HomeMy WebLinkAbout08-20-1973 ]94 _:.::j':)UT"i, :¿-.·:..S.=:-Il1GTO:i NOHD.4Y lWCUST 20, 1973 ',',';é: [2~-":':"¿é xeeting of b'1e ¡.1uburn City Cou.':1cil convened at 8:00 P.N., in t11e Auburn Ci ty Cc·.::::cil Charnbe:::s. ROLL Cß.LL C:J'L"2C2._'=S_-': ;)[esent.: COu....1ci1rnaI1 Cavey, Sonnemann, Darling, HolmêL.'1, Flechsig and Lea. ~ounci~~< Shaughness; excused. APPROVAL OF MINUTES í.L· J.~ ;'la5 ::.c-¿ed by Ho.:..,,,=-,, seconded by Lea, that the Cou.ncil Minutes of August 6, 1973 Ì)e a_D;;:::-::;~~·9::: as mailed.. NOTIO,'! c.r1RRIED I PUBLIC HEilRINCS : 7::. ':;' or :-:-=::5e; declare¿ Public Hearing open on Final Assessment: Roll for LID 273, sa.nit2':;~- 55;'ler on :,1 Street Ii.E. bet'leen 12th aI2d 14t..Ì'J. Streets H.E. Ci ty C":'s::.=:: Pro-te::¡, Gene ~'lilliaY.'s ¡-read letter from Pat Nevins, Director of Public [Jorks, c:: cas ts of LID. It ¡'Ias =o7ed by Holm2...'1, seconded by Flech.sig, that the Public Hearing bè closed. NOTION CARRIED It ¡1as :::,c.'7ed by Darling, seconded by Sonnemann, that Final Assessment Roll for LID 273 be 2-¿proved a...'1d confirmed and the ci ty Attorney be instructed to prepare necessary ordina::œ 2pproving and confirming the assessment and assessment roll. ROLL C;:...::::. VOTE: COI.L,"'lcilman Darling, Holman, Plecl1sig, Lea and Sonnemann voting YES. Cou17.cilman Cavey voting NO. NOTION CARRIED nayor :'2::se'] declared Publi c Hearing cons tru=-i on, Ii gh 'ting, si de;valk êL.'1d "5""'h C'-r-",,""' 7T E ,.L ..... .;) __ -;:: _ L. .'. . . Ci ty C.:i.e::k Pro-tem ~iilliaITJS read letter from Pat Nevins, Director of Publi c vlorks, Ion COS7:::.s of LID. !It ,¡as =:''led by So:::.ne:nd.:.'1l1, seconded by Holman, that t'1e Public Hearing be closed. I I I open on Pinal Assessment Roll for LID 277, street water installation on "DÌf street N.E., north of I l10TIONCARRIED i It ¡vas =:''led by Sonnemann, seconded by Flechsig, that Final Assessment Roll for I LID 277 ::.;:: approved and confinred and the Ci ty Attorney be ins tructed to prepare : !!ecess 2':-; ordinance ¿pproving and confi rming t..he assessmen t and assessment roll. [ROLL C='::':" ?OTE: Councilman Sonnema...nn, Darling, Holman, Flechsig and Lea voting' YES. C01.L.'""1cilman Cavey voting NO. MOTION CARRIED AUDIENCE PARTICIPATION Jim P2=e:~, Chairmd.:.'1, Citizens ror Auburn Cycle Park, presented a petition to the C.i ty C-:::.::c':l reques t':'ng the Ci ty tc provide a sui table area for an Auburn Cycle Pa2-k. '.:::. Patera said t..Ì1ey ",ill be carrying on a peti·tion campaign for 60 days or nore, ;:.-::: ;.;i11 retur:: to the Council vIi th regard t.o this matter. '72]Or :::7:::;2Y reaà le-::ter from Deoartment of Social and Health Services .in reply to cc';¿-ues -: :f Di rector cf Pu.bli c :'¡orks on t11e possible use of the Coal Creek lIead¡vorks :,rea :::-r ~res trictsi motorbike riding, riding t.rails, public park, et.c., tvhich c::co:,~-:"e_-:;;.s t..'?at t..'1is fenced area not be open to Ih,îsupervised access because or public iJeai t:: ~-= al1d o-c.:er are2S can be made available for the recreational needs. I :·:a.'jor :::e::59'j stated =he elected orficials and Parks and Recreation Department. are conce::::e= ar¡d interested in such a site, ti-¡e location and money are the problem and 'l:.J~e =-~~s:=- 'Jroòle:ns ca....-.I be vlorked out. Job iCc::::z spoke briefly and stated the wa'j to get t~ings done is to get them out in ühe o:;¿_-=.. :!r. P=:-:e::0. asked if a. group could be appointed to study t'1is problem Emd the Mayor ati'/Íse~ :-::1-::r:.ever a r:e-::ting is sci-¡eduled if the'.} call his office and advise ~vhen he a;1d t..':=:::;·.:.nci lmen ;.;i 21 try to attend. I ='" 'X) t-- -:J -., 0..-. ,- I I AUBURN, WASHINGTON 195 AUGUST 20, 1973 MONDAY L'J.'1ne. E. Sim_:::Jkins, 490 Oravetz Road, presented a petition. to reduce t12e speed limit. on Ord'let2 Road, from A Street to R Street from 45 miles per hour to 35 ~~les per hour. T.'2.i.s aeti tion ;·rill be on the Agenda of b'1e Street Co~.mittee meeting, 'ilecJ.nesday, Iwgust 22, 1973. ,¿i iD c.~J::~-i -,-:.~IGS Bids ;·¡ere opened on August 16, 1973 at 11:00 ¡LN., for construction of L.I.D. 278, East !-!ain Street from "R" St. to Riverside Dr., "u" St. LV.E. from East Nain Street to lst St. N.E., "u" Place N.E. East of "u" St. iI.E., a.'1d Riverside Dr. from East ,'·Jain St. to 1st St. !f.E., ¡·lith bids submit:ted as follu/ls: BI DDE:R COULEE: CO::ST. CO. T. ~l. TP.AV'ERSO CONST. CO. ,lirC. H. SCí:£:'IICdT CONST. CO. VALLE"" CEl-JENT CONST. CO. ,INC. NOSS CONST. CO. TOTAL BID $ 93,902.81 117, 847.89 104,832.75 120,097.89 121,853.29 The above bids include sales tax; t..Ì1e above bids ~"ere accompanied by Bid Bonds. The Director of Public Ý'lorks, Pat Nevins, recommends ai'lard of contract No. 73-22, construction of L.I.D. 278, to Coulee Construction Co., Inc. on bl:1eir lo'tl bid of $93,534.41 plus sales tax of $368.40, for a total sum as per unit price bid of $93,902.81. It was moved by Sonnemann, seconded by Gavey, that the contract be awarded to Coulee Construction Co. on their bid of $93,902.81, and thattÌ1e bid bond of Valley Cement Canst. Co., Inc. and Moss Const. Co. be returned immediately, and that upon signing of a contract t.hat the bid bond of T. W. Traverso Cons t. Co. ,Inc. and H. Sch¡vicht Cons t. Co. be returned. ROLL CALL VOTE: Counci lman SOI2nema..'1n, [)arling, Ho1ma....71 and F1echs ig voting YES. Councilman Lea and Gavey voting NO. MOTION CA..RRIED RECOMMEN DATIONS The fo1lo;Jing iteIr's ¡"ere submitted by the Director of Public ~lorks, Pat Nevins, for Council Approval: Pay Estimate No.2 to BUrI1J1êL.7I Construction Co. for St. Imp. 144, "Art St. S.E. from 3rd to 6th, in the amount of $26,634.90. It \-¡as moved by Sonnemann, seconded by Cavey, that Pay Estimate No. 2 to Burnham Construction Co. in the amount of $26,634.90 be paid. ROLL CALL VOTE: All Councilmen voting YES. NOTION CARRIED Pay Estimate No.6 to Burnham Construction Co. for st. Imp. 135 Ph III, Ellingson Road in the amount of $27,227.29. It ¡"as moved by Sonnemann, seconded by Gavey, that Pay Estimate No. 6 to Burnham Construction Co. in the amount of $27,227.29 be paid. ROLL CALL VOTE: All Councilmen voting YES. MOTION CARRIED Pay Estimate No.2 to puget Electric Co. for Water Imp. #79, telemetering, in the amount of $4,656.35. It :':as rro7fed by Darling, seconded by Lea, t'1at Pay Estimate No.2 to puget Electric Co. in Vie ar.:ount of $4,656.35 be paid. ROLL CALL VOTE: All Councilmen voting YES. NOTION CARRIED Acceptance of vi deo tape time lapse sys tern as purchased from 'the Aerò Narc, Inc. in G~e a~Dunt of $4,323.50 plus $229.15 sales tax for a total of $4,552.65. Funding for t..r¡is obtained from State of Çlashington Traffic Safety cor¡¡mission. It '.Vas i7107/ed by SOl1nemann, seconded by GaííeY, tl:1a t "Ie accept video tape time lapse syste::L1 aJ1d pay Aero Narc, L'1c. in b1e sum of $4,552.65. pnT,T, CjJ[,L VOT'E> All Councilmen vot~ng YES. NOTION rllP.RIF.D 11uthori t'j to call for Public Hearing on Septe¡rber 4, 1973 on the City of Auburn 6 Year Street Plan. It :.,as lTo'/ed by Sonnemann, seconded by Gavey, 1973 on City of Auburn 6 Year Street Plan. t'1at Public Hearing be held SeptclT'ber 4, ._ H ~ ___ ..__ _ NOT.rœl CARRIED } 96 AUBURN, WASHINGTON MONDAY AUGUST 20, 1973 P?OCLA"lATIONS, i1.PPOTNTt-!ENTS A'ID 1'.NNQUNCEHENTS ·'è.:Jor K2::sey d..'1flou-'1ceci t:..1at t."1e Library Board Heeting ¡ýill meet on the 5th. rvednesday, :'..ugust 2], 2973 insœaci of tl7.e 4t.'1 ~¡ednesday, iJ.ugust 22, 1973. "¿tyor K='.:'Ss'] aZ1nolL"lcei ë:."-Jat the ¡Hack ¡'latch Highlanders have placed in competition .j th so~¿; of the to:> ::.22_-::5 Ln t..0.e nation as follm'ls: :3:!:c. .=,.... .....;;... Li?g -. JI1 C'o~'1 tGS ~ 2::.c. '::1 Ca5cades Contest 5 .' .:n S:1ar:.roc}.c Con tes t 2""1d ':':1 Zagles Convention Contest G:::e.:::'i 5:·¡eepsta..'<es at t.1e œsNoines ílater Carnival Uecause - - the high c",.2.::',jr2 of L.1.eir performan.ce t'2ey have been asked to sp-onsor a Cor:;;s .=sscê:iation Cha..'71pionship on Saturday, September lst, ,.,hich ¡'fill Hig;;li::.e iil';!"7.scIwol Field. Tickets are av"ailable at the Rainbo'/l I .·.'C).rt11~v-e5 -=_ Drum be held:; -:t.he Cafe at E. :;osr. of $3.),,]. ::o.yor Ke::-:=sj advis-=d ~::ere ;·1ill ÌJe a bus on Saturdays for Husky Football leaving ;.. u.h urn "='i a..'"1à Cross :it. at 11:30 A.M. COUNCIL COMMITTEE pgPORTS ?UBLIC S..23":':T'Y COt·mITT=::: - CHAIP~NA'l GAVEY Counci1r::=.:z Ga'72Y a::.:'1c:wced that Uetro Tra..l'1si t vlill hold a meeting August 21, 1973 at 7:30 P.N..=.":: the RaiJ1J:/]rI Cafe and a...'f'J.Y interested citizens are invited to atten.d regarding the TIéL.íS2 t Plan. T1:!e Publi-:.: Safety Cor:::zittee Ifet August 15, 1973 at 7:30 P.M. and discussed the budget for b.'1e :-ire and Poli::::e œpartments and agreed and accept b.'-:le budgets as outlined by the t:.wo êeparÖnents. The Com:.Tii=tee reco:::"""i1e::la.s approval of the bicycle ordina...'f'J.ce, subject to approval of the actu21. drafted oriina.'7.ce. T.'1e· Co;rrrr¿ t.tee reques ts approval on t.'Je reques t of t~e Auburn American Legion Pos t #78 to SpOI1sc:: the Rairzier Sho;.¡s of 2710 Garfield Road, Tacoma, at the old ,;les t Auburn School G::-:;u....'1ds at ;les= :{ain a.'1d "D" Street N. íl. on August 29, 30, 31 and September 1, 1973. t II 'l'.0.e req'.lss t for Feè.e:!:=.l Revenue Sharing Funds for the Fire Department for the follaÑing: Proj=ctor Res C..lS i p...rm9 Elec=ric Door Repla.cement of asphal t ;dll beë..:..scussed at c.'-:/e next Finance Committee $ 6(}O.OO 225.00 340.00 1,IOO.OO Nee ting. STREET CC.:-:"'-!ITTEE - ca;"IP.:XAN SO:'ll1ENANN COlmcilr:::7i-:. 50nnema.-:.n a.'7.nounced t.lJ.ere ""ill be a regular meeting of tl1e Street Committee at 7:30 ?~., August 22nd æ~d would request t.hat the petition to reduce t..~e speed limit on Orave =z Road be œ: t..'1e agenda. ?LlWN..TNG, 3EAUTIFICAT::O:¡ & BUILDING CODES COUNITTEE - CHAIRi.'1AN DARLING iC·ouncil':::2.:: Darling re;;0rted the Commi ttee reviewed a letter from b.'1e Drama Department tof Aubur:: Senior Hig:: School to use t1e Green Hotel for a Haunted House. It ';¡.¡as irecom.'í'1en:::eC: to appr0".-e using t.).¡e Old Bank Building for this project, subject to 'concurre::::e of the X::::i cipal Building COf<ùTÚ ttee ,ins urance requirements, final inspections end app::::::"¿l of the Ci tj Building Inspector and Fire Marshall. '~·';~e CO:f:'-:-~ ::~::.e àisc::.5s-=.:è. =h9 S~~oreline jvlanag9ment ¡:;Jaster Plan and George Scl?uler, .!.ann.in;" ::. rector, ;;::9S'2n -ced the COIT'J7ìi ttee ..,i th an outline of the Shoreline Managemen t '!2ster F:':::.::, sor.:e of =.':e requirements, also program target and then submitted a list ,Jf poss":":::':'s ca.'7.diè.2 'C.25 :';:10 ;-lOuld Iïßet tile 2.bove requirements to serve on a Ci ti zens .l1.viso:::-j :;]~~ïl.Ì ttee s-=:'-õ:ct9d fron th9 folla,.¡ing ca tegories: I 1. .=:; acti '/e menWer of the local Steelhead Cl un 2. .:; ;;!:o..:)erty GJnerin the vicini ty of the ri ver 3. ~~e l~'1d developer '1. ':;,-;12 citizen r.:ember that has no connection ¡.Iith an:.J of the above 1'.'12 Co:::-:..:.. =tee discus:õ:ed t.he ÌJeauti fication of 6th an.d Auburn f'lay Sout.'2 <,1.11d this si te ,-ill be :::::2 for bear..:=i::ication as soon as possible. The COf{'~71itt.ee recor;¡mended approval ,:)f the ...-:,:·:::ject subj'ê:s:: to t.he Nunicipal Br..:.ilding comrnittee revie;.¡ and of t.'2e review of -:he lea.se a..,,-¡d/or r9::..::al agreement of the City structures on said site. . .:e Ccç:::"_~ ::::2e re'/i. e;.;>õ:è. t.'1e Sta te' s ou.tline of the fú'!e¡.¡ay plans and design concept for I ~ .'Y) t-- "":) .- .-. - .- I I AUBURN, WASHINGTON AUGUST 20, 197-t!f7 MONDAY l21'1è5c:aping and rreewa':J interchanges in t..'1e Ci ty of Auburn a..r¡d \'las auG.10rized to ¿rart a letter to the State that said the tree plan:t.ing and landscaping tie in '-'Ii tho our existing beautification projects as ¡jest Nain and they carryon wib:.:z the same ¡nate.rial, etc. George Schuler recomrnended to the Corr,t:.1. ttee t.."1at t..'1ey consider using revenue sharing monies already approved t:o complete t.'1e Nini tfall project at "B" Street S.E. by Chris bas. The CotnJ.7'.i. ttee directed George Schuler to proceed on said project 2..'1d tÌJ.at sai·d 0...~!)-~n,jj"Cu:e5 nnt to p;(r,--'e0 ~·i.eV,9n t.~oi.Isa.¡ld dolJars .ror t.l12 p.roject at: :..-r·li::: L:J.,~~.. It ;·¡as the Commi ttee' s recom.rnendation t..'1at t'1e Street Corr:mittee have t..l-¡e Public ¡iorks Dep2rtr::ent give this project t..he highest priority. The Cc~~ttee revie~ed Segale's request to use the Dyke Road to haul gravel instead of Ora'Ietz Road. The Com'Tli. ttee approved t'1is reques t and directed George Schuler to contact t.'1e pierce County lWV10rity to get 2...'1 oka:] to use sc.id Dyke Road. The CO::"c.,:i ttee revie.ýed extensi vely the goa.!.s ~:.d ob jecti v'es of the Plantling arId Building Vi visions and the Preliminary Budget requests for 1974, and revie:.¡ed George Schu.ler' 5 reques t for $10,000.00 to be alloted out of the next re'Ienue sharing fundir:..q due to the fact that existing projects ¡.;ill depleat existing funds and tlle CO!i1::d. t:t:ee concurred ¡-Ii th this reques t. FINß-'.VCZ CŒ4HITTEE CHAIRUAN HOLlLìl.'V COlL'1cilmazl HolmêL.'1 reported t.'r;.at all reports ;'Iere received, revie;.¡ed and approved. The Comrd ttee considered the property tax comparison report ð..t.î.d Mayor Kersey ',.,as requested to write a letter to King County Treasurer asking why b.'1e first half properé:} taxes were remitted to the City as late as July 19, 1973. The CoiIim.Í ttee reviewed the lis ting of proposed ca..71didates to serve on a Ci ti zen ~1dvisorj Commi ttee and an announcemen t will be made in the near future of the comrni t tee members on tl2Í s commi t tee. ., The Cœn.7lÍttee revie;,¡ed information and reco:rmendation to hire t.~e firm of Harter and Rupert as consul ting engineer for a mausoleum to be built at t.'1e Mountain View Cemeterj, and unanimously approved motion made by Darling, seconded by Lea, that the Finance ComïÚ. ttee recommend to the Ci ty Council t.'1at the firm of Ha:cter and Rupert be hired as the consulting engineer for t.'¡e project. by Holman, seconded by Darling, t1-J.at b.'2e firm of Haxter êL.'1d Rupert be consul ting engineer for the m2usoleum project at the Uountain View It t'las m:;JI;ed hired as the Cerreterj. ROLL CALL VOTE: All Councilrr.en voting YES. 1.JOTION CARRIED AIP.PORT CON.1'1ITTEE - CHAIRJ1.AZv FLECHSIG Councilma..'1 Flechsig reported the Committee met with representatives of Aviation Nortl1'/lest, Inc., and this matter ,ras deferred until airport comprehensive plans are submitted to F.A.A. a..71d t~e State of Washington. The CO:TIru ttee discussed b'1e shear ¡ýalls in Hangars 3, 4 a..Tld 5 and concur wi th t11e Buildin Depart.:rænt to award the contract to Kurle Construction for shear "lal15 in t.'1e amount of $2,987.50 plus sales tax, from th.e A_irport Cons truction Funds ,'Ii th Council concurrence. It ¡.,as Hoved by Flechsig, seconded by Darling, tI-Jat Kurle Construction be a;..¡arded the cçntract for construction of shear ¡.,alls in Hangars 3, 4 and 5. 'ROLL CALL VOTE: All Councilmen voting YES. . NOTION CARRIED The COSF~ttee considered tl1e quotations for ventilation of closed hangars and recomend tl1e Contract be a'darded to Steve's Rerri qeration in th.e amolwt of $I,656.00 .01115 sales tax, to install 15 ventilators in 15 c10sed hangars and one 600 CPK fan ;:i t'1 necõ:ssary ducts to the floor in th.e hazlqar used as a shop, all to conform to Buildizlg Co:3.e requirements, to be paid fro,7I Airport Construction Funds. It ¡·,-as IT.oved by Flechsig, seconded by Lea, that the recomrrrendations of the Airport Co::.rú ttee be confirmed êL.r¡d concurred \·lit..'1 ~î.d t..lJ.at tl1e Airoort Nanager ¡'lOrk closely ;,¡i t.h t.'1e é:on tractors. ROLL C.:"Lr.. T10TE: All Counci lr.;en voting YES. NOTION CARRIED The Co.-J.;¡i ttee authori zed the purchase of an "j'.Jlsul" ISO pound uni t, Hodel K-150-C fire e;(t-í:-.gl1i.sh·~r 2nd a srr!a]l hll~1r7;Tlrr tn hOP5P thp ur:.it intllA fuel.inq area ëIt tÌJe lLi..rpnrt as reco;rr:;¡ended by the Fire Chief. The expendi tures for these items not to exceed $850.00 The Co7iTi7..Í t tee held a short discusson on the gas con tract on ,-fhich no action can be taken until Standard Oil gets price rise approv-a1 from the Federal Government. .21. letter ;·:as receii/ed dated Jul'] 31, 1973 notifying tl-¡at the existing agreement ¡-f.ill be extc:1ded un ti 1 a renewal agreeJTen t is signed or SepteI:Jber 30, 1973, ¡-fhichever -_'(sufl£e·-·----- S(~On2r .. 19&UBURN, WASHINGTON c:;=,.:. ::::2e disC'.:.55ed the July Air Show a.'1d Ii {:t-2:: :::.:J ;:.'1e Ci vL!. ;:-Ír Patrol a.';1d the Lions ~ ;,rh':"'::::: ::,,'::2 Air S'h:y",,' ~7as ha.'1dled.. MONDAY AUGUST 20, 1973 it ¡vas suggested that a letter be Club for the very satisfactory manDer ",he Ce~::t.e2 revie;,,'s':1 a letter request of July 25, 1973 from the Headquarters, :!"2en :::..:..·.-92:" Compo Sg,. CÍt7il Air Patrol, requestiDg the use of one of Lh2 rooIT'S at ::.'12 e:::i:;~ t..iJ.e Har:gar for addi bona1 aircraft for Air Seara.'î and Rescw;~. The Committee :·c?co¡Z-c---:JS_-:-::"5è. t....-=-:Zat C~i-¿:;2rfield be allowed to negotiate this space at no charge. They iT::: t·e -:: :ieceSSa~] ::9~-::odeling SUc.f1 as wmJ:.ilation, ,-rindm/s, all in ¿ccoxdD..'1ce ¡vi th -:;'.1l1à...i.::; 'Codes a..J'1d ;:':2.t a il¿rrrless agree¡"<;;:11t: be entered into by Civil. ¡.ur PatLol d.!...d the Ci :::::--;,f Auburn. ':r. C::";:_::.::=rfield ,·la.S a:;.t.,--wrized to negotiate a request from Ho;¡ard Soper for tie docvn "'::a.ce ~:::: testing a 5corpio!1 helicopter for F'.2LA approval. 'Cr: ¡-¡as ::ë;::::;::v:-;¡endec. t:::a:: the Airport Budget approximately $250.0a to include insurance a.nd 2 5¿::':"Ca.Z]S for _._ July, 1974 air shad. I '[:1e Cc=:::.:.. ::::ee reTfi2;,"sj T:.~e 1974 prelirninary Budget and b'1e Chairman ;.;as requested to g2t f?:o= _~,'le ,,¡i11ia.-:.s a computer run-off cOi/-ering income a..'1d expenses to the end of July, .:..~ ;??ssible, Ic;r the next meeting. TI12 ."lex:: 2:"sgularly sc::e':1uled meeting ¡viII be published ¡'Ihen a definite date is es tabl::s_:2d. UTILITl" ::O:::·fITTEE - VICZ-CHAIR11A.N FLECHSIG Couz1ci.2.==n Flechsig ::=.ported the Committee revie,.¡ed and discussed the citizen's letter regarë.:i.:J.; se"der connections to "þJ" Street S.E. Trunk Line and it is hoped a settlement or con::::l.::sion will bG r:a.de in the very near future. The re;;...zsst for underqround ..;iring delay at fvest Valley High,.¡ay aJ1d SR 167 submitted y Donal::' 3. Murphy c-:m tractors, Inc. for a temporary pO¥'ler service for dewatering and CO.:1S=.r::.ction equ':';m·..ent at the particular si te. The lengb.'1 of service is estimated at 9 r.Ton::..'1s a.r1d the I=.ques t was approved. The Co=::-"'::' ttee reviewei t.he legal opinion from the Ci ty Attorney wi tZ1 regard to the extens':"c:: of garbage collection and disposal contract beyond five years ,,,hich r-/as in the affi:::::a.ti ve. The C07.L.'1cil acknor,.lledges that the option has been authorized in accore:.::=....:.:::,s ili th t..Ì1e a.::::tion taken at the regular Council Meeting on June 7, 1971, which I approT7ee:. t::::e option for a two year rener-Ial contained in the present contract along ¡.¡i th a.:'J =.¿ii tional three:....year option per the reques t of the contracting firm of R. s. T. Dispos~~ Co~pa..ny. Z1UNICI?;: - BUILDING CC.'-I:.'nTTEE - CHAIPJ1AN LEA IcounCi..":'=¿-¡ Lea repor-ceG. t..'îe Commi ttee revievled the request of tlJ.e Auburn High School Drama Cl.:.:j and t.'1e reco!:L.'T1endations of the Planning, Beautification a..'1d Building Codes Co:n.rnit::e-= regarding t..'1e use of a City Q¡·med building on East Main Street for their !!:Jaunts:::? .':0115e project. Due to safety factors the use of the old Bank Building on ¡;lest x3.i:. 3...,d Divisic:-:. Street North. The Commi ttee concurred ,-lith t..Ì1e recòT£'.mendation 'provids::' _'Jroper hole:. _'1armless agreement and liabili ty insurance is approved by t..lJ,e ''':i ty ;'_t-=-::..::::::ey and fur::..'1er that the Building Department, Fire l1arshall and Police Depãrt-.. .. .:?:?n t ::...::s _::e t. ,It r-/as :::':'-::''leà. by So.rme:::a..'1..'1, seconded by Darling, that the request: of the Auburn High ¡School ~::il..::22. Club be -;çranted to utili ze one of the buildings as more sui table as k:?ten:::':::=.:i by t.'1e Ch'::=~ Building Inspection and Pire l1arshall for t.he use of a City lc;med 3:.:.:..Zè..i.ng for t.':.e.i.r haunted house project provided that proper hoZd harmless d i'c..S":::2:1ce is a;:;p::o-/ed by the City Attorney, tlle Building Inspector and Fire t~·.r;;;.rsl1':::' - ~ ~ NOTION CARIŒED DE:PARTHENT HEAD PEPORTS Ci t'j ,=. ::::: ::::-=}, Jac.:ç =-::rei ter, revie,'led the Sta11dard Oil Company agreem::mt and t.':-¡e I lett<::r -::: July 31, 1.;J73 noti fying of extension of existing agreemen t until Septem'?er 30, ,~973 -::.: .:..::::il a rene',,'=l agreement is signed, ¡yhichever is tlle sooner. T::.. ¡'¡2.5 ::-:-::''3cl by FI'3c:..':si ~, seconded by Darling, that the Ci ty accept t..~9 30 day extension ¿~,'ld ã~ rs:~:: the Ci:::.:¡ ;. -::-=orney to 'I'1ri te a letter to Standard Oil Company regard.ing same. POLL C;:.~.':- VOTE: All C0:.znci lmen voting YES. NOTION C'4RRIED OLD BUSINESS :-' è "h"-5 .-::c-."ed by SO:1.i:::::::-:;rn.n, sl:.:conde:::? by Darling, t..l-¡at Ordinance No. 2745 be removed from :~:.~2 r:.6-=.:;.. -_'_,%_--._---- -,.::11.: C::-':'':;:JZD NOTION CARRIED I ~ ;x) t"- ~ ~ ,- '- I I ~U~U~T' 2~,"1 ~;]9~9' that Ordinance No. 2745 be introduced AUBURN, WASHINGTON MONDAY Ie ;'1a.5 Doved by Sonnerilan..:"l, seconded by Darling, 2..t'Jel adopted as amendEd. ".:''"--'; ORDINÆlCE OP. THE CITY OP AUBURN, rvASHINGTON, AIBNDIHG SECTION ~9 (B) OF AUBUF.N CITY ORDINANCE NO. 2401 (NOVEl1BER 3, 1969) F.5 ANENDC:D BY AUBURN CITY ORDINANCE NO. 2603 ([;ZCEn3E:R 6, 19n) PERTlUNING TO THE pa;œFS llND FUNCTIONS OF THE AUBURN CITY COUNCIL CO:,E,JITTEE 001 COMMITTEES AND THE È<.BILITY OF THE CHilIF..i.'-1A-LV OF AllY INDIVIDUAL CITY COUNCIL CO..'-!.'ŒTTEE, OR IN THE CHAIP,HAN' S 11.BS:;NCE THE VICE-CHAIRHA21, SHALL BE ¡¡.BLE TO APPOINT ¡¡_'[OTHER CITY COUNCILMAN TO THAT PARTICULliR COHNITTEE IN THE ABSENCE 05' A QUORUl'I." "-::0£[. CilLL VOTE: Coul2ci 1man SOn!1em3.1'1.!1, Darling, Holman, f'le.:::ns ig and Gavey voting YES_ Councilméûl Lea ....-otil1g NO. MOTION CAP..RIED ORDIUJ4JICE NO. 2746 It ,·¡as moved by SonnemêL.'1n, seconded by Lea, that O.rdinance No. 2746 en-titled "AlI O?.DDTjJ2ICE OF THE CITY OF AUBURN, r'¡ASHINGTœ¡, GP.ß.NTING A SPECIAL PERc.'1IT FOR THE USE OF CZRTAIN PROPERTY SITUATE Ç'lITHId THE CORPOPJ...TE LIMITS OF THE CITY OF AUBURV,. TO ALLOí'l TifE ESTABLISHMENT OF A PROFESSIONAL BUILDING FiiCILITY ON A Ll1.ND PARCEL LOCATED AT THE SOUTHEAST CORNER OF 28TH AND "I" STPEET NORTHEAST." be introduced and adopted. ROLL CALL VOTE: All Councilmen voting YES. ¡"lOTION CARRIED ORDINkVCE NO. 2747 It :'¡as moved by Darling, seconded by Holman, t'1at Ordinance No. 2747 enti tIed "lJ.J.'1 OPIJINAlICE OF THE CITY OF AUBURN, r'lASHINGTON, GRANTING A SPECIAL PERHIT FOR THE USE OF CERTAIN PROPERTY SITUATE CVITHIN THE CORPORATE LIMITS OF THE CITY OF AUBURIl, TO ALLml THE ESTABLISHHENT OF A PROFESSIONAL OPFICE BUILDING FACILITY ON A LP.1lD PARCEL UJCATED AT 1421 17TH STREET SOUTHEAST, CHANGING THE ZONING CLASSIPICATION FRON R-I TO R-2." be introduced and adopted. ROLL CALL VOTE: All Councilmen voting YES. NOTION CARRIED ORDINÆlCC NO. 2748 It ",as moved by Sonnemann, seconded by Darling, that Ordinance No. 2748 entì tIed "AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OP AUBURN, NASHINGTON PROVIDING FOR THE REZONING OP CERTAIN P..:qOPERTY WCATED AT THE CORNER OP 7TH STREET NORTHEAST AND DIVISION STPEET NORTH, CONTAINING APPROXIl1ATELY 14 ACRES OP LAlm, CHA-LVGING THE ZONING CL¡...sSIFICATION THEREOF FRO,'1 R-4 TO l-f-l." be introduced and adopted, ROLL CALL VOTE: All Councilrr.en voting YES. f.10TIONCARRIED ORDINkVCE NO. 2749 It ;·¡as moved by Lea, seconded by Holman, that Ordinance No. 2749 enti tIed" AN ORDINANCE OP THE CITY OF AUBURN, vlASHINGTON, PROVIDING FOR CONSTRUCTION OF THE NE¡V Aú3URN NUNICIPAL BUILDING ON PROPERTY QÇ'lNED BY THE CITY OF AUBURN AND LOCATED ON ¡'lEST MAIN STREET, BETIVEEN DIVISION STREET P.1lD "A" STREET NORTHr'IEST LOCATED IN AUBURN, KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON; DECLARING THE ESTIMATED COST THEREOP AS NE1J..R AS NAY BE; PROVIDING FOR THE BORRQ;VING OF THE TOTAL OF $1,800,000.00 AllD ISSUING AND SELLING NEGOTIABLE GENERAL OBLIGATIOH BONDS TO PAY THE COST THEP..EOP, SAID BONDS TO BE PAYABLE BY AVNUAL TAX LEVIES TO BE MADE WITHOUT LIMITATION AS TO P..ATE OR ANOUNT AND PROVIDING FOR THE SUB1'1ISSION OF THE PROPOSITION OF INCURRING SAID INDEBTBDNESS A-LVD ISSUING SAID- BG.'IDS TO QUALIPIED ELECTORS OF THE CITY OF AUBURN AT A SPECIAL ELECTION TO BE HBLD IN CŒIJUèlCTION ~VITH THE STATE GENEt?AL ELECTION TO BE HELD'ON NOVEI1BER 6, 1973." be introduced and adopted. ROLL CALL VOTE: All Councilmen voting YES. MOTION C¡.1RRIED RESOLUTION NO. 589 1':: :,¡as moved by Sonnemann, seconded by Darling, t~at Resolution No. 589 enti tIed "A P.3S0LUTION AUTHOP..IZING THE MAYOR lJND THE CITY CLERK TO EXECUTE A CŒISTRUCTION AND l-!:iL'ìTENA'JCE SUPPLEIŒ:NTAL AGREEHENT NO.1, PERTAINING TO CONSTRUCTION OF BRIDGE NO. 202.2 4TH SUB., PACIFIC DIVISION, ¡.1UBURN, ,1ASliINGTON, BETWEEN THE CITY OF AUBURN, fi¡.3HINGTON, Æ1D THE BURLINGTON NORTHERN RAILROAD CORPORATION, INC." be adopted. PO::"L CALL VOTE: All Counci1mém voting YES. NOTION CARRIED RESOLUTION NO. 590 It ;.'a5 moved by Sonne mann, seconded by Darling, t:hat Resolution No. 590 entit~ed "A PZSOLUTION OF THE CITY OF AUBUR,V, fIASHINGTO.'l, AUTHORIZING lWD DIRECTING THE MAYOR Æ1D crr./' CLERK TO SIGN, ON BEHALF OF THE CITY OF AUBURV, AN AGREEMENT BET.YEEN THE CITY OF ¡:...r":3URV jJ}lD HARTER & RUPERT, CO:ISULTING ENGINEERS FOR THE PROPOSPD DESIGN kVD DEVEWPI1ENT ::': 220 CNIT S: 11'::: Gl-iRDEH ft1l¡USOLEUN ." be <.1do¡Jt2d. ROLL CALL VOTE: Al~ Councilmen voting YES. NOTIG:! CARRIED T:Jere being no furt:.1-¡er business to come before the Council t11e meeting {-¡as adjourned 'by Najor Kersey at: 10:25 P.u. _. .--- .__..~- - - - .--.....-.--- 200 AUBURN, WASHINGTON APPROVED THIS 21ST DAY OF AUGUST, 1973. .C...~~:~W~1~ V / CITY LERK MONDAY AUGUST 20, 1973 (, -W· ~J_kt~¿y/ . MAYOR I " I I _._.."-~-'-'-'~-'---"- -.~ -..-....-.-----.-