HomeMy WebLinkAbout593 I" ~/ ._,,:::::.~~"., "~ , "- o R D I li A D C E H O. 593 ''''T O' ".;, T" . H " " , '~' j"' , , + 'I. t d i\.H . Jill.....:.:..!.:"'..:. ..\.pp:roY~nl:) 8.r:Q GOn":ll':lllng ,,110 assessmen an tbe asse ;:,srnent roll cert i ficd to tlie City CO:lnc il on tbe 16th day of June, 1925, the struets 2nd.~aleys Co'nmittee and City Engineer i.'or the costs of tte impr'-ovt;uent ~ Local Irnpl'overaent District Ho. 84 in the City of 1:..U1)111'n, in p11'suance of Ordinance Ho. 563, passed Dcceuocr ~2, 1924, ai.drovicling :LOT the clis}:osition of ;:lone;/s col- lect~d on said assessment. \.TIIEHEAS Due notice bas been given tl:at objcctionst'J the asse::;c.Jent and asse;::sment roll bcreinfter ::lc~.:tioned 'i;ould be bear'd and detc l~;incd b:' the Ci t;l Counc il at the Ci td7 IIall, Luburn, 'Nash ing- ton, on the 21st day of July, 1925, at 8:00 o'clock p. m., at wtich tL:e the .;ity Council \'/');115, ;,lOet to he'r appe::;,ls and objections of any al:;,d 2ill r;30ns claLning to be aggrieved b;y s,:1id assessi,lent; and \hiJ:~REAS Tbe time for :filing objections or taLing an a.'l)eal has :passed and no ob joctions tLf'l'eto have been so filed; and /iH3HEAS The Ci t~r Ci)uncil bas carefull~! eXUlD.ined und con- sidered such assess:aent and assessment roll and is now full~l advised in the premises; now, '-,-H.sIL~!UH.G, Tai:.: C I'.L'Y G.JUHCIL o~' :LILii:.: C I IllY Ol!' AfdUHN DO OnDAnr A~) l?OLLOWS: Scction 1. 11h:-:::..t the as::ess:,;ont an,} asseDs'r,en.t roll certi- fied to the Uit~r Council on the 16th da~7 of June,1925, by the streets and .'~ lleys Co:::rrni ttee and Ci tJ;' E118ineer of the City of Auburn for the costs of the inFJrove:::ent of all tbatortion of 2nd street S. E. situate betv/een~H street s. 1::. and J Street S. B., c~nd that portion of I street S. E. situate between 2nd Street S. B. and 4th street S. E., all i:n the City of Aubu.rn, by the grading, pc1.viLfj <3-ud curbing of s'dd portion of 2nd street S. E. EJ..nd by the construction of a cor:crete an::l cc;cr;t sidewall:: 01 the sontbel'l;y sicle of said por- tion 'of 2nd street S. B., E..nd by the grad.ing, p.ViLg cend curbing of saidpo:l'tioT:' of I street S. E. and by the cOLstrncting of con- crete [.::.nd ce,:,cLt sidewalks on botb sides 0 f said port ion <) f I street s. E., and by the djil~g of otl:erworL Lciclelltal tbc:::'eto, co stituting Local Improve':cnt District lJo. 84 iJ: the Cit:l of Auburn, iL ~yu..rsu.ance of Orclina:nce Iro. 563 of sidd Ci t~l, passed Dece;lber 2, 192/1, 8.nd. the levy D.Ild charge of the COi::~ts of sai(i>:covcment as s}]o I11 non said iClssess::cnt roll tberelJ;y &!)pol~tioncd.. u or t he jJ:L.iLg, conti- grDus [llldcI)r:~J:;:L;<,t c Ilt S,:rlO. l'[;.l'CC Is 0 f lcEd 2>pe c i 11~7 lJenc f:L ted, in accordance with the laws of the State of WasLington and Ordinance ITo. 563 of t:he Git::,' oi i..llburn, are :herE.by app140vcd and confirued in all respects, and the City 'l'rurSlll'Cr is hereby clirected to collect sahl assess:lent \vhich "."l!:1Y be r:aid 'Iitbcmt interest, penalty or costs wi thin thirty (30) days after d~le not ice slwll havc been given to the O'fmers of the }Jroperty ViTi thin said aSi3essment district b:,'['ublica- tion in the ;:1anner)1~Ovided b~l laVi, and if said assess;;,ents be not yJf:.:.id wi ttin said thirty (30) da~rs from the date of the first publica- tion of said notice, tbe s:)"me shall bear interest tbereafter at the rate of seven (7')&) per cent. gel' annum. Section 2. The monevs collected UDon said assessment, apnroved ~~d confirued bv this. Ordinance, ar~ hereby ordered to be :pl~lCed i~l J.Jocal !r;lprove:lcnt :B"und, District lIo. 84, the special fund C~...nnted 'O~,7 OT~...l'~.!:.'.~ce ~...o. G.'~~, ~.t-..'a.' 11 ~ 'o'Jl-lds, 1...-- .... __.~~.._ .c. <-IV..., ,~.. .~:" ~JI'Elrra:rllJS draVJll alId ;' _ -1- -2- I " . i . .' - .. . issued for the payment Df said iI;1})l'OVCL'ltmt shall be issued on and payable iJ:r~ly out f) f sr~id loci::.l L1l)rOVE:.;lcnt fund. Section 3. rl'11is Ordinul1ce slw.ll take effect and be in force five da:>'s frOGl and [:dter its passage, approv&l and })ublication as required by law. Int.roduced July 24, 1925 Passed July 24, 1925 .Approved Jltly 24, 1925 MiS 0 R A:::TEST: . "-CITY-CLj~RK-~'-- ~pproved as to form: ,,})l At~\ " ,I;.. A~. ..A" I . ~--ll.. . . . "-.........;-----"'...'... _..~.~._.......-._.- L-.~ Clr;r...r .' m,PO.-l)1!L'Y ',- -. .. r. J::-1..l..... J,.1...i..~..u . '--. Published July 30, 1925 -2-