HomeMy WebLinkAbout590 '<'"1:";'''''',~,:--''''':}.;s;.,~<:'-' ',:'~- "'-~' " .......... . -^-'" ,.-_.~~)-,",:--, ;"'~<W:'J'.: it , ,- '. c .:-:0- - . -'to ~, ~ p/ '.\it'! T~ ~90 I l'T A l'J C:I 1~'. ~ -~ .-. -. -~ _._. _-_.i . . . . . . . . I\Nl An Ordinance regulating the wiring ot buildings with^certain 'limits ot the City ~ AUburn. The City Council ot the City ot AUburn do ordain as tollowS: . Section "1. That a'll bu1-ldings fronting on Main street west and :Main street :East, between the right ot way ot the Seatt.le-Taeoma. branch ot the 'rJorthern Pacitic 1lailway C omp~ and 1: a.treat 1>(.:1. and :m street 8.:1., in the City ot AUbU1't1,Ih8;l:l be so wired and equipped tor receiving electrical serTice that such service oan be furllishe:1 trom the rear ot such bUildincs, except Where such- buildings are situated on street intersections suoh service O~ tions rn.cw be made trom the side streets or avenues adJoining the same. Where necessary the owner ot any SUch bu1-ld1ng sha;J.:Jl a..:tter, Chan&e, or 1'_1re any .UGh bu1'ld1ng 1n order to ~mp'ly with the provisions herein contained on or betore the 1 ~. day ot ..P,tct.., (\11. .L -1.,25.. ' \ I Section 2. Any electric 'light or power oompany furniShing ser- vice. to patrons on the portions ot Main Street west and Main street l1la3tt COV*l"9d by the provisions ot seotion/hereot, Shall be 8Xeamt and rel' ad trom turn1shing SUCh serTi" on and atter the J:t!!- day ot t~/ -1'25, unless the bu1lding so served OT 1'''' qulred to e served Shall be e'il1pped tor accept1ng such sarvi'c. as 1n section ~ hereot provided. Introduoed May -1','1'2,5. passed :May -1,) -1'2.5. At t as t : ayor. it tt. ~1tY Clerk. AP~, V91 as to ,tor;;. ~ ,~(~ . . ~ Y Attorney. ... :" .... pUb~1shed May 2"1, ,1"25.