HomeMy WebLinkAbout12-03-1973 I C'\i '¥J t-.. '"":) c;:; o I I ./lU3UR~~1" r'l.':i.S'dI1VG-TOi.V 047 DECE;'!EE:R 3, 1 ~3 ¡'-10_VD.:1Y .-----.... 2'.h¿-] l"'~!~Jular IneE~ting of t...he AuburIl C'i ty Cou..tlcil conv'ened at 8 :00 P .l'-j ~ / in tJ."1e Auburn Ci ty Council Chambers ~ .RCJLL CALL Councilmen Present: Councilmen Excused: Counci.lman Shaughnessy, holman, Flechsig and Lea. CouncilfiJan Sonnemann and Darling. APPROVAL OF MINUTES Ie vias move,.] by Holman, seconded by Lea, that the Council Minutes of NO'7eIT'.D?T 1973, be approved as mailed. 7 c. ---' , ÞI0TIO-': Cl¡iUnED PUELIC HEARINGS Nayor Kersey declared Public Hearing open on the 1974 City of J1uburnF'.inal Euâge~. It was moved by Flechsig, seconded by Shaughnessy, that the Public Hearing be closed. NOTION Cl'tRRIED . The Mayor statedtha,t there r,Ú11 be an ordinance on the 1974 Ci ty of Auburn Final Budget later in the Council l1eeting. l1ayor Kersey declared Public Hearing open on the petition of Chris Lamereaux for the vacation of street right-of-way situate and known as "R" Street Northeast lying between 8th Street Northeast and the westerly bank of the Green River. It was moved by Holman, seconded by Lea, that the Public Hearing be closed. MOTION CARRIED It was moved by Shaughnessy, seconded by F1echsig, that the proposed vacation of street right-of-r,.ray situate and known as "R" Street Northeast, lying between 8th Street Northeast and the westerly bank of the Green River, be approved and the City Attorney be instructed to draw up the necessary ordinance providing a public utility easement over, across, upon and underneath the entire vacated street for ingress and egress for the purpose of installing and maintaining all public utilities and an easement over and across the vacated street to allow members of the public to enter upon and use said land without restriction or charge for the purpose of pedestrian travel to provide access to the westerly bank of the Green River be included. ROLL CALL VOTE: All Councilmen voting YES. MOTION CARRIED CORRESPONDENCE The Mayor and Ci ty Council reviewed a letter, sent to the Auburn School District, regarding the parking problem on "H" Street N.E. The Mayor stated that he hopes to hear from the Auburn School District within two weeks or we will be contacting them in regard to this problem. BID OPENINGS Bids were opened November 30, 1973, 11:00 A.M. for a television system for internal i nspecd.on of san.i tary sewer lines, ,ú thbids submi tted by Aero Marc Inc. and Cues Pacific Pipe Tool. It ¡vas moved by Shaughnessy, seconded by Lea, that this item be referred to the Street Committee and the utility Committee for review prior to Council Action. MOTION CliRRIED RECOMMENDATIONS The follo',Úng .i tern ¡,¡as submi tted by the Ci ty Clerk, Ea r.Ia L. ByeT1e!), fOT Council lipproval: Authority to Ca.Ii ror Bias on or lJefOre uecembeL' .Li, 1<¿13 for all legal pubLications of the City during the year 1974. It ;·¡as ,,:oved .by Sh.:mghnessy, seconded .bIJ Flechs.ig, that the staff .be authorized to Call IéJr Eids on or before DecerrJJer 13, 1973 for d.U legal pu.blications of th:? c.i tl~ during the year 1974. ¡)OLL C.c,LL 'lOTi':: )11.2 Councilfiien voting YE'S. NOTION CAR.RIED ---1-- 2 4,~ ""', 11 ¡ 13-- ¡\.;J,\/ '."'-'_.,...... ·-;1 ~,'r (rlì;~l _:_..:~_...:::~-:~-!-.::.:..: 1._ '"-=--=' \J _ ,...I ~" MUNDAY DECEMBER 3,1973 'The .to,,11o~¡7ing uiter[!s Counc:il Appro"ral: were submitted by che Director of Public Works, Pat Nevins, for Pay E:stimate No.1 to Chad Construction Co. for construction of L.I.D. 280, sanitar':) sewer on "I" St. N.E. from 24th to 26th, in the amount o.f $6,564.75. I;: ~.,tas :n::)\,/'cd by S112uglJnessy/ seconded .by !folmaJl/ th2f- P?~] Estimate1:Jo" 1 to Cha·i (;unSU,¡ctLon Company ÚJi. ",6,564./..) De ~;;-proV";Jd tor paymi::=:'.t. ROLL CALL VOTE: A2l Coundlmen voting YES. NOTION CARRIED Change Order :/0. 1 to Coulee Construction Co., increase of $1,035.64 on L.I.D. 278, East Main Street construction, additional excavation required in trans i tion areas between pri \late properties and curb line. I It was noved by Ho11Tianr seconded by F'.Iechs.ig, that the adoption of Change Order No.1 to CouJró:e Construction Company for an increase of $1,035.64 on L.I.D. 278 be approved. ROLL GiLL VOTE: All Councilmen voting YES. MOTIO:J CAPJUED Creation of L. I. D. 282, sanitary se,ver and appurtenances on 9th St. N.E. from "I" Street to "K" Street N.E. Estimated cost of improvements, $15,240.00. 66.24% of total area and 69.33% of front footage property owners signed petition. It was moved by Shaughnessy, seconded by Lea, that L.I.D. 282 be created and the ci ty Atto.rney be directed to prepare the necessary ordinance to accomplish same. ROLL CALL VOTE: All Councilmen voting YES. MOTION CARRIED Change Order No.1 to Contract No. 73-18, purchase of engine driven pump for sev¡age lagoon, consisting of tine extension to February J, 1974, Ralph Co. It was moved by Flec:hsiq, seconded by Shaugl,ne.ssy, that the adopUon of Change Order No. 1 to Ralph Company, on Contract No. 73-18, for extension of time to February 1, 1974, be approved. ROLL CALI, FOTE: All Councilmen voting YES. MOTION CARRIED I Change Order No.3 to Puget Electric Co., Contract No. 72-32, telemetering installation, consisting of time extension to November 30, 1973. It ,vas moved by Lea, seconded by Holman, that the adoption of Change Order No. 3 to Pl1get Electric Company, on Contract No. 72-32, for extension of time to November 30, 1973, be approved. ROLL CALL VOTE: All Councilmen voting YES. MOTION CARRIED T.he follmving item was submitted by the Director of Parks and Recreation, Len Chapman, for Council Approval: Pay Estimate No.3 to Richard G. ~vagner, Inc. for Brannan Pa:r:k Development in the amount of $71,765.67. It was moved by Shaughnessy, seconded by Holman~ that Pay Estimate No. 3 to Richard G. Wagner, Inc. for $71,765.67 be approved for payment. ROLL CALL VOTE: All Councilmen voting YES. MOTION CARRIED PROCLAMATIONS, APPOIN'l'11ENTS AND ANNOUNCEMENTS Nayor Kersey announced that there will .be a meeting at 7: 30 P. M. on December 13, 1973, at the k~erican Legion Hall. Metro Ivill present information on Environmental IŒsessment and the environmental impact of the Auburn Interceptor. ' I The Mayor stated that prior to act.ion on the ordinance pertaining to the 1974 City of Auburn B7.ldc¡et, he ,vQuld like to point out that very severe cuts have been made in the budget, arr:ounting to over $900,000.00. The CouncLl, Council Committees and Staff feel that the ci ty can accomplish most of its goals fo:c 1974; however, .10n~' +-r:orm jm~::r¡\7Ament:s wil.!. be '1e],"y",d J:¡.~cap.C"p of 1-0,-0 r;!¡.hack _11" CaDU-;::.l Expendi tures. The City ¡lÌll continue to have about the same number of employees on the pa.yroll and the City will progress in such a "'lay that the citizens may be proud of their City. -2- I "* ~ t-.. '"":) ¡O c. I I .~:?!!~?!.'¿23-:! / r1,:;;'SI-IINC;TO~V DECEL"!EER 3, 1.s~34 9 NON DAY COUNCIL COMMITTE::: REPORTS UTILITY COMi'HTTEE- CHAIRi.'1i~.N SHAUGHNESSY 7ne utility Co~~ittee met at 7:30 P.M. on November 28, 1973. The Committee discussed the following items: .l?equest f....JI ~J:'~ ".-2£ .::JeL '- -':::..':: .;-,1;-:2 ~'J:·eci¡ t .Lor u-.. ~.7.. Ilarkey':::: ·"":,::cp:-.. ::_.; I/f::... i/illage No.5 sub-division. UncZer-ground ?oç.¡er and Street Lighting Delay alœJ.g 22nd Street N. E. .in cêJnnection ~'lith !-'II.. I{ar~:Cey's Green RiT..ler V.i_lla:;¡e fIo. 5 sub-division. Street Vacation on 100th Avenue bebleEm 8th Street N.E. and -che Green River. Request .for Late Comer Agreement along 359th Street South from ";¡" to "B" St~reet S. E. Se,ver CU1T'.ulative Reserve Fund as it applies to selvage treatment .lagoon. Status 0:: existing sanitary sewer lagoon ,vas discussed and the feeling is that ~-c should be retained, even after it is no longer needed by the Ci.t1) or :Jetro for sCMage treatment, because it may be used for some other purpose at a 1até?r ti:re. Existing ordinancG regarding the "N" Street S.E. Sanitary Se¡'ler vias discussed ~n detail and revisions were suggested and recommendation made to the Ci ty Atto ¡:-neu to draw up necessary ordinance to accomplish the ohanges. New procedure for rvater Se¡,rer Permi t Applications. The Water Service Area south of the Stuck River ,vas discussed and a meeting was held November 29th in Tacoma by the Boundary Review Board. Muckleshoot f'later and Sewer Line on 17th and "R" Street S.E. Councilman Shaughnessy stated that the utility Com~ittee Minutes are a matter of Public Record and if anyone is interested in the details of above mentioned items they may have a copy of the Committee Minutes. The next utility Committee Meeting will be combined with the Street Com~ttee Meeting on Thursday, December 6, 1973 at 7:30 P.M. FINANCE COMMITTEE - CHAIRi.vßN HOLf1AN The Finance Committee met at 7:30 P.M. on November 29, 1973. '1'he Committee moved that Mayor Kersey be authorized to invest $500,000 from Treasurer's surplus, $300,000 from Street Construction Fund and re-invest $1,750,000 from various City Funds in Re-Purchase Agreements. It was moved by Holman, seconded by Shaughnessy, that the Mayor be authorized to m~~e the above listed investments and the re-investmen~ of $1,750,000. ROLL CALL VOTE: All Councilmen voting YES. MOTION CARRIED The Committee moved that the City refund.$162, without interest, to Darrel1 J. Smith for payment of sewer service charges from January, 1968 through June, 1973, when sewer service was not available to his residence. It was moved by Holman, seconded by Lea, that Council approve the refund of $l62 to Darrell J. Smith as listed above. ROLL CALL VOTE: All Councilmen voting YES. MOTION CARRIED The Committee moved to recommend payment of a fees and costs incurred by the City of Auburn counsel ~~d advice regarding the negotiations from March 30, 1972 through November 2, 1973. Department's Eudget. bill for $3,736.85 for attorneys' to George Mack and his law firu¡ for between Metro and the City of Auburn This is to be paid from the Sewer It was moved by Holman, seconded by Shaughnessy, that payment of $3,736.85 to George Mack and his law firm be approved for purposes listed above. ROLL CALL VOTE: .7U1 Councilmen voting YES. NOTION CARRIED AIRPORT COMMITTEE - CHAIRMAN FLECHSIG The next J1irport Comn1Îttee ¡'V!eet.Íng will be held at 7:30 P.M. on December 4, 1973. DEPARTMENT HEAD REPORTS - ---_.._.- Ro)..'e rta No r.ley , OL:t-.i ci al t.Jinute 'fo} urn8S . Ci ty Archi vist, sta ted that she had completed reproduct.ion of the Books from 1891-1895 and "lill soon begin reproduction on otheL' -3- 250 J.4íJ3Ul~'~~\/.' >r:~~S!..[£Ii.VGTO~V 1"'10~'lD.4Y DECEMBER 3, 1973 _._.-------_._,--_.~----- --------- ORDIN.I;..VCES liND RESOLUTIONS ORDIN~~VCE NO. 2778 It was moved by Shaughnessy, seconded by Hol~an, that Ordinance No. 2778 entitled "AN ORDINr1NCE Of' 'THE' CITY Of' A.UBURN, ~liiSI-lINGTO-'l, DETERi':INnlG AND FIXING THE ANOUNT '1.'0 BE ."'-'ESED EY iW \l11LORE1'1 Tl1.XES FOR FISC.7.J.L YEA.[:¿ 197,1 FOR THE CITY OF .i}UBURN, ~·l~4Sf{Ili(-;.LCJL'Í, t'L;lC3UA.':'J~"[' TO THE PROVIS.iO¡\¡S VJ.4' R..C..rv.. .i:JA.~j..13~." ,be _Î,ntrcû.ucecr and ac1opted. :~C).LL C.·x~L:J 'VOTE: ~111 C0:.111c_i_Lmen ,:/ocing YES.. CJ.RRIED v ORDINANCE NO. 2779 It wdS moved hy Holman, seconded by Shaughnessy, that Ordinance No. 2779 entitled fI.l;.¡V OPJJINJ..NCD OF THE CITY OF ¡.1UBURN, fvA3H1NGTON, PROVIDING FOR THE CONSTRUCTION ¡1ND INS'l'11LL;'i7.TON OF 8 IIICH Slil.VITARY SEr'/ER, 6 INCH SIDE SErVERS lIND NECESSJ1R.Y APPURTENJ1.NCES· ON 8TH STREET NORTHEAST FROM AUBURN f'Ii1'Y NORTH TO /I K" STREET NORTHEllST, INSIDE THE CORPORi1.TE Ln1ITS Of' THE CITY; CREATING l'iND ESTABLISHING LOCAL IMPROVEMEWC DISTRICT NO. 281," PROFIDING Tl£E HETHOD OF ASSESSl!ENT IN S.i~,rD DISTRICT AND THE NODE OF' PkYNENT THER's'OF, /'eND CRE/'iTING .21 LOCAL IMPROTlEMf.;NT FUND THEREPOR." be _introduced and adopted. ROLL CALL VOTE: All Councilmen voting YES. NOTION CARRIED ORDINANCE NO. 2780 It ¡vas moved by Shaughnessy, seconded by Lea, that Ordinance No. 2780 entit.Led "AN ORDINAlvCE OF THE CITY OF AUBURN, W]iSHINGTON, AIXJPTING THE EUDGET FOR THE CITY 0.1" liUDURN, vÙ1SHINGTON, FOR THE YEAR A.D. 1974." be introduced and adopted. ROLL CALL VOTE: All Councilmen voting YES. MOTION CARRIED RESOLUTION NO. 606 It was moved by Lea, seconded by Shaughnessy, that Resolution No. 606 entitled "A RESOLUTION OF THE: CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF AUBURN, r"¡lJ.SHINGTON, AUTHORIZING AND DTRECTTNG THE MlJ.YOR AND CI'l'Y CLERK FOR THE CITY OF AUBURN, TO ENTER INTO A CONTRACT NITH PUGET SOUND POkiER AND LIGHT COMPANY FOR MUNICIPAL WATER PUMPING." be adopted. ROLl, CALI, VOTE: All Councilmen voting YES. MOTION Cl'iRRIED VOUCHER APPROVAL It ¡vas mor/ed by Holrran, seconded by Lea J that the voucher list dated November 30, -1973, .in the amount of$ß;,0f57,08S-.40 be approved. ROLL CAeLL VOTE: All Councilmen voting YES. MOTION CliRRIED There being no further business to come before the Council, Mayor Kersey adjourned tlle rneet:ing at 8: 30 P .l~!. APPROVED THIS 4TH DAY OF DECEMBER, 1973. ~" / ó:/ ,--" :2 ~J "-j I, CIT~:!Ø ~ff / , - -5 Oj1~~ MAYOR -4- I I I