HomeMy WebLinkAbout12-17-1973 I .C\J ~ r-... 1-:;) ç::¡ C: I I ~.:rJ.J[jl~~~'¡)' ;'/i~G¡-£Ii.·'~:G:';'''OJ.V ----------- f)51 D· _,r. ~"B' r"'~ ... 7 Z'~7 ~ ::' l...L:..lI;' ~i). .J.... , _::;.. / --> i"IONDAY ----- The:: n;2eting of the Auburn Ci ty Council convened at 8 :00 P. N., in the Auburn Ci ty (':oun~::il C"'hambers. REPORT FROM COUNCIL CQivINITTEE ON COlvlMIT'l'EES Councilman So!:.nemann reported that tonight, the Council Cornmittee on Corarnittees met 7n Executive Session to again discuss the qualif.Lcations of the three persons na¡;;ed (~:.:~ f-.J~i-::':_·::;::s ,-'L' last t'londay ;:~-~g_"'rtt'- 1l1t::t:::" L.-iJ._J '-"'h::. L1-:./'¿E: c::_dr1iüw.t:.~s are: Hc~;p-;'c: 3c~-~sllJ .7r c..iff Webb, and Nike LaNier. Councilman Sonnemann stated that: at this time the Council is roady to ballot; however, prior to the balloting, he added that this decision has heen an exc2eäir2g1~' dift7j.cul t choic~e f-or~ each of them to maJ:.e and _'L t 0l¿-25 also a difficult choice to na.rrO'il do;vn from bventy-two to ten candidates and from ten to Ul':ee. Sonnema:1n feels tha t each of the Councilmen 'iould agree t,'¡at each of the three remaining candidates viouid lTiake a very Fine Councilman. Councilman Sonnernann asked the City Clerk to call Uk, r.oll far t1jc counc.i.l ballot and stated that the winner "lQuld be dec.Zared the appo.intee to fill the vacant council posi tion. F'/")LL C¿.lLG VOT2;: 1.1.1 Counc.ilriien voting .for N.ike Lawler. t;()'TI()."- !:1a90r F:e:csey as}~e¿ t1.ike L2w'ler to come £'o.r-YAla.rd and take the Oat1-1 or O.ffic-9 and ÌJ:::: c(xlgcatulated. 'The Ci ty ilttorney, John B. Berei ter, administered the Odth of OFfice. I do solem.rlly 5v.¡ear that I >v'ill fai thfully and impartially perform the duties of Councilman as prescribed by law and to the best of my abili ty? and that .r 'dill support and maintain the Laws and the Consti tution of the State of viashington and the United States. So help me God. Mr. Lawler answered, "I do." Mr. La,vler vIas congratulated by the Uayo.r and Counci 1 and then took his seat with the Council. ROLL CALL Councilmen Present: Counci lman Lawler, Sonnemann, Shaughnessy, Darling, Holman, Flechsig and Lea. APPROVAL OF MINUTES It was moved by Flechsig, seconded by Holman, that the Council Minutes of December 3, 1973, be approved as mailed. MOTION CARRIED CORRESPONDENCE The City Clerk read the Zone Change Application from Arctic Circle Inc., requestin g change of zoning from R-2 to C-l, property located at 910 "D" Street S.E. (Application- No. 23-73) It was moved by Sonnemann, seconded by Lea, that the Zone Change Application from Arctic Circle Inc. (Application No. 23-73) be referred to the Planning Commission for recop~endations. MOTION CARRIED The City Clerk read the Special Property Use Permit Application from Dean M. Rockey, M.D., requesting a Special Property Use Permi t for property located on "I" Street and Harvey Road. (Application No. 24-73) It.: ¡.¡as mmled by Dar.Zing, seconded by Sonnemann, that the Special Property Use Permit .1lpp1.ication from Dean M. Rockey, N.D., (Application No. 24-73) be L'eferred to the Planning Comrnission for reco~mendations. NOTION C4RRIED The Ci tyClerk read a letter from George A. Schu1.er, Director of P.lanning and CormTIuni ty D2,'e1opment, r-egarding the Final plat of KLine's First Acidi tion. t!ayo.r: Kers:::} stated thaI: action r,.¡il.I }Je taken on this lateI' in the rneet.in~/", J,n t}~E: {'orrn of an ordinance. BID OPENINGS B.ids ,hJCe 0ly:c:ned Noverr.ber 30, 1973, 11:00 }1..1£. for a television system for internal i.lspeccLon of sani tar':) Se¡'ler lines, ;vi th bids submi tted as follo;'ls: ]J¡l.S r C IU D ~LTERNATE I ALTERNATE II $1,200.00 $400.00 1,753.00 000 11LTERNilTE III .-.._------, $210.00 12S.00 (~,.---~~'~ F',rC' PIPI:; TOOL CO~ / .I~''¡C.. $8,6.18.tJO 10,719.50 f;"lj~(; [tIC. f'252 TrT~)"r;ni r,,;¡eiJTè¡rT0V I ~::~::..'::.,:.è:.~J "..."-'..-,-. u.u. ¡';O.VDlJ.Y DS'CE,'1BEP 17,Z 97] The abO?2 .bids ;ýer8 accompanied by Bid Bonds; the above bids do not include Sal'2s Tax. Tt is the reco([/Inendation of the Director oÊ Public f'70rks to a,ýard Contract No. 73-34, TV c.3.:¡;era. (sanita:r::.; d:1d storm seweri.l1spection), to Cues/Pacific Pipe Tool Co. f Inc. of Sacramen:.o, California on the.ir lo¡ý basic bid of $8,618.00 p.lus Alternate £10. 1 of $1,200.00 and Alternate No.3 of $210.00 plus ;vashington State Use Tax of $531.48 for ~ total af $10,559.48. It was moved by Shaughnessy, seconded by Flechsig, that Contract No. 73-34, television sy~c)/:em "[O.T: internal ins!?ection o:t~ sanitar:y se;'/er 11:nes / be a;.¡arded to CT7JE}S/'pdCificPJ~pf2 Tc,ol CCJ:::p3.ny as .'C2coJJ!T;endr2i1 by the ;),irec:toz' of" Publ}'c Ç~lor}cs and upon si~/n_i.rlg ci:~ the cont.z'actthe b_id ÌJond be returned to Aero J'.larc .Inc.. P:.OI;L C.ilLI; ~'()7rE: All Councl~l!nen voting YES.. NOTIOV CARRIED I Bids were opened Dece-.r0er 12, 1973, 11:00 ¡l..N. for Nauso.leum Buildings at Mountain V.ieJ Cemetery, with bids subrni tted as fO.Zlmvs: BASIC BTD GRllNITE ( INCLUDED .IN B. B . ) $7,400.00 8,400.00 9,746.00 10,750.00 AI/l'ERN/iTE I ALTERNATE II AL'I'ER¡'ýA'l'E III FITZPll'l'RICK MC INTYRE S. r.¡. ,RzlKER CONPllNY ~~ANGO CONSTRUCTTON J. R. KEYES $41,226.00 46,964.00 CO. 70,254.00 105,137.84 $2,021.76 2,729.38 3,593.00 10,417.33 $1,316.25 1,572.92 1,369.00 1,446.82 $473.85 610.74 263.00 429.62 1~e above bids were accompanied by Bid Bonds; the above bids include Sales Tax. It is the recOtnznendation of the Director of Public Works to award Contract No. 73-33, Mausoleum Buildings for Mountain View Cemetery, to Fitzpatrick-McIntyre, Inc. of Tacoma, on their low bid of $45,037.86 (Total Contract Price includes Basic Bid, AlteLTIate No.'s 1,2 and 3). It ,,¡as moved by Sonnemann, seconded by Shaughnessy, that Contract No. 73-33, Mausoleum BuiLdings for Nountain View Cemeter17, be a¡varded to Fi tzpatrick McIntyre as recommended by the Director of Public Works with Bid Bond returned to J. R. Keyes and upon signing o.f contract the bid bonds be returned to Arango Construction Company and S. ~v. Baker Company. I ROLL CALL VOTE: All. Councilmen voting YES. MOTION CARRIED Eiàs ¡vere opened December 13, 1973, for all legal publications of the City during the yeaI: 1974, wi th the following bid submi tted by the Auburn Globe Ne¡ýs: 8 Point Type $2.39 per column inch for the first publication. $.26 cents per line for the first publication. . $1.91 per column inch for additional publications. $.19 cents per line for additional publications. 6 Point Type $2.94 per column inch for the first publication. $.245 cents per line for the first publication. $2.36 per column inch for additional publications. $.20 cents per line for additional publications. It is the recom~endation of the Finance COlnmittee that the bid be awarded to the Auburn Globe News on their 8 point type bid, for legal publications for 1974 and that the agreement shall state the times that material to be published must be received by the G.lobe News to meet the.i.r deadlines. It was moved by Holman, seconded by Lea, that the bid for legal publications of the City durinq the year .Z974 be awarded to the Auburn Globe News on their 8 point type bid and that the Mayor and City Clerk be authorized to s"~gn an a.greement for legal. publications for the year 1974 (the agreement shall state the times that material to be published must be reeei. ved by the Globe News to meet their deadline). I ROT'!, CALL VOTE: All Councilmen voting YES. l"!OT.fON G1PRIED RECOL"J:'1ENDilTIONS ---------- The foZlo;vinq items were submitted by the Directo.c of PubLic Works, Pat Nevins/ for (})UJ1C.21 J1.pproì'fal; Pay Estimate No. G to Burnham Construction Co. for construction o.E St. Imp. lc14, "A," St. S.E. 3HZ to 6th, ~in the amount of :;;L!3,19!]'/1l. -2- I C\l ~ r-... '-:;) ~ o I I ~~~~~.B[JRJ.V, rI,'-~S~i£ILVGTOl.V NOV VA Y 253 DEC221BER 17 ,1913 It ~yas ¡noved by Sonnemann, seconded by Darling, that Pay Estimate No. Company for $4],194.41 be appro'/ed Eor payment. 6 to Burnham C ' , . ons cruc-c~on POT.,L CilLL FOTE: All Councilmen voting YES. l'lOTION CiJ.RLUED Pay Estimate No. 10 to Burnham Constructi:]l1 Co. Eor construction of:- St. Imp. 135, Ph. III, Ellingson Road, in the air:ount o..f $,25,114.92. It 'liaS moved b'::] HolrJa."l, seconded by SonnE.'::::ann, tha.t Pay Estimate No. 10 to Burnham Construction Company .cor $.25,214.92 be appror/ed for payment. 1\0 :eIt CALL VOTE: .!'ill Councilmen voting YES. l10r¡"',rO!'l Cii..i.o.~"C?IE D Pay Estimate No.3, final, to Coulee Construction Co. for construction of LID 278, East IJain St..., in the amt:Junt of $1/909..83.. Councilman Lea. a..sked ~.¡hy the amount is higher than the original Pay Estivate. Pat Nevins s·ta^ted thai: a. nUI::bar or pI:OpeLty O~llners ~'l-3.nted to include side~''/al.k:.s J' so Lhr::: C".i t~~ ~·.T'Jrl·:ed [.v'ith the contractor so those who ¡v'anted the sidewa.2ks could have them included in the con tJ..-act also. It was moved by Shaughnessy, seconded by Sonnemann, that the project be accepted by' the City as complete and Pay Estimate No.3, final, to Coulee Construction Company for $1,909.83 be approved for payment and the retained percentage amounting to $9,818.69 be paid in thirty days provided no liens or claiƓs are filed and clearance is secu,red from the State Tax COl1ù:nission and the Department of Labor and Industries. ROLL CALL VOTE: All Councilmen voting YES. l"lOTION CARRIED Pay Estimate No.2, final, to Asphalt Paving & Engineering Co. for construction of st. Imp. 157, asphalt overlays on various streets, in the amount of $13,019.74. It was moved by Sonnemann, seconded by Shaughnessy, that the project be accepted by the City as complete and Pay Estimate No.2, final, to Asphalt Paving & Engineering for $13,019.74 be approved for payment and the retained percentage amounting to $7,365.81 be paid in thirty days provided no liens or claims are filed and clearanc9 is secured from the State Tax Com~ssion and the Department of Labor and Industries. Company ROLL CALL VOTE: All Councilmen voting YES. MOTION CARRIED Pay Estimate No.1, final, to Mixing Equipment Co., Inc. for purchase of two aerators for sewage treatment lagoon, in the amount of $13,911.89. Sanitary Sewer Imp. #24. It was moved by Shaughnessy, seconded by Holman, that the project be accepted by the City as complete and Pay Estimate No.1, final, to Mixing Equipment Company, Inc. for $13,911.89 be approved for payment and the retained percentage amounting to $1,459.80 be paid in thirty days provided no liens or claims are filed and clearance is secured from the State Tax Commission and the Department of Labor and Industries. ROLL CALL VOTE: All Councilmen voting YES. MOTION CARRIED Pay Estimate No.1, final, to Fox & Nystrom Electric for installation of wiring to aerators, in the amount of $1,109.79. It was mcved by Shaughnessy, seconded by Flechsig, that the project be accepted by the City as comp,Lete and Pay Estimate No. l, final, to Fox & Nystrom Electric for f,>1,1.09.79 be approved for payment and the retained percentage amounting to $116.45 be paid in thirty days provided no liens or claims are filed and clearance is secured from th[~ State Tax Commission and the Department of Labor and Industries. ROLL CIlLL VOTE: All Councilmen voting YES. nOTION CARI-?IED Authority to ho2d public hearing on L.I.D. 272 (8th St. N.E.) assessment roll on January 21, 1974. It vias moved by Darling, seconded by Holman I that a public hearing be held on January 21, 1974, on L.I.D. 272. i?í)U Cili~L vori<': kL 7. Councilnen voting YES. MO']'ION CARRIED Auth,')rit'.j to hold public hearing on L. I.D. 278 (East Main Street) assessment roll on February 4, 1974. It ;;"'15 covecl iJ:'¡ iIolmar1, seconded by SOn;Y3mann, that a public hearine:¡ be he.lä on F~DrU~rj 4, 1974, on L.I.D. 278. -]- '..; 5 4 ",:;U.8U3~'J j' ~'/liSI-!IJ.VG'I'Oi.'1 t!O!VD_4Y ----- DECElJBELI?I 7 ~ .1973 ._-~---~ C'OUT1CilJ:7.all Lç~a as]<:.ed if L..l-.D. 278 is East of P ,..CJtreet EiIld as]~ed if it encompasses SOIne res.identsin the county. Pat NeT/ins 2n.s~lered yes to both parts of the question and added that as long as the L.I.D. is contiguous to the City/ the county residents can also be i.n on the L.I.D. The City littOl'ney a.J.sc) stab:~d that the C.ity can go beyond the ci ty limi ts. ROLL CllL·L VOTE: Al1~o:;,~:.cilmeI2 voti':-J.:J YES.. NOTION CilP.RIE:D Imthority to call for b.ids for construction of Reservoir No.1 (adjacent to existing resaE'(Toir) .. (~'':ater Tmpl~07¿?¡:î2rlt ~"'/o.. 90).. p._Iso au c}l(Jr".i f:y to call .for b_i cIs -"cor construction Gi.7 p.0ser:v~oir Z'io·. 2· (niâde.rl Va_~~12Y).. tOY Improvenent No. 77). It r..las ilIOTIed by S'hÇìus-:-hness,:] / seconded by F'.lecns.i g, that au thori ty be gj. ven. to cal.l i-or b.ids .J--=:or construction 0=- ReS9rT.Toi.r LVO.. 1 and Reservo_ir rlo" 2.. I ROLL CALL ¡IGTE;.~ A,ll C:ounci.lmen 'í.lotin::¡ :l"E~:::;" MOTION CJ~RRIED PROCL_~t4Ar.LiIO{J::;, AIJPOIlvTl1E:1J'l"S i1lVD AlvlIO[liVC.z.S¡,'[ElfTS Hayor Kersey stated that the present Washington Stdte Lar-l is a bit different than h'e had anticipated. According to laÿ/, the n8Ç" Councilmen cannot take offi.ce until 3anuary 14, 1974; therefore, they will. not actually be in office for the first Counc.il Meeting of the year. The Mayor also announced tha t the Library Board ,vi.Il not meet on the fiourth f'lednesday, as regularly scheduled, because of the Christmas Holidays. However, if some item of p.rime importance should come up, a meeting will be called. COUNCIL COMMIT'l'EE REPORTS STREET COMMITTEE - COUNCILMAN SHAUGHNESSY The Street Committee met at 7:30 P.M. on December 6, 1973. The Committee Minutes are a matter of Public Record and most items have been prev-iously mentioned during the Council lreeting. However, the Street Committee did discuss the drainage and disposal of storm ,vater on Auburn 'day North and 52nd Street N.E. and recommends further recomznendations be made in regard to the means and methods to be used to provide drainage in this area. I Councilman Sonnemann stated that the regularly scheduled Street Committee Meeting for this v.lednesday will not be held un.less something should come up. He requests that those who are interested check with the Public Works Department on Wednesday afternoon to be sure that a meeting has not been set. U'l'ILITY COMMITTEE - CHAIRMllN SHAUGHNESSY The utility Committee met at 7:30 P.M. on December 6, 1973. The COTi,¡¡¡ittee discussed and denied a request for a delay in installation of underground wiring at 510 M Street S.E. Other items of business have been taken care of and are reflected in detail in the utility Committee Minutes. Councilman Shaughnessy also stated that the Utili ty Committee will not meet this Thursday evening unless justifieg. He also requests that the Public Works Department be contacted on Thursday afternoon, just in case a meeting needs to be set. PLAN:VING & BEAUTIFICATION CONNI'l"rEE - CHAIRi1AN DARLING 'l'he Planning & Beautification Commi ttee met at 7: 30 P.N. on December 13, 1973. The Comn1Í ttee revier"ed the pet]: tion submi tted by Robert Lloyd to annex to the Ci ty of Auburn an area approximately 10 acres in size lying between the Black Diamond Highway and the Burlington Northern Railroad Right-of-,,,ay east of "R" Street S.E. The I c~m¡nit~ee recommends that the .Cit~ rCoul1cil call fo~ ~: pro~erty owne.l'$ mee·tin~ in conformanc ¡·'.Lth tne state laÿ¡s to determlne lr the second pet.ltlon shall be d.r:ar.-m and clrculated. It ¡,¡as moved by Darling, seconded by Lea, that author.i ty be given to call for a property OWT'.'?:CS T:iaeting in I'eqard to the above mentioned peb bon. The date of the meeting ~.¡il] fJe set lY:J t-,~e Plal1ning Department.. MOTTO,'! r;:-;;>p-r:ED -----...-------- ,CT'IL\,CE COI'1NIT~fEE - CHliIRtlAN HOL:'lAN 2~hs:.Lr.;'il1dnce COiT'Jn.ittee met at 6:00 P..l1.. on it .l.'eqL:es.tf.roI.r! C}:~_i ,C?f Seyler Eo,r au t.ll0r.i ty December 13, 1973. The Committee discussed to .']end Robert S. filmy t:o Et tevc-¡¡eek La¡v E7n·~_·orc,':?rnent Trai/1i.nq S'~]-:oo.1. .f.rom January }¡J thr0'1,;h 25; .2974, i.nc.Iu5_i.TJe, jn EU9·E.~nef 'ThJ~:.3 r-E}'~Tu-,:::?S t c/as Lec'om/nended fo:: CtJuncil apJ..DJ::o"f'Ja~I.. ., _.~ ",j -.- I C\J ~ r-... 1-:;) ,-. !Þ-. r- - I I /'~rIE3rj[{[i; Cll,_SIiIl'lGTON ~.._-_.~--- 255 DECEM3ERI7, 1973 NOdDAY .!. 'c~ Fd3 mOv'ed by Holman, seconded by Darling, that Robert S. I¡lmy be given authori ty to attend the Law' Enforcement Training School as previously stated. MOTION CARRIED '¡'he COIT'Inittee recommends that rIayor Kersey be authorized to seLl a $1,900,000 investment and t:J buy a. $£ ,500,,000 (from ~'aLio'¡s Ci ty Funds) Repurchase Agreement. It ~vas [DOi/':?a' ]]:.1 Flolrnan ~ secon,:1.ed by Sonneman.t1/ tl1at the llayor be au t}JOL'.L zed to sell a S L ~ 900 r 000 in',,~2stment ant] buy a $1,500/000 Re);.,ìurchase Agreen:ellt as ~Iìs ted d.oo\Ie. ROLL CALL VOTE: Jill Councilmen voting YES. NOTION CARRIED The Co:r;¡mittee also recorænends that the Mayor be authorized to proceed on the Ce:ntr2x Systen1 .if Pacif~ic i'Iorth;v'est Bell t~¡ill be ab_Ie to .fill the C'ity's ordel"'.. It ¡vas moved by fio.lna¡-¡, seconded by Darling, that authorization be gi'.7en to the Md'JO:: f:O p.T(.Jc·eed on the CeT2t:"e~x Sy.:;;tem. POL,L CALL VOTE: Councilman Holman, Flechsig, La¡vler, SOnnemaIJ11, Shaughnessy and Darling vDting YES. Councilman Lea ABSTAINED. MOTION CARRIED AIRPORT COMMITTEE - CHA.IR1'1AN FLECHS.IG The Airport CowEÚttee met at 7:30 P.M. on December 4, 1973. The Committee reviewed the latest revised budget briefly. Action was deferred because of the critical gasoline situation. The Committee discussed the ten percent reduction in aviation fuel and Chairman Flechsig stated that he is still trying to contact our supplier for clarification on this matter. 7~1e Committee feels they may solve some of the gasoline problem by not selling q3so1ine to customers from adjacent airports; however, in emergency cases they will provide enough gasoline for the customer to reach their home base, providing we have the fuel). The Airport Manager has been requested to contact neighboring airports to determine ¡'Ihat the price .is for gaso,I1ne at various locations as compared to Auburn. We expect that our price .is low. BUILDING CQi'vIMITTEE - CHAIR!.VJAN LEA Chairman Lea reported that Pat Nevins did a magnificent job of disposing our surplus vehicles. The City had hoped to get at least $5,800 for the vehicles; however, Nr. Nevins got $8,694 for these units. The money received will go back into the various Funds that the various vehicles came from. Councilman Lea also reported that the heating pump for the Library should be installed in April or May of 1974. In regard to the Library, Councilman Lea also complimented Jim Sprènger for conducting a fine Library Board Meeting and on behalf of the Library Board he stated that Mr. Sprenger is a fine president. ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS ORDINANCE NO. 2781 It ""as moved by Shaughnessy, seconded by Lea, that Ordinance No. 2781 entitled ''¡IN ORDINANCE Of' THE CITY OF AUBURN, v.1ASJJINGTON, PROVIDING FOR THE CONSTRUCTION AND INSTALLATIO OF' 8 INCH SANIT1¡RY SEvlER, 6 INCH SIDE SEv-1ERS AND NECESSARY APPURTENANCES ON 9TH STREET NORTHEAST' FROM ".I" STREET TO "K" STREET NORTHEAST, INSIDE THE CORPORATE LIMITS OF THE CITY; CREATIF/G AND ESTABLISHING LOCAL IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT NO. 282; PROVIDING THE METHOD OF ASSESSj'/JENT IN Si1ID DISTRICT AND THE NODE OF PAYMENT THEREOF, AND CREATING A LOCAL IlJPRO'/EIIE::NT FUND 'THEREFOR." be introduced and adopted. ROLL CALL VOTE: All Councilmen voting YES. NOTION CA.RRIE'D ORDINANCE NO. 2782 Ie ilaS mo'/ed by Ho.Iman, seconded by Darling, that Ord.inance No. 2782 entitled "¡IN O¡WnIANCE: OF THE CrTY 0;:" AUBURN, f1ASHINGTON, REL..?lTING TO AND PROVIDING FOR THE VACATIO;V (J[" ;1 PORTrO.:'! OF' S1.'T:EET /7.LuH'T-OF-fv/iY SITUlIT! ;.¡rNJIN THE CORPOl?ATE LIMITS OF THE CTTY t,'í' I~Un[JI<:;/,. ~1iiSiTI:vG'TON..1I bc'! ,introduced and adopted.. ) _~,L C",~:1T./~ V'~)'TE: /i11 (:oun-:~~i_Ir¡:en vc.;t,i!l']Y;j'S ~ r MOTION CARRIED 2 ~'-, ~~::!:,~Cj~0...,! :1/.~3SE-il"..VG~I()N J.·'10~\rDA.~ DcC'c:;,'!BE_9. .Il, 1973 ORDINI1:.VCC:; NO. 2783 It was moved by Darling, seconded by Sonnemann, that Ordinance No. 2783 entitled ";4N OT-<.DnVI1:.VCE OF THE CITY Of' AUBURN, r¡IASHItiSTON ,APPROVING THE PLi'iT OF KLINE'S FIRST ADDI'TION TO THE CITY OF AUBUPJ.V, ACCORDING TO 'j'HE.' PLliT THEREOF ON FILE' 'NITH THE CLERK OF THE CrTY OF AUBURN, WASHINGTON." be introduced and adopted. Rm.~L CALL vOTE: id.l Cúu.dcilmen voting YF.:S. NOTION CAP.P.IJ::,'D RESOLUTION NO. 607 ----~-----"-'._----_..- It ,,¡as :;;oved by Sor;nemarJ2, seconded by Holman, that Resolution No. 607 entitled "A RESOU:i30N OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF AUBURN, [·/l1.SflINGTON, AUTHORIZING THE MAYOR XL\'D TED CLTY CLERK OF THE CITY OF lWBURN, TO ElITER INTO I, CONTRilCT 'dITH BURLINGTON ¡'1Cr:¿T}!Er~ti .PJ1IL~·l}iY CO~~JfPj;:.llY HiVD P11CIFIC l'lOR'1JI-niE'ST Bl'.-:LL T¡'E'LEPFIOlVE CO},IPA!{Y FO.27. TIlE TELE.PflO,-"'/E' CONP,;lNY'S INS'l'J-lLLll'I'ION OF CERTAIN FACILITIDS, FOR ThE NIDENLNG OF "A" STRSET SOUTliEJJ.5T." bs aàOI?tE}ä. ROLL CfiLL VOTE: Councilman Sonnemann, Shaughnessy, Darling, Holman, Flechsig and Lawler voting YES. Councilman Lea ABSTAINED. NOTION CJ.YJ?IBD RESOLUTION NO. 608 It ,vas moved by Sonnemann, seconded by Lea, that Resolution No. 608 enti tled "A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF AUBURN, WASHINGTON, AU':t!-IORIZING THE MilYOR OF THE CITY OF AUBURN, TO ACCEPT A HOLD HAR11LESS AGREEMENT AND PEPJ1IT FROM THE f'1ASHINGTON MUTUAL SAVINGS BANK." be adopted. ROLL CALL VOTE: All Councilmen voting YES. MOTION CARRIED RESOLUTION NO. 609 I It was moved by Darlj,ng, seconded by Sonnemann)' that Resolution No. 609 entitled "A RESOLU'í'ION OF THE CITY OF AUBURN TO INDICATE THE BUILDING PERMI'l' SYSTEM AND THE REVIEN I PROCEDURE FOR THAT SYSTEM THE CITY HAS ADOPTED." be adopted. ROLL CALL VOTE: ¡Hl Councilmen voting YES. MOTION CARRIED MISCELLANEOUS BUSINESS Councilman Darling stated that he has talked with the other members of the Council Com~ittee on Cowmittees and the Committee would like to meet on December 27, 1973, at 7 :30 P.M. for the purpose of reviewing the various reorganization of the Council and CouncLI CO!I1l'nittees that will take effect in January 1974. In the meantime, a copy of Resolution No. 580 will be sent to each Council Member and Councilman Darling asked that each Councilman study the informa tion available and list four Comrni ttees that they would like to serve on, in priority order, before the meeting on December 27, 1973. There being no further business to come before the Council, Mayor Kersey adjourned the meeting at 8:45 P.M. APPROVED THIS 18TH DAY OF DECEMBER, 1973. ~ / ,/ ~-_.//~ / ....- '%U/AL/' I/. / ~ _____. , CITY' 1 -. (j- I