HomeMy WebLinkAbout591 ~, .. ~. "'" " - c._" .. .. - QRDIHADCE --3-9' l , ~ -s-91 11 o. ~" f' t AH 0::mnU1JCE: Providing for the improvement of that portion of Division st. S. situate between the North marginal line of 1st St. S. E. produced westerly in a B0raight line across said Division st. S. and the right of way of Palmer Cut-off Branch of the Northern Pacific Railway Co., of that por~~on of A st. S. W. situate between the North LlUrginal line of 1st st. S. W. produced weste:rl;y aC1'OS;;;\ said A st. S. iN. an,,~ the' right of wav of the Palmer Cut-off Branch of the northern Paci fic HaiL7ay '-"Co., an(l~ that IJort ior~ 0 f B St. S. . s i tU~ote between the TIorth marginal line of 1st st. S. W. produced westerly across B st. S. VI. and 3rd st.S. \'{.,~:l.Yld tLose portions of 1st st. S. JJ;., 1st st. S.il., 2nd st. S. E., aLd 21:d st. S. IJ., situo.te bet:lc;8n A st. S. "r;'l'Y'lo"B ".... 0 'ie' ,-Y'l" "'}". ....'....l.J}l o.c 3"d <:::t S.~ ':" 'l~d 3rd C"t S . .J..;A. t:l,./.,J,.'~, ...i u. !..). ". t ,.:kJ...:\..A. LJ... C_.'~ IJ _.. U '...... .l. ..... ~. ...,l.:.i . (.1..l ;.J.. W. situate between A st. S. E. anI the ri~ht of wav 6:: the Seattle~ Tacoma Branch 0:[ the Northern Pc,oific Haii;1ay co.,'" all in the City of An.burn, by the;l' ing, p':Yi2"~g and curbing of said portions of Di vi- sian st. S., A st. s. N., B st. S. W., 1st st. S. E., 1st St. S. W.. 2nd st. S. E., 2r.:.d st. S./i., 3rd St. 3. E., and 3rd st. S. W., and the doing of such other work as shall be necessary, all according to the plans and specifications on illa with the Oi ty Clark and in accor- dance wi t1; the Resolution of Intention providing for Local ImprOyeSilent District Ho. 89; ar)proving anel ad.o~)tiLg sa,id plans ~nd specifications; creating Local Improve,.lcnt Di:;:,trict no. 89 and Local I;D.proverIient Fund, District No. 89; providing for the assessment of the cost and expense of such iLl. rover'1cnt uYlon the property of 8(:-.1d district; anct providing for the paysent thereof by bonds of said District. ... THE CITY COUNCIL 011' TilE CI'l'Y OB' AUBTmn DO OIW.:\.IN liS FOLLO,;S: Section 1. That all that portion of Division st. S. situate between the North illarginal line of 1st st. S. E. produced westerly in a s"~raight line ac::'OSS said Division st. S.. and the ri"'".',ht oj: W'.'.y of the Palmer Cut-Off Branch of the Northern Pacific Railway Qo.,all that por- tion of A st. S.W. situr;,te bet';7een tJ-;( Horth uarginal lL,,, of 1st st. S. '/1. proiuced' lve[;terl~' :~C:l'OSS A st. S. ,I. and t}-JC ri':zht of of the Palmer Cut-off branch of the northern P;c.Lcific RailvlaY Co., all that po rt iono f B ~t. S. w. 8i t e bct':veen tb~ north Ul~;l,~~;irml l~ne 0 f 1st st. S. VI. proQ".lced.,iJestcrly acrose. B st. ;3. ,I. and. ord st. :3.ii., and all thosc:,ortions of 1st ;:}t. S. "'""., 1st st. S.d., 2nd st. S. E. and 2rJd st. S. W., situc-.te betreen A St. S. E., and B St. S. W., and all that'::ortion of 3rd st.. S. E. (-;"nd ord st.S. 'I. situate bet'J'J'een A st. S. .t.;." and the riEjht of wa~.7 of t};e Se~ittle-Tacoma Branch of the nortb::rn Pac ific Rail':"l'"y Co. ~ all in the Ci t:,- 'Of Auburn, be improved by grading, paving, i:nd curbing ss.id. portions of Division St. S., ,A st. S. Vi., B st. S.,7., 1st st. S. E., 1st st. S. \l., 2nd st. 3. E., 2nd st. S. W., 3td st. S. E.. f-md. 3rd st. S.,i., t:tc d.oing .)f such other work as shall be necessary to propE:rl:7 cOElplete said i~;rove;r:Qnt; all accorcling to tte }!l;:tns ~::..nd spccifLCf.~o~ions for sD-iel i~ilprove'cntprepured by the City Engineer IDW on fi le iE tte 0 ::::ice 0 f the Oi ty Cle 1'1.., and in ac- ao:cilance !lith the He~:iol tiJYl o:f Intention pro7iding for Local I:nprove- .Knt Distri;t No. 89,;Cls~3ed b~l the Cit:;7 COLulcil on Jtl.pril 7, 1925. . Section 2. TLlt tl1e nL.clls'J..nCL s'J8cifications for said irn- r;r'Ovement prepared by the Cit:/EngineEr ar1:1 no.7 on file in the office of the City Clerk be, [)'T"cl the s(~ue l:.creby are,approved ar..d adorted. Section 3. Tbat t}:e cost !uli expem,E: of s<::.dll itiL:'Tove;nent. in- cluding all l.ecessary arl'i incLl.entnl ez;)cnsc s sb.ll be borne by aud -1- ~- < '.---< .. ~ .. ...-- .. .. .... - assessed ajainst the pTOI)erty included in the assessment district here- inafter created according to law. The City of Auburn shall not be liable in any rnaill1er for any portion of the cost and expense of said improve~ent except as herein provided. Section 4. That there is hereby established a Local Improve- ment District to be called Local Improve~ent District No. 89, which said district is described ao follows; "All of the pro pe rt:l bet'lleen the termini of those portions of said streets proposed to be improved as aforesaid, and on eac}: side thereof, abl..tting upon, adjacent, vicinal or proximate to such por- tions of waid streets to a distaDce back from the '"argin'~l lines ttereof as ])rovided by law.1I Section 5. That said improvement shall be Gude by the City of Auburn under the supervision of the City CO'Lncil thereof or such cormni ttee or persons as the City Council may designate. '-... Section 6. That thLre is tercby established in the Treasury of the Ci t~7 oT Auburn,c~:t:lle- fund to be kno an as ltLocal Improv€Llent F-:lnd, District No. 89"; that all ;;10;1('::7 .p~..id into the l're sury of the Ci ty of Auburn on account of the cost and eX9€nsc of improv€.,;ents in said District shall be paid into and. credited to st:.id fund, and. that all warrants Iravm 01' issued b;y the Ci t~l 0 f j'.uburn in pi::.,yment for improvements in 0::" e::q)enses Cijainst said district shi'"-ll be dra\vn npon rend payable from so.id fund. "'-l Section 7. pa:nnent for said Laprovcment ~hall be made in the first instance b:r 'warrants dra.!:', u)n said Local ~W~~C:1ent Fund, 'which ~ia.rrt},tlts.'sh..0l.1U:tb~.a~iJlterest~4. the rate of^ . "per cent. per annum.J~.1:lI'CO~l5e'fOr'e l'~v~Vi yed'&~m the d~lte of issuance shall be isshed in payment of tIle cost and eXljense of said improveraent, which bonds shall be redeemed by the collectiJll of s96cial assessments to be levied and assessed upon the property within said district, payable in ten equal annual install,nents vlitI1 interest at the rate of seven per cent. )er a.nnum, ,Imler the ,nod.e of npa;Y::lE."tlt b~7 Bonds" as def.Lucrl by lB,vT. Section 8. Tlle City TreaSluer shall, upon re0eipt of an ~lsseSf:, ..out :toll therefor, ;}ublish a notice in the official newsCaper of the Cit~7 of .Auburn for t.70 consecutive weekl;;,r issues that sucb roll is iL his hand~) for collectioIl o.nd that any assessment thereon or any rortLon of any assess,.lcnt may be paid at any tin,e wi thin thirty days ~ from the date of the fi:rst publication of s~lid notice, without in- ~- terest , penalty or cost, and that unless pa~l~cntbe Ulade within such time the sum remaining unpaid tbereafter may be pEtid in equal annual installucnts, the numbe~: of;'O:ich annual installments sh:;::,ll be two less than tLe number 0::' :;rears wLich said bOlids :.~re to l'un, ;vi th interest on the:lho Ie unprLiil S1Lil so cl11J.rged at the rate of seven re; l' cent . per annum ~~1:yab1.e aLEually, and e~lcl1 7(:8.1' there.:".fj':;(1r one of sucb ib2:tallments, to t};er with the interest d116 tb(:reonland on all installments tbereD,fter to be come Q',le shall be co llect cd. in tb e manner provided by law, cilld unless l'a:lme nt be :.lJ,de at the t i:ae, such infit allr:H:nt or installments shall bear interest ~.;,t tbe rate of seven gel' cent. per annum ani may be collected and the lien thereof enforced in tbe manner provid.ed by law. Sect ion 9. Fllrt];c r })rovisiol1 shall be rnade by the City Coun- cil fOl~ the levy .'_11'1:1 collection of the assessments berein provided for and for tbe issuance of said bonds in payment of the cost and ex- -2- ~ ,*'""'.C~~,~- - .'to' ....+ _4__ .~:~>..-._~~--".,_..:-- '-~1?,.. '~__ """"~"""""~"":J!'!I'~~~~-""-''''''''''''''' ._...,_:..~..",. -_. _..,.., ..~ l .... ......... . --+ . "!:.'~ -, '-' ~ - pense of said L1prov8:ilent, sucb 1irovision to be Llade fri)lU tirJe to time by ordinance. / Section 10. That tbis Ordina.nce shall toJ:e effect and be in force five days from and a-"ter its passage, approval and Imblication as required by law. Attest: Introduced May 19t 1925 "Pa.ssed i7."7 I t!1 10 ')5 ..... .. .......,-'.'c/ L:l,. , -' ~ Approved ~/4-' 1925 C~~ ~/. City Clerk. , Mayo r . Approved as to form ~"~y Attorney. Published ~~/ , 1925 3. - -