HomeMy WebLinkAbout592 -"......~_"t~ ~.....- . ...'- . "-,/~ .~ - - ---.. ~ o R D I IT A ~. C E 17 O. :592 An OIWnUJ:CE Api1roving an<.'l confirling tIle assess:lult and tbf: aSGeS~'i;:lent roll certified to tile Ci ty Council Oj~ tilE l~th day .J:: June, 192f:i, [);] tbe streets uncI Alleys Committee and Ci-;:;y Lngineer fOlc tbc costs of tbe ove:rlCnt Iit\ Local If.1proyc:icnt District :No. 83 Lee the 0it~! of Auburn, in :;ursnu,nce of Ordinance Ilo. 553, passed lTovemo r U3, 1924, nfl-d :coviding fo:c the diD])osition of ::loncys col- lected an sid assessment. il1IEHEAS Due~.Jt ice haG b en-;i ven that o'b j ect ionS to the assessGcnt and assessment roll tereinafter mentioned would be he~rd aEd detcr,,:incd by tLe Oi ty Council at the 0i t~7 dall, .Auburn, hiLgJGOYl, on the t~lst day of July, 1925, t:t 8:00 o'cLock .p. m., at '"Lich tiLle the Oi ty Cormcil :::ould meet t'J Lear als on jections of any and all per~3ons claL:iIlS to be xieved by said assessment; and VlHlmEAS The tir:le for filing objections Dr taking an appeal has passed, and no object ions thor'eto h~:vo been so filed; and ,rIIEI8AS ~he Ci t:/ 001111cil h[;.s Caref1.1l1y exnminod and considered sue}: asSeSSElGIlt and as;~;essr.lent roll and is rlOW fully ad.vised in the preL:ises; 1!O'H, 'l'IIERi';POI\.l:}, 'l'RE CL.'Y COUnCIL OF '..L'EB CITY OF AU13uElr DO 0~~D1~nr AS :U'OL'::.O'JS: Section 1. ~hat the assessment and as~essment roll certi- fie1 to City Co~ncil on the lcth day of June, 1925, bv ~he streets and Alleys Co:nmi ttee ar.d City 2ngineer 'Of tIle Ci t:' 0 f j~ub~rn for the costs of the improvement of all that portion of 9th street S. E. situate between D street S. E. und F Street S. E., all in the City of A~lburn, be Lrproved. b7 thegxading, ving arid graveling of all of s:J,id. rtion of 9th Street S. E;., 11 b:.' cloing of ot}-;e:cTJri~ iL- cidentul the.teto, consti t:ltL~g Local LqJrovcnent District no. 83 in the Ci t~r of iUlburn, in puxsus-nce of Ol~dinn,nce no. 553 of said C1 ty, }JaBsed. lToveubo 14 113, 19::4, ancI the levy ancl cha:cgo 0 f tho cost of said. Lrp:::ove:ent as sl-;)'imLu;on s".dd. assessment roll and. the:ceby appo.ct ioned u),on the adj 0 inin;, cant ig:touS and Elpprozimat e lot s Gnd parcels of land sj)oc.:h:.ll:.' b <..no :::i ted., in accordance with the laws of tx-:e State of ....lashirlgton and Ordinance Ho. 553 of the City .Jf An1rlrn, are bexoby r:.ppJ.:oyed. aIld. confirmed in all respects, ~md the ~ity Treasurer is herebv directed to collect said assessment '.'r}'loc.l' ""::"1 be lOd ,.:.rlo~'l"('l;i: lO~'lere'.s'+- )"",'n,,'lt'T ('-" \"ootc~ ..".;t.1:'loI1 "'.'.r:lo'Y'ty ;" .~ .L L.,I.c...I.~ .i Vol ~ ~__ .... ....... u u, J,.--...l....'-,... ,j ;..)..j,. .... ....1 ...., d.J- .......... v....... (3D) days aftex clue notice sb,ll have been ~'iver~ to the O.!~~ers of the property within said assessment district by publication in the mannerprovicled. by lcEl, and if sa.1d assessneYlts be not paid 'Iii thin s id thirt:v (3)) d~:lS fro::l tl;.e d:::.te of the firBt }mblicr:.tion of saii 1:1:Jtice, the s:~me 81j.::.,11 'DC!:l::" i.r:tcrest tlleJ.'ecifter at tte ri3.te of seven (7%) per cent. rcr anhum. Section 2. Jhc mo. eys collected upon said aSSeS8L1ent, a;JJ:;roved and co i:c,:cd by this ul'dir.;;;.nce, are hereb:: omdel'ed to be pI'.ced ill locc.l iuprove:lent fund, DiBtrict No. 83, the special flmd created. b~l O:.:'dinance Ho. 553, and all warrants c1l'c;m and bonds issued for tIle payment of said improvement shall be issued on and !)a;;' 2:iJleY{11~l out of said local ovc::tent fund. Section 3. tIhia O:rdLnn.r,ce sl'}iLll ta.l:ce effect aLd be in -1- .....'. ) "\.-... ~ , '.:J - - _.~ ~ - f')rce :=ive da:7s fl.'D.ll a.n:l after its passage, approva.l and publication as required by law. Ir.tr'Jcl'wed July 24, 1925 r as sed ;,;uly 24, 1925 Ap:';roved July 24, 1925 M.AYOR .l~11r:CES T: Approved as to form: ~ . '. (l '(v~i:n~~ . p;\~ " ";","P',,,lj."- .... J. ""-J...... ..L.V.J..\..ll~.J.. Published nuly 30, 1925. -3-