HomeMy WebLinkAbout10-01-1973 I C'). oc' ¡-.... I~ ç:. C: I I .t1U_~ C"l?~'l ~ ~'·-_::"'S~::: I;."} G TO..'l 19~19 l!OND.4Y OCTOBER l~ '.the [e;;::':"2::: meeting oz Dle Auburn City Council convened at 8:00 P.H. ~ in the Auburn City Co::.~~~l Chambers. ROLL CI'iLL Cou.ncil::2:: ?resent: Cou.ncilman (;avey~ SO!!r:.eD2nn~ Shaughnessy~ Darling~ Holman~ ?lec~sig~ and Lea. IIPPROV.?Œ OF ,'.[I!ìüTES It was ,':--::'T3!i by HoL::!2::~ seconded by Lea, that the Council Ninutes of September 17, 1973 be ¿cc::oved as :=ailed. MOTION CARRIED CORRESPON DE:'iCE The City :~erk Pro-te=~ Gene Williams, read a letter from George A. Schuler, Planning Directo::, ::sgarding t~e segregation of Assessment No. 10, LID No. 276~ Total Assessment $2,081.25; .::',ssessme:¡!: ,'10. 10 - $810.00, and Assessment No. 10 A - $1,271.25. It was :::c-,'ed by SOrl..:.e::ann, seconded by Lea, that the segrega tion of Assessment No. 10, LID No. 275~ be appro~ed as follows: Assessment No. 10 to Ellen and Floyd Rice of Shelton for $810.00 (l80 fro71t feet ¡vater @ $4.50) and Assessment No. 10 A to Ellen an¿ :loyd Rice of Shelton for $1,271.25 (282.5 front feet ¡vater @ $4.50). ROLL CALL VOTE: All Councilmen voting YES. NOTION CARRIED Mr. willi¿~$ read ~~e Zone Change Application from Coast Mortgage Company, requesting change of zoning from R-2 to R-3, property located on entire plat of Great Western adjoining J and K Streets H.E., situated beb¡een 26..th and 28th Streets N.E. (Applicaf-" on No. 21-73) It w'as rno'.'e¿ by SOIL'1e::azm, seconded by of Coast: Hortgage Com.:;;any (Application Com7Ússic:- 50r reco~TLendations. Shaughnessy, that éhe Zone Change Application No. 21-73) be referred to the Planning MOTION CARRIED AUDIENCE PARTICIPATION David ~o=;~", of David Uorgan Realtor, stated he is the broker for property located on the S.~. corner of Auburn Way South and Do~food Street. Mr. G. L. Honeysett, th~ new owne= of the property~ has some new tenants and a time schedule to meet and Mr. Morga:- asked G~at the Council consider Mr. Honeysett's request for building permits t~s evening so the PlaIL'1ing Commission can act on the request at their meeting t~sorrow and the Planning and Beautification Committee can act on the request the folla~ing week. Mr. Honeysett made his request to the Council in regard to the above mentioned building :;;e=~dts and he presented the plans to the Council. Councilman Darling stated t:.:::::t the previously passed ordinance had stated that the Planning and Beautifi- cation Cc:='.Ìttée vfould look at such request; however, ¡-¡e nor,.¡have a new landscaping ordina~ce that sets standards and the area involved with Mr. Honeysett's request already ~¿ets or exceeds those standards. Therefore, it would not be necessary for hio ::::;; go before :::.'1e Planning and Beautification Committee ¡.,rith his request. George Sc~~2er, Plann~ng Director, stated that the previous agreement made when the propert::" ;''':'i5 zoned c-:.. sta ted tha t the property shall be 1 imi ted to medi calor prOress~c.:::3.2 orfices G.9aling ¡vi th services; that prior to the issuance of a building. permit c= ~::y develo:;;:::ent occurring on said property of a co~~ercial nature, the owner would S~~::2t plans to ?lanning Commission and City Council; that prior to the issuance of a b:1i:'i..:::g pe:r:mit::::e plans ¡.¡auld be submitted to the Planning and Beautific~1tion Comrni tte:.::; 2.'1d that t::9 o;·¡ner, his successors and subsequent o;.¡ners should fo1lo;..,r these s~=~ial conditi::;;ns. Hr. Schuler pointed out that he had asked Mr. Honeysett to C0:::79 ::'=::ore the Ci =] Council tonight because he reels this request should go to the Pla.:-_-:i::;; Comrniss~c;n tomorro;'¡ evening. Arter a ¿s::ailed disc~ssion by the Council it was determined that Mr. Honeysett !"eet."" a12 ::h~ Lequix:e,':-ents or che pEeT/IOllS è::!.<JreemellL dnd '-11c= .....1 cy ~ÁLi..ùLllefl' Juhn Eë£e..i. ter:, stated t'::¿:: if the Co:mcil ¡·fished to approve the request ror building permi ts (subjecc ::0 the approval or the Planning co,rcmission tomorrow evening), the Council could ~~~e such moti0~ at this time. It was ::ç';ed by Hol;:;:a.::~ seconded by Darling~ that the request of Hr. Honeysett for buildir:? ':;;2::¡,:its for property located on the S.E. corner of Auburn Nay Seuth and [jrYJ>lCJo¿ S=::e~t be élJ;:;=O'/ed subject to approval of the Planni.ng Commission. nOTION CAéUUFW 220 AUBURN, WASHINGTON MONDAY OC'l'OBER 1, 1973 --_._........_.".~."- ~'..,.~,'""'"""-,.--..~....,~._~---'..~- ._-~--~^,.......-.,.--.,,- ~.,...,,~--~... "'''."-.__..~ RECONNENDATIONS Tile following i teillS ¡.,rere subrui tted by the Director of Public Ç'¡orks, Pat Nevins, for Council Approval: Creation of L.I.D. 280, sanitary sewer, side sewer and necessary appurtenances I 0:1 the East side of "I" St. N.E. between 24th and 26th Sts. U.E. Esti7iated c......''j~... -::;f ~r~"")TO:T9"1Cnts is $6,6~.:~_?(). ;:;.7°~ ~.:-- 1'")-:-,,1 2=:a C1.:¡,c' 77.2~: of L.c~al front footaqe property owners signed the petition. rt was soved by Shaughnessy, seconded by Son'1emannl that L.I.D. 280 be created and the Cit~ Attorney be directed to prepare the necessary ordinance to accomplish same. _~OLL Ci'.LL VOTE: All Councilmen voting YES. 110TION C¡'-RRIED Authority to call for bids on L.I.D. 280, sanitary set-¡er on "I" St. H.E. beÖ.,reen 24th and 26th N.E. It ¡,¡as saved b:J Shaughnessy, seconded by Holman, that authori ty be given to call for bids on L.I.D. 280. ROLL CALL VOTE: All Councilmen voting YES. NOTION ClJ.P..RIED Perw~ssion for Bob Kinderknecht, Sewer Division Foreman, to attend the P.N.P.C.A. 40th Annual Meeting in Vancouver, B.C. October 10, 11 and 12th. It was moved by Shaughnessy, seconded by Holman, that permission be granted for Bob Kinderknecht to attend P.N.P.C.A. 40th Annual Meeting in Vancouver, B.C. October 10, 11 and 12th. MOTION CARRIED Change Order No. 2 to Puget Electric Co. on Contract 72-32, telemetering, changing contract completion date to October 25, 1973, due to delay in shipw~nt from £~ctory of necessary equipment. It was moved by Gavey, seconded by Shaughnessy, that the adoption of Change Order [;0. 2 to puget Electric Company, changing the contract completion date to October 25, 1973 on Contract 72-32, be approved. ROLL CALL VOTE: All Councilmen voting YES. MOTION CARRIED PROCLA11ATIONS, APPOINTMENTS AND ANNOUNCEMENTS Nayor Kersey announced that this is the General Election held November 6, 1973. ~ill be open until 8:00 P.M. on Friday, on Saturday, October 6. last week for voter registration for the The registration desk at the City of Auburn October 5 and from 9:00 A.M. to 1:00 P.M. The Mayor also announced that on Saturday, October 6, 1973 at 1:00 P.M. the park located On 21st Street S.E. and Hemlock will be dedicated "Jim Shaugrlnessy Park." ,';Jayor Kersey also proclaimed the week of October 6th through October 12,1973, as "Jim Shaughnessy vleek" in the Ci ty of Auburn and he urges all Auburn ci ti Zens to join in honoring Jim Shaughnessy for his dedicated public service to the citizens of the City of Auburn. COüNCIL COMMITTEE REPORTS ?0B[IC SAFETY COMMITTEE - CHAIRMAN CAVEY ~ouncil~an Gavey stated that the Law Enforcement and Fire Fighters Board met on Septe~~er 24, 1973 and discussed business related to the L.E.F.F. Board retirement a~d medical programs. Council~dn Cavey also mentioned a request made by the Chief of Police in regard ~o an officer attending a conference. It was moved by Cavey~ seconded by Sonnemann, that one Auburn Police Officer be ~~:7,-~~ . :-..:.:_.--.:....Þs.;c:. to _tt::·nd tl22 f{sstern S":ate.3 C.-~ix::: a.nd :J:;;r:¡Jc:...:.J C.......J.J,~c.:.L21>,_~C 0rl October 5th and 6th. NOTION CARRIED. .- -.. ne~c Public Safety Committee Meeting will be October 10, 1973 at 7:30 P.M. at Auburn Fire Station. . - -. -~~,._---~._.. ." ~ II ! t II I I I I I C\ì QC t'-- -- " ¡:::. c. I I AUBURN, WASHINGTON 221 MONDAY OCTOBER 1, 1973 S :::-?_= ET CC::.'.JETTEE - Cal-..I?::·!..'l:¡ SO.'lNEHAllN Th2 Street Co~ûmÍtteB rEt on Septe4TIber 19, 1973 at 7:30 P.M. The ComwJttee discussed t~e Drai~~qe Plan for thehuburn Academy Area. Sleavin & Kors, Professional Engineers retairoei ~y the Acadecy, reco~T.e~d the Acadesy bear 60% of the cost and the City of ?u~urn t~e remaining 40%. The portion that would involve the City of Auburn would be t"::.:: !:!:1.~.:l.=ra¡13~ission line for stC':"'"ia ~vateL fro.. t.:."'-19 Ac:a.ë.e!ì7.t¡ a~ea. to t:llE~ Greer... Ri \./"-:;I.. :..~:,o=: Co::-.:::.::: tee L~eviewed. the pro:?osal and reco2:¡'<.-....2ds . L'1e City parti.cipate in tj()% of the cost~ root to exceed a participation ir:. the amount of $]0,000. Councilman SOlli~em~~~ seated b~at the AC2de~j has not necessarily agreed to this; however, the Street Co::-~ittee does go on record as agreeing to participate as indicated above. ']'::2 Com:;-:':ttee revie;v·eê. t.':e channelization of traffic at the intersection of ."4uburn AT7enue a~:i 1st S=reet !l..E.. 'I_~e cha.:J.i.!elization t"ould require the z."emoval of par..<.ing 011 t.lle SO:1th. sics of 1st Street zt.E. from Auburn Jivemle to Division Street. Due to the m.L-::::;er of parking staiis that :'lOuld be lost in the Central Business District, the Cc::-mittee requests the staff hold the proposal for further consideration at some fu=ure ti:::e ~~~en the need of additional channelization is more apparent. The Co!£~~ttee directs the staff to contact George Schuler and direct him to proceed ¡-lith cont~cting the pro,oerty o;-mers on 28th Street S.E. - flest of "M", 30th Street S.E. anà 31st Sereet S.E. - between M Street and R Street - relative to an L.I.D. for the proposed street lighting installatión by Puget Power. Councilman Sonnemann stated that this would not be done i~mediately. It was the recom~endation of the Committee that the staff review the arterial lighting 2...'7.d areas where lighting is above average; and bring back to the Com.-ni ttee a recor.me~dation as to what lights could be taken out of service to conserve energy. Councilm2..." Sonnemann emphasized that consideration would be given in relation to adverse effects on crime or accidents. Sonnemann also pointed out that if energy is not co~served now, it ~ßY be necessary to black-out entire sections of town for several hours at a tir.E this winter. The Co~~ttee recommends to the Planning 2...'1d Beautification Committee that the rest benches to be installed in the Mini Mall area conform in design to the rest benches ap~roved ~~ the Street COill8ittee. Cnairm~~ Sonnemann announced that it shall become the policy of the Street and Engineerin Co~ttee that the color for curbing within a loading zone shall be ¡.,rhite and all prohibitive parking~ including prohibited parking for reasons of sight distance or traffic movement along with emergency entrances, shall be yellow. The Metropolitan Bus Compa:.y has suggested alternating yellow and red curbing markings for those bus stops established for the Metro System. The Committee suggests the Engineering Di T/ision ;.rork vIi th the Netro people and conform ",Ii th the balance or the bus company's system as to marking of bus stops toward uniformity throughout the system; The Committee instructs the Street Division to install a guard rail ..lith a movable section o~ 24th Street N.E. from I Street to K Street. This is being done to indicate a dead end street, but access will be possible to anyone having reason to use the road. The Cor.,-rni t tee discussed the Terminal Park School Bus Loa.ding Zone and requests the loading zone be marked with the appropriate signing. An ordinance will be presented later this evening. Fo:: infor::--ation - EllL--:gson _r:¡oad betvleen A Street S.E. and C Street S.fv. ¡.,riLl be closed fa:: approximately 3 weeks, beginning about October 15, 1973. The next 5treet Com.i!ittee ;'Jeeting ¡.,rill be at 7:30 P.M. on ¡'lednesday, October 3, 1973. ü'i ILITY Cc;:!XITTEE - Cr..:'IF~;'-fA:l SHiWGHNESSY The Util~=! Com~ittee ~et at 7:30 P.M. on September 20~ 1973. The Utility Coœmittee discussed and approved a request for underground de2ay for Hoyt Auto Rebuild with the stipulation that the owner signs the customary agreement to participate in a ~uture ~ID for under']round po;ver. The regu2s t from Larr'.j ?:osko, of 2406 A Street S. E., for an underground delay ,.,ras also appro"i-ed subject to an agreement that he ¡.,rill participate in a future LID for !In:1~r'JrOtlrld p0tÝer. T::e prop0seâ se¡.,rer LID on I Street If. E _ ¡vas discussed and the CorrL.'Tti ttee proposed tha t the proper=y owners pay $12.]] per front root for the installation of a sanitary sewer w~t~ the City participating in the balance of the cost ($7.00 per front foot). O:::.,'":er ite,--:'s discussed at the ütil.ity COiT'u71ittee Heeting are a matter of Public Record. 2 2 2 AUBURN, WASHINGTON MONDAY OCTOBER 1, 1973 _'h_""·~·'''_''''''~_'___.._.. .~....,--~,-_._---,-.._"'-,.............~~"-_...__.. _·,-,·,..··_·..''''''..·.-..·..·_~·,·''"'"·,--~:;·:,:..,''^-...'.:'~,,A'-'~.~....--..:.'.__..'^~>........ I)LlL',':'¡'T::::; & BEf1UTIFICATION CO:·I,'·lITTEE - CHAIRNll:¡ DA.T?LING ----..--.--. 'The w::!xt Planning and Beautification Commi ttee Heet.ing will be at 7:30 P .11. on O~tobe= 9, 1973 in the Coffee Room at City Hall. FINANCE CONNITTEE - CH1URl·fAN HOµ"1AN Th'J riT',-:"c:::-s :::"?r..raittee ¡,,:?t at: 7:30 p.M. on C;eptprabe:: 27, 1973. l!.ftAr re¡;~c~-n..n':J the c:oë:.ls, object:".íes and progra.:.'T! aescripr:.ioT'...5 for the 1974 La¡.¡ ana Justice Plati, a request ,-¡as ;i7ade for Council approval t.o submi t a request for a Federal Gra.:.'1t in the amount of $31,076 (City's hard cash cost $3,453 and the total program cost appropriated in t.he j974 Budget. is $34,529). A motion was made and passed by L~e CO~'T!ittee that the City Attorney prepare a Resolution for consideration of the Council - however, John Lea was opposed to the motion and asked L~at notation be made reflecting s~e. It ¡.,ras ;¡;oved by Holman, seconded by Darling ~ that the Council concur ~vi th the request for a ?ederal Grant in the amount of $31,076 as stated above. (Resolution No. 597) CouncLI.r:?an Lea stated that he is not actually opposed to the concept of the La¡-¡ and Justice Plan; ho;.¡ever, he is opposed to the fact that: blo ¡>'eeks ago Council introduced and adopted an ordin?nce prohibiting outside audible alarms and he feels the ordinance subjects people to safety hazards. Since alarms are used to help curb burglary, he feels it is absurd to adopt the ordinance a.nd then request a Federal Grant to lower crime and burglary. Councilman Gavey agreed that the Council had adopted an ordinance prohibiting outside audible alarms, but he did point out that individuals can still haT/e burglar alarms if they ring inside or are wired into a neighbors home. Gavey pointed out that when an alarm does go off, the burglar is usually scared off. Therefore alarms do not really curb burglaries because a burglar will just try someone else. After further discussion by Council, the Council voted on the previous motion. ROLL CALL VOTE: Councilman Holman, Flechsig, Gavey, Sonnemann, Sha.ughnessy and Da.rling voting YES. Councilman Lea voting NO. MOTION CAP..RIED Concern was shown by members of the Finance Committee and Mayor Kersey about (1) Cooperative Agreement and (2) Invoice for Health Services provided to the City of Auburn l-1-73/6~26-73 in the amount of $16,765.36. Therefore, this item ¡-¡as tabled and moved to Old Business, within the Finance Committee, to be resolved at a future meeting. Mr. Williams was instructed to (1) Send a copy of Agreement to the City of Auburn Health Officer (Dr. McLean) and (2) Keep Dr. McLean advised ¡¡hen this same subject will be discussed by the Committee and request the City's Health Officer be in attendance at said meeting to advise and comment on the subject of Public Health, its benefits and costs. The City of Auburn, through Mayor Kersey and members of the City Council, had received from K.A.Y.R. Director Phillip Smith Jr. materials which outline: (I.) The structure of,K.A.Y.R.'S Program, (II.) Budget Statement, (III.) Activities ¡'lith King County and LE~~. Also an invoice in the ~~ount of $4,351.25 for quarterly payment No. 2 of a twelve month program costing $17~405 - Auburn's share. The Finance Comndttee recom~ends the expenditure of $4,351.25 to K.A.Y.R. for quarterly payment of the progra.r:: . It was moved by Holman, seconded by Darling, that the Council concur with the recof"J:'=!1dation of the Finance Committee and the expenditure of $4,351.25 to K.A.Y.R. be appr:Jved. POLL CALL VOTE: Councilman Holman, Flechs.ig ~ Gavey, Sonner.¡ann~ Shaughnessy, and Darling voting YES. Councilman Lea ABSTAINED. MOTION CARRIED The debt service costs for the Golf Course and the Airport were discussed and the follo:.;ing conclusion ¡iaS made. The trdO facili ties shared in the proceeds of the 1970 G. O. Bond Issue; therefore~ the accounting for the two facilities should be accom.':Jlished in the same manner. The Finance Commi ttee mO'.'ed that the Ci ty Attorney Ù'=' ;'nsL'l1cteü LJ create a new Ci ty Fund Zor accoJ.l1tin9 ¡;i.lI.p:;,.:;,e..>o ;'ccocui.L':'r::; fJr Peven!!:::s and Expenditures of the Golf Course and remo'ling this accounting function from the Park a~d Recreation Department within the Current Expense Fund. rt ;~'as r::ov"ed hy Holrr.an, seconded by Darling~ that Ordinance No. 2771 entitled "AN O::WLV;:;'i::E Of' THE' CITY OF AUBURN, ¡'!11SfIINGTON ~ REPEALING ORDINANCE NO. 1993 PASSED-.-~···---- I I I I I I I I I ¡ I I C\} Q: I'-- .-.., " c::. c:. I I 223· AUBURN, WASHINGTON MONDAY OCTOBER 1, 1973 ;\'CJ~-cÕ·'!S::.=: 22, 19ó6~ A..'iD CODIFIED AS AU3üRN CITY ORDIN.lJ"VCE 1.36.045 AND 1.36.046 PE5~'¡:IŒ.·¡I:;::; TO THE CIEkTrON OF .21 GOLF COüRSE FUND AND THE USE OF THE MONIES THEREFROa ¡.-:"::D C2::,::',7I:;::; A NE;'¡ GOLF COUPS¡:; ACCüNUL..llTIVE RESERVE FWm AlID AUTHORIZING DEPOSITS Ti!:':?.EL\' ,=_';D E:XPENDI'I7P.E:S T!£ERE?ROa .fOR SPECIFIC PURPOSES ENUNERATED IN THIS ORDINANCE.." be i~t=c=~ced 2nd aëQ~~eè. I~~-;_~~':'· C_~~,:: V()(f}":J: A21 Co :.z.r:ci l~en va tJ ng YES. !~:OTIO¡''¡ CilRRIP:D .l~IF:E)OR:' C'):·!.:·!IT'I'~E - C::~z.I?~}Il_!;· FLECFiSIG The next .=.i::port Cc::--=:~::tee Xeeting is tomorro;ý er/ening, October 2, 1973 at 7:30 P_N. in the Cc;'.:.ncil Confere::~e ?oo:n. The Director of Finance and Director of Planning ha....e D-=e:: 2.sked to ::J2 iii 2.ttendance at this meeting. B [/J: LDI:,-C ::.:c.;:·!~\!ITTEE - C_:::~~I...~l·'!;'_?] L·:;.il Chairman =ea reporteri '::hat an Executive Session of the Building CO:!1;ni ttee ¡vas held on Sep=e::~er 28, 1973 to discuss possible acquisition of an additional parking lot. The Na:;or a:¡ë Planning Director ¡ýere instructed to acquire a piece of property for the purpose :::entioned a::Jo7e.. Councilman Lea also mentioned that if we are successful with further acquisition of property~ it will be funded through Revenue Sharing Funds. The next 3uilding Corr:-';ttee l,!eeting ¡viII be held at 7:30 P.l1. on October 16, 1973 at. Ci ty Hall. Councilm~~ Lea also me~tioned there will be an AD HOC Citizens Commit.tee Meeting at 7:30 P.M., Tuesday, October 9,1973 at City Hall to discuss possible passing or a G. O. Bond. Councilm¿" Holm¿~ mentioned b~e reinvestment of $2,000,000 and the following motion was made (this item pertains to the Finance Corr~ttee). It ¡.,ras 207ed by HolDa::, seconded by Gavey, that authorization be given to the l1ayor and Direc~or of Finance to reinvest cash in the amount of $2~000~000.00. ROLL Cl-.LL VOTE: All Councilmen voting YES. 1'4.0TION CARRIED DEPARTMENT HEAD REPORTS The Cit':] l:.ttorney, JO:-.;.:' B. Bereiter, announced that a misdemeanor citat.ion was issued to J2.ck Jenkins last ,leek for mining on the Standard Mining location ~vi thout a perrr¿t. John Bereiter and George Schuler ~'litnessed the driver of the truck load the truck aZ1d begin to dri'/e a;·¡ay. Officer Christin, - who had been wai ting at the entrance '::0 the gravel pit - in an unmarked car, was contacted by Bereiter to stop Lhe dri7er and issue ~~e citation. The Attor~ey also stated that the City of Auburn, as an Optional Non-Charter Code City~ has all L~e powers extended to a First Class City. Therefore, we are not limited to signing an agreement for five years and then calling for bids and recontracting for fi'le years only. 3ereiter pointed out that this statement is made in regard to the Garbage Contract the City has. A lawsuit was filed in King County Court today~ challengi.--:.q this Legal Opinion, and Ny. Berei ter ¡,¡ill be attending a court session dealing with this matter on October 12, 1973. ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS ORDINIl:.VCE NO. 2758 It ;,.¡as I'-C',":=d. by Hol::;2.,-:, s:=conded by Gavey~ that Ordinance No. 2758 entitled "AN o ?DI:l.i:."·,-cž.' OJ? THE CI'I'Y /]? AT.;:3U?::, r'/ASHINGTO:¡, DETERt'fINING AND FIXING TiŒ AJIOUNT TO BE: P.AISZ:" 3Y AD V.liLORZX TAXES ?OR FISCAL YEl.R 1974 FOR THE CITY OF .?:..UBüRN, fvASllINGTON Pü?SU.;)".iT -;:/] THE PRO'lISIœ.'S 0: RC;'¡ 35A.33.l35." be introduced and adopted. ROLL Cl:.:~ ~VTE: All Councilmen voting YES. nOTION Cf1RRIED ORDINANCE NO. 2759 It ~.,ras 2:;','ed by Sor..ne:::'3.zm, seconded by Ga'/ey, that Ordinance No. 2759 entitled "AN npOTl¡ii..'lC2 02 THE CI'ï'':: CJF AUB!.'R;l, r1¿1SHINGTON, AHENDING iWBURN CODIFIED CITY ORDINANCE ~.¿¿.25u ?22'1:AI"IliG TO :;Da;7:IFICl:.7:ION OF CO;1Ni:.:RCi'AL A!Vú .?AS::'r:..lVuI:.k 1.JvriDÛ¡(, ¡;C,,':;.::i Bl" GIra:lG T:'''=: STREET SUPz?.r/IS02 THE AUTHORITY TO DE:SIGNATE NETRO BUS WADING ZONES BY NAPRI:;G 5;..ID ZONES 0,'" THE CURBS ALTERNATELY ~lITH FIVE FEET OF YEf.,LŒ{ AND FIVE FEET 0:: RED :O.~ THE LE,'lCT,=: CJ:' THE zom:: ST.f1RTItiG AND ENDING ~lITH YELLŒ'l." be introduced ê1.:lcl adop=ed. POLL(;;¿L~ 'ri:JTE: All C:·:Juncilmen voting Yr""7S.. NOTION CARRIED 1224 AUBURN, WASHINGTON MONDAY OCTOBER 1, 1973 _._......_.....~-"..., -'-~ --'_.~..'.~",'."--.. ~,~,.. ....,.., .-.. '''---.-...-'-.-- ORDIN.~¡CE NO. 2760 It ¡Ù1S r:1o!/ed by Shaughnessy, seconded by Lea, that Ordinazlce No. 2760 entit:.led "AN 02DINiL'iCE OF THE CITY OF AUBURN ~ rvASHINGTON, ADDING. TO AüBUR.:l CODIFIED CITY ORDINANCE :/.22.250 (B) (3) 'rHO NEr·! PROHIBITED PJ:...RKING DESIGNATIONS IN THE SOUTHEllST AUBURZ''¡ .'l..F?E'A." be introduced and adopted. ?DLL C.J..!..L VOTE: All Councilr;;en voting YES. NOTION CAR-rEED ORDI~~NCE NO. 2761 It ,,:as lXoved by Shaughnessy, seconded by Gavey, that Ordinance No. 2761 enti tIed" AN CRDIN¡:'.NCE OF THE CITY OF AUBURN ~ fil!.SHINGTON,. AHENDING AUBURN CODIFIED CITY ORDINANCE 20.10.090 PERTAINING TO CHARGES FOR CONNECTIONS TO ABüTTING ~~TER MAINS AND FOR CO:;STRr..;CTION OF Nal NAINS BY ADDniG THERETO PROVISIONS FOR PAYNENT OF SüCH LilTE CONER CHARGES ON AN INSTALUfENT BASIS." be introduced and adopted. I PQLL C¡:'~L VOTE: All Councilmen voting- YES. NOTION CAP~IED ORDINANCE NO. 2762 It was moved by Lea, seconded by Holman, that Ordinance No. 2762 entitlèd "AN ORDINAt;-CE OF THE CITY OF AUBURN, WASHINGTON, PROVIDING FOR THE REZONING OF CERTAIN PROPERTY LOCATED ON THE NORTH SIDE OF 37TH STREET NORTHEAST, SITUATE f'IITHIN THE CITY Of' AUBUR1.V, WASHINGTON, CHANGING THE ZONING CLASSIFICATION THEREOF FROl1 UNCLASSIFIED TO H-l." be introduced and adopted. ROLL CALL VOTE: All Councilmen voting YES.. NOTION CARRIED ORDINANCE NO. 2763 It ¡vas rr.oved by Darling, seconded by Gavey, that Ordinance No. 2763 entitled "AN ORDINANCE. OF THE CITY OF AUBURN" f'lASpI NG TON , PROVIDING FOR THE REZONING OF A CERTAIN PJ..R.CEL OF L1J"ND WCATED AT 1529 8TH STREET N. E., SITUi'"TE f'lITHIN THE CITY OF AUBURN, ['lASHINGTON, CHANGING THE ZONING CLASSIFICATION THEREOF FROM R-4 TO R-4 vlITH A SPECIAL PROPERTY USE PERMIT." be introduced and adopted. ROLL CALL VOTE: All Councilmen voting YES. NOTION CARRIED I ORDINANCE NO. 2764 It ,-¡as moved by Holman, seconded by Shaughnessy, that Ordinance No. 2764 enti tled "AN ORDINÆ1CE OF THE CITY OF AUBURN, WASHINGTON, PROVIDING FOR THE CONSTRUCTION AND INSTALLA- TION OF 8 INCH SANITARY SEWER, 6 INCH SIDE SErvERS AND NECESSARY APPURTENANCES FOR THE EAST SIDE OF "I" STP"£ET N.E. BETf'lEEN 24TH AND 26TH STREETS NORTHEAST, INSIDE THE CORPORATE LIMITS OF THE CITY; CREATING AND ESTABLISHING WCAL INPROVE1',¡IENT DISTRICT 1l0. 280; PROVIDING THE METHOD OF ASSESSMENT IN SAID DISTRICT AND THE MODE OF PAYMENT THEREOF, AND CREATING A LOCAL IfoI1PROVEl>1ENT FUND THEREFOR." be introduced and adopted. - ROLL CALL VOTE: All Councilmen voting YES. MOTION CARRIED ORDINANCE NO. 2765 councilman Sonnemann asked, prior to motion, that the phrase "B" STREET SOUTHEAST E2'D1EE?í 12TH AND 17TH S'E.REET SOUTHEAST AND" be taken out of the ordinance in the title and wherever it appears in the body of the ordinance because LID No. 279 enCOTTlp2SSeS 16TH STREET SOUTHEAST BET'NEEN "A" STREET SOüTHEAST AND A POINT APPROXIMATELY 250 FEET' EAST OF "B" STREET SOUTH£'AST only. ~t was noved by Sonnemann, seconded by Shaughnessy, that Ordinance No. 2765 entitled, I a rte r t~'1c above men ti oned change, "AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF AUBURN, fJASHINGTON, ?::J.0'IIDnlC FOR THE CONSTRUCTION AND INSTALLATION OF EXCAVATION, m!.LLASTING, CURB AND . GUTTER~ STOP,N DRAINAGE, ASPHliLT CONCRETE PAVING, 8 INCH SliNITARY SErvER AND 6 INCH SIDE S:::;-,'ERS; STREET IMPROVEMENTS - 16TH STREET SOUTHEAST BETWEEN "A" STREET SOUTHE:AST .:','iD 11 POINT APPROXIHATELY 250 FEET EAST OF "B" STREET SOUTHEAST; SANITARY SEPTER n,!PROVZf-f2NTS - 16TH STREET SOüTHEAST BETr'lEEN "A" STReET SOUTHEAST AND A POINT APPROXIMATELY 2 SO EAST OF "B" STREE:T SOUTHEAST; INSIDE THE CORPORATE LINITS OF THE CITY; CREATING .::',.'iD ESTJ'...BLISHING WCAL IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT NO. 279; PROVIDING THE METHOD OF ASSESSMENT rt'/ ~'I-l D !J[STR rr;']' ßJ.VD THE NODE uF PAr. f1!jtll Till:. r<.e;:OR, ¡¡,·,D CREJJ,,'(ï¡¡r: ,<1 ':.0CAE ['rpR,I1FR:--¡EN-r:' ?UND THEREFOR.I/ be introduced and adopted. POLL CllL,L VOTE: Councilman Sonnemann, Shaughnessy, Darling, Holman, Flechsig and Lea voting YES. Councilman Gavey voting NO. ._ ·__....__u..____.__. __. _ NOTION CARRIED I .C\) OC. t-.. -- " ç; c:. I I AUBURN, WASHINGTON 225 MONDAY OCTOBER 1, 1973 .._ ~_,~__,_~_,_ ",__ < "__"_ , "__ >_ __.w...·...,_·., ""o·".,.~. OP-DINill1CE ::0. 2766 Prior l:Q 2.::01' motion., Xa.':]or Kõ:rsey asked t"1e City Attorney if Ordinance No. 2766 ¡>¿s not j~sically the s~=e as Ordinance No. 2760. The City Attorney asked that both ordinan~ss ;:;e passed 2= th..is tiI~e and. he ;'70uld check into this matter and take w~atever 5~e~s are ~e=essar~ if a change ~ust be Bade. J::- ~'l~'::- =c',-e--: r~"! ~_;-, 7:!..;:!.~-:--.::es3Y, spc:·":JJ1--:!ei! hu ~?·.ísy, L1a t Ordí!'1.271Ce fir""" 27t3C. ~r[~.i t],c::: If :":.3 ORJX::;,è...,';C'E OF 7',=:'~ CI7?· OF .:'JJ3ÜP,N ~ N;Z:,.Sf!I;;GTON ~ ADDING A NEf'! SUB SECT ION (a) (:;) 'TO iWB':2_'" CO::;IFI:ED::I7~ O,::JjJI:¡L'ICE 9.22.260 DESIGNATING A Cœ1.MERCIAL LO.4DIl!G ZONE PP,EVEtFII:,'-:; T.=WCK P.::':>'::::::;:; 0:,' '7:-iE ;'/ZST SIDE OF "BOI STREET SOUTHE.~ST, NORTHERLY OF THE FIRST ¡:',I¿E?' SOüTH C:- ,'-:;'I:1 STREET AND REQUIRI,';G THE AüBURN STREET DIVISION TO PL.:-....CE TE,··!POR::..c~:..· CJP.3ING I:.- =,=:'E PJ"..'7':;:Z?3 OF THE t!I:.-I z-lilLL IN THAT AREA." b'2 introduced anj ado_:J=0;~.. ROLL C';.:.·~ ~/O'TE: A12 ::;'::..:::::':1::;::=:1 ~"TotiIlg YES. ¡·10TION CAPRIED 02DINAHCE :'-0_ 2768 It ¡vas -c;r'.'.::>,.o by Son::5:2.L'1, s5condeiJ. by Ga'.i9Y, that Ordinance no. 2768 entitled "AN O:?DINAYCE O? THE CIT3:.- /)? l:.TJ3U?.:; ~ ;'¡ASHINGTO:;, ADDING A NE'01 SUB SECTION (b) (4) DESIGN¡:.TI:::; .Zi 94-FCO'I S.=:-O?T '7'E?.N WliDING ZOZE AT THE FORr-¡ARD THRUST POOL AT 516 FOüRTH STREET XC?T3EAST, BE:r:';:::ZN TEE HOURS OF 8 .i:,.H TO 4 PH ON REGUL.-lJ.R SCHOOL DAYS." be introduced an.d ado::;t'Õ:d. ROLL C¡:..LL YOTE: All Cor.:I1cilII1en voting YES. NOTION CARRIED ORDI~~VCE NO. 2769 It was IT¡cr.-9d by Gavey, seconded by Shaughnessy ~ that Ordinance No. 2769 ent.i tIed "AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF _l...UBT.IP..N, ¡'¡ASHINGTO:¡, AMENDING SUB SECTION (24) OF AUBURN CODIFIED CITY ORDniiJ..:lCE 9.04.170 PERTAINING TO SPEED LIMITS---INCREASING AND DECREASn;:; SPEED LD!I7:S r:¡ CERTAIN ZONES BY REDUCING THE SPEED LIl1IT ON CERTAIN PORTION C? OP..AVETZ RO.:"V AS P3FERRED TO THEREIN FROM 45 TO 35 MILES PER HOUR." be introdl.1ce= and adopl:5:::'. ROLL C~LL 70TE: All Cocncil~en voting YES. 110TION CARRIED ORDINANCE NO. 2770 It to¡as ~o',-ed by Ga-J'ey ~ seco::ded by Sonnemann, that Ordinanc9 No. 2770 enti t1ed "AN ORDINA.'lCZ C? THE CITY :J? AU3:--R:'¡, r'l.lJ.SHINGTC:¡, ADDING A NE'01 SUB SECTION (36) TO AUBUR-TV CODIFIED CITY ORDL\7!.NCE 9.04.170 nlC-':?EASING THE SPEED LIMIT ON "M" NORTHEAST BETIlEEN 14TH Jl.lfD 22:W fYITHD! _'"'" CITY LINITS OF THE CITY OF AUBURN, "C'iASHINGTON, FROM 25 MYLES PER HO[]R =0 30 MILES ?EP.. H:JUR AT ALL TINES." be introduced and adopted. ROLL CALL VOTE: Coun~il=an Gavey, Sonnemann, Darling, Holman, and Lea voting YES. Coun=ilm~'1 Shaughnessy and Flechsig voting NO. NOTION CARRIED ORDINANCE NO. 2771 Ordinance ,';0. 2771 w'¿s _c:assed during the Finance Committee Report. RESOLüTION ::0. 597 R9s01utic::: ::0. 597 e::-:'::=led "-. RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CETY OF AUBURN, ,-/ASlln:GT::;, AüTHORIZ:::C; ,="-J3[:R:; POLICE CFiIZ:: L. L. SCYLER, TO ADVTSE THE KING COUNTY ¡,,:..;,¡ J'-.¡';'i] _-:-5TICE PL.:":,':.-:::C; o::? ICE: THAT THE CITY OF liUBüRN ENDORSES THE CITY OF AUBURN'S l1-=?LIC.="T:--;''- FOR GR:'.:,-;:: XO:iIES T,'-[ROS'GH Si1..ID Kr,'G COUNTY LÆ1 AND JUSTICE PLJ1NNING OFFICE FOR CI-:'Y:;:: AUBURtl-??::'~-ECL: 3~.iRGLÞ.RY /AUTO ':ti¡¡:;FT REDUCTION PROGRIIN." was adopted è~ring ~~= Finance Cc,~~~tse ?e~~rt. vOUCHER A?PROVAL LIST T~ ~L. "l;J.S :::-~'.'-::d by Hol::::¿::, se~Qr/ied b~ Shaughnessy, the a..-:,:;:.:nt of $5 ,044 ,407~ 59 be approved. that the voucher list for September 1.[1 .D/"'·7'"..: C'; T. 7'... -/")7"~. ." 7 7 :!~"!:'ci 1 --:.,.., ~,""'" cirr¡ vr.:-,~, !~CW'''r:,'J r:7'J??T:::> 226 AUBURN, WASHINGTON MONDAY OCTOBER 1, 1973 ~,..."~,,,----~.._,-¿. - NISCELLliNEOUS BUSINESS Ge~e äiilí~TS read the letter from George A. Schuler, Planning Director, regarding ssgreq~tion of assessæent. This segregation is for the amendment of the legal ~escri?tion to release a portion of the property not affected by the improvements. :".I.D. ::0. 250, Assessment No.3, Total lJ..ssessment $6,23ó.50. This segregation ~c~s ",OC affect the total assessmen~. It ~'¡as :::o'/ed by Gavey, seconded by Shaughnessy, tha t the Council concur ¡.;i th the segregation of Assessment No.3, L.I.D. No. 250. NOTION C.l<..RRIED ~~YJr ~arsey stated that the model of the Mini Mall, which was made by the Planning ;:;as;an:..-::ent, is still on display at f'leese Je;.,relers. To this date, the Nayor has ~eard several complaints (on the street) about loss of parking; however, no complaints ~ave baen received at City Hall. ~ayor Kersey announced that there will be a Workshop"Meeting next Monday evening at 7:30 P.M. Discussion will be held on Metro Contract as submitted by the City. ~ayor Kersey also mentioned that there has been some differences of opinion as to what day Veteran's Day should be celebrated. King COUl1ty ~vill celebrate on October 22 although Veteran's Day is actually November 11. The Uayor announced that the City of Auburn will hold its Veteran's Day Parade on Saturday, October 20, 1973~ There being no further business to come before the Council, Mayor Kersey adjourned G~e meeting at 9:40 P.M. APPROVED THIS 2ND DAY OF OCTOBER, 1973. ( ~ ¿jica¿Á- ~/if~7- -..__._----~-...._._- :1 I I I