HomeMy WebLinkAbout09-04-1973 I :\f ~ 1"- . ""':) o .- ,......., I I _~~ '='-.2 ~1· F~·.~ , ¡·i;..SHINGTON 4 ,a~ll TU}J;SDAY SEPTEMBER T~2 r9qular meeting of the Auburn City Council convened at 8:00 P.M., in the Auburn Cicy Council Chambers. ROLL CALL Co~~cil~en Present: Councilm~î Gavey, Sonne mann, Darling, Holman, Flechsig, and Lea. C"'J,~...!r:;j;',~._·~, S..~--:;'L;,ghnessy excuser1.. APPROVAL OF MINUTES It ;·;as r:oved by Flechsig, seconded by Darling, that the Council ¡·!inutes of August 20, 1973 be approved as mailed. MOTION CAP-RIED PUBLIC HEARINGS Pat """e-,¡ins, Director of Public rvorks, pointed out several important facts in regard to tc'1e CO!ëlprehensive Six-Year Street Plan. He stated that the City of Auburn must have the Street Plan because it is a State Law, and the Comprehensive Street Plan must be developed each year to include the next six years. The reason for a six year p~an is to include street projects over a long period of time. Actually there are man~ more projects listed in the plan than the City could ever complete; however, if ,'Ie were able to do more work and we requested State or Federal li.id for street improverr.ent, we would not jeopardize our position because the project would be listed on the Comprehensive Six-Year Street Plan. Mayor Kersey declared Public Hearing open on the Comprehensive Six-Year Street Plan. It was moved by Sonnemann, seconded by Cavey, that the Public Hearing be closed. MOTION CARRIED It was moved by Sonnemann, seconded by Gavey, that the Comprehensive Six-Year Street Plan be adopted. ROLL CALL VOTE: All Councilmen voting YES. NOTION CARRIED Pat Nevins, Director of Public Works, stated that the City has received two letters in regard to LID 274. One letter was from Mr. David C. Baker, 11054 S.E. 304th, and the letter listed four points objecting to the LID - (1) The ditch on the north side of S.E. 304th has been left in unsatisfactory condition [Pat Nevins stated that the ditch is the responsibility of King County and they had done considerable work in the area and approved the ditch during the final inspection. However, they may come back and do more work on it], (2) Objects to the manner in which the LID was implemented, (3) Objects to having to pay for a water line on two sides of his property [Pat Nevins stated because of the large length of property on both sides, the front footage is a large aTOCiunt], and (4) The Ci ty of Auburn made no allo¡'lance for existing ,,¡ater system [Pat stated that any water system that is compatible with our system is accepted by the Ci ty. Ho;.¡ever, in this case the Ci ty could not accept the water system because it was on private property and useless to the City]. Mr. Baker, of 11054 S.E. 304th, spoke out in regard to the four points listed above and asked tha t they be a ma tter of record. Nr. Nevins sta ted tha t he t,rould contact Kinq County and have them come out and look o~er the situation regarding the ditch. The other letter was received from Mr. William H. Jones, who has property adjacent to 112th A'lenue S.E., and stated that he had given an easement for property to the CitJ and it had been his understanding that after giving this easement he ¡,¡ould not De ~ssessed for the property. Pat Nevins stated that after talking to Denny Holt it is felt that the 30 foot should be subtracted from Mr. Jones assessment and ~ne City should pay that amount. ¡'!r. Jones, of 29735 3rd Avenue, Federal vlay, mentioned to the Co unci I tha t after tal~inq Nith Mr. Holt he did not believe his property would be assessed. Z1ayor Kersey declared Public Hearing open on the Final Assessment Roll for LID 274, water ma~n construction in Eastridge Manor in ll2th S.E. from S.E. 298th Street to S.E. 304th, 30 ~th f:. J;7: .I12th to a point 630 feet ~~.r2~f: ~!:.è .:.2~~--: :AT::O":::~ C:-c-'':-9rr?e:I"t It ;,¡a5 ",o-,¡eù by Holman, seconded by Sonnemann, that the Pub.Lic Hearing be closed. NOTION CARRIED 202 AUBURN, WASHINGTON TUESDAY SEPTEMBER 4, 19 73 '-' >. .........: ,._-.-._ü......""..-..-_...~.'-'-__...__. . ·'h. ......__".,~.._,~'"'"~..,_._..___.__ .. _'__"_' _',,_.'_" _O<"_~ .,..~.._~.._._...___.~_.__,_....,,_.~~.__~._ It ;·ras :-:J~-5:â by SOrrrleé:!a.î..'J" seconded by Darling, -that -the Final Assessment Roll for LID 2ï~ ~~ approved and confirmed ~îd the City Attorney be instructed to prepare n5:cessa:::; 'Jrdinance and the 30 feet of 1'1::. TNilliam H. Jones property assessment be aaid r.:; ~~e City of ~uourn. ROL~ c.;~-=-=.. 'lOrE: Ai.I Councilr::en voting YZS. NOTION c..?.PJŒED '.¿"':::::-.C -,-:::-::;..."';;. clêclared P~1~~~(~ :.!.·-'2ril~~:- o.....oen on -eJ.",:2 L~i:.:.a.l l':..--';è.5.5.wc.~:: ~~C"'7. -Cur .L.LU ¿I"ör· ,------ c'JI1struction on 304th fro:n approximately l12th Avenue S.E. West to 104th ~later Place -..- - It ¡ýas .::-.c'7=0: by So:me_72ru1, seconded by Holrr:.an, that the Public Hearing be closed. N07:ION CJ,.RRIED It vias .:::;-,-ed bJ SO.-lr¡e::1ann, seconded by Lea, that the Final Assessrr.ent Roll for LID 27'::' ..:'" ::=.pproved a~d confirm9d and the ci ty Attorney be instructed to prepare necesse::; ordinance. ROLL C;:-.::.::. :70TE: All Councilmen voting YES. NOTION CARRIED AUDIENCE PARTICIPATION Mr. Ke~ V¿!entine, Exaulted Ruler of Auburn Elks Lodge No. 208, spoke in behalf of the AtL:::.:r:: Elks Lodge in regard to the gambling issue. He stated that the receipts of the':' = 'jingo games go to the youth of Auburn, Enumclaw and Kent. He feels some outlin~ s~ould be made and sent out in regard to all rules and regulations for gambling. He also ~entioned that the Auburn Elks Lodge was First Place in the United States for Lodges 072r 2,000 in regard to their Youth Program. Mr. Valentine also had a question in rega=¿ to card garr.es and just what is allowed along those lines. Mr. Valentin~ said he ~Juld like to see the City of Auburn participate more fully ana possibly the City co~2~ put more pressure on the County for information in regard to gaø~ling regu- lations a..:d laws. Mayor Kersey stated that the City had also received letters from the Auburn Eagles and the Aub~== ~oose Lodge. RECOl1MENDATIONS The fol:'o~..Lng items were subm.i tted by the Director of Planning and Community Development, George S=~~ler, for Council Approval: A~~:J'lal of Final Plat of Green River Village No.5. The Pla_,-,::"nq Commission approves the final plat and recorfLTrrends approval of the City Counci I . It was =o7ed by Darling, seconded by Flechsig, that the Final Plat of Green River village .';'5. 5 be approved and the City Attorney be instructed to prepare the necessary ordina:.ce afld the Mayor and City Clerk be instructed to sign the kace of the plat. ROLL C.-'::':' 'lOTE: All Councilmen voting YES. MOTION CARRIED C- - - ::or Public Hearing on the request of R. F. Baker to rezone from R-4 (MuLtiple F~_c:""j) to R-4 with an S.P.U. (Special Property Use) permit, a parcel of land lc=~:ed at 1529 8th Street N.E. for the purpose of remodeling an existing single f~-::"] d~elling for a personal shop. (Application No. 18-73) T"- ~L ;'/25 ::::: ',-"=c7 by Gavey, seconded by Lea, that a Pub_Uc Hearing be held on the request R. ,0:-. :=3..::er Oipplication No. 18-73) on SeptemlJer 17, 1973 at 8:00 P.M. in the of Counci2 C~=:-:~ers. NOTTON C?_~RIgD Cël":',= ::~r Public .'-fearing on the reques t of Nary l1arty Ulrich and D. Alan Bond to =:::Z:::9 from Unclassified to N-l (Light Industríal), a parceJ of land located no::=-.-: of 37th Street LV .,'1. adjacent to puget Por.-¡er Light Company's transmission 1:"::"= ::ight-of-way. (Application No. 19-73) , r 'JJ.:::; _~_;7~a. Ly LI.·OL'[;!G..d, .:;Jc...:onL;:;(; Ì.Jy I.I~-à, t.Ì1A.t ~ Ft.lbl,LC HA2ri.n'3 1-.2 h81d 0"--' r-:np T~'due:sr: or 0a~·~ ~~t~ Ulrich and D. Alan Bond (Application No. 19-73) on September 17, 1973 at 8:0: ~,~. in th9 Council Chambers. nOTION C11RRIED -.---.------. í~~-7 :or Public Hearing on the Amendment to Zoning Ordinance No~ 1702 - Conditional C.~5= ? -:?::'''~7Z2- ts. --- .---..-..--........... f Î 'I I i I I l ¡ I I ì I ! I I I 'I f I i I :1 1 ;\t 'X) t-- .~ Q -0 I 1 AUBURN, WASHINGTON l2Jl3: TUESDAY SEPTEMBER 4, ____~____._ N_~__._>._.__...__. .",.-~..~--.~'--'-"~' --"-~ ...-"".-..~-~" I= h2S moved by Cavey, seconded by Darling, that a Public Hearing be held on the ~~2nd~ent to Zoning Ordinance No. 1702 - Conditional Use Permits on September 17, 1973 at 8:00 P.M. in the Council Chaw~ers. NOTION CAP.RIED T.'1e following i ten's are sub.7Ii tted by the Director of Pub] i c ''¡orks, Pat Nevi 7'!S, f0!:' , nlT!.C:2i h~Dproval: Pay Estimate No. 2 to Gary Merlino Construction Co. for Schedule II, watermain, of St:. Imp. 134 (8th St. N.E.) in the amount of $5,593.70. It: :'Ias !f:oved by SOl'lrJemann, seconded by Ga'¡,l'ey, that Pay Estimate No. 2 to Gary Merlino Cons::ruct.ion Compa.;.'7.Y in the amount of $5,593.70 be paid. RO:L ClJ..LL VOTE: All Councilmen voting YES. NOTION CARi"?IED Pay Estimate No.3 to Gary Merlino Construction Co. for Schedule I, street, etc. of St. Imp. 134 (8th St. H.E.) in the amount of $6,640.28. It ';>las Doved by Gavey, seconded by Sonneman.,..'1, that Pay Estimate No. 3 to Gary Merlino COT!Struction Company in the amount of $6,640.28 be paid. ROLL CALL VOTE: All Councilmen voting YES. MOTION CAR..r:¿IED Pay Estimate No. 4 to Gary Merlino Construction Co. for Schedule I, stree~, etc. of St. Imp. 134 (8th St. N.E.) in the amount of $160,504.68. It was moved by Sonnemann, seconded by Gavey, that Pay Estimate No.4 to Gary Merlino Construction Comp~~y in the amount of $160,504.68 be paid. ROLL GILL VOTE: All Councilmen voting YES. MOTION CARRIED Pay Estimate No. 1 to Asphalt Paving and Equipment: Co. for construction of St. Imp. 157, asphalt overlays on various streets, in the amount of $53,133.94. It was Doved by Gavey, seconded by Sonnemann, that Pay Estimate No.1 to Asphalt Paving and Equipment Company in the amount of $53,133.94 be paid. ROLL CALL VOTE: All Councilmen voting YES. MOTION CARRIED ~uthority to dispose of surplus equipment (rolling stock) with the King County Office of Property and Purchasing on Sept. 22, 1973, at their Maple Valley Shop. It ;vas moved by Lea, seconded by Flechsig, that authority be given to dispose of surplus equipment (rolling stock) with the King County Office of Property and Purchasing on September 22, 1973, at their Maple Valley Shop. ROLL CALL VOTE: All Councilmen voting YES. MOTION CAR..R.IED Authority to sell miscellaneous equipment, that is no longer being used, in j.'ioverr:ber ..lith the City of Auburn Police Department bicycle sale. It¡.¡e,s Doved by Holman, seconded by Lea, the. t authori ty be gi ven to sell miscellaneous equipDent in November, ..Ii th the City of Auburn Police Department bicycle sale. ROLL C.z"LL VOTE: All Councilmen voting YES. MOTION CARRIED Permission for Don Herron to attend factory training seminar at El Monte, California, Sparling Envirotech, on telemetering October 22nd through 26th, 1973. The training session will be at no expense to the City -- only City expense to be transportation. It h~S ~oved by Gavey, seconded by Flechsig, that Don Herron be given permission to atte::.¿ factory training seminar at El Monte, California,. Sparling Envorotech from Octob~r 22nd through 26th, 1973. NOTION CARRIED PaYKent of $2,011.20 to Hill, Ingman, Chase & Company for engineering services :.:'c-:"'?Y"i;:q :·_...-L._:.:la+-.-l~n '':.:: "!:;/O aer¿:¿tc2-s.::t Se';lI/age T.L~t;.;at[{iI.=¿lL .Lê::J.gl:J~Jli... It ;·¡as mo',¡ed by Darling, seconded by Lea, that payment of $2 ,OIl. 20 to Hill, Ingman, c.r:.ase & Com_aany for engineering ser',¡ices cOT,¡ering installation of blo aerators at S2:-:age 'Treatment Lagoon be approved. _ _ '_·_h_.___ '"_. _ ..__~_._ ..__._.'._ ROL~ C~LL VOTE: All Councilsen voting YES. NOTION CilRRIED 204 AUBURN, WASHINGTON TUESDAY SEPTEMBER 4, 1973 ""~^" .._-~.--..,. .,,-~ ._-~,..~. "'---'.---... .~'-' . '''-''"~'--'- - PRCCLL"!}"TIONS, APPOINTNENTS AND ANNOUNCEMENTS Na:jor :::2::sey ann07.J,Ièce-:: i:ha.t the Ci ty of Auburn ha.s b2en awarded, for the second year, an il;.¡a.r:: ::ro:n the .~-:;erican A:.¡tOr:1obile j!...ssociation for "No Pedestrian Death:?"., Tlìe Na;:x:: ;Jresented ::'::e a;.¡ard to Pa t Nevins, Director of Public ~lorks, for the Ìine job =o~e by the ?~lic Works Department and the Police Department_ ¡';ayo~ -.=-:: -,i stateë. tj2t i,,::: attended tne BLack i'¡atCil Drum and Bugle Corps presentaaon at Hig_":.2':'::e aemori2 5ta¿iua on. Saturday. The Black Watch Drum and Bl.!,gle Corps, IrO!ël our ar=~, ?laced four=h~ Nayor ?e:::5=:·} statecz --__ _ he received information and bUlletins regarding Metro Transit this a::::e:::::con. The ::eN b~s routes and schedules are effective September 5, 1973 and offer ::.::=: :'c)res t pric'ô: for bus transportation in the Ci ty. People ,'Iho could not afford bus se::7~:::e in the ;;ast, C3.:J. no;.; take ad',¡antage of the lmý fares and have better transs;c:c::.¿::.ion. T:~2 ::e;·¡ sc_':.edu1es can be picked up at City Hall. COG~CTL CONMITTEE REPORTS PUBLIC S~:ZTY COMMITTZ~ CH."'..IP","!AN GAVEY Council.::;:a..-: Gavey stat2:: that he had received an application from the Concord In.-1 for a Cabaret License. he stated that the application had been approved by the Police Depart22::::: and he ~de the following motion. It was =~7ed by Gavey, seconded by Darling, that a Cabaret License be approved and issued to the Concord Ip~~, located at 333 15th Street N.E. MOTION CARRIED Council~ Gavey stat2d that discussion is continuing in regard to the 911 Telephon~ System ar-i dispatch. He stated that the Globe Ne¡vs ..,ill soon have an article in- the paper in =~gard to 911 System and he suggested that everyone read the article for inrormë.ti-:>;:1 on this s~ject. The next :?U];;lic Safet; Co:rmi ttee Neeting will be on September 12, 1973 at 7 :30 and the ~eting will Le held at the Fire Station. Items to be discussed are: regardi::1g Licycles, o=her ordinances, and items of importance to the City. P.M. Ordinance STREET C:O,'r..:,:ITTEE - CHAIPJ'!AN SONNENANN The Str~~::: CO[['u.11itte~ =et: at: 7:30 P.l-!. on August 22, 1973. The ComIr.i.ttee reviewed the Engine~ri~g Budget 2.n:: Street Construction Funding portion of the budget. The COr=:T.i ==ee disCUSSGd the ne;.¡ bus routes and time schedules but wérenot able to answer 2.1:' 1uestions at the meeting and could not have an ordinance prepared for the Council !~'ô:eting tonight. Councilman Sonnemarm asked that Council give approval to set up tem;:-or=-:::;¡ bus stops in the downto;-/n area tomorrow morning for the new Metro Transij; Service. The buses will stop at the following locations: (1) Across from City Hall _ going so~~~, (2) ~.Z. corner of Main and Auburn Avenue - going north, (3) S.E. corner of Mai~ ~~d Auburn Avenue - going east, (4) N.W. corner of Main and Auburn Way - going west,. a.;;:¡ë (5) S.E. corner of Main and Auburn 'Nay going east. It was :::c7ed by SOY',-,-'i.e:::ann, seconded by Lea, that the Street Department be instructed to ins=al~ temporar~ L~s stops, at locations listed above, tomorrow morning, September 5, 1973 . NOTION CARRIED The Co.-:-:::":':: ::ee disc'.13sei ar:':l. reco!!',l'nended approval of Ci ty of Tacoma \-Iater line easement ,:::'C.!'oss ::-.2 C:i tY-O¡'/T;:::':l. :;olf cou.rse. The Str22: Comr.qittee ¿lso requests that an ordinance be prepared to remove parking at the Ter:::~::~l Park Sch~ol bus loading zone and that it be signed similarly as other school ~~ loading zc::es throughout the City. The Co::::::~ :::::2e also re:;uested that an ordinance be prepared to place temporary curbing _in th.e s;¿:::ern of the "',!in.i :·fall on "B" Street S.E. and that top priority be given ':0 ror.::?l.,,:::incr th<=> rp:ci..,.,... -"''''Jti ront~n'-;"(T r·r:i.:h c:onst-~ur.tion of thís project, The spee~ limit !ro.7i "..;" Street S.E. to "R" SU'eet S.E. on Oravetz Road was discussed and the C~2uittee rec~::::::ended that the speed limit be reduced to 35 M.P.H. i'.. letter ;"''1.5 'recei-led rrCJm the State Hígh¡vay Corrul1ission stating thé1.t "A" Street S.EL____ dnd Xa.i.:: .5::reet bet;"'ee(¡ l..ub:.Irn AT.Tenue and i1uburn ¡'lay North will be returned to the City ';G.-:7"~ 1::;....""" .:n October 197]. The letter outlined the maintenance ,ýork ,.¡hich will be done OI:IOr ;:::; ::::''::.'1~:;g th:'::: _:.>ortion of roadway back to the City. I ¡ I t I I I I I I ! -, 1 1 :-...; X) ,"- ""':) ~ .~ I I 20'5 AUBURN, WASHINGTON TUESDAY SEPTEMBER 4,.1973 - -- ~-~- -"'--..........._--~~ -- --...~._--~_...,_._.......__._-_. U' _ ._._.". _...._.--._'....._.,_,~~.".,. ~_~.._............_.,__..".___~ .::,::~ CO;'::"7LÍ ttee also discussed the "E" Street LV.E. and East Nain radius change and noted that the City will work with the School District in accomplishing this improvement. ~~so under discussion was the proposed traffic signal at 8th Street H.E. and Auburn ,'¡a':! North. No action ..Ias taken at the Street Comrni ttee Meeting. ;" discussion ~'Ias held on increasing speed limits on 22nd H.E., "A" to "i"1" and "U" N.E. ;-¡:ë.;·/2en J..4th cil,d 22nd. It ..I as the recommendat.i.O!l of the COIT1.lTIittee to raise the '=>fìi:=2d lir:u.t on "N" Street H.E. beÖ.¡een 14th and 22nd from 25 H.P.H. to 30 H.P.H. The next Street ComTIittee Meeting will be on September S, 1973 at 7:30 P.M. ?Ll,.':sr;G & BEAUTIFICATION CQ.'·EHTTEE - CHAI?..;·L~N DARLING Chair~an Darling announced that the next Pl~~ning & Beautification Com~ittee Meeting ;,~~~ ~e September ll, 1973, at 7:30 P.M. in the Coffee Room at City Hall. ?I::f:::1C::; COMMITTEE - CHAIRtIAN HOLMAN ~he Finance Committee met at 7:30 P.M. on August 30, 1973. The CO~T.ittee reviewed G~e quotations on a Sprin~ler System for Mountain View Cemetery. It ;.¡as moved by Holman, seconded by Darling, that Mayor Kersey be authorized to sign a contract with T & M Sprinkler Comp~~y, in the æT.ount of $4,800 (including tax), for installation of the Sprinkling System. ROLL CALL VOTE: All Councilmen voting YES. MOTION CA..R...R.IED The major portion of the meeting was in regard to Federal Revenue Sharing. After discussion and review, the Finance Committee agreed upon the following requests for Federal Revenue Sharing: $11,000 - Library - carryover of unexpended funds for heating and air conditioning system; $IO,OOO - Planning & Beautification CoœßÚttee - beautification projects; $500 - M & 0 Building - floor covering supervisor's office; $1,100 - Fire Station - asphalt repair; $600 - Fire Department - movie projector; $225 - Fire Department - Rescusi Ap~e; $500 -Consultant - inspect and recommend City for requirements of Safety Act; $4,200 - Police Department - replacement car for June accident; $100,000 - New Municipal Building site - purchase land; $30,000 - Mill Creek storm drainage; $850 - M & 0 Building - hoist; $11,000 - 26th St. N.E. construction - access to Brannan Park from M Street N.E.; $340 - Fire Department - AFD electric door; and $104,679 - A Street - storm drain and outfall structure. It was moved by Holman, seconded by Lea, that the above requests for Federal Revenue Sharing Funds be approved. ROLL CALL VOTE: All Councilmen voting YES. MOTION CARR;fED The investment procedures and transaction for August were reviewed and the Comr.úttee recomT.ends that $3,000,000 be invested in Repurchase Agreements during the month of SepterrJJer. It I,as moved by Holman, seconded by Darling, that the Mayor and Director. òf Finance be authorized to invest $3,000,000 in Repurchase Agreements during the month of September (The above aggregate figure includes investments and re-investments.) ROLL CALL VOTE: All Councilmen voting YES. I'lOTION CARRIED Chairman Holman stated that Councilman Darling would like to make a report. Cou!7.cilæan Darling stated that the Finance ComT.ittee and the Council as a whole ~~S recoŒmended that the City give consideration to appointing a Citizens Advisory Co~~ittee in relation to Revenue Sharing. When this idea was first presented, ?2ïenue Sharing was new to the City and Councilman Darling felt an Advisory Cow~ttee c':J'.:!.ld work ,'iÍ th the Finance Committee prior to the Ci ty funding Social Service Needs, etc Durin';! the interim period ¡'Ie have tried to establish guidelines and find people to ;·¡or.:':' on the COIT'"'T!ittee. At this time, COl.Lîcilman Darling announced tl'le rc-embers of the Cor_7!.Ì ttee: Forest Kimmerle, l1ar.íl yn Valentine, Bill Murphy, [.ýilliam Ray, Jan Nydegger,. :red Sutton, and Virgil Staiger. The group listed above will be asked to meet with the Finance Commi ttee next Thursday evening to go over the guidelines. '!'''-n ,lex+: I:'i'1?jrp r"'mrnittep ".1=>~rin(Y ¡.¡iZl be Th~rsdalJ. Se['t:AmÌìPT 7-3..1973-'11: 7:30 P.M. }"I~?OP.T COMMITTEE - CHAIR~mN FLECHSIG The .iirport Commi ttee would have normally JT:et tonight, but bec2.use of the Hol.iday ani the Council Neeting tonight the meeting was canceled. The next Airport Com~t:tee !!eet.ing 'r/ill be on October 2, 1973 (howe',¡er, a meeting may be called .if necessary ~0:J~e that tiDe). !206 AUBURN, WASHINGTON TUESDAY SEPTEMBER 4, 1973 -,,~--~.~..'--.~~~_.~... .__._-~ .'~"'..---.'''''''''''''''-'..'- --""'~-~~-'__, ·~_-.·_.ti"A'~"_'<"_".'_____"n --'T L T'7':: ~--:;_'!:-F'Ï'TEE - ".,";:::; C5:' TFC'L.ilN FLEClISIG '.t.'he Uc-=-:'i-=:; Corcmittee::=et at 7:30 P.M. on August 23, 1973. The Committee discussed (.it le",?-=::, =_'1e "M" S-::ree-:: S.E. trunk: sanitary se,.¡er. However, no definite conclusion ,,'25 r-e='::::2S: and the Cc=:z:1i. t-::ee requested addi tional information for revie;.¡ at the next s=~~~~2ed mee~~~? .T.. lett.:.;~ '.:¿.~ _;.:::...<e:.L.''/~: :=~;7 ::~;..!fi Rus::, ~.1.r.:::~.Jdsné~ c;.f i.1:,=:) ~':;''':·r'':,':.3-;-_¡c..' requesti::1;{ tile.::'" ~ con¡-;2c~~¡-; be made ~ec,een. -::he City's water line, formerly Eastridge Manor Water Co¡:;_oa.n~, =.:::: the '/Iate:: !.i.~e serving Hazel"lood Heights J System. It is his hope that ,/ith s:.:::::: a cOIL.'1ectic::, .if =l"-:eir ".,ater company develops problems ~'iÌth supply, they could c:::' -:::'''::1 ;,¡ater th::T.lqh 0~r sys tem and pay the necessary charges. The CO!IlJ.üi ttee disC:US52::' -:,~e ',¡ario:1s pro;:-Q3:lJ..S that Eastridge Manor r'íater Company had made; that bei!1~, I a very s:-=.iiar pro:;x)s=--]. ;,;as requested and discouraged by the Committee last year. Since ::-'-::=: ::2stridge X=-----:.or ;'7a::er Company lias not afforded the same type of privilege the Co~:~:=ee requested =::e Jirector of Public Works to send a letter to Mr. Ross ~nforrr--=- .-:? :-ci:J it ¡,·oui::' .::ot be possible at this time to make such an arrangement, but ac. sue,': =::::::2 as they èi.ê ::a';e an emergency, that wi th the extensioI'!. of a couple of õ·¡ater :. i.::~s J the Ci ty ;·iO:J.2d be agreeable to take them in as oermanent: customers. The Co.~~:tee concurrsd with the request for an underground delay for street lighting for Pa2=:e: G. Le;'lis CC:-:P¿ê'J and stipulated that wi th addi tional development of property to the :::c;rth of 6th S-:reet :;"~Y., that overhead service would have to be converted to under?ro:J.nd service a~ that time. A reques-: received fr:::;:r¡ Norr::an Grier to install an or7erhead service from either Nain S=r=:?:t o-p. 2nd St::eet to 32 "G" Street N.v.l. on the existing poles was denied. A request from Pacifio lìortr-west Bell for variance to place additional pole over north drivewa'd ~t Sha..k:.ey's Pizza Parlor was approved. -, The nex-: "]'d Ii ty COiTh.7J.i tt:ee l-!eeting vTill be Thursday, September 6, 1973 at: 7:30 P.M. in the CC~I'!.=il Conference Room. I II BUILDI::G ~OY"!ITTEE - C.'{j:, T?_',!l-..:¡ LEA Chairm~ :ea announce¿ that a meeting will be called as soon as the staff has inform: ~C In. Counci~:¿= Cavey pointed out that paragraph 2, under the Utility Committee Report, states "~i:::oe the EaS-è--;.i¿qe !.fanor ~later Company was not afforded the same type of privi1eã;=, the Com.~i::tee requested the Director of Public Works to send a letter to :Jr. Ross i::~orming 21Ì= it ;'IQuld not be possible at this time to make such an arrangement, but at s:=:::: time as t::ey êid have an emergency, that tvi th the extension of a couple of :-Iate:: .I..i~es, the Ci ty would be agreeable to take them in as permanent customers." Counci~~~ Ga7ey stat:?:d that he just wants to clarify the point that if they have i proble=s ~ith their w2ter (contaFJnation), according to the Utility Comuittee Minutes, I they ¡ýc::.I.:: be perma. ne.::t: C'-lst:omers. Councilman Flechsig stated that Haze.lwoOd Heigh.ts- Water Co=;~y, repress:.ted by Mr. Ross, has their own well and if they had problems I and co~_~e=ted to òur syst.:?:m they would have to abandon their well completely because , ;'le do z:ot :'Iant backflc;.¡ or contamination of our t.¡ater, I O?DI~~NCES AND RESOLUTIONS ORDINM1CE NO. 2749 City .1~=:-:::::7::':J, Johr:. E. 3erei::er, stated that in a Bond Conference with James Gay, it >:as fe~ -: :.'-:::::t this or::'ir:e.::ce should be repassed. Tt \'Ias .-' =~ by Le2, S:?:::::O::è.2:: by Holman, that Ordinance No_ 2749 entitled "AN I ORDIN.f.':::::: :: THE Cy.-t~' S: ;"'-.;3')&.'1, ~'lASHINGTON, PROVIDING FOR CONSTRUCTION OF THE NE~'¡ I,UBUR,: :-:-,-:::::;IP.4L BUIr.-:;I::C; C:: PROPERTY Œ'INED BY THE CITY OF AUBURN AND LOCATED ON ~'¡EST ,'fAIN 5-:,3.7:::-:, BETdEZ:l ::;I'IISIC:l STREET AND "A" STREET NORTHí'IEST LOCATED IN AUBURN, KING COUNTY, ::.=.-5.:':I::GTON; z,7:::U._=:::::G THE ESTIHATED COST THEREOF AS NEAR AS HAY BE; PROVIDING FOR TH7: .:: :??D;iIilG OF -:,:.::: TO-:;'.L OF $1,800,000.00, AND ISSUING l'i.ND SELLING NEGOTIABLE G2NERJ:..::' :'::::'::GATION 3S::::;S?0 ?liY THE COST THEREOF, SAID BONDS TO BE PAYABLE BY ANNUAL 'i'~1X LZ'/::7:S 70 BE I1;"D:: ;,,'I'J:.:ZO::? LIi'!ITATION AS TO Rr1TE OR AMOUNT AND PROVIDING FOR THE I SUBNIS~:::;-': 0: THE P?QPc;SI?IO.'i OF INCURRING SAID INDEBTEDNESS AND ISSUING SAID BONDS 1'(.1 ()í}."-..::'::'=-::'='D F:LEC'.rUS.::' G.-- r.':E (;1..'1"1. OF l1.UbIJRt'/ In A 0l:"0l-.LM..L. ELL;CTIC,¡v 1v BR ¡.r¡::~Lü IJ'I CON;'¡UNCTION: ¡'IITH T.::7: ~:~l,7.'E GENEP.::"::' ZL::CTIW¡ TO BE HELD ON NOVEI,!BE:R 6, 197 3." be introduced and ! acìopte~.. iWLL ~"'" - - -~--r--' i'J1.~ : All Co~¡-;ci2sen voting YES. !lOTION CJl.RRIED I ~'" Xl t-- ""':) ~ .::::;¡ I I AUBURN, ViA,$1J1.RG.'t.O.J:!_.____._________ TUESDAY 2«1'" -. -^-""'._^.~-~_...--._.....'_.,.-....._.~._'--...~.- SEPTEMBER 4, 1973 ORDINANCE NO. 2750 It ;·I3.S mO'7ed by Darling, seconded by Lea, that Ordinance No. 2750 entitled "AN ORDn;.;:ïCE OF THE CITY OF AUBURN, rvASHINGTON, APPROVING AND CONFIR1'1ING THE ASSESSMENTS KID ASSESSMENT ROLL OF LOCAL IMPROVEHENT DISTPJCT NO. 273, WHICH DISTPJCT HAS BEEN CREATED A::ïD ESTABLISHED FOR THE CONSTRUCTION IJ.ND INSTALLATION OF 8 INCH SANITARY SErVER, SIDE SErvERS AND NECESSARY APPURTENANCES ON "1'1" STREET N. E _ BETÇ'1EEN 12TH STP¿:ET N. E . .'L'ID 14TH STREET N.E., INSIDE THE CORPORiiTE L.U-fITS OF THE CITY; AS PROVID2D bY ORDINANCE _\1'0.. .., ~;5 û-:- ~7..~_'-' rTr:-:¡ e'F AùB:'~~"'"""V, ¿-iL-.' 1...1 LE'íTÿIrlG .::::.-':. .:.;.SE::'::S]l,/,; rTf!E Al1QUiVT THEJ.n..:::O? .?- :·..~1..~~·'J:'-L· THE SEVER'lL LOTS, TPJ1CTS, PJ1...RCELS OF LllZ1D AND OTHER PROPERTY UPON SlJ.ID ROLL." be introduced and adopted. ROLL CALL VOTE: All Council~en voting YES. MOTION CARRIED ORDINiF:ICE ;'10. 2751 It ;·¡as moved by Gavey, seconded by Holman, that Ordinance No. 2751 entitled "Ail ORDINk'iCE OF THE CITY OF AUBURN, h'ASHINGTOèl, APPROVING AND CONFIRMING THE ASSESSNE:NTS AND J..SSESSNENT ROLL OF LOCAL IflPROVENENT DISTRICT NO. 277, ,iHICH DISTRICT HAS BE'E:N CREilTED ¿1HD ESTABLISHED FOR THE CONSTRUCTION AND INSTALLATION OF CURB lJ.ND GUTTER, BilLL4STING, GR4DING, ASPHALT CONCRETE: SURFACING, SIDE¡'¡ALK, STREET LIGHTING AND 8 INCH CAST IRON ¡'lATER NAIN, AT "D" STREET NORTHEAST, BETVTEEN 15TH STREET NORTHEAST, AND A POINT 310 FEET NORTH OF 15TH STREET NORTHEAST, INSIDE THE CORPOR~TE LIMITS OF THE CITY¡ AS PROT/IDED BY ORDINANCE NO. 2727 OF THE CITY OF AUBURN, AND LEVYING AND ASSESSING THE ]!...i.'10UNT THEREOF AGAINST THE SEVERAL LOTS, TRACTS, PARCELS OF LliND AND OTHER PROPERTY UPON SAID ROLL." be introduced and adopted. ROLL CALL VOTE: All Councilrr.en voting YES. MOTION CAR.RIED ORDINAJ.'lCE NO. 2752 It was moved by Darling, seconded by Sonnemann, that Ordinance No. 2752 entitled "AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF AUBURN, 'NASHINGTON, APPROVING THE PLAT OF GREEN RIVER VILLAGE, DIVISION NO.5, TO THE CITY OF AUBURN, r¡IASHINGTON, ACCORDING TO THE PLAT THEREOF ON FILE ¡¡lITH THE CLERK OF THE CITY OF AUBURN, r'¡ASHINGTON." be introduced and adopted. ROLL C.zlLL VOTE: All Councilmen v.oting YES. MOTION CAP..IŒED ORDINANCE NO. 2753 It t'las mOT,¡ed by Gavey, seconded by Sonnemann, that Ordinance No. 2753 entitled "AN ORDINJ...!.'lCE OF THE CITY OF AUBUP.N, vlASHINGTON, P..EPEALING CHAPTER 5.08 OF THE CODIFIED ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF AUBURN, Ç'¡ASHINGTON, PERTAINING TO BICYCLES AiID ENACTING A NEW CHAPTER 5.08 OF THE CODIFIED ORDINAJ.VCES OF THE CITY OF AUBURN PERTAINING TO BICYCLES, IN REGULATION AND REGISTRATION AND CONTROL THEREOF AND SETTING FOR.TH PENF.LTIES FOR VIOLATIONS OF SAID ORDINANCE." be introduced only. Councilman Gavey pointed out to the press and public that this item will be discussed at the Public Safety Commi ttee Meeting on ¡'iednesday, September 12, 1973. MOTION CARRIED ORDINAVCE NO. 2754 It Ÿ.la5 mOved by Gavey that Ordinaiî.ce No. 2754 enti tIed" AN ORDINAJ.'lCE OF THE CITY OF AUBUP}-!, ~'¡]!'SilINGTON, AUTHORIZING, PURSUArlT TO THE PROVISIONS OF R.C.fl. 35A.Il.020 OF THE OPTIONAL MUNICIPAL CODE OF TilE LÆ'lS OF THE STATE OF WASHINGTON, THE IMPOSITION OF' A FINE OF UP TO $500.00, OR A JAIL SENTENCE OF UP TO 6 NONTHS, OR BOTH UPON CO.VVICTIŒl OF A VIOLièiTION OF THE CITY CODE OF THE CITY OF AUBUR.'l, ~'lllSilINGTON, ilOT"7ITHSTf._'WÌlIG ANY AUBURN CITY ORDINANCES TO THE CO:I1TRARY." be introduced and ado.:;ted.. The Ci ty .4 ttorney, JO¡1n B. Berei ter, explained tlî.at he needs this ordinance as a matter of "house-keeping" unti 1 several problems can be '¡oJorked out in regard to publi catio:1 of our Auburn L"!uni cipal Cit'-J Code Book _ During the year many ordinances are passed by Council; ha,.1ever, the City Code Book is only updated once eaa.' year a.'''1d t..'Jis had created sorr.e problems in carrying out ti-¡e ordinances of t.'1e ci ty effecti vely. Xr. 3erei ter explained that he ¡,'oul d use the ordinance judic.iously if passed. COLL"1cilr:an Holma.n seconded the previous [Lotion. CO:E1cilr:an Sonnemann stated that this both.ered him because the ordinaI1ce would appl'j to all ordinances that ti-¡e Cit'j has passed and he is afraid that ci tizens could be fined $500 or gi T72n a jail sen tence of up to s_ix months for some minor charge. Several exaf{1.ples he gave were: being fined or jailed for not licensing a biC'Jc19 or for not licens_ing a dog. .. - -.-....-.----- 208 AUBURN, WASHINGTON TUESDAY SEPTEMBER 4, 1973 ....-- --~-"'- ~.'~~."'" . ..~.' .',1.::-. Be~:?i =91:' stated, once again, that he ¡.¡ould use the ordina."lce judiciously and .~': ;,·ou!.d ::;2 his, responsibili ty to use good judgerrent in prosecuting_ :<)LI., c';":"';:, ïOYE: Cou..'1cilman Gavey, Darling, Holr.!a..tl, Flea.'J.sig and Lea. voting YES_ COèl:.'1cilmaz1 Sonnem~'1I1 voting NO. NOTIœ! CA?3IED FESOLUTTON no. 591 I't: ;'Ias :7".o".'9G flY Sorr.:'1ec.3.nn, seconded by Gavey, t.1-¡at Resolution LVO. 591 ent:itled "A i'~'''SOUJ7.'::C,.' OF THE CITY OF AUBUP-,V, ;'lASHINGTœ¡, ."4DO?TING THE 1974-1979 BIENNIAL :¡ISIC:S .=..'iD EXTE,'iSIOSS OF T3E CO:1PP-EHENSIVE STPZET PROGRl3...N OF THE CITY OF AUBURN .:\:PSUA";T ::'J R.. C.. ¡l. C£j..?TZR 35.77 OF THE Ll!,;ýS OF TaE STATE OF ;'¡ASHINGTCX¡.." be ;,:;:J p te d . ;:')L:oL CA':::L 7/C7E: All Councilmen voting YES. MOTION CP-RRIED PESOLUTION NO. 592 IT;- '.-185 ::::O:'=G flY Darling, seconded by Flea.'1sig, t.'1at Resolution No. 592 entitled "A I 1?.ESOLUTIOl'- OF THE CITY OF AUBURN, ;'¡ASHINGTO..V, AUTHORIZING iiND DIRECTING THE l1AYOR :;-ii! D CIT'.! :::.IZR'<: TO EXECUTE, ON BEHALF OF THE CITY, A LE~4.SE BETI'lEEN THE CITY OF AUBUF.}J !I--'lD AUBUZ: EPST HILL D:::VELOPNENT INC. FOR PARK PUPPOSES." be adopted. i !councilm¿è Lea asked ¡"¡hat is t.'1.e extent of t.'1e lease. Len ChapmaJ1, Director of i?arks a.'1d Recreatio:1, stated that Park Board has been impressed \-¡i t.1-¡ t.he Auburn I - Soccer Cl'':]) and the la.îd rrentioned in the resolution for park purposes would b2 used p:::imarily for soccer. ))..s ....¡i th several ot.7-J.er lease agreements t.'1e Ci ty has r::a.G2, the cost to t.~e City is $1.00 per year. The area is useable at t.'1e present: ¡tir.-e and -::;::.1'] neeãs to be ma.¡ed. Nr. Chapman also added t.'1at t.l-J.ere is a "Hold ¡Harmless ;,greerrent" in the lease. R:JLL Cili¿ ïOTE: All Councilmen voting YES. NOTION CAP.RIED RESOLUTION NO. 593 lIt ;,,'as 1T.Q~"ed by Darling, seconded by Holman, that Resolution No. 593 enti tied "A IRf::SOLUTIO.'; BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF i1UBURN, WASHINGTON, A MUNICIPAL bJ PP ORA TIC,'! , .J...PPROVING THE EXCHANGE OF CERTAIN PEAL PROPERT'{ ;'lITH THE AUBURN SCHOOL ¡DISTRICT :'-J. 408, AUBUP3, v'lASHINGTŒv, A MUNICIPAL CORPOP-A.TIœ¡, PURSUANT TO LA~'¡S OF '11953, C.::.~::ER 133, SECTION l, SESSION L7VIS OF THE STATE OF WASHINGTON." be acIo oted. I - I I ¡ROLL CALL "UTE, Councilman Darling, Holman, Flechsig, Lea æ'1d Sonnemann vöting YES. Couz1cilman Gavey voting NO. MOTION CARRIED RESOLUTION NO. 594 ¡It ';.¡as T:1o";=d by SOIltlemann, secondeà by Flechsig, t.hat Resolution No. 594 enti tIed "A : PESOLUTIO:," OF THE CI-r-:£ OF AUBURlV, 'i1ASHIHGTON, AUTHORIZING THE PAYOR AND CITY CLERK ,TO EXEC[;'E .'i RIGHT-OF-;'[AY EASE l'JEN T , GPANTING A PERMANENT EASENENT AND EXCLUSIVE ,,'JIGHT-O?-;;_:'] 2~O THE CITY OF TJ"CONA, ITS SUCCESSOP.5 OR ASSIGNS, FOR THE RIGHT AND ~?rVILEr;E ::0 CO:ISTRUCT AND I1AnlTAI:¡ r¡'¡ATER TRANSNISSION PIPELINES AI,Q:1G CERTAIN REAL .·)P.OPERT'ý :"·':.CliTED IN KDíG COWíTY, }lASHINGTOV AS SET FORTH IN THE ATT.21.CHED EXHIBIT" A"." .;:.~: adO~D ·~e ~ . :'YLL CF-"::':" :-'JTE: All Councilrren vo=ing YES. NOTION CARRIED PESOLUTION NO. 595 ï= ;'Ias ,-::~:'ed by Gavey, second9d by Sonn9mann, that Resolution No. 595 enti tIed "A ,,,-::SOLU7IC,': OJ:" TifE CITY OF AUBURN, .1ASHD1GTON, lWTHORIZING TilE HAYOR ,MiD CITY CLERK ') SIG,'; .c:. ::'JTUAL AID .::'GPEElJEUT Ç1ITH KING COUNT'.r.", PROVIDING FOR NUTUAL POLICE: SERVICES r'¡" TifE :;:;¡-.:::::: OF CI'/TL DISTUP.BAVCES OR RIOTS." be adopted. i'JOLL CA::"L '¡OTE: All Co un ci lrr:Bn voting YES. MOTION CARRIED P.ESOLUTIO:'¡ NO. 596 :-/dS ;-:o"/9c1 by Iiolr.!':1[2, seconded b:; Gaver], that Resolution No. 596 enti tied" A ;c':-'SO[,UT Ie:: 0: THE CITY OF AUBURN, NASHINGTON, l1UTifORIZING TilE f1J1YOR llND CITY CLERK. J SIG_;:;;',,::::: t!UTUAL AID l1GPJ.::::NENT ;JITF-l KING COUNTY hVD OTHER KING COUNTY MUNICIPAL --;:::.ïCT5:S I ??OVIDLiG ?OR NUTUAL AID ;,,'íD PLA.'INIHG nl THE EVENT OF L~!]J.:.·I-MflDE AND NATURAL 'i:_'_;'/~.'J:::::P':; ~ I' be a¿opted.. /II) 0 1-: ð--\1 ~ Y'ý' ; ~ r--... - - ';_,0" 'I ,I I AUBURN, WASHINGTON TUESDAY SEPTEMBER 4, 1973 ··2'Og·;· '_e_, ____ ...._ __ _.. . _.... .___.____._~ ,--.-._-,'-"._.'--.,. - -.--.-- ~- .' ...._~-.--..,-'--"---- ,,"''"''.,...._-_.~_.._.~" _._.~..,~.'... . VOUCdER APPRO~~ LIST I::: ;'/25 :x;ved by HolmaI1, seconded by Darling, t11at t,'Je vouc..r:zer list dated August; 31, 19ï3, in the amount of . $2,..899,059.91 be apprc:nÆd. ROLL CŒL VOTE: All CouncilrrEn voting YES. NOTION CllRRIED "··:r~"'~ i..1.J_,",-',ÌI':ÚuS dU~.Lu¡:;S5 Coz..:..-:c:ilr;¡an Gavey æ1110unced t..hat we are rapidly approaa.'..:zing t'ze year 1976 an,d the 20]::'1 Bi rt..r:zday of our Country. Nany Ci ties across the country are preparing for a Bi -Centen.:r1Íal Celebration and he ¡'lOu1d like to kna.¡ if the Ci ty of Auburn ,.;ill be ':.3...<ing official action to plal1 for this celebration also. I !f2jc;:: ?.ersey stated that he has attended one Geeting in regard to a Bi-Centennial Cele:;r=:tion; ha.¡ever, no ot11er rreetings ha7e been called to d2te. The Nayor also I'1en':.io,'2ed a square dance group has met ¡.¡Ì th him in regard to such éUl event and the grQ;']p is now ¡'Iorking through the Suburb~'1 Nayor's Pssociation. 'The::e being no further business to come before the Council, !1ayor Kersey adjourned the .-::eeting at 9:23 P.M. ;\f .~ ...... ""':) ~ ~ APPROVED THIS 5TH DAY OF SEPTEMBER, 1973. ;/ (f.:-;; C~b . // CITY / ~/ CLE <~<k7-- I I ..-. --_. --.....-.-