HomeMy WebLinkAbout11-19-1973 I C\! ~ t-- ,....., .../ ç;. C: I I 241. l:tCIBU;"(..V, ~/¡i.SliI¡·'iGTOlV NOVEMBER 19, 19Î3 NOND.4.Y -,---.-. --"" Tne .cegula[ :;:22t.ing of the iiuburn City Council convened at 8:00 P.M. ~ in the AUD1.1l.'n ~. . ',,.,'. ,..':;.../ Counci 1 Chambers_ nCr"LL CilLL --.--.- Councilmen Present: Councilr.:an Sonni2macln, Shaughnessy, DaI:1ing, Holman, F1echsig and Lea. APPROVAL OF MTNUTES ---. it -c."las rr!o\/F~d Î)1] Holr:!an" secoIlded by J:"'lechsi'J J t.l1a t the Counc.il l."r..inutes of.: lIo....rertI)e_,r- ..... / .l.973~ be approved a.s mailed. MOTrON CllF'P.IED CORIŒS PO:iD,,"':'ICF; The Ci ty Clerk read a Jette.c of resigna.tion from Councilman Dale ;'!m. Ga,,'ey. It ¡vas moved by Sonnemann, seconded by DarJing, that the Council accept Da.le Cavey's res i gnati on. 1"10TION CAP_ruED Mayor Kersey asked Councilman Sonnemann to report on the Executive Sess.ion of Council, held prior to the Council Neeting. Councilman Sonnemann thanked all of those who have shown an interest in the vacant council position and announced that there will be an Executive Session of the Council on December 10, 1973, at 7:00 P.M. to talk with the ten candidates selected from a group of t¡.¡enty-three persons. Nr. Sonnemann also stated that the ten candidates may send in further information or resumes regarding their qualifications by December 3 and asked that this information be sent to the City Clerk. The ten candidates for Council are as follows: Nary Caldwell, Howard E. Bothell Jr., Jim Fletcher, Mike Lawler, Ken Bradford, Dick DeRemer, Cliff Webb, Gene Wright, John Turner, and Bill Murphy. The Ci ty Attorney advised Mr. Sonnemann that the final selection should be made at a Council Meeting and Councílnan Sonnemann stated that the intention is to make the announcement at the Council Meeting on December 17, 1973. AUDIENCE PARTICIPATION Mayor Kersey introduced Pete Van Reichbauer, newly elected Senator of the 30th District. Mr. Ted E. Fitzgerald, of 113 17th Street S.E., read a petition from property 0'0111erS along 16th Street S.E. between A Street S.E. and B Street S.E. regarding LID 279. Mr. Andy Kollar, student at Green River Cowmunity College, presented opposition to the "Charge Pez' Credit Hour" Proposal of the Council on Higher Education. He pointed out that if the proposed draft should go into effect, many students could not afford to attend co.llege because the "Open Door" Policy would be violated by higher tuition charges. Speaking as a student, for students, ML Kollar asked that the Auburn City Council take some action on this matter and he requests the support of the Council. CouncLlman Darling stated that he had asked the City Attorney to draw up a reso1.ution reflecting that the Mayor and City Council support the Green River Associated Students position against the Council on Higher Education's proposal to change tu.i tion fees and he hopes the Ci ty Council ¡'Till support and adopt this resol ution ton.ight.. l-Ie stateà that the City of .liuburn could set the pace for other cities in the State of ývash.ington and other ci ties may in turn support the.ir communi ty colleges. Mrs. Ronald Brooke, of 1011 17th Street N.E., stated that citizens do not understand the L.iqhts of bicyclists and as a bike rider she w'ould like to see the City of 21uburn do something to help educate the public in regard to bicyclists. REC:)HMEN DATIONS 'The follo~/ingj. tems ¡.¡ere submi tted by the Director of Public "'lorks, Pat NeT7i ns.: for Counci.IA.opro\7al: Pal.) Estimate No.2 to Coulee Construction Co., for construction ot' LID 273.. East Main Street, in the amount of $53,737.66. .- .- ~'/~'~lS [(;,cvea by Shaughnessy, seconded. by FLechsig, that pa.y ,':stimate No.2 to Coulee Co:rpa.r:y [or $53,737.66 lx:: approved for ~'Jayment. C~orlS truct.I en por,..~ C_~~1LL VOrz"'E: All Councilmen voting NOTIœ¡C;/,_.'C?RIED ?r'C .1.1.',;:) .. -1- 24~ AUBURN, WASHING~ - MONDAY NOVEMBER 19, 1973 Cl1anqe Order No.1 to Doolittle Construction Co., fOL'St. Imp. 158, b_ituminous street surfacing on various streets, for an increase of $4,494.55. Pre-seal t.rea tment was deleted on certain sections of road and other sections required complete resurfacing. i1cldi tionally, portions of a street hacl crack sealer installed on an experimental basis. -¿é. wc;i"; lcdJj'2d by Sonna"ann, seconded by Shaughnessy, that the adopUon of ChaI1qe Orde.r No. 1 to Dooli ttle Construction Company for Street Improvement No. 158 for an increase of $4,494.55 be approved. F\JLL CALL í/OT1'7: All Councilmen r;~otìrlg YES. ¡'.[OTION ClIRFUED Pay Estimate No. 5 to Burnham Construction Co. for construction of St. Imp. 144, "AIf St. S.E. from 3rd to 6th, in the alliount of $15,873.22. I It vIas InoT.1ed by .l-lolman, seconàed by Lf?a, that Pay E'stirnate No.5 to Burnham Construction Company for: $15,873.22 be approved for payment. ROL!' CALL VOTE: All Councilmen voting YES. NOTION CARRIED Pay Estimate No. 9 to Burnham Construction Co. for construction of St. Imp. l35, Ph III, ElLingson Road, in the amount of $18,473.91. It was woved by Sonnemann, seconded by Shaughnessy, that Pay Estimate No.9 to Burnham Const.ruction Company for $18,473.91 be approved for payment. ROLL CiJ.I.L VOTE: All Councilmen voting YES. NOTION CARRIED Pay Estimate No.2 to Doolittle Construction Company for St. Imp. 158, bituminous street surfacing on various streets, in the amount of $5,973.60, final. It \-v'a3 moved by Sonnemann, seconded by Shaughnessy, that the project be accepted by the City as complete and Pay Estimate No.2, final, to Doolittle Construction 0Jmpany for $5,973.60 be approved for payment and the retained percentage amounting to $5,087'.81 be paid in thirty days provided no liens or claims are filed and clearance is secured from the State Tax Corrmiss.ion and the Department of Labor and Indus tI:i es . ROLL CALL VOTE: All Councilmen voting YES. MOTION CARRIED I Pay Estimate No.6, final, to Gary Merlino Construction Co. for construction of St. Imp. 134, 8th St. N.E., 8th St. N.E. from Harvey Road to l04th, in the amolli,t of $52,919.69. It f¡'/as moved by Sonnemann, seconded by Lea, that the project be accepted by the City as complete and Pay Estimate No.6 to Gary Merlino Construction Company for $52,919.69 be approved for payment and the retained percentage amounting to $27,578.30 be paid in thirty days provided no liens or claims are filed and clearance is secured from the State Tax Commission and the Department of Labor and Industries. ROLL CALL VOTE: All Councilmen voting YES. MOTION CARRIED Creation of L.I.D. 281, sanitary sewer construction on 8th St. N.E. from Auburn Way North to "K" St. N.E. Estimated cost of improvements $26,600.96. 71% of total square footage and 70% of total frontage property owners signed petition. It ¡vas moved by Shaughnessy, seconded by F1echsig, that L.I.D. 281 be created and the Ci ty Attorney be directed to prepare the nec€?ssary ordinance to accomplish same. ROLL C/1JÆ VOTE: All Councilmen voting YES. NOTION CARRIED iJ.ûthority to barricade "B" Street S.E., south of l1ain, by November 19th, for the Chamber of Commerce Christmas promotion. I It (ViE moved by Sonnemann, seconded by Shaughnessy, that permission be granted to ,:he Ch];wer of Commerce to barricade "B" Street S.E., south of Main, by November 19th ror the above stated reaSOD4 MOTION Cbr:¿RIED The Utility Committee Meeting ~s to be held on November 28, 1973 .instead of ?lc;'s.rernbe.r 22 nd ~ CO'Jr)c;ilman DarLing asked that Council r:aÌ<,e actio.n. on Resolution No. 605 (opposit.ion ::0 C:!;·7Jr:;e of' tui tion i'ees at Green Ri'/er Comml:ni ty CoJ.lec¡e). Councilman Holman stated th,~~-= h2;.;~·E:;els the COIl':lcÎl is veL"'.] _'lntc£(?stc:c? in thi:',") i tern and -the 0l)en (loor pol_icy at t~e Co~l(}ye is .In danger and he w.ill support Resolution No. 605~ -2- AUBURN, WASHINGTON . MONDAY 24~, NOVEMBER 19 I 1973 RESOLUTIOY NO. 605 It ¡va.s moved by Darling, seconded by Holman, tha t Resolution No. 605 enti tIed "A RESOLUTfON OF' THE CITY OF AUBURN TJUl'!' THE: ¡',.'AYOR AND THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF JltJ[JURN SUPPORT GREEN RIVER J".SSOCIilTED STUDENTS POSITION AG.'UNST THE COUNCIL ON ifTGIŒR EDUCATION'S PROPOSAL TO CHANGE THE TUITIO:-! FEE SCHEDULE." bt." adopt'2d. ROLL CALL VOTE: All Councilmen voting YES. llOTIO!! ClLI~RIED !.'.!.':.9!::"...LlJ.MATIONSL APPº_IN~:.,!ENT...!i. l,ND )di¡~ÎOu.:.IlfCElœNT!i I f1a:-JoJ:: Kerscr.¡ appo.inted Councilman Al Flechsig to serve on the LEFF Boal.-d, in vie,.; of Councili::¡an Gavey s resignation. Mayor Kersey announced that there will be a meeting at 7:30 P.M. 011 November 20, 2973, in the Council Chambers, regarding MLU Creek. All interested ci ti zens are í.nvi tcd to attend. Information .in regard to preventing flooding in a.r-ea ¡¡ili b9 presented JJy the River Basin Coordinating CotTlrrJ.ttee. 'The Mayor announced that a meeting will be held at the AmeLican Legion Hall on DacelTlber 13, 1973, at 7:30 P.N. Metro will pr9sent information on Environmental Assessment. C\1 OG 'I~e Mayor also announced that there will be a Work Shop Meeting at 7:30 P.M., Monday, l:'- November 26, 1973 in regard to housing in the Auburn area. Discussion and information t-:) to be presented by puget Sound Governmental Conference. All interested citizens §5 are urged to be in attendance. COUNCIL COlvIMITTEE REPORTS COMMITTEE ON COMNITTEEr S - CHAIRMAN SONNEI1ANN Councilman Sonnemann stated that according to Ordinances and Resolutions of the City, the new Committee on Committee's will apparently consist of Councilman Darling, Chairman, Councilman Holman and Councilman Lea. Councilman Sonnemann asked that the Council Members and two newly elected members start thinking about what Committee's they would like to serve on. I STP..EET COMMITTEE - CHAIRM.AN SONNEMANN The Street Committee met at 7:30 P.M. on November 8, 1973. The Committee discussed a request for street vacation on "R" Street N.E. and requests that the necessary ordinance be prepared for consideration by the Council at its next regular meeting. If vacated, it is recommended that the City retain an easement over and across said right-of-way to allow the public to enter upon and use said land without restriction or charge for the purpose of pedestrian travel to provide access to the sports fishing easement along the Westerly bank of the Green River. A Public Hearing will be held on December 3, 1973 on this Street Vacation. The Committee discussed a letter from M. A. Segale, Inc., General Contractors, requesting permission to construct a 22 foot asphalt service road on 41st Street S.E., from "A" Street S.E. easterly on a portion of existing City-owned right-of-way. The Committee recommends approval of this request provided the necessary Hold Harmless Agreements are entered into. It was moved by Sonnemann, seconded by Shaughnessy, that M. A. Segale, Inc. be authorized to construct a 22 foot asphalt service road at location described above providing the necessary Hold Harmless Agreer:>.ents be entered into. ROLL CALL VOTE: All Councilmen voting YES. MOTION CAR.R.IED I The Comr.ittee studied the Auburn Way South Lighting Plan and discussed installation of three sodium vapoJ:: luminaires on 6th Street S.E. to 8th Street S.E., as recommended by the F;ng_ineering Di vision. The Engineering Di vision also recommends an edge line ¡'lith appropriate reflectors be installed the length of the fire station. The next Street Committee will be at 7:30 P.M. on vlednesday, November 211 1973. UTILITY COMMITTEE - CHAIRMAN S~4UGHNESSY ----------. The utili ty Committee Meeting ,vas postponed unt.íl November 28, 1973. i'UULIC SAFETY CONMLTTEE - COU:¡CILMAN SHJWGHNF;SSY ____._w________~___,_____~____·_· r,-~h'? Public c.;afety Committee met at 7:30 P.iL on No'/ember 14, 1973. Tho" C~)m¡¡Ú ttee ,d,'~ ~)·'~-"'~ss2d O.rd_inanc(? l"/c 2767 (O;..:.ts.ide .lludib2e l't_Iarms) and recommends pass,asre of _ice; oTÓi i1¿lnCf2 ,vi th t'40 S U:]ht amendments. Sa.id amendments are in sect.ion 7 Jnd 9. -- 1- '244 AUBURN, WASHINGTON MONDAY NOVEMBER 19, 1973 '['he Public Safety Committee also studied Ordinance No. 2777 Pèrtaining to the Crirr~ of Escape and recommends approval oT this ordinance. PL-4.T.?!i.-.'fC & BEAU1'IFIc:..l1TION COMMITTEE - CHlURHAN DliJ."ŒING The Planning & Beautification Committee met at 7:30 P.M. on November 13, 1973. The C:J[.~:...~,--:i-ttse rocornme:1C!s tJ.~at aut11c:::"ty be g,iv~en to allow t.}1ePJhite Riv-'-er l!istox'ical Sociecy ~v TeWO\ie tne old furni ture èmd. orl1er item", from the buî1.din':J on rvest Nail, _ t.J:ei2t, to be used ,in the museum or for the purpose of rai.sing funds for operation of the nluseum~ It fvas moved by Darling, seconded by Holman, that the Whi te River Historical Society be ven authori ty to remO'7e the old furni tu[e and other items from the building on West Main Street for purposes described above. I ROLL CALL VOTE: All Co unci Imen voting YES. MOTION C1IRRIED 'l'he Model Li tter Ordinance and Annexation of the Golf Course and Issac Evans Park is under study by the Committee at this time. The Committee, after revie¡.¡ of the Environmental Impact Statement Declaration of Negative Impact regarding the Sega1e Temporary Haul Road, recommends acceptance of the temporary Haul Road and requests that the Declaration of Negative Impact Statement be submitted to the Department of Ecology. It was moved by Darling, seconded by F'lechsig, that the Ci ty accept the recommendation regarding the Declaration of Negative Impact Statement and Temporary Haul Road. NOTION CARRIED The ComJni ttee reviewed the Ci ty Attorney I s legal op.inionin regard to the right of the City of Abuurn to license plumbers and sewer contractors. The Committee recorr.mends· that the ordinance pertaining to said licensing be amended delet.ing said license requirements for plurrhing contractors, master plumbing license and sewer contractors and that for the remainder of the year no more licenses be issued. It was moved by Darling, seconded by Sonnemann, that the City Attorney be instructed I to draw up the nècessary ordinance to accomplish the deletion of license requirements as stated above. MOTION CARRIED The Corr.mittee discussed Commercial Industrial Use Permits, the I.R.D.P. Map and the Auburn Core Area. FINANCE COMMITTEE - CHAIRMAN HOLMAN The Finance Committee met at 7:45 P.M. on November 15, 1973. Reports for October and cash balances for the end of Octobe,r were recei ved. Discussion was held on the 1974 Preliminary Budget and Mayor Kersey presented recommended reductions in the preliminary budget to balance to anticipated receipts. The Committee discussed surplus property and declared two steno machines surplus. It ~.¡as moved by Holman, seconded by Darling, that the two steno machines be declared surplus. MOTION CARRIED AIRPORT COMMITTEE - CHAIRMAN FLECHSIG The Airport CormTlittee met at 7:30 P.M. on November 14, 1973. Mr. Wescott and jvIr. Lents, of .~via tion Northwest, appeared before the Com'7li ttee [or further discussions regarding the establishment of a fixed base op2ration at the Auburn Municipal Airport to provide airc.caft maintcnance and air taxi service? The Comm,i ttee also discussed space reqlli rements, size of bui1d.Íng, financing, and type of ser¡¡,ices proposl':d. It ¡.¡as the recommendation of the Committee that this request be he.ld in abeyance llntil after our Airport Layout Plan is approved by the F.A.A. I The Airport Committee discussed our cequest for assistance to provide a fire line at tl1e Auburn Municipa.l Airport. A letter from the State ileronautics Commission indicates that our request fOT assistance is still active but at this time no funds are availab1e. -4- I '" X t-- '-:J ¡::; o I I AUBURN, WASHINGTON' 245 NOVEMBER 19, 1973 MONDAY The Cormrri ttee reviewed the comments from the F.A .A. regarding the Preliminary Airport Layout P.lan that must be approved prior to certification. The comments were general and :Lncluded showing building setback lines, easement lines, windinformatíon and other minor corrections. The F .A.A. does 'iI'ant to knm" the status of the sewer lagoons. The Committee requests information from the Utility Com'71ittee on the long range status of the lagoons and the surrounding city property. 0"_~'~)2 :';'c:hule:[ reVit2í'led with L.;~,- COÜ,"'.L·,_c::::e :':,':.9 form to be u..3tòQ : den acq.....i..L.:.L::,' ·,.::r space eaSeJ.712nts. 'The CO¡¡,r¡'-Í tte2 discuss2d the needs for aâ.di tional hangars and tie do;.¡n5. This i ten' ¡"ill be on future agendas to look .into methods of funding. The Commi tte2 requested that Mr. Chipperfield have at the next meeting, the number of peop.le that have requested hangar space and are on a ¡.¡ai ting _Ust. The COI!ìmi tte2 a.Iso requests that the Public fvorks Department have available :Eo.!: the next meeting an updated cost estimate for the construction of new hangars. The next Airport Co~~ittee Meeting will be at 7:30 P.M. on Decemher 4, 1973. BUILDING COMMITTEE - CHAIRl1ilN LE11 Since the c.itizens of Auburn did not vote in a new city Hall, the Buj}rJinq Committee "ill be looking at the situation and work on other methods for a new Municipal Building. Counc.ilman Lea reported that he attended a conference in Spokane in regard to a new philosophy and concept of government. He announced that sessions will be held in Seattle during December and he urged all Council Members to attend and get ideas on the new concept and how to administer our State and Local Government. Mr. Lea did point out, however, that he does not favor this new concept of government because he believes it would take away Local Government. OLD BUSINESS ORDINANCE NO. 2767 (INTRODUCED ONLY NOVEMBER 5, 1973) It was moved by Shaughnessy, seconded by Holman, that Ordinance No. 2767 entitled "AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF AUBURN, WASHINGTON, REPEALING AUBURN CITY ORDINANCE NO. 2688, PASSED THE 17TH DAY OF SEPTEMBER, 1973, AND ENACTING A NEW AUBURN CITY OR.DINANCE PROHIBITING OUTSIDE AUDIBLE INTRUSION ALARMS ON COMMERCIllL, BUSINESS AND INDUSTRIAL ESTABLISHMENTS WITHIN THE CITY LIMITS OF THE CITY OF AUBURN, AND REQUIRING THAT OUTSIDE AUDIBLE INTRUSION ALARMS ON RESIDENCES AND MOTOR VEHICLES WITHIN THE CITY LIMITS OF THE CITY OF AUBURN HAVE A DEVICE LIMITING THE DURATION OF SAID ALARM TO A PERIOD NOT TO EXCEED FIVE (5) MINUTES; GIVING THE AUBURN POLICE DEPARTMENT THE DISCRETION TO ALWW INSTALLATION IN THE AUBURN POLICE DEPARTMENT OF INTRUSION ALARMS THAT ARE COMPATIBLE WITH SUCH EQUIPMENT NOW INSTALLED IN THE AUBURN POLICE DEPARTMENT; PROHIBITING ANY AUTOMATIC TELEPHONE DIALING TO AUBURN POLICE DEPARTMENT ALARM SYSTEMS OR SWITCHBOARDS; GRANTING THE AUBURN POLICE DEPARTMENT THE DISCRETION TO LEVY A MINIMUM CHARGE OF $lO. 00 FOR EACH FALSE INTRUSION ALARM RECEIVED BY THE AUBURN POLICE DEPAR'l'MENT; AND RESERVING TO THE AUBURN POLICE DEPARTMENT THE RIGHT TO HAVE ANY INTRUSION ALAP-ÞIS SYSTEMS INSTALLED THROUGH THE AUBURN POLICE DEPARTMENT Sf VI TCHBOARD RENOVED FOR NON-PAYMENT OF THE FALSE ALARM CHARGE, OR FOR EXCESSIVE NUMBER OF FALSE ALARMS; AND PROVIDING PENALTIES FOR VIOLATION OF THE TERMS OF THIS ORDINANCE." be adopted with two amendments as mentioned in the Public Safety Committee Report. Said amendments are as follows: Page 2, Section 7, shall read "The Auburn Police Department is granted the discretion to order a minimum charge of $lO.OO for each false alarm the AuburIJ Police Department receives or responds to." Page 2, Section 9, shall read "From and after the effective date of this Ordinance, it shall be the obligation of anyone connecting an outside audible intrusion alarm to any building _Located w_ithin the City Limits of the City of Aubu.rn, to immediately upon the placement of such alarm system, give íVri tten IJotification thereof wi th the PoLice Department of" the C.i ty of Auburn. 1/ ROLL CALL VOTE: Councilman Shaughnessy, Darling, Holman and Sonnemann voting YES. Councilman Flechsig and Lea voting NO. MOTION CARRIED ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS ORDINANCE NO. 2775 n~ í,as mo'/ed by Darling, seconded ]-YJ Lea, that Ordinance No. 2775 entitled "AN ORDI[¡]i.NCE OF' THE CITY OP AUBURN, f-lASHINGTON, PROVIDING FOR THE REZONnìG OF A PARCEL O~' LlLVD ·1.61 ;t,CPES ILl SIZE LYING SOUTH OF 37TH STREET N.rv. AND El;ST OF "B" STRF;ET N.f'I., STT.'U/',TE ~'¡IT¡fIN THE Cl'fY 02' AUBURN, r'¡ASHINGTO.v, CHANGING THE ZONING CLASSIFICATION T_"EP.EOF r'rWN U~jC'Lj1.SSTE'2ED TO M-I OR ¡If-2." be introduced and ado¡;;ted. -5·- 2A4JiN, WASHINGTON MONJ)AY NOVEMBER 19, 1973 POLL :='lŒ,L VOTE: Councilman Darling, Holman, Flechsig, Lea and Sonnemann voting YES. Councilman Shaughnessy ABSTllINED. trOTION ClJ.RRIED ORDINJ1_NCE NO. 2776 It t4:·~3 ì[)(Î'!"- _6 JJ9 _, ~ 3~.~n~Q~ bq ;zolman, tha t Orä.u:~~_;::'2 ". ~.u ,. 2/ / G ;onti tled 1/ i\N OEWIZIA::CE OF THE CITY OF lJ.UBURN, fVASH INGTOeV, PROVIDING FOP. THE REZONING OF THE ENTIRE PLAT oe Gr~E¡.1T ~1/ESTE1?1.V ADD1-TIOi.v C(]l'lTllIllIlIG 32 LCTS¡ ADJ.t?.CZ:.VT TO "JlI AL'VD ilK" STREETS Iv.Ef. Bjj·'T~'Ì2.'~;:·! 26Th' ..7J.J'/D 2S7..'ff S~T'l<EE-'TS t/.. E.. S.rT[j)i~'E rv·T~C1I1IV TFIE C'ITY OF' AUB[TRt'¡, pIASI-lIlIGTO[\IJ CHlü"GLXG TIlE ZONING CLASSIFICATION TH~:REOF FRON 17.-2 TO R-3. 1/ be introduced and adopted. ROLL CALL VOTE: All Councilmen voting YES. NOTION Cf1RRIED ORDINANCE NO. 2777 It I<¡as mcrv'ed by Shaughnessy? seconded by Sonnemann, that Ordinance No. 2777 enti tled 1/ AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF AUBURN I fi'ASliINGTON, At-JENDING AUBURN CODIFIED CITY ORDINANCE 7.04.030 BY ADDING A NEW AUBURN CODIFIED CI'l'Y ORDINANCE NO. 7.04.035 DEFINTNG ~'1HAT CONSTITUTES THE CRIME OF ESCAPE. 1/ be? introduced and adopted. ROLL CALL VOTE: All Counc.ilmen voting YES. MOTION CARRIED MISCELLANEOUS BUSINESS Councilman Flechsig asked the City Attorney to read the ordinqnces in regard to the Comùittee on Committee's. The City Attorney, John B. Bereiter, read said ora.1.nances. Councilman Sonnemann pointed out that at the time the :first ordinance was originally v.rri tten, it was the intention that the Councilman wL~~h the most seniori ty would be the Chairman of the Commi ttee on Commi ttee' s. 'There being no further information to come before the Council, Mayor Kersey adjourned the meeting at 9:15 P.M. APPROVED THIS 20TH DAY OF NOVEMBER, 1973. ~) , ~. ý~ Y/L'/ fl---- L- v!: '/~ . ø- CITY LERr Æ ,./" .. D . m~. (\ - k£.~~. . MAYOR -6- I I I