HomeMy WebLinkAbout11-05-1973 2:8:-4:;-.. ¡1~-.sHINGTO.v UONDAY NOVEMBER 5" 1973 T~~ r2;~lar æeeting or the Auburn City Council convened at 8;00 P.!f., in the Auburn City Co~ncil Cha.~ers. ROLL CALL Co~ei~~en Present: Councilman Gavey, Sonnemann, Shaughnessy, Darling, Holman, Flechsig, and Lea. APPROVAL OF MINUTES It yes soved by Holæan, seconded by Lea, that the Council Minutes of October 15, 19ï3, be approved as mailed. NOTION C~..P..RIED t:a:;c;r _~:er5ey introduced Mr. Joe Dennis" or the Auburn Globe Ne,.¡s, and announced t~2= ~e ~ill be reporting on City Business. PUBLIC HEARINGS ~aysr Kersey declared Public Hearing open on the request or Stanley W. Bever and Willlam G. Sprinqer, to rezone rrom Unclassified to M-l (Light Industrial) a parcel of land 4.64 2eres in size lying south of 37th Street N.f'l. and east of "B" Street N.ri. (;:_pplication No. 20-73) The ?l~!ning Co~ssion recommends approval of this application because it conrorms to o:.zr Comprehensive Land Use plan providing the owner enters into an agreement wi t.~ the City of Auburn containing provisions which are found to be essential for the tr2~~ition of this area rrom Unclassified to Industrial. These conditions are as f012 0:-75 : (1) The westerly 20 feet be set aside for the future fvidening to provide a 60 foot right-of-¡..ray and (2) To provide the necessary easement for the construction or ~~e soil conservation service drainage channel as planned by the U. S. Departme~t or Agricul ture. It ~as moved by Holman, seconded by F1echsig, that the Public Hearing be closed. MOTION CARRIED It ~as Œoved by Holman, seconded by Darling, that the request of Stanley W. Bever él.t'!d ;'ìilliam G. Springer to rezone from Unclassified to /1-1 (Light Industrial) be appro-I-ed and the Planning Commission recommendations be concurred with and the City Attorney be instructed to draw up the necessary ordinance. ROLL C.~L VOTE; All Councilmen voting YES. MOTION CARRIED Na-yor Kersey declared Public Hearing open on the request of Coast fvIortgage Company to reZQne from R-2 (Single Family Thve1lings) to R-3 (Two Family Dwellings), a parcel of 2a::d known as the entire plat of Great fyestern Addition adjoining "J" and "K" Streets N.E. between 26th and 28th Streets N.E. (Application No. 21-73) The Planz'ling Com.¡T'.ission recommends approval of the application because it conforms to the ir-tent of our Comprehensive Plan and will not be detrimental to the surrounding pro~rties pxcviding that prior to the issuance of a building permit for development on the property, the owner and/or developer submit to the Public Works Department for t..:':eir approval the street lighting plan for the entire plat. Said plan to be in' Co."'!.::Jr7:"anc:e with the ci ty of Auburn street lighting requirements also that the ot-7ner a,"'!d /or developer install said street lights or post a performance bond guaranteeing t~e ~o~struction. I= ;';:13 .7:o-/ed D'j Darling, seconded by Lea, that the Public Hearing be closed. NOTION CARRIED It :,":::5 tx)·¡-e...· ~.y Dad} n-:..'. '-:N''')ncled by Holman, tha.t the request of Coast Mortgage Company to .c9::;:;-",rroz R-2 (Single Family [Mellings) to R-3 (Tt.¡o Family If.ve11ings) be approved a~¿ =h2 ~~dnning Co,wnissiC9 recommendations be concurred with and the City Attorney be ~:::5t:ructed to drm·, up t>-. r'ecessary ordinance. ROLL ChLL VOTZ: All Councilmen v ting YES. NOTION CARRIED T::':? Ci ty Clerk read a let ter from sE::;re,a.tion o.E Assessment No. 31, ";ssess:::ent Ho_ 31 - $1,680.67 and George ii. S . ~"'èr, Planning ....., - .~.L a.I-ding the L.I.D. No. 2.J,"'o . Asse~<:'"::.::nt $3.361.28; Assessment No. 31 ----.-..----- ~.". I , I I I I C\ì oc, I."- .--" '" ~~ c:: I I AUBURN, WASHINGTON NOVEMBER 5, 1973 235 MONDAY It :·;as :=c-,"ed ñy Da.rlir:q, seconded by Gavey, that the segregation of Assessment No. 31, L.r.D. :,-:::;. 230, be approved as follo;ýs; Assessment No. 31 to ¡'vIr. Ray Nienau of Kent Eor $i":;3J.6ï (329.64 f.f. San. Se,ýer @ $5.098491) and Assessment No. 31 A to Nr. [{iller of ;;'u.Dcz:: for $1,680.61 (329.63 f.f. San. Se:·rer @ $5.D9849l). ROLL C.:::'..2L :'OT7::: All Councilmen voting YES. NOTION CARRIED }'iT::' O:?E:.-CJGS Bi~s were opened Neve:=0er 1, 1973, 11:00 A.H. for construction or a Mini-Mallon "B" St:-:2e-: S.E. fre::'. 2ast Main Street South to the rirst alley, ,-lith bids submitted as fal::" :;......-~ : CO:-'LE2 C:;~;ST2UCTIOX CJX?Ji.NY, IHC. E]:,ST V.::..::....;:y CONSTRUCTION COt-IPANY, INC. Bl':.SIC BID $13,7:.>7.24* 13,793.72;': 16,521. 35 18,496.16* ALTERNATE BID $1:5;757.24* 18,793.72* 17,521.35 41,053.27 25,038.80 F¡()~-;J.;P.D 5C~::';'i7Cl£T QC2¡:::ì c:::-::- L.?",HDSCJ1..PI;VG & CONSTRUCTION CO TR;';';.l2RSO :O..VSTRUCTIOtT CONPANY, INC. 24,938.80 The abo7e bids were accompanied by Bid Bonds; the above bids include Sales Tax. * Bids ¿s corrected. It is C':¡e recorœnendation of the Director of Public Þiorks, Pat Nevins, to award contract for St. I71p. 154, Nini-l1a11 in "B" St. S.E., South of Main St., to Coulee Construction Co., Inc., on their low bid of $13,731.33 plus $25.91 Washington State Sales Tax for a total 23 per unit price bid of $13,757.24. It ;ýas ;;X:;7ed by Shaugh..-1essy, seconded by Sonnemann, that the contract for Street Improve.::::s.,::t No. 154, J.1ini-Mall in "B" Street S.E., South of ¡-Jain Street, be awarded to Coulee Construction Company, Inc. on their low bid of $13,757.24 with Bid Bonds returned-:o Traverso Construction Company, Inc. and Queen City Landscaping & Construccon Company and upon signing of contract the Bid Bonds be returned to Howard S~T#icht and East Valley Construction Company, Inc. ROLL C¡1..LL 'IOTE: All Councilmen voting YES. NOTION CARRIED RECOMMENDATIONS The f021o;..-ing i terns t-7ere submitted by the Di rector of Public riorks, Pat Nevins, for Council h;proval: P¿q ~stiv~te No.3, final, to Gary Merlino Construction Co. for construction of ~=ter Imp. #75, HUD waterline on 8th St. N.E., in the amount of $95.30. It was ~~7ed by Gavey, seconded by Shaughnessy, that the project be accepted by the City as c~~plete and Pay Estimate No.3, final, to Gary Uerlino Construction Company for $95.3] De approved for payment and the retained percentage amounting to $6,420.97 be paië i~ thirty days provided no liens or claims are filed and clearance is secured: from t~e State Tax Cosmission and the Department of Labor and Industries. RO~L C~LL VOTE: All Councilmen voting YES. MOTION CARRIED P¿y ~stimate No. 5 to Gary Merlino Construction Co. for construction of St. Imp. 134 8:--'" ='-. 11.E., in the amount of $64,116.97. It ¡.¡as :=G~'ed by Sonne~ann, seconded by Shaughnessy, that Pay Estimate No.5 to Gary Uerlin~ ::~struction Company for $64,116.97 be approved for payment. ROLL C~LL :VTE; All Councilmen voting YES. l1DTION CARRIED P3.'::' .:.'scimate No.2 to N. A. Segale, Inc., for construction of shoofly embankment, 5=. ::::'.p. 135, Ph. II, in the amount or $17,584.56. It ¡.¡as :=c ',-e::1 DY SOtL'1er.ann, seconded by Shaughnessy, tha t Pay Es tima te No. 2 to N. il. Se]ale, ::~~. for $17,534.56 be approved for payment. ROLL c...~..2L ¡OTE: All Councilmen voting YES. NOTION CARRIED ~~J...I~~~:':X_j1~'i0:...:-..J, riPPC::.·1.V?..··íë~':'i:::; hIi!] h.Z'.r:.·:;r.f~.·-::E£~:!-~:~·T: Mayor Kersey announced that there ,·ril1 be a ['fork Shop Meeting at 7;30 P.M., Nonday, NO'l'e,71.Der ~2, 1973 in regard to the 1990 Transportation Plan. The Transportation P.[an ¡",ill be ;:resented by Puget Sound Governmental Conrerence and the Mayor stated tha t he hopes ~::e ne;.¡s r,¡edia ;.;.ill cover this meeting. 236 AUBURN, WASHINGTON MONDAY NOVEMBER 5, 1973 ,,', .~'-'","'.~,..._,.,~,,_... ..-"---, '--'-'- ~--~'.,_. . 1~e Ya~or also announced that there will be a Work Shop Meeting at 7;30 P.M., Monday, ~o'lember 26, 1973 in regard to housing in the Auburn area. This informaCion will also be presented by puget Sound Governmental Conference. COUNCIL CON!·IITTEE REPOR'I'S pr_r3L.T;C ~·.~pE:rr;" r()I'-f.'i!T:T'T!EF: - rI-lï'LTRt"f7J,N C;µ"Up}:· Cháir~an Gavey an~ounced that the Public Safety ComT~ttee approved a Class A Liquor License for the La Posada Restaurant. The next Public Safety Committee Meeting will be at 7;30 P.M. on Novewher 14, 1973 at Ci ty Hall. S::REET COMNITTEE - CHAIRMAN SONNErUINN The Street Committee met at 7:30 P.M. on October 17, 1973. The Comùittee discussed ~~ agreement for street lights, fire pre-emption, signing and additional features. The aqreement was received rrom the Highway Departmènt and presented to the Comm~ttee for consideration. The Committee approved the basic intent of the agreement subject to any word revisions the staff wishes to make and they further requested a statement as to ;.¡here the funds to accomplish this ¡..¡ork would come from. An addi tional agreement ~'ras presented for the maintenance of the signal system, vrhich basically stated that the Highway Department would reimburse the ,City for all maintenance required, at the intersection of 6th and Auburn vlay South. The Co~ ttee approved this agreement subject to any stafr revisions. The Coml'nittee discussed .a joint project with Auburn School District. A plan was presented in which the School District would replace sidewalk and curb and the City ;'iould widen the street by 2 feet and relocate hydrants, water meters and poles that interfere (location: East Main, East of E Street N.E.). The City portion of the job would be funded with 1/2¢ Gas Tax and the School would pay for their portion òut of their budget. The Committee approved this project and requested that design be completed and the project be put out to bid possibly as a total project for all work ;'iÍth the School District sharing in the cost. The next Street Committee Meeting will be this Wednesday at 7:30 P.M. in the Engineering Office - November 7, 1973. The Mayor mentioned the item concerning the parking on H Street N.E., North of 4th N. E. Councilman Sonnemann stated that the staff is looking at the parking situation in that area in regard to possible sight hazards that exist and they will report back at a future meeting. He also stated that the High School does have a special committee ¡yorking on this matter also. UTILITY COMMITTEE - CHAIRMAN SHAUGHNESSY The Utility COlrmittee met at 7:30 P.f1. on October 18, 1973. The Dirèctor of Public _ r'¡orks reported on the financial condi tion of the Þyater and Sewer utili ty. Pat Nevins explained to the Committee the comparison of 1972 actual expenditures and expected expenditures in 1973. The Vlater Division spent $434,067.00 in 1972 ¡..rhich did not include principal and interest and bond reserve payment for the latest million dollar bond issue which starts in 1973. When comparing like amounts the expenditure for 1972 :·¡as $559,505.00. That estimated in 1973 is $580,000".00. This represents $20,495.00 increase comparing the two years. It further represents only 3.67% increase. When considering salary increases and cost of material increases and many :7.e-¡ ;'leter services installed this year compared to last year, this has been rather amazi~g. When comparing the 1972 Sewer Division expenditures and 1973 expected exp9n¿itures it shows a reduction or $17,000.00. The 1972 actual expenditures ...ere $291,728.. 00. In 1973 it is anticipated that "re .vill expend $274,000. This represents e S.8>;' reduction. 1'1 further discussion fol1o¡.¡ed regarding the accuracy of the various I.'2'7ei1Ue and expendi ture reports submi tted by the Finance Department. Pat Nevins did indicate he has mentioned a number of times to various individuals that mistakes are still being made in the financial reports and that a thorough check should be made to curtail these mis takes since the ;"a ter, sewer and garbage utili ty finance the largest. portion of the Finance Department operation. He also pointed out that several memos .'1ave been referred to the Finance Director for action, but problems continue to exist. ~'1e Co,~T<ittee will follow up on the comùents that the Director of Public Works made d'J.rir!'] th9 me-.::tJ.. ':~g.. The Coz;:';..;-:1i ttee approved an underground power delay at 1225 f'lest Valley Highway wi th the prm.rision of participation of an LID at a future date. .. ihe CO:-:-.rni ttee discussed a letter from the Department of Ecology in regard to L. I.D.. 280 Green Ri ver Village Di Fision No.5, sani tary se¡ýer extensions. The Departmént- : ,C;-::XJ]o;y reminded the:: City that since :.¡e hav-e not entered into an agreement .vith I í I ! i I I I ! -I' ; I 23'7 AUBURN, WASHINGTON MONDAY' NOVEMBER 5, 1973 "'.'._. '<',..,~,".~- ...._-~._,._._--,---- --"'-~'-".'"-'-'.--"'- -. ." .' -".. ,'" '-"^'--'-.... .^._.......,~-- . .-.'-.-..,,- ""'-...-",.~,...- Metro a:: =~is point in tiæe, we are restricted to provide any future sanitary sewer ex::ensio:-5. The Co~~ttee felt that the negotiations are progressing very well and L~2= a can tract will probably be entered into very soon; therefore, they directed the Pub2i:: ;iorks Director to proceed wi th the sanitary se¡.¡er projects. The Co~:~=tee reviewed the latest work schedule from Engineering and stated that they ;,;0:11d .2i.:-:e to rt.~cei ~-e copies of the sc...~edule in t...1-Je j~utu_r:e. The co=-~ =::ge reviewed a letter submi tted to the ci ty from the American, ¡vater r~Torks Associa~~0~ asking for participation in their building rund. The Committee instructed 6:'8 Dir=:::-:.-:Jr or Public r¡¡orks to apply $25.00 toward the building fund as long as the Ci ty AttC.::-28Y reels that this can be accomplished by the Ci ty. I The CO::=-~ =::22 discussed the lJetro Contract vIi th representatives or Metro and our o-;..Tn legal co~se1, Georqe Mack, for a long period of time the various changes being proposed ~] Metro for an acceptable contract agreement regarding sewer service. Counci2r¿:- Shaughnessy painted out at the Council Meeting, without going into great è.e"::"''¡l at this time, that after quite lenghty discussions the Corr_rnittee ¡'lent along ~i~: all the revisions with the exception of one. However, the City received æail on S~=urday .(from Metro) and all problems have been solved and we now have an accepta:;;1.":; agreement :'lhich ,.¡ill be presented later during this Council Heeting. PLlJ.NNI:::; :; BE.l,.UTIFTCATION COMMITTEE - CHAIRMAN DARLING ~ OC I:"- - ~ - ,,-. C CouncilI"-a.-:. Darling reported that at the last Plap..ning & Beautification Corr.mitteé Ueetinq, =he Committee approved the ordinance on Conditional Use Permits. This ordinance ;·¡as also accepted, in draft form -¡.¡ith an amendment, at the last Council Meeting. Tñerefore, the Committee recommends passage of Ordinance No. 2769 and Resol udo:: ::0. 603 this evening. The Pl~n~¿~g & Beautirication Committee also recommends approval and passage of Resolutio~ No. 604 which authorizes the Mayor to accept a propos~l from U.R~S./Hill, Ingman & Chase in regard to Engineering Services for a Sewer System Evaluation Study. The next Planning & Beautification Committee Meeting will be at 7:30 P.M. on November 13, 1973. I nfl.'NeE: COX'1ITT8E - CHAIP.MAN HOLMAN The FinarJ,=e cO~üittee met at 7:30 P.M. on November 1, 1973. Mrs. Janet Nydegger, a represerJ.t~tive of the Citizens Sub-Co~ttee for Social Services and Human Resources, requested L~e Finance Committee approve a questionnaire the Sub-Committee will be sending tJ several City Department Heads regarding social services. She also invited the Cou.:.í.c:"l to hear Mrs. Mary Lou Everson, Di rector of Financi al Planning for the Departr:..en= of Social and Heal th Services in Olympia, on Tuesday, November 20, 1973 at 8:00 P.~., in the Auburn City Hall. The Co,~=tee recommends that Mayor Kersey and the Director of Finance be authorized to re-inv=st $2,000,000 from various City Funds. It was ~7ed by Holman, seconded by Shaughnessy, that Council authorize the Mayor and Direc=or of Finance to re-invest $2,000,000 from various City Funds. ROLL Cl-...LI.. VOTE: All Councilmen voting YES. NOTION CARRIED The Co:.~=tee reco~ends that the City be authorized to hold an auction on Decem0er 1, 1973 at 2;:00 A.M. to sell unclaimed bikes and various other articles and equipment from t::.s: ?:Jlice Department and other City Departments. It ¡·¡as .:::c-.,":;e by to sell 5"..:.::-_-:>1 us Ho.lman, seconded by Lea, that the Council authorize an auction items on December 1, 1973, at 10:00 A.M. I POI..L C;.....::,::. :'C)TE: All Councilmen voting YES. NOTION C.l·..Z:<.RIED ATRPOR~ C~~2ITTEE - CHAIRMAN FLECHSIG Chair.:::a:: :~echsig reported that the Airport Cornmittee for 7:30 ?~. on Nove;~er 14, 1973. Meet.inrý has~uled / /// ¿~.;.. ~ùI:¡': C:J_~·:i.·':J. ".L;:ZE - CH.!'..IR/.',;;;tJ LElt. l..!1~~ reported that the l'19"= Du.l.Lding- Co L ttee Neeting ""ill be scheduled after t~s: ~ener~' E~ectLon on November 6, . --. ,-'-' "---'---'-- -- . --,- --'---'--'- 2 3 B AUBURN, WASHINGTON MONDAY NOVEMBER 5, 1973 .'~'__-""""-"'-"'--"""'_-...- -- --. ---"""---~.'.""'-- -.. _._.._--_._....~ -- --."''- ~~...._~""..-......-._-""-~--"~~_.. .- ----.~-'- ..~. . ORDINAl'ICES AND RESOLUTIONS ORDINANCE NO. 2767 It ;.¡e.s s07.led by Cavey, seconded by Sonnerrànn, that Ordinance No. 2767 enti tled "AN ORDI:ïLVC2 OF THE CITY OF AUBURN, ~YÄSHINGTON, REPElŒING AUBURN CITY ORDTHANCE NO. 2688, !'z;.SS2D TEE 17TH D.."4.Y OF SEPTENBER, 1973, AND ENACTING A NEW ilUBURN CITY ORDINlùlCE :".,-~,¡Jï:?_' 'J' ..vr :J:,-rSI:J? ...1U;:;~B-SE IlifTR[.lS:¡OT\! ~'1.T...~[D'I':'~ û~: rO:.'L~IE.E·?Cl-.4L, BUS.T:i./"2SS .A7\.~[1 Tt,¡;-;T;,-:::TPI;:'L ESV3LIS~D!E;¡TS vlITHIN THE CITY LIMITS OF THE CITY OF AUBUP2l, llND REQUIRING THAT OUTSIDE l1JJDIBLE DiTRUSION AL..4.RNS ON RESIDENCES AND MOTOR VEHICLES riITHIN THE CIT'.t LÌMITS OF THE CITY OF AUBURN HAVE A DEVICE LIMITING THE DURlJ.TION OF Sf1ID llLARl1 TO A PERIOD NOT TO EXCEEE' rIVE (5) MINUTES; GIVING THE AUBURN POLICE DEPA.R.TNENT THE DISCRETION TO ALDo;·¡ I:¡STjJ..LLATION IN THE AUBURN POLICE DEPARTMENT OF INTRUSION ALAR:,!S THiW ¡J.P..E CON.?7:.TIBLE NITH SUCH EQUIPMENT NŒ'l INSTALLED IN THE AUBURN POLICE DEP_",_R.TMENT,- PRŒ..!IBI'i'INC ANY AUTOllATIC TELEPHONE DIALING TO AUBURN POLICE DEPARTl-12NT ALARt! SYSTENS OR S;·¡ITCHEO:4.RDS¡ GRANTING THE AUBURN POLICE DEPARTI1ENT THE DISCRETION TO LEV'I A t,IINnlUX CHARGE OF $10.00 FOR EACH FALSE INTRUSION ALAR.!1 RECEIVED BY THE AUBURN POLICE DEPA2T:,JE:¡';:'¡ AND RESERVING TO THE AUBURN POLICE DEPARTNENT THE RICHT TO HAVE ANY INTRUSION lJ.LAD",'·!S S":::STENS INSTALLED THROUGH THE AUBURN POLICE DE!?iillTNENT sriITCHBOlI,R,D RE!;10VEJD FOR NON-Pldi-!EtiT OF THE FALSE ALARN CHARGE, OR FOR EXCESSIVE NUHBER OF FADSE ALARZ,]S; AND PROVIDING PENALTIES FOR VIOLATION OF THE TERi.'1S OF THIS ORDINANCE." be introduced only. Councilman Gavey asked that this ordinance be introduced only, for further discussion at L1e next Public Safety Com7dttee Meeting. NOTION CARRIED ORDINANCE NO. 2772 .It v-ras rr:-oved by Gavey, seconded by Sonnemann, that Ordinance No. 2768 entitled "AN ORDIN..ïJ..NCE OF THE CITY OF AUBURN, WASHINGTON, Al-1ENDING PARAGRAPH (b) (1) OF AUBURN. CODIFIE,'i) CITY ORDINlmCE 7.44.050, PERTAINING TO THE SALE, POSSESSION OR USE OF DANGEROUS DRUGS------DEFINITIONS AND REQUIRENENTS----DEFINING "MARIHUANA" _ be introduced and adopted. ROLL C.~L VOTE: All Councilmen voting YES. MOTION CARRIED ORDINANCE NO. 2773 It ~vas mor.led by Darling, seconded by Sonnemann, that Ordinance No. 2769 entitled "AN ORDI:IAllCE OF THE CITY OF AUBURN, Ç'lASHINGTON, ADDING AN ADDITIONAL CHAPTER ll. 22.065 OF THE CODIFIED ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF AUBURN, Þ'lASHINGTON, ESTABLISHING A PROCEDURE OF ISSUA.'iCE OF "CONDITIONAL USE PEPJ1ITS". ""-be introduced and adopted. ROLL ~~L VOTE: Councilman Darling, Holman, Flechsig, Gavey, Sonnemann, and Shaughnessy voting YES. Councilman Lea voting NO. NOTION CARRIED ORDINANCE NO. 2774 It was moved by Shaughnessy, seconded by F1echsig, that Ordinance No. 2770 entitled "AN ORDINk,'iCE AUTHORIZING THE MAYOR AND CITY CLERK TO SIGN AN AGREEMENT FOR SEr'¡AGE DISPOSAL BET'iŒEN THE CITY OF AUBURN AND THE MUNICIPALITY OF METROPOLITAN SEATTLF'. ,. be introduced and adopted. Councilman Sonnemann stated that the City is taking a big step iT' ..c.-';juing the above r::en::íon'::i agreement with Metro. T¡,.relve years ago, Metro wac- .-.:='.. up to clean up Lake ~'¡as_'?ingtQn and the City of Seattle. Since that time, r:vl'-_~~lman Son.Zlemann stated that he h~s consist.ently been opposed to connecting ç.¡~ t11 :.ctro. HO¡veiier, Federal and State Go-.'ernrœnt no,.r require the Ci ty of i'I::¡m ~..;" to hook up to the Metro System; consequ9ntly., residents will soon b"" }JD'..-'':'ng $2.75 a month more for the selvage service. Nr. Sonne:.;ann stated that he ;...~ T"'".... J.OO?d sure that connecting to Netro is the nest short i..,_ -- "'IT long teC'..' :..:"udtion, nor is he enthused ç.¡ith the matter; hOv-lever, :,>..inc:.e t,';.~tate Governments ~re making connection t~ Netro a requirement, ne reels tnJ.s 1.5 ;::..:", .9:..> ~ ~ ...,tract the Cl. ty could have and he wJ.ll vote YES on Ordinance no. 2770.'" Councilman S.~ughnessy stated thá~ ~ have a small contingency of Auburn Citizens here tonight and he feels it should "'co:"J:-;t ::Jut .L.h"'¡- there have been refusals in regard to connecting to Metro in the p - Hm.¡eTr»r, ..:,co -":>:',..., ......;;t_ ,..<;Totiatiny for the oastgear and a half and during thi';;'.~egot:1.ating per~v"; :":1e C 1. t:t¡ of i-luburn saved the ci tizens another 1/2 million dollars. For those ¡..rho are famil,,'.,'t.c. ~.rit~'1 r"7is r.1atter., He have had a previous refusal from Metro in regard to approving a !: s'jstemcf our own and {¡Ie now have received a letter of disapproval before the I r i I I -~ -.>' -~:.-~~~':;;.,.- AUBURN, WASHINGTON MONDAY NOVEMBER 5, 1973 2"·é~-.~ --ð;Y~~:··' fact, ~0~ a new systeD. Councilman Shaughnessy stated that the news media are welcome to see ~ ~OPJ or the centioned letter. Hr. Shaug~~essy thanked Councilman Sonnemann for ho;"¿~::.q out on this connection wi t:.h Netro for so long and for saving the ci tizens of liub:lr::' so much money. ROLL C.~:'Z- VOTE: All Councilmen voting YES. NOTION CAP...RIED ¡·,;:"-Jvr ::""_ó;'ê:¡; c.h""l1ked t..7e Depa rt¡;iA.._ or EcolOYIJ ::r:..aff ana the NetI.o Starf rOl. ¡YO"";": 11<;.~ tog2t:.her ~.nd negor:..i..atL:q rOT this contract for the City of Auburn. I Council=.2:: Shaughnessy stated that our relationship ¡"Ii th Metro has been in the line of "Dealir:.g ;,,-i th gentler;:e:1 all the ¡"Iay dm'Tn the line", and the Metro organization shouLd be co~~e::¿ed for the fine work they have done. Mr. Shaughnessy also pointed out that Metro ~~s ~~ obligatio::. to the people and he hopes they continue to act in our best interes=s ~s they have in the past. Councii~~::. Sonnemann asked Mr. Gibbs, of Metro, when this contract would become erfecti,e and when the grant for Auburn would come through and the sewage system work wc~l¿ begin. Mr. Gibbs answered that the contract would be effective i~~ediate~y but it would probably be August or September of next year before the grant ac=~ally 'comes through. However, there is talk of making funds available from the State earlier in the year. Mr. Sonnemann stated that he asked the question so' ci tizeI'lS ~::>u1d be told ,,¡hen the se.....¡er line would go in and when to expect the extra se~=ge charge. C\} oc; þ ~ ç::. o The City ~ttorney, JOl~ B. Bereiter, stated that he feels we have a binding contract with Metro and it is acceptable to both parties involved. Mr. Gibbs stated that in response to Councilman Shaughnessy's remarks, he appreciates the vote of confidence the City of Auburn has in this contract and he believes the contract is quite different fuJd it does reflect conditions that pertain to Auburn. Mr. Gibbs also added his compliments to the negotiating team. RESOLUTION NO. 599 I It was =-,,:;-.:ed by Sonnemann, seconded by Gavey, that Resolution No. 599 entitled "A 'RESOLUTIO:; OF THE CITY OF AUBURN, fv]!$HINGTON, RELATING TO THE PROPOSED VACATION OF STP..EET .J-IGHT-OF-fiAY SITUATE PlITHIN THE CORPORATE LIMITS OF THE CITY OF AUBURN." be adopted. ROLL CJ...LL 'IOTE: All Councilmen voting YES. MOTION CARRIED RESOLUTION NO. 600 It ,,¡as ::Jo~'ed by Sonnemann, seconded by Gavey, that Resolution No. 600 entitled "A RESOLUTICS OF THE CITY OF AUBURN, PlASHINGTON, AUTHORIZING THE MAYOR AND CITY CLERK TO SIGN ON BEHALF OF THE CITY OF AUBURN A 11AINTENNJCE AGREEMENT BETfŒEN THE CITY OF AUBURN AND THE DEPJ..RTMENT OF HIGH'ilAYS AND THE STATE llIGWllAY COMMISSION FOR THE STATE OF riASHINGTœ¡." be adopted. ROLL C]!.LL VOTE: All Councilmen voting YES. !10TIONCARRIED RESOLUTION NO. 601 It t'las z::o-'-2i by Shaughnessy, seconded by Sonnemann, that Resolution No. 601 entitled "A RESO:.J..:'::ION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF AUBURN, riASHINGTON, AUTHORIZING THE liAYOR 0;:: '::.'iE CITY OF AUBURN TO EXECUTE AN Jc1NENDNENT TO THAT CERTAIN CONTRACT ENTERED INTO ¡'lIT..=:- :'EE GSA FACIl:,ITY, AUBURN, r'7ASHINGTON, FOR TP...A.SH REMOVAL SERVICE." be adopted. ROLL C~~~ :~TE: All Councilmen voting YES. MOTION CARRIED I RESOLUTION NO. 602 It ;·¡as .-::O·.r2J. ny Sonner;:a.nn, seconded by Gavey, that Resolution No. 602 entitled 11 1:. RZSOL:'-:::O,'¡ OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF AUBURN, WASHINGTON, AUTHORIZING THE r!..L-.YOR 0: -':.::::: CITY OF J. UB URN / TO EXECUTE AN AGREEMENT PIITH THE STATE OF f-fASHINGTON, fiASHING7.'c.:; STATE HIGHí;¡'Y COHNISSION FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OR INPROVE!1ENT OF SR 18, 11 crt STREE? 50UTH'ilEST TO "F" STREET SOUTHEilST." be adopted. ROLL C~~L VOTE: All Councilmen voting YES. NOTION CARRIED --'---'--~-~--~'~- --_.--- -------~ ~40 AUBURN, WASHINGTON MONDAY NOVEMBER 5, 1973 .".....--..~~....._- ..-_..~._'...;.......-..:,......"",-"...... -.-..., .__,_,_..".~___-..;.____~___._.._ ~_ .__..__.._.._~____..__ _._~'"_. _·u.__._~_~·~.,.m_,,~ '__~__".~_,,~______'""'_.. RESOLUTION NO. 603 1'':: -,.,·as mO',;red by Darling, seconded by Holw.an, that Resolution No. 603 entitled "A .:~~-SO"LU~rIOll 0:: THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF AUBURN, ~YASHINGTON, AN ENDING TElE LEGAL J::;SCRIPTION AND RELEilSING CERTAIN SECTIONS OF TEE ORIGINAL AGREEMENT ENTERED INTO 3::;::'XEEN THE CITY OF AUBURN AND CAP..L E. AND LENA 11. DeLAURa." be adopted. :-:'JLL C,¡.-'l!.L v"'nfTY::. .(.;1_1 r;,_11}-,c11~':;i! \.'-c,['';~-:..g ::.'~~... NO'rIO¡; Cfl.1?iW..j;IJ RESOLUTION NO. 604 It ¡vas moved by Shaughnessy, seconded by Holman, that Resolution No. 604 enti tIed " A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF AUBURN, rvASHINGTON, AUTHORIZING AND DIRECTING THE IL.4.YOR 'TO i;,CCEPT A PROPOS11L FROM U. R. S . /HI LL, INGM1J.N & CHASE, TO THE CITY OF AUBURN REGARDING E:¡GDíEERING SERVICES FOR A SEvIER SYSTEM EVALUATION STUDY. THIS IS A CONTINUATION OF 'IE=: CURRENT INFILTRIJ.TION/INFLo;¡ ANALYSIS STUDY BEING PREPARED BY HILL, INGUAN & CHASE." be adopted. .:'~OLL CIJ.LL 'VOTE: All Counci 1men voting YES. NOTION CiillRIED VOUCHER APPROVAL LIST It was moved by Holman, seconded by Lea, that the voucher list dated October 31, 1973, in the amount of $3,759,803_157 be approved. ROLL CALL VOTE: All Councilmen voting YES. MOTION CARRIED MISCELLANEOUS BUSINESS councilman Darling asked the City Attorney when he would have an answer in regard to licensing Side Sewer and Plumber Contractors in the City of Auburn. Mr. Bereiter stated that he is contacting the necessary agencies involved and will have advice on this matter very soon. There being no further business to come before the Council, the meeting was adjourned by Mayor Kersey at 8:52 P.M. APPROVED THIS 6TH DAY OF NOVEMBER, 1973. ¿;/ / ~ c.- V¿"h-~;2 ~¿~ ~/ CITY C RK I I ¡ I I I I I I ! i I. II I ! I