HomeMy WebLinkAbout595 ~ . . , I . , ...~ :;... onDINAJ.TCE 11 0 595. -':;--0-0-C -0 -0- 1)- AU OF"DINAl.~CE a;provir:g a.nd confir:ning the assessment and t~e assessment roll certified to t~e City Council on the 4 th day of Aucus t. 1925 . by the streets and Alleys COf:1mi t.tee and 'tbe Ci ty 1~ne;ineer for t1:.e costs of the im})rover'Jen t in Local Impr ovemen t Dis tr ic t ;Jo. 86 in the City of .il.uburn, in llur~'u'}.l}.ce of Ord.inance N.o. 5:t'4, I,a.13sed February 17, 1925, and proYiding f.ar the diB,OB i tic rr..-.....o :..~..'.. '..70... '.1ey;sc911ec ted on ;'P;,i d as fJ e s ~;men t . (t~ k~ 1~'1.;:)t4-t1{j.r7t \TII1TI{E^S due notice has been given that objections to the assess.r"ent and assessment roll hereinafter mentioned would be heard and dete:rni ned by tl-,.e City "'oune :1 at t~lC \";i ty Hall, l\ 1 "Jr. ~... VIr; '.' i Yr- + r, Yl f". +1.- -.Llilllll.r.-. --, t r ,. f "")""~)" c..S~L''''0"......;n .....e _ ._ _'" Il ...,.....__ -1.8 ...C'l.lO SeiA,ember,l925, at 8:00 otclock,:'.M., at which time the City Gounr:il w0lLlcl meet to hear a.ppeals ~tnn objections dlf any and ull persons clai>:lilir:?: to be aggrif!Ved by r;:aid asSei3Sfrlent.; a.nd Y:1!:'cEEAS the ti me for filing objectionsL.?E taJdng an &11!E a1 has IJassed, ann no obj ec tions there to hc,ve;';'""i3-0 filed; and ;,~]DI3\S the Ci ty corlsid.el~ed SUC}l G"SSCf:)s:lllant advised in the l~emiBes; 8011ncil has carefully exal:lined and and assessment roll and is now fully NOW, 'I'm<JR=~}i'OH.:r~, DO OI-mAIN AS ji'OLLOWS; TEl!; CITY CCTJC IL O:B'1 THE CITY Ob' A ~mlJRH secti on 1.. That ti..e H.ssessment and asses~,.r.ent roll CP-t ;f'~ e,.1 1"" t"'e ("1; 'v "'0"'')c;1 on the 4t'[' d"" of' AU''>l1'''+ 1005 ........ ..I< _... J.. .-...~ ,oJ ~... ,j ~ "'" ;,,'i ' '-41.. ... _ ' 1. '~..J ...I.. 0 \,.,.0..:> ..,. II ' ~" .. by the Streets ;;nd ,1\1.1eys c.:ommi ttee and the Ci ty bngineer of the City of A~burn for the costs of the improveueut of all that I.lOrtion of C :3treet S .~'. in the City 0 f Auburn si t.uate between Main ~trect East and the nort:hcrly narginal linE; of t..r~e right- of -v:r..y for the"P?..lmer-Cu t-Cff 131' anclt" of the Northern Pac ifi c ;;,'~lViay Company l1Y the grad~nt:.of srLid ;)Orti'~l of C.(")trf;et S~E. Be!".'. tLe c~oi.!9'of othor wcrk l!lCld.cntal t'lcreto, cor;sltutlng Local Im?l'o'Ve:ncnt ...Jis.trict No. 86 in the Ci ty 0 f fl.U:ourn, in pursuance of Ordin;':iXlCe No. 574 of s::tid Cl ty J passed Fel)ruary 17, 1925, a.nd the levy ans. ch~.rge of th~co~;t of said i~J:1roYe- :!1Cnt ~"S sho','!n upon said :J.c.:seBsment roll and t}-.eJ~eb.~' apl)Ortioned 11::81\ the .c1j oir,ing. contigu.ous "no.. a:pj.i.rox'1mEtte lets and. parcels of l:.md sl,ecif'\.lly benefitt.ed, ir, [l.(..;cordance witll trJ~ l;:;,V:s of the State of Waslli ton and Ordinance ITa. 574 of the City of A~lbu.J:'n. a~:e hereby sl:'})roved ir: all :'es!,ccts, a.nd. the Ci ty "l";.'(....snrer is hf.n:ebv d.ireeted to collect said. .[i;:isesslent, wL.ich IDa,"y',e pai::. w:lthou.t" 5Y"tererit, }.'Gn:Jlty OJ' costs -cithir: t(~:L:!'ty .(30) d ~,;ys t~.f tel' due not io e shall have been gi yen to the o\yne:;.' s of the l',rOrerty vvithin ~~D.id a sAss.tent district by r~ublic9.tion in tLe manner pTovic.ed by law, and ="f sa.ic.:-)Sf:le~;Tncnts be not :paid witl-dn tf'~irty (30) d~i,yS f:rom the date 0:' first I:ub:"ic3.tion of Brtid notice, tl.e ;:::~;xr.e shall benT inte~'f:st thereafter at the r:,.te of seven (7;7;) reI' cent per ;J.J:1D'.l'11. See tin 1":, z. 1~'}1C:J10!le 2TS G n:. ~~f: .-.:t e(l 11IJ () n sai d, .::\3 s e srne;-l t , arri:coved 'nd cOl'firmed by tLis: Ordinnnce, are }ierellY ordered to be laced in Ioea 1 impr (;YE'men t fund. Di s t:r i ct No + 80..1 the spec ial fund cr"'::-l.ted. by Ord.l.n;l!1C:€ . 574, and all wa;::'J'al~tf:~,rnwr' and bonds i 8 ~)ued for t.he raymellt of :;. rtid impr over1en t s ha.ll be issued . . on, andr:~'~;blE: 0nly, out oJ7 sale. 10~) in;.1>ToVel'1ent fu.nd, 6{ltlYtL,~4 ;.,{~zjL ../u.'~' {:~~~/: ..If( /<;~/~;~a;{;~0-;'/ ;fi(;/.~;/{,y;;.dY::::/ t/' ;;"7 ic:?' , / - z;r / . . . 'f ,. I f , , ., Section 3. 'j,'his Ordinance shall take effect and be An force fi ve days f1'. m and after its raf.3sage. aI)prOvcl,l a.nd pub2.icati on::,;;: r E'q:,: trod by : E...W. Introduced September 1, 1925 Passed Septer:iber 1, '001"; ,.;., .,J;"""V ~ ~~rpr0 ved September 1, 1925~ hI/?' Cc~~~__ / . ;// / /-:'.. ~; J/ \. '. ..~t-</Cc /L _=. ;;_ . .). .J . . ... _____-..,~_ .---'-- "., , ~. MAYOR /\ A'T''''~'''''T' /' j k ,.1 ..k..r:';'~..1 . ... / ".,""; U/ / .J,,/ ") ;1/ / L {~fC/?f / / - . : r \ IX . J\ J CITY CL::.:;rX. Approved as to form J::!~~~OR'!'W. ~ , ....--- . Pub:ished ~eutember . 1925. .L _---.---