or the Naeka;va's ir t.'1ere are no other cor. ':rL:::,'J.tors - Donald ¡'¡a5!ka~^la, son or Nr. and HrS. HaekŒ-Ja, s taced tllat t:.1.ey had ,,=~'-=r recei ved a copy of the men;o f::oJ'iJ George Schuler - dated July 26, 1973 iL'1d tc.;Üs addi tion to t.'1e agreerr:ent 'das "rresh information" to t.'1em. Ci t'j ¡:.~ttorney Pro-tem, George Fiori, stated t.'J.at ror clari rication he i-¡az?ted to 7¿:':e sure t.'1e l1aeka,.¡a's understand t.':!at t."-7.ey are legally required to dedicate G"Je 60 foot right-or-r,..¡ay or t"-Je rezone requirements ft1Quld not be met. Don Maeka,ýa sta":.ed t.hat everyt.hing was clear to him but he was IrDstly concerned ¡'lit1î. the matter or approach in regard to t.'1e adà.i. tional requirement. CoU:.,cil;::¡a.'7. Lea stated that it was distressing to him to find that tlJ.e applicants had not been 17.otiried or t"1e addi tional information berore the Council l1eeting al1d he asked if t.1ï.is particular matter might be rererred back to the Pla.rming Corrnssion because if the rezone should be rejected tiJ.is evening, it ,,¡ould be six n;onths before the f.1aekafl1a' s could present it again to the Council. Cou.n.cilman Darling stated that he was sorry the Naekawa's had not recei ved the inforr:zation earlier also; hor,ýever, he asked ir they could agree r,¡ith t...he motion as stated including the 60 foot right-of-,.¡ay. I1rs. ,'.faekawa asked if this 60 root ri ght-or-way r.¡ould be included in an agreement regardless of ,.¡hat zoning they might ask for. George Fiori stated t..hat in all ré!.Írness the l1aeka'.¡a's should unders tand that regardless of the zoning the street me] qo Örough in t..he future and 60 root of right-of-,,,ay ["ould be needed. COu:'c.ci2::;¡an Sonneman.I1 pointed out t..hat eTien ir t.~e Council grants the rezone as sta¡:ed in the motion this evening, t..he gaeka~¡a's do not har7e to sign it.. HCN/ever, wi L10ut t..heir signature the rezone r,¡ould not be legal or go into errect and if t'-1.ey do not sign, it would be six mont."-7.s berore they could come berore t..1Je Council again ROLL CALL ON PREVIOUS MOTION: Coul'lcilmen Darling, Holman, Flechsig, Lea and Sonnemann voting YES. CO!l.'7.ci Iman Gavey voting NO. NOTION.CARRIED Pat lier.Tins, Director of Public ;'¡orks, made a statement in regard to tlle next Public Hearing ror Fred L. Brannan. He stated that it is his obligation to point out that he is against t.his project because t.'1e area or 28th Street could be c:.Jnsid::=red to be an arterial street beca'.lSe or the trafric load aI1d development of .3ranniL'7. Park. fie pointed out that 28th Street N.E. should be widened and all of t.";e ~roperty CYdners on 28th Street sh.ould have to pay ror the r.¡idening or the roai t:êJ I:12et arterial street standards. Najor K9rsey declared Public HeaI'ing 0.9=n on the request or Fred L. Branna.' to r9ZO.'e a ;Jarcel or land rrom R-4 (Nultiple Family) to S.P.U. (Specia.L Propert'] Use P9r,7'i t), a parcel or property located at the SE corner of "I" Street and 28th Str-?s-:::.s ,;.E. ror th8 purpose or cons truction or a professional orrice building. (~pp2ication Yo. 16-73) T,';e P J..2.:!:Jing Corœnission recommends approval of this rezone reques t Decause an S?U :;;err'1i t ;.¡ould conform to the overall Comprehensi,,'e Land Use Der/elopment Plan for this area ¡.¡hi c11 is pres8ntly zoned R-4 (nul tiple Family) and could be u '::.11i zed .rOT aparÜl!:!l1ß, 0.1- cI!roug:! an :::;:u yc::....m t .Lu[ èJ. p.c·ofessiúnaJ. office. This approval to be condi boned by t.he rollcuing provisions and that these prov~sions are to be incl uded in the ordinance. (1) That landscaping of this property shall be in accordarl.ce 'r¡i t11 t.':.e 1 andscaping ordinance or the Ci ty of Auburn. (2) Tha= the plot plans and exterior elevations shall be attached to and become DaI't of ':::he ordinaI7.ce. - ~--_-.-._--_. .. -. ---- ----_.,-- 188 AUBURN, WASHINGTON MONDAY AUGUST 6, 1973 .__,".~."..._,_,_._.,._._______ ._.w___.__'--c..·~_·_~_,_·~__·_ _.-._--~._..._....._._.,. - _._._'^-~¥"'¥"~----'----'--- J. J. _'-i3..!::/.2Y, of 32551 107 Avenue S.E., stated t.lJ.at if the City is pI arming to 2:l!-:2 :;;"3::'':. Street n.z. into an arterial street é!.l'1d ¡·dden tile road, 'ò'2ere would not .é~ s-nough l3.c.·-ui t-:::> do ¡-¡hat he has plaJ1...ned for the area. If t.'i-¡e rezone is to i2~~~~e widenin~ 23~~ Street to a 44 foot rOaŒýay, Mr. Harkey said he would no~ ~~==~t L~e rezc~=. 80b .;'~..?_:-=:2=., of l.:.il·~ ·~-arve!: ?':'~-::! st:::lt0d. +-h~~t- ]1': ~.:1S .~::rr:dle¿ ~1I.Jr. Franr¡?..iJ.':: ~rc~_:::'¡"~J for ¿: ':"c:n:; time 2nd if th.e road must be ¡·¡idened could;,,' t someone else pa':} for .: t:. .=:-2 2.1so mentio.ced that Hr. Harkey ¡'/Ould not be able to construct: the bui1.::":"___;; :le has plë.:,-,-led for if t.~e road is ¡ofÍdened a...'ldthere is a sma1.ler :liece::f 2é!.:.,d to '·10.!:.:: ;·¡i t11. ?re·j 3r¿::..!2a_t!, of 2'322 .v.r.,. 95th - Seattle, stated t..I-Jat had he kno;.·¡n 28th Street N.E. ;·¡as ;:c:in~ to be :::a::::2 into an. arterial street he could hav9 planned difrerently ;·;¡wn =':-:s- first buii'iings ¡·¡ere originally constructed. He stated that he ;-¡as "no:: =::: =r21led" ;,¡2::.i Ö9 idea or gi ving an addi tianal 10 to 15 feet to the Cit~~'::: order to :y~i:ie:l the road. I It ,', = ::::cned by GaT':!'], seconded by Sonnemann, L'7.at the Public Hearing be closed. HOTION CARPIED Coun-:::i2san Gavey sT::2.ted that he can understand the reelings or !-Jr. Brannan and he ¿:J-SS:l' t Teel adé.i tional property should be taken from him. Since 1'1. Street N.E. ;·1ill ':;e p:lt throug."-l to BraP~'1an Park, the ci tizens of the Ci ty are getting a park aI1d i=;ro-;ements a.'1d .:i. t is not right to take more land from Ur. Bra.-man. It :'-l?:.S ¡¡:;07ed by SOI:."1e:nann, seconded by Darling, t.'1at tl1e request of Fred L. Branna.r1 to reZSo~"}e rrom R-4 (Xultiple Family) to S.P. U. (Special Property Use Permi t) be appr-::r.ï-.::â and the Pl::tr'..:."1ing Commission recommendations be concurred ç.íi th and t.11e City J:..-:torney be iz:st.ructed to draw up the necessary ordinance. ROLL C;:LL VOTE; All Councilrr.en voting YES. MOTION CARRIED Xayor :::ersey declared Public Hearing open on t.~e reques t of Howard H. Bothell (Pers;:;=:. & Person Inc.) to rezone from R-l (Single Family) to R-2 tofÍt.!.¡ é!.:.11 S.P.U. perr::.:. t (Special Property Use) a parcel of land located at 1421 ~7th Street S .E. for ::.::= purpose or construction or a professional orfice building. (Application No. ':"ï-73) I The :?l:3--~ing C017':nission recorrl.mends approval or this rezone request because t.'1is pro;;er-:] is bounde¿ on rOUT sides by exis ting non-residential property uses. Theref:re ¡·¡e feel t..~is property is not best sui ted ror residential use and t.'1at SPU per=i t ¡.¡oulà best utilize L'7.is property through the construction or a professio::7.al office é!.:."1d provided that the rollo¡..¡ing provisions are included in the or~na..7'J.ce. (l) '.The landscaping of this property shall be in compliance ,vi t.h ::'::e la..'1dscape :;r:1inance or the Ci ty or Auburn. (2) That the plot plans and ex-:..erior elec;at-" ons shall be attached to and become part of the ordinance.· an Ji!'J :?2::S'::i!1, of Person a.21d Person Inc., stated that they had been utilizing the same 1c:.cadon si te for [our years and the request in zoning ¡.¡ould not make ò11Y êifference in ~e use or the land. It ;.¡=s .71o-;ed by Sœ:.'12:::Jann, seconded by FTolman, that t.0.e Public Hearing be closed-.. NOTION CARRIED _ _ :-;:::...5 :'(:r/ed by SO:::::"'323I!.n, seconded by Holman, that the request of EIo;'lard H. Bothell (?er'S::..-' ¿; P2rsor:. I:::~.'; to rezone from R-l (Single Family) to R-2 ¡vit.1.¡ an S.P.U. (S:?=~,:,::.2 ?roper~'j ='-s.;;:; be approved ancZ L'Je Planning Comrr.J.ssion recommendations De c:-;,::::: ;':::'-=,'ed /Ii c.~ 2.:::i the Ci ty Attorney be ins tructed -to dra~.¡ up the necessay.:y Q rd::" :: E:--: -=e . I PGLT. :::_:---='L VOTE: ]:.12 Councilmen yobng YES. NOTION CARRIED cORRESPOND:::NCE Xas-cr ::=rs9Y read :::..':= s taterr:ent on t.l.¡e Agenda regarding a. letter from E'. J. Garre, r r2::;~ .::_=~~ tof A-:0:l~ _? :c;3clcas ter3.. ::nc., r¿;"-:;'L"~;'l; ::'.:.=¡: :"i::::.4:~~ cr: :: -= V7t ~t' R? .-Jio f':. 1': a ~~~.:.2e 3roadcast Fre7u9ncy and permission to instalL a WhLp Antenna on G18 pole tha= c~nt"3iJ1s th= ¿r:.-:e:was ror the Ci ty radio sys tems on Cemetery Hill. The :1a'.jor .:.-e::-::1.0;1ea G'1a= -=.:'¡is :·¡as for information only and the application has been ap9 :C:·-:;::=. _._.__._...~--- - I ~ JO t-.. '-;:) o .'~ I I AUBURN, WASHINGTON 189" AUGUST 6, 1973 MONDAY ______·b. ._.. _.__.._ ,-, ~--~_.....,~_._" ,-. '.-.".,- -~- -.-. ~-'.'-'- BID OPENINGS Bids ;·¡ere op-ened August 2, 1973, Contract No. 73-27 - slurry seal Street S.E. to 21st Street S.E., 11;OO A.M. ror Street Improvement No. 152, street surfacing on "K" Street S.E. rrom 17th with the fOllü>ýing bid submitted; ROSSOE, INC. $4,566.10 It is t'1e recoITh-:;enriation or the Director of Public ¡yorks, Pat Nevins, ti-¡at the only bió, rrom Rossoe, Inc., be rejected due to excessive cost.. This pLoject cOT/8z:ed slurry seal street surfacing on "K" Street S.E. from 17th Street S.E. to 21st Street S.E. It is further recoIrwended that t.'1is street be surfaced under C-:::>ntract No. 73-26 asphalt overlays, ;ýit.~ a one-inc.'1 overlay of asphalt ;vit~i-¡ necessary adjustment or utilities for an approximate cost or $3,200, and G1at Contract No. 73-27, slurr'::1 seal, be voi ded. It. \-¡as moved by Sonnemann, seconded by Gavey, b'1at Contract No. 73-27, slux:r-j seal, be rejected due to excessive cost. ROLL CALL TlOTE; All Councilmen voting YES. NOrt'ION CAP..RIE D Bids :.¡ere opened August 6, 1973, 11:00 Contract No. 73-28 - bituminous street the follO','Iing bids submitted: lJ..l1. for Street Imprm7ement No. 158, surfacing en Tn?..rious Ci ty streets, ÿ¡i th ALTERNATE BID BASIC BID $39,544.00 51,096.30 56,636.50 60,995.00 DOOLITTLE CONSTRUCTION COMPANY ROSSOE, INC. CITY TPß..NSFER OF KENT ASPHALT PAVING & ENGINEERING C0l1PANY $109,480.00 90,160.00 The above biGs tofere accompanied by bid bonds. It is the recomrr.endation of the Director of Public f10rks, Pat Nevins, that Street Improvement No. 158, Ccntl:act No. 73-28, be êJvarded to Doolittle Cons truction Corrpa...'1Y of Bellevue on b'1eir lad basic bid or $39,544.00, sales tax not applicable. This contract covers bituminous street surracing on various Ci ty s tIeets. It ¡-¡as moved by Sonnemann, seconded by Gavey, that Contract No. 73-28, bi tuminous street surfacing on various Ci ty streets be awarded to Dooli ttle Cons truction Company :.¡i th bid bonó returned to Asphal t Pav-ing & Engineering and upon 5i gning or conrract the bid bonds be z"eturned to City Transrer of Kent and Rossoe, Inc.' ROLL CALL VOTE: All Councilrren v-oting YES. 110TION CARRIED Bids ..¡ere openeó August 6, 1973, Departrrent motorcycles, uni ts 31 10: 00 A.I1. ror dis pos al of b;.¡o a.îd 32, tYÍ th bids submi tted as UNIT 31 $325.00 800.00 Auburn Police follo,.¡s: WI IT 32 $500.00 800.00 851.00 VEPli ¡-lINTER CASCADE LOAN & SPORTING GOODS RONALD L. CULE It is the recommendation or the Chief of Police, L. L. Scy_ler, that Uni t 31 be sold to Cascade Loa") on their high bid of $800.00 and Unit 32 be sold to Ronald L. Cude on his high bid or $851.00. It ¡-¡as [,10ved by Sonnewann, seconded by Gav'ey, that Uni t 31 be sold to Cascade Low'1 & Sporting Coods on their biG. of $800.00 and Unit 32 be sold to Ronald L. Cude on his bid of $851.00. POLL CALL VOTE: All Councilmen voting YES. NOTION CARRIED RE COl1MEN DA'l'ION S The folio/ling iteZ:¡¡'las submitted by the DirectororFublic'dorks, Pat Nevins, for Co tL'1 ci 1 Approval: Change Order No. 1 ror ~çater lmpL'Ovement No. 79, ins tallation of telemetering e·1uipm.~:mt, for the increased arrount of $7,285.54. This COV2rs mnnitoring equipIr'ent a.t 01 d 1/2 NG Acadef'11J Reservnir and addi tional tone transmi tb ng and recei ving equiprnen t needed for teleme tering headquarters panel. It ,·¡as mOT,'ed by Darling, seconded by Flechsig, b'1at the adoption of C'¡~wge Order ,/0. 1 for an increase of $2,285.54 rer ç'l-ater Improvement No. 79 be approved. FDLL CiUL VOTE: 1111 Counc.illTen voting YES. NOT ION CARRIE D--- 190 AUBURN, WASHINGTON MON DAY AUGUST 6, 1973 ···'-_··............,,-···'>_~__··~'·.A_~ . n__.~_,-,_......,..~",",~___'-~:'~~"-'·___"""··""__" ,-_.- ,"'.~~,.______,.'-"..,.....'__......;--.'...40__~....._: .........._,,____, COUNCIL COMHLTTEZ PEPORTS PUBLIC; S.:'~FETY CC~'"'L"!I:;:TEE CHAIP..'1A'l GA V2Y' Council;::a..",: GéI.vey st2.::ed t.l'1at the Lal'¡ Enforcement a..."1d Fire Figi1ters Board met on üuly 3·'), 1973 a...'?2 è.iscussed business related to the L.E'.F.F. Board retirement:: and !~-:--9::.lcal prOCrr2..77S. 'lne. L.E.E~..F. Boarõ l'r_~11nt:ec; a.ce a Jü?ttAr O.¡= rn"hJic record dni! t..iJe'::} c...:.2 01< file in City Eall. Cou..rlci2:;¡¿n Gave':] stated th2t: at 8:00 P.M. on Auqust 8; 1973 t11ere ;dll be a fi'eer:.i::;: dealing ;.¡i::..'2 County;-¡id9 Dispatch Service at Fire District No. 40 in Renton. The P:;];lic Safe!::.'} C-:::>2-:zittee ¡·¡ill rreet at 7:30 P.l1. on August 15, 1973 in the CoL:ee :'::oom ê!t Ci t'] i{2l1. I STP..E::I c.'o,~·rt·!ITTE¡; - ;-:_:":ß..IP,-··~_~"";.,r SO~<O'Ì~'lEl,IAi1["¡ :the St::-get COIrJI,-;i't:tee 17"£:t at 7:30 P.t1. on July 18; 1973. The COIT'~'TIittee discussed ~'letro :';(.;s Schedule Sign and a. letter from John ~¡. EaL~ly which stated in part "On 5ep::errber 1, 1973, Netro ;·¡ill incorporate many impro,-'ements in its transi t opera::iŒ1. One or ::'1ese consis ts or the ins tallation of tra..."1si t inrormation signs 2t ke'] locations............ Auburn .va.'] and Cross Street hë'.5 been identified as a key location....... :;'iould be installed by Netro's maintenance department at the pre3ent termina.l in rront of t.'1e Enco Station on Auburn "'lay (Soutl1) if permission is gr¿:1ted.... The COIT8i ttee recommends perrI'J.ssion to place such a sign as per Chapter 8.l8.C30 EX:.;gPTIŒiS, of tl1e Auburn City Code. It ¡·¡as moved by SOJ2..'1e:I!ann, seconded by Gavey, that placement of a Uetro Bus Schedu~e Sign be approved as stated above. NOTION CllRRIED The CO=:TI ttee disct:Ssed the Ci ty or Tacoma ~v'ater Dine Easement AgI.'eement, but fu.z:t:"'1er infol:mation 8USt be Qbtained berore any a.ction or recòmT.endation is made. The Co~i ttee re7ie·¡eéi t.'1e Six Year Street PIa.." - 1974-1979 and recommends appror721 of the pl2..::.. I It :·¡as moved by SOr..:1eZla:m, seconded by GaT/ey, that the Six Year Street I?lan - 1974-1979 be approved. MOTION CARRIED The Street commi ttee discussed the Hori zontal Control Survey. The project requirõ::s another co:::.tribution from the City of Auburn in the amount or $3,342.20. The Ce~~-:d. ttee d~rects b-'at this item become part or the EngineeL'ing Budge!: for 19 74 . The rsq;,;,larly scbeQuled Street COInmi ttee Meeting ror August 8, 1973 ..¡ill not be held. If a meetinq must be held prior to t.'1e next meeting sc..h.eduled ror the 22nd of August, the ne;.¡s media ;.¡ill be notified. PLJ1.H:JI:':c; & BE11UTIF1C2,'I'ION CO:W'IITTE'E' - CHAIRMiJ.N DARLING The ?13.:l?1inq & Beac:.::ificaticn Cor:u'?!Íi..tee will be meeting as scheduled on A.ugu.st 14, 1973 2~ 7:30 P.K. FIN J._·,cC': COi>JiI;L'l'TE'E - CHAIP..'·jþ..l! HCLXAN the 5 t2::e o.f ~"/as:."-1in:;~L.on. I The F':.-:a:;ce CO[(J:'~t=ee Dee: at 7:30 P.N. on August 2, 1973. The CO[i;rrJ.ttee discussed and T·::: :::or:-"1~ends t.:"¡2~ t.?;e kcto.r:ne'j be allo;·¡eå r:c- attend Ü,¡O conven ti ons outside It ;-/a:= :::,z'ed by .:io:':::a::., seconded by DCi.rling, that John B. Bereiter's request to a t::",.'1c? t·1O ca."] ','0:1.::.i ens outsi de the S ta te of vJashi ngton ];e approved. NOTION CA.l?RIE'D The: Fi"ancp COJ[¡,7i.Í t:::22 disoussed the recen tly ,n:eckeñ. DO IiCi-"! car and cOl1currer. that .i = be declared surpl¡;s and t.'-1at it be sold to highest bidder as salvage. It ;·/as ;::cved b'J iiol:::ar., seoonded by Gavey, t.hat the wrecked police car be dec:i.are¿ salvage 2c"]c! t.le Chief of Police be iJuthcrized to sell it to the highest hi c! c1=-~ .. -, -..-....- -!~._......- Pl~LL:..·.;:.~ L VOTE: , . C:cPJ.J1.ci .LInen T/oting YE:S. NO'l'ION CARRIED I ;\.t X) ~ '-:J .- :.--¡ .- '- I I 1·· ·9" ·1·· :'.~.>' . ....'.,. 'I. .' AUBURN, WASHINGTON MONDAY AUGUST..._ 6_~. 1973 ... ~._~..'~' ,."...,_..-~. . .'"-~--~-~'-"",,,,-.'-'- _._-~ - ..~ --".~"..~...'~"~_.__. . N'_. ....,'_~>.... "._.,. ':hs next regu~arly sched¡;led F'inance Cox,,7'.1. ttee ¡viII be at 7;30 P...f-!. on August 16, 1973. The Commi ttee wil~ be ¡.¡orking on the Budget at t.he next meeting and on August 30, 1973 they ¡viII be discussing Federal Revenue Sharing Funds_ UTILITY CONNITTEE - VICE CHAIRl1.'4l1 FLECHSIG 1'119 c~.!s [If:i 1 i. t:1J Com...rni ttee met ~,":'-=-s _'T~d regul ation¡;, future problems, t..'f1ey ""ill come back to t..he Commi ttee and anaJ...y ze possible at 7;30 P.t!. on July 79 1973. 'T'he Coa.'T1i ttee ais cussed ':'i2 cC"Ltle(;t.i.v~~ ;;, 2. t~"1 ';_Î..¿2rvievl .L'. V. Tf D.l=Y s¡¡::·~-J..G. .:'':...2. :cil!,-te a:p] sol utions. Cwt ;loods, Sr. Vice President of Hill, Ingmal1, Chase ar2d COT:lpa..,'1Y made a presentation to. the Co{!wJ.tte for a proposed study of City sanitary aZ1d storm se;.¡er facilities... T;1e study ¡.¡ould satisfy Step I of Phase I of E.P.A. requirementsa..nd also serr7e :3.S a plan for ruture storm se;.¡er-sani tar!} se;.¡er separations ¡·¡i th an o·,'erall S torr:7 se;'¡er mas ter plan. The Commi ttee discussed in detail the ad'la.'1.tages a.rld è.isadvantages as to tihet..her or not the pla.'1 ;·¡ould be use:ful ir t112 Ci ty of Auburn ¿oes not connect to the Metro se;.¡er system ei G"1er '¡i thin the next two years or sometime in the future. The COfatili ttee approved t.'le proposal a.'1d recommends t.'i.at the Ci ty Attorney dra:,,, up a resolution to approve a contract. The Commi. ttee reviewed an underground delay request at 116 "K" Street S .E. and concurred fI¡i th Chuck Smi th' s recor.L.T.endation that the reques t should not be gra..:.ìted because there is not an economical or physical hardship. The Corcrni. ttee revie,.¡ed a reques t for exemption in cOIL11ection wi th overhead telephone lines by Pacific Northwest Bell. The request asked to replace existing aerial crossings of 3rd Street S.E. and Division Street fI¡ith the remainder to be !l.11dergroun d. The sections along Di vision Street and 3rd Street S.E. fI¡ill go uI1derground. The portion remaining aerial will be a short segment running rrom one side of t.'1e street to the other along Division across 3rd Street S.E. The CofilillÍttee recofilIi"ended approval of this request. The Committee reviewed the agreerrent ft¡ith the State High't-¡ay Department b"1at requires ins tallation or additional street lighting for channeli zation improveû:ents on Auburn ç'¡ay South at 32nd Street S.E. The street lighting ,·¡ill be ins taIled b':} ?uget Power on their existing ,,¡ood p-:::>les, but because t..Ì1e exis ting povler line is 7200 vol ts ne;v 220 vol t servi ce lines í'lOuld have to be run to each Ii gh t from a tra.::1srormer mounted on the pole immediately adjacent to the intersection. The Comnu ttee approved t.~e request ror an underground delay so t.'l-Jat t."1e three street 'lighting fixtures may be installed a.'1d served r.¡Í th overhead service. The next Utility Comwittee Meeting will be Thursday, August 9, 1973 at 7:30 P.M. provi ded t.'1ere is a quorum. AI P..PORT COl'-1MI TTEE CHAIRl-IAN FLECHSIG The Airport Commi ttee met at 7; 30 P ./1. on July 26, 1973. The COJrl.mi ttee discussed t.1e Gasoline Contract and present gas shortages. This item will be more fully discussed at the next Airport Commi ttee l1eeting. Rental Space at the Auburn Flight Building ,,,as reviev-¡ed and Jacobs, who had requested space, advised that they had fOUtld suitable space else'l¡here. The Airport Committee ""ill meet at 7:30 P.M. on August 7, 1973. BUILDING COUl1ITTEE - CHAIRMAN LEA ~"1e Bui lding Cornmí ttee met at 7: 30 P. M. on Augus t 1, 1973. Nos t discussi on ¡.¡as held in regard to the 1974 Budget. '1'.19 lTost important objective or t..he Equipment Maintenance Division Budget is to '(Jlace the Di vision on a selr-sus taining basis. ,,¡i G~ the change in basic approach fro:!: (rental to '¡ill call) the shop rate ,·¡as chét!1ged in 1973 from $9.00 per hour ::0 $12.00 per hour. In order to cover t.'1e non-producti ve time, it has been necessary to add 207; to fuel, parts (everqth.ing except labor). At the present time c~ere are approximately 3,000 available productive hours (2 wen) to support the D': t7isi ons ' s functions &'1d overhead cos ts. The budget ¡'lOuld indicate an approximate 15:-; reduction in overhead cos ts for 1974. The problem arises in that the only 2nCor,,¿ is Lht::: result::. of tr,.¡o wen's erL'0.f:1.;s and tI2<=n~ is l·.<.) J:>.ù.lr.,.i..Jion .Lv... _...;;-e1..L·lg th.ei r non-producti ve tilie (record keeping, parts acquisi tion, adminis trati ve duties, etc.). At t.'1e present time all discounts (30 to 40~ on parts) is '~assed on directly to t.~e participé'..nts of t..Ì1e rUl1d. The Division ,vould propose to pi ck u;¡ a!Jproximately one half of t'1is discount to cover nan-producti ve time and o"-''2rhead costs. -.--....-.- . .-.<-.-.-- Co¡z¡ci 1::;:2:1 Lea s tatecl tl1at he '¡auld like to call a meeting sametire during the /?:/:: of i1è:q::_.';t: 23, 197:: for c'le Bui.lc7Ü:.g CO!"'.lTúttee. 192 AUBURN /. WASHIN.GT1.J1L._.._~ MnTIIDlJ. y. --..--..~...... .AUGIJS'L.6...,.. ~9.7.L~_~ ..~""__ OPcDINjU1CES 11.JVD RESOLUTIONS PESOLUTION NO. 587 It ¡'¡25 _710'J'SG DY :[Cj--;>'1, seconded by Flechsig, L'Jat: Resolution No. 587 entitled "A P.2S·]L:JTION OF '.;.:::~ CITI OF AUBURN, r'lASHINGTON, AUTHORIZING AND DIRECTING THE tI:4YOR ::'_';D DEPUTI C::.....1 C:..zP~:.c, TO SIGN, ON BEHllLF OF THE CITY, A CONTRACT FOR :;¡VC~-:7 __~..:.:~~...; SER'r/YC5, ;·¡~TT;:~ FITT T :¡,Hci.·4iL~," ~ C::tl.-_":Jr: ./li,!i) (:Ci~Ip;;i\¡\[ ~ ;:ortD 1+ cnl':JPR~!-!'r::':-IS ':VF, STUDY OP CITI S.:..:;::::.::...?,,:: ß.~'iD STOP2'1 SE~<[ER FACILITIES." be adopted. ROLL C:.LL VOTE: CO!L'2ci1rren voting YES. NOTIO;V C.TillRIED , . R~SOLUTION NO. 588 It W2.5 =o"j'ed by j)a::-~L::.q, s2condsd by Sonnsmann, that Rssolution No. 588 enti tled "A P.z~:::'Jj':.'ION O? T::"::: CI'Y[ OF' AUBUR.N, rll,SHINGTON, AUTHORIZING kVD DIPECTING THE NAYO.:::>' ;'~','D DEPUTY C:'7:7 CLEP..x, TO SIGN, ON BEHALF OF THE CITY, A RELEi'SE OF ElJSErIENT FOR C:::.""::.'U_N PPDPER::=: PURC?'.?;5ED BY THE CITY OF AUBURN FROt1 THE HUN.3LE OIL J'..3D P..EFE,'I:;c; COXPANY." je aé)pted. ROLL C;..LL VOTE: Cc;:m.cílmao.î Darling, Holman, Flec..hsig and Sonnemann T70ting YES. Cc: '1Ilcilman U:!a and Gavey voting NO. NOTION CARRIED ORDINANCE NO. 2745 It t.¡as ::1o"'-/-ed by 5o:-_îema.·m, seconded by Holman, mat Ordinance No. 2745 enti tlèd "AN Op..:;niPJ1CE OF '..i..-....;; CIT'£ OF AUBURN, vlASHIN G TON , A11.ENDING SECTION 19 (B) OF AUBUR'l CITY ORDI:¡¡:":;2 NO. 2401 {NOVE!1BER 3, 1969} AS AMENDED BY AUBURN CITY ORDINANCE NO. 2603 (DECENB:=:R ð, 1971) PERTAINING TO THE POìlERS AND FUNCTIONS OF THE AUBURN CITY CO'-J:.1CIL CO!1:1I:..'.:.'!::3 ON COMMITTEES AND THE ABILITY OF THE ClfAIRi."fALV OF Jl.NY INDI'lIDU¡:..L CITY CO:-:[CII- COI1l1ITTEE TO APPOINT ANOTHER CITY COUNCILl1..ZW TO THAT PARTIC?;-r...;m COMMI'I'IT2 I:¡ TEE ABSENCE OF A QUORU1'vl. A.fter r; scussion b:; Cou.n.ci.l, t.lJe rolloiling motion ~.,as made. It ¡-las t':Y.Jved by SO::-_'1eDann, seconded by Holman, that Ordinance No. 2745 be amenèe~ to read è.S follows: "hV ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF AUBURN, NJl5HINGTON, AMENDI!;C; SECTION 13 (B) OF AUBUP..N CITY ORDINANCE NO. 2401 (NOTIEl113ER 3, ~969) /J5 k':Z:;D2D BY AU3U?:J CITY ORDIN1INCE NO. 2603 (DECEMBER 6, 1971) PERTAINING TO THE PO;';2P5 AND YU:iCTIO:¡S OF THE AUBURN CITY COUNCIL CON1'HTTEE ON COM¿>JITTEES AND THE Æ3ILITY OF TEE C:iU"Lz:¿,',Y·..N OF J'...NY INDIVIDUAL CITY COUNCIL C01'.JMITTEE, OR IN THE CHAIR'1.;_'I"S .ABSEf1Œ T;7.."J;; VICE-CHP.IRf.1AN, SHALL BE ABLE TO APPOINT ÆVOTHER CITY COm¡CIT..}!.l-.J.V TO THX;: ?¿:.3.TICULAR CONUITTEE IN THE ABSENCE OF A QUORUI1.. It ROLL C;.LL VOTE 0:; ':Ð'I.'Io:r J.S A.L~fENDED: Councilman Sonnemann, Darling, Holman, a.:::i Flec."--1sig voting YES. c':'..L.:.cilma.7î. Lea and Gavey voting NO. Counci:"2a.n. Lea s ::a-:.ad b'1at this Ordinance ,vas not on 'the agenda tonight and he does not like to '.7C;::<:; ror or against something when he has not studied it. He also stated tha:: to his recollection the Council has never been hard pressed or haQ =_T]One ou't ~i c.:: long enough to need this type of action taken. Counci':":~a."'l Sonne2¿::_"1 s tat"d that he had contacted the Ci ty Attorney a ¡·¡eek ago regarë.:":Jg this orr-::;a.nce and he did not kno;i ¡·¡hy it did not get on tb.e agenda. It "725 ."':.ê)"i'ed by .':-~':":::a.;., s2conà9d by Gavey, tha t Ord.ínance No. 2745 be tabled for t::::; ::;ext rec:c:._:3-:: :':gecing of the City Council. HOTION CARPJED 'iOUCHER APPROVAL LIST It ;·¡as _~~~/ed by ..~.J__-::~:J Is9co::ded by Lea, t...~at the voucher list dated July 31, 1973, 2.: c.."-¡e arr;o,::: =:J:: $3 ,390 ,899'~60 he approved. R.OLL C:..LL VOTE: ;,.:..:.. C-:::>u.ncilrr;en voting YES. NOTION CARRIED There ':::=:'ng no ::c:.::=-:91: busi.ness to come before the Council, the meeting t·/as adjour:-:2i by Na-j-é):'- ::erss:.J at 9:32 P.t1. "- ....-.-.....---.--. I I I I ;-.t ~ t-- '-;) o :::J I I AUBURN, WASHINGTON APPROVED THIS 7TH DAY OF AUGUST, 1973. ~//- ~. ~ ~ .-, . L.. ~/ ) .. aL·, /7<7---- I / . CITY CLERK :/ MONDAY 19'3 AUGUST 6, 1973 v.}(¿