HomeMy WebLinkAbout09-17-1973 210 r ~U3UR~'l / ;·,-_~5~~TrtlGI:OJ.V XOND.ll.Y SEPTEI-1BER 17, 1973 _;:= re:¡::.i.e.r :neeting of the Auburn City Council coni7ened at 8:00 P.N., in the Auburn ¡~i. ty CO....:...:1'::il Cha..rnbers. ROLL CALL Councl_=''2.'J Present: Councilman Gavey, Sonnemann, Shaughnessy, Darling, Holman, Flechsig, and Lea. .2.PPROí/!1L OF NINUTES ;C ,'ias ::-;t;"/2d by Cav-=:;, second9d by L9a, that the Council Ninutes of September 4, 1973 .~:'_. app::o-.-~·i as mail:::ci.. NOTION C.l<...,,'J.l?.IED I PUBLIC ilEA-R.INGS i:e.yor Ker5ey declared Public Hearing open on the request or R. F. Baker to rezone :'!:'om R-4 rX:lltiple Faillly) to R-4 ¡'lith an S.P.U. (Special Property Use) Permit, a p2rcel of land located at 1529 8th Street N.E. for the purpose of remodeling an existing single fa..~ily dwelling for a personal shop. (Application No. 18-73) ,The P1a.ïn.:.ng COIrJr/ission recommends approval of this request because it does conform [to the o:lerall Comprehensir7e Land Use Dei7elopment Plan for this area. This area is Ipresently zoned R-4, ¡.¡}1icb could be utilized for apartments; or t.brough an S.P.U. 'permit, r0r personal service shops or professional offices. Also it is located in Ian R-4 zo~ed area with a large number of apartment buildings, and is located on a [four l2..':.e street. The apprmral of this request is to be conditioned by the following Iprovisions and that these said provisions be included in the ordinance. (1) Any tOèltside L.ghting shall be directed in such a manner that it does not interfere ¡¡Ii th the adjoining property o'r1Ders, as well as from any public street or highway, (2) Adeq~ate off-street parking must be supplied according to City Code Section No. II.ló.160, and that the parking area must be paved with asphaltic concrete or ¡sinrlîar 5::.rfacing and shall have appropriate bumper guards Vlher-e needed, (3) That ¡only one sign shall be permitted not to exceed 6 square feet in area and containing Ithe n&~e ~ld occupation only. Said sign shall be attached to the building and not ibe ill1.L7d..~ated, (4) That no vrindmv displays pertaining to such occupation be ivisible rroD a public street, (5) That the landscaping of this property shall be lin accorã.2~:.ce wi th the Landscaping Ordinance of the City of Auburn, and (6) That the ¡plot pIeFS be submitted and approved by the Planning Department prior to the issuance ¡of a builiing permit and shall be attached to and become a part of the ordinance. I ¡It I , I vras =D~ea by Holman, seconded by Cavey, that the Public Hearing be closed. NOTION CAP..RIED I lIt was ~D~~d by Darling, seconded by Lea, that the request of R. F. Baker to rezone I Ifrom R-4 (Multiple F~:ú1y) to R-4 with an S.P.U. (Special Property Use) Permit be I :approved ~~d the Plalliling Co~mission reco~mendations be concurred with and the ¡City At~orney be instructed to àraw up the necessary ordinance. ¡ROLL CJè.LL VOTE: All Councilmen voting YES. MOTION CARRIED ~ayor Kersey declared Public Hearing open on the request of Mary Marty Ulrich and D. Alan =0nd to rezone fro~ Unclassified to M-l (Light Industrial), a p2rcel of ] and lo::::a ':ed north of 37th Street N. rv. adjacent to puget Pm'ler Light Company's t:ransmiss'::'on line right-or-;,·ay. (Application No. 19-73) The Pla::.-:.:"ng Commission recœn,'71ends approval of this request and asks that an agreeable raseme::~ ~e designated by the Planning Director at the time this request is presented t~o the Ci-:-,; Council. This request for Industrial Zoning does comply ~vith our Compre~""'e:-.si -,re Land Use Der7elopment Plan. The property to the vrest of this parcel r)f land :"5 presently zoned N-I, and to the east, lies the Puget Sound Power & Light Compw':.y ?/~ and the Ch~cago-~ilwaukee Railroad and provided that there is a granting -jf an 225e:::ent for t.r:e construction of the Netro Sanitary Se¡.rer System ¡.,hen said ,,'és-:er 5:;s-:e,'n is exten,ied from Kent south to Auburn. I Lyle Sc~~eider, Attorney representing Nary Marty Ulrich and D. Alan Bond, stated ~;";>t h- -",-,,,1,:1 be glad tn an~/er auestions if the,.....p are .:w~]. Fie ¡¡Iso l1'pnf:(nr¡ed th:-t: :-:._ èas--:=-=:::t u:c.~:tio..¡."1e¿ .:::. th9 PID.rJ....Y"J.inq Cvr:'~T..::..5sio.'1 rc,:vû:-.~~tìé!:_~1..:..,,~~ ;,:::''..Jl~ L-.- q.r:eea1.Jle to his clients. rt: ;,¡as ::::T7õ:d b'j Sonne:71ann, seconded by Darling, that the Publíc Hearing be closed. ---.-,--...-.-.-..-.. NOTION CARRIED I ~~ X) t- -;:> ~ :::;¡ I I AUBURN, WASHINGTON 21-1 MONDAY SEPTEMBER 17, 1973 It was moved by SonnemalL~, seconded by Lea, that the request or Mary Marty Ulrich anã D. Alan Bond to rezone from Unclassified to M-l (Light Industrial) be approved an~ the Planning Commission recor.~endations be concurred with and the City Attorney be instructed to draw up the necessary ordina.~ce. ROI:..L C1-1LL VOTE: Jill Councilmen voting YES. [lOTION CARP.IED l-}.:J ~!C~· i(~ --:::(~y5.eclared Publi c :I2a.r-i .!J.;' opel; o;-~ t. ~lt:: ;:'.J.7::-:IJ,à¡;,.cl': t tu Z~J;:;1 ng Ordi n.~7"1 .,.:: .7IIc" _~ 7C ~ Condi tional Use Permi ts. The proposed æì2endment to the Auburn Ci ty Code is as follo;.¡s: CH;"PTER II. 22.065 - CONDITION1J.L USE PERllfITS A. In all residential districts other than R-l district's conditional use permits may be granted ò~ the Board or Adjustsents for the rollowing uses, provided the uses are conãucted entirely within the dwelling or wit~~n an attached garage or accessory building. In an 2.-4 district the uses may be conducted in separate detached buildings, provided the other conditions are met. 1. Allowable Uses: a. Personal s9rvice shops b. Child care nurseries c. Music and dancing studios d. Craft classes 2. Requirements: a. That only one sign shall be perrnitted, said sign shall not exceed one square foot in area and containing the name and occupation only. Said sign shall be attached to the building and not lighted. b. That no displays pertaining to such occupation be visible from a public street. B. In considering applications for conditional uses, the Board shall consider the nature and condition of all adjacent uses and structures, and no such conditional uSe shall be authorized by G~e Board unless the Board finds that the authorizing of such conditional use will not be materially detrimental to the public welfare or injurious to property in the zone or vicinity in which the property is located, and that the authorization of such conditional uSe will be consistent with the spirit and purpose of this title. In authorizing a conditional use, the Board may impose such requirements and conditions with respect to location, installation, construction, maintenance and operation and extent of Open Spaces in addition to L~ose expressly set forth in this title as may be deemed necessary for the protection in the zone or vicinity and Ll-le public interest. The Planning Commission recoæmends approval of the amendment to Zoning Ordinance No. 1702. It was moved by Cavey, seconded by Sonnemann, that the Public Hearing be closed. MOTION CARRIED Councilman Gavey stated that to his knowledge this i tern has not gone before the Planning and Beautification Corrmittee and he feels it should be referred to that ComTIittee before action is taken. It was moved by Gavey, seconded by Darling, that the Amendment to. Zoning Ordinance No. 1702 be referred to the Planning and Beautification Com~ittee. f10TION CARRIED CORRESPO,'IDENCE The City Clerk Pro-tern, Gene Williams, read the Zone Change Application from Stanley W. Bever and William G. Springer, requesting change of zoning from Unclassiried to [1-2 or M-l, property located on Southeast corner of 37th Street N.W. and B Street N.W. (Application No. 20-73) It was moved by Sonnemann, seconded by Gavey, that the Zone Change Application of Stanley W. Bever and William G. Springer (Application No. 20-73) be referred to L~e Planning Com~ission for recommendations. NOTION CARRIED AUDIENCE PARTICIPATION Robert LeSchack, of 2901 Auburn Way South, voiced his opinion against Ordinance :'10. 2688 which would prohibi t outside audible intrusion alarms. ¡·Jr. LeSchack suggested that the Ordinance be æ~ended as follows: Section I, Page 1, should read "From and after the efrective date or this Ordinance there shall no longer bo.? allo;,.¡ed any outside audible intrusion alarm systems ¡.¡Ì thin the ci ty limi ts CJf_. the City of l,uburn except in privù.te residences or automobiles a.nd that -those ou~s¡de intrus.ion alarm s'jsterJs should be accepted ,Úth auto:r.atic Sh~ltof[s for 212 AUBURN, WASHINGTON MONDAY SEPTEMBER 17, 1973 "-~'--~....,_._._._, ".----."'"'..._-~.-,-'"""-.:.;,""..-~ _....._~ ,,_,"'~~' ~_._.'_L"__'_ Jess :::_~2_-= fi'P:.t"e rr.inutES.'t Mr. LeS-:::-2.-::k also vo'::~ed his opinion against OrdinaJ1ce No. 2753 ¡·¡hich pertains to bic;c'=~55 and ,.¡ouli en:::,ct a ne;., chapter to the codiried ordinances or the City 0.::' ..z;.u..ò:.:::-::. He state¿ =-~at t,:';'2 Police Department ,.¡ould be setting up a r..iniature Motor ',',:<= ~le Depar=--=sn": if 'G.i-;ey rollowed the regulations set fort,I] in Ordinance No. 2753 c.r:d he 3:':'~-;;e::;ts that =..':e Police Departr::ent invest in an electric engra~íing ¡-'e:! -':.daL :::"J__:- 2..'9 borro':"~=:;' ..=~,;-~¿ ..:J:.:':""::';""t: .rl.lO vlould l..L}..s t'1 2n(y.......,2:~l,,: ¡¡¿:_......'? EÎr';.o1. sé::'-Li.r::.......y n~~her, c: other iden=':fication mark on their bicycle. Dick B~:n5S, of Nigjt ~i Daq Security Systems, stated that their alarm systems :u:e the =-;~e that ¡ofÍ;:' :':.'.1to.7Stically shutorf arter four minutes and he feels that t:-~s ~articular =~~e of alarm should be included in Ordinance. No. 2688. RECOZ.l[~!EZ'lD4~TIOl.VS Tl~e rol:'c/.':'nc: i terns --- s:.:.b.idtted by the Director or Public Works, Pat Nevins, for Counci -= '='.; !;iroval : Pë.; :3:::;-::imate No. :; on St. Imp. 144, construction of "A" SL S.E. from 3rd to 6=~, =0 Burnh~~ CJnstruction Co. in the amount of $36,893.80. It was =o~eG by Darlir~, seconded by Sonnemann, that Pay Estimate No.3 to Burnham Constr~ct~on Company i:! the amount of $36,893.80 be approved for payment. ROLL C¡:'''::'!.. VOTE: All C::;u.tlcilmen voting YES. NOTION CARRIED Pa; 2::;timate No.7 -::m St. Imp. 135, Ph III, construction of Ellingson Road irr:pIcvements, to 3u.rn.h~"'7I Construction Co. in the amount of $IS,372.36. It was 307ed by Gavey, seconded by Shaughnessy, that Pau Estimate No.7 to Burnh~-= CCr>.struction C:J:::;P~lY in the amount of $15,372.36 be approved for payment. ROLL CA ~L VOTE: All CQ'.L7.cilmen vo ting YES. NOTION CARRIED Pë.":! 23"t:ímate No.1 to Doolittle Construction Co. for construction of St. Imp. 158, Vë.:i~U5 streets bi-::u~~nous surrace treatment, in the amount of $39,816.70. It ~.¡as ::-,o:-:d by Sonne::-¿r-""l, seconded by Lea, that Pay Estirr.ate No.1 to Doolittle I Constru.c-:"':'Jn Company i:: the amount of $39,816.70 be approved for payment. ROLL C¡:'''::;::' YOTE: AI:!.. C::J'-'.ncilmen voting YES. UOTION CA.:f:?RIED Au.~hcrity to call =or bids on Contract No. 73-29, Storm Sewer Imp. #l, storm se:.;-e:::' constructic."1 on lO,:t. Vie¡.¡ Dri ve (iilest Valley High,vay to approx. 400 ft. rvest). It ¡.¡as ::::c:-ed by SOT'....r.7.e;::a:n.n, seconded by Shaughnessy, that authorization be given to call for :;ids on Contr=-~t No. 73-29, Storm Serr¡er Imp. #1, storm sewer construction on Moun=~n View Drive. i ROLL C;'-L YGTE: All CJt:.':.cilrnen voting YES. 110TION CARRIED Au=h~rity to call for bids on Contract No. 73-13, St. Imp. 154, mini-mall cO.7.S=ruction on E ~- S.E. south of Nain St. It was .:::~:'e'2 ny Dar:!..i:::;, seconded by Sonnemann, that authorization be given to call for bids en Contract ~c. 73-23, 'St. Imp. 154, mini-mall construction on B Street S.E. south c:: ."3-i.r¡ Stree=. ROLL c.=.':":" '¡!]?£:: All. Cc:.:.ncil¡-:¡en voting YES. NOTION C.TJ.RRIED Ar.:.-::::.::i ty to a¿·,-=r=':'se for TV camera system ror se¡.¡er line inspection. It ;.¡as ::-.c:'e6 by Sh:;wCJ.:"_--:'?:ssq, seconded by Flcchsig, that authorization be given to adV'9rt':'55 for TV ca.:-:-:,?:::3- s'jstem for se¡.¡er line inspection. ROLL C;.:...:... -¡0~¡:;: All. C~:1::=iL::en voUng YES. NOTIO.'1 CARRIED The ro:":'c':.-ing item was sè2ÌJffiÍtted by the Director of Parks and Recreation, Len Chapman, Co:.:..-c::._ !:;p.r'..JVa.i: P?.·.; ~s=i;::ate No. _ to Richard c. y.lagner Inc. for Brannan Park DeT7elopment in t.---'2 3-_--:,ount of $2'5,361. 24. rt:. w'as ,:::c';-=:iby Darl:'n;, seconded by Lea, that Pay Estimate No.1 to Richard C. Piagner- :!'.7. i:-: ::::--''Ô' a::;ount o~ ~25,361.2Lj be approved for paym9nt. r c.~=_: {.'" -.. .A..Il :::;~::;::i.l ~~~~Jl ~/()t.ing YES... nOTTON Cl1RRTeD 1 I I -I I I ! I I I I ~ ~ I"- ""'""" .. c::, Co I I AUBURN, WASHINGTON 213 MONDAY SEPTEMBER 17, 1973 -..--,~-.---._._-~_. ",".,..";,-""",, _.=~.",.~¡.--.....~- .... ._- '..~ PROCL.iil1ATIONS, APPOINTN::::ITS ¡J.ND l'ilVNOUNCENENTS ~2jOr Kersey announced that t~e Library Board Meeting will be held on September 19, 197] at 7:]0 P.M. at the Auburn Public Libra:], instead of September 26, 1973. T:,9 Ya']or announced that under the Recom.--::enèation Section of this Council !1eeting the Council authorized a call for bids on the mini-mall construction on B S~reet S.E. ':--"·_::2 or ¡"'!a.ilL SL.::eet. T.J.1rouqh the courte.:.; :;,f 0:.r ì?1a.n1.1i.ng Departrre11C a[1rl t"_;_·. ~'lê¿S::;, of ;'leese Je¡o/elry, a scale model or the IT'..ini-nall is on d~splay at f'1eese Je:.¡elry. COUNCIL COZÐ!I'I'TEE REPORTS PU3LIC SAFETY COMMITTEE - CHAIRMkV CAVEY The Public Sarety Co~~ittee met at 7:30 P.~. on September 12, 197]. d;'scussed the proposed Bicycle Ordinance and the follo:ving ci tizens o~ the ordinance: Herb Sharrer, Steve Golgebuar, Edna Hodges, and 'Ihe Co::r.'TÚ ttee recommends passage of this or¿inance by the Council. The COITLûi ttee spoke in ravor Randy Yoakum. A discussion was held on ~he 911 emergency call system and the Com'TÚttee recolT'mends that the City accept the free 911 phone lines at this time but that the City would not contract for dispatching. After discussing information regarding extra phone lines for 911 to handle the dispatch~ng for Fire District No. 44 and No. 46 the CO!i1~~ittee concurred that the district involved should t%rk out their problems >-lith the county. The Co~ttee discussed the gambling laws at length and the COlT'_mittee instructed the City Attorney to draft an Ordinance. Said ordinance will be ·presented later in the Council Meeting. The Committee also instructed the City Attorney to contact the State Gambling Comuission, through the Attorney Cenerals Office, to obtain infor- mation regarding licenses issued in the City of Auburn. A request was made by Chief Calkins to attend the Western Fire Chief's Conference in Sparks, Nevada from November lIth to 15th. It was moved by Cavey, seconded by SonnemaTh~, that Chief Calkins be authorized to attend the Western Fire Chief's Conference in Sparks, Nevada, from November ll, 1973 to November 15, 1973. NOTION CARRIED Chier Calkins requested the Public Safety Co~ïrittee to obtain about $1800.00, to purchase opticom equipment for three (3) rire vehicles, from Federal Revenue Sharing Funds. Cr~ef Scyler also requested for transporting prisoners. request be approved. funds from revenue sharing to purchase a van type vehicle After discussion the Cow~ttee recommends that this The Committee also discussed the burglar alarm ordinance and requested that the ordinance be approved as amended. The Chief of Police presented a letter from a citizen, to the Committee, requesting that the ordinance be re-introduced. Councilman Darling asked if the requests fro~ Chief Scyler and Chief Calkins fQr monies from Federal Revenue Sharing were urgent. It was pointed out that money rrOD. the Federal Revenue Sharing Fund had already been appropriated through next June and that these requests should have been made earlier_ Mayor Kersey suggested that these requests be referred back to the Public Sarety Com~~ttee for rurther recommendations and then brought back to Council. Mr. Williams pointed out that funds allocated from Federal Revenue Sharing are not actually a220cated until the 1974 Budget is adopteà. Chier Seyler stated that Senate Bili :Zo. 29 r,Úll go into effect the first of the year and the bill states that dr;.;nken prisoners must have detoxification treatment. The requested van type vehicle ¡;·o:.:2d be used for transporting prisoners and consideration should be taken on th;'s request before the first or the year. Mayor Kersey suggested that Chief Scyler attend the next Public Sarety Co-:nmi ttee Neeting for further .information and recolT'mendation on his request. STP':;ZT coaMITTEE - CHAIRMI1Ji SONNENANN The Street Committee met at 7:30 P.M. on September 5, 1973. The Committee d2scussed ti-:.e request for a Bus Loading Zone at 516 4th Street N.E. in front of the Fon.,ard Thrust Pool. The Committee recommended appro'val of the request establishing such a loading zone with a sign reading SCHOOL BUS ZONE, 8:00 A.M. to 4:00 P.M., SCHOOL D.:'YS O:IL'1', along "Ii th and including the appropriate curb markings. The Commi ttee è.i::-ec:ts the starr to provide the necessary information to the City Attorney for o~~inance purposes. 214 MONDAY SEPTEMBER 17, 1973 AUBURN~_~ASHINGTON ~- The C02~ctee discussed th9 proposed LID on 16th Street S.E. (East of B Street S.E.) oE needed s=~eet i2p~07e~ents in the area. It was determined that B Street S.E. rrox 17t~ ~Qrtherly =0 13~~ or 12th be treated with a 2-lift bitlli~inous surface this yea~ ir it is nc= too late, wi~~ the understanding the contractor presently surfacing streets is ='lailable at tr~s time at prices already quoted. Approximately 65% of the p90ple li7~~q in the area are in favor of the LID. ':":' . T-'O:; ;r:."~/:=-r:. ~~. S~J.r -:.::.a.~~..." sec.:ondcJ b~~'P .c;._¡J.2¡/:;.:-·nr"':.-~;S~", tZ1dr: the prc:,,""'sed ~6th Street S.E. be appro 'led and L~e Engineering costs be included. r.....r, -,- .J ....../0... Councilm~" Cavey poi~=2d out that he is not opposed to the LID but he is opposed to the en7ineering CC5=S ~ein7 included. He stated that he feels charging the 9ngineerinq costs to ~e citizens on 16th Street S.E. is double taxing them. He pointed o~t that the ~it] Parks and some strget projects are paid out of the General F~~d. Coun~~1=2n Sh~ughnessy pointed out if approximately 65% of the peopl-2 Ii 'ling L: =-':e area are willing to pù.y for an LID, the Ci ty should not chanqs its pollc}. He stated that engineering costs for improvements on access st~eets that SE£79 2anY people are paid rrom the General Pund. HO;iever, the street in question is a dead end street and only the people living on the street use it. There:oreJ tn9 City should not pay ror engineering costs. Councilman Sonnemaru":. also stated that engineering costs paid on projects within the City are wsual1y paid only v~~9n the improvement can be used by a large number of citizens, not just a :ey. Ted FitzGerald, of 113 17th Street S.E., stated that he did sign a petition in ravor of ::.he LID. HO;"·2~J·er, arter talking wi th Councilman Gavey, he feels it ;vould be ¡,¡rong to pay for the engineering costs for this particular LID. Mayor Kersey asked Mr. FitzGerald to come in and talk to him about this matter. Counci1ma..~ Holman moved for the previous motion. ROLL CALL VOTE: Counc:ilwan Sonnemann, Shaughnessy, Darling, Holman, Flechsig and Lea voting YES. Councilm~, Cavey voting NO. MOTION CAF.RIED The Street Committee ¿Iso discussed the new City Bus Stops. The City Attorney is "Iorking on ·~l ordinance to be presented at the next Council Meeting. The Cor.u~~tee also st~died and discussed other items that are a matter of public record in the Street Co~ittee Minutes. The Street Committee will meet at 7:30 P.M. on September 19, 1973. UTILITY CO~MITTEE - C~~2R~Æv SHAUGHNESSY Chairm~~ Shaughnessy turned this over to the Vice-Chairman, Councilman Flechsig, who has been acting as Chair~an in his absence. The Utility Committee met on September 6, 1973, at 7:30 P.M. T:'e proposed LID for sanitary sewers on 8th Street N.E. from Auburn ¡-lay North to ":':." Street N.E. ¡'Ias discussed. The Committee had previously agreed to allocate the necessary funds to replace an undersized water line along 8th Street N.E. ass~~~~g the street will be improved and sanitary sewers installed. It is felt at this ti~ that a sanitary sewer L.I.D. is possible but would be turned dmm due to thE inclusion or a se¡"lage lift station. The Committee agreed to appropriate an amount ~ecessarY to pay for the lirt station assuming the people benefitinq from the inprove~ent will form an L.I.D. for the remainder of the seäer lir.es. The est:~ateà cost of the lirt station is $15,000. The Co~it~ee requests::' the Director of Public Works to have the Finance Department charge tr.e follmÚng =.':reE properties for sani tary se¡.¡ers on M S·treet S.E. because they are ei ther con.-:e::=eà to the sani tary se'rler line or fall >-li thin the ord.inance that beir.; äithin 200 feet of the line. The first location is 2407 M Street S.E., secönd is 1210 25th S=:eet 5.£., and the third location is 1203 28th Street S.E. The CO.7'~71i tr:2e revie:.¡e::' a ¡:;e;rorandum from George Schuler bring.ing to their attent.ion the interest by adja~ent property oäners for a L.I.D. for sanitary sewers on the East side of "I" Str9-'::= :¡. E. between 24th and 26th Streets LV.E. The principal problem lies in the fact that the west side of the street has previously been served ¡·;i th sani tary se¡'¡ers =_':rough their alley. Therefore, the full assessment would r,-.11 on 1-.~~er-:n_""eJ:r:.,"! ':)"Æners on t.t1.2 t.:'d.JI.- ·;idt-:: C;{" :~1i.2'~·t"r~~t. r¡',-i,8 re,;ju7t:s .in ¿:lte cost being approxima=el~ double what it normally would be. George Schuler requested the CO~7I.i tcee to givE co::siàeration to the possibility of rinancia1 participation in this unusual situa=i.on. Th2 ComnÜ.ttee requested of George Schuler additional information such as ,=.'=e nl.z2"Òer of property owners that ;'/ould be benefi ted by the .im!?ro·.le!12:1 t. ._~" ..-._...~.._..", . t i I I ! I I I I I I C\1 oc t-- ~ ~, c. I I 2"1'5"· AUBURN, WASHINGTON MONDAY SEPTEMBER 17, 1973 . - ---~_.-.._...__..-_. ._-~- _0_'__ ___.__"_____,. The Cor~ittee discussed the various possibilities and ramifications of establishing a policy whereby, if someone requests thaè garbage service stops, they not be billed a..Eter: requesting terminated service. ThE! CO::1..mi ttee agreed that the current· policy, as understood by the Com:ni ttee from Gene ;'li IIi ar..s , is that ir the ¡'later is turned off then garbage service charges also ter2i~ate, but if the water service remains on, charges ror garbage service also continues. ~.. -r- ~:t'·;v"_/.¡lS c':~~1é1..;"~~..2,:I tJ.~at a cu_.,....r~~J.t c~.-~i.¡!¿;.,_-.ce 0~ the Ci ty :;rovi r1_~- fCI ~ ~ ~-'.'~ comer agreement for sani tary se;vers but does not provide the same pri r7ilege ror water mains. The Co~~ttee requests that Jack Bereiter develop an ordinance to prov.ide for a ¡'Iater late comer agreement. l'his ordinance to be presei'!ted at the next council Meeting. The next Utility Co~~ittee Meeting will be Septe~~er 20, 1973. PU1NNING & BEAUTIFICJ:.TION COX¡'!ITTEE - CHiE?1·L4N DARLING l'i,e Planning & Beautirication Com,'Tlittee met at 7:30 P.N. on Septernber l.l, 1973. Chuck Smith presented a request to expend runds for the abatement of the dangerous building located at 3002 Auburn Way North in accordanC9 with the require:nent or Section 701 of the Unirorm Building Code. After reviewing the 3 quotes for demolition, the committee authorized the expenditure or $850.00 plus tax from the existing Planning Department Budget with transfers of unexpended funds within the budget to cover this amount to be made at the end of the year. Mr. Jim Patera, representing the citizens for Auburn Cycle Park, spoke to the Committee regarding the establishment of a cycle park in or near the City of Auburn. Mr. Patera informed the Com~ttee that a meeting will be held September 20, 1973 at 7:30 P.M. at Les Gove Park with Dave Mooney and other county representatives to outline the county's plans for ATV parks. The Committee instructed the Planning Department to have someone at L~is meeting and also to obtain from the State and County inrormation regarding allocation of the ATV Funds because the proposed cycle park will involve Land Use. The Committee reviewed and approved the preliminary design for the beautification project on the Old City Shop property at 6th and Auburn Way South. The design is a low profile, low maintenance type area with lighted welcome sign and flag pole. This location will be considered as a site for a lighted fountain because it is one of the major entrances into the City of Auburn. The staff is obtaining further information on this project. FINANCE CO~llIITTEE - CHAIW1AN HOLMAN The Finance Committee met at 7:30 P.M. on September 13,1973. Five members of the ne¡ý Ci ti zen's Advisory commi t tee were in attendance, one member was absen t, and the seventh member has indicated his inabili ty to serve on the Commi ttee. The Finance Commi ttee asked the six members to select a seventh member.· The members were also asked to select a chairman for the Citizen's Advisory Committee. The Committee has been requested to take an inventory or social needs request now on hand and also the overall needs or our community. The Com~ittee should report back to the Finance COIrJr/ittee within a 90 - 120 day period. The members of the Cowmittee are Jan Nydegger, Virgil Staiger, William Ray, Bill Murphy, Fred Sutton, and Narilyn Valentine. The recom~endations presented by Carey Donfiorth and Arnold Cibson, of C. C. Donworth and Associates, Inc., Management Consultants, were scrutinized very carerully. A~ter detailed discussion, it was recom~ended that the plan be accepted as presented and the Finance COIrJr/ittee set the guidelines for the labor consultant implementation. ;'.TRPORT CONaITTEE - CHAIPJ'1AN FLECHSIG The next Airport Com~ittee ~eeting is scheduled for Tuesday, October 2, 1973. Items for discussion will be: gasoline contract and cost of proposed additional hangars. OLD BUSINESS ORDINANCE NO. 2688 It ¡vas moved by Gavey, seconded by Holman, that Ordinance NO. 2688 entitled "AN .---'PTì_rr~-;;i.'.,~(~E V~-. -,,::-::. ~-L'~1" .J~hL"'~-.J·:~:r ¥ ~~ASI:rJ,vcrr:c:;, -::'_r::¿OliIBIT!:,lG OUTSID.r:: AUDI'JT.E T!JTRU3I~~"' '" ALARMS; GIVING THE AUBURN POLICE DEPARTNEllT THE DISCRETION TO ALLO;'1 INST.?iLLATION IN THE AUBURU POLICE DEPARTMENT OF INTRUSION ALfiYNS THAT ARE COMPATIBLE ¡¡lITH SUCH EQUIPNENT NŒ1 INSTALLED IN TilE AUBURN POLICE DEPARTNENT; PROHIBITING ANY AUTOMATIC TEL2PHONE DIliLINC TO AUBURN POLICE D2PJ1.RT;·!ENT ALARM SYSTEMS OR Sf'lITCHBOARDS; C.RANTINC TilE AUBURN POLICE DEPARTMENT THE DISCRETIO:'l TO LEVY A MINIMUM CHARGE OF $10.00 FOR E:"CH FALSE INTRUSION ALARM RECEIVED BY THE AUBURN POLICE DEPi1RTMENT; l'-L'lD RESERVING --- ----~ -.-- 216 AUBURN, WASHINGTON MONDAY . -"'_~.......<:-._.,.;.,-.....":..,~~,..----~~,.----_.- _ ._______........."....'4·.__.."." SEPTEMBER l7, 1973 __...,'~__._~"._.~""....................;,..,__,_d_-'._~ TO TIiE; ;:''..-5:JP.21 POLIC::: :';Z?L-:y"rn·12NT THE P..IGilT TO HAVE ANY INTRUSION ALAR:1S SYSTEMS r:STALL:.:::J -::HROUGH 'T'é= Z--':J3UP..:.'1 POLICE DEPARTNENT S'ílITCHBOARD RE¡\10VED FOR NON-PAYMENT Of' THE F.~'E: ALAR"! C=:;::C;:;:, OR FOR EXCESSIVE NUNBER OF FALSE .l"L..Z1.P..!·IS." be adopted 25 amende'¿:. Council2~~ Shaugr~e5si asked Chief Scyler to make com~ents on this ordinance. T2e Chiez of police, =- L. Scyler, stated that the Auburn Police Department takes ,: ...._v:Jsi~,--.:: a":;·J.inst o?...:=-.:;.i.èe iit.:òiblp 3Lar¡;¡S ..Ç0Z- t"eíTe':-':~": rCc.lSG~i.:;; (1) Anyti:r1e a.n outside a~ar,-:¡ is ac=i".-e::2~, it infringes on the rights of everyone living in the area. Sc=etimes té9=-':i3.:::::-~ ring ror several hours berore th9Y can be shutoff. T."':.e Po2ic2 D-2partme::= -:;:;95 not ha',¿e keys to shutoff the alarms and if the owner is not avaii~le they c;¿;: ring indefinitely. (2) The Police Department has no control on the q~=lity of a~e== ~9i::g used (home made, ractory made, etc.). (3) Records .iT2dicate ::..~at 98% of -:-:-e 212~ms activated last year t,¡ere false alarms. This typ~ of alan" is expens:" -..-= =-.:-::: è.=-.::.gerous. Ir an orficer answers to many calls at the 52ne lc:::a::ion and r:c=:-":':::q is ;·¡ronq, then he can become careless because he does not exp~c~ anythinq =~ ~=~pe~_ ~ I Chief Sc~~=r also s=a==i=~at he has been on the Police Force for bventy-one years and he dc~s not knc~ ::f 2n~one being caught in or around a home or building after an outside audible ¿ù=.r=: :"s set orf. Councilman Shaughnessy asked Chief Scyler v¡hat his posi~con would ~e :"n regard to outside audible alarms with mechanical devices that wouli shutoff a~~=atic21Iy arter a short period of time. The Chief stated that he ~euld take ~~e S~Te position because outside alarms only scare off burglars. Council:::l2.I3 Flechsig r=lated that bra years ago, his home t·ras broken into four times. He put in an outside 2JJë..ible alarm that rings four minutes on then four minutes off for four ::ours. He s~t:ed t.hat even ¡dth the älarm, no one was ever apprehended or caught aJ1d he vloul:: çer::ainly vote in favor of a silent alarm system. The City }:.ttorney as."-ed Cbier Scyler to give some kind of cost. figure involved to those ~~o would ha7e a system through the Auburn Police Department. Chief Seyler said it weuld cost abcut. $13 per month. Council~~, Sonnemar~. as~ed Cr~ef Scyler what his position was in regard to outside audible a~arms for ca:s. The Chief stated that he once again would maintain the position as stated previously. Dick Crane, of Night ¿nd Day Security Systems, stated that many people whom he has been in contact vIi ~~ ia not ;,.rant to come face to face with a burglar and they ~vould rather 1'w.-..-e an alar:::! .::~ste;:n that r,.¡ould scare off the vrould be burglar. Chief Scyler stated that Mr. Crane's statement is true; however, if these burglars are not. apprehended they ca.':. ~eep going out and breaking into more and more homes. I Ed Hender50n, of the J.u.::::.1rn Fire Department, stated that outside audible alarms are a nuisance and from ~rsonal experience he does not feel they should be allowed. He relat~ one place of business within the City has had numerous false alarms that ha'7e rung for as =:.:ch as four hours and his O,./n daughter is extremely frightened of those alarms. -, After Íur::her discussio:. b"j Council, Mayor Kersey called for t.he previous motion. ROLL C."'-LL VOTE: All. Council.men voting YES. MOTION CARRIED ORDINMvCE NO. 2753 It was :-;:C-,'9C: by Ga-,'=~, seconded by Sonnemann, that Ord.Ínance No. 2753 enti tIed" AN ORDINA:';CZ. OF THE cr::"'.:.·:::: l-J...'2URN, ~'¡ß.SHINGTON, REPEALINC CHAPTER 5.08 OF THE CODIFIED ORDIN_"!,,_';C~5 OF THE CI~~' :::: ;:',~·3U?~V, r;/¡..sHINGTON, PERTAINING TO BICYCLES AND ENACTINC A NEW C~~:T~R 5.08 C~ ~~~ CODIFIED OP~INANCES OF THE CITY OF AUBURN PERTAININC TO BICYCLZS, I:; REGUL.?·_::::::; ;'_.';D REGISTRATION AND CONTROL THEREOF AND SETTn'lC FORTH P;:;NAL'i';:~S ::OR VIOL::"'~_--: ::;5 o¡- SAID ORDINANCE." be adopted as amended. Severa:' q:';:;5 tions ;·;ers- askeG of Chief Seyler in regard to reg-istration and control 0= bicjc;:'~s. Chief 5~;~er pointed out that the main reason for this ordinance is to ::rj ~nd get 75; =~ BO~ or all bicycles within the City licensed. Now that rr:o.::-e peo,;-:'e are riè..:.__;;- .:':;i c~cles, more and more are being stolen or lost and ;.¡Íthout ë: ;¡ood SYSt9= éJf registration many bikes cannot be returned to the owners. After dis~ussion rrc= Cc~ncil, Councilman Holman called for the previous motion. I ROLL c.::'.L:" 'IOTE: All. C:~:L:.ci L-nen T70ting YES. MO'l'.lON CARIÜBD - ....._--_.~-.._-._--. I C'-ì OC (--- 1- .. ~ :--. - '- I I AUBURN, WASHINGTON 1973217 MONDAY SEPTEMBER 17, "..ù__._·,....~"_~·_ ,_,_.,._.._.~_.,.>,. "-'-- ORDI:íiJ.NCES iJ..ND RESOLUTIONS ORDINJ'.2ICE :;0. 2755 It ;·¡as r::.O'.Ted by Holman, seconded by Lea, that Ordinance No. 2755 entitled "AN o_a.;X::¡¡L'.'CE OF' THE CITY OF AUBURN, ~'li!,SHItlG'ION, :4PPROVING AND CONFIR:."!ING THE ASSESSNENTS l'-,-'ID _:;'SSESSNENT ROLL OF LOCAL INPROVENENT DISTRICT NO. 274, ~'1HICH DISTRICT HAS BEEN C·E?~..:":;:5D "4//!) FSTABLISliED FO.Zi. THE CO;',7.5T?UCTT"Jl"! I.-:"',rn I..'!S'I:..:!iLLAT".':Ott? C!? ý/ATER !-lAI:,¡S ItI .z..Ci..:(;.?D_;;~:CE fiITf:I 'in£:., CITY OF AUBUP.N COMPREHENSIVE f'lATER PLlJ.J.'I, TO INCLUDE FIRE HYDRA:ITS ¡'~'.-D .'iECESSlU>.Y APPUP..IEL'llJ..NCES ON 112TH AVEUUE SE FR0l1 SE 298TH STREET TO Sf: 304TH ST..~EET; SE 304TH ST..':EET FRON l12TH AVENUE SE TO A POINT 465 FEET ';.TEST; AnD ON A ;i7~z..::~?IJI!'¡E EASEl1E~lT R[}L-li.VItlG 'LlORTH AiVD SOUTH THROüGH THE CEIlTEP. OF Tl{E PI 1/2 OF THE E 1/2 OF THE srv 1/4 OF THE SE 1/4 OF SEC 5-21-5, OUTSTDE THE CORPOE!1TE LIHI'l'S OF THE CI'I".::-; AS PROVIDED BY ORDINANCE NO. 2613 OF T.'œ CITY OF AUBURN, AND LEVYING AND J'.SSESSI:IG THE AMOU,VT THEREOF AGAINST THE S::;7/EPJiL LOTS, TR!-ìC'TS, PARCELS OF LAND A.VD OI'.:T2R PROPERTY UPON SAID ROLL." be introduced and adopted. ROLJ:. CIiLL VOTE: JUl Councilmen voting YES, l-:OTION CARRIED ORDINANCE NO, 2756 It ;ÿas moved by Shaughnessy, seconded by Sonnemann, that Ordinance No. 2756 entitled "AS OP.DINANCE OF THE CITY OF AUBURN, r'¡ASHnIGTON, APPROVINC AND CONFIRNINC THE ASSESSMENTS AND ;'SSESSNENT ROLL OF WCAL IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT NO. 276, r¡lHICfI DISTRICT HAS BEEN CP.EI,TED AND ESTABLISHED FOR THE CONSTRUCTION AND INSTALLATION OF r'¡llTER !1AINS, FIRE HYDR.::"':'VTS AND APPURTENANCES, IN SE 304TH FROM A POINT 465 FT. ~'¡EST OF 112TH AVENUE SE TO ITS INTERSECTION í'lITH THE HAZELr'iOOD SCHOOL ROAD, APPROXIMATELY I, 350 FEET FYESTEP..LY, OUTSIDE THE COP-PORATE LIMITS OF THE CITY; AS PROVIDED BY ORDINÆVCE 2700 OF THE CITY OF AUBURN, AND LEVYING AND ASSESSINC THE AMOUNT THEREOF ACAINST THE SEVERAL WTS, TRACTS, PARCELS OF LAND AND OTHER PROPERTY UPON SAID ROLL," be introduced êU1d adopted. ROLL CALL VOTE: All Councilmen voting YES. MOTIo¡ir CARRIED ORDINANCE NO. 2757 It ,,'as moved by Cavey, seconded by Son.r¡emar>.11, that Ordinance No. 2757 enti tIed "AN ORDL'ikVCE OF THE CITY OF AUBURN, VlASHINGTO.v, RELATINC TO GAMBLING, LEVYINC A TAX , PRO-r¿'IDINC PENALTIES AND REPEALING ANY EXISTING AUBURN CITY ORDINANCES IN CONFLICT HEP..£;·7ITil." be introduced and adopted. Discussion and questions by Council followed and the City Attorney explained that he had recently attended a meeting in regard to gambling and this ordinance will be used until an amendment is needed or interpretation of the State Cambling Co~~~ssion is changed. ROLL CALL VOTE: Councilman Gavey, Sonnemann,Darling, Holman, Flechsig and Lea voting YES. Councilman Shaughnessy voting NO. NOTION CARRIED MISCELLANEOUS BUSINESS Coun~ilman Cavey brought up the topic of 911 Emergency Dispatch System andreco~~ends that the City reluctantly accept the free 911 phone lines at this time but not contract for dispatching. Mayor Kersey stated that he received a letter regarding the 912 System and the City ¡yould receive one phone line at the Fire Station and two phone lines in the Auburn Police Department, It was explained that when a call is dia~ed on 911, the call goes to the central dispatch system in Seattle and then it .is relayed back to Auburn. Chie~ Scyler stated that he does not like the 911 concept because if 911 is dialed in a" emergency situation and the lines are tied up, time is lost and the call I.1:J.y not -:;0 through, He feels the present system or dialing the Police Department ..¡hen help is needed is quicker and 90% or the time an officer can be at the location where the call was made within three minutes. Councilman Lea asked what prompted the Public Safety Committee to go to the 911 System. COI.;.'1cilman Cavey stated that 9LL is becomin<'7 a nationwide system and it is simpler L'u",- peo~le LO l."t::member that number in an e.-neryency than l:0 L em:=mÌJe:r 1?arti..;u2u..J.. phone nU"~9rs. Councilman Lea stated that he has talked to people who already have the 911 System and they do not feel it is as great as they thought it: ,.¡ould be. He also mentior.ed that as an employee of the phone company he could foresee many problems with the 91l system. For example, if lines were to break or be shorted out, calls ;·¡o'jld not go through in an emergency. lIe also pointed out that if an operator ·is--' d:'sp.'!.tch':né] the call back to AdiYlrn fro.'T/ Seattle, it is very eaSl! to transpose numbers. 21 B AUBURN, WASHINGTON MONDAY SEPTEMBER l7, 1973 --,.....~,-,.._...' ''¿'-"''''''-'~''.,", ~""......~-;: -.-.-.--- -- ~..~-",-",",,,,,,,"-,,.-,,,,..-,,,,,--------'- ---." _.................'--~ . - ----" _._-_.-......~._"..""~,'"'~."...~~.". - ._~.-.,. " CO[:'1C2.1.:-:2-': Lea askeè. G-'3.79';! if it :.¡ou1d be possible to get out or the system if it is not s~~;sractory. Co~':.cilm~~ Gavey stated that the three lines the City would receiv-e 2:-:e rree or c~~:;= but it ~y-ould cost $130 for each additional line connected to ..Zlub~::.. Chief Sc,::-ler stated ---- :2= has talked to the Chief of Police in Renton 2nd Chief Darby :-:~lated =~ him that /=~ of G~e emergency calls received in Renton coæe thro~gh their ""¿t'.' U 7 ~: ':'~='3 te;.t:. a.nd ''J:-: -: ~~ 2 5~'" :....c:r:::; ,J. ÍJ. ~r)pq,;.0.....~ t.L"'--:.:. a 1 -I ':::::"''"13 t:em.. Council~~~ Shaughn=ss~ st2ted that in light of what Chief Seyler and Councilman Lea ha'/e s2ièi, he reels ;.,-= s_'":.o'lld sign nQ;ÿ for the three lines and then do ¡'1hatever is necessary to get c=:: if the system is not satisfactory. Council~2.:: Sonnema.r,:: s===ed that he reels this is the "coming thing" and in an e:r:ergency i r. s...,J.¡,OL:::'¿ :;s T£2t;C...fJ. e~3': =r for ci tizens to re¡nember to dial 911 than a seven àigit . . pnone n:l::..:er. It was ::-D','?c! by Ca'/'2:;, se-::onded by Sonnemann, that 1.Jayor Kersey be instructed to ~.¡ri te a lstter to t_"'19:::;:.:n::y expressing th.at the Ci ty of Auburn ,.;ill accept the rree 912 line in Au~:.:~. 1-10TION CARRIED Co!..!ncil=:a..:. Holman st:a::eë t..;".at ¡'lith the information presented, he does not feel the City 25 ready to ~~~a a decision on the 9ll System at this time. It çÿas r::o:'ed by Holza.;::, seconded by Shaughnessy, that the 911 Dispatch System be tabled fo~ further info~ation and study. NOTION CARRIED Councilwa.~ Darling as~=d Mayor Kersey when the Preliminary Budget would be present~d to the CO!2ncil. The lS":iQr stated that it ¡'10uld probably be ready in about three weeks ~'1à be presené9¿ to the Finance COlT'Jr/ittee. Councilman Darling stated that he was co==erned witH ~~e .~rport Budget for 1974 and he feels this should be resolved ;;-efore the pr:liIi1i.nary Budget is presented. CounciliI1a.z: Lea stated ::hat he has not heard ány discussiont.onight in regard to the elect20n tommorro~ ~;d he would like ~o encourage everyone to vote. Mayor K-ersey stated tr~t the election has been covered very well by and he pointed out tha= after 8:00 P.M. tommorrow eveniFg, the votes in Ci ty H::.ll as they c'.J=e in and the election count will be known as after t~a= time. the net-1S media will be tabulated soon as possible There bei=g no further b~siness to come before the Council, Mayor Kersey adjourned the meeti=g at 10:27 F.~. APPROVED THIS 18TH DAY OF SEPTEMBER, 1973. C7 \_~¿¿Á-- ? --7 yf.¥Ø ~ . ^:/:L--t::? / CITY CLK . ¡ ( I ¡ I